Page created by Greg Newman
D I O C E S E O F T U A M , K I L L A L A A N D A C H O N RY

                          CHRISTMAS ISSUE 2020
The Bishop writes . . .

                                                                                       new born child, the Saviour of the
                                                                                       World, we glimpse that incarnation.

                                                                                       Furthermore, we are reminded that
                                                                                       God’s ways are not our ways. God is to
                                                                                       appear in the little and the insignificant
                                                                                       so that only the humble can find him. He
                                                                                       appears on the margins of society
                                                                                       alongside the poor, the outcast, the
                                                                                       stranger – in a stable, in a little town like
                                                                                       Bethlehem, far from the glamour and
                                                                                       sophistication of the great centres of the

CHRISTMAS ISSUE 2020                                                                   This Christmas is going to be a difficult
The magazine of the Church of Ireland                                                  one for so many. Those who are facing
Diocese of Tuam, Killala and Achonry      Writing in early November, it is difficult   debilitating sickness, those who are
                                          to know what Christmas 2020 might            bereaved, those whose businesses have                     look like! Will our churches be open         collapsed, those who are faced by
                                          again for our traditional Christmas          mounting      debts, those        whose
COPY DEADLINE                             services? Will our usual family gatherings   relationships lie shattered. As the God
All submissions for the Easter Issue of
Tidings, including advertisements, must
                                          be allowed? Will loved ones be able to       whose birth we celebrate identifies with
be in by Friday January 29th 2021         fly home to join us? So many unknowns        those in need, may all who are in any
                                          that any kind of planning is virtually       kind of trouble feel the strength and
                                          impossible. Certainly, this Christmas will   peace of his presence at this time and
                                          be different!
Views expressed in Tidings are those                                                   may we all determine to identify more
of the contributors and are not
                                                                                       fully with those who need our love and
necessarily the views of the Editor or    Yet whatever our circumstances, there        support and understanding and human
the magazine committee.                   is one unchanging truth about                kindness.
                                          Christmas – Christ was born; God in an
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE                         act of enormous humility and generosity   In the chaotic and challenging world
All advertising enquiries should be
directed to: Revd Dr Andrew Ison
                                          became one of us in his son, Jesus. We    which is ours this Christmas as we feel                 may not be able to enjoy all our annual   in some ways impoverished, excluded,
                                          Christmas activities this December but    isolated from our loved ones, perhaps
                                          the reason for the season remains the     we too might use the opportunity to
                                          same and we must not lose sight of this.
Revd Dr Andrew Ison                                                                 view the wonder of Christmas with new
                                                                                    eyes – the Word becoming flesh and
                                          With      the     festivities  inevitably dwelling among us - for God is with us
DESIGN & PRINTING                         compromised for us all, perhaps we – no matter what! That is indeed
Design: Amanda Moore Design               might give more thought to the something really positive to hold onto
Printing: KPS Colourprint Ltd             enormity of this reason for the season. as Christmas 2020 approaches.
Knock, Co. Mayo
                                          God, becoming one of us. The
                                          ‘Incarnation’ is almost too much for May God bless you all, this Christmas…
                                          most of us to grasp so we focus on the .
                                          humanising of God’s son in the account
                                          of the birth of the babe in Bethlehem. In +Patrick Tuam
                                          the image of the young woman, and the

Diocesan Virtual Service

                                         dates for                       DIOCESAN VIRTUAL SERVICE
                                         your diary                      A reminder that our weekly Sunday Diocesan Virtual Service will continue throughout Advent and Christmas
                                                                         and on into the New Year.There will also be a service for Christmas Day. Renewed thanks to the Dean for his
                                                                         editing skills and to the clergy, readers and parishioners for their contributions. The services can be accessed

                                                                                                                                       For all clergy and readers – diocesan & parish
                                                                                          ANNUAL                                       in St Mary’s Cathedral, Tuam / or by Zoom if
                                                                                          Clergy &                                     necessary
    Sun 6th      Claremorris Service, 12noon – to be confirmed                                                                         on Thursday 4th March 2020 at 10.30am
                 Service of Vespers in Galway
    Sun 6th
    Wed 9th      RB Meeting, Dublin/via Zoom                                              readers                                      Lead by: The Rt Revd David Chillingworth
                 Institution of Canon Jen McWhirter in Westport, 8pm                                                                   formerly Primus of the Scottish Episcopal
    Thurs 10th
                 (by invitation only)
                                                                                          QUIET DAY                                    Church and Bishop of St Andrews

    Sun 3rd      Claremorris Service, 12noon – to be confirmed
    Tues 26th    RB Week, Dublin/via Zoom
    Thurs 28th   Diocesan Board of Education Meeting, via Zoom, 7.30pm

    Mon 1st      Diocesan Finance Committee Meeting, via Zoom, 7.30pm
    Tues 2nd     Diocesan Glebes & Property Committee Meeting,
                 via Zoom, 7.30pm                                        SEPTEMBER ORDINATIONS
    Thurs 4th    Diocesan Council Meeting, via Zoom, 7pm
    Sun 7th      Claremorris Service, 12noon – to be confirmed
    Wed 17th     Ash Wednesday, Diocesan ‘Read all about it’ begins.     On Sunday 13th September in St Michael’s Church,                Lynda Peilow, Rector of Galway and Kilcummin.
                 Diocesan ‘Read all about it’, Day 2                     Ballina, Bishop Patrick Rooke admitted two                      Archdeacon Stephen McWhirter led the Litany and
                                                                         candidates to the Office of Deacon; Revd Caroline               the newly ordained were each vested with their stole
    Thurs 18th
                 Diocesan ‘Read all about it’, Day 3
                                                                         Morrow and Revd Clive Moore.                                    by the Archdeacon and Dean Alistair Grimason. We
    Fri 19th

                                                                                                                                         were delighted to have Bishop John Fleming of the
                                                                         Because of Covid-19 restrictions, this was an                   Catholic Diocese of Killala with us who represented
                 Annual Clergy and Readers’ Quiet Day, Tuam, 10.30am
                                                                         ordination like none before. The congregation was               our ecumenical partners.
    Thurs 4th
                 Claremorris Service, 12noon – to be confirmed
                                                                         limited to 50 people which meant that only a handful
    Sun 7th
                 RB Week, Dublin/via Zoom
                                                                         of family, friends, parishioners and diocesan clergy and        Revd Caroline will serve in the Parish of Killanley and
    Tues 9th
                                                                         readers were able to join Clive and Caroline for this           Revd Clive will serve in the parishes of Crossmolina
                                                                         most significant occasion in both their lives and the           and Ballycastle.
                                                                         lives of their parishes and the diocese. Similarly, all the
                                                                         hymns were listened to and not sung and communion               On Sunday 20th September, Paidi Delaney was
                                                                         was in one type only with social distancing being               admitted to the Office of Deacon at St Nicholas
                                                                         observed throughout.                                            Collegiate Church, Galway by the Bishop of Tuam,
                                                                         The Old Testament Lesson was read by the Diocesan               Killala and Achonry, The Right Revd Patrick Rooke.
                                                                         Director of Ordinands, Revd Canon Jen McWhirter,                The first lesson was read by Paidi’s, wife, Steffi, the
                                                                         the Epistle by Revd Caroline Morrow and the Gospel              epistle reading was led by the Diocesan Director of
                                                                         by Revd Clive Moore. The preacher was Very Revd                 Ordinands, Canon Jen McWhirter and Paidi read the

2                                                                                                                                                                                                       3
September Ordinations                                                                                                                                                                                                                      September Ordinations

        gospel.The preacher was the Very Revd Lynda Peilow,       all individually and separately, laid their hands on                                                                        in Galway and Mayo informing them about all aspects
        Rector of Galway. Music was led by a quartet from         those being ordained. All the other priests present                                                                         of our natural biodiversity, Irish Mammals, Birds,
        the St Nicholas Schola Cantorum led by the musical        raised their hands in blessing from a distance. The                                                                         Butterflies etc. During the summer months when the
        director Mr Mark Duley. When the service was over         newly ordained priests will serve in various parishes                                                                       schools are closed, she run children’s activities in the
        the full choir sang for the first time outside as the     across TKA. Revd Karen will serve in Easkey/Kilglass                                                                        Park and also takes guided bogland walks. In 2014,
        bells peeled out. Again, because of Covid-19              alongside Archdeacon Stephen McWhirter; Revd                                                                                Carole became a member of the select Vestry in St.
        restrictions, numbers in attendance were restricted,      Maebh in Dugort, Achill Island specifically and also                                                                        Mary’s, Roundstone and was commissioned as a
        but Paidi’s family were there to support him, and the     across Aughaval (Westport) parish alongside Revd                                                                            Diocesan Reader in May 2017.
        parishioners who have supported Paidi on his journey      Canon Jen McWhirter and Revd Carole in Kilcummin
        to ordination were in attendance. Fr Tudor                (Oughterard) parish alongside Provost Lynda Peilow.                                                                         Karen Duignan
        representing the Romanian Orthodox Church was in                                                                                                                                                        Karen has been married to Liam for
        attendance, along with many of Paidi’s other friends      Paidi Delaney                                                                                                                                 23 years and they have two
        and colleagues. Paid will serve as OLM deacon in the                          Patrick Delaney was born into an            Kay have lived on Tamhain, in the Gaeltacht, and in the                       daughters – one just finished in
        Galway group of parishes.                                                     Irish-Canadian/Irish-American               suburbs of Galway. Mr Delaney has been a library                              college and the other just starting. I
                                                                                      family in Detroit, Michigan, USA. His       worker at NUI Galway since the previous millenia.                             farm a small herd of Angus cattle
        Three Ordinations to the Priesthood took place in                             family moved to Los Angeles,                Patrick began his Church of Ireland career ringing the                        and she is also a part-time secretary.
        TKA on Sunday 27th September; Revd Karen                                      California when he was young and            bells of the Collegiate Church of St Nicholas and now                         She says she accidently became a
        Duignan, Revd Carole Reynolds and Revd Maebh                                  he was raised in the sunny diversity        heads its School of Campanology. He has also served                           Parish Reader about 10 years ago
        O’Herlihy. The service took place in St. Nicholas’                            of the west coast. Patrick was a            as candle bearer and crucifer at St Nicholas, and as a      when one Sunday morning nobody turned up to take
        Church, Galway. Bishop Patrick Rooke administered                             punk rock musician as a young man,          Diocesan Reader here in the Diocese of Tuam, Killala        the service and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
        the Sacrament of Ordination in the context of the         something which often comes as a surprise. After                and Achonry. He has been a church warden, and a             But once she came under the eye of the then Bishop,
        Eucharist. The Old Testament lesson was read by           graduating from the University of California, Los               member of the Select Vestry at St Nicholas, as well as      Richard Henderson there was no escape for her! She
        Revd Karen, the Epistle by Revd Maebh and the             Angeles, he moved to Dublin to study at Trinity                 a member of TKA Diocesan Council. Patrick values            trained as a Diocesan Reader, being one of the first
        Gospel by Revd Carole. The preacher was Revd              College. He moved to the GDR capital, Berlin in 1988            silence and contemplation, tries to live simply and         under the new training course run by the Church of
        Canon Jen McWhirter, DDO. The music was led               to work at the Humboldt University.After completing             wishes nothing more than to continue to serve               Ireland Theological College and an English university.
        throughout by the choir of St. Nicholas’ with Mark        his D.Phil., Patrick worked as a translator and news            Christ in the years to come in the people of the
        Duley directing and playing the organ. As per 'the new    reader and played traditional Irish music with his              parish of St Nicholas.
        normal', Covid-19 restrictions demanded that the          future wife, Steffi.
        numbers in the congregation were restricted. There
        was no singing other than the socially distanced choir.   Steffi and Paidí married and lived in Berlin with their
                                                                                                                                  Carole Reynolds
                                                                                                                                                      Carole was born in Dublin, the
        And when it came to the laying on the hands, only         two daughters before moving to Galway more than                                     youngest of three children. On
        the bishop and three other priests for each candidate,    25 years ago. Since moving here, Paidí, Steffi, Molly and                           leaving school she trained as a
                                                                                                                                                      dental nurse. She married Michael
                                                                                                                                                      in 1981 and they have three
                                                                  F                                                                                   children, Sam, 36, Emma, 33, and
                                                                                                                                                      Phillip, 31. At present Sam and
                                                                                                                                                      Emma are living in New Zealand
                                                                                                                                  and Phillip lives in Kent, England. At present, Carole is
                                                                                                                                  employed by National Parks and Wildlife Service in
                                                                                                                                  Connemara National Park, Letterfrack as Education           She has enjoyed travelling for the past number of
                                                                                                                                  Officer. Her job involves travelling to primary schools     years meeting people in all the different parishes and
                                                                                                                                                                                              helping wherever she was needed. She says it has
                                                                                                                                                                                              been ‘fun’ and sincerely hopes it will continue to be.
                                                                                                                                                                                              She says she reached ordination in a very roundabout
                                                                                                                                                                                              way but believes God has a sense of humour and her
                                                                                                                                                                                              ordination is the culmination of a lot of pushing and
                                                                                                                                                                                              prodding by Him. She is happy to put the rest of her
                                                                                                                                                                                              life doing what He has asked her to do.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Maebh O’Herlihy
                                                                                                                                                                                              Maebh was born and educated in Dublin. She moved
                                                                                                                                                                                              to Brussels, Belgium in 1973 and lived there for
                                                                                                                                                                                              twenty one years. Her daughter, son and grandson

                                                                                               Ordination of Caroline and Clive
  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5
September Ordinations

                          still live in Brussels. She studied        and, a keen reader himself, he is most likely to give
                          Theology and Catechetics in                you a book as a present as he believes he can find the
                          Louvain University and was R.E.            perfect book for everyone. He may be wrong about
                          teacher in the European Schools.           this. Clive is very much looking forward to serving in
                          She was one of the early                   the parishes of Crossmolina and Ballycastle and is
                          parishioners in a newly planted            indebted to his parents and those who taught him at
                          English speaking community which           school for his formation in faith, and the clergy past
                          in turn was part of a group of nine        and present, those servants, shepherds, messengers,
        ecumenical Christian Churches working together. She          sentinels and stewards whose influence, example and
        completed further studies in Psychology and                  latterly encouragement have made his fulfilment of
        Counselling in Belgium and the UK and was a                  his call to ministry possible. He asks you all to pray
        Counsellor in the European Schools.While in Brussels         for him in his undertaking.
        she was involved in the Direction of Retreats, training
        of Sunday School teachers, and the Healing Ministry of                                                                                      INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY
        the Church as well as President of the English speaking
                                                                                                                               Founded in 2011, Connemara Wild Escapes is a small tour operator based in Galway reselling activities all
        World Day of Prayer Committee and European
                                                                                                                               along the Wild Atlantic Way mainly to the North American, French and German markets. We have decided
        President of a world-wide Alumnae Association
                                                                                                                               to use this “pause” in the tourism industry to re-engineer our business by expanding our business model
        working in the area of human rights in many countries.
                                                                                                                               and investing in the latest technology. To do this we need partners.
        She returned to Ireland and has lived on Achill Island
        for the past nineteen years. Since moving here she
        joined the TKA Diocese of the Church of Ireland. She
                                                                                                                                          Colin on or 086 399 2475 for more details.
                                                                                                                                                                   Interested? Please contact
        has gone on to complete further studies in Theology,
        in Galway, St. John’s College, Nottingham, Church of
        Ireland Theological Institute and Edgehill
                                                                                                                                                      WISHING YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS
        College/Queens University. She was previously a                                                                                                        AND A HAPPY 2021!
        Diocesan Reader and Ordained Deacon. She serves
        the church in Dugort and is also Co-ordinator of the
                                                                     Caroline Brigid Morrow
                                                                                        Caroline has been married to Cyril
        Sacred Path, Centre of Spirituality.
                                                                                        since 1978, the celebrated their
                                                                                        33rd wedding anniversary in early
                                                                                        September. They have been blessed
                                                                                        with two children, Richard lives and
                                                                                        works in New Zealand, whilst at
                                                                                        this present time Rebecca is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Sacred Path
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Centre for Spirituality

                                                                                        working from home due to the
                                                                     pandemic. Caroline was born and raised in Ballina and
                                                                     attended local schools. As a young girl she had a
                                                                     dream to work as a purser with a shipping company
                                                                     on the high seas but the only drawback for her was
                                                                     that she had no sea legs so that never came to
                                                                     fruition! She is happiest when she is pottering about
                                                                     in the garden and polytunnel and believes there’s
                                                                     nothing like the taste of fresh garden produce to get
                                                                                                                                                                                          In these current times of change and uncertainty, which can
        Clive Roy Moore
                         Clive has been a parishioner in St          the taste buds tingling.
                         Michael’s, Ballina all his life, where he                                                                                                                        cause us to experience worry, anxiety or even stress, we are
                                                                                                                                                                                              pleased to offer an on-line supportive workshop on:
                         has served as a church warden and           She has been a member of Diocesan and General
                         parish reader. He is the son of             Synod as a lay member for the past three years and                                                                                   Pastoral Mindfulness
                         William (now deceased) and                  has also been a lay member on Standing committee.
                         Elizabeth Moore, brother of Irving          She now looks forward to working with her                                                                                      4 x One and half hour sessions on-line and via Zoom.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Starting: Thursday 14th January
                         and Myrtle, and uncle to Ethan and          colleagues on these committees as a clerical member                                                                        Then: Thursdays 21st and 28th January & 4th February
                         Kyle. He attended St Michael’s              in the future. She was commissioned as a parish                                                                                 Group A (those free during the day) is at 10.30am,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Group B ( for those working during day) at 7.30pm
        Primary School in Ballina and Sligo Grammar School           reader in January 2017 and this began a journey                                                                       The sessions will be backed up with useful, supportive material by e-mail.

        and has worked in a builder’s provider for the last          which has culminated with her being ordained a
                                                                                                                                                                                            For further details contact Revd Maebh O’Herlihy on:
        thirty one years. e is happiest when watching rugby          deacon to serve in the parish of Killanley.                                                                                  T: 0872789912 or E:
Ballina Churches Together

                                                   Ballina                                                                        Emma is continuing to help a lady who recently came
                                                                                                                                  out of hospital. She phoned requesting help. Emma
                                                   Churches                                                                       was able to connect her to meals on wheels and to a
                                                   Together                                                                       local carer agency. This lady lives alone and found
                                                                                                                                  herself in total isolation due to COVID restrictions.

                                                                                                                                  Traveller community- Marian has befriended several
                                                                                                                                  Traveller families. Many of the women have suffered
                                                                                                                                  domestic violence or lost their husbands because of
                                                                                                                                  tragic circumstances. One particular lady’s life has
                                                                                                                                  been shattered and her heart is broken. She is a
    Ballina Centre of Mission                                  In the midst of difficult times, it is still possible and indeed   widow and she has no children. She is in early thirties                                       essential - to maintain hope. Hope can be that telephone           and she will never remarry out of respect for her
    Tel: Emma Rodrigues 087 4347612                            conversation … a message on WhatsApp … a bunch of                  deceased husband. Every day of the year, she visits his
                                                               flowers on the doorstep or a card in the post to those             grave. Sadness and grief overwhelm her heart.
                                                               living in nursing homes. Reach out to call a friend (maybe
                                                               one that you’ve not called in ages), family or neighbour           Another young mother also lost her husband a few
                                                               who is experiencing loneliness or isolation. Acts of               years ago. She is also a widow and has three young
                                                               kindness and generosity make the world a happier place.            girls. She is illiterate and poor. Recently, her father-in-
                                                               In helping others, we help ourselves.                              law committed suicide, so it is tragedy upon tragedy.
                                                                                                                                  We work to bring a listening ear, friendship, hope and
                                                               At present, we continue to reach out to the lonely,                love to these women. Above all we endeavour to tell
                                                               those struggling with their mental health and others               them about God’s love for them.
    These are certainly challenging and unprecedented
                                                               with practical needs. Through volunteering with St
    times. Once again, we find ourselves in ‘lock down’ in
                                                               Vincent De Paul, Marian has been able to provide fuel              Syrian families- Emma continues to support one family
    response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.The road
                                                               and food to a lady in need. She has a serious                      who recently had to take refuge in the local women’s
    ahead requires resilience and the ability to cope
                                                               underlying medical condition and lives alone in                    refuge due to domestic violence issues. The links we
    effectively with uncertainty and change. In our work
                                                               isolation. She also has personal debts, but through the            have with St Vincent de Paul have helped and provided
    in the town of Ballina, we see the lives of people being
                                                               generosity of the St. Vincent de Paul, the financial               another Syrian family with a much-needed cooker.
    impacted and people needs support in so many ways.
                                                               burden has been lifted from her and she is much more
                                                               at peace in herself. She also asks for prayer and has              Bus/Tent- Due to Covid-19 restrictions and now a
    Pastoral care: Uncertain times such as these cause
                                                               joined with us for worship on-line.                                second lockdown we had to stop using our Bus/Tent
    people to experience anxiety and fear. In our roles as
                                                                                                                                  outside in Penney’s car park on Friday/Saturday,
    Church Army Evangelists, we continue to bring hope,
                                                                                                                                  Sunday evenings. After the first lock-down, we
    friendship and practical care to those in need. We                                                                                                                                          two bridges which span the river. On this sunny day
                                                                                                                                  brought the bus to the car park and gathered outside.
    remain connected to families and individuals by phone,                                                                                                                                      in October, many people thanked us for those
                                                                                                                                  Our gatherings included people who always came
    post and on-line. We find ourselves once again                                                                                                                                              encouraging words. Some conversed, took prayer
                                                                                                                                  along and new people joining us. It was very
    adapting to the restrictions in order to protect                                                                                                                                            booklets and with others we prayed.
                                                                                                                                  encouraging. We spread out the chairs and enjoyed
    ourselves and those we serve in the community.
                                                                                                                                  many cups of coffee and tea. People came to chat and          Halloween gift bags for families: We were unable to
    “As for any of us in crises, hope is the one thing that                                                                       sing (Jim Reeves songs), to share cheesy jokes and to         run our annual Light party in the Presbyterian Church
    is everything” Craig D. Lounsbrough.                                                                                          find community. Many of these people have lived               Hall this year. Instead, we decided to give out activity
                                                                                                                                  difficult lives, faced challenges, and have suffered with     bags and goodies for the children in two housing
                                                                                                                                  both physical and mental health. They used to attend          estates. Each bag was filled with colouring sheets, a
                                                                                                                                  the Dolmen Centre for support, but that has been              craft for making a paper lantern, crayons, markers,
                                                                                                                                  closed since March. One lady, who used to volunteer           crisps, chocolate and sweets! Something for everyone
                                                                                                                                  at the centre began coming to the bus along with her          in the family.
                                                                                                                                  daughter. They both now in the process of becoming
                                                                                                                                  BCT volunteers.                                               Christmas goodies bag appeal– This Christmas, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                hope to bring Christmas Bags of Hope to families,
                                                                                                                                  Chalk art– Recently, we returned to the pavement              children and those living alone. Through the Big Blue
                                                                                                                                  outside St. Muredach’s Cathedral on the banks of the          Bus ministry, we have made contact with many people
                                                                                                                                  river Moy. Once again, through the medium of chalk-           in the community and this year we want to bless
                                                                                                                                  art, we brought messages of hope and words of                 everyone. Some of these will be men who live alone
                                                                                                                                  scripture for people to read. This is a very popular          or may have addiction problems. We also know many
                                                                                                                                  area for walking and as many people walk around the
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9
Ballina Churches Together                                                                                                                                                                                                         Diocesan Fundraiser

        single mums, who provide for their children, but do       Ireland. This book was written and edited by Ruth
        not have much for themselves. We will also reach out      Garvey Williams and is being released at the Praxis
                                                                                                                          Read all about it…..Diocesan Fund Raiser
        to families in Mill View, Greenhills and Oak Lawns        online conference on 14th November. Marian and
                                                                                                                                                                                   called Water Drops which aims to support
        estates, where we ran kid’s clubs.                        Emma, along with others were involved in co-writing
                                                                                                                                                                                   development projects in Kenya, mostly around the
                                                                  this book with Ruth. It is a collection of stories,                                                              provision of clean water for communities which
        Missional community- We brought our (post Alpha experiences, learning and reflections of people living,
        group) Bible study back on zoom on Thursdays at 7:30pm. and ministering in different parts of Ireland.This book                                                            struggle with water provision. Because of their
        We also brought the men’s group from the bus (on seeks to unpack what it means for us to embrace                                                                           experience in Kajiado, the first projects to be funded
        zoom) and have a time of worship, prayer, and Bible study incarnational mission in contemporary Ireland and to                                                             through Water Drops are projects in that area and
                                                                                                                                                                                   as a Diocese we would like to support one of these
        on Wednesday evenings at 8pm.We have had a few new consider what it might mean for you as an individual
                                                                                                                                                                                   projects in a place called Imaroro, somewhere the
        people start to attend this. Our prayer group has or in your parish, church, or faith community. This
                                                                                                                                                                                   Diocesan Team visited when we were there in 2017.
        continued through zoom on Sunday evenings.                book will be available on Amazon and Teach Solas                                                                 This project will see a bore hole drilled and a pump
        We ran one walk and reflection in Belleek woods on        (online Christian bookshop) and Christian bookshops                                                              house installed so that people from the surrounding
        the 3rd of October.We had hoped to run more walks nationwide from 14th November.                                                                                           area can access fresh, clean water.
        and reflections, but this had to stop due to Online conferences- On 10th to 12th November
        restrictions.                                                                                                                                                              As a Diocese, the
                                                                  Emma will attend the Church Army leadership                                                                      vision is that we
                                                                conference on zoom. Marian and Robson (Emma’s             This year has been like none other in living memory,     would raise the
        Fundraising- Thank you all who supported and            husband) have been attending Church Army training         or at least in my living memory, and because of a huge   £10,000 for the
        donated towards our Nephin climb which we did on        on zoom from 6-8th of November.                           number of different factors we have seen the giving      solar pump house
        the 12th of September. It was a great team building                                                               to Bishops’ Appeal drop quite dramatically.While this    which will be
        exercise and we raised €1885 towards Ballina            Condolences- It was with great sadness we heard           is, most probably, not surprising, there are still       connected once
        Churches Together.                                      Anne McCormick from Ballina Methodist Church died         projects and areas of the world which depend on          the well has been
                                                                on 14th October 2020. Anne was a huge supporter of        support from Bishops’ Appeal.                            drilled. However,
        ‘GLORIOUSLY ORDINARY’ – is a new book from Praxis
                                                                Ballina Churches Together and was part of it from the                                                              we understand that
        Press which explores mission in contemporary                                                                      The last two projects which have been undertaken
                                                                beginning. She will be sadly missed by us all.                                                                     parishes have been
                                                                                                                          by the Diocese have seen a huge amount of money          stretched, nearly to
                                                                                                                          raised for the Diocese of Kajiado through CMS            breaking point, this
                                                                                                                          Ireland. There have, however, been changes at CMSI       year due to a
                                                                                                                          and this year saw, amongst other things, a return to     Covid-19 related
                             Discover the history                                                                         Northern Ireland by Ronnie and Maggie Briggs, our        fall     in    plate
                                                                                                                          mission partners in Kenya.                               collections,
                            of your family in Mayo                                                                                                                                 donations and other fundraising activities. So we are
                                                                                                                          Ronnie and Maggie have been working hard since           proposing a Diocesan fundraiser to take place over
         nd that                                                                                                          their return home and have set up a new charity          the first 3 days in Lent 2021. This will see the whole
                                                                                                                                                                                   of the Bible read in a combined Diocesan effort via
                                                                                                                                                                                   Zoom continually over 72 hours from 6am on Ash
                                                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday, 17th February 2021. Each parish will be
                                                                                                                                                                                   given responsibility for several hours and members
                                                                                                                                                                                   of each parish will commit to read a certain number
                                                                                                                                                                                   of chapters during that time. The Zoom link will be
                                                                                                                                                                                   available for anyone who wishes to watch and it is
                                                                                                                                                                                   hoped that a minimum donation of €10 per chapter
                                                                                                                                                                                   can be raised. Parishes will then have until the end of
                                                                                                                                                                                   February to collect all donations and return them to
                                                                                                                                                                                   the Diocesan Administrator.

                                                                                                                                                                                   The details will be made available to clergy very soon
                                                                                                                                                                                   but we ask you all to get out your gargling mix and
                                                                                                                                                                                   get ready for the biggest Bible read the Diocese has
                                                                                                                                                                                   ever seen!
                       Open: Mon. – Thurs. 9.30 to noon and 2pm to 4.00pm and Fri. 9.30am to noon
                                                                                                                                                                                   Stephen McWhirter
                            Main Street, Ballinrobe l E: l T: (094) 9541214                                                                                         (Chair, Diocesan Mission Group)
Diocesan Synod

        Diocesan Synod
                                           On Saturday 19th        maintain the worship of the church in TKA during
                                           September 2020,         lock down.
                                           based at a hub in
                                           Claremorris and         Reflecting on internal changes in TKA, bishop Rooke
                                           using the ZOOM          highlighted the six ordinations, to diaconate and             FROM
                                           platform,   TKA         priesthood, that took place in the past year. He also
                                           became the first        spoke about parochial administrative changes which            €1995
                                           diocese of the          have come about, reducing the number of cures from
                                           Church of Ireland       8 to 5 ‘which will result in significant financial savings
                                           to     hold    its’     and ensure that most of our clergy are working in
                                           Diocesan Synod          teams alongside other ordained colleagues. In fact, we
                                           during the Covid-       will have more diocesan clergy than we’ve had for
                                           19 era.                 many a year across the Diocese as a whole.’
                                                                                                                                 FULL RANGE OF
        It was a very strange and even surreal experience to       Discussions with Limerick diocese relating to our
        be logging-in and doing our business on-line,              amalgamation have had to be placed on hold though             LAWNMOWERS &
        disembodied faces and electronically distorted voices      various gatherings of clergy and laity were held before      TRACTOR MOWERS
        on computer screens across the diocese sharing a           Covid-19 began. ‘Fostering relationships is surely as
        single meeting space, but overall what needed to be        good preparation as any for our future amalgamated               IN STOCK
        accomplished was accomplished. The necessary               dioceses. So, step by step the partnership is beginning
        business was completed and that in record time.            to happen.’

                                                                   Speaking of mission, Bishop Rooke commended the              DAVY’S LAWNMOWER & TOOL HIRE, BEHY ROAD, BALLINA, CO. MAYO
                                                                   work of outreach, fresh expressions and pioneering                     PH: 096 77989 E: INFO@DAVYSTOOLHIRE.COM
                                                                   in TKA, specifically the Ballina Churches Together                            W: WWW.DAVYSTOOLHIRE.COM
                                                                   Project run in partnership with Church Army.
                                                                   Commending the leaders of this project the bishop
                                                                   said ‘ I want to place on record our admiration for
                                                                   the courageous pioneering spirit of Emma, Marian and
                                                                   all those who have worked alongside them and
                                                                   supported them in all kinds of ways.’ He added, ‘God
                                                                   forbid that we should become a Diocese that looks
                                                                   only to maintaining what we’ve got with no heart and
                                                                   no imagination for fresh expressions of ministry.’

                                                                   The bishop also encouraged us to redouble our
                                                                   efforts in supporting overseas mission projects,
                                                                   specifically through Bishops Appeal.
        The meeting began with a virtual celebration of the
        Holy Communion. Then, all the various bits and             Drawing his remarks to a close, the bishop
        pieces having been ‘laid on the table’, Bishop Rooke       mentioned our diocesan national schools. While
        addressed the Synod. Not unsurprisingly, Covid-19          expressing some concern about the circumstances of
        hovered in the background of most of the bishop’s          three of our five schools, Bishop Rooke said, ‘a lot of                            With its origins as a family run company,
        remarks. He began by reflecting on the adverse             very good work goes on in our national schools and                                all at Wills Bros take pride in the standards
        impact that Covid-19 had made on the lives of              we can feel proud of the contributions they make to                              we achieve in our projects, which culminate in
        ordinary people. ‘The pandemic and subsequent              their respective communities.’                                                    numerous repeat contracts with our clients.
        lockdown has had major implications for us all. Some
        two-and-a-half thousand people across the island of        Needless to say, TKA Synod 2020 will long be
        Ireland have lost their lives and as a Diocesan Synod,     remembered for being very different and something
        we extend our sympathy to their loved ones.’ He also       that we never want to have to repeat. That said, we
        thanked those who had offered practical help to            got over line and fulfilled all righteousness. Done and
        others during the crisis saying,‘What it is to be a good   dusted. Next challenge!
        neighbour took on a whole new meaning.’ adding ‘we
        will remember the heroic efforts and the                   Alistair Grimason
        acknowledgement shown to all our essential
        workers.’ The bishop also commended those who had                                                                                            Wills Bros Ltd Civil Engineering Contractors
        found new ways to communicate the faith and                                                                                                     Ballylahan Bridge, Foxford, County Mayo
                                                                                                                                           T: +353 94 9256221 | E: |
Alternative Pathways

         Alternative Pathways –                                                                                                                                       “We had our fairy tale wedding in Belleek Castle.
                                                                                                                                                                   To say we were treated like kings & queens would be an
         A Learning Community                                                                                                                                          understatement. It was the most beautiful venue

        Our strategy of Alternative Pathways has been             thought of at the beginning of the year.
                                                                                                                                                                                with the most fantastic staff.”

        growing over the last three years although Covid-19
        pushed the pause button for us in pursuing the            The diocese is therefore looking to create a Learning
        trajectory we were on. But maybe you are still at a       Community from the original group who pioneered
        loss as to what an Alternative Pathway of church is.      this form of ministry three years ago. Given that we
        An alternative pathway (also known as a Fresh             now have many meetings where we don’t have to
        Expression) is a new group where the members see          travel and can join from the comfort of our own
                                                                                                                              Bespoke weddings in

        it as their church. It is Christian, church, has a name   sitting rooms we are looking to expand the group so
                                                                                                                            our unique and intimate

        and some form of leadership, meets regularly (around      that we can come together virtually to help one
                                                                                                                             castle setting, County
                                                                                                                                 Mayo, Ireland.
        once a month) and seeks to engage with non-church         another facilitate some Alternative Pathways in our
        people (that is, people who don’t come to traditional     community, while upholding the current guidelines of
                                                                                                                               Elegant Castle

        Sunday church). So, holding concerts in your church       social distancing etc. If you think that you would like
                                                                                                                               Gothic Styling

        and an annual pet service are not fresh expressions       to come and share in the future, come and join us.
                                                                                                                            Renovated & Restored

        of church but regular missional events and are very       Maybe, you are a person who likes to think outside
                                                                                                                              Great Ambiance

        valuable parts of our regular church life and we          the box, come and join us. If you think I could never
                                                                                                                              Up to 200 Guests

        should encourage them as mission.                         do that, come and join us. Why? Because, as the First
                                                                                                                            Mediaeval Banquet Hall
                                                                                                                             Ancient Woodlands
                                                                  World War Kitchener poster said, WE NEED YOU.
        Covid-19 though in many ways fed straight into the        Alternative Pathways do not have to be complicated.
        Alternative Pathway narrative as we had to find           A pioneer in this area of church life said, ‘What’s in

        alternative ways of doing things. Consequently,           the fridge!’ and what he meant was, Alternative
                                                                                                                               t +353 (0)96 22400

        YouTube, Facebook live, Whatsapp, and Zoom,               Pathways come from what we have, not what we do
        suddenly became important. Now, we all thought that       not have. Come and share what is in your fridge.
        this would be over sooner than would appear to be
        the case and so we are pressing the play button again.    If you want to come and be with us either call me,
        We continue to look for new ways of communicating         the bishop or chat to your local clergy.
        and enabling worship and maybe, the pandemic will
        force us to look at things we would never have even       Andrew Ison                                                    Turlough Nursery

        Christmas is all about hope in the
        face of the hopeless.
        COVID-19 might bring Christmas Cards back like it                                      Moyridge Nursing
                                                                                                                                Growers of Top Quality Trees, Shrubs &
        was in 1990, so have that ball of string on standby, as                                Home
        An Post delivered much needed good news:                                               Mrs Mary Weir,                  Hedging Plants l Department Registered.
        "Recognising the increased restrictions in nursing                                     Ballina, Co. Mayo
        homes across the country and to bring a little joy, An                                                                   ‘Plants Grown In The West Of Ireland For                              FISH n TACKLE
        Post will ensure free delivery of all card and letter                                  Keep the text inside the           The West Of Ireland For Over 30 Years’                                 We can supply with all the
        mail posted to and from residents of Nursing and                                       card simple. Don't                                                                                         Equipment to Catch them,
        Care Homes in the State until January 31st 2021".                                      worry about too many                       Open Mon-Sat 9am-6pm                                           but if that fails, You can get
                                                                                               going to the one care                                                                                       the finest quality Fish at
        Nurse Mary Weir leading the frontline staff at                                         home as Mary will
                                                                                                                                                    CONTACT US
                                                                                                                                     Turlough, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23VN59                               Tiernan Brothers Foxford
        Moyridge Nursing Home in Ballina is hopeful she gets                                   share with the other                 T: (094) 9022310 W:
        overwhelmed with Christmas Cards intended for                                          care homes locally if
        those residents that rarely get any mail or visitors if                                that is the scenario.                                                                                            CONTACT US
        ever. Write FREEPOST where the stamp should be
        placed. And address the envelope as follows:                                           Arthur Sweeney
                                                                                                                                                                                               T: 094-9256731 E:
                                                                                                                                                                                                         W: www.the

Mothers’ Union                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In memoriam

                                                                                                                               Bells "7 minutes bells at 7pm for seven
       Mothers’ Union
       Although we are all so restricted in our travelling and    over the world wear black on that day in solidarity
       in our gathering Mothers’ Union endeavours to              with victims of abuse continues to be supported by
       continue its work by making and maintaining                Mothers’ Union members. Badges may also be worn            nights at St Nicholas Collegiate Church"
       connections in various ways. By the time of                in support of this campaign.
       publication, the results of the member “Christmas
       Card Competition” may be known.The “Thank You to           Particularly in this diocese a “Mums in May” grant        As part of St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church,                awaiting the completion of            a    conservation
       Frontline Workers” initiative is currently ongoing.The     application was made and a grant was received to          celebrations for the 700th anniversary a special           management plan, she continued.
       AFIA project is available for consideration within our     support victims of domestic abuse. To this end it is      initiative was run and at the end of September the
       diocese. As much as possible branches are continuing       intended that all of that grant will be spent in          church bells pealed out for 7 minutes at 7pm for 7         The bell ringing will be streamed live on our facebook
       in supportive outreach with projects such as               cooperation and consultation with the organizations       days.                                                      page –
       emergency bathroom bags for hospitals and giving           “COPE” in Galway and “Castlebar Women’s Support”.                                                                    and people were encouraged to donate to St Nicholas
       trees to support families at Christmas. Feedback has       It is acknowledged also that individual branches have     The newly formed campanology school has been very          on line - details available on their Facebook site.
       informed us that projects such as these are even more      been supporting the work of these organizations and       busy over the last year bringing the sound of the bells
       appreciated at this time than ever as for example with     women’s refuges on an ongoing basis.                      to Galway City and had a particularly popular ringing      Gerald wrote this poem, The Bells of St. Nicholas, as
       restrictions in place family may not be able to support                                                              in of the New Year, last New Year's Eve. The bells have    a tribute to the landmark church at the heart of
       the person in hospital as they would have done in the      Branches are encouraged, where possible, and if they      brought welcome hope and solace as they rang out at        Galway city.
       past.                                                      have not already done so, to support the usual            12 noon every Friday during the pandemic and
                                                                  “Overseas” giving to the diocesan fund which in the       lockdown, for frontline workers, and all those             The bells of St Nicholas
                                                                  end results in the support of the work of Mothers’        navigating through isolating, lonely or difficult times.   reverberate through a fragile
                                                                  Union overseas. This work aims to improve family life     There was an overwhelming public response. The             morning, and over broken glass
                                                                  where it can be most difficult. Access to education and   sound of the bells ringing out assures people that they    the cat is poised to climb
                                                                  skills is a significant empowerment with the potential    are not alone. They have brought assurance to many,        the Post Office tower or wait
                                                                  to open the door to positive lifechanging experiences     with the live streaming being viewed locally and           there for hours until you
                                                                  and a bright future.                                      internationally, ensuring that those who are not local     all out her name.
                                                                                                                            can still hear and witness it all.                         So mornings were the same
                                                                  Thinking forward to 2021 it is currently planned to                                                                  stretching to find the sky
                                                                  have a virtual online All Ireland “Women’s Get Away”      ‘The church is in great need of financial support at       lowered around this sleeping
                                                                  instead of the usual weekend. Needless to say, as with    present; this year has been challenging as we have had     city, the bells of St Nicholas
                                                                  everyone else everything is being done throughout the     to close our doors to visitors and were not able to        reach across bedsitting rooms
                                                                  organization to adopt to the changing circumstances       hold our fundraisers, said the Rector, the Very Rev        to the caravan parks
                                                                  of the current climate.The “Mums in May” fundraising      Lynda Peilow.We are working hard also to ensure that       and over rooftops of quiet hotels,
                                                                  walks are still being planned with AI President June      St Nicholas’ will be around for another 700 years, and     a flight of gulls descend in tattered glory.

                                      The       organization      Thanks are due to the members, branch officers and
                                      continues its support       diocesan officers who have happily learned new
                                      for the 16 Days of          communication skills and who have used their                           Tidings – Note from the Editor
                                      Activism          Against   ingenuity and given time to cope with current unusual
                                      Domestic Abuse and          circumstances while working for Mothers’ Union. We        Tidings is distributed free within the Diocese of Tuam,    Or, alternatively via online banking using the bank
                                      Gender         Violence,    prayerfully look to a blessed time ahead and we           Killala and Achonry however, if you would consider         account details below, with Tidings in the notification
                                      mainly against girls,       journey into 2021 with renewed “Hope and                  making a modest contribution towards the                   section depending on how your bank does this.
                                      campaign. It is intended    Confidence”                                               production costs we would be most grateful as our          Thank you for your support and stay safe.
                                      that a 16 Days Prayer                                                                 advertising only partially covers the costs.
                                      Diary for the period        Please see for more information.
                                                                                                                            Also, at this time we are looking to centralise the The bank details are:-
                                                                                                                                                                                  New Tidings Bank Account
                                      25th November-6th
                                      December will be            Myrtle Nairn                                              administration and in future Tidings finances will be Name on A/C: TUAM KILLALA ACHONRY DIOC
                                      distributed within the                                                                run through the Diocesan Council account. So, if you COUNCIL NO 1 A/C
                                      diocese.             The                                                              are making a donation, please send a cheque to the BANK OF IRELAND, MAINGUARD ST, GALWAY
                                      “Thursdays in Black”                                                                  Diocesan Administrator, Mrs Heather Pope, 11 Ros ACCOUNT NO: 18315588
                                      campaign where folk all                                                               Ard, Cappagh Road, Galway - payable to the United SORT CODE: 90-37-95
                                                                                                                            Dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry Dioc Council IBAN: IE90BOFI 9037 9518 315588
                                                                                                                            No 1 a/c and write Tidings on the rear of the cheque. BIC: BOFIIE2D

  16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             17
Historic Occasion                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lockdown

                                                                                                                            1968/69 changed all that.To be sure, the world was       instructor was murdered because he was a member
                                                                                                                            in a bit of turmoil at the end of the 1960s. And in      of the RUC Reserve; my then girlfriend's father was
                                                                                                                            my small corner of that world the Civil Rights           a part-time member of the UDR. His day job was
                                                                 LOCKDOWN? WHAT
                                                                   LOCKDOWN?                                                Movement took off. It began on my doorstep in            as a senior Civil Servant. Every evening he arrived
                                                                                                                            the nearby villages of Caledon and Coalisland and        home, he would sit down in his armchair, take out
         Historic Occasion                                                                                                  quickly escalated and spread to much of Northern         his personal weapon, a 9mm automatic pistol, clear
                                                                            By Dean Alistair Grimason                       Ireland. But, and here is the scary bit, while at the    the pistol's chamber and set it on the table beside
                                                                                                                            start it was a small bit novel and even exciting, it     him. In the morning he would check underneath his
          for St Nicholas'
                                                               One of the consequences of Covid-19 restrictions             soon became an irritation and eventually just            car for a bomb.
           On Sunday October 25, the first in a series of      is the occasion bout of apathy, a surge of listlessness      normal. A whole society simply accepted that they
           five live streamed concerts, entitled Abendmusik,   that sweeps over one and expresses itself in a 'taking       would be frisked going into shops, their cars would      Once, myself and two friends were camping on the
           will be broadcast from St Nicholas' Collegiate      of the knee' to television bubble gum. Nota Bene the         be searched on almost every journey, soldiers with       bank of a river; fishing of course.When darkness fell
           Church.                                             deepening of societal affection for the likes of             guns would walk the streets of the towns, bombs          we saw a torch light getting closer and closer along
           The concerts are part of Music for Galway and       Netflix!                                                     would explode at unexpected moments and                  the river bank towards us. It was an Army foot
           Galway 2020's SoundScapes Re-Imagined, and                                                                       people they knew, even family members, would             patrol. Nice young English lads, children not much
           will focus mainly on choral music.This first show   Thus it was that one evening, post the RTE News              either be hauled out of their beds in the wee small      older than us.They searched the tent, drank a cuppa
           - Journey of the Spirit - featured baritone Gyula   depression-fest, I and two daughters in their late 20s       hours and taken to jail or murdered on the               with us and went on their way.
           Nagy, pianist Finghin Collins and the Resurgam      found ourselves watching 'Reeling in the Years'. The         daylight streets.This was our 'new normal' growing
           choir under director Mark Duley.                    year that was a-reeling that particular evening was          up in Northern Ireland post 1968. And it lasted,     My first parish posting was to a curacy in North
                                                               1972. Needless to say, 'The Troubles' featured heavily.      give or take, for 30 years.                          Belfast, a real 'hot spot'. One night in the middle of
           The programme for the evening was Brahms'           One stand-out scene comprised footage of a                                                                        the night I got a call to a parishioner who was dying
           'Four Serious Songs', Bach's 'Komm Jesu Komm',      massive car bomb in Belfast. At the end of the               Now, I don't 'enjoy' the current lockdown any in the Royal Victoria Hospital. I knew I could get
           Schütz's 'Aus der Tiefe', and Orlando di Lasso's    programme one of my daughters turned to me as                more than anyone else. But it is small potatoes there by two routes. One short and iffy. One much
           'Cum Essen Parvulus'.There was also be a choral     said, ' Was it REALLY like that dad? ' And it suddenly       compared to those days of my youth. And here is longer but much safer. I chose the former. Collar on,
           improvisation, 'Through A Glass, Darkly', with      struck me that these two, young, well educated               where that 'subtilty' marks the difference. In these I chose to drive through The Ardoyne, a notoriously
           Resurgam exploring the words of St Paul, where      women had not a single clue about what it was like,          times we know the regulations. I don't need to disturbed area. I was stopped by men with balaclavas
           singers individually throw out ideas, followed by   'REALLY' like, to grow up and live in Northern               spell them out. Back then, a lot of the lockdown and guns. I rolled down my window and a guy asked
           a collective response.                              Ireland in the late 1960s, 1970s and beyond.                 experience was inside our heads, though it played who I was and where I was going. Before I could
           Abendmusik, meaning "evening music", takes its                                                                   out in real life. And it was much more oppressive. utter a word, another guy with a balaclava and a gun
           name from the famous concerts that took place       On reflection I don't know why I should have been            Now we can go shopping or exercising, albeit said, 'It's okay.That's the Protestant minister. Let him
           on Sunday afternoons in St. Mary's Church,          particularly surprised at this. Down the years of living     within 5km, with a fair degree of certainty that we away.' And off I went.
           Lübeck, in northern Germany in the 17th             and ministering in the Republic of Ireland I have            will come back, that we will find shops open and
           century. These concerts offered the Lübeck          found it commonplace. On more than one occasion              supplying in the main streets, that our friends and These, and many more incidents besides, was our
           townspeople music based on religious themes         I've been asked by this or that society or association       family members will be safe in their daily round. 'normal'. A nervy, walking-on-eggs, internalised
           but presented in non-liturgical settings.           to speak to them about 'Northern Ireland of The              Back then there were no such assurances. Our lockdown with no rules other than to literally keep
                                                               Troubles' as if it were a conflict in a far away land like   lockdown was one of living constantly on your head down and hope in the Grace of God, and
           Tickets for the upcoming shows are available via    Korea or Vietnam rather than something that                  tenterhooks. Wrong time - wrong place was no visible end in sight. Oh, we weren't beating our
 ,Abendmusik concerts in        happened, and to degree is still happening, just 100         something we lived with every moment of every fists against the wall every morning. But someone
           2021 are: February 14; March 7; and April 2. Each   or so miles up the road.And to answer the question           day. It was a psychological lockdown driven by once said to me that, at some level, all of us who
           concert will have a different theme and feature     'Was it REALLY like that?' Well.....yes. It REALLY was       anxiety.                                             lived through that are slightly 'basket case'.
           a short, newly commissioned choral work, from       like that. Though it was much more subtle than
           Irish composers.                                    bombs going off and bullets flying. But I don't want         Let me put personal flesh on these bones: My aunt        You see, I hear folk moan and whinge about Level 5
                                                               to get ahead of myself.                                      had a bakery. A small family affair. It was blown to     for 6 weeks and I smile to myself.What we're being
                                                                                                                            bits, rebuilt with a lot of effort, then blown to bits   asked to do now is really very small in the great
                                                               I grew up in the 1960s in the thriving market town           again; when he left the Tyrone Courier, my father had    scheme of things. Yes: it hurts. For some people it
                                                               of Dungannon in County Tyrone. I had loving and              a filling station and corner shop. He was intimidated    hurts a lot. But we and ours won't get blown up or
                                                               caring parents. We lived in a small semi-detached            into closure during the Ulster Workers Strike in         catch a stray bullet as we go about our daily lives.
                                                               house on the edge of a housing estate. And it was a          1974; my cousin, with whom I fish regularly, was a       So, let's try to keep things in perspective. Ireland
                                                               happy childhood of bicycles and footballs and fishing        member of a judo club which was run by the local         2020 is not a war zone. It's a temporary
                                                               rods and freedoms the like of which children today           R.C. Boys Club. One evening a knock came to his          inconvenience that will come to an end.
                                                               can only dream about.                                        door and his mother was told that if Brian didn't
                                                                                                                            leave the club, bad things would happen; my canoe

  18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
NICHOLAS                                                AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTING/

                                                                PLANT HIRE                                                                                                      Parish

       Cast iron
                                                            Silage making • Round Bale Silage
     Sash windows
                                                        Whole Crop Silage • Ploughing /re–seeding
                                                         Slurry/Muck spreading • Lime Spreading
HISTORIC ROOF REPAIR                                                                                                                                                                      take a break for festivals. Yes, it would be very sad not
                                                                                                                                                                                          to celebrate Christmas in church but it would, I
                                                               Tree Felling • Hedgecutting                                                         ACHONRY GROUP
     Ballinlig, Beltra                                           Tree surgery • Plant Hire                                                         St Crumnathy’s Cathedral, Achonry      believe, be safer for all of us not to do so unless we
                                                                                                                                                   St George’s, Tubbercurry               have gone back to Level Two or below.
        Co Sligo                                                            •
                                                                                                                                                   Priest in charge: Revd. Peter Norman     Since being not allowed to have services in church I
                                                                                                                                                   Tel: 071 9181685                         have gone back to celebrating the Eucharist each
                                                             Mobile: 087 2644518
      M: 087–2447542
                                                         087 9254255 087 2679919                                                                                                            Sunday at 11.00 a.m. and putting some notes and
E:                                                                                                                                                                  prayers each week on the parish page of the Diocesan
                                                                                                                                  Last time I wrote these notes we were looking Website. Many thanks to Dean Alistair Grimason for
                                                                                                                                  forward to Harvest and having Bishop Patrick with us. his unfailing help making this possible. You can read
                                                                                                                                  That, of course, didn’t happen and nor did the Art the notes by going to
                                                                                                                                  Exhibition all because we were moved to Level Three
                                                                                                                                  restrictions. Now, as I write, we’re all at Level Five
                                                                                 ARE                                              and yet again I can’t give you a list of what services to Virtual Carol Service
                                                                                                                                  expect over the next few weeks or even what will
                                                                                 suffering from financial
                                                                                                                                  happen at Christmas.                                      Whether or not we are in Church at Christmas there
                                                                                                                                                                                            is planned a virtual Carol Service on Sunday 20th
                                                                                                                                  I did hear a rumour that maybe if we were back to December at a time to be announced. It is being
                                                                                                                                  Level Three there might be some dispensation organised by Ian Callanan a composer of Church
                                                                                                                                  allowing us to have services at Christmas. To be Music here in Ireland. More details can be found at
                                                                                 difficulties which are causing

                                                                                                                                  honest I hope that such a dispensation would not be
                                                                                 hardship and distress?
    Accredited by the Adoption Authority of Ireland                                                                               given. – Coronavirus does not make exceptions or
        Intercountry and Domestic
          Adoption Assessments

     Limited Post Adoption Support
       and Fostering Assessments
                                                                                 Help is at hand
                                                                                 Talk to your Rector about what relief
                                                                                 Protestant Aid can provide, or contact
                                                                                 Protestant Aid directly on
          Arabella House, 18D Nutgrove Office Park,
                                                                                 01 668 4298                                  g
                   Rathfarnham, Dublin 14
       T: 01 2962200 l E:                                                                      w.protesta

              Funded by TUSLA Child and Family Agency
Parish News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Parish News

                                                                                                                              Please watch the twice weekly parish email for further          We are extremely grateful to the very kind people
                                                                                                                              details.                                                        from the local community who have worked to give
                          AUGHAVAL GROUP
                          Holy Trinity, Westport                                                                                                                                              the church grounds and the old cemetery a beautiful
                          Christ Church, Castlebar                                                                            Whether I am able to see you or not between now                 restorative tidy-up. We would like to thank Patrick
                          Turlough                                                                                            and then remains to be seen, so I’d like to wish you all        Gallagher, for his amazing clearance work on the
                          St Thomas’, Dugort                                                                                  a very Happy Christmas and pray for a peaceful and              church grounds, Dorrie Darlington and Padraig Lavelle
                          Priest-in-charge:                                                                                   slightly less fraught New Year.                                 for organising the council pruning machine to clear
                          Revd Canon Jennifer McWhirter                                                                                                                                       the driveway and Fred Applebe for treating the weeds.
                          Tel: 098 25127
                          E-mail:                                                                                                                                  John Sweeney has brought the students of Transition Year
                                                                                                                                                                                              in the local Secondary school to St. Thomas. Over two
        As I sit in my study to write on this very damp and
                                                                                                                                                                                              days last spring and a further two days this autumn they
        dismal November day Christmas seems like it is very
                                                                                                                                                                                              have done amazing clearance work up the mountain on
        far away. And yet it is in the forefront of the minds of
                                                                                                                                                                                              the paths and shrubbery of the Old Graveyard. We are
                                                                                                                                                 ST.THOMAS, DUGORT
        a great many people who are wondering what
                                                                                                                                                 Achill Island                                looking forward to seeing John and the students back
        Christmas 2020 will be like.What level of restrictions
                                                                                                                                                 Ordained Local Minister:                     with us again as soon as restrictions permit.
        will there be? Will we be able to go to church to                                                                                        Revd Maebh O’Herlihy
        celebrate the birth of the Christ-child rather than                                                                                      Tel: 087 2789912                    Our heartfelt thanks also go to the frontline workers
        watching online? Will we be able to travel to see family                                                                                 E-mail:           – doctors, nurses and community volunteers, who
        or will family be able to travel to see us? Will we be
                                                                                                                                                                                     have worked so hard to look care for the Island
        able to re-open our shops, and if so, will we get the
                                                                                                                                                                                     community during the recent surge of Covid-19 here.
        Christmas shopping done in time? Some of these                                                                        Although the church has been closed since late August, We thank God that these patients are recovering, and
        questions may well be answered by the time Tidings                                                                    there has been a lot of splendid activity taking place we pray to God that these frontline workers may
        appears but even with the best case scenario being                                                                    in the grounds.                                        continue to be supported by His love and care.
        played out Christmas 2020 is certain to be different
        that of other years. What will not change, though, is
        the, ‘good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all
        people’ (Luke 2:10). If this pandemic has taught us         service on Sunday 4th October.The chair of Westport
        nothing else it has taught us to be thankful for small      Eco-congregation, Mary Manning, spoke to us after the
        mercies, to find happiness in the small everyday things     candle had been lit about climate justice and the need
                                                                                                                                                                        HISTORIC BUILDING SPECIALISTS & AWARD
        and that joy is perhaps a state of mind rather than a       for each of us to take action in our own small way to                                               WINNING CHURCH RESTORERS SINCE 1918
        physical condition.Through all the struggles of the last    make changes which will positively affect the life of
        months, and as we face an uncertain future, we should       our planet.
        never lose sight of the hope we have in the birth of
        an infant son to a peasant mother at that first
        Christmas so long ago.
                                                                    Podcasts and services
                                                                    As restrictions continue so too will the twice weekly
                                                                                                                                                                         Ireland’s longest established fully insured

                                                                    podcasts. The Revd Maebh O’Herlihy has started to
                                                                                                                              Steeplejacks                               steeplejack company, our rope access techniques
                                                                    record some of the podcasts and I would like to thank
                                                                                                                                                                         have evolved from old traditional steeplejack skills.
        Balla roadway
        After 8 years or so the road re-aligning project at Balla   her for her support. The online diocesan services
        has now been completed. This saw the road being             have been extended until the end of January as well.
        straightened along the wall of Holy Trinity graveyard       No-one knows yet what Christmas services will look
                                                                                                                                                                         Roofing contractors with over 60 years experience

        and the new verges being planted. The graveyard is          like, but information will be sent out via parish email   Roofing                                    specialising in restoration of high architectural
        cared for beautifully and it is looking very well (see      when we know what’s happening! So, watch this space.
        photos). Our thanks to everyone involved.
                                                                    Christmas services
                                                                    If we are allowed to have services in church over the
                                                                                                                                                                         We are the largest installer of lightning protection
        Westport Eco congregation - Candle on 4th                                                                             Lightning Protection
                                                                    Christmas period it will be my hope that we will have
        October                                                                                                                                                          and earthing systems in Ireland.
        The Westport Eco-congregation candle for the season         a carol service of sorts in each parish on 19th/20th
        of creation was blessed in St Mary’s, Westport on           December at the usual times and that services for
        Saturday 26th September, the theme being ‘Our               Christmas will be as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                         Our stonework expertise and extensive history
        common home’. Some members of the committee                 Christmas Eve 6.00pm Turlough Parish                      Conservation                               of restoration has earned us many conservation
        were present for this. It then travelled to Holy Trinity,   Christmas Day 10.00am Christchurch, Castlebar
        Westport, and was lit as part of the Harvest Festival       Christmas Day 11.30am Holy Trinity, Westport
                                                                                                                              Dublin Office: Balheary Road, Swords, Dublin, Ireland. Tel. +353 (1) 840 1515 Fax +353 (1) 840 2919 Email:
                                                                                                                              Belfast Office: 3A Upper Dunmurry Lane, Belfast, N. Ireland. Tel: +44 2890 351515 Fax +44 2890 351991 Email:
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