Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy

Page created by Emily Bowman
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de
pour ados
Présenté par Axiom Academy
Offert par l’Académie Centennial
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Une occasion pour les
ados de :
• Apprendre le langage Swift
• Apprendre à résoudre des
• Apprendre à travailler en équipe
• Créer leur propre application
• Se faire des nouveaux amis
• S’amuser
• Découvrir une carrière excitante
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage – un aperçu
 Un camp de jour         Maîtriser un
 qui dure trois          langage de
 semaines                programmation

 Créé à Silicon Valley
 et presenté par des     Créer une appli,
 ingénieurs de           ou jeu, ou un
 Facebook, Microsoft     produit de RV
 et Google
                         Des anciens
 Enseignement en         participants ont été
 français et en          admis dans les
 anglais                 meilleurs programmes
                         d’informatique aux
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage – journée typique

• Lundi à vendredi, de 9 h 30 à 16 h 30
• Cours de programmation (Swift)
• Création et présentation d’applications
• Jeux créatifs (à l’intérieur et à
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Camp de codage pour ados - CAMP D'ÉTÉ 2018 Présenté par Axiom Academy Offert par l'Académie Centennial Academy
Visites d’entreprises
Horaire typique : SEMAINE 1

    2 juillet                    3 juillet                   4 juillet           5 juillet              6 juillet

•   Fundamental of Swift     •     Sketch Graphics       •     Connectors    •   Magic 8 Ball APP   •   APP Summary

•   Analysis of Mobile APP   •     Create icon & asset   •     Game Logic    •   Array Types        •   Extend APP Objects

•   Mobile APP Market        •     Interface Design      •     Modify Game   •   Random Function    •   Design & Add graphics

•   Engineering & Design     •     Game Code             •     Game Design   •   Object Types       •   Review week
Horaire typique : SEMAINE 2

    9 juillet                   10 juillet               11 juillet              12 juillet           13 juillet

•    Calculator APP         •    Component Design    •    Database Design
                                                                             •   GitHub Tools     •   NoSQL Database

•    Data passing           •    Adding Graphics     •    Build Notes APP
                                                                             •   Review APPs      •   Data Retrieval

•    Function Abstraction   •    Mastering Objects   •    View Controllers
                                                                             •   Photo Feature    •   Pagination

•    Return Type            •    Math & Code         •    Segues Concept
                                                                             •   Build Timeline   •   Constraints
Horaire typique : SEMAINE 3

    16 juillet              17 juillet             18 juillet         19 juillet           20 juillet

•     Complete APP      •    Review APPs       •   Workshop 1
                                                                  •     Workshop 4     •    Refine & Test APP

                        •    Design Components •   APP Creation
•     Review                                                      •     APP Creation   •    Uploading APP

                        •    Planning Own APP •    Workshop 2
•     Understand JSON                                             •     Workshop 5     •    Presentation

•     Network & API     •    Group Discussion  •   Workshop 3
                                                                  •     Workshop 6     •    Launch APP
Création d’un jeu
• Design

• Créativité

• Logique

• Résolution de problèmes
              In the summer of 2017, I participated in Coding Camp. I had always
              been very interested in programming, and I had learned a little bit
Felix Zhang   in the past. But, every time I tried to make an app, I always
              encountered problems that got me stuck me for a few hours or
              days, and, in the end, I gave up. However, at Coding Camp, I
              managed to program an app with Swift (Apple's programming
              language) in just 3 weeks.
Témoignage    During my time at Coding Camp, many friends and instructors gave
d’un          me advice, and I really appreciated their help. Aside from creating
              my own application, I got a lot of programming experience,
participant   especially with the Swift language. I will continue learning with
              Coding Camp in the future, if needed!
Alice Liu

                  I attended the memorable Coding Camp’s summer
                  camp. I already liked to program, but I had not learned
                  the Swift language before. During the 3 weeks at
                  Coding Camp, I learned the basics of Swift and made
                  my own app.

                  I feel very happy and very successful when I make my
                  ideas come to life. The online learning materials are
                  very appealing and easy to understand. The teachers
                  are friendly, patient and professional, and, like friends,
                  they often encouraged me to solve problems myself
Camper            and gave me great suggestions. I hope more students
                  can have fun and enjoy iOS app development in Coding
d’un              Camp, just like me!
Histoires de réussite

  Summer Camp Student in 2014
  Created the game "First World
  Problem.” ESA Loft Scholarship.
  Invited by the White House for the
  product release presentation.        Summer Camp Student in 2014
                                       Created the game "Jump Frog.”
                                       Hired on the day of the product roadshow by
                                       Vessel - a of Silicon Valley technology
Histoires de réussite

er Academy

 Harvard             Olivia Brown
                       Olivia Brown, a student at Coding Camp in the fall of 2016,
                       designed and launched an e-commerce beauty app called
ppiapp                 Lippi.

                       Her app quickly became popular on the Apple Store, and
                       got 250,000 downloads;

                       Olivia was admitted to Stanford University in the United
                       States and she took a gap year to focus on Lippi’s
                       operation. She now leads the company as its

                       Download Liipi :
Commentaires des anciens

Graduated 2012             Graduated 2015              Graduated 2015             Graduated in2015

Now MIT                    Hired by Yahoo              Graduated from UCB,        Graduated from Texas
undergraduate                                          hired by Tesla.            Southern University,
                           After finishing Coding                                 hired by Marketo.
Coding Camp allowed        Camp, I had a certain       I originally wanted to
me to create an app        programming basis and       learn IOS development,     Coding Camp allowed
from start to finish for   I continued to practice     but, in the end, it is     me to study with
the first time. Now I’m    by designing apps for       more valuable that I       students from different
in my second year at       my university. This year,   learned a complete         countries and create
MIT. Coding Camp           I will be working with      product thinking. Being    superior products
made me discover my        Yahoo in San Francisco.     able to have access to     together. I developed my
love of computer           It wouldn’t have            so many smart and          first game, “Jump Frog,”
science.                   happened if I hadn’t        creative peers is a very   got recognition from the
                           attended the Coding         good opportunity.          CTO of Marketo in the
                           Camp.                                                  project show, and then
                                                                                  got an internship.
Instructor Team
       Quelques-uns de nos enseignants


Samura is the        Shaan is a senior      Warren has been     Adam is a senior    Austin is the
former senior        technical engineer     a senior software   software engineer   former mobile
mobile               at Apple, with a       engineer at Apple   at Lyft. He has a   development
development          Bachelor’s degree      for 8 years.        Bachelor’s degree   engineer for
engineer for         from UC Berkley.                           from Columbia       Facebook. He is
Microsoft. She is                                               University.         currently working
now is the senior    Veronica is a senior                                           on the creation of
software engineer    technical engineer                                             his own company,
at Google. She has   at Google. She has                                             Chexology.
a bachelor’s         a Bachelor's degree
degree from          from Stanford
Columbia             University.
Où sont-ils maintenant?
“    It's a great community! The Coding Camp is one of the best academic and educational
              experiences my daughter has received, from the perspective of a mother who has devoted
              a lot of time, energy and financial resources to her daughter's future. Thanks to The
              Coding Camp for all you did for our future and our dream!
                                                                                —— Drayton Yee's mother

de quelques   I would like to thank the Coding Camp team for the great opportunities your team has
              given my son over the past year. He met many young people from different countries, has
              learned from them and has developed strong friendships with his colleagues. In addition,
parents       he improved his level of programming and engineering, also became familiar with
              entrepreneurship and the importance of teamwork. More importantly, he discovered a
              passion for his future career.
                                                                          —— Joshua Archer's parents

         “    Coding Camp gave my daughter a real interest in computer science. She found an intimate
              motivation through the learning process of programming applied to the creation of
              concrete products.
                                                                           —— Ishani Thakur’s mother
Camp de codage - détails
    DATES :      2 juillet au 20 juillet 2018

    LIEU :       Académie Centennial
                 (Pavillon Marymount, 5000 Côte-St-Luc)

    ÂGES :       12 ans à 18 ans (inclusivement)

$   COÛT :       2 400$ CDN (dîners inclus)

    PORTABLE :   portable Mac requis, 2015 ou plus récent
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