CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?

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CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
News • Culture • Faith • Apologetics   Mar 2021 £5.95

                                                     Is free speech
                                                     under threat?

PORN’S                                                  DAN
DIRTY                                                  WALKER
SECRET                                                Why faith makes
                                                       him a better
What users                                              journalist

don’t know

                  Your congregation may never
                      look the same again                      ISSN 1747-7395

                                                               ISSN 1747-7395

                                                          9 771747 739164
CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
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       4th to 8th April

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CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?

05 First Word
06 Feedback

08 News Analysis
Should church leaders promote the vaccine?

10 News

14 In conversation with…Tim

19 Reimagine
Dr Krish Kandiah on welcoming the stranger

20 Culture
Heather Tomlinson looks at the rise of
cancel culture

24 Real Life
How a young Christian businessman
partnered with the NHS to deliver 2 million
PPE gowns
                                              46                             26

   26     Profile
   Dan Walker opens up about his faith

   32 12 months that changed the
   Tim Wyatt on how coronavirus has
   altered every congregation

   40      5 Christian martyrs
   Catherine Pepinster introduces us to
   five heroes of the faith

   46      Porn’s dirty secret
   Karen Murdarasi lifts the lid on the
   increasing darkness in the industry
                                               I’m very wary of anyone who feels like they know exactly
   50      When prophets fail                    what’s coming up in the next five years because across
   Dave Roberts looks at why so many
   prophets wrongly predicted Trump                the board, it’s like a massive reset is taking place.
   would win a second term
                                                                    14 Tim Hughes
54 This Is My Story
Dave Meek was addicted to drugs and
heavily in debt. An encounter with a
Christian charity changed his life            14                 20                    40

57 Rend Collective’s Chris Llewellyn

59 Ask NT Wright Anything
Does God really suffer with us?

60 Reviews

66 Jeff Lucas

CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
                                 A HUGE
MOTHER’S DAY                   RANGE OF
                             FANTASTIC NEW
BIRTHDAY                     PRODUCTS JUST
CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
First Word

Editor                                                                       his time last year, all of our                        magazine has been delivered to deadline
Sam Hailes
                                                                             lives were about to change.                           every month since the pandemic began,
                                                                             But most of us didn’t see it                          despite most of our team never setting
Journalist/sub editor
Claire Musters                                                               coming.                                               foot in our physical office space, is
Chief Executive
                                                                      I can vividly remember receiving an                          obviously a testament to John’s
Peter Kerridge                                                   email from my boss, and former editor                             preparedness. I, on the other hand, have
Director of Publishing                                           of this magazine John Buckeridge, in                              been eating humble crumble!
John Buckeridge                                                  late February 2020. It read: “Hopefully                                 This month our cover story
Designer                                                         the coronavirus that has badly affected                           highlights the three most significant ways
Malky Currie
                                                                 China will not spread in any significant                          in which the Church has changed – for
                                                                 way to the UK. But assuming that it                               better, and for worse – over the past
                                                                 does, Premier management are                                      twelve months (p32). We’ve also been
020 7316 1398                                                    preparing contingency plans – this                                considering whether church leaders
Jobsearch:                                                       includes the assumption that for a                                should be recommending the vaccine                                      period of time Premier staff should                               (p8).
020 7316 1368
                                                                 avoid travelling to and working from                                    Given my own catastrophic failure to
                                                                 our London office.”                                               see what was around the corner, I’ve also
020 7316 1413                                                         I’m embarrassed to admit I scoffed                           become rather interested in how and
Subscriptions / Change of address                                at that email. I could not comprehend                             why so many American prophetic
Unit 6, April Court                                              that the UK might follow China in                                 leaders got it wrong recently (albeit on
Sybron Way
                                                                 locking cities down, or in advising                               the very different subject of Donald
TN6 3DZ                                                          everyone to work from home. Surely,                               Trump’s election defeat). As Dave                                     this Covid virus stuff wouldn’t be a big                          Roberts reports in ‘When prophets fail’
01892 611180
                                                                 deal. It would just become another                                (p50), greater humility and dollops more
Editorial Office
PO Box 17911
                                                                 news story that fades away and gets                               caution are required from some corners
London, SW1P 4NP                                                 forgotten within a few weeks.                                     of the US evangelical church. But                                           How wrong was I? Here I sit, an                              perhaps the final word should go to Tim
020 7233 6705
                                                                 entire year later, at home, in my                                 Hughes who, speaking of Covid, and the
                                                                 makeshift office. Every time I go to the                          future of the Church, told me: “I’m very
                                                                 shops I wear a mask. Our church meets                             wary of anyone who feels like they know
Cover image
Malky Currie                                                     online. And it’s illegal for me to go on                          exactly what’s coming up in the next five
                                                                 holiday.                                                          years because I think across the board,
Audio and large print available
Premier Christianity is also available
                                                                      John’s email went on to, very                                it’s like a massive reset is taking place.
in audio, braille and large print format                         sensibly, recommend we start thinking                             It’s been completely bewildering; it’s
for people with sight loss. If you know
                                                                 about how the magazine could continue                             affecting everything. Did God send it? I
a blind or partially-sighted person
who would benefit from this resource                             to be printed and dispatched should we                            don’t know, but God is using it” (p14).
please contact Torch Trust at 01858                              all be forced to work from home. The                              Sam Hailes
438260 or
                                                                 fact that we can now celebrate how the                            Editor


ISSN: 1747-7395 Premier Christianity is protected by copyright and nothing may be reproduced, wholly or in part, without prior
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CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?

                                                                                            RAVI ZACHARIAS
                                                                                                             The news report:
                                                                                                             ‘Ravi Zacharias
  I’LL BRING YOU MORE THAN A SONG                                                                            investigation
                                                                                                             uncovers sexual
                                              Matt Redman’s article was good and            (February) shocked me to the core.
                                              thought-provoking, even though the                We must pray for comfort and
                                              argument against me-centred worship           strength for all those hurting; for
                                              songs has been around for several             breakthrough of truth; for
                                              decades. He is 100 per cent right in          reconciliation, forgiveness and for
                                              saying we need to worship God for his         light on the way forward.
                                              infinite worth, “irrespective of                  As a recent widow I am acutely
                                              whether or not it enriches our lives”.
                                                                                            aware of the grief and adjustments
                                                    Of course we should sing of God’s
                                              majesty and holiness. But we must             that follow the death of one’s nearest
                                              never lose sight of the awesome               and dearest. So, I pray for the
                                              mystery of the gospel: that this holy         Zacharias family, the wider RZIM
  I heartily agree with Matt Redman that      and majestic God has acted in Jesus to        family, and all hurting as a result.
  the holiness of God is missing in much      restore creation, including humanity,         Grief is big enough to deal with,
  of our worship today (‘Holy, holy, holy’,   and I can be included in the restoration      without the added burden of coming
  February). He also emphasises that          of all things. It is right and necessary to   to terms with an unknown past. I
  true worship is a life that prioritises     put ourselves in the picture as
  the worth of God above all else. It is a                                                  pray too for those in turmoil due to
                                              recipients of this amazing grace – after
  pity, then, that his solution seems to be   all, that’s what the Bible does.
                                                                                            the misconduct.
  to write a few more songs that                    It’s true that there are churches       Tonia Cope Bowley
  concentrate on God’s holiness. When         and movements where worship seems
  the psalmist said: “Come, let us bow        to be mainly about experiencing               REPENTANCE
  down in worship, let us kneel before        emotional kicks. However, there are                            I always look forward
  the Lord our Maker” (Psalm 95:6) he         also some who haven’t really grasped                           to receiving your
  didn’t just mean “let’s sing some           that God actually loves them                                   magazine but I want
  worship songs on our knees”. Yes,           personally. I passionately believe we
  there is a challenge to write songs that                                                                   to ask: where is the
                                              need songs that emphasise what Jesus
  make us think more about the holiness                                                                      spiritual guidance for
                                              has done for me and songs that
  of God, but perhaps a greater               emphasise who God is in himself.              our nation at this time?
  challenge is how can we worship a holy      There’s no need to pit the two against            I was hoping that the archbishop
  God by more than just singing?              each other.                                   would speak about the need for
  Eric Baldwin                                Rev David Hellsten                            prayer and repentance (‘In
                                                                                            Conversation With Justin Welby’,
                                                                                                There have been various calls to
NOT OFFENDED                                   us. Were we offended? No – amused,           national days of prayer over the past
                Joel Kaziro’s ‘In My           but not offended.                            year, but I believe that until all our
                Opinion’ article                   We then visited an Indian family,        spiritual leaders get together and
                (February) regarding           and the elderly granny signaled for          speak with one voice to call us to
                ‘microaggressions’             me to sit beside her. She wanted to          prayer and repentance, nothing is
                against black people in        run her fingers through my fair, curly       going to change. It seems incredible
the UK brought back memories of my             hair. Was I offended? No. Her face lit       that in the midst of this crisis not one
trip to India.                                 up with pleasure and we laughed              of our spiritual leaders has spoken
    We visited a city where there were         together.                                    out in the public arena. Have our
few, if any, white people. My husband              Is it possible that in today’s           leaders really lost so much
and I stood on a footpath to watch             society, people are overly sensitive,        confidence in the gospel and the
the extraordinary variety of traffic.          and ready to take offence where              almighty power of our God?
However, to our surprise, all the              none was intended?                           Linda Ashford
traffic stopped and people stared at           Norma Wallace

CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
                                                      MEA CULPA
                 I wanted to express
                                                      Last month, Premier Christianity                            Join the
                 my gratitude for
                 Bishop Graham
                                                      published a letter from Jill Hudson                         conversation
                                                      correcting Jeff Lucas’ use of Latin.
                 Tomlin’s culture
                                                      However, we are embarrassed to admit
                 column, ‘Why being                                                                              
                                                      that in the process of editing Jill’s letter, we
yourself is a bad idea’ (January). I
                                                      inadvertedly introduced another(!) error.                            @christianitymag
found myself saying ‘Amen’ out loud
                                                      So, one last time, and for the record:
to every paragraph. His analysis of                                                                                        Email the editor putting
                                                      ‘Horrendous year’ should have been                                   ‘Feedback’ in the subject line
our culture is so poignant for today.                 printed as ‘annus horrendus’, not ‘annus                   
God’s goal for our lives is not                       horrendam’ or ‘annus horrendous’. Thank
comfort but character development.                    you, Jill, for the correction. We promise to                We reserve the right to edit comments for
Rev Martyn Travers                                    never use Google Translate again.                           style and length. The views expressed do not
                                                                                                                  necessarily represent those of the publisher.

       Roger writes…
                                                                               watch it until the end. It was one of those rare, remarkable
                                                                                 documentaries that gave the viewer an astonishing insight into
                                                                                      something momentous. Have you ever seen an episode
       Dear Editor,                                                                       of Made in Chelsea? Extraordinary.
            “And be not conformed to the world”, says                                            Anyway, the point is this; the vast majority of
       Paul, “but be ye transformed by the renewing of                                       what is on our screens is filth. Plain and simple. I
       your mind” (Romans 12:2, KJV). This verse is one                                      heard, for example, that they recently brought back
       of the main reasons why I have sold my television                                     that drama series about the vets: All Creatures
       set.                                                                                 Great and Small. I do not believe it is reasonable to
            Not recently, you understand. This was the                                     expect anyone to turn on their sets and see that part
       1960s, after a particularly problematic edition of On                            of a cow.
       the Buses. I haven’t watched a moment of television since,                        This is all a long way of saying that I was disappointed
       except for those moments when I wander past an electrical               to see an entire article given over in your most recent edition to
       shop and glance at the screens in the window. I did experience a        a new film that I can see on FlixPrime or whatever it’s called. I
       moment of weakness in this regard one afternoon a couple of             am not interested and nor should you be.
       years ago when a programme I saw in a window gripped me so                   Yours observantly,
       completely, I found I simply had to stand in the pouring rain and            Rev Roger D Votional

CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
News analysis

                Should church
               leaders promote
                 the vaccine?
                As falsehoods and theological conspiracy theories about Covid-19
              continue to circulate, faith leaders are being called on to help stop the
                                      spread of misinformation

                                                        Words: Will Maule

               he Covid-19 vaccine has       religious leaders declared vaccines        vaccine was “mark of the beast stuff”.
               been developed with           were the “devil’s work”. One of the        Rapper and professing Christian
               extraordinary speed. In       sceptics was British vicar Reverend        Kanye West made the same claim.
               just a few short months,      Edmund Massey, who blasted the
the UK has gone from blindly battling        vaccines as “diabolical operations”
against a lethal and mysterious              in his 1772 sermon, ‘The Dangerous            REASONS FOR HESITANCY
virus, to rolling out the largest mass       and Sinful Practice of Inoculation’.
immunisation campaign in our history.            Troublingly, some of the most          With so much vaccine-related
    More than 15 million people              prominent anti-vaccine groups today        misinformation spreading through
have now been vaccinated, including          also identify as Christian. Their          WhatsApp and social media – and
the most vulnerable, the elderly and         claims range from intriguing to            with a spike of scepticism among the
many of our heroic frontline workers.        patently bizarre. Some have gone as        Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
Symptoms are lesser, infections are          far as to suggest that the vaccine is      (BAME) demographic – many believe
decreasing and the population is             ‘the mark of the beast’ – a concept        that local church leaders now have
starting to see light at the end of the      derived from Revelation 13:15-17,          a responsibility to ensure that their
tunnel.                                      which many believe relates to a            congregations are given accurate
    However, despite its proven              branded mark that will be imposed          information about the jab.
efficacy, the vaccine has not escaped        upon the global population in order            Several reasons have been put
controversy. In some communities,            to control and dominate them.              forward as to why many in the BAME
there is deep suspicion of its effects. In       The outlandish theory has found        community appear hesitant to receive
others, there are swirling conspiracy        itself onto the world’s political stage,   the vaccine. Some have suggested it
theories about those responsible for         too, after being parroted by one           is because the resources deployed to
its development. People of faith are         of former President Trump’s last-          combat misinformation about the
not exempt. In fact, the beginnings of       standing loyal advisors – Christian        jab are not widely available in the
the ‘anti-vax’ movement can be traced        entrepreneur Mike Lindell. He said         languages spoken by many of the
as far back as the 18th Century, when        that the increasing prominence of the      people in these communities.

CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?
Others have expressed concern
about the horrific ways in which
racial minorities have been treated in
the past for the purpose of medical
experimentation and research. For
example, between 1932 and 1972,
US government health agencies
conducted a study on the effects of
untreated syphilis using only black
male participants. The 600 African-
American sharecroppers involved in
the programme were deceived into
participating, as they were assured
they were being provided with free
healthcare. In reality, treatment was
withheld, and more than100 died.
    Last April, two French doctors
suggested that Africans could be used
as test subjects to see whether the
tuberculosis vaccine had any effect
against Covid-19. Their comments
sparked outrage, with West African-
born footballer Didier Drogba calling
the idea “absolutely disgusting” and       immunisation drive is the leader of the      War. Prime Minister Boris Johnson
“deeply racist”.                           Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer. He told      has even declared himself the head
    For others in the BAME                 Premier Christianity: “Communities           of a “wartime government”. It can
community, taking the vaccine may be       will listen to faith leaders in a way        certainly be argued that church leaders
interpreted as a lack of faith in God’s    that they may not necessarily listen to      galvanised their congregations and
protection. “In religious communities,     politicians and others. I think it’s very    injected hope into the lives of the
there may be this narrative that if you    important, therefore, that faith leaders     faithful during the 1940s. Perhaps it’s
take a vaccine that you’re kind of         play their part, and I think they are.”      time to do so again?
going against God’s will”, Dr Annabel          Prominent faith leaders have                 Pastors carry spiritual heft. They
Sowemimo told The Metro.                   reiterated the safety and necessity of       hold high office in the minds of their
                                           receiving the vaccine, with the Most         followers, and their words are often
                                           Rev Justin Welby, Archbishop of              dutifully heeded on a weekly basis.
                TRUST                      Canterbury, insisting in this magazine       But§ while most church leaders seem
                                           last month that the jab was an answer        happy to engage with the issues on
An interesting dynamic appears to          to prayer. Rather than expressing            some level, specific approaches will
have emerged in which public service       concern at how quickly the vaccines          differ from leader to leader. Some
announcements, the words of our            had been developed, he said it was a         only see themselves as conduits of
political leaders and medical experts,     sign of God’s grace and providence           trusted information, and have stopped
and even the positive experiences of       that what could have taken ten years,        short of instructing their parishioners
close friends and family don’t appear      had happened in just one. Speaking           to take the vaccine. Others, such as
to be carrying the same weight as the      more recently, the archbishop added:         the Rt Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin,
local pastor.                              “Jesus Christ calls us to love our           Bishop of Dover, have been much
    With the government expressing         neighbour as ourselves. Getting the          more direct: “When you are offered
concern about a dangerously low            vaccine is part of that commandment:         the opportunity to get your Covid
vaccine uptake amongst BAME                we can show our love for each other          vaccination, I want you to take it”,
communities, and with Covid-related        by keeping each other safe from this         she said, adding: “If the vaccine was
conspiracies threatening the health of     terrible disease.”                           good enough for Her Majesty, then it
the wider public, politicians and health       This isn’t the first time that pastors   is good enough for us.”
experts are now encouraging pastors        and church leaders have taken on civic
to commend the vaccine.                    leadership roles. The fight against          WILL MAULE is a multimedia journalist for
                                                                                        Premier Christian News
    One of the leaders pushing             Covid has already been compared to
                                                                                           Follow him @WillAMaule
for faith figures to engage in the         Britain’s struggle in the Second World

CANCEL CULTURE Is free speech under threat?

  ‘We need a miracle’: constant
 prayer continues for 22-year-old
girl following brain haemorrhage
                                                                                       the physios as to whether she was
                                                                                       comfortable or not by her facial
                                                                                            Once Hannah was moved to the
                                                                                       high observation neurological ward,
                                                                                       Rob was told he could visit three
                                                                                       times a week: “It is such a blessing to
                                                                                       be by her side...During the visits she
                                                                                       has certainly been more responsive.”
                                                                                       He explained how Hannah’s case is
                                                                                       having a wider impact in the hospital:
                                                                                       “Hannah’s case was mentioned in a
                                                                                       bed manager’s meeting – that ‘she’s
                                                                                       the one with people praying for her’.
                                                                                       It’s such a testament that God is
                                                                                       reaching out with Hannah’s story.”
Hundreds are continuing to engage in        scaffolding; it’s held us up when we’ve         Another sister, Abbie, told Premier
round-the-clock prayer for a 22-year-old    felt weak, it’s kept us going during the   Christianity about the wider impact
British girl who suffered a massive brain   days we’ve felt so unable and it’s also    of Hannah’s story: “This nation is
bleed in January.                           brought us joy and laughed with us         desperate for a touch of God, for
    Hannah Montague was rushed to           on the good days.”                         a fresh sense of his love and we’ve
hospital for emergency brain surgery             In a recent Facebook post,            felt his presence like never before as
and is still fighting for her life in       Hannah’s sister Ellie reflected on         we spend our days simply trusting,
hospital.                                   the journey so far: “Doctors told us       talking and worshipping God. He is
    Family and friends have set up          there was a very high chance Hannah        transforming us as we wait and it’s
a 24/7 prayer schedule (available at        would not make it through her brain        like his body, his Church, is with us., and          surgery. She did. We were then told        Hannah loves the Church; she was
twice daily Zoom prayer meetings are        that we would be saying goodbye            so sad about how lockdown affected
also taking place. Hannah’s condition       to her within two days as doctors          her church community and rhythm. I
has been described as ‘critical’ and she    declared there to be no signs of life.     can’t wait to show her what God has
remains in a coma.                          Then she moved her hand, then her          been doing.”
    Speaking to Premier Christianity        arms, and then her legs and doctors             Hannah’s father, Royston Young,
Hannah’s husband, Rob, said: “The           gave her more time. Since then, she        said: “It’s also been a wonderful
support we’ve had has been nothing          has battled high temperatures, high        witness to non-Christians – both
short of a miracle in itself. People        heart rates, low blood pressures and       family and friends – many of whom
from all around the world have              infections, mistakes leading to more       are on pretty much all the calls. They
had their hearts moved to pray for          surgery, and she has pulled through        are seeing the Church in a completely
Hannah day and night, many of               every single time.                         different light. At least one of
whom we hadn’t met personally but                “She is still asleep but is now       Hannah’s school friends has already
now consider family.”                       stable enough to be sitting out in a       become a Christian through all this.
    Hannah’s sister Thea added:             reclining chair for parts of the day       I bet Hannah would think that was
“The community really has been our          and was able to communicate with           worth it.”

Rick Warren apologises for                                                            was enough to make him “upset and
                                                                                          The video, which has now been
 ‘racially offensive’ video                                                           taken down, featured a white man
                                                                                      chopping a fish with a samurai sword
                                                                                      while yelling ‘hiya’.
                                                                                          Before the video was removed,
Rick Warren has apologised for a            and it’s never appropriate to use a       commenters complained about “the
video in his church’s Sunday school,        stereotype to teach…That’s why I want     ridiculous caricature of how sushi is
which featured a former children’s          you to hear my voice and heart, and let   prepared,” and said it blurred several
pastor dressed as an Asian martial arts     you know that I, and all of our elders    different Asian cultures together for
teacher.                                    know that racial stereotypes cannot be    the sake of deprecating humour.
    The bestselling author of The           separated from racism and engaging            The video was four years old but
Purpose Driven Life and pastor of           them under the banner of humour           had been reposted on YouTube as
Saddleback Church, California, said         doesn’t lessen the damage. It makes it    part of the Saddleback Kids’ Church
in a statement: “This is the very kind      worse. I ask for your forgiveness.”       at Home series. Warren promised
of cultural and racial insensitivity that       Warren added that he had not          that any other videos that might be
we’re trying to eradicate in our church     seen the whole video, but that a          insensitive will never “see the light of
family. It’s unChristlike, demeaning        screenshot of a man dressed as a sensei   day”.

             Scottish church leaders take legal
                 action over worship ban
A group of Scottish church leaders have                                               1592 Act, the 1706 Act for Securing
launched a claim for judicial review over                                             Protestant Religion and the Church of
the decision to ban in-person worship                                                 Scotland Act 1921.”
during lockdown.                                                                          Rev Dr William Philip, leader of
    Twenty-seven church leaders from                                                  the Tron Church in Glasgow City
a range of denominations are claiming                                                 Centre, said: “We are able to do some
that the closures breach European                                                     things remotely via broadcasting, but
Convention of Human Rights law and                                                    many – especially the poorest, the
the Scottish constitution.                                                            oldest, and those most vulnerable
    A pre-action letter has been sent       of religion”.                             – have no access to this. They
to SNP ministers urging them to                 Scottish ministers responded by       are excluded completely from the
reopen churches and claiming that the       saying the state can, “regulate the       possibility of Christian worship, and
regulations stop them from addressing       secular activities of Churches…for the    the comfort and encouragement in life
the material, emotional and spiritual       purposes of protecting public health”     and death only this can give. Due to
needs in their communities.                 and that churches are compelled           the severe restrictions upon gatherings
    The letter added that while church      to “comply with secular law” and          and significant distress this has
leaders understand the seriousness          therefore must remain closed.             caused, we have faced no alternative
of the pandemic and the difficult               But the Christian Legal Centre,       but to pursue legal action.”
decisions the Scottish government has       who are backing the campaign, said:           Similar legal action launched
had to take, they believe the ministers     “This statement conflicts directly with   by church leaders in England and
have, “failed to appreciate that the        the long-established and traditional      Wales was dropped after places of
closure of places of worship is a           authority Scottish churches have had      worship were permitted to open for
disproportionate step, and one which        over their own affairs, free from state   public worship despite the national
has serious implications for freedom        interference. This is enshrined in the    lockdowns.


     In a rare but welcome
victory for Christian unity,
Vineyard UK has given
£40,000 to Redeemed
Christian Church of God
and Newfrontiers in order to
support their church planting
activities.    Bravo!
  Join Spring Harvest Home 2021
    for a unique and interactive
     live-streamed experience

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        4th to 8th April

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Christian festival to cancel its
in-person events in 2021. But
organisers have promised their
online event will be “bolder and
better than ever before”.

   Just one in ten Brits
believe their faith has been
strengthened in the pandemic,
according to a Pew Research

                                                    President of Christian
                                                    university is snow sorry
                                                    The President of Liberty University      and immediately engaged in some
   Religious institutions were                      in Virginia, USA, has apologised after   snowball fights with a few students.
the second most common                              taking part in a mass snowball fight,    From that small beginning…the
place for a child to have been                      which saw hundreds of maskless           student body took to the idea,
abused (schools being the first),
                                                    students openly flouting social          showed up in large numbers and
according to the Truth Project.
                                                    distancing guidelines.                   had the snowball fight. I stood front
                                                        Jerry Prevo said: “I donned my       and centre and led this event. I
                                                    gloves and coat and headed outside       messed up.”

CofE wonders if 20 per cent of                                                         Hillsong to investigate
                                                                                       expenses scandal
 congregants may not return                                                            The global leader of Hillsong, Brian
                                                                                       Houston, has said claims of financial
Only one in five Anglicans are               of England spokesperson told Premier      misuse amongst the church’s staff will
expected to return to church after           Christianity this number is expected      be investigated.
the lockdown, according to a                       to be offset by new worshippers          A former Hillsong staff member
leaked Church of England                               who have started attending      detailed the alleged use of pre-paid
document, seen by The                                    online services. They also    expense cards to fund the lavish
Sunday Times.                                             indicated: “The findings,    lifestyles of pastors and leaders.
    The newspaper                                           based on research during   Nicole Herman told the New York
also reported that                                          the first lockdown last    Post tithes were spent by Hillsong’s
dioceses are considering                                    year, are incomplete       pastors in New York and Los Angeles
reducing the numbers of                                    in the context of a         on designer clothes, expensive
paid clergy by ten to 20                                 developing situation.         restaurant meals, iPhones and even
per cent.                                                  “The Church of England      quad bikes.
    After the first lockdown,                      will continue to assess ongoing          In the light of this, Houston said,
research suggested as many as                research and analysis to understand       despite his confidence in Hillsong’s
200,000 people may not return to in-         how the pandemic may shape the            accountability structures, it was
person services. However, a Church           church in the future.”                    necessary to investigate the allegations.


                         VISA DENIED                                                     BAN LIFTED
                         The popular pastor Francis Chan                                 Former Archbishop of Canterbury
                         has been forced to return to the US,                            Lord Carey has had his ban on
                         after being denied a visa by Hong                               being a minister overturned. He’d
                         Kong authorities. Chan, who was                                 previously faced criticism over his
                         involved in church planting in the                              handling of abuse cases as well as
                         territory, is appealing the decision.                           his links to abuser John Smyth.

                         MOVED TO TEARS                                                  A VISUAL REMINDER
                         Holly Willoughby became emotional                               A life-sized cardboard cut-out of
                         when Sister Geraldine Marie and                                 Peter Crouch is being used by a
                         Sister Gabriel, part of a chart-topping                         church in Gloucestershire to remind
                         group of singing nuns, shared words                             parishioners to socially distance.
                         of compassion and hope during an                                The footballer is 6ft 7in, just over
                         appearance on This Morning.                                     the recommended two metres.

                                                                                                                           PA images

          For the latest news from a Christian perspective visit

In conversation with…

 HUGHES                    The songwriter explains how Covid-19 has changed
                                  his approach to worship and prayer

                                                   Interview: Sam Hailes

            ncertainty is a state that    but delegates are being promised:             Obviously, music is a very
            many of us have been          “exciting live worship celebrations,      significant part of worship. But it’s
            forced to live in since the   transformative teaching, insightful       so much more than that, and we’re
            pandemic began. This was      Bible study and fun kids sessions...      seeing the Church live out worship
again apparent when I jumped on Zoom      all from the comfort of your own          so profoundly with things like Love
to interview the Birmingham-based         sofa.” The fact it’s all available at a   Your Neighbour [loveyourneighbour.
worship leader and church planter Tim     much-reduced price of £55 per family      uk], which is sending food packages
Hughes. We were due to speak about        is a bonus. And given how Covid has       to people in need. The Church isn’t
Spring Harvest – the large Christian      prevented congregational singing,         just saying “Jesus is good”; we’re
event usually held at Butlins during      2021 also seems like an ideal year for    practically demonstrating it.
the Easter holidays – at which Tim        Hughes and co to be exploring the
was booked to lead worship. But at        event’s theme: ‘Unrivalled: Why we        Do you think church leaders should be
the time of our call, we were both        worship’.                                 encouraging people to stand up and
in the dark as to whether the event                                                 sing, and engage with church services,
would run. It seemed unlikely and,        Tell us about your involvement in this    even though they’re watching a laptop
sure enough, just 24 hours after our      year’s Spring Harvest.                    or TV screen? Or should our responses
conversation, organisers confirmed:           I think it’s really funny how God     during sung worship look different
“we have taken the tough decision         works. You set your main theme on         when we’re at home?
not to proceed with the Spring            worship at a time when so many                I think that there’s a real
Harvest 2021 events at Minehead and       people think: Worship is about            encouragement that needs to happen
Skegness and to focus on our online       singing songs in church – and we’re       around: “Don’t just sit back and
event.”                                   not able to do that. We’re locked         watch.” Y’know, you’re not watching
    ‘Spring Harvest Home’ will of         down and are rethinking ‘what is          Downton Abbey! This isn’t a chance
course be different to the norm,          worship?’ in a really special way.        just to consume.

So, we will often say: “Why don’t
you stand?”, to shift people away
from sitting back. We predominantly
livestream services through YouTube,
and we’ll encourage you to put a
comment up – a worship or prayer
emoji or say what you feel God is
saying. We’re connecting in worship
through the comments.

Last month, Matt Redman said in his
cover story for Premier Christianity
that without a sense of God’s holiness
in the mix, we can’t even call it
‘worship’. He said we need more songs
about the majesty and awesomeness of
God. What did you make of it?
     Matt and I both grew up through
Soul Survivor, and I remember the
friendship and the fear were always
key parts of that. It’s the awe, and the
intimacy. That’s the beautiful mystery      We’re going to see God move more powerfully
of the Christian faith – it’s the only
faith where you can know and be             than we’ve ever seen. And we’re going to see
loved and cherished by the creator of
the heavens and the earth. We’re not
                                            more persecution than we’ve ever seen
killing ourselves to try to please and
impress him.                                worship is to change.                      Some church leaders are despondent
     But I do think the Church needs             I finish the book by talking          at the moment, saying: “We believe
to regain a sense of the otherness,         about this radio interview during the      God speaks today, but we aren’t hearing
the power, the transcendence of God.        Second World War when William              much from him. And no one who
When we begin to reclaim holiness           Temple, who was the Archbishop of          ministers in the area of prophecy saw
in our worship, we begin to regain          Canterbury, said: “This world can          Covid coming in the first place.” Have
a sense that our lives need to be           be saved from political chaos and          you been wondering what God is up to in
biblically based. So many are being         collapse by one thing, and that is the     all of this?
shifted by culture and being led by         worship of Jesus Christ.”                       One hundred per cent. I’m very
what feels right. Actually no, we are            A people putting Jesus first and      wary of anyone who feels like they
Jesus-centred people; we’ve got to be a     living lives that overflow out of          know exactly what’s coming up in the
Bible-based people. We’ve seen this a       the celebration and joy of who he          next five years because I think across
lot in our church – repentance. We’re       is leads to radical discipleship and       the board, it’s like a massive reset
seeing areas where we’ve got casual         holiness, a completely different way       is taking place. It’s been completely
and apathetic and compromised.              of thinking around sexuality and           bewildering; it’s affecting everything.
Because of this pandemic there’s a          money and care for those in need – all     Did God send it? I don’t know, but
real shaking and a sense of: “God, we       of these different things. That begins     God is using it.
want to get right with you.”                to change not only us, but the world            I see a few things happening. I see
                                            around us.                                 a humbling. That’s been my posture:
You’ve edited a new book with Nick               There are so many organisations       “God, more than ever, I just want to
Drake, which is entitled Why Worship?       that do incredible things in terms of      live right before you.” The danger is,
(SPCK), and features chapters from          social justice, but it’s the Church that   when you’re in church leadership, you
lots of different Christian leaders. What   actually puts Jesus into that question.    get a bit of momentum, and think:
were some of their answers to that          It’s amazing to care for your physical     We can do this! Let’s go, let’s build
question?                                   needs, but you have eternal needs,         our brand, let’s grow this thing. And
    One of the things that runs             and you’ve a deep ache in your heart       then suddenly, ‘bang!’, it’s all levelled.
through the book is this idea that          that can be filled by the person of        You realise, without God, we’ve got
worship is transformational. To             Jesus Christ.                              nothing.

We’ve got to kill
                                                                                               this obsession
                                                                                               with excellence
                                                                                               can have these great experiences in
                                                                                               church on Sunday, but it’s not affecting
                                                                                               the choices we’re making in a pub on
                                                                                               Saturday night.
                                                                                                    I think we need to allow more
                                                                                               space for the Spirit to speak, more of
                                                                                               the prophetic, more space to hear from
                                                                                               people in our church. As leaders, we
Tim and his wife Rachel are co-pastors of Gas Street Church, Birmingham                        need to be much better at connecting
                                                                                               what we’re doing with how we’re
    And so, what I’ve seen is an                   of this incredible life reappeared.         living. What does it look like to live
incredible returning to prayer. We as              Extremely rare species like                 your worship as a teacher? What does
a church, as a staff team, pray more               nightingales, peregrine falcons, purple     it look like to live your worship as
than we’ve ever prayed before. And                 emperor butterflies, and all these          a student, or running a business, or
I hear that right across the board.                beautiful things began to grow. It          working in the hospital? We put all this
So many leaders I’ve been connected                became incredibly popular and people        energy into this one hour, 30-minute
with are just praying, because what                started visiting. They made more            event and it’s often dislocated and
else can we do? Now’s not the time                 money than they were previously             disconnected from the world we’re
to plan these grand, huge things,                  making, and many other farms are            living in.
because, God, we just need to keep                 now set upon similar rewilding                   Let’s not say: “Oh, great, Covid is
close to you.                                      projects.                                   finished, death rates are down, back
    What’s going to happen? I don’t                     I think the Church needs a             to normal.” What does it look like for
know. My sense is we’re going to                   rewilding project. Sometimes you            churches to be houses of prayer? Let’s
see God move more powerfully than                  can try to hold things quite tightly        think about way more than a brilliant
we’ve ever seen. And we’re going                   – you’re thinking about who comes           Sunday service. We’ve got to create
to see more persecution than we’ve                 on a Sunday, kids’ work, the style of       space for God to lead us, to listen, to
ever seen. I think it’s going to be                teaching, the kind of worship, keeping      not be afraid of silence and to see how
more costly, but more beautiful and                everyone happy and working hard to          our Sundays are propelling us into
glorious.                                          keep bums on seats. We need to let go       the week. When the Spirit of God is
                                                   of some of the fixed parameters.            poured out, what does the Spirit of
Are you sensing any specific ways in                    I’ve been to so many events where      God do? He propels us out as he did at
which our churches will look different             you’re given 17 minutes, 30 seconds         Pentecost. I want to see more of that in
once the pandemic is over?                         to lead worship. Of course, we need         the Church.
    No clear answers. But one of the               to prayerfully plan and consider,
things we look at in the book is what              and order is extremely important,           SAM HAILES is editor of Premier Christianity
happened in an estate called Knepp in              as Paul talks about in Corinthians             Follow him @samhailes
West Sussex. In 2001, after years of               [1 Corinthians 14:26-40], but I             Spring Harvest Home 21 will be livestreamed
intensively farming the land, they were            think we need to kill this obsession                        from 4-8 April. Book in now at
struggling financially, and were at the            with excellence. We shouldn’t do                  
end of themselves. So they embarked                things poorly because we can’t be
                                                                                                               Why Worship? Insights into the
on this project called rewilding, where            bothered. But if we’re pushing this                         wonder of worship edited by
you just let everything grow; you don’t            elite, professional feel on a stage, then                   Tim Hughes and Nick Drake
farm the land.                                     I think we’ve seen what it brings in                        with Liza Hoeksma (SPCK) is
    What they found was that all                   terms of a worshipping people – we                          released next month

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                                                                     OF THE BIBLE

                                                                             HE HOLY BIBLE RECOVERY VERSION is an
                                                                             invaluable resource for anyone who wants to enter
                                                                             into a deeper enjoyment and study of God’s Word.
                                                                     The Gospel of Luke presents many well-known parables of
                                                                     Jesus, yet often readers may skip over the deep, spiritual
                                                                     significances that such stories reveal. By using the
                                                                     Recovery Version study features, the parables in Luke 15
                                                                     are opened up in a profound way. The footnotes unveil
                                                                     how the Divine Trinity works to bring sinners back to God
                                                                     and illustrates God’s rich salvation.

LUKE 15:3-4
And He told them this 1parable, saying, Which
man of you, who has a hundred sheep and has
lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine
in the wilderness and go after the one which is
lost until he finds it?
LUKE 15:3, FOOTNOTE 1                                                LUKE 15:22
In answering the self-righteous Pharisees and scribes, who           But the father said to his slaves, Bring out
condemned Him for eating with sinners, the Savior spoke              quickly the best 5robe and put it on him, and
three parables, unveiling and depicting how the Divine               put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet.
Trinity works to bring sinners back, through the Son by the
                                                                     LUKE 15:22, FOOTNOTE 5
Spirit, to the Father. The Son came in His humanity as the
Shepherd to find the sinner as a lost sheep and bring him            Signifying Christ the Son as the God-satisfying righteousness
back home (vv. 4-7). The Spirit seeks the sinner as a woman          to cover the penitent sinner (Jer. 23:6; 1 Cor. 1:30; cf. Isa.
carefully seeks a lost coin until she finds it (vv. 8-10). And       61:10; Zech. 3:4). The best robe, which was also the first
the Father receives the repenting and returned sinner as the         robe, replaced the rags (Isa. 64:6) of the returned prodigal.
“certain man” here receives his prodigal son (vv. 11-32).
The entire Divine Trinity treasures the sinner and participates      All verses and footnotes © 2021 Living Stream Ministry.
in bringing him back to God.                                         Used with permission.

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A welcoming Church
                          As thousands of Hong Kong citizens move to the UK,
                         Dr Krish Kandiah urges us to provide a warm welcome

      magine moving house…to a whole                                                  help could be relied upon.
      new country. Imagine doing it                                                       To help meet the practical, spiritual
      because you are worried about                                                   and emotional needs of our invited
      your family’s safety. You can’t                                                 guests, we are launching a new
speak the language of the place you are                                               initiative for churches to register their
going to and you don’t know anyone                                                    intent to offer a great welcome both to
there. You will have to leave behind a                                                Christians looking for a spiritual home
good job where you are well paid and                                                  and others who would benefit from
well respected. Getting your children                                                 neighbourly help. We are looking to
into school, registering with a doctor                                                sign up as many ‘Hong Kong Ready’
and transferring bank funds will not                                                  churches as possible – and quickly – as
be straightforward. Imagine doing all                                                 Hong Kongers have already started
this in a time of political and financial                                             arriving in the UK. One church has
insecurity and a global pandemic.                                                     seen 20 new families start attending
    The largest planned migration                                                     their services and other churches have
to the UK from outside of Europe                                                      already begun offering assistance to
has already begun and thousands of                                                    new arrivals in their communities.
Hong Kong citizens are preparing for                                                  Hong Kong Ready churches will have
the biggest transition of their lives.                                                been trained and equipped by UKHK,
Although our government has invited         country get a warm welcome at any         a collaboration of organisations and
them to settle here as of 31 January,       and every church they wish to attend      individuals with knowledge and
it won’t be simple for any of them.         – whether in person (when possible)       expertise in welcoming the stranger
Many of those coming will be fleeing        or online.                                to the UK, as well as in Hong Kong
political persecution. According to             Secondly, people settling here will   culture (see
the government’s own conservative           benefit from having genuinely caring          The Church in the UK is being
figures, around 130,000 people are          neighbours who are prepared to help       presented with a once-in-a-generation
expected to move this year, with more       them navigate life in the UK, direct      opportunity to extend welcome to
than 300,000 expected over the next         them to services, and help them to        hundreds of thousands of people.
five years. A recent survey published in    feel a part of the community. This        Even while our mission and ministries
The Guardian suggested that in reality      week I spoke to one recent arrival        seem to be severely restricted due to
the figures will be at least double that.   who needed assistance registering         Covid-19, the world is coming to us
    This planned migration offers           his children for primary school.          and we must act in compassion and
the Church a unique opportunity.            Towards the end of our conversation       courage to serve God and love our
Firstly, we get a chance to learn from      he admitted to feeling worried about      newest neighbours.
the mistakes we made as individual          the health of his youngest child and I
churches responding to the Windrush         realised that he did not know how to
generation. We must not suggest             access medical assistance. Things that
that any visitors would be ‘more            we all take for granted will have to be
                                                                                      DR KRISH KANDIAH is leading Hong Kong
comfortable’ with ‘their own kind’          learned from scratch by those arriving    Ready Churches, in collaboration with Welcome
in ‘another church’. We must ensure         here. It would be fantastic if the        Churches and Chinese Overseas Christian
that all Hong Kongers coming to our         Church was the place where friendly       Mission. For more information see


                You’ve been cancelled.

      Cancell                                                       Cancelled.                                               Cancelle

                                Cancelle                                                             Cancelled.

                            Left to right: Toby Young, Franklin Graham, Germaine Greer, JK Rowling and Laurence Fox

                   The rise of ‘cancel culture’ has led to people losing their jobs
                   simply for expressing their opinions, says Heather Tomlinson

                     he exclusive               refers to when a person in a position                  The rapper Kanye West is

                     boarding school            of authority or fame loses their job,              frequently targeted due to outspoken
                     Eton is usually seen       platform or other means of power,                  views on issues such as slavery and
                     as a pillar of the         because they have said something                   Donald Trump. He’s reportedly said:
                     establishment, a           perceived to be unacceptable.                      “I’ve been cancelled before they had
                     beacon of all that is          Others who’ve ‘been cancelled’                 cancel culture.”
conservative and traditional about              include the Lewis actor Laurence                       When JK Rowling, the author
England. So it may surprise you to learn        Fox, who was accused by a Question                 of the Harry Potter series, criticised
that Eton recently sacked an English            Time audience member of being a                    elements of the transgender
teacher for questioning radical                 “white privileged male”. Fox’s retort              movement, the backlash was
feminism, the notion of ‘toxic                  that the audience member was being                 immediate. #RIPJKRowling trended
masculinity’ and other views that               racist brought the ire of many public              on Twitter, and more than 200
women’s rights campaigners consider to          figures, as well as the actors’ union,             authors, editors and publishers later
be ‘problematic’.                               Equity. Following other controversial              responded in an open letter where
    The teacher in question, Will               comments, including his criticism                  they stated “trans rights are human
Knowland, is the latest victim of               of the Black Lives Matter (BLM)                    rights”.
what’s been dubbed ‘cancel culture’.            movement, Fox now says he finds it                     There have been many others
Its definition is blurry, but generally it      difficult to get work as an actor.                 affected, the famous and the not so

famous. Even being a Brexiteer can
get you in trouble, despite the fact
that more people voted for it than
against it. Paul Embery was axed from
his role as head of the Fire Brigades     SOME WHO HAVE BEEN CANCELLED
Union after speaking at a pro-Brexit
rally in 2019. Blogger Glen Ocsko
                                          INCLUDE THOSE WHO WERE ONCE
said on TV that he’d never date a         HEROES OF ‘PROGRESSIVE’ MOVEMENTS
Leave voter.
    Most recently, the actress Gina
Carano was dropped from her role in       the Australian feminist writer, fell       you might believe that it’s a righteous
Disney’s The Mandalorian, after she       foul of modern activists for saying        response to unacceptable beliefs, and
compared the way conservatives in         that transgender men who have              that ‘cancel culture’ is a positive thing
the US are viewed to how Jews were        ‘transitioned’ to women are not            if it removes harmful opinions from
regarded by the Nazis.                    women.                                     the public square.
    However, I don’t think being               Also, the force behind the                 But then, inhibiting the free speech
‘cancelled’ for explicit racism or        cancelling appears to be much              of those you disagree with has always
other widely socially unacceptable        stronger. Perhaps this is due to social    been less worrying than when it
behaviours is a new phenomenon. It’s      media, which enables disapproval and       happens to others.
normal for celebrity careers to suffer    one-sided criticism to spread swiftly. A        It could help to reflect on how
when they’re caught doing something       ‘mob’ can quickly gather, demanding        we’ve personally responded to other
criminal or controversial. Back in        punishment for a person deemed to be       restrictions on free speech in recent
2006, many in Hollywood refused           offensive.                                 years. When do we agree with such
to work with Mel Gibson after he               Social media fuels the fire in        restrictions, when do we disagree and
hurled antisemitic abuse at the police    another way. It is so unregulated that     how do we respond? What is really
officers who arrested him for drink-      ideas can spread very quickly, even        a harmful opinion, and who gets to
driving. OJ Simpson, Roman Polanski       if they’re false. This rapid spread        decide?
and, more recently, Harvey Weinstein      of information and misinformation
have rightly had limits placed on         may have resulted in an increased
their careers after being found out for   desire to clamp down on people we               CANCELLED CHRISTIANS
criminal behaviour.                       disagree with. If we don’t, we’re
                                          afraid that harmful views will spread      Many Christians have been the victims
                                          too speedily, possibly fuelling violence   of a version of ‘cancel culture’ for some
        WHAT’S CHANGED?                   or civil unrest. The restriction of free   time. They have been forced out of
                                          speech is then believed necessary.         jobs, or not given a platform, if they
What seems to have changed,               But who defines what is considered         hold conservative opinions, especially
however, is that the behaviour and        ‘harmful’?                                 about LGBT issues and abortion.
opinions that are ‘not allowed’, have                                                Many ordinary people in a wide
widened considerably in a few short                                                  variety of industries have been affected,
years. Until recently, to criticise            RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS                   as well as famous people.
radical feminism, transgenderism
or the far-left ideology of BLM           The extent to which you believe            • Tim Farron, who was leader of
(as distinct from its wider goals of      cancel culture is a worrying trend         the Liberal Democrat political party,
racial justice), wouldn’t have been       probably depends on the extent to          resigned from his post in 2017 after
seen as controversial, certainly not a    which you agree with the morals            being repeatedly and aggressively
sackable offence. These beliefs, often    being enforced. If you agree that          questioned about his views on abortion
dubbed ‘woke’, were very fringe.          transgender rights are woefully            and homosexuality. He says he had
Now that they are more widely held        neglected, that women and ethnic           been “torn between living as a faithful
– or at least, they are held by more      minorities are still oppressed due         Christian and serving as a political
people with power – there are more        to patriarchal and racist societal         leader”.
opportunities to offend.                  structures, and other moral tenets that
    In fact, some who have been           are held by many of today’s actors         • US evangelist Franklin Graham was
cancelled include those who were once     of cancel culture, you may be less         due to tour eight venues in the UK
heroes of ‘progressive’ movements.        worried about the trend than if you        last year. Protests about his comments
For example, Germaine Greer,              don’t believe these things. In fact,       on Islam and homosexuality, as well

                                                                                                    HAVE BEEN
                                                                                                    VICTIMS OF
                                                                                                    CANCEL CULTURE
                                                                                                    charismatic and conservative views, as
                                                                                                    well as different political opinions. Yet
                                                                                                    there are always letters of complaint.
                                                                                                    Many of these demand that certain
                                                                                                    voices are ‘cancelled’.
                                                                                                        Individual churches are rarely large
Tim Farron resigned from leading the Liberal Democrats after being hounded about his views on gay
                                                                                                    enough for cancel culture to have a
                                                                                                    significant impact on the target. When
as his support for Donald Trump,                       So is ‘cancel culture’ really about          the platform is national TV news,
meant commercial venues pulled out                 a crack down on ‘free speech’, or is it          the large universities, the political
and refused to host him. A number                  just that society’s morals are changing          parties – the power of ‘cancelling’
of bishops told their parishes not to              and evolving very fast, so that many             is considerably stronger. Christians
support the tour.                                  Christians are finding themselves on             long ago lost any significant power in
                                                   the ‘wrong side’ of the issues?                  these realms of public life. But at one
• Israel Folau, an Australian rugby                                                                 time, Christian ethics led people to be
player, had his contract ended when he                                                              publicly cancelled if they’d committed
said homosexuality leads to hell.                     WHO THE CHURCH CANCELS                        adultery, taken drugs or divorced.
                                                                                                    And it’s often been worse. We must be
• The Daily Citizen, which is                      Consider this: If you’re in charge of            honest that Church history has many
published by the Christian ministry                a Christian conference or event, have            examples of Christians behaving badly;
Focus on the Family, recently had its              you refused certain speakers? Would              burning heretics, waging wars against
Twitter account suspended after it                 you ban certain kinds of Christian               people who have different opinions.
described the USA’s assistant secretary            books from being sold in your church?
of health, Dr Rachel Levine, as “a                 Who gets to preach, and why?
transgender woman, that is a man who                   Some Christians might cancel                           A NEW RELIGION
believes he is a woman”.                           conservative preachers such as the
                                                   austere Calvinist John MacArthur.                Today, it’s the secular majority
As society became more accepting of                Others would cancel the wildly                   who appear to be wielding more
LGBT concerns and abortion, and                    charismatic Bill Johnson…yet others,             power and deciding which views
then developed into being actively                 the ultra-liberal Steve Chalke. In our           are now intolerable. In fact, modern
supportive and positive towards them,              politically divided times, I suspect some        commentators have said that the
those who disagreed were gradually                 churches might reserve their platforms           ‘woke’ movement has similarities with
‘cancelled’ if they spoke publicly on              for people whose politics they agree             ‘oppressive’ religion – it’s just that
those subjects. Yet for many Christians,           with, as well as the theology. It’s often        the morals are very different. Rather
homosexuality and abortion, as well                argued that the opponents’ theology is           than concerns about issues such as
as popular societal trends such as                 so harmful or ‘toxic’ that it could lead         promiscuity and religious doctrine, the
pornography, are harmful, and they                 their flock astray.                              woke are concerned about transgender
believe that speaking out against                      This magazine is an important                rights and white supremacy, and they
them is promoting good. Much of                    platform for the Christian community             see dissent as heresy. Comedian Rowan
the modern secular world disagrees                 in the UK, and all the editors I have            Atkinson described cancel culture as
strongly, and believes that it is such             worked under have tried to fairly                the “digital equivalent of the medieval
Christian beliefs that are harmful. Who            represent people across the theological          mob roaming the streets looking for
gets to decide?                                    spectrum, including more liberal,                someone to burn”.

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