Page created by Ricardo Gross
By Rodrigo Garcia-Escudero, Felipe Alves, Martin Ehmler, Kartik Goel, and Vitaly Filonov

                 U    nsurprisingly, the COVID-19 crisis
                      has led to a big increase in e-com-
                 merce around the world. Wary consumers,
                                                                volume and shifts in business models. But
                                                                companies that can adapt to the new reali-
                                                                ty will benefit.
                 many in lockdown, have been turning to
                 online shopping in large numbers: during
                 the third week of March, for example,          Turnaround Time
                 e-commerce sales in the US were 58%            E-commerce had been growing impressive-
                 higher than during the same period in          ly even before the onset of the pandemic.
                 2019. Perhaps more telling, 20% of consum-     From 2017 to 2019, global growth in e-com-
                 ers in the US said that, over the previous     merce sales outperformed brick-and-mortar
                 30 days, they had ordered groceries online     sales by a factor greater than 10, and retail
                 for the first time ever.                       sales online were expected to rise from just
                                                                12% in 2017 to $6.5 trillion, or 22% of total
                 We expect the shift to e-commerce to be-       retail sales, by 2023. Several major econo-
                 come permanent, with real consequences         mies have adopted e-commerce with en-
                 not just for online companies and their        thusiasm, including China, South Korea,
                 physical rivals but also for the companies     and the UK; but large developing markets,
                 that deliver all those purchases to homes      including Brazil, India, and Russia, remain
                 and businesses. Right now, e-commerce-         underpenetrated. Even in the US, the
                 driven residential package deliveries are      world’s largest economy, online sales had
                 going strong, but more profitable B2B deliv-   not reached 20% of the total before the
                 eries are down significantly, and increased    pandemic, with such major retail categories
                 costs to protect workers and customers         as personal care, drugs and medical sup-
                 have lowered profitability even further.       plies, and food and drink notably lagging.
                 Going forward, the surge in e-commerce         (See Exhibit 1.)
                 may be challenging for delivery companies
                 that are unprepared for rapid increases in     But that’s all changed. The impact of
COVID-19 on the global economy has                               by more than 50%. (See Exhibit 2.) As a re-
                             been swift, although it varies considerably                      sult, market capitalization for Amazon,
                             from industry to industry. In the US, for                        the largest e-commerce player by far, has
                             example, entertainment outside the home,                         increased by more than 25% since the end
                             along with travel and tourism, is currently                      of January. And first-quarter 2020 global
                             down by at least 90%, while grocery sales                        revenues at Shopify, a Canadian provider
                             are up by more than 20% and e-commerce                           of e-commerce services, grew by almost

 Exhibit 1 | E-Commerce Penetration Varies Considerably from Market to Market and from Category to

    Global e-commerce share of total retail sales, 2019 (%)                             US e-commerce share of total market, 2019 (%)1

                China                                36.6                                   Music2                               87

        South Korea                           26.2                                          Computers                            78

                                                                                            Books                                58
                    UK                    22.3
                                                                                            Household goods3                     48
     United States                     17.2
                                                                                            Office products                        41
               France            9.5
                                                                                            Toys                                 38
             Germany             8.8
                                                                                            Clothing                             27
                Japan            8.7
                                                                                            Pets                                 23
               Russia      5.1                                                              Personal care                         17
                Brazil     4.2                                                              Drugs and medical supplies            9
                   India   3.6                                                              Food and drink                        4

   Sources: EMarketer; Forrester Analytics; BCG analysis.
   1Comprises all internet-driven purchases, including in-store pickup and digital goods.
   2Includes streaming services and digital downloads.
   3Includes dinnerware, cookware, cutlery, linens, and draperies.

 Exhibit 2 | The Pandemic’s Effect on Retail Sales in the US Varies Greatly by Industry

                                         Impact of the pandemic on select US retail industries1
                                                                                            Magnitude of impact on volume (%)
             E-commerce                                                                                                          58
             Grocery                                                                                                        21
             DIY                                                                                                       14
             Telecommunications                                                                                    5
             Electronics                                                                                       4

             Pharmacy                                                                                          2
             Automotive services                                                                     –11
             Fitness                                                                    –33
             Restaurants                                                         –47
             Beauty                                                       –60
             Apparel and accessories                                –72
             Travel and tourism                               –90
             AFH entertainment and cinemas                  –97

   Sources: Bloomreach; BCG analysis.
   Note: AFH = away from home.
   1Compares category sales in the third week of March, 2020, with those in the third week of March, 2019.

Boston Consulting Group | Can Delivery Companies Keep Up with the Post-COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom?                                           2
50% compared with the same period in               As more and more consumers discover the
                                             2019. In the US, the increase in online            convenience of e-commerce, concerns
                                             shopping has led to booming sales in such          about product quality and security will
                                             categories as groceries, electronics, health       likely dissipate. Consumers have long pre-
                                             care products, and toys, while clothing,           ferred to judge the quality and freshness of
                                             sports and outdoor equipment, and other            the groceries they buy in person; that will
                                             nonessential goods have suffered. (See Ex-         change, now that so many are getting used
                                             hibit 3.)                                          to the convenience of food delivery. Target,
                                                                                                a US department store chain, reports high-
                                                                                                er levels of spending and loyalty among its
                                             Lasting Effects                                    new online customers. And the introduc-
                                             But will the big uptick in e-commerce activ-       tion and use of mobile apps tracing the
                                             ity continue once the COVID-19 crisis ends?        progress of the COVID-19 outbreak have
                                             Thanks to the new buying habits that con-          shown that personal data can be used and
                                             sumers are forming now, and the ways that          stored safely, removing concerns about the
                                             businesses are adapting in response, we be-        security of online shopping.
                                             lieve the answer to be a resounding yes, for
                                             several reasons.                                   Another factor lies in the sheer number of
                                                                                                retail stores likely to close as a result of the
                                             Existing customers are increasing the fre-         pandemic, making it that much harder to
                                             quency of online purchases, and new cus-           purchase goods offline. Experience in Chi-
                                             tomers are buying online for the first time.       na has already shown that even after the
                                             As of mid-March, half of consumers in Chi-         lockdown there lifted, consumers are not
                                             na, for example, had already purchased             rushing back to physical shops. This will
                                             more goods online than they had in all of          force all kinds of businesses to reinvent
                                             February. Half of consumers in the US said         themselves online. Chinese retailer,
                                             that they bought groceries online in March         which sells both online and in physical
                                             because of Covid-19 and approximately              stores, is partnering with consumer brands
                                             one-fifth of them did so for the first time.       to offer promotions and extending same-
                                             In Italy, the number of Carrefour’s online         day delivery to smaller cities and other
                                             customers has doubled since the country’s          new markets. Uber Eats and Deliveroo are
                                             lockdown began on March 9.                         rapidly recruiting new restaurants to their

 Exhibit 3 | Consumers in Lockdown Have Changed Their Online Buying Habits

                          Beauty and health                                Body lotion 79      154 Diapers

                          Clothes and shoes                       Bridal wear –63       –29 Men’s active wear

                          Drugs and medical supplies               Energy supplements 84                        535 Cough and cold medicine

                          Electronics                                   Drones –50                                     652 Bread machines

                          Furniture                                 Cargo racks –51          104 Office chairs

                          Grocery                          Herbs, spices, and seasoning 82                 397 Soups

                          Home, garden, tools                        Hand tools –40                                      670 Disposable gloves

                          Sports and outdoors                      Gym bags –57                        307 Weight-training equipment

                          Toys, kids, baby                              Strollers –31           162 Baby care products

                                                                                 –100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

     Sources: Stackline; BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group | Can Delivery Companies Keep Up with the Post-COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom?                                                  3
delivery services. And even categories that                many of the largest companies—including
                           are already doing well online in certain                   Deutsche Post DHL (DPDHL), FedEx, and
                           markets, such as fashion in the UK, will                   UPS—have declined by 15% to 30% from
                           likely reach levels that are higher still.                 January to mid-May, significantly more
                                                                                      than the 12% decline in the S&P 500 index
                           Our analysis of four key consumer catego-                  over the same period.
                           ries—food and beverage, drugs and medi-
                           cal supplies, personal care, and pet prod-                 The reasons aren’t hard to find. Every ele-
                           ucts—suggests that online sales as a                       ment of the global transportation network
                           percentage of the total will continue to                   has been under siege over the past few
                           grow far faster than prepandemic estimates,                months because of the COVID-19 crisis.
                           even after the crisis ends. Sales of food and              Right now, most ocean cargo, for example,
                           beverage products online, still just 3% of                 has been rerouted around Asia; shipping
                           the total, are likely to make the most                     capacity on routes between Asia and North
                           gains—a major shift, given the sheer size of               America was down 26% in March, com-
                           the market. But we estimate that even on-                  pared with last year; and ships leaving Chi-
                           line sales of pet products, already 20% of                 nese ports are at as little as 10% capacity.
                           the market, may grow to as much as 39%                     Lost trips due to reductions in Asia-to-Eu-
                           over the next two years. (See Exhibit 4.)                  rope shipping routes has also led to lost
                                                                                      revenue from return trips, negatively im-
                           In short, the pandemic will bring major in-                pacting the financials of the ocean cargo
                           creases in online penetration to virtually                 transporters even further.
                           every product category, no matter how
                           large the online sales are now.                            Every major airline has shut down routes
                                                                                      and other aspects of their operations. Mul-
                                                                                      tiple US and international airlines have
                           The Shipping News                                          suspended or reduced all passenger flights
                           Despite the increase in business for e-com-                to China, Europe, Japan, and elsewhere: 1
                           merce, the key sector on which it de-                      million commercial passenger flights have
                           pends—the delivery companies—have                          been canceled through June 30. Fully half
                           struggled. The market capitalizations of                   of the global air fleet and 30% of the global

 Exhibit 4 | Even After the Pandemic Subsides, E-Commerce Sales Will Grow Much Faster Than During the
 Prepandemic Era

                                            E-commerce sales as share of total market sales (%)

           Food and beverage             Drugs and medical supplies               Personal care                           Pets
                                                                                                   29                             39
  12                                   18                                                                    38
                                                               16                                  26        36                   34
  10                                   16                               26
                               9                                                                             34
                                                                        24                                   32                   31
   8                                   14                                                          22
                                                               13       22                                   30
                               6                                                                             28
                                       12                               20
   6                                                                                                         26
                                                               10       18
                                       10                                                                    24
   4                                        9                           16                                   22
       3                                                                     15                                      20
                                        8                               14                                   20
   2018          2020        2022       2018        2020      2022       2018         2020        2022        2018        2020   2022

                                                ! forecast      Pandemic low case       Pandemic high case

   Sources: Forrester Analytics; BCG analysis.

Boston Consulting Group | Can Delivery Companies Keep Up with the Post-COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom?                                       4
air cargo fleet have been grounded, result-            charging businesses an “international
                   ing in a severe shortage in airfreight capac-          crisis surcharge” of €16 per package
                   ity and quadrupling the costs—to as much               shipped to the US.
                   as $1 million per day—for one-way char-
                   ters of full freighters.                          ••   Like DPDHL, FedEx has stopped issuing
                                                                          earnings forecasts and is taking mea-
                   To make up for the added costs, some in-               sures to protect its cash flow and
                   tercontinental express companies are im-               liquidity. To that end, it has borrowed
                   posing temporary surcharges on customers               $1.5 billion to build up its cash reserves,
                   and shutting down select routes entirely.              stepped up ongoing cost reduction
                   Meanwhile, several passenger airlines, in-             measures, and introduced temporary
                   cluding American Airlines and Korean Air,              surcharges on all international packages
                   are converting some of their otherwise                 and airfreight shipments. Meanwhile,
                   grounded planes to cargo-only carriers and             higher demand for FedEx Ground retail
                   delivering critical medical supplies, food-            deliveries has been offset by weak
                   stuffs, and other essential goods.                     demand for global B2B transportation,
                                                                          forcing the company to reexamine its
                   The impact on individual companies has                 overall operations.
                   varied, as have their responses:
                                                                     ••   Several carriers, including FedEx, UPS,
                   ••   The US Postal Service announced that              and DPD UK, have imposed temporary
                        the sudden drop in mail volume has led            surcharges on packages sent to select
                        to a severe cash crisis. It expects to run        destinations to partially offset increases
                        out of cash by September 30 without               in transportation costs due to the severe
                        further financial assistance from the             shortage of intercontinental air capacity.
                        government and predicts a near-term,              And Amazon has suspended delivery of
                        pandemic-related loss of $13 billion,             items from its third-party e-commerce
                        which is expected to rise to $22 billion          partners entirely.
                        over the next 18 months. As a result, it
                        has asked the government for $75             Some companies, however, are thriving.
                        billion through a combination of cash,       The market capitalization of SF Holding, a
                        grants, and loans to avoid a liquidity       Chinese delivery company with no real
                        crisis in the fall.                          competition in its home territory, has risen
                                                                     by almost 50% since the beginning of the
                   ••   Overall, DPDHL remained profitable in        pandemic. Its business model is focused al-
                        the first quarter of 2020, but surging       most exclusively on e-commerce, and its
                        growth in e-commerce parcels was             delivery volume rose by more than 40% in
                        offset by a double-digit reduction in        January, the first month of the COVID-19
                        mail volume. As a result, the company’s      crisis in China.
                        first-quarter earnings declined by $260
                        million, $100 million of which came out
                        of the operating profits in its Express      What to Do Now
                        division. The ongoing uncertainty            SF Holdings, however, is an exception. Few
                        forced the company to withdraw its           other companies have been able to benefit
                        earnings forecast for 2020. It also          from the nearly 60% rise in e-commerce
                        delayed payment of DPDHL’s annual            over the past few months; indeed, their ca-
                        dividend to conserve cash needed to          pacity has been reduced, revealing gaps in
                        fund its German postal operations and        their delivery networks. On the business
                        to meet the higher-capacity require-         side, for example, grocers are blaming their
                        ments for e-commerce parcels. In             distributors and the delivery companies
                        addition, it stopped shipping small          with which they work for the shortage of
                        parcels from Germany and other               vehicles, drivers, and workers, and the lack
                        European countries to Brazil, China,         of adequate storage space, resulting in
                        North America, and elsewhere, and is         more empty shelves. What’s more, the rap-

Boston Consulting Group | Can Delivery Companies Keep Up with the Post-COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom?                       5
id rise in residential demand is proving to          nication with customers to help mini-
                   be economically challenging for deliverers           mize disruptions.
                   that must rebalance their operations away
                   from more profitable business delivery.         ••   Control Tower for Rapid Response.
                                                                        Set up a rapid response unit with
                   Several delivery companies are already tak-          360-degree visibility into operations to
                   ing steps to rethink their operations and re-        provide reliable information to custom-
                   vive their short-term fortunes. As noted             ers. Plan joint business operations with
                   above, some companies—including Ama-                 key clients to ensure closer coordination
                   zon, FedEx, and DPDHL—are adjusting                  with customers.
                   their agreed-upon service levels; increasing
                   shipping time estimates for some custom-        ••   Talent Upgrade and Qualification.
                   ers, depending on the nature of the prod-            Take advantage of the market down-
                   ucts ordered; and temporarily suspending             turn to fill positions in strategic areas,
                   service in some locations, depending on              such as IT. Develop structured tempo-
                   the severity of the pandemic. They are also          rary hiring programs to respond better
                   boosting the use of warehouse robotics to            to surges in demand. Implement
                   streamline and speed up order fulfillment.           programs to qualify employees to work
                                                                        not only during the crisis but also after
                   Furthermore, and in addition to Amazon,              it is over.
                   others—including Alibaba and—
                   are also hiring employees from other sec-       ••   Dynamic Pricing. Analyze capacity
                   tors, setting up online job-sharing plat-            constraints and their impact on service
                   forms to attract unemployed workers, and             levels, and use dynamic pricing strate-
                   increasing pay for warehouse and delivery            gies to smooth supply chain bottlenecks
                   workers—by as much as $2 an hour in the              during the crisis.
                   case of Amazon. Alibaba and SF Express
                   are also turning to robotics to streamline      ••   Personal Connection with Consum-
                   warehouse operations and speed up order              ers. Develop a personal connection
                   fulfillment. To manage the rise in com-              with consumers, allowing them to set
                   plaints about delayed and missing packag-            up preferences and inform them of
                   es, companies are shifting away from call            good delivery practices. Educate them
                   centers and partnering with consumer                 about the safety and convenience of
                   brands and restaurants to improve their              online shopping and delivery.
                   chat and other online customer service
                                                                   The Recovery Process
                   All delivery companies are taking safety        In just a few months, the COVID-19 pan-
                   precautions and increasing hygiene in op-       demic has transformed how we live, work,
                   erations—forgoing routine signatures for        and shop—at least for the time being. As
                   package delivery, regularly sanitizing deliv-   of now, it’s unclear which changes will
                   ery equipment, and adjusting processes          prove to be the longest lasting. There’s no
                   and training employees and third parties to     doubt, however, that the impact on e-com-
                   comply with safety requirements.                merce will linger far into the future. The
                                                                   choice, convenience, and immediacy of-
                   In hopes of maintaining, and potentially        fered by online shopping have proved es-
                   expanding, operations during the current        sential to consumers around the world and
                   crisis, delivery players can boost their ad-    will likely accelerate its acceptance in virtu-
                   vantage in several ways:                        ally every product category.

                   ••   Creative Delivery Methods. Expand          The impact on delivery companies, howev-
                        the use of noncontact delivery methods,    er, has been mixed, with many struggling
                        such as lockers and pickup points.         to keep up with the increased volume amid
                        Ensure real-time tracking and commu-       major challenges to their operations. Yet

Boston Consulting Group | Can Delivery Companies Keep Up with the Post-COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom?                    6
they, too, will recover and benefit from the           technology, and increase their efforts to
                   increasing shift to e-commerce. To get                 boost efficiency through automation.
                   ready for this new world, they must expand
                   their operations, improve their logistics

                   About the Authors
                   Rodrigo Garcia Escudero is a partner and managing director in the Atlanta office of Boston Consulting
                   Group. He is a core member of the Industrial Goods practice, focusing on transportation and logistics, and
                   he leads the firm’s work in postal, parcel, and express. You may contact him by email at garcia-escudero

                   Felipe Alves is a partner in the firm’s New Jersey office. He is a core member of the Operations practice,
                   with particular expertise in logistics and supply chain operations. You may contact him by email at alves

                   Martin Ehmler is a senior knowledge analyst in BCG’s Düsseldorf office. He is an expert in transporta-
                   tion and logistics, specializing in postal, parcel, and express. You may contact him by email at ehmler

                   Kartik Goel is a principal in the firm’s New Jersey office. He focuses on procurement, supply chain, and
                   retail sales in the consumer, industrial goods, and oil and gas industries. You may contact him by email at

                   Vitaly Filonov is a consultant in BCG’s Washington, DC, office. He focuses on large transformations in
                   the retail industry and e-commerce acceleration projects, and he supported BCG’s COVID-19 response ini-
                   tiative in transportation and logistics. You may contact him by email at

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Boston Consulting Group | Can Delivery Companies Keep Up with the Post-COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom?                                7
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