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A great party gift to go with a bottle of wine, whiskey or a six-
pack. The Doctor's Hangover Handbook is an easy read and filled
with useful and weird hangover remedies, humor, curious alcohol
factoids and jokes.

The Doctor's Hangover Handbook

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Copyright © 2008 John Brick

ISBN-13 978-1-60145-307-5
ISBN-10 1-60145-307-8

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the author.

Printed in the United States of America.

Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and
clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment
and drug therapy are required. While many suggestions for drug
usages are made herein, the book is intended for educational and
entertainment purposes only, and the author, editor and publisher
do not accept liability in the event of negative consequences
incurred as a result of information presented in this book. We do
not claim that this information is necessarily accurate by the rigid,
scientific standard applied for medical proof, and therefore make
no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material
herein contained. Therefore, the reader is urged to check the
product information sheet included in the package of any
medication or remedies he or she plans to administer to be certain
the protocol followed is not in conflict with the manufacturer’s
inserts, their own physician’s treatment or advice, or common

Intoxikon International
The Intelligent Person’s Guide to Curious and
Scientific Facts About Alcohol and Hangovers

    The Intelligent Person’s Guide to Curious and
    Scientific Facts About Alcohol and Hangovers

                         Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Alcohol and Hangovers Make You Smarter? ......1
Chapter 2: What is Alcohol? .................................................3
Chapter 3: Who Invented Booze and How is it Made? .........5
Chapter 4: What’s Really in That Drink? ...............................7
Chapter 5: Drinking in America ...........................................12
Chapter 6: What Is a Hangover? ........................................14
Chapter 7: How Long Will My Hangover Last? ...................17
Chapter 8: Are Hangovers Dangerous?..............................18
Chapter 9: How to Prevent and Treat a Hangover..............20
Chapter 10: The Best Medicine? ........................................27
Chapter 11: Who Turned Out The Lights? ..........................30
Chapter 12: Size and Sex Are Important ............................31
Chapter 13: Blood Alcohol Levels.......................................32
Chapter 14: Alcohol on Your Brain .....................................34
Chapter 15: The Last Drink.................................................36

John Brick, PhD, MA, FAPA

Chapter 16: Interesting Alcohol Factoids ............................37
Chapter 17: Conclusions.....................................................39
Cited and Consulted References ........................................41

Chapter 1:
 Alcohol and Hangovers Make You Smarter?

I  nquiring minds want to know all sorts of things, but
   do you really want to know about hangovers? I mean
after all, if you didn’t know what a hangover was, you
probably would not have bought this book. Perhaps you
enjoy that head throbbing, cottonmouth, and stomach
retching, why-didn’t-I-just-die-last-night, kind of feeling
when you’ve had waaaay too much to drink. Knowing
too much about what is really going on in your head
may make you want to sit this weekend out, rather than
to go for the gusto.

For those of you who do not remember buying this book
last night, let me keep your interest by recalling what is
known as the Buffalo Theory. Many people believe this
theory applies to drinking. This is amusing food for
thought and if you decide not to read anything else and
give this book to a friend, you may at least find some
solace in your hangover.

The Buffalo Theory goes like this. Herds of buffalo used
to roam the great plains of the Americas. Some buffalo
were smarter than others and stayed in the middle of
the herd, where they were least likely to be eaten by
predators or shot by saber tooth tigers. However, like
some people, there were always a few stragglers who
were not with the program. They wandered off on their
own and were never in the right place at the right time.

John Brick, PhD, MA, FAPA

These were the dumb buffalo. Over time, they were
killed, leaving only the most intelligent buffalo in the
herd, and believe me, that’s no bull. In fact, they were
so smart that they entered politics, wrote laws, obtained
free roaming privileges, free food and the guarantee
that they would not be eaten.

Thousands of years later, some scientists found that
drinking alcohol killed brain cells, then other scientists
(of whom I disavow any personal knowledge)
hypothesized that drinking alcohol would make you
smarter, because with each drink you killed off the
dumber brain cells. The stronger, healthier and better-
connected brain cells could handle the alcohol.
Eventually, if you drank enough beer, wine or distilled
spirits, only the very smartest brain cells would remain,
and you would no doubt be a genius. If this makes
sense to you, buy another copy of this book and
definitely keep reading.

Chapter 5:
                Drinking in America

A    lmost everyone consumes some amount of alcohol
     during their lifetime. Alcohol is used in religious
ceremonies, as part of various celebrations, in cooking,
and of course, as a social lubricant. Did you know that
about half the people in the US drink alcohol in some
form, and on a somewhat regular basis? In our country,
beer is the best selling alcoholic beverage. In Russia
for example, it has been estimated that vodka sales
make up about 10 percent of the government’s income.

Our relationship with alcohol in this country (what is
currently the United States of America for those of you
who purchased this book in the Netherlands, for
example) literally started from Day One, when the
Pilgrims first arrived in the New World. Many people
think that back in the 1600s, the Pilgrims braved the
Atlantic and sailed directly to Plymouth, Massachusetts
for religious freedom and good real estate values. Not
exactly. The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock because
they ran out of beer. Yes, you read that right. They ran
out of beer.

Doctor’s Hangover Handbook

                         Imagine the look of surprise on
                         everyone’s face when you tell
                         them      this     story     next
                         Thanksgiving. You see, when
                         people sailed across oceans
                         years ago, they brought plenty
                         of beer or in some cases, rum,
                         and often cases of both
                         because drinking water would
                         go bad after so many months
                         at sea. Beer and spirits
                         contained enough alcohol to
kill bacteria or any other organism that might find a
home in water. The problem was, the Pilgrims didn’t
bring enough beer and the captain and crew of the
Mayflower dropped anchor at the first land they saw,
which just happened to be Plymouth Rock. By the way,
they were unable to find any liquor stores or bars when
they landed and it was a very tough first year, or so I am
told. However, they did meet the Wampanoag Indians
and had the first Thanksgiving in 1621.

A great party gift to go with a bottle of wine, whiskey or a six-
pack. The Doctor's Hangover Handbook is an easy read and filled
with useful and weird hangover remedies, humor, curious alcohol
factoids and jokes.

The Doctor's Hangover Handbook

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