Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?

Page created by John Andrews
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Established November 1991                         January / February 2021                                   Circulation 2,007

Can the Gamlingay Guardians
help you or your loved ones?
HAPPY New Year, from Gamlingay                                                           As we return to our normal lives
Guardians. By the time you read this                                                   those people who have relied on
I’m hoping we will be well and truly                                                   local help may find that the folk who
out of Lockdown 2.0 and on the road                                                    were helping are no longer about.
to some kind of normality!                                                             Neighbours are no longer at home
  I hope most residents are now                                                        having returned to work, relatives live
aware that Gamlingay has a great new                                                   far away and we may not be able to
initiative available to help those in our                                              mix households for some time to come
community who have a limited support                                                   (please bring the vaccine to Gamlingay
network around them. We know there                         Contact:                    quickly Boris!). Guardians can visit
are some people who feel very isolated          Fay Boissieux – Head Guardian          people in need – you don't need to feel
indeed. The scheme has been designed                      Email:                       isolated.
to offer a helping hand, to provide               All our Guardians are DBS checked
advice, to run errands and above all to                                                and have been trained to operate in a
offer friendship.                                      Tel: 07541 644284               COVID safe way. We are also providing
  It has become apparent in these new           Please leave a message and I'll        all our guardians with PPE to ensure
times that it is not only those that have                call you back                 their safety and that of our members.
had to shield but also some villagers                                                    If you know someone that could
in the wider community who are               parenting classes and are struggling at   benefit from a helping hand or you
struggling with loneliness and isolation.    home, as well as relatives of elderly     have a relative that you want to ensure
These feelings of isolation have no age      people in the village who have been       has someone checking in on them,
limit, it really could be any one of us in   separated by coronavirus and are          even if this is just for a short time, then
the future.                                  desperate to ensure their loved one is    please get in touch. We are so lucky in
  So far we have had enquiries for           supported and not left wanting. The       this village to have amazing volunteers
help from single parents with children       Gamlingay Guardian service can offer      waiting to help. So what we need now
that have had to shield that can not get     peace of mind from knowing that           are members to join up to the scheme,
out and pick up prescriptions, new           someone is on the end of the phone to     so please spread the word and pass on
mums that haven’t been able to access        help.                                     my details.
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
What’s Inside for Jan/Feb                                                             The Gazette
     3-4    Gamlingay gym closure update                                          Editorial Committee
              Gamlingay Guardians…a helping hand                                               Editor
              BT Community Fibre Partnership Scheme                       
        5   Luton Airport flight path update                                                 Larry New
                                                                                       Call on 07725 246 741
        6   Hello from the Eco Hub
                                                                                     Distribution Manager
        8   Gamlingay Baptist Church                                                        Julie Newman
                                                                                       Call on 01767 650 685
        9   Pet charity The Cinnamon Trust                                                 Distribution
                                                                                      Jim and Barbara Manning
10-11       St Mary's Church
                                                                                       Village web pages
                                                                                        Roderick Starksfield
      12    The Gamlingay Community Turbine Tithe Fund
      13    Support for Gamlingay's local foodbanks                                       Ted Bradshaw
                Clock…a poem                                                  
                                                                                        What’s On pages
14-15       Gamlingay Rainbow Pre-school                                 

      16    Pit your wits against the Gamlingay Lockdown Quiz

      17    Keeping active to lower Covid-19 risks                               Next edition deadlines:

18-20       Historyman                                                                   March issue:
                Cambridgeshire Hearing Help                                          Friday, February 5

      21    Potton & District Writers' Group                                              April Issue:
                                                                                       Friday, March 5
22-24       Councillors' Column

      24    Take care…
              Catalytic converter thefts                                         Submission of articles
              Royal Mail/Courier scam
              Shotgun thefts
                                                                                     and images
                                                                                      The Gamlingay Gazette is an
26-27       Waresley Cricket Club                                                    independent publication that
                                                                                    aims to inform people living in
                                                                                   and around Gamlingay of events
      28    Recipe…Vegetable Casserole
                                                                                  of interest and is funded solely by
      29    Quiz and Puzzle Corner
                                                                                   We welcome contributions from
              Answers to the Gamlingay Lockdown Quez
                                                                                 people, both articles and picrures.
                                                                                 Please note that the editor reserves
30-31       Village information and contact details                                    the right to edit any article
                                                                                 submitted for publication for style,
                                                                                    length and accuracy purposes.
       Due to data protection laws,                                              For photographs, when submitting
                                                    Correction:                  an image, please state who took or
     The Gazette is very cautious about                                           owns it so that we can credit their
     reproducing pictures of children.     Our apologies to Mr Chris Barker,
                                            who was mentioned in the story                      copyright.
        Every effort is made not to                                                   Every care is taken to ensure
    single out individuals, and parental     on the Luton flight path in last
                                                    month’s edition.                        accuracy of items.
        permission is sought before                                              Views expressed do not necessarily
       using material that highlights      We wish to make clear that he is an    represent the views of the Gazette
            individual children.                  ex-RAF serviceman.                           Committee.

2   | January / February 2021
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Gamlingay gym closure update
GAMLINGAY parish council
discussed the potential closure of
the gym at its December meeting.
As usual Gamlingay's District
Councillor Bridget Smith and County
Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were
in attendance and were able to bring
potentially encouraging news to those
   As we reported in last month's
Gazette some residents were concerned
that the school's plans for expansion
by way of adding a new nursery intake
would mean a school takeover of the
gym, as it had not reopened after the
first Lockdown whilst other gyms had.
This has subsequently been clarified by
Cam Academy Trust (CAT) who say              ...why has the Cam Academy Trust not been able to
the area identified for the new class is     break even...volunteers managed this for 25 years...
at the front of the school, not to the
side where the gym is.                      members. It has transformed our lives, College and a community wide
   However, things have progressed          and both of us are past 80 years old!”    fundraising campaign.
rapidly since The Gazette's previous           In its letter CAT also stated:            Further funding was received from
report and on November 30 gym users         “Separately, the multi-use games area     SCDC in 2012 to enable the Village
were dismayed, and indeed angered,          (MUGA) would not be affected by any       College to improve the Fitness Centre
to receive communication from CAT           decision and would continue to be         and add a long awaited Multi Use
saying closure of the gym was being         maintained and financed by the Trust.     Games Area (MUGA). The dual use
considered due to doubts as to its          This area would continue to be available of these facilities continued when
financial sustainability, pointing out      for appropriate community use.”           control of GVC passed to the Stratton
that it would be illegal for the school        However, the Gazette has seen          Education Trust in 2012 and then the
to financially support the gym.             documents from October in which           CAM Academy Trust, until the closure
   The communication also cited             CAT stated unequivocally its intention of GVC in 2018.
Covid-19 as a reason, saying “it is         to close the gym. It had already             Throughout this time, the
very difficult to allow visitors into the   taken steps to make staff redundant.      community use of these dual use
school site until Covid-19 restrictions     Presumably CAT had been considering facilities was managed by GVC
are relaxed and means the gym has           these actions before October. We          Leisure Limited, a company set up
remained closed to the public since         understand that the November 30           for the sole purpose of keeping it
March and will be for the                                   version of events, saying at arm’s length from GVC so that
foreseeable future.”
                                     "…the gym              that closure was just     no education funding was used for
  A Gamlingay gym                                           one of the options, only  community use. The building and
user, reflecting the views transformed our                  came about once South     equipment remained the property of
of many, wrote to The             lives, and we are Cambridgeshire District the school, but all overheads relating
Gazette: “This decision is                                  Council had become fully to the community use were met by
to be condemned on the              past 80 years           aware of CAT's plans;     the company. All profits were donated
grounds that the gym                    old…"               since then things have    back to the school, which (from 2012)
has successfully operated                                   moved on at some speed, were earmarked for a sinking fund to
for many years, offering a very useful of which more later in this report.            replace the carpet on the MUGA at the
service to the local community. Users However, we think it important to               end of its 12-year lifespan.
of all ages from Gamlingay and nearby give some thought to what CAT has                  In April 2018 management of the
villages, as well as referrals by GPs,      stated and inferred, and put some         facilities passed to the CAM Academy
have been using this facility regularly historical perspective on the record.         Trust, who are now claiming that it
at a very reasonable cost. No nearby           The Fitness Centre, as it was then     is loss making. Residents are asking:
alternative facility is available, a        known, was built in the mid 1990s         Covid-19 aside, why has the CAM
significant issue, especially for older     at Gamlingay Village College as a         Academy Trust not been able to at
people.”                                    dual use facility for use by the older    least break even? A small band of
  Another user also highlighted             children and the wider community.         committed volunteers managed this
the tremendous benefit of the GP            It was funded from multiple sources       for nearly 25 years!
scheme: “We initially started going         including South Cambridgeshire               The MUGA was also part of the
because of the Health and Fitness4All District Council (SCDC), Gamlingay Fitness Centre facility and up to
scheme, and subsequently became full Parish Council, Gamlingay Village                                       Continued on page 4
                                                                                                  January / February 2021 | 3
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Continued from page 3                      above. PC chair Colin Smith asked
                                           several times whether the school             BT Community
lockdown was generating, it is             would accept the gym on site, if the
estimated, in the region of £10,000        financial matters were sorted out            Fibre Partnership
income each year. With that level of       and once Covid-19 was no longer a            Scheme
potential income it is perhaps no          problem but Mr Gray found it difficult
wonder that CAT, in its letter, says it is to give a clear answer to the question.      Limited time offer
willing to continue to operate the           At the parish council meeting              DO you want FULL FIBRE?
MUGA as a dual use facility. As far as Cllr. Bridget Smith revealed SCDC                  If there is an area of the
we understand the school has made          has now retained the services of             village in which everyone
very limited use of the MUGA, most         a consultancy specialising in the            wants full fibre (this needs
use comes during evenings and              planning, development, management            to be a job lot of about 70
weekends as various local football         and evaluation of sport, leisure and         residences in one location, can
clubs use it for practice and friends      physical activity facilities and services,   be less if there are business
hire it for five-a-side games. Villagers' who will work with SCDC and CAT               premises in the same road) the
accusations that CAT is cherry-picking to establish the true viability of The           BT Full Fibre Community Fibre
are easy to understand.                    Fitness Centre and to develop plans          Partnership Scheme can deliver
  In the matter of safeguarding school for going forward.                               this. It is available now and for
staff and pupils regarding Covid-19          Cllr. Sebastian Kindersley, who is         a short time until March 2021.
risk, up until now and as part of          also on the board of CAT, stated he            Areas most suitable are Mill
historic safeguarding, the gym has         had already been in touch with local         Hill, Little Heath, or Station
only operated when children are in the business to discuss the potential for            Road/Poppyfields estate. If you
classroom or the secure playground,        sponsorship and for staff and corporate      are a resident of one of these
so gym users do not come into              membership schemes. Both councillors         areas with some free time and
contact with children. The gym has         stated their commitment to do as             want to make this happen,
always operated a thorough cleaning        much as possible to maintain a gym           please contact the Parish Clerks
regime, including the use of anti-viral facility in the village, a commitment           as soon as possible.
solutions.                                 which was echoed by the parish
  GVP's chair of governors Russell         council.                                     Parish Clerks
Gray was present at the parish council       The Gazette understands that by the
meeting and reiterated the school's        time you read this, the consultation         01767 650 310
stance on the matter, as detailed          should be concluded.

4   | January / February 2021
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Up to 300 aircraft daily to fly
low over the village?
It is easy to express your views to your MP, here's what one villager wrote.
But numbers are important. If you feel the same, let Anthony Browne know.
Dear Mr Browne,                                                                             reduced disposable income making
Would you please let me know your                                                           holidays in the UK more attractive.
views regarding the plans for London                                                        To underline my point, I believe that a
Luton Airport/NATS to operate a new                                                         significant proportion, if not most, of
arrival holding stack which would see                                                       the Brexit negotiations, so critical to
up to 300 aircraft a day descending                                                         the future of our country, have been
over Gamlingay en route to Luton at                                                         carried out by video conference.
heights below 8,000 feet. Currently we                                                        LLA/NATS seek to make this an
have some flights overhead at 20,000                                                        urgent matter, with the consultation
feet and even they may be clearly heard                                 Picture courtesy of
                                                                                Danny Loo
                                                                                            closing in the first week of February.
in our rural environment.                                                                   Bearing in mind that pressure on them
   The "consultation" offers two          to perhaps mask the aircraft noise                has been reduced as a result of Covid
options, both of which would have         pollution – I'm sure we'll find out               and that travel is unlikely to get back
the identical impact on noise and         in due course whether this is indeed              up to 2019 levels before the end of
atmospheric pollution in this village     feasible.                                         2021/2022 (my estimate) I fail to see
– potentially a massive change in our       However I also have a wider                     why this issue should not be properly
environment. I note the proposals offer   concern, regarding the presumption                discussed.
only those two options and seem to        that air travel must grow. Under the                I note that LLA/NATS has not
allow for no other; the only options      Paris Climate Agreement the UK                    attempted to quantify the amount
offered are how aircraft should be        government committed to reducing                  of pollution from noise, CO2 and
vectored on their final approach after    CO2 levels. Air travel is a major                 unburned fuel the overflown areas
passing over Gamlingay. This is not       polluter and a consumer of fossil fuels. will be subjected to.
a consultation as far as Gamlingay is     Many people who previously perceived                It should also be noted that Luton
concerned!                                travel – by road, rail and air – to be an Borough Council has a conflict of
  Naturally, as a resident of a place     essential part of their world of work             interest in this matter, in that it is a
that will experience a major negative     have, in these Covid times, found                 beneficiary of a dividend from London
impact from these proposed changes        that need not be the case. It would be Luton Airport which is, I believe,
you might well expect me to have          reasonable to assume this will have a             reliant upon increasing passenger
a "nimby" response. I have heard          lasting effect on business travel, and            numbers.
suggestions that on leaving the stack     highly beneficial to our environment.               Kindly let me know your stance on
the aircraft should alternatively fly     Similarly, we might expect recreational this matter.
overhead the A1 corridor which            air travel may well diminish as a result Yours sincerely
provides existing background noise        of increased costs together with                  KeithWarburton

                                                                                                   January / February 2021 | 5
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Happy New Year from the Hub

COME ON 2021, it HAS to be better               maintenance work, but otherwise we               space to break even, and still provide as
than the year just gone!                        manage the Hub on our income alone.              much free community use as possible,
   We hope the festive season was as               As you can imagine, 2020 was a                so if you are paying for our space
good as it could have been for you.             very challenging year, with a fraction           please know that we don’t charge any
   The Eco Hub first opened its doors in        of the income we needed, but thanks              more than we have to, and that we
February 2012, so this year will mark           to a generous government grant,                  use income to subsidise community
its nineth year in service to Gamlingay         careful management, and the ability              activities like indoor bowling, kurling
and the surrounding area.                       to furlough staff for many months, we            and the Connect Café, and keep the
   Usually, in the January of a new year,       have been able to stay afloat without            reception area free to use for anyone to
I whet your appetites with news of all          having to ask the Parish Council to bail         drop in.
the activities that are about to start, but     us out. This is important, because we               So we have survived 2020, and look
as we begin 2021 we are still a little          do work very hard every year to be self-         forward to seeing many of our friends
unsure how busy we will be and in what          sufficient and without the government            back this year!
timeframe we can resume our normal              money we would have been facing debt                We do have plans for normal stuff,
activities. It’s been nearly a year since       through no fault of our own.                     like visits from travelling theatres,
we have seen some of our regulars and              This year will be a challenge to get          comedy nights, and perhaps even
it’s been far too quiet without them.           our income back on track if Covid is             a party as well as our usual diet of
   As many of you know, the Hub is              still tying one hand behind our backs            exercise classes, pilates, yoga, children’s
run as a charity by a team of volunteer         so to speak. But if we are able to start         activities, youth club and community
Trustees, and aims to break even at the         functioning as a normal community and            group meetings.
end of each year, having used its income        business centre we are confident that               We look forward to your continued
to pay staff, do general maintenance            the support of the everyone who uses             support and friendship through these
and pay the bills. The Parish Council,          the building will help us get back to the        difficult times.
who own the building, sets aside a              income we need.
sum of money each year into a sinking              Running the Hub is a constant                 With all best wishes
fund that can be used for any large             tension between charging enough for              The Eco Hub Team
 Our Facebook page, Twitter feed and website have all the latest on What's On. Email is the best way to get hold of us for now as the managers
                                  are often working at home, or you can leave a message on our ansaphone.
                                     We are Sarah and Kate (joint managers) supported by Jake and Tony. | phone: 01767 651 226 | email: | Facebook/Twitter: Gamlingay Eco Hub

6   | January / February 2021
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
January / February 2021 | 7
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Message for January/February
                                       “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and
    All our regular events have been
    cancelled due to the Covid-19      sings the tune without the words – And never stops at all.”
    pandemic. For updates on                                                                         – Emily Dickinson
    lockdown procedures, see our
    website. Due to the restrictions   WELL here we are, 2021… the year             our control, we might be able to start
    on social gatherings we are        that everyone has said couldn’t come         small. I wonder if we can be joyful in
                                       quick enough, so as to be able to leave      our hoping, for all things (personal;
    closing church online.             2020 behind! I guess I should probably       communal; local; national, worldwide).
                                       start by saying, HAPPY NEW YEAR!             I wonder if we can dive deep into what
    Sunday Service                     And I say that sincerely, I hope and pray    our hope is in? Is it something that will
    Now being live-streamed every      that 2021 would be a happy new year for      change our lives for the better, for ever,
    Sunday at 10:45am                  you, regardless of what is yet to come       or is it something that will actually do
    (Children’s resources available    in it.                                       us harm, and perhaps bring change
    online) on                           If you’re anything like me, you may        for a season? These are big questions   have been spending the last few days,        and topics I know, and often they are
                                       reflecting on what this new year might       better discussed over a coffee or a meal
    GBC Youth group                    bring as well as on what 2020 brought,       (if you’re up for it, so am I, even if it’s
                                       warts and all. Truth, is though, when the    virtual).
    resources                          clock chimes 12 on December 31, and             I want to encourage you to be joyful
    Every Sunday at 10:45am on         we enter into that of January 1, nothing     in your hoping (that often times comes          will have changed… I mean, let me            more easily for us), but also be patient
                                       be brutally honest for a moment: the         in affliction, because sometimes life
    Small groups                       troubles and baggage that we had at the      sucks, and the change of year may not
    Virtual meeting every week via     end of 2020, will still be there at the      change that… though breakthrough
    zoom. Get in touch with            start of 2021… Some of these troubles,       will come! Can I perhaps also invite             we may have control over and can do          you to be faithful in prayer. Maybe
    for more information.              something about, while others are            that’s new to you, maybe you haven’t
                                       beyond our control…                          prayed before, or you don’t know what
    Ladies Brunch                        Please know, I am not sharing these        to do? Believe it or not, it’s as simple
                                       realities so as to bring us down, or be      as having a conversation… But, maybe
    Meeting together via Zoom          a negative nelly (is that even a saying      you want to chat about it further, with
    Saturday, January 9, 2021          anymore?). However, I think sometimes        me or someone around you? It is a new
    9.30am – 11am                      we put so much pressure on the start of      year after all, perhaps it’s the perfect
    Saturday, February 13, 2021        this new year and our hopes for the year     opportunity for you to try something
    9.30am – 11am                      to come, our new years resolutions and       new, to step into what you are ultimately
                                       our expectations of these big changes        hoping for.
    For more details please contact    that will some how just happen at the           As always, there are many ways to
    Jane, our administrator,           turn of the clocks, that we later find       connect with us, online (and hopefully
    on 651 519 or email                ourselves down, angry, generally upset       in the flesh), via services, the café             that these things have not immediately       (hopefully soon full on), coffee chats,
                                       changed, or have simply not met our          small groups, prayer groups, and simply
    Please consider following us on    expectations.                                around the village. Do get in touch, it’s
    social media to keep updated         BUT, I do believe we need to hold          always a joy to hear from you!
    with all our events:               on to hope… Hope is crucial for us,
                                       during all times, good and bad. In the       Many blessings,                      bible we read: "Be joyful in hope, patient
    GamlingayBaptistChurch                                                          Rev Adrian Semerene
                                       in affliction, and faithful in prayer"
    Instagram: @gb_church              (Romans 12:12). I wonder if in this          Lead Pastor, Gamlingay Baptist Church
    Twitter: @gb_church                new year, rather than expect immediate       Twitter: @asemerene
                                       changes, even of things that are out of      Insta: @asemerene
8   | January / February 2021
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Trust helps ill and
elderly care for pets
THE CINNAMON Trust is a charity that helps elderly and terminally ill people
with caring for their pets. It operates in South Cambridgeshire and throughout
the UK providing practical, hands-on assistance with pets and even gives lifelong
care for pets who outlive their owners. This is possible due to two pupose-built
home-from-home sanctuaries and foster homes.
  Volunteers visit housebound owners to take their dogs for walks and
foster pets if their owners have to go into hospital.
  Not many people in the Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire area
know of this work that the Trust do.
  The Trust is urging anyone who knows of a family or friends who
might need their help to get in touch. Call the Cinnamon Trust on
01736 757900 or you can email them at:
and to find out more see their website at:

                                                                                    January / February 2021 | 9
Can the Gamlingay Guardians help you or your loved ones?
Letter for January/February
Dear Friends,                           blaming the Almighty). Not everything          Something I need grace to accept:
Happy New Year 2021!                    is good, comfortable, enjoyable, etc.          – My own and other people’s
                                        but in even the worst times, there are            limitations – time and
ONCE AGAIN, writing to you in           things that can be grasped that will              communications particularly.
early December for the New Year         help keep me going, feeding faith hope
is challenging, indeed, more than       and love, if I can only allow that. I pray     Something in particular that I need
ever, because we really don’t know      you may find that too.                         wisdom distinguishing between
quite what we will be facing and, in       I wonder what you have learned in           what I can change and what I need
particular, I can’t tell you how church 2020?                                          to accept):
services and events will look, so once     We often learn more from the hard           – Where people are on their own
again, do look out for our News Letter times than the ordinary or the good                spiritual journey. Sometimes I can
for up-to-date information. The best    ones, so we should all have learned a             help, and that’s what I am here for.
guess is that through January the       lot this last year!                               Sometimes trying to help makes
Covid-19 arrangements will continue,       They say that what doesn’t kill you            things worse, and that’s not what
so Benefice services at Gamlingay and makes you stronger [though I’m not                  I’m here for.
Everton will be as follows:             entirely sure about that one!] – learn
   9.30am:                              from your mistakes you are generally            Ultimately though, we must trust the
   Communion/Eucharist Service from less likely to make them again [and yes           Almighty that our prayer for the gift
   Gamlingay Church (first Sunday of    I know, there are some people who             of the Holy Spirit will be answered,
   the month, all ages)                 never learn!].                                and that Holy Spirit-led actions will
   4.00pm:                                 So what will you take from 2020 as         serve Kingdom principles of Justice and
   Evening service from Everton – often a lesson for 2021?                            Peace, Unity (in diversity) and Love.
   Prayer Book Evensong                    What have you missed most that you         The Holy Spirit produces love, joy,
   Services are broadcast on Zoom –     will take up again when you can?              peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness
a link is circulated weekly (ask if you    What have you learned to do more           and self control, so even when these
would like to be added to the list) and (or less) of, but differently in times to     are taken amiss by some and unnoticed
often also on FaceBook live.            come?                                         by many, they are worth having.
   Whatever I may not be able to say       In order to write this, I sat down and       As for me, as well as the previous
about the future, what I can say is     thought   through a long list of things       prayer, I pray to stay close to God, so
THANK YOU and WELL DONE                 I’ve learned a bit more about during          that whatever the situation, I will be
to so many people who had, at time      Covid. I then have come up with three         upheld.
of writing, and will have since,        that fitted one of my favourite prayers         The words our queen gave to her
contributed to making things work       that I have quoted here before…               father (quoting Minnie Harkness)
in 2020 as well as they did. Worship,                                                 express this beautifully:
community care and service, have           Lord grant to me the courage to
all had to change and adapt, but they   change     the things I can change,            And I said to the man at the gate of
have happened – so let us take time to  the   grace   to accept the things I           the year:
add up the positives and be thankful    cannot change, and the wisdom                  “Give me a light that I may tread safely
for them and to the people who made to know the difference.                            into the unknown.”
them happen.                               Amen                                        And he replied:
   During these tough times I have                                                     “Go out into the darkness and put your
found once more how much better            A key thing I need courage to               hand into the Hand of God. That shall be
I feel, especially when I am looking       change:                                     to you better than light and safer than a
at what is good and giving thanks to       – Making space and time for real self-     known way.”
God for it (this does not mean being          care (not self indulgence), so that I
untruthful about what has not gone            can be myself at my best, to do the     May God bless us all,
well – just not dwelling on it and            things I believe I am here for.         Love from Hilary.

10   | January / February 2021
Parish Christmas draw and consultation
A HUGE thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets for the parish of Gamlingay and the Hatleys Christmas
draw. Grateful thanks also for many generous donations received.
  The total raised for parish church funds was just over £1,500, an excellent result. In addition we have received
generous prize donations from a number of businesses and individuals, all of whom have sponsored this event for the
last few years – THANK YOU.
  The draw took place on December 6 and the first prize of £100, donated by Brogans, was won by someone living in
School Close.
  In addition to the raffle tickets, a questionnaire was sent out and I am pleased to report that over 100 replies were
received.                                                                                      Alec Hissett, Church warden.

                                                                                          Hatley Village Hall
                                                                                            Available for hire every day
                                                                                               8.30am to midnight
                                                                                      A clean, pleasant and roomy hall - can seat
                                                                                                85, with good acoustics
                                                                                     One user per session; new kitchen and boiler
                                                                                            Ideal for meetings and parties
                                                                                                     Large car park

                                                                                     £11.00 per hour (£8.50 Hatley residents)
                                                                                     To book, please contact Kim Wilde on
                                                                                     01767 650 596

                                                                                             January / February 2021 | 11
The Gamlingay Community
                                     Turbine Tithe Fund
                                 Applications are invited for funds – deadline 30 April 2021
                                 Do you know of a deserving cause in the Parish of Gamlingay that could use some
                                  extra cash? Applications are invited for funds from the Gamlingay Community
                                      Turbine Tithe Fund. There should be over £3,000 available next April.
                                       Applications should be submitted in writing on an application form
                                                            to any of the following:
                                                           The Eco Hub Reception
                                                       by email to
                                       GCT-Tithe, 36 Mill Street, Gamlingay, Sandy, Beds. SG19 3JW
                                      Applications should reach us by 30 April 2021
                                                 Application forms are available in the Eco-Hub
                                                or can be downloaded from the website:
                                                or on request by emailing
                                      No more than two applications may be submitted by any individual or
                                                            organisation within one year.
                                     The decision on the first funding awards will be made by a group of three
                                                    representatives meeting in October 2020.
                                      The Tithe Panel will comprise: a person nominated by GCT; a person
                                 representing Gamlingay Parish Council (If GPC does not appoint somebody then
                                  GCT may appoint another person; a person representing Forward Gamlingay).
                                       If FG does not appoint somebody GCT may appoint another person.
                                    The Tithe Panel will consider making awards on these general principles:
                                          ◊ The donation should benefit Parishioners of Gamlingay ◊
                                    ◊ The donation should benefit more than just a single person or family ◊
                                 ◊ The Panel will prefer applications that will result in helping the environment ◊
                                     If a member of the Panel has any undue interest in any application under
                                    consideration at that meeting they must declare it and stand down from the
                                           discussion. The Panel’s decision is final and not open to appeal.
                                       Finally, we ask beneficiaries to write a short article for the
                                  Gamlingay Gazette describing the project and how it benefited from the
                                           Tithe Fund of the Gamlingay Community Turbine.
                                                                 The Directors
                                                          Gamlingay Community Turbine

12   | January / February 2021
Support for Gamlingay's local
FOODBANKS provide vital support
for those who, for whatever reason, are
struggling – but Gamlingay’s foodbanks
are struggling too.
   Foodbanks offer food, personal
care items and also connections and
guidance to help people get back to
being independent.
   The pandemic has led to a reduction
in donations because more of us are
shopping online, yet more people than
ever need to turn to our foodbanks for
   Local resident and Gamlingay
parish councillor Harriet Gould is
encouraging anyone in Gamlingay and
Hatley who is willing and able to put
extra items in their online shopping       Harriet Gould handing over donations for Gamlingay foodbanks to Revd. HilaryYoung.
basket and she will come and pick
them up from you.                          If you want to donate items please
   “Let me know, I’ll collect the items    contact:
from you and share them between the        Harriet – 07817 003 830
local foodbanks,” says Harriet. “It’s
wonderful to see how much people
want to support the foodbanks – it         If you need help or support please
seems there was a little chink in the      contact:
system, caused by the pandemic, which      Gerry – 07752 428191
I can smooth out to help fill the gap.”
   Our local foodbanks are Trussell        Revd. Hilary – 01767 650587
Trust via St Mary’s Church and the
Need Project via the Baptist Church,
both of which support people in            Adrian – 07472 350860
Gamlingay and surrounding areas. 

   © KeithWarburton 2020
   If I had a chiming clock                Those of an equitable disposition
   I’d listen to it tick and tock          Care not about the hands position
   Visitors, quite amazed                  Relative to the sound of chimes
   Would say,                              While those with rigid mind
   Does it do that night and day?          think it quite a crime
   No I’d say, not quite like that         And are driven to distraction by the
   In daytime ticks chase after tocks      Failure of proper clockwork action
   In friendly play                        Such people do not come again
   While at night the sound                Leaving me more time to spend
   Is quite the other way round            With those whose minds more easily
   But there is another thing about my       bend.
   It measures both time and               Inspired by the story The ManWithout a
      temperament                          Temperament by Katherine Mansfield
   For it chimes the hours upon the half   (collection “Bliss”) which has “… a
   And the half when pointing to the       presentation clock that struck the hours on
      firmament                            the half hours”

                                                                                               January / February 2021 | 13
                                  Tel: 01767 651996/07864 146653
                                        OFSTED Registered
                                  Pre-school Learning Alliance
                                  Registered Charity No. 293562

Lisa Burton – Manager                                              Mandy – Deputy

Lisa– Pre-school Practitioner    Selena – Pre-school Assistant     Paula – Pre-school Practitioner
14   | January / February 2021
Outside space revamp funding
WE ARE thrilled to announce that             The staff who are looking after your    Rainbow Pre-School were kindly given
we have been selected for a share of       children this term have been myself,      a wreath from Sebastian Kindersley
the Co-op Community Funding for            Lisa Burton, Mandy, our Deputy, Lisa,     for the children to decorate (see picture
the next twelve months. The link to        Paula and Selena.                         below left) and lay at the memorial.
our page is         We have been discovering Autumn           We looked at recycling and what                         this term and made a handprint tree       we can do to help keep the rubbish in
  Our vision is to revamp the garden in    display. We have talked to the children   the correct bins. We made some junk
the pre-school grounds. The picture on     about the importance of not picking       modelling and separated items based
the above page shows the garden from       berries. We have explored conkers,        on their materials.
many years ago when it has just been       bark and the changing leaves.
refurbished. This has now deteriorated       We also celebrated with fireworks         Our own Christingle activity as we weren't
and needs a great deal of repair. We       night and Remembrance Sunday.             able to go to the St. Mary's Church this year.
have isolated part of the garden until
we can do some temporary remedial
  Please help us to apply for as much
of this funding as we possibly can, by
selecting us as your cause when you
shop in the Gamlingay Co-op.You can
join the coop by becoming a member.
You can join online at
membership or by downloading the
Co-op app.
  We will receive our first share of the
funding in April 2021 and again the
remainder in November 2021.
  Please help raise as much money for
the children of Gamlingay Rainbow
Pre-School by sharing this news with
your friends and family.

          Although we operate a waiting list, the children on the list are not yet eligible by age to attend.
   We have spaces for funded three and four year olds with the ability to register and start with immediate effect.
                                        Please contact us to arrange a visit.

                                                                                              January / February 2021 | 15
Pit your wits against the lockdown quiz
The Gamlingay Lockdown Quiz has been going strong every Monday evening for the past 30+ weeks.
Here's a taste of some of the past questions and information on how to join in.
GAMLINGAY Lockdown Quiz takes
place every Monday evening and              Cambridge                                 to study the brilliance and clarity of
attracts a wide selection of participants   1: From which University college          wines?
online. Organiser Keith Warburton           chapel is the Christmas Eve service of    18: When was the London Eye
explains a bit more about it.               9 lessons and carols usually broadcast?   officially opened?
  “We had originally expected that          2: Where is the open-air swimming         19: How many capsules or pods are on
there would only be a few events,           pool?                                     the London Eye?
but here we are, more than seven            3: In which street was the original       20: How many bridges cross the
months down the line and we’re still        Addenbrookes Hospital?                    Thames from Tower Bridge to
going, giving everyone some social          4: What is the name of the iconic         Hampton Court?
engagement and fun. It's something to       character of Cambridge who was a          21: In which London Park might you
look forward to.                            charity fundraiser, a one-man band        see lions and tigers and coral?
  “It’s a great way to socialise as well,   and now has a statue to him by the        22: Black Ruby is what type of fruit?
so anyone who’s feeling isolated and        Guild Hall?                               23: Name the winner of Great British
who might appreciate some friendly          5: What was the original name of the      Bake Off 2015?
interaction is welcome.                     River Cam?                                24: Name the ingredients of dark and
  “It’s all in the comfort of your own                                                stormy cocktail.
home and you don’t have to be a             Sherlock Holmes                           25: How much milk does the average
resident in Gamlingay to join in.           6: What is the name of Sherlock           dairy cow produce daily?
  “Friends and relatives of participants    Holmes’s landlady?                        26: Which country has the most dairy
who live elsewhere are also very            7: What is Dr. Watson’s first name?       cows in the world?
welcome.                                    8: What is the name of Sherlock’s
  “There is no expectation upon             elder brother?                            Panto season
participants other than be prepared to      9: What was the first Sherlock Holmes     27: What told Dick Whittington to
have fun with facts. The highest score      novel?                                    “turn again”?
recorded has been 41/50, and the            10: What is the name of the actor who     28: Which wicked character is seeking
typical score is around the 30 mark.        played Moriarty in the recent BBC         the magic lamp containing the all
We aren’t a collection of geniuses,         series?                                   powerful genie?
that’s for sure!”                                                                     29: The good fairy usually enters from
  The quiz takes place via Zoom. For        General Knowledge                         stage right and the villain from stage
the Zoom link to join as well as more       11: Name the narrow strip of water        left. What do the right and left sides of
information go to the Gamlingay             separating Europe and Asia, two           the stage represent?
Lockdown Quiz Facebook Group.               versions.                                 30: What are the names of Wendy,
  If you don’t use Facebook but can         12: Name the railway service,             John and Michael’s parent’s names in
access Zoom on a smart device such          launched in 1877, which connected         Peter Pan?
as a phone or computer email:               Paris & Istanbul.                         31: JM Barrie donated the royalties            13: Which body maintains the              from Peter Pan to a particular
for details and the link on how to join     lighthouses around England, Wales         institution in perpetuity. What is the
via Zoom.                                   and the Channel Islands?                  name of that institution?
                                            14: Where would you see the Perseids
                                            and when?                                 Screen Greats
                                            15: Described as a “tribal love rock      32: In which country was Cary Grant
                                            musical” & featuring nudity on stage,     born?
                                            it premiered on Broadway in April         33: Which Berlin-born star’s first
                                            1968. What was it called?                 major film was “The Blue Angel” in
                                            16: Many of us use USB sticks or          1930
                                            drives as memory devices on our           34: Who played the role in Citizen
                                            computers, plugging them in to USB        Kane?
                                            ports. What does USB stand for?           35: Whose real name was Marion and
                                            17: What Is a Quizzing Glass, is it:      was most famous for his westerns?
                                            A: a pewter or leather mug with a         36: Which James is credited with the
                                            glass bottom?                             catchphrase “You dirty rat”?
                                            B: a discreet window through which                                 Answers on page 29
                                            you can see someone approaching           Questions set by Jan Cooper, KeithWarburton,
                                            your castle or manor house?               John and Gill Kitchener, Martin and Hilary
                                            C: a small magnifying glass and           Young, Julia and David Alexander, Benita
                                            fashion accessory?                        Scott,Tony Hurst, Helen Brown, Ann Kirby,
                                            D: a glass container used by vintners     Chris and Dawn Martin, Jan Bremner.

16   | January / February 2021
Keeping active can lower the risk
of severe Covid-19 infections
PRIOR to the Covid-19 pandemic a             Bicep curls 1 x 10                           Chest fly 1 x 10
significant public health problem was        Baked bean upper body workout (if            Lie on your back and hold a can of
identified in 2012, namely inactivity.       you have no weights use a can of beans       beans in each hand with the palms
Globally, inactivity is the fourth leading   that weigh 1lb).                             facing each other and above your chest
cause of death due to preventable              Hold a can of beans in each hand,          with almost straight arms. Then open
diseases, this equates to 3-5 million        palms up. Start with your hand at the        your arms until they reach the floor
people dying annually of its co-             front of your thigh then curl your           and return to the start and repeat.
morbidities.                                 arm up until your hand meets your
  A study of over 300,000 people             shoulder then return back to the start       Double row 1 x 10
examining lifestyle and hospital             and repeat.                            Hold a can of beans in each hand with
admissions, it was reported that 51%                                                your palms facing each other and your
of Covid-19 cases were attributed            Triceps overhead press 1 x 10          body bowed forward. Pull the cans
to unhealthy lifestyle choices. It           Hold a can of beans in each hand palms from below, starting with a straight
was suggested that simple lifestyle          facing each other, raise both hands    arm, to the sides of your chest keeping
changes could lower the risk of severe       above your head with straight arms.    your elbows in then return and repeat.
Covid-19 infections.                         Bend through your elbow creating an       Repeat this circuit once at home for
  The implementation of Covid-19             angle of 90 degrees taking the cans    every hour you spend being sedentary,
restrictions has had an immediate            behind your head then return to the    it should take 15-20 mins. Combine it
impact on all ages and fitness levels        start and repeat.                      with a 15-60 min brisk walk daily or
causing people to become suddenly                                                   other forms of outdoor activity.
inactive and more sedentary.                 Lateral raise 1 x 10
  With this in mind I’ve designed an         Hold a can of beans in each hand by                       Keep active,
‘at home’ exercise routine to increase       your side with your palms facing your                    beat the virus,
activity. The routine lets you improvise     thighs. Lift out to the side on a lateral                 live longer!
with items you have at home instead of       line to shoulder height then return to
equipment you might use in the gym.          the start and repeat.                        Jamiela Nazir
  To warm up and mobilise use last
month’s mobility exercises, then:
Sit to stand 3 x 10
Simply sit then stand, use a stable chair
(you could put it against the wall for
extra stability)
   Start with 1 x 10 then increase the
sets to 3 x 10 as you feel able. Hold
on to something heavy to increase
muscular strength (a rucksack filled
with a 10kg bag of play sand) or                        For details to advertise your business in The Gazette please email:
wear it on your back. This exercise                         
will strengthen your lower body and
improve the functional movement of
sitting and standing.
Climb the stairs x 10
Some gyms have a Stair Master, but
who needs a gym when you have stairs
at home!
  Start with 1 or 2 flights up and
down and build up to 10 flights. Please
do not attempt this if you are very
  As an alternative you could hold on
the bannister and step up 1 step and
back down 1 step then repeat 10 times.
10 flights will burn around 50 calories
and will also help build strength in
your legs especially your quadriceps
(front of leg) and knees.
                                                                                                    January / February 2021 | 17
The many shops from
Church Street's past
OVER the years many shops of many          while on the ground floor was a room         closing in Gamlingay so 1.00pm then
types have come and gone in Church         run by puzzle and crossword inventor         and also 1.00pm on Saturday – no
Street so I thought it would be good       Brian Todd. These two offices can be         Sunday opening back then.
to show some of them from the 1880's       seen to the left of the furniture lorry in     Picture 4 shows what is now the
onwards. We'll start at the Crossroads     picture 2.                                   Chinese takeaway but has also been a
moving down to the Church.                    Looking at picture 3 we see the
  At the top of Church Street the          Cock public house on the left which has
house facing what is now the car park      been the mainstay of the street since it
for the Jannah was a doctors practice      first opened in the 1600s. Just before
at the start of the 1900s, followed by a   the Cock there used to be the house
undertaker in the next building on the     and surgery belonging to Dr Palmer,
left. We then come to our first picture    and on the other side of the road was an
of Fowlers newsagents and tobacconist,     estate agent and in the same property
later to become Gostlings last run by      a cake shop selling home made cakes,
Neil and his wife Janet. In the days of    coffees and teas.
his dad, Reg, running the shop he also        In the picture we can see a draper's
operated a gent's barbers from the         shop which is now a private house, then
premises.                                  the big barn which was a cafe in the
  Over the road in Pear Tree Row was       1930s through to the 1950s. Later the
another barbers which later became         barn was demolished and the Co-op
a small shoe shop. Moving down Pear        was built, which at first was open from
Tree Row was a small office on the first   8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
floor belonging to Leeds Day Solicitors,   except Thursday which was early              1

2                                                                3

…the Cock
public house
…has been
the mainstay
of the street
since it first
opened in the
                     4                                                                  5

18   | January / February 2021
6                                                               7

8                                                               9

blacksmiths, fish and chip shop and          Picture 7 shows Chapman's store         In Picture 9 we see private houses
carpet shop and before that Dennis         on the left, and on the right, where LJs
                                                                                  on the right but during the years they
and Phyllis Chapman's general stores,      cafe now stands is Mayston's shoe shop have been The Royal Oak public house,
which was open seven days a week and       which was the chemist before, and afterNormans cycle shop, run by Harold
sold just about everything including       Mayston's it was a hairdressers owned  “Scaff ” Norman, and Mariners tots
Dennis's lovely fish and chips on          by David Jones, before becoming a cafe.and teens clothes shop. On the left we
Thursday and Friday lunch and tea                                                 see a small part of Alec Norman's car
times, as well as Saturday lunch times.      …Knibbs butchers which, for showroom and offices but for a short
  Picture 5 is Knibbs butchers which,       three generations, served fresh time after the garage it was a craft shop
for three generations, served fresh and                                           and office suppliers.
cooked meats, home made pies, sausage       and cooked meats, home made              In the first house that stood after the
and fresh turkeys at Christmas to order.    pies, sausage and fresh turkeys Maltings there was for a short while
After Knibbs another butcher took it                  at Christmas…               a hairdressers before the houses were
over for some time before LJs made it                                             demolished for building the Maltings
into the wine bar after extending from       Picture 8 is now the Chemist but     housing development.
their cafe.                                has also been Savage's grocer and         In the same picture further down
  Picture 6 also shows Knibbs shop.        drapers shop as seen here. It has also the road was Alec Norman's car garage
The adjoining house also belonged to       been Mayton's shoe shop before moving with a showroom in the downstairs
the Knibbs family and had an extensive     across the street and becoming the     room of the two cottages that now
cold store running underneath it.          chemist under several owners.          stand there.
                                                                                     Picture 10 shows what was the
                                                                                  bakers shop for many years through
                                                                                  three different owners but the last
                                                                                  being the Lindsay's before it moved to
                                                                                  its Mill Street shop.
                                                                                     Over the road opposite there was
                                                                                  once an antiques shop and next door to
                                                                                  that was a grocers.
                                                                                     Picture 11 shows the oldest picture
                                                                                  in this collection, the butchers in 1890.
                                                                                  It was to stay a butchers for many years
                                                                                  through four different owners before
                                                                                  becoming a private house.
10                                         11                                                          Continued on pagae 19
                                                                                             January / February 2021 | 19
Continued from pagae 18                                         demolished subsequent to being bought from the owners of
                                                                Cross Farm.
  Picture 12 is part of a farm house which was once rented        Picture 13 In 1931 this was a small shop belonging to
by Barclays Bank, seen here in 1972; it even had its own        Ted (Donkey) Housden selling sweets, veg and a few other
security guard. The bank moved to Mill Street after leaving     products.
this building to a purposely built bank, after a large barn was   I hope you have enjoyed your trip around the many
                                                                shops of Church Street through the years.
                                                                  For more information please contact me on
                                                                07925 119 346 or email

12                                                           13

                                        Coronavirus Update November 2020
                                                                                   Cambourne Hearing Aid
                                                                                   Maintenance Centre, every
                                                                                   Tuesday at The Hub, High St,
                                                                                   Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6GW
                                        WE HAVE opened four Hearing Aid          •	
                                                                                   St Ives Hearing Aid
                                        Maintenance Centres located in Ely,        Maintenance Centre, every
                                        St Ives, Cambourne and Fulbourn,           Wednesday at St Ives Library, 4
                                        where you can go to get your hearing       Library Row, Station Road, St Ives
                                        aids cleaned and re-tubed.                 PE27 5BW
                                          This drop-off and wait (outside)       •	
                                                                                   Fulbourn Hearing Aid
                                        20-minute service is by appointment        Maintenance Centre, every
                                        only.                                      Thursday at The Swifts Meeting
                                        •	Ely Hearing Aid Maintenance             Room & Library, Haggis Gap,
                                           Centre, every Monday at Ely             Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5HD
                                           Library, 6 The Cloisters, Ely CB7     To book an appointment please
                                           4ZH                                   contact the office on telephone:
                                                                                 01223 416141
                                                                                 or email:
                                                                                 If you need a home visit, please call
                                                                                 the office for help from our courier
                                                                                 service 01223 416141

                                                                                   Gamlingay Allotment &
                                                                                   Gardening Association
                                                                                   GAGA would like to sincerely thank
                                                                                   Gamlingay Community Turbine Fund
                                                                                   and Gamlingay Parish Council for their
                                                                                   generous grants towards the repair to
                                                                                   our allotment fencing in Long Lane.
                                                                                   The Committee

20   | January / February 2021
Potton & District Writers’ Group
WE HAD another well-attended                  November 2020 meeting now and then, but what does the kindly
meeting in November, the weather on                                                      stranger expect in return? A smile, a
a dark evening once again reminding us                                                   thank-you – or something more?
how lovely it is not to have to venture out                                                The target for submission is midnight
of our warm homes into the cold in order                                                 on December 8 and the earlier the
to enjoy everything that the group has to                                                better, since it gives the rest of us time to
offer. Everyone has been busy on their                                                   read and reflect on it. No submission will
writing, so there were lots of stories to                                                ever be turned away, though the later it
discuss. A mere Covid pandemic cannot                                                    arrives, the less time there is for other
stem the creative flow!                                                                  members to make comments.
  Now that it appears we will be                                                           The guideline word limit is 2,000
holding our meetings via Zoom for                                                        words; however, this is 100% flexible
the (un)foreseeable future, we have        we can submit whatever we are working         because it can be frustrating, for both
decided that it is time to spread the joy  on at the moment. We had three regular        writer and reader, for a story to cut off in
and actively recruit for new members       extracts from longer-running pieces           mid-flow with its audience stranded mid-
from outside our catchment area.           from members who are working on               river without a paddle. You can still show
One member has written a piece for         their novel. The Chair’s novel featuring      when the 2,000-word limit has been met
the National Association of Writers’       the adventures of Greville the (off-          but, in truth, none of us gives up reading
Group’s newsletter which will hopefully    world) compliance auditor is now nearly       before the end – we all want to know
throw open our doors to everyone, far      three-quarters done, which the writer         how things work out!
and wide. Of course, while it would        finds frightening. Can she really wrap
be excellent to have a tidal wave of       it all up satisfactorily in a mere 25,000     Tips for November
new members, let us hope that it’s a       words? No matter if she cannot, though        This month’s tips are about creating
manageable number. Otherwise, it might     – there is book 2 to rewrite, so any          suspense in our writing – the sort of
be hard to find the time to give the       overspill could easily and, with luck, not    thing that makes our readers ache to turn
stories their proper due, and that would   illogically, end up in there.                 the page. The Chair has skipped master
never do – constructive feedback is the       There was another chapter in the story     classes by Readers’ Digest and Dan
essence of the group.                      of Nicholas, which is building up to a        Brown in favour of one by Ian Irvine –
                                           big finale, with even more revelations        read, absorb and apply. Have fun!
News from members                          promised. One subtle aspect of the    
Those of us who are novelling are still    work is how the protagonist has moved         writers/how-to-create-suspense/
novelling; those of us who aren’t… still from early to late teens, growing all the
aren’t! There are several of the group at while without any clunky or obvious            Joining the Group
work on longer projects at the moment, explanations which bedevil so many                If anyone would like to join us, they
and it’s great that everyone has the       coming-of-age (and other) novels. A
                                           third member has added a great deal           would be very welcome. We cater for
confidence to do so. Embarking on a                                                      all standards of writer from complete
novel can feel like setting out to cross   to their time-travelling novel, which is
                                           coming on a storm and it will be very         beginners to published novelists.
the Atlantic in a rowing boat with one                                                      Contact Tracey Valentine on
broken oar and a defective compass but     interesting to see where it goes to next.
                                                                                         07778 148 030 for details, or email
in this group, no-one is ever alone – they There was a short poem about walking in Or see our
always have the support of everyone        the rain, cleverly laid out in the shape of
                                           an umbrella, and the long-awaited next        website – www.pottonwrite.weebly.
else, and there is nothing like having                                                   com. Happy writing!
encouragement from other writers who episode (after a gap of several years!) in
know what you’re going through to speed the Whispering Stones saga.
you on your way, is there?                    There was also an intriguing story
                                           about some wartime pilots, where one
Other News                                 character made the kind of error that
Along with everyone else (except for       anyone could, especially during a war.
those people who seem to think that the It would be interesting to see this story
rules don’t apply to them, of course…), developed further. Finally, there was
we won’t be having our Christmas do        the one on-theme story about a Private
this year, even if it is usually held in   Investigator in St Neots, a photograph
January! This is a great shame as we all   of people possibly from his past, and a
look forward to meeting each other in      less-than-wholly truthful client. Sadly for
person so perhaps this year, we will have the writer, following the discovery that
to raise a glass of Christmas cheer via    this was a set-up that he had used before,
Zoom.                                      which he had totally forgotten, this one
                                           will not be developed.
Discussion of Work
This month’s theme was ‘Old                Theme for next month
photographs’ though we only had one        The next meeting is on December
submission that was actually on-theme!     15, the theme being The Kindness of
No matter – the joy of the group is that   Strangers. We all need a helping hand
                                                                                                  January / February 2021 | 21
a District Council matter District
                                                                                         Councillors have been advised not to
                                                                                         comment as this might prejudice their
                                                                                         position later on in the process.”

                                                                                         Gamlingay Gym
                                                                                         IT WAS a shock to the many of us who
                                                                                         use the village gym regularly to learn
                                                                                         that it might be closed down. Sebastian
                                                                                         and I worked hard to secure the most
                                                                                         recent funding for the gym (a dual use
New Town?                                                                                facilities grant from South Cambs)
SEBASTIAN writes: “A West Sussex                                                         despite the Council (of the time) threat
speculative development company is                                                       to spend it elsewhere. Likewise the
proposing to create a new sprawling                                                      successful funding of the MUGA and
town of 25,000 homes between and               submission in the Call for Sites. While   upgrades to the gym. These grants
encompassing the villages of Shepreth,         it has contacted relevant landowners,     were made in conjunction with the
Melbourn, Meldreth, Whaddon,                   Thakeham has made no contact              establishment of a legal agreement
Bassingbourn, Wimpole, Orwell,                 with local residents or their elected     between the education provider and
Barrington and Foxton. The new town,           representatives.                          the council to provide sports facilities
dubbed ‘South West Cambridge,’                    The South Cambridgeshire               for the benefit of the school and the
would profoundly change the                    development hierarchy is structured       community for a set period of time –
hinterland of a multitude of villages and      around its largest population centres     in our case 12 years.
eradicate the rural nature of much of          at Cambourne and Northstowe,                 As soon as South Cambs became
South Cambridgeshire.                          which are served by the A428, the         aware that the gym was at risk they
  The developer, Thakeham, has                 Guided Busway and the planned new         made contact with the Academy Trust
missed the deadline for the South              Cambourne Station, as well as its new     and council officers are currently in
Cambridgeshire Local Plan’s ‘Call for          schools and health services.              discussions to see what can be done to
Sites,’ in spite of having spent the past         An action group – South West           retain a fitness centre in the village. In
two years preparing its scheme, during         Cambridge Action Group – has              order to help inform these discussions
which time it will have been fully             been set up and you can see their         the council has commissioned a third
aware of the South Cambridgeshire              website at for further      party – Strategic Leisure – to urgently
Planning process. It now proposes a late       information. Although Planning is         look at the viability of the current
                                                                                         dual use facilities and also to see if any
                                                                                         alternative locations could be used for
                                                                                         the gym.
                                                                                            Because the Gym had employees
                                                                                         there was a delicate balancing act to
                                                                                         undergo by the Trust which meant
               Residential and Commercial Electrical Installations since 2009
                                                                                         that South Cambs District Council,
                                                                                         Gamlingay Parish Council nor the
                                  Office: 0800 019 7992                                    members of the gym were notified that
                                                                                         the Trust was considering closure of
                            Email:                              the gym and indeed the community
                                                                                         was not asked to participate in a con­
                                                                                         sultation about the dual use facilities
                                                                                         prior to any actions being taken.
        Be sure to check out our reviews on Google - Search DSS Electrical               Unfortunately – coming at the same
                                                                                         time as the consultation on expanding
                                                                                         the age range – people have assumed
                                                                                         making provision for younger children
                                                                                         is somehow dependent on the gym
                                                                                         ceasing to exist. This is not the case.
22   | January / February 2021
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