Caring counts WINTER 2022

Page created by Henry Woods
Caring counts WINTER 2022
  counts                    WINTER 2022


We hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season with your
loved ones, even if celebrations couldn’t be quite back to normal
yet. As you can tell by the surrounding photos, our ElderSpan-
managed buildings were full of Christmas cheer these past
few months. Residents helped decorate the building, frosted
cut-out cookies and made crafts, sang Christmas carols, and
enjoyed special entertainment. Family members and friends
were sorely missed at the annual Family Christmas parties, but
we look forward to the joyful day when large groups can gather
together again.
Our staff members are the heart and soul of our organization. In
this issue we are recognizing staff members who are celebrating
anniversaries with ElderSpan. Please join us in expressing
appreciation to them and to all our staff and volunteers for their
exceptional service and commitment to our residents!
Caring counts WINTER 2022
ElderSpan Staff Anniversaries
 ElderSpan is very proud to recognize the following employees who have reached milestone years of
 service with us. Please join us in thanking each of these individuals for their dedication, hard work and
 continued caring service!
                       All Saints                                              Meadows
 3 Years – Deb Adler, Maria Gander, Karina Guzman,       3 Years – Mary Fish, Becca Gilbertson, Heather Griep,
Julie Horst, Stephanie LaSage, Alexis Nabbefeld, Earl                     Dianne Mondragon
           Nez, Eh Sayachith, Marissa Spahn                           10 Years – Kyrie Carpenter
 5 Years – Tiffany Ballweg, Bonnie Carpenter, Donna
       Malaise, Robert Schmitt, Randy Troendle,                              Morningside
           10 Years – Pat O’Brien, Julie Pauli                 3 Years – Kierstin Adams, Jean Roghers,
                 15 Years – Robin Bouril                            Kelly Schluenz, Bailey Wiskus
                                                             10 Years – Sharon Bartels, Angie Richardson
                     CrestRidge                         15 Years – Amy Adams, Mindi Munson, Monica Witzig
               3 Years – Bobbie Schulz
                5 Years – Rochelle Ley                                        Park Place
                                                                  3 Years – Shari Dalsing, Bev Haney
            ElderSpan Corporate Office                                5 Years – Audrey Sonsalla
          3 Years – Mat Duerst, Dave Pope                        10 Years – Mary Guthrie, Kami Turner
    5 Years – Eric Baumgartner, Kirsten Diamond,
     Chris Luckmann, Craig Makela, Tim Schott                          Pine Glen/Pines/Pine Villa
                10 Years – Dave Blume               3 Years – Ashley Franck, Morgan Pelanek, Evelyn Sebastian
                 25 Years – Sue Hamm                   5 Years – Ashley Cox, Stacy Hiller, Pauline McCauley,
                                                                          Jessica McKune
           Meadow Ridge/Meadow View                                    10 Years – Carol Gieck
3 Years – Drea Garcia, Stephanie Joyce, Amber Stebler                 15 Years – Laura Hanson
       5 Years – Joyce Deal, Froebelyn Batuzich,
            Yusie Marquard, Ashley Watson
              10 Years – Debbie Nolden

                                         Welcome to All Saints!
                    All Saints Neighborhood in Madison is pleased to welcome Amber Reed as an
                    RN Care Coordinator at the assisted living residence. Amber worked as a resident
                    assistant in the memory care residence for three years before moving to Chicago
                    for nursing school. Before returning to All Saints as a Care Coordinator, she worked
                    at UW Hospital on the Oncology and Palliative Care Unit.

       Learning A New Recipe
 Janet Gee, Meadows volunteer and wife of resident Derrick,
 taught residents how to make miniature mincemeat pies in
 January. They turned out delicious, and it was a lovely way
 to spend a winter afternoon. Thanks to Janet for sharing her
 expertise! We look forward to the next baking session!
Caring counts WINTER 2022
Commemorating Our Veterans
                             Meadow Ridge
                             Senior Living
                             in Baraboo
                             recognized their
                             veterans’ service
                             to the country
                             with a thank-
                             you card and
                                                   Veterans at All Saints Neighborhood in Madison enjoyed special
                             American flag pin.
                                                   gatherings and a performance by the Monona Senior Center Choir.

Veterans at The Pines Senior Living in Prairie du Sac were recognized with
special programs and fresh flower boutonnieres. Barb Knopf, founder of
Veterans Equine Trail Services spoke to Pine Glen tenants about her organization
and the opportunities it offers!
                                                                                      The seniors at Park Place Senior
                                                                                      Living in Platteville took a trip
                                                           Spring Green quilter
                                                                                      to the local Veterans Memorial.
                                                           Deb Cavanaugh
                                                           honored Meadows
                                                           veterans with beautiful
                                                           quilts, and musician
                                                           Larry Busch and his
                                                           cousin Mark regaled
                                                           the group with
                                                           patriotic tunes.

                                                                                      ElderSpan founder Greg
                                                                                      Griffin talked with residents
                                                                                      at CrestRidge Senior Living in
                                                                                      Dodgeville about his time in the
 Six veterans at Morningside Assisted Living in Lancaster received beautiful Quilts   Navy and how the experience
 of Valor made by local pastor Mary Ann Floerke.                                      influenced his life.
Caring counts WINTER 2022
Caring counts WINTER 2022
A Special Talent
Park Place resident Lorraine Riechers has been sewing almost all of her
life, and still keeps a sewing machine in her apartment. She loves to
make items like hot pads, kid’s aprons and quilts for family and friends.
When asked to make aprons for Park Place kitchen staff for Christmas,
she happily obliged. What special, one-of-a-kind gifts these are!
Thanks to Lorraine for sharing her time and talents!

                                                                 Youthful Visits
                                                        Visits from the younger generation help
                                                        keep our residents young! Students from St.
                                                        Clement School in Lancaster rode their bikes
                                                        to Morningside for a ‘drive-by Thanksgiving
                                                        parade’ in November. They posted signs on the
                                                        windows and brought lots of joy to the building
                                                        with their smiles. Pines resident Charlie Roelke
                                                        was thrilled to have another successful deer
                                                        hunt with his granddaughter Ada in November.
                                                        He’s been hunting with her since she was eight
                                                        years old, so the time spent together hunting
                                                        on the family farm is certainly cherished! They
                                                        were both excited to come back to The Pines
                                                        and tell Grandma Verna Roelke all about it!

           Out & About
                           Keeping seniors
                           connected to the
                           larger community
                           fosters vitality and
                           a sense of purpose.
                           Throughout the
                           past couple of
                           months, residents
                           at our ElderSpan-
                           managed buildings
                           have enjoyed
                           getting out into the
community on the campus buses. CrestRidge
residents took a tour of the new auditorium
and gymnasium at Dodgeville High School, and
folks from Meadow Ridge visited the Al Ringling
Theatre, a Baraboo landmark. Seniors from
The Meadows got into the Christmas spirit by
caroling at Spring Green Community Church
with Pastor Kendall Harger. What fun outings!
Caring counts WINTER 2022
2445 Darwin Road
   Suite 109
   Madison, WI 53704

                                                                              counts                              WINTER 2022
                                                                               THE ELDERSPAN NEWSLETTER

      El d e r Sp a n M anagement , LLC is a f a mily o wn e d a n d o p e ra te d se n io r livin g co mp a ny wh i c h
         p r o v i d e s c o ns ult ing, dev el opm ent a n d ma n a g e me n t se rvice s fo r se n io r livin g o p t i o n s .

        CrestRidge Campus                 Morningside                       The Meadows                  All Saints Neighborhood
          219 E. Grace St.             850 City Limits St.                 477 Rainbow Rd.                 511 Commerce Drive
           Dodgeville, WI                 Lancaster, WI                    Spring Green, WI                     Madison, WI
           (608) 935-0211                (608) 723-5232                     (608) 588-2101                    (608) 827-2772  

                                                Meadow Ridge Campus               The Pines Campus                Park Place Campus
                                                   1700 Jefferson St.               1050 Prairie St.                 1075 N. Elm St.
                                                     Baraboo, WI                   Prairie du Sac, WI                 Platteville, WI
                                                    (608) 356-8770                  (608) 643-5433                   (608) 348-5310

    ElderSpan Management • 2445 Darwin Road, Suite 109, Madison, WI 53704 • (608) 243-8800 •
If you need to update your address or know of someone who could benefit from our newsletter, please call our
                           Madison office or send an e-mail to
Caring counts WINTER 2022 Caring counts WINTER 2022 Caring counts WINTER 2022 Caring counts WINTER 2022
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