Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS

Page created by Alma Nunez
Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
        LONG GULLY Community Newsletter of Hope & Encouragement

Celebrating Community

  The Long Gully Splash Park came alive with a Karen Feast, stories, music, dancing, games
 and great conversations at the first Moving Feast to be held in Bendigo, see story next page.

                         Edition 61 - April 4th 2022
Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Moving Feast, a Great Success Remembering the Old Days
  By Linto & Kerry                                                                       By Kerry & Gwen
                                                                                       In the last edition we heard how Gwen
                                                                                       Pillar was the first lady of (Banking) let-
                                                                                       ters back in 1979.
                                                                                           Although she was a part of the
                                                                                       union she always felt she was employed
                                                                                       to be a bank officer and was obligated
                                                                                       to execute her duties. There were a few
                                                                                       “stop work” meetings held by the union
                                                                                       and Gwen was always still working –
                                                                                       the Bank Manager would let one person
                                                                                       at a time into the Branch so Gwen could
                                                                                       manage their transactions while the
                                                                                       rest of the Bank staff attended the
On Friday 25th March the Long Gully community came together for a Moving               union meetings.
Feast at the Splash Park. Over 300 people attended. Linto Thomas, Co-Founder of            One of her favourite moments work-
Regional Victorians of Colour said, “we were expecting around 100 people so we         ing as a teller was achieving a “slicker”.
were overwhelmed and thrilled to see so many locals come out, it was a pleasure        This meant everything balanced at the end of the day, Gwen recalled putting her
to come together and celebrate.” Attendees listened to a community conversa-           initials beside the balanced amount so you’d know who had balanced the books.
tion of young people from the Karen community speaking alongside Victorian             She kept this method of balancing accounts for many years, even when volun-
Multicultural Commissioner Shankar Kasynathan. A Karen feast cooked by local           teering as treasurer for the past 24 years at a local church.
catering business Karen Lady Catering and live music and dance performances                                                        Back in the 1970s there was a Pass-
followed the community conversation.                                                                                               book for deposits and withdrawals,
    Attendees were also able to have a go at the traditional Karen game of “cane                                                   these were handwritten in by the teller.
ball”. Onlookers were surprised at the amazing skills demonstrated when kicking                                                    Ledgers were kept of all Account num-
the ball. Regional Victorians of Colour hosted the event supported by Long Gully                                                   bers and transactions were recorded
Neighbourhood Centre, St Matthew’s and Old Church on the Hill. It was wonder-                                                      for the Bank. As a “treat” for children,
ful to see the local community coming together to enjoy multicultural food and                                                     the tellers would often stamp the blank
traditions. Feedback from the night:                                                                                               deposit forms with the Bank’s stamp.
                                                                                                                                   That practise had to cease because of
                                                                                                                                   potential fraud and so a novelty stamp
                                                                                                                                   was introduced instead of using the
                                                                                                                                   official Bank stamp.
                                                                                                                                       Money boxes were popular to help
                                                                                                                                   children learn to save money. They
                                                                                                                                   were originally a metal money box
                                                                                                                                   with a key.
                                                                                           Gwen recalled how they used an adding machine to check figures. At one stage
                                                                                       it seemed to be giving the wrong amount so Gwen was asked by the Manager
                                                                                       to check the calculation manually. After investigation, it was discovered that the
                                                                                       adding machine was plugged into the same powerpoint as the heater and power
                                                                                       surges were causing the adding machine to malfunction. A few days later a Memo
                                                                                       came out to all Branches from Head Office advising to make sure adding machines
    “The event was very good in a sense that it gives me and other Karen people        were plugged into a solo power point!
a platform to be heard on issues like racism. I was pleased that I could talk on
behalf of my people, especially the younger generations about issues that are rel-
evant to our life experiences.” Melissa Moo, speaker
    “Beautiful evening, big love to everyone involved, especially those who shared
                                                                                       Bendigo Easter Fair
story I appreciate the energy that must take.” Community member                          By Helen Yorston
    “Thanks for a great event tonight, I bought my daughters along to experience       Bendigo Easter Fair Society are excited to finally celebrate 150 years of this com-
some different cultures, they loved it, thank you, they had a great time” Commu-       munity Festival.
nity member                                                                                Prior to Covid Bendigo residents and visitors have enjoy a wide range of family
    “It was special to see so many people sharing my culture and enjoying our          fun filled activities as the Bendigo Easter Festival is Australia longest running con-
Karen food. It’s important for our kids to see this.” Community member                 tinuous festival This year’s event is 4 day event with something for everyone. Life
    If you’d like to book Karen Lady Catering for your next event, get in touch with   member & committee member, Helen Yorston will visit Chatty Cafe on Tuesday 5
Paw Kee at pawkee55@gmail.com.                                                         April at 10am, highlighting the festival’s activities.

            Contributions & Newsletter Publishing Schedule
                The next Newsletter will be Issue 62 to be published on 2nd May, 2022 contributions will
                close on Thursday, 21st April, 2022. Thanks to all those who send in stories, photos, items
                   to share in the Newsletter. Please email your contributions to: projects@lgnc.org.au

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Family Fun Day – Eaglehawk                                                            Councillor News
  By Kerry                                                                              By Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf
                                                                                      I don’t know whether you’ve noticed but Bendigo is buzzing at the moment. Elvis
                                                                                      direct from Graceland is the biggest drawcard as you’d expect from the King of
                                                                                      Rock and Roll, but we have so many events happening that are bringing people
                                                                                      to Bendigo.
                                                                                          The Eaglehawk Dahlia and Arts Festival ran a smaller event this year and l did
                                                                                      get to inspect the dahlias in the flower competition. There were big ones, small
                                                                                      ones, multi coloured ones and some with ruffled petals. l was lucky enough to
                                                                                      walk around with Marg Ashman, who is a very accomplished gardener, as she
                                                                                      talked about the different categories and the work that goes into growing plants
                                                                                      for competition.
                                                                                          Millie Ross from Gardening Australia was speaking at the Sustainable Living
                                                                                      Festival at the Gardens of the Future on Sunday and she is a really practical gar-
                                                                                      dener. She admires well laid out and carefully maintained gardens but also admires
                                                                                      gardens built with recycled materials and plants that are cuttings from someone
                                                                                      else’s garden. She was a joy to listen to.
                                                                                          The Lost Trades Fair was on and most of the people that attended were from
                                                                                      out of town. It’s exciting for Bendigo that we’ve secured this event for another
                                                                                      three years.
                                                                                          The Pride Festival has an amazing list of events this year including a dog
                                                                                      show in Rosiland Park that Cr. Julie Sloan was a judge for. That was a lot of fun.
                                                                                          The Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club had a competition in Bendigo last week-
                                                                                      end and you may have seen the bikes on display in front of the Golden Dragon
                                                                                      Museum. They had such a great time that they’re planning to be back here next
                                                                                      March to do it all again.
                                                                                          Don’t forget that next month is the 150th celebration of the Easter Fair so
                                                                                      please make sure that you come out to celebrate. Volunteers are also required
                                                                                      over the 4 days of celebrations so if you can spare a few hours it would be greatly
                                                                                          Stay safe everyone and enjoy what our beautiful City and region has to offer.

                                                                                       Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf
                                                                                       Ph 0499 009 096     Em a.metcalf@bendigo.vic.gov.au
Over the course of a few weeks we had a number of our volunteers working on            Cr David Fagg
packing 200 bags to hand out at the Dahlia & Arts Festival Family Fun Day in
March. One of our volunteers fashioned ( Jo) fashioned some beautiful origami          Ph 0437 892 918     Em d.fagg@bendigo.vic.gov.au
envelopes which were packed with sweet pea seeds and included in the bags. We          Cr Julie Sloan
then had a great team of staff and volunteers who were able to engage with local
community members attending the highly successful Fun Day.                             Ph 0437 862 975     Em j.sloan@bendigo.vic.gov.au
     Special thanks to Jonathan, Sarah, Paul, Loris and Marilyn who generously
gave of their time to promote Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre, our Community
Garden and the other Neighbourhood Houses/Centres in City of Greater Bendigo
at the Family Fun Day.
                                                                                      Little Legends Playgroup
     Sarah and her team coordinated the free painting for children and around 300       By Kylie
beautiful works of art were completed on the day! (We actually ran out of paint-
ings). The painting stand was an ideal opportunity for parents/carers to enjoy an
outdoor activity with their children with families greatly appreciating this and
all the other marvellous free activities on offer. There was rock climbing, a sand
pit, slot car racing, jumping castle, balloon art, parachute games and a variety of
other activities for the whole family to enjoy. Well done to the small, dedicated
Committee who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the day.

                                                                                      Come along for a play and chat. Thursdays during school term, 9.30am - 11am
                                                                                      Where St Matthew’s Church 153 Eaglehawk Rd, Long Gully (Enter from rear lane-
                                                                                      way). Cost: gold coin donation (if you can), and a piece of fruit to share
                                                                                      Contact Details Kylie Martens 0468 616 525, facebook.com/groups/littlelegends/

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Community Garden News from Saltworks                                                   By Sue Stewart, Co-ordinator
                                                                                        Saltworks is a not for profit group which operates from the Eaglehawk Angli-
                                                                                        can Church. Currently we provide a weekly community meal, free of charge to
You'll notice a lot of plants dying off at the Community Garden - the equinox has       members of the local Eaglehawk and surrounding communities. The meal is pro-
passed and as the days are getting shorter, summer plants are finishing up, leav-       vided in the church hall, currently in 2 sittings, one at 5pm the other at 6pm it is
ing room for our autumn and winter plantings.                                           in the pipeline, for us all to again meet in one session at 6pm, I will keep every-
    We've had a great summer with lots of eggplant, zucchini, sweet corn and cap-       one informed about this. In the past we have offered other free services, such as
sicum being grown. We also harvested a good quantity of potatoes and for lovers         massage and osteo therapy sessions, and cooking classes but these were put on
of spicy food, we've had some garlic and chillis in the mix too.                        hold due to covid regulations, we are hoping to start these services up again soon.
    Our food is distributed mainly through the Long Gully Neighbourhood Cen-
tre's Pop Up Pantry, with excess going to the St Matthews People's Pantry and
to Bendigo Foodshare.
    With autumn arriving our team of volunteers have been doing an amazing
job cleaning up some unloved corners of the garden, recently weeding and trim-
ming the olive trees.
    They've also planted out garden beds of kale and onions, and are working
hard to keep on top of some very persistent weeds in some of our garden beds.
    A couple of weeks ago we welcomed the Advance students from Weeroona
College - they are completing VCAL subjects and are keen to put their skills to prac-
tical use. One of the first jobs they'll be doing is to restore the outdoor furniture
in the centre of the garden. It has been great seeing the student's enthusiasm to
get involved in the garden - they even weeded two garden beds before they left!
    For anyone interested in compost, we've repaired and upgraded our compost
bays. Horse manure and hay has been collected from the showgrounds, and will
be mixed with weeds and plant material from the garden and "cooked" down to
make some great fertiliser come spring. We've also had 18 litres of worm juice              Late last year, we received some donations from wonderful groups within the
dropped off by local resident George, who swears this magic liquid is not just          local Eaglehawk and Bendigo communities. I would like to thank these people
good fertiliser, but makes leafy greens jump out of the ground. We'll keep you          for their support of us.
posted on progress.                                                                          Strathfieldsaye Community Church donated $500 to us.
    If you'd like to be involved with the garden, perhaps as a volunteer, a garden           We received $500 from the Eaglehawk Commonwealth Bank Branch,
bed holder or to donate something, contact Jonathan on garden@lgnc.org.au or                 through the bank employees.
use the DM messaging on the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre's Facebook page."                And one of my wonderful volunteers on behalf of Saltworks, donated a
                                                                                             Christmas hamper to the kitchen staff at St. John of God Hospital, who help
                                                                                             us with providing food for our community meal.

                                                                                        I send a big thank you to all my wonderful volunteers, who come along to help
                                                                                        make the Community Meal a happy, friendly meal for everyone involved.
                                                                                            I’m also hoping we will soon be able to run some other programs for our com-
                                                                                        munity members. If you would like to help us, please contact me on 0407 843 158

                                                                                        St Matt’s Youth
                                                                                          By Dave Fagg
                                                                                        St Matt’s Youth is a group run by and for young people, coordinated by leaders from
                                                                                        St Matthew’s Church. We get together for active and social events, in a warm and
                                                                                        encouraging atmosphere.
                                                                                        Contact Details Dave Fagg – 0421 764 699; dffagg@gmail.com
                                                                                        Questions What’s the age limit? 12-18 yo, but we’re flexible.
                                                                                        Cost? Free, although excursions may have a low cost.
                                                                                        Program Friday, 8th April – Pizza Night & Talent Show
                                                                                        Where St Matthew’s Church, 153 Eaglehawk Rd
                                                                                        When 5-7pm, usually

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Time to Explore Pambula
By Carol Rasmussen

                          Merimbula Lake Holiday Park Pambula. Eaglehawk to Mer-
                          imbula NSW – 734 kms each way via Princes Highway
                              We haven’t been here since 2019 but if it is half as nice
                          now as it was then you will love it. If you like a peaceful
                          place to stay that is set on a lake, but one that is close to so
                          many great spots then this could be for you.
                              The park offers the usual variety of accommodation,
                          level grassed Camp sites, and self-contained cabins. It has
                          extremely clean facilities, a dump point, pool, camp kitchen
                          and BBQ, and a small boat ramp which is great if you have
                          a kayak, canoe, or pretty small tinny. It also offers WIFI and
                          is dog friendly. There were many kangaroos close by as well
                          as beautifully coloured parrots who love you to feed them.
                              Prices were quite reasonable around the $35 per night
                          for a caravan site but like all CVP’s it’s a good idea to check
                          prices upon booking.
                              There are some great bush walking and cycling tracks
                          in the area, as well as Historical sites. These are all within a
                          20kl radius of the park. You have Pambula for chopping and
                          a local hospital, Panboola Wetlands great for bird watching
                          and photography and the boardwalk around Lake Merim-
                          bula is lovely. All you need to do is ask for an information
                          booklet at the office.

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Tell us about your great neighbours and win!
        Your neighbour does not have to be living next door to you or even in
         the same suburb, tell us about someone who is neighbourly to you.

                  your details

                                                         neighbour’s details

                                                                                                                   tell us why

                                               Tell us why this person is a great neighbour! (up to 200 words)

                                   Send this form to: LGNC PO Box 40 Long Gully VIC 3550
By submitting this form, you give LGNC permission to use any of these items without your further permission, including consent for LGNC and all persons
 acting within their authority to use, reproduce and publish any photograph and words for any purpose including editorial, trade and advertising for up to
10 years, in any format, in full or part without restriction, releasing LGNC and all persons acting with their authority from any claims or liability relating to
    LGNC use of these materials. You also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to you by reason of such use.
Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Meet Our Local JP                                                                      Nominate Your Neighbour
  By Linda Morton, JP                                                                    By Kerry
                                                                                       We are excited to announce Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre’s Good Neighbour
                                                                                       Competition is now open for entries. LGNC is celebrating Neighbourhood House
                                                                                       Week 2022 with the 2nd annual Good Neighbour Competition. The theme for
                                                                                       2022 is building resilience by bringing people together
                                                                                           Entries close on 4th May. We are encouraging people to tell us about their great
                                                                                       neighbours and win! Your neighbour does not have to be living next door to you
                                                                                       or even in the same suburb - tell us about someone who is neighbourly to you!
                                                                                           Complete the entry form below, enter online at https://bit.ly/LGNC2022 or
                                                                                       call into LGNC to complete a form.
                                                                                           Winners will be announced at a Neighbourhood House Week Morning Tea on
                                                                                       Wednesday, 11th May @ 10am at Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                           For catering purposes, people will need to book into the morning tea, so we
                                                                                       encourage everyone to RSVP as soon as possible by phoning 5442 1165 or email
                                                                                       projects@lgnc.org.au. Details, Neighbourhood House Week Morning Tea
                                                                                           Date      Wednesday, 11th May, 2021
                                                                                           Time      10am - 11:30am
Helen Yorston and Linda Morton
                                                                                           Venue Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre, 52-54 Derwent Drive
                                                                                       RSVP is requested by 4th May, call 5442 1165 or email projects@lgnc.org.au
My name is Linda Morton and I have lived in Long Gully for 10 years. I am mar-

                                                                                                                      Happy Easter
ried with 3 children and 3 grandchildren. I am a retired teacher and taught for
12 years in Maryborough before retiring.
    My hobbies are reading, sewing, cross stitch and jigsaw puzzles. I also do
word puzzles.
    I have been a Justice of the Peace ( JP) for over 30 years. While living in Mel-
bourne, I was an Akela for my son’s cub group and after moving to Maldon in 1987
have volunteered in the local CFA for over 20 years, Maldon Agricultural show
for 10 years as well as Maldon Easter Fair.                                                                      We trust you have a wonderful Easter/school holiday break!
    We are pleased to welcome Linda to LGNC on a monthly basis – she will be                                     Thank you for your support for Term 1, 2022. We look forward
at LGNC to witness/sign documents on Tuesday, 12th April from 10am-11.30am                                       to welcoming you when we re-open on Tuesday, 26th April.

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Tried and True Recipes
Lemon Meringue Pie                                                      Chicken Rissoles
     By Loris                                                                By Sue

INGREDIENTS                                                             INGREDIENTS
Crust                                                                     500g   Chicken Mince
  180g  plain biscuits (Marie)                                            ½ cup  panko breadcrumbs
  90g   butter (melted)                                                   1 tsp  ginger in a jar
                                                                          1 tsp  garlic in a jar (can use fresh of either ginger or garlic)
Filling                                                                   3      spring onions – sliced
  400g          sweetened condensed milk                                  1 tbsp soy sauce
  ½ cup         lemon juice                                               1      egg
  3             egg yolks

  3     egg whites
  ½ cup sugar

METHOD                                                                  METHOD
1.     Preheat oven 160C.                                               1.     Place all above ingredients in a bowl. Mix, leave in fridge for 30mins
2.     Crush biscuits and add melted butter till combined,              2.     Shape into patties coating with extra breadcrumbs
       press into a 23cm pie dish.
                                                                        3.     Cook in frypan in 1 TBLS of oil until cooked
3.     Combine filling ingredients in a clean bowl
                                                                        4.     Serve with a salad
       and pour over biscuit base.
4.     Whip egg whites with sugar until peaks form,
       spoon on top of the filling.
5.     Place into oven and bake for 10-15 minutes.
6.     When cool, place into refrigerator for 2 hours before serving.

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
CWA Bendigo Northern Group Fun with Flick
  By Bev Sutherland                                                                    By Flick
Did you know that the Country Women's Association of Victoria established an         Hello everyone, as we learnt a new song last week, lets keep with the music theme
Emergency Relief Fund in 1934? The donations and interest in this fund are used      and make our own musical instruments.
at times of disaster such as bushfire, flood or drought in Victoria and at times         The best place to start with making music is with singing. Any sound you make
elsewhere in Australia.                                                              is music, tapping and clapping your hands and your knees together is music. Get
    The work of the Association has changed over time but many traditions of the     ready to be LOUD.
Association remain constant. Association members contribute to improve local             Musical instruments can be expensive to buy, yet, you can still find bargains
communities in many diverse ways and continue to provide an invaluable link          in op shops. Alternatively, together with your child, open cupboards and see what
and service for women.                                                               you can use. Pots and pans from the kitchen, these make great drums. Different
                                                                                     size pots and pans make different kinds of sounds. A wooden spoon will make a
                                                                                     different sound to a metal one. Ask your child why they think it makes a different
                                                                                     sound. There is no need to correct them, you just need to get their brain thinking.
                                                                                         Recyclables can be used to make instruments too, ice cream containers and
                                                                                     tins make drums, paper towel rolls make trumpets, tissue boxes with rubber bands
                                                                                     across the opening become guitars to strum. Jars and bottles can be filled with
                                                                                     different things (such as sand, pebbles, sticks) to make shakers.
                                                                                         Children can spend time making their instruments colourful, because making
                                                                                     things is fun.
                                                                                         Benefits and Learning of playing music with your child Supports Brain
                                                                                     Development, humans are wired and need music to stimulate all the senses.
                                                                                         Language Fosters Communication, Builds words.
                                                                                         Health and Wellbeing Creativity and Imagination. Music is very calming, or
Joy, Wendy, Sue, Cheryl and Ruth                                                     can increase energy to get excited.
                                                                                         Gross and Fine Motor Coordination Large and small muscles are used.
                                                                                         Auditory Memory Builds memory function
                                                                                         Sound Patterns and Rhyming learning letter sounds, good for beginning to
                                                                                     read. Rhyming supports spelling.
                                                                                         Confidence. Self Esteem. Social Inclusion. Learning to be an active partici-
                                                                                     pant in a band.
                                                                                         Like singing, music is a wonderful way to bond and for attachment. I look for-
                                                                                     ward to sharing ideas with you, Flick

                                                                                     Employment Connectors
                                                                                       By Monisha
Span Day with Marilyn and Joy
                                                                                     Hi, I am Monisha and wanted to say hello and let readers know about what we
                                                                                     do. There’s four Community Employment Connectors (CEC) working within the
    On the 7th and 8th of April, Bendigo Branch will be holding a Stall with jams,   City of Greater Bendigo – the City being our host organisation.
preserves, cakes, Recipe Books and usual items at the Marketplace.                       The CEC program works specifically with migrants and refugees, including
    The Bendigo Northern Group attended the Bendigo Sustainability Festival          youth, their families and communities in assisting them to find pathways to sus-
on 27th March.                                                                       tainable employment.
    Each year the Bendigo Northern Group have served on the SPAN (Suicide Pre-           The program was created to address roadblocks CALD (culturally and linguisti-
vention Awareness Network) Merchandise table at the SPAN Walk in Bendigo.            cally diverse) communities faced and continue to face; such as finding meaningful,
This year it was a beautiful calm morning for Bendigo Northern Group President       fulfilling work.
Marilyn and Bendigo Branch member, Joy to help once again.                               Here’s a link to the program: https://bit.ly/3LljlXn There are 30 CEC’s all
    The monthly Craft Days are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 1.30pm at          together in Victoria. We at the City can be contacted via: cec@bendigo.vic.gov.au
150 Neale Street, Flora Hill.                                                            We enjoy and appreciate reaching out to the community. The diversity of
    Greta has a segment on Phoenix Radio on the 2nd Wednesday of the month           the cultures in the Bendigo region was beautifully reflected on Harmony Day on
after the 10am news talking about what the Branches in the Group are doing.          Sunday 20 March 2022. Zahir, my fellow CEC and I attended the event.
    For more information or enquiries see CWAbendigonortherngroup on Face-
book or contact Group President Marilyn on 0404 334 855 for updates about
Meetings and Functions.

                                LGNC WILL BE

        Closed for School Holidays
                          13th - 25th April                                          Monisha, Zahir, Jenny and Bu Gay

Celebrating Community - NEW BEGINNINGS
Word Find Animals
       A   R    L   I    W    X   H    U    R        H        I   U   M   E   L   R   H    I   N    O              Bear
       R   S    T   C    T    S   P    X    C        I        E   W   Y   R   Y   G   C    Z   G    A              Elephant
       L   U    X   N    I    Y   H    J    P        X        E   S   Q   C   E   E   A    J   X    E              Hippo
       T   L    S   F    O    W   T    B    R        A        Q   L   R   U   L   E   K    K   O    S              Monkey
       E   R    H   F    T    I   O    F    T        R        T   X   E   A   Q   C   D    N   J    E              Rhino
       Q   U    A   K    A    I   L    K    R        B        W   M   H   P   B   Q   Y    V   O    B              Sloth
       Q   H    R   S    K    A   S    J    N        E        H   W   Z   D   H   W   H    H   S    M              Whale
       Q   X    K   L    R    G   N    X    W        Z        Z   V   Q   E   J   A   I    R   K    K              Cheetah
       M   C    X   M    E    Z   H    N    Z        Q        A   P   Z   W   R   P   N    N   U    F              Fish
       S   T    W   T    E    C   T    X    S        V        Z   I   V   Q   P   B   C    T   J    O              Lion
       B   H    Y   U    M    D   Z    D    X        U        G   U   Y   O   S   T   I    G   E    R              Panda
       D   X    P   R    A    X   F    B    R        N        S   I   G   V   I   Q   Q    N   N    F              Seal
       A   Z    J   T    F    C   E    R    H        Y        C   S   R   O   O   V   E    A   F    N              Tiger
       D   O    Z   L    V    N   O    C    A        R        W   D   J   A   W   L   C    Q   Z    C              Zebra
       N   L    E   E    V    H   A    T    E        E        H   C   P   M   F   I   H    P   B    C              Deer
       A   S    L   X    H    M   J    F    U        Z        B   I   Y   T   L   F   O    W   E    K              Giraffe
       P   M    W   N    K    O   B    B    F        J        W   C   H   E   J   S   E    A   L    F
       U   U    U   W    G    S   Q    W    X        P        V   B   P   H   Q   T   X    U   X    D
       K   N    O   H    S    S   W    R    D        O        A   A   N   W   U   Q   J    E   T    S
       Z   O    K   Y    U    X   Y    M    W        K        M   L   T   N   Y   F   J    H   P    A

Trivia Quiz                                Ansew rsnextpage

1. What is the collective name for a group of lions                               6. Native only to Madagascar, what animal is an indri

2. September 22nd is National what appreciation day                               7. What is the largest member of the bear family

3. With which organ does a snake hear                                             8. A convocation is a group of what

4. Which creature lives on mulberry leaves                                        9. Who or what lives in a formicarium

5. What is the largest species of monkey in the world                             10. What do we call a squirrel’s home

What’s On
                Subject to COVID restrictions
                                                                          The Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre (LGNC) is a non-profit
                                                                          organisation governed by a voluntary Committee of Governance
                                                                          comprising mostly of community members, and managed on a
   Bookings essential - Please check what’s on by phoning 5442 1165       day to day basis by a Centre Coordinator.The Centre commenced
                                                                          operations in 1984. LGNC’s active engagement is modelled on the
                                                                          principles of community development through community partic-
                                                                          ipation, community ownership, empowerment, lifelong learning,

 alking G roup                                                            inclusion, access and equity, social action, advocacy, network-
W        day
                                                                          ing and self-help.
         10am Tues cuppa
     followed b
               ya                       Chatty                            The Centre is situated at 52-54 Derwent Drive, Long Gully (in

                                               Caf                    e
                                                                          Bendigo, Victoria). We are open Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm sub-
                                                                          ject to COVID-19 restrictions. We can be contacted by Phone:
                                                Tuesda                    03-5442 1165 or Email: projects@lgnc.org.au “Like” our Face-
                                          9:30am      y    s
                                                     - 12 noon            book page to stay up-to-date facebook.com/lgncorg

                                                                          Disclaimer This publication is grateful for the contributions of community mem-
                                                                          bers and organisations for its content. While we are proud to support news for
                                                                          the people by the people, responsibility for the content remains with the author
    Chair Yoga 12:3                                                       to ensure accurate dates, time, prices and content. The New Beginnings editorial
        Yoga 1:15-2pm
                                          Tai Chi m
                                                                          team reserves the right to edit content for spelling, grammar and article length.
       Yoga for All 6pm                                                   Items submitted for publication are published on this premise. This disclaimer
                                                                          informs readers that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in these arti-
                                         Wednesday                        cles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
                                                                          position of Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre.

4th		      11am Healthy Meal Makers
11th		     11am City of Greater Bendigo waste management
                                                                                           Trivia Answers
               13th - 25th April
    LGNC will be closed for School Holidays                                1.        A pride
                                                                           2.        Elephants
                                                                           3.        Tongue
                                                                           4.        Silk worms
                                                                           5.        Mandrill
                                                                           6.        Lemur
                                                                           7.        Kodiak
                                                                           8.        Eagles
                                                                           9.        Ants
   Usual opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm
   Please phone 5442 1165 to book your place in any activities!            10.       A drey

April - June 2022
                                                   Term #2 Activity Guide
  Social & Community Connect                                    Fun with Flick                                                   Long Gully Everyday Services
Chatty Café                                                     Wednesday 4th May & 1st June 10-11:30am                         Mini Food & Toiletry Pantry
                                                                Parents/carers and 0-5 year old children can meet, join in
Tuesdays 9.30am commencing 26th April                           activities together, share ideas and ask questions about play   Limited non-perishable food items, toiletries and some
Come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Bring along your             and learning.                                                   garden produce available.
knitting/crochet/craft if you’d like to or just come and meet
new people, discuss a variety of topics and learn new things!              Health & Wellbeing                                   Printing & Photocopying
Cooking - Healthy Meal Makers                                   Chair Yoga                                                      Photocopying, scanning & laminating available

Mondays 11am-1pm commencing 9th May, Free                       Thurs 12:30pm commencing 28th April $5/session                  Room for Hire
Come and try some new, simple recipes and enjoy lunch.          Led by Toby Wallace, Deep Mindfulness Yoga.
Participants receive recipe and meal ingredients to make at                                                                     Room/s for hire for meetings or classes.
home after each session. Partnership with RIAC, funded by       Yoga
Healthy Heart Victoria, City of Greater Bendigo                                                                                 Sports Library
                                                                Thursdays 1:15pm commencing 28th April $5/session
Creative Cards                                                  Led by Toby Wallace, Deep Mindfulness Yoga                      Borrow sports balls and other sports equipment for a two
                                                                                                                                week period.
Thur fortnightly 9:30-11:30am comm 28th April $10               Walking Group
Led by Deb Wylie. Cost is $10 for 2 cards – all materials                                                                       DVDS/CDs/Book Libraries
supplied, come and learn new skills in a friendly group         Tuesdays 10am commencing 26th April, Free
environment.                                                    Enjoy a Walk along the Long Gully Trail with an enthusiastic    Borrow, exchange or keep dvds, cds or books from our
                                                                group of walkers (all levels)                                   libraries stocked by generous community members.
Safe Seats Safe Kids Program                                                                                                    Donations accepted.
                                                                Community Drum Circle
2nd Thursday commencing 12th May 9am-11am                                                                                       Long Gully Community Plan
Free child car restraint fittings & safety checks.              Monday 16th May & 20th June 4-5pm
www.safeseatssafekids.com.au                                    Come & enjoy playing drums and percussion instruments,          Regular meetings hosted at LGNC for Long Gully Community
                                                                connect with others, relieve stress and have fun!               Plan Working Group. New members and interested people
Form Assist Quick (FAQ)                                                                                                         welcome.

Tues fortnightly 10-12noon commencing 26th April                    Healthy Meal Makers                                         Information & Referral
Provided by RIAC Support to: fill out forms, private rental
applications, access websites and online applications.                       Mondays 11am-1pm                                   If you would like to find out more about local services or
Support with: My Aged Care, MyGov, downloading                                                                                  programs, feel free to contact us. Everyday services
vaccination certificate No appointment necessary
                                                                                                                                LGNC Website
Long Gully Community Garden
                                                                                                                                www.lgnc.org.au Keep up-to-date with services offered.
Generally open Monday and Thursday. Enjoy the great
outdoors, help out in the garden or simply come for a chat.                                                                     New Beginnings Newsletter
Garden beds available for yearly hire.
                                                                                                                                Published Monday fortnightly – contributions can be emailed
Books with Bite
                                                                                                                                to projects@lgnc.org.au Paid advertising available. Can be
                                                                                                                                downloaded from www.lgnc.org.au/newsletter

5th May & 2nd June 10am-12noon
Come and chat about a book, movie or tv show you’ve                                                                             LGNC Facebook
                                                                                                                                Check out and “like” our Facebook page to read news and
Rock Painting for Children                                                                                                      stay informed of upcoming events. facebook.com/lgncorg
Wednesday, 11th & 18th May 3:30-4:30pm, Free                       16th May
A great activity for children and parents together, come and                                                                                       = Bookings Essential
decorate rocks to place in gardens or give as gifts.               20th June

       Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre 52-54 Derwent Drive, Long Gully Vic 3550 Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm
         (P O Box 40, Long Gully Vic 3550) Phone: 035442 1165 or 5443 0998 Email: coordinator@lgnc.org.au
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