Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

Page created by Judith Ortega
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort
ISSUE # 144
                                                                                       AUGUST 2019

                    Celebrating Amazing Women

In August we celebrate Women’s
Day and many don’t know the
significance behind it, other than
another excuse to have a public
holiday on 09 August.

Without going into the deep
details, it all began back on
09 August 1956, when over
14 000 women staged a march
on the Union Buildings, with a
view to having their say on
proposed amendments to the
Urban Areas Act of 1950, called      GIVE OF WHAT WE THINK IS A         CONNECT WITH OLD FRIENDS
“pass laws”.                         STANDARD                           On a softer and less intense
                                     Many young women do not have       approach, what about reaching
What has come about from this        the basics that we all take for    out to an old friend you haven’t
one march, is a focus on women       granted. Reach out to your local   seen in months or years?
and the many struggles they          NPO in the area and see how you    There was a reason you became
have had and still have today.       can contribute - many daily        friends, to begin with, so
Some areas of focus are              items are needed, from infant      consider those reasons, and
parenting, unequal pay, sexual       care to self-care.                 arrange a coffee or a day out.
harassment, schooling for girls                                         As you grow older, very often
and domestic violence.               FOCUS ON THE REAL MEANING          having a good friend to yak to or
While these areas may not have       AND GIVE BACK                      offload on, is very needed. Your
affected many of us directly, we     The original cause for the march   female connections become
can still reflect and appreciate     was to highlight areas where       important and as Jane Fonda
that there are many women who        women were suffering. If you       quipped, “Women’s friendships
deal with these on a daily basis.    know of a community in need or     are like a renewable source of
                                     even just an individual woman      power!” And, we can all do with
Since the march began and we         who could do with some help,       some more energy nowadays.
started celebrating women over       reach out today.
the years on this day, there have                                       FOR THE MEN
been significant advances and        Think of the organisations that    No, this article is not just geared
assistance that have come from       home unwed and young               towards women. We encourage
the focus.                           mothers. Consider donating         all men to consider the beauty
                                     items or your time for the month   and sheer wonder of the women
HOW ELSE CAN WE REMEMBER,            of August or longer.               in their lives. Think about how
CELEBRATE AND HELP                                                      you can celebrate them – make
AMAZING WOMEN?                       In many communities, domestic      August all about them and treat
While we all should be               violence is very rife. While we    your lady/ies in your life to a
celebrating, not only women          don’t promote that you walk in     magical day or even month of
every day, but everyone in their     and try to mend things yourself,   pure spoiling.
efforts to make it through this      consider how your contributions
journey called life, there are a     to many NPOs in support,           We look forward to the stories
few notable ways to honour the       however small or large, can make   you will tell us from your focus-
amazing women in our lives.          a vast difference.                 women month!
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

                                                            OUR WONDERFUL RESTAURANT

    CHAIRMAN'S                                              On a more serious note, several Directors met recently
                                                            in an attempt to find a way forward in correcting the

                                                            financial woes facing the restaurant. We noted that
                                                            much progress had been made in establishing financial
                                                            and cost controls. The Point of Sale system is
                                                            functioning and is assisting with invoicing, ordering and
I often need to pinch myself to make sure I am not          stock control. For the long term good of the resort, we
dreaming. Oasis is a dream come true. As one edges          would like to maintain a restaurant that is more than a
closer to retirement, one’s concern is “where will we       “fast food joint” and definitely more than a canteen.
retire”. There are many options, but few places are as       We would like to make every effort to satisfy the needs
amazing as Oasis. The position of Oasis, within Century     of all our residents.
City, adds so much to our quality of life. The walking      Charles Kilner and Dudley Boyd have engaged with
trails, the artwork and the close proximity to all          Marx and Karen to facilitate a change that is acceptable
essentials. Several Oasis folk walk to the mall to do       to the majority of the residents. The overriding concern
minor shopping purchases, with Dischem, a day clinic,       is the financial loss that the restaurant is making at
several dentists, doctors, physiotherapists, all just a     present. We have increased the prices and put in place
short walk away. In addition, there are several             a cheaper dining option, but some patrons have
restaurants nearby. And, it is so easy to collect family    decided to boycott the facility because of the increased
from the airport, except in peak traffic times.             prices. We cannot continue allowing for such a huge
                                                            deficit to be financed by increasing the levy or eating
WHAT TO DO WITHIN CENTURY CITY?                             into our reserves. We all need to come to terms with
Intaka Island is Cape Town’s well-kept secret, and it's     the fact that food prices have increased, and prices of
right on our doorstep. Take a picnic basket and enjoy       the meals will need to increase to cater for the
breakfast within the Island surrounded by the sound of      additional input cost.
many species of birds. For the photographers amongst        Nevertheless, we need to ensure that the food served
our residents, an hour or two spent in one of the hides     to us is sufficient, well prepared, healthy and served
will yield a harvest of precious memories.                  efficiently with a smile. The management will
For the more adventurous, and believe me many Oasis         investigate any complaints received regarding a lesser
residents still seek a challenge, there is the Park Run,    than perfect dining experience. Please let your
canoeing, stand up paddling (SUP), cycling, and you can     criticism be noted promptly and tempered with a good
head to the Century City running club who meet on           attitude. And, rather please complain to Management
Tuesdays. You can also watch the touch rugby on             and not to your fellow diners, as this causes more
Central Park if you fancy.                                  unpleasantness.
On the first Saturday and Sunday of March, the Century      Remember the restaurant belongs to us, the owners,
City Sports Festival takes place. Head down to watch        and its success will add to our investment. For many
the dragon boat races, the canoe racing, SUP events,        buyers, the restaurant clinched the sale at the time of
cycling, as well as a 10km and a 5km fun run. There is      deciding to purchase. The problems are not
also canoe polo, a really interesting sport to watch. We    insurmountable, but we will need the buy-in from us
also have several food markets available within the         all. Please make use of the restaurant, the coffee shop
Century City precinct throughout the year.                  and shortly, when we receive our liquor license, the
Why am I chattering about all these activities? Because I   bar. Eat, drink and be merry, there are no roadblocks
do not believe there are any other Retirement Resorts       en route to your apartment.
in the world, so well positioned as Oasis Luxury            In closing, a big thank you to the Directors who have
Retirement Resort with so many activities happening all     given of their time to address this problem. To Tom
around.                                                     Knight for his valuable insight and input, to Joe Franco
                                                            for his knowledgeable contribution, and of course to
AND WITHIN OASIS?                                           Charles and Dudley for their time and effort.
Within Oasis, we also have exceptional activities. I can    Thanks also to Karen for her efforts to find a solution,
highly recommend the water aerobics. I was initially        and to Marx for his willing participation in these efforts,
concerned that if I failed the balance exercises I would    and Julio for all the number crunching.
be whisked off to the Frail Care. This proved to be an
unreasonable fear. Seriously though, I do believe that      Continue to enjoy the prime of your lives.
the exercise routine is exceptionally good for our
overall fitness. Please avail yourselves of one or many
of the activities on offer.
                                                            Ron O'Brien
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

 From the
 Manager's Desk
                                                            GREENING OASIS
                                                            The Oasis recycling programme is relaunching on
                                                            01 August with an interesting and informative talk
                                                            by the Wasteplan Sustainability Manager, Mike
                                                            Pienaar, on 12 August. I’ve been given a sneak
 Dear Residents                                             preview of the information that Mike will present
                                                            and the future looks a little scary, especially around
 It’s good to be back in Cape Town and at Oasis!            the impact of plastics on our oceans. Wasteplan,
 Thank you for the well wishes as I left and the            the Oasis business partner for the Greening Oasis
 welcome back when I returned. As always, I was             project, will be setting up the Oasis personalised
 looking at other retirement facilities on my travels       recycling dashboard so that the volumes of
 and in the UK, it appears that an indoor swimming          recycling coming from the estate can be tracked as
 pool is the benchmark for luxury, even if it is on         they grow. We will also include the results in future
 the smaller side. So, the Oasis indoor mega-pool           issues of Nexus. Every bit counts towards the
 is a star attraction (including its very brief             future of this planet and recycling domestic waste is
 appearance in a recent advertisement) and I know           just the start of the Greening Oasis project. We’re
 for many it was and remains a key selling point.           aiming for near-zero landfill-waste from the resort.

 TOPS OF MIND                                               MAINTENANCE AND HOW IT ALL FITS TOGETHER
 For most Retirement facilities, major electrical and       There is sometimes confusion about who maintains
 plumbing faults are emergencies. We add TV’s and           what within the Resort. Apartment owners are
 the condition of the swimming pool to that                 responsible for the maintenance within their unit
 category and always treat these repairs as urgent,         and the Resort office can provide you with details of
 but are often dependent on 9 to 5 service                  trusted service providers that you can call for
 providers. Recently, our first words to each other         electricity, plumbing and general repairs. The
 when we arrived at work were, ‘What’s the pool             Resort Handyman can do some small jobs for a
 temperature this morning?’. It seems that the fault        nominal fee, but if we feel there is risk involved, you
 with the water heating has been sorted out, but            will be advised to use a person with more
 will still remain the first question of the day until it   specialised skills. All other maintenance, buildings
 is certain all is well with the pool.                      and machinery, is managed by the on-site
 Equally top of mind is the Clubhouse Restaurant            management team. The team will be expanded
 and your opinions from the recent survey. I have           from 01 August when Johan Gelderblom takes on
 spoken to many Residents since my return and               the contract role of Maintenance Consultant. Johan
 explained that the restaurant costs have to go             will work with the management team to ensure that
 somewhere. The current strategy is that it is more         the planned preventative maintenance programme
 equitable for these costs to be principally covered        is in place across the estate and that reactive
 when dining. Most Retirement facilities use the            maintenance has a fast turnaround time. Johan has
 services of outsourced contract caterers who               a wealth of experience and a varied background,
 invoice each month for their overheads for that            including managing maintenance in an upmarket
 unit: salaries, printing etc., which is then charged       hospitality environment, but will not be working
 directly to levies, either as a portion of the general     directly with residents.
 levy or as a separate catering levy. Those                 Please continue to report all maintenance requests
 companies' head offices use centralised buying for         and faults through the resort’s on-site office
 all their units which enables them to negotiate            reception desk.
 rock-bottom prices from suppliers. Their business
 models may include advanced booking for meals,             ON THE MOVE
 a defined number of mandatory meals and no                 The exciting Resort offices renovation project starts
 card or cash facilities. It would be great if the          on Monday 05 August. During the estimated eight
 Oasis Clubhouse experience can remain flexible,            weeks of this project, the on-site management team
 but all options will be explored, costed, considered       will move to another area in the Clubhouse so you
 and communicated.                                          will see some furniture being rearranged early
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

in August.                            will be closed due to the close
The top priority of this project is   proximity to the building site.
the health and safety of              Please read the notice boards
Residents coming to the               and William’s updates for further
Clubhouse. A hoarding will be         information.
erected around the worksite and
noisy works will stop during          Thank you for indulging me with
lunchtimes. There may also be         a slightly longer than usual
times, especially at the start of     column this month.
the project, when demolitions         I’m making up for missing
and building will take place and      last month!
when the main clubhouse doors                      Karen Rae

                                       THE OASIS RECYCLING PROGRAMME
                                       Please join us for an interesting and informative talk
                                       by Mike Pienaar - Wasteplan Sustainability Manager
                                       on 12 August 2019 at 5.30pm
                                       in the Function Room, Oasis Clubhouse.
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

      "Every morning has

   a new beginning, a new

    blessing, a new hope.”


William's Words
It has been wonderful having Andre onboard
                                                                             BY WILLIAM MCMURTRIE

                                                        matters are out of our hands. Often issues are
training the Concierge staff and I am sure that by      simple and due to user errors, and do not always
now the difference is noticeable to all. He provides    warrant a call out.
good support with our dailies and I can feel my life
improving as well. We expect the Concierges to be       TALK OF THE TEMPERATURE
service-orientated in their duties and of course, as    This has been a cold winter, but still the weather I
we all know, systems have to be practised in order      prefer. We tend to use heaters, underfloor heating
for them to function properly. We have a fuller and     and tumble dryers more often. This usage will
dedicated Concierge team and will arrange photos        instantly affect your monthly electricity account, as
soon so that Residents know who they are.               was the case with our July readings. Most of the
                                                        accounts were higher than the norm and no doubt
CONNECTIONS EXPLAINED                                   because we are all doing things differently in
I want to remind Residents of the following, as call-   winter. Nevertheless, one cannot put a price on
outs and problem-solving around these issues can        comfort.
sometimes be misconstrued, especially after hours       We acquired a thermometer and are happy to
or on weekends. Century City Connect provides the       report pool temperatures of 29 degrees. We are
optic fibre in Century City. There are service          grateful to Tekniheat and hope that the new,
providers who connect to this fibre for TV,             improved condenser lasts a long time. Water
Intercom, Telephone and Internet services. If           aerobics classes have resumed and it is great to see
something goes offline for some reason after hours      our residents enjoying the pool again.
or over weekends, we cannot guarantee a physical
response to your unit by any of the providers and       MOVING ON UP
you may have to wait until the next working day.        When we get contractors working or moving
We will continue to assist the best we can, but         furniture at Oasis, we like to ensure that the
would appreciate your understanding when                mover’s lift is covered during these periods, so
                                                        please keep communicating with our office
                                                        regarding your contractors and deliveries.
                                                         Just a reminder that any major renovations will
                                                        need approval and a refundable deposit will be
                                                        required. Please refrain from giving contractors
                                                        your access cards as we expect them to follow the
                                                        daily scan-in protocols and also ensure that they
                                                        are aware of the working hours allowed.
                                                        On that note, we don’t allow contractors over
                                                        weekend and public holidays.


Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

News from the Sales Office

Prospective buyers and tenants                Make sure to test each and every
are influenced by how your                    fixture and ask the tenant for their
apartment “shows” when marketing              insight.
it for rent or sale. Walking into a           Do all of the electrical plugs                      FOR
light, bright, clean apartment                work? Test all of them.                             SALE
immediately catches the client’s eye.         Are all of the cabinets on their
Walking into a dark, over-cluttered,          hinges and does any of the
unkempt apartment will have clients           hardware need tightening?
running for the hills!                        Are the curtains and blinds (if they
                                              belong to you) in working order?
We cannot stress just how important           Are there any holes or nails in the
it is to keep a clean and well-               wall or significant markings?            taken away and leave just the bare
maintained apartment so that when             If there is carpeting, does it need      minimum in the living rooms and
you do decide to rent or sell the unit,       to be cleaned?                           bedrooms. A tastefully decorated
it is in ‘showroom condition’. It is also     Does the apartment need to be            and curtained apartment is a delight
most important to accommodate                 painted? You should paint every          to show. A cluttered, untidy
showings. Making showings difficult           few years.                               apartment will not sell in a hurry.
will make selling or renting your             Are the appliances in
property more difficult.                      working order? Are they                  With this said, our rental and resale
                                              reasonably up-to-date?                   market is showing signs of recovery.
Apartments that have not been lived           Do the tiled and wooden floors           We have recently sold five
in for a while fall into disrepair and        need maintenance?                        apartments in the space of five
need special attention before                 Are the doors and windows in             weeks and we are at the time of
marketing them for rent or sale.              working order?                           writing this article close to finalising
                                              Are the outside drains on terraces       two more sales.
SOME POINTS THAT YOU SHOULD                   clear of debris to avoid flooding?       We have also signed four leases in
KEEP IN MIND WHEN RENTING OUT                                                          the last four weeks. However, we do
YOUR APARTMENT                              Keep accurate notes so that you can        have a fairly large number of units to
  When your current tenant has              make plans to address any issues as        let and we hope the market improves
  given notice, schedule a walk-            soon as the tenant moves out. Hire         enough to enable us to find suitable
  through two weeks in advance of           contractors (if necessary) in advance      tenants for many more of these
  their departure.                          of your tenant’s departure and             apartments. One should also bear in
  Let your tenant know that you             schedule them for as soon as               mind that in a resort such as ours it
  would appreciate it if they would         possible after they leave.                 would not be unusual to have
  make a list of anything that may                                                     around 10% of the units up for sale
  require your attention.                   Hire a cleaning service to thoroughly      or to let at any given time.
  Remind them that any damage or            clean the apartment (including
  repairs that they may need to             appliances) immediately after the          The days are getting longer, but colder
  address should be attended to in          tenant moves out, unless your tenant       and wetter.
  advance of their departure so that        has already seen to this. This can be
  you can refund them their full            deducted from your tenant’s deposit        Keep warm and stay healthy.
  security deposit.                         if they have left the apartment in a
                                            dirty condition.                           We would like to welcome new
WHEN INSPECTING THE                         WHEN MARKETING YOUR                        arrivals:
APARTMENT                                   APARTMENT TO SELL                             Mr and Mrs Nel PB803
   Is there any evidence of water           All of the above are equally important        Dr Leonia Kurgan PD903
  damage on the floors, walls or            so that you can attract a buyer in a          Mr and Mrs Juhnke PB501
  ceilings?                                 short space of time. Make sure that           Mr and Mrs Margow PBG01
  Are there odours that could be            you are selling an apartment that is          Mr Frank Olschlager PS307
  evidence of mildew or indoor              fully functioning and not falling apart.      Mr and Mrs Butler PV402
  smoking?                                  If you decide to leave the apartment          Karin McFadzean PB503
  Do any of the kitchen or bathroom         furnished while it is on the market,          Mrs Maraney PS104
  fixtures leak?                            make sure that all personal items are         Mrs Akester PS 809
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort


                                                                 The Chef's
  August is Women’s Month, which
  is a celebration of the women in
  our lives and at the
  Cafe@Clubhouse we will mark
  this special month with the
  celebration of Afternoon Tea
  Week. The commemorative
  week was established to secure
  a tradition that has graced
  British and South African
  afternoons since the 1840s. In
  those days, dinner often wasn’t
  served until 8 pm and lunch
  didn’t exist, so what was a
  hungry person to do? Create a
  new mini-meal in the middle of
  the day of course!
  Traditionally this meal contains
  tiny finger sandwiches, scones        MIGNON DAY                           AND WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU
  with jam and clotted cream, and       On 13 August we are having Filet     LEMONS… Make Lemon
  sweet dainties such as cakes and      Mignon Day to commemorate            Meringue Pie! And that is what
  pastries, to help lift the spirits,   the opening of the first modern      will happen on Lemon Meringue
  bolster energy and see you            luxury hotel in 1889, the Savoy      Pie Day which is 15 August!
  through the rest of the day. We       Hotel in London, which opened
  will have a tea promotion for the     its doors in August with Cesar       TOMATO DAY
  week – so, when you order a           Ritz as Manager and Auguste          In 2002, Spaniards threw 120
  scone or sandwich, it will include    Escoffier as Chef De Cuisine.        tons of tomatoes at each other
  a side cup of Ceylon or Rooibos       With 268 rooms, it was the first     at the annual Tomatina Festival
  tea.                                  hotel in Britain lit entirely by     in Bunol, Spain. The annual
                                        electricity and the first with       tomato fight is the biggest
                                        electric lifts. Most of the rooms    food fight in the world. It has
                                        also had hot and cold running        been a tradition since 1945
                                        water, a real luxury in those        when a group of youngsters
                                        times!                               engaged in a spontaneous
                                                                             tomato fight in the town square
                                        This day also marks the              on 29 August. This year, it is
                                        penmanship of O. Henry (pen          expected that 30,000 people will
                                        name of William Sydney Porter)       throw 240,000 pounds of
                                        who was the first to use the term    tomatoes at this festival; we will
                                        "filet mignon" in his book 'The      rather do some tomato dishes
                                        Four Million' in 1906. A French      for the day.
                                        derivative, it means small or
                                        dainty fillet. Marilyn Monroe        Thank you to all residents for
                                        once said, “When you’re a failure    the positive response and
                                        in Hollywood, that’s like starving   continuous support and I wish
                                        to death outside a banquet hall,     you all a very warm and cosy
                                        with smells of Filet Mignon          month and especially a
                                        driving you crazy.”                  wonderful Women’s Month.
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

         If you are interested in playing table
         tennis, please put your name on the
         list at Reception by 16 August.
         We will keep you informed where
         and when this activity will be

        The Clubhouse was filled to the brim
        when Former President FW de Klerk
        regaled us with his stories.
Celebrating Amazing Women - Oasis Retirement Resort

                                                      Popcorn       Time
                                                          Movies to share with friends
                                                            WRITTEN BY DUDLEY AND MELDA SCHROEDER - 603 PALM GROVE

 During this month we saw only one movie, Stockholm, on the art circuit at Cinema Nouveau, Waterfront.

 93 minutes, released 5 July 2019
 This film is advertised as “based on an absurd, but true story.”
 Director Robert Budreau adapted a lengthy New Yorker article
 about a 1973 bank heist and hostage drama in Stockholm.
 According to some critics, the script of this movie sticks fairly
 closely to the basic events, with some creative flair added, while
 some claim that the film was as close as can be to actual events.
 Ever wonder where the phrase “Stockholm Syndrome” came from?
 If you are in the mood for a tense hostage drama or have been
 curious about the origin of the term “Stockholm Syndrome,” or if you are a fan of Ethan Hawke or Noomi
 Rapace, you should see this film. We follow the robber who wears a disguise to rob a central Stockholm bank
 and we see as he takes hostages to get his pal freed from prison. One of the hostages is a wife and mother of
 two. Negotiations with detectives hit a wall when the police refuse to let the robber leave in a getaway car with
 the hostages. As hours turn into days, he alternates between threatening the hostages and making them feel
 comfortable and secure. The hostages develop an uneasy relationship with their captor, which is particularly
 complex for the mother of two. No more about the plot, you simply have to see it for yourself, otherwise, we
 would be spoiling your viewing experience.

let's play sudoku
                                                      Oasis Rainfall Corner
                                                       READINGS ARE KINDLY SUPPLIED BY TONY ROSS OF PALME D’OR 901

It's easy to play Sudoku. Simply fill every column,
row and 3x3 box so they contain every number
between 1 and 9.

brain teaser
Q: A certain five letter word becomes
shorter when you add two letters to it?
 What is the word?                     A: Short         Although the rainfall improved in June, the year to
            brain teasers answers                       date is still below the long term average.

 Century City on the grow


An exciting new shopping
destination has been added to
Century City, with Spar opening its
first store in the node in Rabie
Property Group’s new
convenience shopping centre,
Century Village.

For seasoned Spar franchisees,
father and son team Henry and
Jonathan Barnes, this new             what we have been able to put       courier a package at Postnet, get a
gourmet store will be their second    together. Our various teams         makeover at Modhair’N or Skin
outlet, after the very successful     across the firm have stood us       PHD and have their eyes tested at
Bothasig Spar. During the official    proud with their exceptional        Neovision Optometrists. Century
opening ceremony on 25 July, a        efforts.”                           Village Fruit and Nuts and
cold winter’s morning, Jonathan                                           Lavender Blue Health Shop will
expressed great pride and             Customers were ready to go with look after your health and Urban
enthusiasm in opening their           their red trolleys as soon as the   Tails, a vetshop, after the needs of
beautiful store. “It’s hard to        store’s doors opened, and a         our furry friends.
believe that we’re standing on the    steady flow of shoppers resulted    Greens Café and Pizzeria will offer
spot where only a parking area        in a bumper opening day. The        comfortable spaces for leisurely
existed – not even one brick in       morning was so successful that      dining, whether it’s breakfast,
sight. We are very grateful to        additional trolleys had to be       lunch or supper. Akiya Sushi will
every person, of which there are      delivered and products constantly be serving delectable authentic
many, who made today possible.”       restocked as the opening specials Japanese sushi and various
                                      flew off the shelves.               Chinese dishes on a takeaway
The contemporary design of the                                            basis.
store results in a warm and           “We are very excited about the
inviting shopping experience,         opening of Century Village”, says   Rabie Property Group’s COO,
presenting a wide array of freshly    Chris Blackshaw, CEO of Century     Colin Anderson says, “It’s a
prepared meals, fresh fruit and       City Property Owners’               landmark moment for us, not only
vegetables and an extensive meat      Association. “The location as well in terms of Century Village being
selection. Besides filling your       as the great combination of         the first stand-alone convenience
trolley with everything on offer,     shops, with Spar being the main     shopping centre in Century City,
you can enjoy a cup of fresh          drawcard, is a welcome new          but also the collaboration with
coffee and indulge in an              offering for not only the nearby    Spar, which resulted in their first
assortment of sinful sweet things     residents, schools and businesses, store in the precinct. The
at the temptation bar.                but is also sure to attract a wider completed gourmet store has
                                      clientele to Century City.”         exceeded all our expectations and
“What is being displayed here                                             we are very proud of presenting
today is absolutely unbelievable”     Tenants were hand-picked to         such a world-class shopping
said Ross Bannatyne, New              ensure that everyday shopping is destination in our portfolio.”
Business Manager at The Spar          as easy and accessible as
Group, during his welcome             possible. Shoppers will be able to Century Village Spar trades from
address at the opening of the         do electronic banking at the        7 am to 9 pm daily and customers
store. "I am astonished to see        Nedbank ATM and absa ATM,           enjoy 90 minutes free parking.

 Medication and
 the Older Person
  As you age, changes happen in the body. First,
  you lose water and muscle tone. In addition,
  your kidneys and liver may not process the
  medication through your system as quickly as
  when you were younger. This means that many
  medicines will act differently in older people and
  the medication may, therefore, take longer to
  leave your system. People who are over 65 tend
  to take more medicines than any other age group
  because as an older adult you may have a
  number of diseases or health problems. It is
  common for them to be taking many
  different kinds of medications as well and as
  people age they often develop several problems
  or side effects. Being aware that problems may
  occur is the first way to minimise them.                   august health talk
Many medicines will act differently in older
                                                                    MEDICATION AND
people. Be assertive and knowledgeable                             THE OLDER PERSON
about the medications you take.                                     Presented by:
                                                            Vitacare Pharmacy Pharmacist
  You are a partner in your own Health Care. This is
  a partnership between you, your Pharmacist and                FRIDAY 30 AUGUST 2019
  your Doctor. You need to be assertive and                      11H00 AT OASIS CLUB
  knowledgeable about the medications you take.
                                                                       ALL WELCOME!
  Consuming medications helps us live longer and
  have a healthier life, but taking them the wrong
  way or mixing certain drugs can be dangerous.
  You therefore need to be careful, keep track of
  your medicines and know how to use them
  safely. Talk to your doctor about any side effects
  before you stop taking any medication.
  Your doctor may have tips such as eating a light     COMMON ABBREVIATIONS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS
  snack with your pills or switching to a new           P.R.N    As needed
  medication.                                           B.D      Twice Daily
                                                        T.D.S    Three times a day
  QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT                    O.I.D    Four times a day
  A NEW MEDICINE                                        Nocte     At night
    What is the name of the medicine and why am         Mane     In the morning
    I taking it?                                        P.O      Per Mouth
    What medical condition does this medicine           Ea       Each
    Should I take the medicine with food or not        THE OASIS HEALTH TALK
    and is there anything I should not eat/drink       We are most encouraged by the excellent
    when taking this medicine?                         attendance at the recent Oasis Health Talk on
    How long will this medicine take to work?          Cognitive Impairment and please bear in mind that
    Will this medicine cause problems if I am          we are ready to arrange topics specifically requested
    taking other medicines?                            by residents, provided that they are also of general
    Is it safe for me to drive while taking this       interest. See August Health Talk details above.
    If I forget to take my medicine, what should       CONTACT DETAILS FOR PRIMARY HEALTH CARE
     I do?                                             Deneil Lehmann
    What side effects can I expect?                    Cell: 063 793 3273
    What should I do if I have a problem?              Office: 021 250 0952

 Entertainment for All

 I am pleased that we are getting
 such a good response to our
 monthly entertainment and we
 will continue to keep you well
 informed of all coming events.
 I hope that you are enjoying the
 rain. Our dams are filling up
 nicely and there should be a lot
 more rain coming.

 Many of the Wine Farm
 restaurants do not have adequate
 indoor facilities during the winter
 months so we do arrange for
 other interesting venues.

 Last month our scheduled              THIS MONTH’S SPEAKER               TRIPS COMING UP
 speaker was Tauriq Jenkins.           This month we had invited Janko    Just to keep us warm during the
 Unfortunately, he was unable to       de Beer to give us a talk.         winter we have planned a second
 come as he was involved in a film     Unfortunately, he had to cancel    outing early in August. We will
 shoot. However, Marcia was very       at the last minute and we          visit the Mariner's Wharf in Hout
 enterprising and managed to get       decided to bring in our own        Bay which is an excellent fish
 a film of his talk on her computer    residents Marcia Raymond and       restaurant. They also have a
 and we watched a movie of his         Faye Salomon to give everyone      good fish ‘market shop’ which we
 work training prisoners to learn      our stories. We have both          can also visit. PLEASE NOTE: I
 and act in Shakespearean plays.       written a book of memoirs and      can only take phone bookings for
 A pity we did not get to meet         have had a lot of pleasure         this outing as it will be before the
 Tauriq in person – maybe another      putting our lives down to paper.   next Open Day. The date is
 time.                                 Perhaps many others will follow    Tuesday 06 August. Phone Faye
                                       in our footsteps.                  at 2408 or at 408 Palm Springs to
                                                                          book your spot.
         AUGUST                        LAST MONTH’S TRIPS
                                       Last month we went to the          We have also planned a luncheon
OPEN DAY on the Second                 Rupert Art Museum in               at the La Pineta Restaurant in
Tuesday of the Month                   Stellenbosch. We had an            Stellenbosch. There is a stunning
Bookings for all outings 10 am         excellent guide and everyone       view of Table Mountain and I
                                       enjoyed her informative talk. We   have had an excellent reference
TUE 06 AUG| MARINER'S WHARF            then had lunch at the delightful   for this restaurant.
  Fish Restaurant - Hout Bay           Volkskombuis Restaurant. It was    We are getting double requests
  Meet at 11.15 am. Transport R30      a successful outing and we will    for most of our outings, so once
  Phone bookings only Faye 2408        be going with a second group at    again we will plan for two dates
                                       the end of July (more on that      for a Tuesday and a Thursday.
THU 08 AUG| MARINER'S WHARF            later).
  Writing our own stories                                                 Unfortunately, Ena Morris has
  Oasis Residents:                     As I write we have not yet been    had to resign from our
  Marcia Raymond & Faye Salomon        to Avontuur Wine Estate. This      committee but we are very happy
                                       has been a very popular outing     to announce that Yvonne Goosen
TUE 20 AUG OR THU 22 AUG |             so I wait to hear that you had a   has agreed to join us. Yvonne will
LA PINETA IN STELLENBOSCH              very good day. It was also a       be our liaison member and will
  A lovely winter menu                 chance to be able to see and       keep you informed of all the
  Meet at 11.30 am. Transport R30      perhaps chat to the horses.        transport details.

                                                                                Water                 Aerobics

                                                                               BACK IN ACTION

                                                                         ABOVE: At last! The pool water is at a pleasantly
                                                                         warm temperature again, making water aerobics
                                                                         much more pleasureable.
ABOVE & RIGHT: Let's marvel these magnificent
views from Palm Brook towards Cape Town on a
rainy day and of sunset over the Atlantic ocean.
Taken by Mr Joe Franco of 1003 Palm Brook.

 ABOVE: How beautiful is our Oasis early on a misty morning? Photo by William McMurtrie. BELOW: Delicious treats and
 smiles at Mrs Sandy Naicker's (305 Palme d’Or) birthday party. Pictures sent in by Mrs Ingrid Heigl (103 Palme d’Or.)

 Century City Events
                                  CENTURY CITY WINTER                 CENTURY CITY PARKRUN
                                  NIGHT MARKET                        Every Saturday at 8 am
                                  30 August at 4 pm                   Join us for a free, timed 5km run/walk on
                                  Cuddle up under the heaters in      Central Park. Rain or shine, we parkrun!
                                  one of our tented seating areas     For more information on Century City
                                  and enjoy the live music, good      Events, go to www.centurycity.co.za or
                                  food and cozy ambience.             contact Tatum on telephone 021 552
                                                                      6889 or at tatum@centurycity.co.za
upcoming century city events

Saturday 03 August at 12.30 pm        14 & 15 August at 6.30 pm             ANNUAL GOLF DAY
An afternoon filled with fun,         Enjoy an evening of creativity and    09 October 2019 at 11 am
laughter, a 3-course lunch,           indulgence as our professional        The annual Century City Golf Day
complimentary wine and gift bag       artist guides you through creating    provides an opportunity for Century
loaded with spoils all whilst being   your very own painted masterpiece!    City corporates and other
entertained by the SAFTA winning,     No previous experience required.      businesses to meet and network
internationally acclaimed stand-up    Tickets are R395 pp.                  with like-minded business people,
comedian and radio personality,                                             offering a platform to expand their
Angel Campey. Tickets are R395 pp.                                          network and gain exposure for their
                                                                            own brands.

                                  2019 SERVICE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY - LAST CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR SAY!
                                  The Century City Property Owners’ Association (CCPOA) is conducting its
                                  Service Improvement Survey. This is an opportunity for all Century City
                                  stakeholders - our property owners, the developer, residents, tenants, those
                                  who work here and also our visitors - to assess the level of service that they
                                  receive from the CCPOA and suggest areas of improvement.
                                  Please complete our survey at http://centurycity.co.za/survey

Artists are invited to submit a proposal for this exciting opportunity to provide
a large scale work of art to be displayed on the abutment of a canal pedestrian
bridge as part of the already established multi-faceted programme of outdoor
artworks and educational exhibits known as the Century City Art Trail.
Located immediately above the canal water, this permanent outdoor installation
will be highly visible to the many pedestrians (office workers, shoppers, walkers and
joggers) in the area. The Century City Art Trail at this stage comprises 25 different art
exhibits, predominantly outdoor.
For more information on how you can submit your proposal, please email Tatum on tatum@centurycity.co.za
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