The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries

Page created by Brian Morgan
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
GI INTERNATIONAL                                                  SEPTEMBER 2016

                                                                                   FEATURED INSIDE

The Belfry
What is life like at the world’s only
four-time Ryder Cup venue?

           ALSO THIS MONTH
           BIGGA National preview / Overseeding tactics / Get your dream job
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         GOLF COURSE
                                                                 BY A PP OIN T ME N T TO
                                                              HE R M A JE S T Y T HE QUE E N

                                                    SUPPLIE R S OF AGRICULT UR A L , GROUND S C A RE
                                                         A ND HOR T ICULT UR A L EQUIPME N T
                                                           JOHN DE E RE LT D NOT T INGH A M
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
BIGGA Patron
                                         Sir Michael Bonallack,

                                                BIGGA President
                                                                                WELCOME                                                                                      Golf’s Olympic
                                                                                                                                                                             medal winners
                                                    Iain Macleod

                                               BIGGA Chairman
                                                Les Howkins MG

                                       BIGGA Vice Chairman
                                           Stuart Greenwood

                                      BIGGA Vice President
                                          Sid Arrowsmith MG

                        BIGGA Board Members
          Rob Welford, Tom Smith, Scott Reeves,
    Kenny MacKay, George Barr, John Keenaghan

                   BIGGA Chief Executive Officer
           Jim Croxton |

                      BIGGA General Manager
Tracey Maddison |

        BIGGA Finance & Procurement Manager
             Steve Wragg |

                                    Contact Us
    BIGGA House, Aldwark, Alne, York, YO61 1UF
      Tel – 01347 833800 | Fax – 01347 833801

                                                                                                                                              difficult months earlier in the year. With Darren Clarke
                                                                                                                                              having made his Captain’s picks, all eyes now turn to

                                                                                                                                              the Ryder Cup at Hazeltine National in Minnesota to
                                                                                                                                              provide further memorable golfing moments for 2016.

            The official monthly magazine of the
    British and International Golf Greenkeepers                                                                                               Closer to home and the stage is set for BIGGA
                            Association Limited.                                                                                              members to make their own little pieces of history.
                                                                                                                                              The Toro Student Greenkeeper of the Year final is
                                                  EDITORIAL                                                                                   just around the corner and I’m looking forward to
                                                           Editor                                                                             seeing who will join the illustrious list of winners and
                                                     Karl Hansell                                                                             be crowned the best greenkeeping student of 2016. It
                                             Tel – 01347 833829
                                                                                                                                              will also be great to see the calibre of competitor in the
                                                      Chief Executive Jim Croxton                                   brand new Young Student Greenkeeper award.

                                                                                As season closes,
                                                                                                                                              And then early next month it is time for us to find
                                                                                                                                              our own champion golfer as the BIGGA National
                                          PRODUCTION                                                                                          Championship sponsored by Charterhouse and

                                                                                attention turns
                                              Design & Artwork
                                                                                                                                              Kubota heads to Bowood in Wiltshire. The preview
                                                    Andrew Price                                                                              article in this edition has certainly whetted my appetite
                                             Tel – 01423 560086                                                                               for the event. I know all the competitors are assured

                                                                                to our BIGGA
                                                                                                           of a warm welcome and that Jaey Goodchild and his
                                         a@APriceDesigner                                                                                     team are pulling out all the stops to present the course
                                                                                                                                              at its finest.
                                     Business Development
                                                                                champions                                                     While I sincerely hope the golfing season extends
                                                                                                                                              deep into the autumn, our attention is now turning
                                                  Jill Rodham
                                         Tel – 01347 833800                     What a truly inspirational Olympic Games we                   to the winter months. This of course means BTME,
                                                        ext 519                 were provided with and it was so thrilling to                 as well as regional and sectional conferences and
                                                                                see the golf events fit in so well with all of the            seminars. The finishing touches are just about
                                          a@JillyPops12                         competitors who chose to take part, while really              complete on the Continue to Learn programme
                                                               Printing         getting into the Olympic spirit.                              and we have some exciting ‘headline acts’. The
                   Warners Midlands Plc, The Maltings,
      Manor Lane, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH
                                                                                                                                              aforementioned Neil Cleverly from the Olympic course
        Tel – 01778 391000 | Fax – 01778 394269                                 There was a fantastic win for Justin Rose, a player           in Rio will be discussing all the challenges he has
.............................................................................   who clearly revelled in the experience of being an            faced in taking the course from its absolute beginnings
        Contents may not be reprinted or otherwise                              Olympian and thoroughly deserved his gold. Massive            to the championships we have just witnessed. And
   reproduced without written permission. Return                                plaudits too to our own Neil Cleverly who led his team        the Ryder Cup will also take centre stage as Hazeltine
postage must accompany all materials submitted
    if return is requested. No responsibility can be
                                                                                of greenkeepers, all trained from scratch by himself, to      superintendent Chris Tritabaugh joins his opposite
    assumed for unsolicited materials. The right is                             a hugely successful performance.                              numbers from the past few matches to give attendees
 reserved to edit submissions before publication.                                                                                             an insight into the ever increasing demands of the
               Although every care will be taken, no
responsibility is accepted for loss of manuscripts,                             Normally the Olympic Games is a detriment to golf,            biennial Europe-USA contest.
      photographs or artwork. Opinions expressed                                coming as it does in the height of our season and
       are not necessarily those of the Association,
                                                                                providing yet another distraction to keep the casual          Registration for BTME opens this month and the full
          and no responsibility is accepted for such
         content, advertising or product information                            golfer away from the course. I hope though that               Continue to Learn programme will be available at the
  that may appear. Circulation is by subscription.                              this year’s games, with golf taking centre stage, will        start of October.
  Subscription rate: UK £50 per year, Europe and
Eire £65, Rest of the World £95. The magazine is                                provide a fillip for the industry – already buoyed by
  also distributed to BIGGA members, golf clubs,                                Danny Willett’s win at Augusta and the soon-to-be             Meanwhile it is gratifying to see that our Sections
    local authorities, the turf industry, libraries and                         legendary Stenson-Mickelson duel at Troon – and               continue to provide many opportunities to attend
                                  central government.
                                                                                justify the terrific work the leading golfing bodies put in   educational events via formal seminars or the
                                                                                to get the sport back into the Olympic fold after more        more informal ‘turf clubs’. Continued professional
                                                                                than a century’s absence.                                     development is at the heart of greenkeeping and it
                                                                                                                                              remains BIGGA’s key focus to ensure our members
                                  ISSN: 0961– 6977                              Hopefully we will also experience a clement end to            have access to all the developmental events they
               © 2016 British and International Golf
                Greenkeepers Association Limited                                the season so golf clubs can mitigate some of the             need.

                                                                                                                                                                         a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   3
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
                       GI EDITOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lorna D Sheldon 4
                                                                                                                                                                                         Lorna has spent more than a quarter of a century working
                                                                                                                                                                                          in 27 countries and training over 65,000 people. So there
                                                                                                                                                                                              is perhaps no one better to explain how to write a job
                                                                                                                                                                                                  application your new boss won’t be able to refuse

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 page 28
                                     FEATURES                                        An overview of this month’s edition of
                                                                                Greenkeeper International, with your editor,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3 Jon Kiger
                           22 BIGGA National
                         Jaey Goodchild faces his
                                                                                                               Karl Hansell
                         biggest challenge yet as
                         greenkeepers prepare to
                           descend on Bowood                            Working to get                                      some features, which I hope you’ll enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Director of media and membership at TurfNet, an online

                                                                        better together
                                                                                                                            Machinery is a vital part of our industry, and                                                community of golf course managers, Jon possesses
                              26 Height of Cut                                                                              historically GI has been at the forefront when
                        Advanced Turf Technology                                                                                                                                                                          dual nationality in the USA and Brazil. He was in Rio
                                                                                                                            it comes to telling you all about the latest
                            explore methods of                                                                                                                                                                            for the Olympics, where he met Olympic Golf Course
                                                                                                                            releases, so we’ve introduced a new page,
                         influencing green speed
                                                                                                                            entitled GI Innovation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          superintendent and fellow BIGGA member Neil Cleverly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          page 48
                                                                        Here at BIGGA House, there’s a sense of
                         28 Get your dream job                          anticipation in the air.
                         Careers expert Lorna D
                       Sheldon can ensure your CV                       As the golf season subsides and the nights
                        stands out from the crowd                       draw in, BTME increasingly comes into view


                                                                        over the horizon. It’s some way off yet, but

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Richard Brown 4
                          32 Shape the future                           here at HQ, we’re working incredibly hard to
                            Laying down the
                                                                        make sure this year’s offering is the best ever
                       groundwork now to reap the
                                                                        – and from what I’ve seen so far, I’m pretty
                          benefits next season
                                                                        certain that’s going to be the case.
                              36 The Belfry
                                                                                                                                                                                           Autumn is the time to be on the lookout for turf diseases
                        To celebrate the return of                      If you’d like to attend BTME, but not sure you                                                                   and Richard, amenity sales manager for Germinal, gave us
                         the world’s greatest golf                      can afford to, head on over to our Learning                                                                        his top tips for ensuring your grass doesn’t fall vicitim to
                       tournament, we take a look                       and Development pages, where there is still                                                                                    the UK’s most common turf disease, fusarium

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  page 50
                       at the world’s only four-time                    time to apply for the ICL Scholarship, which
                            Ryder Cup venue                             comes with 15 hours of education at Continue
                                                                        to Learn.
                          40 USPGA volunteer
                         Mark Fry revisited his old
                                                                        This month’s edition really is jam-packed full of
                       stomping ground to help out
                           during the USPGA                             opportunities for career progression. Whether
                                                                        it’s Lorna D Sheldon talking about how to                 Ian Joseph Harrison’s competition entry

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3Brian Aconley
                             48 The Olympics                            write the perfect CV, to the launch of the new
                       Superintendent Neil Cleverly                     Diploma in Golf Club Management, which will
                        takes a break during golf’s                     give ambitious greenkeepers the opportunity         On a slightly different angle, we want to
                          return to the Olympics                        to play a leading role at their club.               reinforce how by being a member of BIGGA,
                                                                                                                            you actually join a worldwide community of                                                    Brian is technical director for Ilex EnviroSciences Ltd
                                52 Turf nutrition                       Also on the L&D pages, we’re delighted to           industry professionals, from as far away as                                                   and the Soil Harmony brand. As a graduate chemist, he
                       Autumn sees greenkeepers’                        launch this year’s Future Turf Managers             Nigeria, New Zealand and South America. We
                         attention turn to turf health                                                                                                                                                                    has 27 years’ experience in plant nutrition and product
                                                                        Intiative, which will see 20 up-and-coming          wanted to learn more about how life for these
                        recovery and maintenance                                                                                                                                                                          formulation for the agricultural and sports turf markets
                                                                                                                            greenkeepers differs from that here in the UK,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          page 52
                                                                        greenkeepers head to the European
                                                                        headquarters of BIGGA Partner Jacobsen for          so there’s a new regular feature focussing on
                                    REGULARS                            three days of education.                            international members.

                         3 Welcome from BIGGA                           We had some incredible entries for this year’s      And we’ve also introduced a ‘Dog of the
                             4 From the Editor                          BIGGA Photographic Competition and we               Month’ feature. One of the best tips I’ve heard
                            6 Across the Board                          need your help narrowing down the finalists to      for new head greenkeepers is that they should
                                8 Newsdesk                              choose the 12 images that will form next year’s     get a dog, as it encourages you to actually
                                 12 Ecology                             BIGGA Calendar. Head to GI Newsdesk to              get out on your course early in the morning,
                          14 Membership News                                                                                when you notice areas that need attention.
                                                                        learn how you can vote for your favourite.
                                16 L&D News                                                                                 So, to celebrate our furry friends, we want to
                            18 Industry Update
                                                                        When I joined BIGGA earlier this year, I            see your pictures of course dogs, which we’ll
                           54 Around the Green
                        61 Greenkeepers Training                        promised you this magazine would continue to        feature in the magazine each month.
                                 Committee                              evolve and improve, as we strive to make it the
                             62 Buyers’ Guide                           most entertaining and informative publication       I hope you enjoy the read, and as always,
                              64 Recruitment                            within our sector. We’ve got the usual expert       don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have an
                               66 And Finally                           features in the mag, but we’ve also added           interesting story to tell from your club.

                       4 GI SEPTEMBER 2016          a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                  a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   5
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
ACROSS THE                                                                                                                                                  Funding
                   BOARD                                                                                                                                                       your future
                                                                                                                                                                               The funding and assistance provided by BIGGA Partners and BIGGA
                                                                                                                                                                               Education Supporters underpins the Association’s considerable
                                                                                                                                                                               investment in Continuing Professional Development and all our
                                                                                                                                                                               educational activity. They are investing in the future of BIGGA members,
                                                                                                                                                                               we are hugely grateful and urge you to show them your support

                   Iain Macleod


                   Hello from sunny Tain.

                   June and July were fairly wet, apart from three      The view from the 10th tee at Tain
                   or four days, whereas August has been warm
                   and sunny up here in the Highlands.

                   Our annual golf week, which is eight days           during the summer. June saw me at BIGGA            Olympic tournament, won by our own Justin
                   of tournaments for all categories, men and          House for the national board meetings,             Rose. Anything is possible in this industry.
                   women, was held in the early part of the            then later in the month I attended the grand
                   month and was a great success once more.            reopening of Trump Turnberry. The work             As autumn sets in, the grass growth slows
                   Each evening there was entertainment.               Allan Patterson and his staff have done on         and we can turn to our care and maintenance
                   Indeed on the Wednesday, Elvis was in the           the course is amazing. Turnberry is one of my      period. This means a little more free time
                   building – well it looked and sounded like him.     favourite courses and now it’s even better.        for some. Holidays too, maybe! I have a few
                                                                                                                          functions coming up, which I am very much
                   This was the 40th such event I had prepared         Next up I was back in that area, to Royal Troon    looking forward to, but how the year has flown
                   the course for, going back to 1977. I’m             for the Open Championship. Billy McLachlan         by. It’s nearly over, before it ever began.
                   celebrating 40 years’ service to Tain, having       and his team had the course in great
                   started on 25 October 1976. On 24 September,        condition and the tournament was another           Those of you that are lucky enough to have
                   the club are having a three-person team event       great success.                                     maintenance weeks or days, I hope all goes
                   in my honour and it’s open to everyone at £10                                                          well. While for the others, like myself, we’ll try
                   per person. The front nine will be an individual    It was an honour to spend time with the            and work the jobs around our ‘lovely golfers’. It
                   stableford competition, then the back               BIGGA Support Team of dedicated guys, who          would be nice to think the weather will behave
                   nine will be a team event, probably a Texas         were all a credit to the association. Everything   and allow us to get everything done in dry
                   scramble. Anyone fancying to play in it, please     went like clockwork, thanks to our staff, and it   conditions, but is that just wishful thinking?
                   get in touch as after expenses, all proceeds will   was a wonderful few days.
                   go to the BIGGA Greenkeepers’ Benevolent                                                               It’s also getting around to the time when
                   Fund. It should be a fun day and plenty of          I’d like to mention one of the Open Support        sections, regions etc. put on some great
                   teams have entered already, including some          Team from a few years ago, Neil Cleverly, who      educational events. So try and support your
                   greenkeeping ones.                                  was a regular back in the late ‘80s. Now he’s      committees and take the chance to learn
                                                                       been receiving the plaudits for his excellent      more. We can never stop learning in this ever
                                                                                                                                                                                Individual Contributors: Steven Tierney MG, Chris Lomas MG, Andrew Campbell MG CGCS, Espen Bergmann,
                   My presidential duties have been fairly quiet       work on the course in Brazil that hosted the       moving industry.                                      Nick Gray, Steve Dixon, Richard McGlynn, Jaey Goodchild, Michael Beaton, Greg Evans, Frank Newberry

                   6 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a@BIGGALtd   MAY 2016 GI   2
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
New: Dog of the month
                                                                                                                                                  South Wales group
                                                                                                               BIGGA photo finalists
                                                                                                                                                  heads underground
                                                                                                                                Boulby visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The fire at Northenden
               South Coast
                Turf Club
                                                                                                             a                                                                                                                             Clubhouse open
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           after fire drama
                                                               International member                                                                                                                                                       The greenkeeping team at
                                                            This month: Abushie Odihili                                                                                                                                                   Northenden has been praised after

           GI Newsdesk
                                                                New monthly column                                                                                                                                                        helping to keep the course in top
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          condition in the aftermath of the
                                              The latest greenkeeping news                                                                                                                                                                club’s historic clubhouse burning to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the ground.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Almost two years later and a new clubhouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          was unveiled at a special event, attended by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          former Ryder Cup player Jamie Donaldson.

            Finalists announced for BIGGA


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Course Manager Rob Cleisham said: “More
                                                                                                                                                   The South Wales section members who visited Boulby Mine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          than anything, it’s a relief to see this coming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to a conclusion. There’s a relief because you

            Photographic Competition 2016
                                                                                                                                                  Members of the South Wales               However, on the return journey the             know you can just concentrate on the golf
                                                                                                                                                  section descended a mile below           group were able to visit the mine’s            course and hope the club can run the new
                                                                                                                                                  the Yorkshire coastline to               laboratory.                                    clubhouse as well as it can be done.”
                                                                                                                                                  check out ICL’s Boulby Mine
                                                                                                                                                  operations.                              Andrew said: “We viewed an under-              The fire struck during the night of October
            From the fairways                  there are only 12 spots.                                                                                                                    ground laboratory, which I can only            2014, completely destroying the 100-year-
            of Camberley Heath                                                                                                                    Seven members of the section were        describe as a white cathedral. It was          old clubhouse. More than 20 firefighters
            to the Remarkables                 So we need your help to                                                                            invited to the mine, which processes     absolutely huge and they were look-            spent several hours battling the blaze.
            mountain range in New              choose the top 12 by casting                                                                       the fertiliser potash.                   ing into the origins of dark matter.
            Zealand, we had some               your vote online. You can scan                                                                                                              Turn off the lights, and it’s certainly        Rob said: “It was a weekend. I woke up to a
            spectacular entries in             the QR code to the right or                                                                        The group were transported 1,400         dark down there.”                              lot of missed calls and a voicemail saying the
            the BIGGA Photographic             head to the BIGGA website,                                                                         metres below ground, where temper-                                                      clubhouse was ablaze. His words were ‘It’s
            Competition, showcasing            where you’ll find a link to the                                                                    atures exceeded 50oC.                    The mine produces potash fertiliser,           gone’. By the time I got there the walls were
            life on your golf courses.         voting section.                                                                                                                             with the by-product of rock salt for           burning down, it was such a shock.”
                                                                                                                                                  Andrew Hatcher, head greenkeeper         roads. However, recent excavations
            We received more than 70           Your vote will help decide                                                                         at Coed-Y-Mwstwr said: “ICL’s slo-       have opened up a new mineral fertil-           In the aftermatch of the disaster, Rob in-
            entries and were faced with a      which images feature in the                                                                        gan is ‘Where the need takes us’, and    iser called polysulphate. At present,          structed his team to carry on as normal. The
            difficult decision. Some heated    BIGGA calendar, as well as                                                                         what a visit this was. We jumped in a    Boulby Mine is the only place in the           course was open that same day and Rob add-
            debates took place at BIGGA        help choose the overall win-                                                                                                                                                               ed: “Not once did we close the course. I can’t
                                                                                   SCAN HERE

                                                                                                                                                  transit van and headed for the mine      world mining this natural multi-nu-
            HQ, but after a rigorous selec-    ner, who will receive a framed                                                                     face. It was a 13km journey, with the    trient fertiliser that was deposited           thank my staff enough. They got on with
            tion process, we’ve chosen our     print of their picture and a                                                                       majority below the sea.”                 260 million years ago.                         their job and didn’t complain once.”
            top 20 finalists.                  brand new Apple Watch.
                                                                                                                                                  More than 1,000km have been exca-        “We were so impressed by the site              After the official unveiling of the clubhouse,
            We would be proud to feature       Member voting closes on 23                                                                         vated since the mine opened in 1968,     and its employees’ remarkable work,”           Rob walked the course with Donaldson, who
            each within the BIGGA Cal-         September and we will an-                                                                          but a power cut meant the visit to the   said Andrew. “Thank you to Nick                was complimentary about the team’s work.
                                                                                   John Parry’s entry, entitled Autumn Breeze
            endar 2017, but unfortunately      nounce the winner in GI.                                                                           extremities of the mine was cut short.   Martin from ICL for a fantastic visit.”

                                               Shooting bronze                   Held in Italy, 41 nations were   The top three finishers were                                             ‘Matty’ heads                    leaf in Aycliffe, prior to his   the fairways on his Toro
                                                                                 represented and over 1,000       all English, but Phil had                                                                                 death. Shanklin & Sand-          5610 and a couple of weeks
                                               for Rowbottom                     individuals took part.           driven himself to the Italian                                            home for last ride               own Head Greenkeeper             before he died, he asked to
                                                                                                                  venue after failing to secure                                                                             Tony Mears said: “Mat-           go back to the club and cut
                                               Woolley Park Course               The event takes place over       a place on the England team.                                             Oakleaf greenkeeper              thew will always be re-          the fairways one last time.
                                               Manager Philip                    four days and Phil said: “I                                                                               Matthew Robinson                 membered as firstly a very       When he arrived, the team
                                               Rowbottom proved                  liken the shoot to playing       Phil added: “The world                                                   passed away on 10 July           good greenkeeper, a great        had put a number plate
                                               himself among the best            golf. There are courses you      championships are in                                                     after a short illness.           friend to many, but mostly       on the back of his beloved
                                               clay pigeon shooters              go to and you have a good        Hungary next year and the                                                                                 he’ll be remembered as a         5610 which read MATTY.
                                               in the world when he              day, and it’s the same with      Americans have already got a                                             Matty, 45, worked at             really nice guy.”
                                               came third in the World           shoots. Sometimes you just       wager on. ‘We will see you in                                            Crook, Bishop Auckland,                                           Matthew is survived by his
            Phil Rowbottom                     Championship.                                                                                       Matthew Robinson                        Dinsdale and finally Oak-
                                                                                 get your eye in.”                Budapest,’ they said.”                                                                                    Matthew enjoyed cutting          wife Tracey.

           8 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   9
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
Bunker camp at
                                                                            GI                COURSE
             THIS MONTH
                                                     a                                        DOGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          AROUND THE WORLD
                                                 @johnllewellyn48                                                                                         Following on from its previous two
                                               Hard at work on Rouen        Name: Guiness                                                                 successful years, Stuart Imeson
                                               Golf Course in France        Owner: Lee Strutt                                                             is bringing Bunker Camp back to                 Chief Abushie
                                                    @BIGGALtd               Course: Royal Automobile Club
                                                                            Breed: Labrador
                                                                                                                                                          Dunstanburgh.                                   Odihili
                                                                            Age: 13                                                                       Stuart is a member of BIGGA’s Young             Ikeja GC, Nigeria
                                                                            Favourite treat: Anything edible                                              Greenkeepers Committee and has this year
                                                                            Favourite spot on the course:                                                 increased the scale of the camp to encour-      What is the most interesting
                                                  @wearegerminal            Anywhere close to rabbits                                                     age more greenkeepers to get involved.          thing you would tell other BIG-
                                                Germinal pleased to                                                                                                                                       GA members about Nigeria?
                                               support Norwood Park         Naughtiest moment:                                                            “The camp has grown massively,” said Stu-
                                                GC event which has          My friend Mark Winder offered to                                              art, head greenkeeper at the Northumbri-        I am a chief in my native home
                                                 raised over £3000          look after Guiness while I was away.                                          an club. “Last year we had a great bunch        town. My full title is Iyase of Jagbe
                                                @MoretonGerminal            Mark put Guiness in the house,         were going to bed. They returned to    of lads and even managed to have a laugh.       Kingdom. The meaning is ‘Tra-
                                                      @striturf             while he kenneled his own dogs for     say their sweets were gone and only    We’ve received so much interest, which          ditional Prime Minister of Jagbe
                                                                            the night. On Mark’s return, he was    the wrappers were left on the floor.   makes it viable for our small club.”            Kingdom’. Jagbe is located in Et-
                                                  @Sammy3334                ready to eat the lovely chicken din-   There was only one culprit possible.                                                   sako West in the south of Nigeria.
                                                   @FulwellGC               ner his wife had made. Well, there                                            Bunker Club sees the group building tradi-                                               Our weather is very extreme. We
                                               greenkeepers giving a        was only an empty plate on the side.   My dog is happiest when… he is         tional revetted bunkers on the links at Dun-    How would you describe the               have a rainy season with lots of
                                                good performance at         Guiness had taken a fancy to Mark’s    about to be fed.                       stanburgh. Throughout the week, meals           style of course that you man-            rain and poor drains, or none on
                                                  Sandy Lodge in            dinner, gravy and ate everything,                                             and accommodation are provided onsite.          age and what are its most                most courses. Then the dry seasons
                                                 @biggalondoners            with the plate licked clean.           If you know a dog we should                                                            defining features?                       are too dry and humid. There is no
                                                   summer meet              An hour later, Mark’s daughters        feature, email        The camp runs from 14-25 November and                                                    proper irrigation system in most


                                                                                                                                                          concludes with an education day featuring       Most of our courses were not pro-        courses, except those built recently.
                                                     @slater3ns                                                                                           three speakers from across the country.         fessionally-designed and therefore
                                               A familiar sight for many                                                                                                                                  lack character. Features are mostly      What types of wildlife do you
                                               greenkeepers lately I’m                                                                                    For more information or to book a space,        accidental, except for the six or sev-   get on the course, that you
                                                  sure @BIGGALtd                                                                                          contact Stuart Imeson on 07808831172 or         en that were built to international      wouldn’t in the UK?
                                                  @biggalondoners                                                                                         email          standards lately.
                                                   #rainisonitsway                                                                                                                                                                                 Our courses are mostly in urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                          How does managing a course               areas and there is no history of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in Nigeria vary from the UK?             wildlife, except the few harmless
                                                 @avrogreenkeeper                                                                                                                                                                                  crocodiles in the water at IBB Inte-
                                                 Both Verti drains in                                                                                                                                     Unfortunately, greenkeepers are not      national in Abijia.
                                                full swing during our                                                                                                                                     recognised or accorded the respect
                                               maintenance week with                                                                                                                                      we deserve here.                         What is the public perception
                                                     @BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                     of golf in Nigeria?
                                                  @My_Apprentice                                                                                                                                          What is the best part of living
                                                        Wayne                                                                                                                                             in Nigeria?                              Clubs are regarded as elitest. All
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   golf is played on club-owned course
                                                   @paularmour                                                                                                                                            We are the masters of enjoyment.         and so there are no public courses
                                                  Beautiful morning        The winning team from the event held at Remedy Oak                              Event winner Martin Durham                     Nigerians are hospitable and very        accessible to ordinary people.
                                                  @dunbargolfclub                                                                                                                                         happy people in spite of the numer-
                                                    @BIGGALtd              SW&SW raise Benevolent                                                         Durham crowned                                  ous challenges we face.                  Why do you choose to be a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BIGGA member?

                                                                           Fund cash with qualifiers                                                      the king at Hart
                                                                                                                                                                                                          What is the worst?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I am proud to be a member of BIG-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          We have unpredictable and poor           GA. I have a passion for the game
                                                    @rustycarr5            The South West and South                the South Coast enjoyed the course.    Harwood head greenkeeper Martin                 utility services, such as our power,     of golf and I continue to be a BIG-
                                                  Nothing like a bit       Wales region raised funds for           The winners were Highcliffe Castle,    Durham claimed the top spot at the              water and environment.                   GA member to acquire the knowl-
                                                  of early morning         the BIGGA Benevolent Fund               with 87 points and second place        Campey Pro Am at Hart Common.                                                            edge that allows me to give my total
                                                greens maintenance         during qualifying for the Golf          was Rushmore with 83.                                                                  How does the weather in Nige-            support for the development of the
                                                     microcoring           Management Trophy.                                                             The event sees PGA professionals square off     ria affect your work?                    game of golf in Nigeria.
                                                   #greenkeeper                                                    £350 for the BIGGA Benevolent          against greenkeepers and groundsmen.
                                                                           The first event was held on 3 August    Fund was raised through the sale of
                                                                           at The Kendleshire, Bristol, and at-    raffle tickets on each day.            BIGGA Regional Administrator Sandra Rap-
                                                  @rmsgc_course            tracted 18 teams from Devon, South                                             er said: “Huge thanks must go to Ian Camp-
                                                 @BIGGALtd @rms-           Wales, the Cotswolds and South          The top two teams from each day        bell of Campey Turf Care and all the team for
                                               proshop Look what the       West. The winners were Burford,         progress to the Golf Management        organising another very successful match.
                                                RMS Greenstaff have        with 84 points, with The Kendlesh-      Trophy final on 31 October.            Richard Roberts and his team prepared the
                                                 left behind at work       ire in second.                                                                 course in superb condition.”
                                               tonight! A GOLD Medal                                               To enter the final qualifying event
                                                  for @hcannon34           The second event took place at          on 16 September at Torquay,            Greenkeepers did well on the day, claiming
                                                                           Remedy Oak, Wimborne on 11 Au-          contact Tracey Walker via tracey.      three of the top four places and winning
                                                                           gust. Fourteen teams from around                     some of the other various prizes on offer.

           10 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   11
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
GI ecology                                                                                          SeaMax
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “ SeaMax is playing an
                                                                                                                                                                                                             important part in my fertilizer
                                                                                                                                                                                                             programme. You get such a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             natural green up.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Steve Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Trump International Aberdeen)
          By James Hutchinson - BIGGA’s Sustainability Executive

                August was pretty wet for most of us. It was so
                wet that I saw greenkeepers describing it as ‘wet
                as a really wet thing’, ‘soaked’, and ‘wetter than an
                otter’s pocket’. The wildlife did not seem to mind
                the deluge of aqua as the number of excellent
                photos sent in to us shows.
                                                                                          Kestrel at
                Take this snap from Southwick Park of a covert of
                                                                                          Knott End

                                                                                                            Not all
                coots for instance. Coots like the rain and spend
                about half their lives wading in water.

                                                                           Jim Fancey’s
                Or a beautiful lapwing at Morecambe. This chap
                was collecting the grubs which came to the surface
                during a spell of rain - fulfilling its role as nature’s   coots at

                                                                                                            are the same
                herbicide I reckon.

                Still on the subject of birds, and kestrels are known
                to frequent courses as greenkeepers generally keep
                areas of long rough on site. These areas act as ideal
                hunting grounds for these acrobatic birds to use as
                a source of food.

                Kestrels are in decline here in the UK, so next time
                one of your members asks you to have the rough
                cut down, tell them you are contributing to saving
                this spectacular raptor. Here’s one hovering over
                the course at Knott End in Lancashire.
                                                                                           A toad at
                Amphibians need the wet weather to survive as
                their skin requires moisture for long periods of                           Gullane
                time. Pretty much all courses have an amphibian
                or two in the long wet grass or low-lying wetlands,
                but this toad appears to enjoy the sunshine, fescues
                and great views on offer at Gullane.                                                        Soluble seaweed concentrate
                Here’s an easy tip to improve the number of
                amphibians on your course. Choose an area which                                             with proven benefits                                                               10.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Results – Turf Quality

                is miles out of play, dig down to just below the                                                                                                                                 9.0
                water table and shape the spoil neatly. Allow it to
                                                                           A lapwing at                     An innovative formulation of seaweed boasting over

                                                                                                                                                                 Turf Quality (1 - 10 Score)
                fill naturally - don’t use irrigation water.
                                                                                                            75% active seaweed content, which has been proven                                    7.0

                Create at least three of these at around 3m2 and           Morecambe                        to significantly improve turf colour and quality.
                wait patiently to see what comes. These areas are
                now not only a breeding pond for amphibians, but                                              Maximum performance with highest active                                            4.0
                are also a place for larger mammals to drink from.                                            content on the market
                On a more entertaining note, it’s generally golf                                              Tank-mix compatible with a wide range of                                           1.0
                balls which reside on the next line of your mow is                                                                                                                               0.0
                it not? This swan at Gleneagles had other ideas and                         Swan vs           ICL products
                                                                                                                                                                                                            9.13 9.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 2.13 2.13 1.14
                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.0 8.0 05.1 14.1 22.1 07.1 14.1 21.1 29.1 11.1 24.1 3.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                     T1 2 DAT1 2 DAT1 DAT1 DAT1 DAT 2 DAT 2 DAT 2 DAT 2 DAT 2 DAT 2 DAT 2 0
                was not moving by the looks of it.                                                            Premium high density Atlantic Ascophyllum                                        10 D A
                                                                                                                                                                                                        18      25   34   42    7    14    21    29    41    54    64
                                                                                            greenkeeper       nodosum seaweed extract                                                                        Control             SeaMax           Competitor
                Don’t forget to keep your wildlife sightings and
                conservation projects coming by emailing me at                              at Gleneagles

                                                                                                            Please contact your local sales
                                                                                                            representative for more information.
          12 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries

                                                                                                                                                                                              SUPERB RANGE
                                   MEMBERSHIP TEAM                                       Latest news and information from the BIGGA membership team
                                        01347833800                                                                                                                                           UNBEATABLE VALUE
                                          (OPTION 1)
                                                                                                                                                                                               The TYM compact tractor range. Powerful, reliable, four-cylinder
                                                            General                                                                                                                            diesel engines available from 23 to 100hp mean these superb
                                                           Manager                                                                                                                             workhorses can cover a wide variety of tasks on the golf course,
                                                             Tracey                                                                                                                            while offering outstanding value for money.
                                                           Maddison                                                                                                                            Packed full of innovative features such as easy-to-read LED display,
                                                                                                                                                                                               hydrostatic power-steering, optional weather cab, and much more,
                                            traceymaddison                                                                                                                                     TYM tractors make the ideal choice for any discerning golf club
                                                                                                                                                                         and greenkeeper.

                                                   Membership                                                                                                                                  Put us to the test. For a free onsite demonstration,
                                                     Executive                                                                                                                                 call Reesink on 01480 226800.
                                                   Elaine Jones

                                                                                                                                                                                                        TS25                   T293                 T353                T433                T754                 T1003

                                                     Events &                                                                                                                                 * Terms and conditions apply. Finance is for business purposes only and is subject to acceptance. UK only. For a limited period only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Available on all TYM machinery. Includes listed accessories on new machines. Terms current at date of publication.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MODEL SHOWN TYM T433 WITH TURF TYRES             DISCOVER MORE ON
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                                                    Executive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2-3 NOV

                                                                                                                                                                 SCAN HERE
                                                 Rachael Duffy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Reesink Turfcare UK Ltd ( formerly Lely Turfcare)


                                                      rachael                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1-3 Station Road, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 1QH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         T +44 (0)1480 226800 E W

                                         a @BIGGALtd

                                                                                      How you can form the next
                   Full Members Personal
                        Accident Helpline
                        0121 698 8046 / 43

                                                                                      generation of club managers
                     Greenkeepers Legal
                            0800 177 7891
                                                                                                                                                                                            Huxley All-Weather
                    Lifestyle Counselling
                                  Helpline                                            As part of a fundamental shift   and passion for the craft.       greenkeepers of all levels. Reg-
                                                                                                                                                                                            Putting Greens                                                                                                                            P r e m i e r A l l - We a t h e r S u r f a c e s f o r G o l f
                            0844 770 1036                                             in the approach to profes-                                        istration opened on 1 August,
                                                sional golf club management,   “I am delighted therefore          and the first induction days
                                                                                      BIGGA, the GCMA and PGA        that we have been involved         will take place in October.
                                                                                      have launched a new ASQ        from the very start with the
                                                                                      Level 5 Diploma in Golf Club   Diploma in Club Management.        The diploma can be studied
                                                                                      Management.                    It will enable the profession of   at the learner’s own pace, up
                                                                                                                     club management to progress        to a maximum of three years,
                                                                                      For the first time, greenkeep- on similar lines, and will give    to accommodate varying
                                                                                      ers will be given the same     many talented current manag-       schedule. With an emphasis
                                                                                      opportunity as current club    ers the opportunity to demon-      on flexible learning, it will be
                                                                                      managers and professionals to strate their competence.            delivered through both online
                                                                                      train towards senior manage-   Among them will be ambitious       and face to face workshops.
                                                                                      ment positions at clubs.       and professional greenkeepers
                                                                                                                     who have made the transition       The collaborative develop-
                                                                                      BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton said: into a management role. This          ment of the diploma builds on
                                                                                      “Education has always been     can only be a good thing for       the close relationship between
                                                                                      central to the greenkeeping    golf club businesses and the       the three organisations, who
                                                                                      profession and BIGGA has       golf industry as a whole.”         form the Golf Club Manage-
                                                                                      worked incredibly hard over                                       ment Partnership, reflecting
                                                                                      the years to ensure the qual-  Suitable for, and open to, all     how successful clubs usually
                                                                                      ifications that greenkeepers   levels of skills and experience,   have an effective and cohesive
                                                                                      attain are given appropri-     this accredited golf-specific      team - manager, professional
                                                                                      ate respect within the club    qualification is suited for        and head greenkeeper - at the                                                                                                                                                                                UK and Overseas Enquiries:
                                                                                      structure. Greenkeeping and    existing managers, and those       heart of the business.                                                                                                                                                                                             Tel +44 (0)1962 733222
                                                                                      greenkeepers have made ex-     looking to move into the pro-                                                                                  Huxley Golf All-Weather Putting Green                                                                                          Email:
                                                                                      traordinary progress over the  fession, perhaps from related      Scan the QR code above or vis-                                                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at The University of Stirling, Scotland
                                                                                      last 30 years or so based on   roles in the golf industry - in-   it the GCMA website for more
                                                                                      the twin pillars of education  cluding club professionals and     information.

             14 GI SEPTEMBER 2016                     a@BIGGALtd
                                                                                                                                                                                           Golf Management éurope 180mm x 127mm.indd 1                                                                                                                                        a@BIGGALtd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13/01/2015 10:19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 2016 GI15
The Belfry - INTERNATIONAL - MSU Libraries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Phillip Hind, St Andrews Links Trust; David Thompson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hexham; Graeme Roberts, Camberley Heath; Lewis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Birch, Sunningdale; Sam Bethell, Chipstead; Craig Boath,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Carnoustie Golf Links; Jon Parr, Exeter Golf & Country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Club; Leigh Powell, Hockley; Marcus Tolmie, Longridge;
                                                                                                                                                                              Congratulations to the                 Daniel Dumbrill, West Sussex; Richard Sheldon, Marriot
                           LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT                 Latest news from the BIGGA Learning and Development team                                                      following members                    Forest of Arden; Tom Smith, Cams Hall Estate; Steven
                                              TEAM                                                                                                                               who achieved CPD                    Hirons, Kirtlington; Elliot Wilson, Myerscough College;
                                        01347833800                                                                                                                            Approved status this                  Mark Broughton MG, Aldeburgh; Adam Moss, Henley Golf
                                          (OPTION3)                                                                                                                                         month:                   & Country Club

                                                                 Take your chance to become a Future
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The following members also achieved their Milestone
                                                 Head of                                                                                                                                                             this month: Jason Brooks, Torquay; Simon Dexter,

                                                                   Turf Managers’ Initiative delegate
                                                Member                                                                                                                                                               Myerscough College; Robert McDowell.
                                              Sami Strutt

                                                                                                                                                                                   ICL Continue to Learn Scholarship

                                                    Head of
                                                    Member                                                                                                                    Time is running out if you
                                                   Learning                                                                                                                   would like to apply for the
                                                Stuart Green
                                                                                                                                                                              ICL Continue to Learn
                                                       stuart                                                                                                                 Scholarship.
                                                                                                                                                                              The scholarship offers five
                                                    L&D                                                                                                                       BIGGA members the chance
                                             Deb Burnett                                                                                                                      to attend Continue to Learn at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                                                                                              BTME 2017 programme.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SCAN HERE
                                                                                                                                                        The scholarship, worth £500,
                                                                                                                                                                              comprises three nights’
                                        a @BIGGALtd                                                                                                                           accommodation and a 15-hour
                                                                                                                                                                              education bundle.

                                                                                                                                                                              Applicants must be a BIGGA
                                                                                                                                                                              member from the full member            – and should be able to attend   To apply, scan the QR code
                                                                                                                                                                              categories 1A or 1B or an assis-       BTME and Continue to Learn       above or head to the Funding
                                                                                                                                                                              tant greenkeeper in training           from 15-19 January 2017.         Opportunities tab in the Edu-
                                                                                                                                                                              from categories 2A or 2B.                                               cation section of the BIGGA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The closing date for applica-    website. Applications can
                                                                                                                                                 SCAN HERE

                                                                                                                                                                              Those applying should be CPD           tions is 11 September, so you    only be made through this
                                                                                                                                                                              Active – which is simple to            only have a few days to get      online route, but members
                                                                                                                                                                              begin via the BIGGA website            your application completed.      can nominate themselves.
                                                                     Careers expert Lorna D Sheldon

                                                                Applications are being taken       than agronomy-based subjects,        fessionals, providing extensive       will hold their Level 2 qualifica- be accepted via the online system. will be open until 5pm on 31 Octo-
                                                                for the Future Turf Managers’      the FTMI programme utilises          opportunities within the industry     tion. A nominator will be required                                    ber 2016. For more information,
                                                                Initiative 2017, made possible     the expertise of leading course      and social events, such as the        to validate each application.      The online application system email
                                                                by Jacobsen and being held         managers, dynamic trainers and       FTMI reunion at BTME in Har-
                                                                at the company’s European          industry experts to mentor and       rogate.                               Representatives from BIGGA and
                                                                headquarters in Ipswich.           educate the next generation of                                             Jacobsen will select the successful
                                                                                                   industry leaders.                    Subjects covered will include:        delegates. Only BIGGA members
                                                                Until 31 October, you can apply                                         communications; budgeting;            can apply.
                                                                to become one of 20 delegates The Future Turf Managers’ Ini-            leadership; team management;
                                                                selected for this opportunity to tiative is already in its fifth year   interview techniques.                 To access an application form,
                                                                develop your career.             in the UK and has become an                                                  log in to the members area of the
                                                                                                 internationally-recognised edu-        The ideal candidate will show         BIGGA website and click on the
                                                                The event will take place from cational event, with programmes          initiative, dedication to green-      Future Turf Managers Initiative                                                                                      CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                Tuesday 7-Thursday 9 March successfully being introduced in             keeping, a genuine interest in        tab for more details.
                                                                and is aimed at up-and-coming Australia, New Zealand, Portugal          the industry and will be actively                                                                                                                        Steven Tierney MG;
                                                                greenkeepers who want to make and the US.                               involved in education at both a       Alternatively, you can scan this                                                                             Chris Lomas MG; Andrew
                                                                the leap to course manager.                                             regional and a national level. They   QR code using your smartphone                                                                              Campbell MG CGCS; Steve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dixon; Richard McGlynn;
                                                                Focusing on personal and FTMI graduates join a global                   will have worked as a greenkeeper     to take you straight to the applica-         Some of the 2015 delegates                                       Jaey Goodchild; Michael
                                                                professional development rather network of like-minded pro-             for a minimum of three years and      tion form. Applications will only                                                                             Beaton; Frank Newberry

                         16 GI SEPTEMBER 2016    a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   17
Easingwold equipment                      Tacit appoints                                        Jacobsen celebrates
                                                                                                                                                                area manager for
                       Aberdeenshire machinery

                                                                                                                                                                North of England                                      95th anniversary
                                                                                                                                                                Tacit Golf has welcomed Tom Smith as sales
                                                                                                                                                                area manager for the North of England.

                          GI                                                                                                                                    Tom has been a greenkeeper since leaving school
                                                                                                                                             Jacobsen’s         and spent five years at Bracken Ghyll in West
                                                                                                                                              95 years          Yorkshire under the guidance of Course Manager
                                                                                                                                                                Rob Walker. He was heavily involved in the con-
                                                                                                                                                                struction of four USGA greens, in addition to daily
                                                                        Industry leaders
                                                                                                                                                                course maintenance.
                                                                          prepare for
                                                                        GolfBIC at BTME

                  GI Industry Update
                                                                                                                                                                Tom said: “I have found this transition into
                                                                                                                                                                this sector of the industry exciting and hope my
                                                         The latest industry news                                                                               knowledge of the industry will help both myself
                                                                                                                                                                and the people I am dealing with understand the
                                                                                                                                                                great products and service we have to offer.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   INDUSTRY UPDATE

                  Turf managers’ conference at Goodwood
                   Agronomic Services        colleagues and share      Another international
                   will be hosting a         information. Our          guest is Jace Bertsch,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Machinery                  conditions,    maximise      the time.
                   joint event with          invited speakers will     of the Toro Motor
                   Goodwood on 11            deliver on a diverse      Company, who will                                                                                                                              manufacturer               productivity and reduce
                   October.                  range of subjects and     give the latest on Toro                                                                                                                        Jacobsen is this year      costs. From his original     1923: Jacobsen intro-
                                             we are looking forward    machinery. A Toro                                                                                                                              celebrating its 95th       putting greens mower         duces the world’s first
                   Guest speakers from all to welcoming fellow         demonstration will be                                                                    TYM helping The Henley                                birthday.                  to today’s HR Series of      cast aluminium profes-
                   over the world will come turf professionals for     available on the day.                                                                                                                                                     wide-area rotary mow-        sional greens mower.
                   together for the event,   what promises to be an                                                                                             The Henley, which overlooks the historic              The Textron Inc compa-     ers, we’ve delivered on      The Jacobsen PGM can
                   which will be held in the enjoyable day.”           Other guest speakers                                                                     town of Henley-in-Arden, has purchased                ny was founded in 1921     that vision for 95 years.    still be found on courses
                   setting of Goodwood                                 include: Phil Helmn                                                                      two TYM compact tractors as it aims to                by Oscar Jacobsen, who     And now it’s the count-      like Oakmont Country
                   Racecourse.               Travelling from USA for   MG, of Goodwood;                                                                         create a new premier club for the Midlands.           had taken over his Dan-    down to our centennial       Club, host of this year’s
                                             the conference is Paul    Tom Mackenzie, of
                   Agronomic Services’       Ramina of Floratine       Mackenzie & Ebert                                                                                                                              ish father’s business.     in 2021 when we will         US Open.
                                                                                                                                                                Course Manager Adam Moss joined the 250-acre
                   David Snowden said:       Products Group Inc.       Golf Course Architects;                                                                                                                                                   celebrate our 100-year
                                                                                                                                                                club eight months ago to an empty shed including
                   “The Turf Managers’                                 Eddie Bullock, Golf                                                                                                                            Previously known as        anniversary.”            1968: Jacobsen produc-
                                                                                                                                                                two old tractors. He said: “This is a young course,
                   Conference will be a      Paul brings over 30       Course Management                                                                        which for one reason or another hasn’t been           Thor Machine Works,                                 es the world’s first rid-
                   fantastic opportunity to years’ experience in the   Consultant; and David                                                                    pushed. When I joined we put a plan in place to       in 1921 Jacobsen re-       During the company’s ing greens mower, the
                                                                                                     David Snowden
                   network with industry     golf industry.            Stansfield, agronomist.                                                                  create a premier facility for the area. In order to   leased the 4-Acre mow-     95-year history, Jacob- Greens King.
                                                                                                                                                                achieve that it was imperative the club had the       er, a gasoline-powered     sen has developed a

                  John Deere back at The Belfry
                                                                                                                                                                right equipment for the job.”                         reel mower marketed        number of products that 1986: The industry’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      through Jacobsen Man-      helped advance the turf first Turf Groomer is in-
                                                                                                                                                                As the club starts its five-year plan of              ufacturing (above).        management industry. troduced and serves as a
                                                                                                                                                                improvements, two TYM T503 Tractors were
                                                                       A fleet of John Deere        He said: “When I arrived       The new machines in-                                                                                          Here are a few notable major advancement in
                                                                                                                                                                purchased to join a 28-strong fleet of Toro greens,
                                                                       machinery has arrived        in 2012 we were experi-        clude five 260SL walk-be-    grounds and fairway mowers, aeration equipment,       “Since Oscar Jacobsen      milestones:              greens care by increas-
                                                                       at The Belfry for the        encing the usual prob-         hind greens mowers, two      UTV’s and sprayers.                                   founded the company                                 ing green speed without
                                                                       first time since the         lems associated with an        2500E hybrid electric                                                              95 years ago, his origi-   1921: Oscar Jacobsen lowering height of cut.
                                                                       2002 Ryder Cup.              ageing machinery fleet,        greens triple mowers, a                                                            nal vision really hasn’t   founds the company
                                                                                                    particularly the increas-      7200A PrecisionCut tees                                                            changed much over the      and releases the 4-Acre 1998: Textron buys Ran-
                                                                       Director of Golf Courses     ingly-high cost of parts.      and surrounds mower, a                                                             years,” said David With-   mower. Intended for use somes, a British com-
                                                                       and Estates Angus Macle-     The owners, KSL, gave me       9009A rotary rough mow-                                                            ers, president and CEO     on “the vast estates of pany with a 200-year
                                                                       od has overseen the pur-     a budget and we agreed on      er and a 2030A Pro Gator                                                           of Jacobsen. “He set out   millionaires”, the mower history manufacturing
                                                                       chase of grass cutting and   a phased replacement deal      utility vehicle equipped                                                           to provide equipment       boasted a cutting capac- agriculture and turf
                                                                       ancillary equipment from     over several years, starting   with an HD200 low-pro-                                                             that helped turf man-      ity of four acres a day, maintenance tractors,
                                                                       John Deere dealer Farol.     with the mowers.”              file amenity turf sprayer.                                                         agers provide superior     which was a huge feat at mowers and accessories.

                  18 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   19
GI Innovation
                  UK golf industry                                                                                                                                                                                Machinery releases

                  leaders in the
                  spotlight at GolfBIC
                  The leaders of                      and former Beach Club                                                                                                                                                                                                              VibraStop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Contributes to all round
                  various UK golf                     general manager Gregg                                                                                                                                                                                                     smoothness. Protects driver
                  industry bodies                     Patterson.                                                                                                                                                                                         QuickSet heave          from vibrations and tractor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Single adjustment heave     and tools from shocks and
                  will take part in a
                  Leaders Forum at                    GolfBIC is the annual                                                                                                             Terra Spike SL                                                        setting                     vibrations

                  GolfBIC 2017.                       Golf Business and In-
                                                      dustry Convention and
                                                                                   Jacobsen mowers will maintain Sport Aberdeen’s courses
                  Those confirmed to take             is presented by the UK
                  part in the forum dis-              Golf Course Owners
                  cussion are Jim Crox-
                  ton, BIGGA chief exec-
                                                      Association and the Or-
                                                      ganisation of Golf and
                                                                                    Landscape Group chooses
                  utive officer, England
                  Golf’s Nick Pink, Sandy
                                                      Range Operators, in as-
                                                      sociation with BIGGA.
                                                                                    Jacobsen for Sport Aberdeen
                                                                                                                                                                                     QuickSet Easy tool free
                  Jones of the PGA and                                             The Landscape Group, a UK-                          the requirements of the contract                 depth adjustment
                                                                                                                                                                                    Explanation: Working depth
                  Andrew Lloyd-Skinner                The event takes place at     based green service provider,                       from a client and staff perspective,          down to 210mm is quickly
                  and Colin Mayes of the              Harrogate International      has chosen Jacobsen                                 previous experience, third-par-                 set by turning handle
                  UK GCOA.                            Centre on 17-18 Janu-        equipment to maintain Sport                         ty endorsement and value for
                                                      ary 2017 in conjunction      Aberdeen’s four council-                            money.”
                  The session will provide            with the BTME show.          owned courses.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MACHINERY RELEASES

                  a platform for the rep-             It is designed to attract                                                        The machinery purchased includes
                  resentatives of the var-            course owners and op-        Sport Aberdeen, a registered                        four GP400 greens mowers, four
                  ious bodies to discuss              erators, secretaries and     charity, operates four courses in                   Tri-King triplex mowers for tees
                  the current challenges              general managers and         Aberdeenshire: Balnagask, Hazle-                    and surrounds, a AR522 rough
                  in the UK golf industry             other club operational       head Pines, Kings Links and the                     mower, a Fairway 305, and three
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dual belt drive
                  and what is being done              staff to learn, network      MacKenzie Championship.                             MH5 tractor-mounted large area
                  to support the sustain-             and get inspiration and                                                          reel mowers.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Three position rear roller
                  ability of the game. The            ideas to help grow club      The Landscape Group has invested                                                                   Finishing rear roller can
                  session will also include           businesses.                  in an array of machinery and Head                   Stewart McBain, contract man-                      either be set as:
                                                                                                                                                                                             1 Floating;
                  a Q&A opportunity for                                            of Fleet and Assets Angus Lind-                     ager for The Landscape Group,                  2 Fixed down (parking);
                  delegates at GolfBIC to             The event also hosts a       say said: “I have a policy of using                 said: “The quality of cut from the               3 Fixed up (coring)
                  ask any questions they              drinks reception on the      local suppliers for our frontline                   MH5 and the AR522 are probably                                                                            One bolt-fixing tine holders

                  have for leaders’ panel.            evening of Tuesday 17.       machines.                                           my standout observations of the
                                                                                                                                       current equipment. The AR522
                  Other speakers con-                 Registration for Golf-       “The decision to purchase Jacob-                    has enabled us to cut down the                                                    The gear box sits in                                                      VibraStop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a forward position to                                                    Contributes to
                  firmed to take part in the          BIC opens later in 2016,     sen equipment was not taken                         amount of time it takes to cut the                                               optimise the centre of                                              smoothness and protects
                  seminar programme are               but you can register an      lightly, and I had to evaluate and                  rough from three days to just 10                                                        gravity                                                       driver from vibrations
                                                      interest in attending by     consider several aspects. This                      hours. This has made a huge dif-       Able to tine down to
                  Jay Karen, CEO of NG-
                                                                                                                                                                              210mm on fine turf,
                  COA, Lodewijk Klootwi-              emailing     debbie.god-     included the level of after-sales                   ference to our productivity and the    the Terra Spike is more
                  jk, CEO of the EGCOA,                   support, both on a local and na-                    accumulative amount of time we         than twice the match
                                                                                   tional level, product flexibility and               have saved is staggering.”             for some shallow

                                                                                  Cleaner cut at Easingwold                                                                   The SL introduces a
                                                                                                                                                                              built-in tine return
                                                                                                                                                                              system and additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tine Return Shock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Absorption System

                                                                                  Following the                     3400 greens mower and          cut at 4mm instead of      shock absorbing facility
                                                                                                                                                                              never seen before.
                                                                                  arrival of two                    a Reelmaster 5510-D            3mm. Having longer
                                                                                  Toro mowers,                      fairway mower recently.        blades means less stress   The engineering develop-
                                                                                  Easingwold in                                                    on the grass.”             ment helps keep the SL’s
                                                                                  North Yorkshire has               He said: “Alongside in-                                   weight to just 470kg, even
                                                                                                                                                                              though the aerator is 1.4m
                                                                                  reported a much                   creased reliability and        The cleaner cut noted      wide. Suited to compact
                                                                                  ‘cleaner cut’.                    decreased fuel con-            at the club can be at-     tractors from 20hp with
                                                                                                                    sumption, the prima-           tributed to the 3400’s     600kg lift capacity, it has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       QuickChange tine holder
                                                                                  Course Manager Andre              ry benefit for us has to       precision manufactured     a very light footprint and                                                                                             Dual belt drive
                                                                                                                                                                              will decompact greens and               Built in tine return system.
                                                                                  Eriah, who has been at            be the quality of cut.         cutting units, which       tees.                                   The SL tine heads can be
                                                                                  Easingwold for 15 years,          We’re getting a clean-         maintain    adjustment                                              rapidly exchanged with a
                                                                                  took delivery of a Toro           er cut, a better pace on       for longer to increase     For more information visit                      single screw
                                                                                  Greensmaster TriFlex              the greens, and can now        performance.     

                  20 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   21
It’s time for the
                 BIGGA National

                                                                                                                                                                                             The 13th
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ship as it will be all my peers from    generally we will set up the course
                                                                                                                                                              Sponsored by:                               across the industry who are play-       for enjoyment, but there will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ing the course. I am viewing it as      a couple of juicy pin positions in
                                                                                                                                                                                                          there being a lot more pressure on      there, I’m sure.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                          myself and my team than there has
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ever been before.”                      Built on the estate’s former farm,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the parkland course is divided

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BIGGA NATIONAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                          There are nine members of staff         into two distinct sections, with
                 Date: 10 – 11 October                                                                                                                                                                    on Jaey’s team, including a me-         their own subsoil. There are USGA

                 Location: Bowood Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort,                                                                                                                                               chanic responsible for maintaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bowood’s Jacobsen fleet. They will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  greens on all 18 holes, but one side
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is heavier, made predominantly of
                 Derry Hill, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 9PQ                                                                                                                                                   be hoping to get the course in its      clay. This area was traditionally
                                                                                                                                                                                                          best-ever condition.                    used for grazing, so there is a large
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  amount of accumulated nutrition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          “I think we are just going to go the
                 Arrive at Bowood and you                                                                     jacent, wouldn’t come about until       responsibility, so when I arrived at                extra mile,” said Jaey. “We’ll have     The other aspect is the high
                 pass through the grand                 ‘I am really                                          May 2009.                               Bowood it didn’t come off as such                   a look at areas we usually don’t feel   ground, where the soil is sandier.
                                                        excited about
                                                                                             Jaey Goodchild

                 Golden Gates and its opulent                                                                                                         a big step.”                                        the need to, or have the opportu-       This makes it free draining and
                 towers that date back to 1834.                                                               Course Manager Jaey Goodchild is                                                            nity to. We’re going to look to be a    although the greens team do their
                                                        hosting the                                           responsible for the upkeep of the       With regional PGA events and high                   lot more thorough and try to push       best to treat both sides the same,
                 There can be no mistaking – you’re     BIGGA National                                        course, which is now 24 years old       profile corporate clients choosing                  the boundaries, but I’m not going       the clay side has a much longer
                 entering an estate with a deep his-    Championship                                          and starting to mature. He joined       to host their events at Bowood,                     to give any secrets away.               growing season.
                 tory. The house has been home a                                                              Bowood five years ago, becoming         Jaey has gotten used to high stand-
                 Prime Minister and is built in fine    as it will be                                         only the third course manager in        ards and having his work closely                    “It’s about enjoying the game, so The main cause for focus at pres-
                 18th-century architecture. There is    all my peers                                          the club’s short history.               scrutinized. However, he added
                 a renowned arboretum and a lab-                                                                                                      the BIGGA National Champion-
                                                        from across the

                                                                                                                                                                                             16th green
                 oratory where Dr Joseph Priestley                                                            Born in Australia, Jaey has lived       ship may just be his biggest chal-
                 discovered oxygen in 1774.             industry who                                          in the UK for 18 years. Bowood          lenge yet.
                                                        are playing the                                       is his first course manager role,
                 But on 10-11 October, history of a                                                           after serving his apprenticeship        Jaey said: “I enjoy working here
                 different kind will be made as BIG-    course’                                               at Chobham in Woking and then           and I knew when I arrived that it
                 GA members contest the annual                                                                joining The Richmond, where he          was one of the higher profile clubs
                 National Championship sponsored       cattle grazed and crops were plant-                    was deputy course manager.              in the region, so I was expectant of
                 by Charterhouse and Kubota, the       ed, the championship course is in-                                                             events of a high calibre.
                 most prestigious golfing event on     tended to compliment Capability                        At Bowood he joined a course that
                 the association’s calendar.           Brown’s Grade I listed gardens.                        was quickly gaining a fantastic         “I love it when we host events as it
                                                                                                              reputation, but he wasn’t daunted       gives you a target to reach, when
                 The course immediately makes it-      Renowned architect Dave Thom-                          by the challenge. Jaey said: “I was     you know you have something ma-
                 self known, and looking left as you   as designed the layout, which still                    pretty confident when I came here.      jor coming up. You have to plan
                 head down the driveway, you are       has evidence of the ploughing that                     I have learnt a lot from working        everything and streamline your
                 introduced to some of the parkland    took place there through its gentle                    with some very well-respected and       preparations so everything peaks
                 layout’s finest holes.                rises and furrows, and the course                      skilled course managers.                at the right time.
                                                       opened for play in 1992.
                 Constructed on the area of the park                                                          “They were the ideal greenkeepers       “I am really excited about hosting
                 known as Home Farm, where once The hotel and spa, which sit ad-                              to learn off as they gave me a lot of   the BIGGA National Champion-

                 22 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd                                                                                                                                                                                                         a@BIGGALtd   SEPTEMBER 2016 GI   23
                                                                                                                                                             National Championship

                                                                                                                                                             Signature hole
                                                                                                                                                             A 402yd par 4, the 16th calls                                                                Toro® Lynx™ Control System
                                                                                                                                                             for an accurate tee shot. Carry

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sharpen your
                                                                                                                                                             the bunker at 200 yards off
                                                                                                                                                             the tee, but don’t go too long
                                                                                                                                                             unless you are staying right of
                                                                                                                                                             the next set of bunkers, which
                                                                                                                                                             require a 280-yard carry.

                                                                                                                                                             The approach to the slight-
                                                                                                                                                             ly-elevated green is protect-
                                                                                                                                                             ed by two deep bunkers on
                                                                                                                                                             the left, but there is a way
                                                                                                                                                             through on the right. Make
                                                                                                                                                             sure the approach shot is                                           The Lynx™ Control System helps golf course managers do just that.

                                                                                                                      The 13th
                                                                                                                                                             held, as the green is only 19
                                                                                                                                                             yards deep.
                    ent is the rough management, hundreds of varieties of flowers
                    where Jaey is undertaking a pro- across the estate.                                                                                      .................................................
                    ject to restore these areas to their
                    original wildflower-rich profile.    These rare species maintain the                                                                     Jaey’s favourite:
                                                         aura of a Regency parkland, and                                                                     “I really like the 13th hole. It’s
                    Jaey, who took part in last month’s Jaey meets regularly with the 9th                                                                    a long par 5 and it’s bordered
                                                                                                                                                             by some fescue-dominated
                    Greenkeeper International feature Marquess to discuss the course
                                                                                                                                                             grassland. It’s a nice place

                    on Rough Management, said: “We and their visions for the future.
                                                                                                                                                             to be and there’s some great
                    have been doing a lot of surveying                                                                                                       views across the attractive
                    on the rough to try and renovate “Rather than woodland planting,”                                                                        landscape towards the Wessex
                    it to what the profile should have said Jaey. “His work planting has

                    been like when the course was first been focused on individual spec-
                    constructed. That’s been quite an imens. I have a passion for trees                                                                      Jaey’s tip for playing Bowood:
                    intensive project to regenerate and we have quite a strong respon-                                                                       “Number one tip is don’t go in
                    the finer swarding as the original sibility to look after the legacy. The                                                                the bunkers. There are nearly
                                                                                                                                                             90 bunkers on the course and
                    vision was a thin grassland with a marquess is involved with all the
                                                                                                                                                             they are big bunkers.”
                    strong wildflower population.        tree planting on the estate and we
                                                         take a lot of pride in it.”                                                                         .................................................
                    “What I am trying to do is bring
                    back that original feeling and so Combined with the course’s four                                                                        Jim Croxton:
                    we are managing these areas for lakes, these features make a fan-                                                                        “This is a top quality course
                    meadow regeneration.”                tastic habitat for wildlife, with                                                                   which has hosted the Chal-
                                                         deer, brown hare, kestrels, red                                                                     lenge Tour and various PGA
                    Through this dedicated pro- kite, buzzard and heron calling                                                                              events and will therefore pro-
                                                                                                                                                             vide a great test for our finest
                    gramme of restoration, the wild- Bowood home.
                                                                                                                                                             players. The course will be
                    flower population of the course is
                                                                                                                                                             in excellent condition under
                    developing well. Working along-                                                                                                          the direction of a high quality                     Now there’s a faster, easier way for course managers to act on their course management decisions.
                    side the STRI, Bowood has been                                                                                                           course manager and team,
                    recognised as an Operation Polli-                                ONSHIP                                                                  meaning our competitors                             Designed to work with the Toro Golf Decoder Controller (GDC), the smart Lynx Control System
                    nator Champion Club by Syngenta.             Are you prep                                                 IST                            will get a true championship                        software was developed to give turf managers intuitive control over what happens on a course
                                                                                  a re d fo r th                                                             experience.”
                                                                 H ere’s ou r ch                   e N at io n a l                                                                                               by making all essential irrigation information readily available in one place.
                                                                                  ec k lis t to m                   Ch am
                    “I’m not a fan of having green              go es w it h ou                     a k e su re you pi on sh ip?
                                                                                 t a h itch . G oo                    r ex pe rien ce
                    everywhere,” said Jaey. “I like to                                              d luck !                                                                                                     Switch to Lynx, and begin to run things your way. Call 01480 226948 or visit
                    see seasonal changes on the golf           B oo k ac com
                                                                               mod at io n fo
                                                               B oo k a prac                     r one or t w
                    course. My fertility and irrigation                       tice ro un d –                     o n igh ts .
                                                              if bo ok ed 1                     co urte sy w
                    regimens are predominantly about                          0 days pr io                     il l on ly be gi
                                                             S un day on ly                    r to th e ch                     ve n
                    maintaining plant health, rather                         .                                  am pi on sh ip
                                                             Bri ng a lo ng                                                      on
                    than for cosmetic reasons.”                              proo f of h a
                                                            Do n’t fo rget                    n di ca p.
                                                                             a ll you r go lfi
                                                            Bri ng a su it                     ng at ti re a n                                                                                                    CONTROL UNIT    SPRINKLERS   DECODERS         P220-G SERIES   SMARTPHONE CAPABILITY
                                                                            a n d tie fo r th                   d eq ui pmen
                                                                                                                                        18th and clubhouse

                    The present Lord Lansdowne             Ch ec k you r                        e pres en tati                  t.
                                                                            te e ti mes fo                         on di n ner.
                    opened the house and gardens to        se n t ou t t w                    r  th e first ro
                                                                           o wee                                  un d – to be
                    the public in 1975 and has worked O n th e day, a rr k s be fo re .
                                                                               ive at le a st
                    to maintain and improve Bowood’s te e ti me.                                40 m in utes                                                                                                                                   Reesink Turfcare UK Ltd ( formerly Lely Turfcare)
                                                                                                                 be fo re you r                                                                                                                1-3 Station Road, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 1QH
                    features. He has planted more than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               T +44 (0)1480 226800 E W
                    a million trees and has introduced

                    24 GI SEPTEMBER 2016   a@BIGGALtd
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