Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

Page created by Lynn Clark
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
             1535 Logan St. Denver, CO 80203 Telephone: 303-831-7010 - Fax: 303-831-9514
               Website: Email:
                          Archdiocese of Denver Website:

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION                                                                           DENVER, CO

        ARCHBISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend Samuel J Aquila, STL
                                                                                                         MASS SCHEDULE
        AUXILIARY BISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend Jorge Rodriguez
            PASTOR AND RECTOR: Very Reverend Ronald W. Cattany                          WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM
               PAROCHIAL VICAR: Reverend Michael Rapp, S.S.L.                                       Saturday: 7:00AM
                     IN RESIDENCE: Reverend Andreas Hoeck                                     Anticipated Saturday: 4:30PM
              DEACONS: Deacon Robert Finan, Deacon Robert Rinne,
                                                                                        SUNDAY: 8:30AM, 10:30AM, 12:30PM, & 6:30PM
                            and Deacon Charles Goldburg
                      DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP: John Brooks                                                    VISITING HOURS
                                                                                            Weekday: 6:45am-7:45am, 11:00am-1:15pm
                  DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC: Phil Bordeleau
                                                                                      Sunday: 8:15-9:45am, 10:15-11:45am, 12:15pm-1:45pm,
                      PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Brigid Demko
                        RCIA COORDINATOR: Brett Manero
                                                                                      Please call the office as special events or recordings may
                     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Luciane Urban
                                                                                      require closing. The Church may be closed during Mass.
     MANAGERS OF FINANCE AND ASSETS: Elizabeth Odum & Joe Cavaleri                             SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
                   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Linda Flores
                                                                                     Monday-Friday 11:00am—12:00pm, Saturday 3 PM – 4 PM,
                                                                                                       Sunday 5:30—6:30pm
                                 Sebastian Luke Oliver                                 Or by appointment, please call the office and wait for a
                  MAINTENANCE AND GROUNDS: Jacob Carper                                   confirmation call. You will need to wear a mask.

                                                  ANOINTING OF THE SICK
                                              In the event of a serious illness or
    Parents and Godparents are required         a medical emergency, call the
      to attend a class prior to baptism.                   office.
    Pre-registration is required. If no one
                                                 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY
     pre-registers, there will be no class.
                                                 Please contact the office.
                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
          Please contact the office.
                                                        Lu Urban
                                                 RCIA/RITE OF CHRISTIAN
    Call the office at least 9 months prior       INITIATION OF ADULTS
      to the wedding to book the date.                  Brett Manero

                   Cathedral Basilica Budget
    Offertory March 29—April 4, 2021                             $10,555.00

             Projected Total Deficit June 30, 2021: $146,000

                 Please donate at

    Other Weekend Donations
    Poor Box-SVDP                                                    $814.00
    Food Pantry                                                      $321.00
    Easter Flowers                                                    $55.00
    Catholic Home Missions Appeal                                      $5.00
    Church Support Box                                               $137.00

       Please Remember The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Your Will
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                                            Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Pray for Us

                                                                                        MASS INTENTIONS
                                                                      Sunday, April 18, 2020
                                                                        8:30 AM            Sir Donald R. Bocast †
                                                                       10:30 AM            Parishioners of the Cathedral Basilica
                                                                      12:30 PM             Lester Richardson & Family †
                                                                        6:30 PM            Donors to the Preservation For the Ages
                                                                      Monday, April 19, 2020
                                                                        7:00 AM            Joe Vitale †
                                                                       12:10 PM            Michelle Sees †
                                                                        5:30 PM            James & Dorothy Walker †
                                                                      Tuesday, April 20, 2020
                                                                       7:00 AM             Mike & Mary Gownley
                                                                       12:10 PM            Jane Luckey †
                                                                        5:30 PM            Virginia Rose
                                                                      Wednesday, April 21, 2020
                                                                                           NO MASSES WEDNESDAY 4/21/21
                                                                                           CHURCH CLOSED FOR
                                                                                           DOOR OPENER INSTALLATION
                                                                      Thursday, April 22, 2020
                                                                                           NO MASSES THURSDAY 4/22/21
                                                                                           CHURCH CLOSED FOR
                                                                                           DOOR OPENER INSTALLATION
                                                                       Friday, April 23, 2021
                                                                        7:00 AM            Jane Luckey †
                                                                       12:10 PM            Mike Gownley
                                                                        5:30 PM            Jimmy Doughterty †
                                                                      Saturday, April 24, 2021
                                                                        7:00 AM            Johnny Gomez †
                                                                         4:30 PM           Jane Luckey †

     Pictured above is the Saint Joseph altar at Saint Elizabeth of
         Hungary, mission church of the Cathedral Basilica.

             Act of Consecration to St. Joseph

     O dearest St. Joseph, I consecrate myself to
     your honor and give myself to you, that you
      may always be my father, my protector and
     my guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for
     me a greater purity of heart and fervent love
      of the interior life. After your example may I
    do all my actions for the greater glory of God,
      in union with the Divine Heart of Jesus and
     the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Blessed St.
      Joseph, pray for me, that I may share in the
        peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
In the Company of Pope Francis                  "Jesus taught us that he who commands must become like one who serves. Or,
    if one wants to be first, he must be the servant of all. And this desire for power is not the way to becoming a servant of the
    Lord, in fact: it is an obstacle, one of these obstacles we prayed to the Lord to remove from us. The Lord has told us that no
    servant can have two masters. One either serves God or serves money. Play right and left, play God and even play in the
    world, no? And this is an obstacle. Not serving God first, the thirst for power and money, are all obstacles to true peace,
    causing us to live in that tension of worldly vanities. And when we serve the Lord in freedom, we feel that deeper peace yet,
    right? The voice of the Lord: ‘Oh, come, come, come, good and faithful servant.’ And so, give us this serenity, this peace to
    be able to serve as a free child in the end, with so much love.”-- Pope Francis
    Are YOU on the path to be a SERVANT OF GOD?

    The Archdiocese of Denver, and even more specifically Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Denver, is
    blessed to have a nexus with the two Servants of God for the Archdiocese of Denver: Father Leo Heinrichs
    OFM, Martyred in 1908, and Julia Greeley, Called Home in 1918. Father Leo was the Superior of the Fran-
    ciscan Community killed by an Anarchist while distributing Holy Communion one Sunday Morning. Julia
    was a Member of the Third Order of Saint Francis at Saint Elizabeth Church and was buried in the Francis-
    can habit.

    Both are Servants of God based on their lives of heroic virtues -- the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope
    and Charity, and the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude.

    But their common bond is their love for the poor.

    Father Leo's kindness led him to be a great friend of the poor of Denver. They knew they would never be
    turned away from the door of Saint Elizabeth without receiving something from the Pastor's own hand. The
    Rocky Mountain News stated that, "No word has been mentioned in the newspapers of Father Leo's chari-
    ty, and no man resented publicity more. But the poor of the city, regardless of their religious beliefs, will
    mourn him as a benefactor. People living in the vicinity of the church tell the story of the line of hungry
    men, women and children at the friary gate every morning, where they were received by Father Leo and
    given food and clothing."

    "Whenever Father Leo heard of a sick person in destitute circumstances he went in person. How many people received succor from him will
    never be known because he never spoke of his charitable deeds. It is only through physicians who were called at his expense and the sick and
    poor themselves that this face of the priest's character can be learned."

    Julia Greeley, a former slave, a convert, a Black Woman who could neither read nor write nor count, be-
    came Denver’s Angel of Charity. At the time of her death, Matthew Smith recounted that, "Her charity was
    so great that only God knows its extent. She was constantly visiting the poor and giving them assistance
    from her own slender means. When she found their needs so great that she could not help them with her
    own goods, she begged for them. Her charity was as delicate as it was great. She realized that white people,
    no matter how poor, might feel a little sensitive receiving assistance from an old colored woman, so she
    went at night to their homes to deliver the goods she had begged, in order to keep the neighbors from seen
    her. She had even been seen going through the streets at night with a mattress on her back. Many and many
    a times she was seen carrying coal and groceries. Yet she was so poor herself that the city charity depart-
    ment had been furnishing her with fuel and groceries."

    "On one occasion, a priest of the Sacred Heart Parish found her pushing a baby carriage along at night. She
    had found a poor family that needed it. So, she'd gone out and begged for it. On another occasion one of the
    Jesuits met her carrying a broken doll. In answer to his questions, she told him that she was taking it home
    to fix it up and give it to some child. Julia's rule seemingly was that it was better to give than to be too care-
    ful and deny assistance to someone who needed it."

    LET US PRAY for these HEROIC VIRTUES in our own lives!

    Lord Jesus, who didst grant to the faithful son of Saint Francis, Father Leo, the privilege of giving his life while distributing Thy Holy Eucha-
    rist; grant us also, by his merits and intercession, with a view to obtain his Beatification, the graces we now earnestly ask of Thee; (here make
    your request). May we imitate his spirit of penance and humility, and by making fervent reparation to Thy Divine Presence among us, remain
    ever united with Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Amen.

    Heavenly Father, your servant Julia Greeley dedicated her life to honoring the Sacred Heart of your Son and to the humble service of the poor.
    Grant to me a generous heart like your Son's, and if it be in accordance with your holy will, please grant this favor I now ask through Julia's
    intercession, (insert intention). I pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Servant of God Father Leo Heinrichs, Pray for us!

    Servant of God Julia Greeley, Pray for us!

    +May God Bless You and Keep You+
                                                                                                                         Very Reverend Ronald W. Cattany

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                                              Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us

      Our St. Vincent de Paul Society helps ~12                                                                              Parishioner Rex
    households each month with rental and utility                                                                              cleans all the
                                                                                                                              gutters around
    assistance. Donations made to SVDP or made                                                                                the Cathedral
     to the Poor Box contribute to this ministry.                                                                             grounds every
                                                                                                                             day…. THANK
                Thank you for your generosity.                                                                                  YOU REX!


                                                                                             OUTREACH MINISTRY
                                                                             Our Outreach Ministries serve over a 100 People of
                                                                             Capitol Hill Monday through Friday. Our Sandwich
                                                                             Line serves Breakfast at 8am. Our Pantry is open at
                                                                            1pm .Our bagged lunches include a cup of chili, a tuna
                                                                            lunch, a sleeve of saltines, a bottle of water, a granola
                                                                            bar, a cup of peaches, a can of V8 and two servings of
                                                                              peanut butter. Each bag costs $7.01. And we have
                                                                                       Snacks available in the afternoon.
                                                                            to DONATE

                                                            Third Sunday of Easter
    The Lebanese-American writer Kahlil Gibran had it right, I think, when he spoke of grief. He described death as an incense bead
    which doesn’t break open until a loved one’s death. Then its perfume fills the room. “Death is the revealer of life,” he said. It’s only at
    death that the fullness of someone’s life breaks open. All of a sudden we see them more clearly, and with so much more love (and
    longing) than we even did in life.
    I suspect that happened for the disciples of Jesus. After his horrible death, the fullness of his life, and the meaning of his death, broke
    open. Now they had the rest of their lives to regret not loving him better, not staying and praying with him in the Garden, not fleeing
    from the Cross but, instead, staying and dying with him.
    Maybe that’s what they were all saying, through their heartbreak and tears, that Easter evening. They may have been remembering,
    over and over, the precious moments they shared with him in his life, and accusing themselves of the grossest ignorance in not under-
    standing who he was, and to what he had called them.
    And then. Two disciples from Emmaus came running into that Upper Room with the most astonishing news. He’s alive! And we rec-
    ognized him in the Breaking of the Bread! And no sooner had they announced this glorious news than Jesus Himself stood among
    them. And suddenly, nothing was ever the same again.
    Are you longing for a deceased loved one? Imagine them just entering into your room right now. Oh, what endless joy! They are alive.
    Trust this vision. Trust Jesus. They are alive.
                               How do you experience the presence of your deceased loved ones?
    Kathy McGovern©2020

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

                           Please pray for all those who are sick or in need of our prayers:
    Michael Boston, Lawrence Brooks, Douglas Campbell, Joann Coules, Andrew Emmer, Jeannie Harder, Ilse Hartman,
       Mallori Heeke, Andrea Helaine, Allie Kandt, John Krusinski, Lynn Lengyel, Kitty de Leon, Ethel Litzenberger,
      Dominic Martinez, Michelle Martino, Mitchell A. Moreno, Randy S. Moreno, Pam Pappas, Melanie Parker, Jean
      Pierre, Andrew Pink, Phil Scardova, Jodi Steward, Claude Stieha, A.J. Stiffler, Ana Tejada, Linda Winkler, Chloe
    Young, Sheila Oliver, Ronald Arnold, Bill & Kim Agnew, Christina Hertz, James M. Schmitt, Linda Basquez, Mary
       Figueroa, Shelley Carmosino, Susie Escareno, Ted Haner, Delfina Guzman, Mary Jo McHugh. Monique. Paul
    Nohara. Zachary Quick, Janet Robson, Juanita Driscoll, Sydney Brisbane, Marlene Bargas, Wener Hahn, Tami Vicars,
     Michael O. Machado, Joel Ray Asuncion, Patricia Capponi, Cliff Richard, Valeria Pacheco, Brady McHugh, Joseph
    Delaney, Margaret Harrison, Kimberly O’Brien, Father Daniel Sinn, Joe Ann O’Brien, Father MacEwen, Mr. & Mrs.
       Parish, Mary Ann Nightingale, Mike Lopez, Sheryl Ventura, George Martin Helfer, Alfred Deldon Sr., Brenda
      Garrett, Basil Summers, Tina Alvarez, Nancy Clark, Bill Johns, Befus Brown, Ellen Trujillo, Dustin Clark, Roger
     Amani, Sister Miriam McLean, Nancy Fox, Lauretta Proulex, Matthew Taylor, Holly Shess, Mary Jo McHugh, Rose
      Marie Bruno, Gabriella McHugh Bob and Donna Cornell, Patricia Hivley, Walker Stevens, John Palladino, Donna
                                     Kaye Cornell, Boeing Laugan, Catherine Fanselau

                 Please pray for all those in our parish family who have died since Shelter in Place:
    Mike Farley, Jossie Eyre, Tina Martinez, Jerry Priddy, Lou Jahde, Jessie Mangers, Kara O’Connor, Joe Vitale, Deacon
     Anthony Dudzic, Billy Bruce, Kathleen Davis, Bob Roach, Sam Ochu, Scott Collier, Gerald Cucio, Fr. Joe Blanco,
    Josephine Malesich, Louisa Orduna, Maureen Rittenhause, Sammy Lopez, Randall Cook, Mike McBride, Peter James
                                                   Chavez, Paul Bordeleau

                                                SACRED MUSIC
                                                         Saint Cecilia, Pray for Us

     Organist Robert Klimek, Guitarist Stephen Waechter,
     and Artist Tony Ortega perform and interpret 16th and
      17th Century Spanish Music and Dr. Klimek original

          View this and all previous
       livestream concerts online at:                                                 C ONGRATULATIONS!

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                  Blessed Pier Giorgio Frasatti , Pray for Us
                                                       Holy Family, Pray for Us

    Welcome! We invite you to check out our SPORTS LEAGUES, YOUNG ADULT MEN’S
    and YOUNG ADULT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES! Find us on Facebook at Cathedral Young
    Adult and Young Adult Families or feel free to contact our Young Adult Coordinator,
    Georgie Messing at

                                                            CBIC Weekly Adoration
                                                                    Monday through Friday
                                                                       4:15—5:15 PM

                                                          Holy Hour for the
                                                 Sanctification of Priests and Voca-
                                                      tions to the Priesthood
                                                               Mondays from 4:15– 5:15 PM

                                                     Holy Hour for the
                                            Sanctification of Priests and Voca-
                                                 tions to the Priesthood
                                            On Mondays, check out the livestream
                                                      on Facebook at

                                                       “The Bishops of Colorado have announced that the obliga-
                                                        tion to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days will be re-
                                                      stored on Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021, and all Catholics
                                                      who are healthy and without significant risk factors or other
                                                       serious reasons should resume normal Mass attendance in
                                                                          the coming weeks.”

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
                                                      Saint Philip Neri, Pray for Us

                                                                              Saint of the Week
                QUO VADIS?                                            Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
           “Lord, Where you are you going?”
    These are the words that Peter spoke to Jesus when
    Our Lord appeared to him on the Appian Way as Pe-
               ter fled persecution in Rome.

                     Jesus answered,
        "I am going to Rome to be crucified again"

    As we each continue on our particular faith walk,
    whether we are cradle Catholics or converts, prayer    In less than 40 years, Gianna Beretta Molla became a
    and sacraments are imperative to the vitality of our   pediatric physician, a wife, a mother and a saint!
    Church. We come together to persevere in communi-
    ty and education, prompted and sustained by grace.     She was born in Magenta near Milano, the tenth of Al-
                                                           berto and Maria Beretta’s 13 children. An active mem-
    Please join us on Wednesday evenings during our        ber of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and a leader in
    RCIA formation classes to learn about the most im-     the Catholic Action movement, Gianna also enjoyed
    portant pillars of our faith and to give witness to    skiing and mountain climbing. She earned degrees in
    those becoming Catholic.                               medicine and surgery from the University of Pavia,
                                                           eventually specializing in pediatrics. In 1952, Gianna
                                                           opened a clinic in the small town of Mesero, where she
                                                           met engineer Pietro Molla.
    WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at the Knights of
        Columbus at 16th and Grant                         Shortly before their 1955 marriage, Gianna wrote to
           QUO VADIS 6:30 PM                               Pietro: “Love is the most beautiful sentiment that the
             RCIA 7:15 PM                                  Lord has put into the soul of men and women.” In the
                                                           next four years the Mollas had three children: Pierluigi,
                                                           Mariolina, and Laura. Two pregnancies following end-
                                                           ed in miscarriage.
                                                           Early in her fourth pregnancy, doctors discovered that
     We are currently exploring Brant Pitre’s Eucharist    Gianna had both a child and a tumor in her uterus. She
                          series:                          allowed the surgeons to remove the tumor but not to
                                                           perform the complete hysterectomy that they recom-
                                                           mended, which would have killed the child. Seven
                                                           months later in April 1962, Gianna Emanuela Molla
    April 21st: Eucharist Episode 2: In the                was born at the hospital in Monza, but post-operative
                                                           complications resulted in an infection for her mother.
                  Beginning                                The following week Gianna Molla died at home, and
             April 28th: No Class                          was buried in the cemetery of Mesero.
      May 5th: Eucharist: Lamb of God                      Gianna Emanuela went on to become a physician her-
                                                           self. Gianna Beretta Molla was beatified in 1994 and
                                                           canonized 10 years later. Her liturgical feast is cele-
                                                           brated on April 28.
                                                            With great faith and courage, Gianna Molla made the
                                                            choice that enabled her daughter to be born. We can
                                                           often wish that we were in different circumstances, but
                                                           holiness frequently comes from making difficult choices
                                                                               in bad situations.
             Picture: Church of Domine Quo Vadis in Rome

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
         Denver and Beyond

                    Don’t miss your chance to see just
                    one of the Archbishop’s many talents
                    AND learn more about the 2021
                                    Catholic Appeal in
                                    this new [video] or
                                    givetoday or call
                                    303-867-0614, to
                                    help lift up your
                                    neighbors through
                                    the missions support-
                                    ed by the Archbish-
                                    op’s Catholic Ap-

                  To the right: The
                  Blessing of Easter
                  Foods on Holy Satur-

                  Below: The Salvation
                  Army serves those at-
                  tending Officer
                  Talley’s Funeral Mass

                                   Servant of God, Julia Greeley, Pray for Us

                                                         Frankie Rachell-Bruce leads the Servant
                                                         of God Julia Greeley Prayer and the Lita-
                                                         ny of the Sacred Heart at the January 1st
                                                                  Mass for Julia’s Canoe

                                                                  SERVANT OF GOD JULIA GREELEY
                                                                      Denver’s Model of Mercy

                                                          Heavenly Father, your servant Julia Greeley ded-
                                                           icated her life to honoring the Sacred Heart of
                                                           your son and to the humble service of the poor.

                                                          Grant me a generous heart like your Son’s, and if
                                                            it be in accordance with your holy will, please
                                                           grant this favor I now ask through Julia’s inter-
                                                              I pray this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

                                                                     -Archbishop Samuel J Aquila

    The Julia Greeley Guild is selling the book, Julia
    Greeley: Denver’s Angel of Charity, written and                          JULIA’S CANOE
       illustrated by the 2018-2019 Annunciation           During her life in Denver, Julia once responded to a
    Catholic School 5th Grade Class, as a fundrais-        request for prayers by saying, “I’ll put you in my ca-
    er. The cost of the book is $15.00, and monies              noe with everyone else that I pray for”.
                                                           Send your prayer intentions to
     raised will assist in the process of the Canoni-      We Pray for the Intentions in Julia’s Canoe during special
     zation of Servant of God Julia Greeley. For ad-                          Masses scheduled:
    ditional information or to order a book, please
    contact Mary Leisring at the Cathedral Basilica                     June 4th at 5:30 pm
               303-831-7010 or email mar-                               July 2nd at 12:10pm
                                                                       August 6th at 5:30pm

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