Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine

Page created by Pedro Richardson
Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
Meet the 2019            The author
Cassirer Welz              who was
Award Winner              published
Olivia Botha           at nine years
[ C h e f R ad i’s ]

           Brazo wa
Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine

03   Editor’s Note

05   North Stars                                                       05
     Brazo The African King                                  05
     Anisha an author who became published at nine years     07
     Sketches of my life                                     09

15   Lifestyle                                                              22
     Cassirer Welz Award Winner Olivia Botha                 15
     Chef Radi’s | Mogodu recipe                             17
     Pick A Path                                             19

21   Entertainment
     Celebrity break-ups                                     21   15                  03
     Celebrity break-ups ( Lady Gaga and Christian Carino)   23
     Celebrity break-ups ( Beck and Mellissa Ribisi)         25

27   News
     Gunman attacks New Zealand Christchurch                 27
     Rapist on the loose                                     29

Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
03                                                                                                                                         04

 Editor’s Note
 By Monti Montsha

 If our late great African leaders where to rise from    We should remind ourselves of these realities
 the dead, they will be confronted with an Africa        because throughout the ages the battle has always
 whose young man and woman have no interest              been the battle of the mind, if your mind is
 and low love for their continent. They will be          conquered then you are not going anywhere.
 confronted with an Africa whose young man and           That is why in the ages of the enlightenment in
 women are constantly humiliated at embassies of         Europe the great French philosopher and mathe-
 European countries and the United States of Amer-       mation ,Rene Descartes, said “Cagito ergo sum”,
 ica; as they seek the almighty green card. They will    which translates -I think therefore I am, in English.
 be confronted by an Africa where young man and          Therefore if Africans are to begin to matter contri-
 woman drown in the Mediterranean as they seek           bution in the affairs they must begin to think. The
 to be enslaved in the European countries, this time     question is are we thinking?
 around Africans are not wailing and kicking as they
 are been taken away to be enslaved but they are         We have universities across the continent, we have
 been seen wailing and kicking as they seek to be        engineers, but our roads are not made by African
 enslaved in European and America.                       engineers; it is the Europeans who make our roads.
                                                         We have engineers who cannot even make roads
 They will be confronted with an Africa where            and we have doctors but when we are sick depend
 people have lost their self pride, an Africa where      on how deep our pockets are. We run to the Euro-
 Africans are not proud of their things. Even food       peans, because we do not have faith in our own
 have foreign names, when we fry potatoes we call        doctors.
 them French fries even if they are fried in Masha-
 shane or Soweto. They will be confronted with an        In the area of education we also don’t have faith.
 Africa that doesn’t tell her story; Africa whose        Our political class introduced what we call the free
 stories are being told by Europe and America the        education system but is free indeed free of knowl-
 CNN, Al Jazeera investigates and BBC.                   edge. That is why a typical African leader would not
                                                         dare take their kids to those institutions; their
 They will be confronted with an Africa where            children will be educated in a different and better
 young man and woman who have no pride in                system because they know the agenda is wrong.
 Africa. When they want to enjoy themselves they
 sing the praises of Europe and America football         We contribute to our own misfortune because
 teams; Manchester United, Barcelona, Manchester         when we are given a chance to elect leaders we
 City not Polokwane City, FC Leopard or Olando           elect thieves, misleaders but not leaders.

 They will be confronted with an Africa that doesn’t
 enjoy its theatre and drama. They will be confront-
 ed with Africa that celebrate Leonardo Decaprio,
 Brat Pitt, Sylvester stallone. An Africa that doesn’t
 celebrate the likes of Sello Maake-Ka-Nchube,
 Tumisho Masha, John Okafor (Mr Ibu) and Rita
 Dominic. An Africa that celebrate Hollywood than
 our own local wood.

Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
05                                                                                                                          06

 Brazo The African King
                                   By: Charity Dhladhla

                                   Music is a universal language, it brings        my productions and it’s always fun explor-
                                   people together and whatever the occa-          ing with different styles and sounds”
                                   sion is, music always finds its way to peo-
                                   ple’s hearts. Over the past years the art of    Brazo Wa Afrika has released two studio
                                   writing or producing music in South Africa      albums one with House Afrika and anoth-
                                   has evolved giving music lovers a wide          er with Soulcandi “I have a number of EP’s
                                   variety to choose from whether its Soul,        under my belt and my music has been fea-
                                   House, Hip-Hop, Gqom or Kwaito there is         tured in over ten compilations in the
                                   always something for everyone.                  country.”

                                   Keletso Manyaka popularly known as              Music continues to bring people together
                                   Brazo Wa Afrika is a South African self         and having music producers like Brazo Wa
                                   -taught music producer and Club DJ who          Afrika South Afrika keeps growing and
                                   has worked with the likes of Fistaz Mix-        moving.
                                   well, RabsVafhuwi, Scotch Flavio, Da Capo
                                   and many more... His musical journey
                                   started back in 2008 when he got his first
                                   musical software and along the way he
                                   was able to master his craft and his hard
                                   work paid off when his song “Afrikan sax”
                                   became a number one hit in major South
                                   African radio stations.

                                   Inspired by DJ Spinna, Stacy Kidd, Reel-
                                   soul and Jihad Muhammad, Brazo puts
                                   South Africa on the map as he continues
                                   to inspire up -coming music producers
                                   that it does not matter where you come
                                   from, the only thing that matters is where
                                   you want to go.

                                   Born in Burgersford Limpopo, Brazo
                                   mainly produces deep and soulful house,”
                                   I love testing my versatility with some of
Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine

 Meet Anisha
 An Author
 Who Became
 Published At
 Nine Years

     Ever heard that dynamites come in small pack-      for a school bake sale and somebody in the
     ages…? Well the mantra best describes              family ate the cookie. “The book is a good
     12-year-old vibrant Anisha Tinaye Choruma          read for children. It’s not just an ordinary
     from Johannesburg, Randpark. At only nine          book. It’s a book with lessons and helps chil-
     years the feisty writer had written few books      dren with their sight words and has memory
     and managed to publish one called The Mys-         verses in it.”
     tery Of A Cookie Jar.
                                                        Even though her book is for minors it sparked
     She believes that there is no age or colour        interest in her area; even adults conversed
     which best qualifies one to be an inspiration.      about it. Everyone wanted to see what she
                                                        wrote. She explains that seeing ‘kids older’
 “Anything is possible                                  than her interested in her book made her
                                                        more delighted. ‘High school pupils around
 no matter your age,                                    my area would ask me about my book’ even
                                                        ‘teachers wanted to see the book.’ She adds
 race or wherever you                                   that her friends would ask her to read her
                                                        book for them, and also ask her to write books
 come from”                                             with them.

     she says. With family and friends watering her     Anisha says that she is currently working on
     with words of encouragement Anisha’s               three other books and is looking forward to
     dreams came to live. She says her friends and      publishing many more books. Apart from
     family inspired her to write so that she can       reading and writing Anisha loves swimming
     also be an inspiration to others. As a pastor’s    and says she is not sure yet if she would do
     kid she gives her readers insight about the        anything else in the future other than writing.
     word of God, which according to her mom
     ‘gave her a great personality.’                    Her parents say they encourage other parents
                                                        to support their children’s dreams as “God has
     The Mystery Of The Missing Cookies is about        put a special gift in every child and it’s the
     a girl who was asked to bake cookies               duty of parents to realize it and nature it.”

Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
09                                                                                                                                                                            10

 Ske t che s o f my l i f e                                                                                                  Quiz questions
                                                                                                                             If you were to be a colour, what colour would
                                                                                                                             you choose and why?

 By: C h a ri ty Dhlad hla                                                                                                   Blue, very calm and relaxed colour,
                                                                                                                             represents my persona I am very calm and
 S out h A f r ic a is a c ou ntr y where f r e e d o m   A s an ar tist it is imp o r t ant t o have pe o ple
 o f e xp r e s s ion is tak en seri ou sly , w he r e    w ho p u sh yo u t o d o b e tte r and l e a rn m o re ,           Between a pencil and brush, what do you
 ar ti s ts f r om all walk s of life ha ve t he          T she p o l o o k s u p o n L io ne l S mi t, E n o ck             prefer?
 l i b e r ty to p rodu ce artwork t hat insp ir e s      w ho is a se l f- t au ght ar ti st , M igu el J a co bs
 an d b r i n gs warm t h to the hear t, and o ve r       and A ne l e T o sho .                                             A pencil, it is much easier to control.
 t h e pa s t y e ars m ore and m or e peo p l e fi nd
 t h e i r v oi c es by t elling their st o r ie s        T she p o L e p hal l o ho p e s t o e nt e r th e R u s t         Besides being an artist what other talent do
 t h r ough a r t.                                        e n V r e d e p o r t r ait c o mp e titio n a n d i n             you have?
                                                          fu t u r e ho st hi s o w n so l o e x hib i tio n . “ I
 T s h e p o Le phallo is a 20 y ear ol d ar tist         w o u l d l ik e t o o w n my o w n gal l e r y w h e r e I        I am an okay dancer and I am very good at
                                                                                                                             impersonations and accents
 bor n i n Ma tati ele, Eastern Cap e, w ho is            c an e x hib it u nd e r gr o u nd ar tist s a n d a llo w
 se tti n g an exam ple that art com e s fr o m           t he m t he o p p o r t u nit y t o ge t e x p o s u re . ”        Who is your favourite artist?
 wi th in an d i n doing so he has m aste r e d his
 t al e n t th r ou gh hard work and pati e nc e .                                                                           Lionel Smit
 “I h a v e al ways enjoyed dr awing fr o m a
 youn g a ge a nd m y fat her wou ld enc o u r age                                                                           Mention something you love doing but you
 m e to d r aw m ore often by g iving me p ic -                                                                              are not good at it?
 t u r e s of d i ff er ent p eople to draw. ”
                                                                                                                             I love singing but unfortunately my voice is a
 Moti v a te d by his father, Tshepo w as ab l e                                                                             bit off.
 t o do a s ke tch of Nelson Mandela fo r t he
 67 min ut e s call t o ac ti on that cel e b r at e s
 t h e i d e a that each indiv idu al h as t he
 pow e r t o tr ansfor m t he world, (The M an-
 de l a Day c am paig n), which g ave him t he
 o p por tu n ity t o m eet ot her arti sts at t he ir
 t h e me d a r t g allery and w as given ad v ic e
 o n h ow to im prove m ore on hi s c r aft.
 “Sur r ou n d y ou rself with a su ppor t syst e m,
 wor k on y ou r sig nat u re sty le , thi nk o u t -
 si d e th e b ox, be creati ve and m ark e t yo u r -
 se l f on s oc ial m edia. ”

Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
About Elite Developments.
Elite Developments focuses on building long term relationships and delivering solutions that
meet our customers demand for flexible and functional purposes. Our property development
programme primarily encompasses sites across Gauteng, Northwest, Mpumalanga, Western
Cape & Kwa-Zulu Natal, and we are willing to expand internationally across the African
continent. Kenya, Mozambique, Ghana, Tanzania & the Democratic Republic of Congo.

We outsource, strategize and see niche opportunities plan and implement them on the go.
Elite Developments is a property development & a general maintenance company that
enhances and develops property for residential, commercial, industrial, building purposes,
maintenances, repairs & installations.

                                     OUR VISION
Our vision is to establish Africa’s tallest accommodation skyscraper with in the African
continent it will be based in the Ekurhuleni District Benoni Gauteng South Africa. Not only
will it be Africa’s tallest building but it will also be one of Africa’s largest tourist attraction
sites for the whole world to see.
The Building will be 1312m x 656m
The inside building will consist of:
500 Floors
2624 apartments
From 1-4Bedrooms Accommodation
75sqm-158sqm room size
Indoor 500m Eco-Green Park
Indoor 256m Eco Fitness Centre
Ground Floor Shopping Centre

This building will consist of advance technology that will be implemented on security
systems. The electrical systems will be backed by wind turbines & wireless access imple-
mented hand & eye scanners. We seek for investors who will be on board that will gain
good ROI. We are also opening opportunities for the unskilled & unemployed. This is going
to be a programme that will run as an artisan skills centre. That will assist us in employing
labour when we engage in more projects
Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
15                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16

                                                                                                                  She explained that she feels very lucky to have          Artists sometimes work with different colours in
                                                                                                                  someone whom she can share this experience with.         their work so we asked Olivia what her favourite
                                                                                                                  “We always talk to each other about new ideas and        colour is. Her immediate response was: “I feel like
                                                                                                                  I’d say we are each other’s sounding boards.”            that’s an impossible question, haha! In my previous
                                                                                                                                                                           project, I worked a lot with blue and white which
                                                                                                                  After completing her degree Neville told her about       carried symbolic meaning.”
                                                                                                                  an artist residency at the National Gallery of Zimba-
                                                                                                                  bwe in Bulawayo. After some consideration, Olivia        Olivia is also a qualified Pilates and TEFL teacher. “I
                                                                                                                  then decided to take the leap. She said it turned out    don’t do either at the moment, but I enjoy teaching,
                                                                                                                  to be one of the best things she could have done         so I do it when I have time.”
                                                                                                                  for her career.
                                                                                                                                                                           In order for one to be successful in one’s craft, you
                                                                                                                  In Bulawayo she met with incredible Zimbabwean           need to have a role model; someone you can look
                                                                                                                  artists like Kudzanai Chiurai, Berry Bickle, Mischeck    up to and be inspired and encouraged by so that
                                                                                                                  Masamvu, Charles Bhebe, Tafadzwa Gwetai, Dana            you can grow. Now with that been said, Olivia
                                                                                                                  Whabira, Admire Kamudzengerere, as well as cura-         wasn’t just inspired by a single individual but differ-
                                                                                                                  tors like Raphael Chikukwa and Thandazani Dhlaka-        ent artists, writers, thinkers, and philosophers.

 Meet The 2019 Cassirer Welz
                                                                                                                  ma. “It felt like I become part of that community
                                                                                                                  instantly. I have never felt so welcomed in any other    The advice she had for upcoming artists was to
                                                                                                                  place like in Zimbabwe” she said.                        apply to open calls, competitions and residencies

 Award Winner Olivia Botha
                                                                                                                                                                           whenever you can and put yourself out there. Also
                                                                                                                  The witty answer to the question what are some of        take risks as you never know, you might just get it.
                                                                                                                  the challenges you face in the industry was “I think     “As Raphael Chikukwa once said “if you don’t exhib-
                                                                                                                  every industry has its up’s and downs, and the           it, you don’t exist.” If you can, work with artists who
                                                                                                                  politics are unavoidable. I try and stay out of it as    have been in the industry or become an artist’s
                                                                                                                  much as possible and just focus on producing             assistant as you can learn quite a bit from other
                                                                                                                  work.”                                                   artists.”

 By Faiza Stones                                                                                                  At the moment, her favourite quote is a section of       She added that they should try to form a communi-

                                                                                                                  a poem by Antonio Machado which has been para-           ty with undiscovered and established artists and
           hile her very first artwork opening was a      From an early age, she realised that her family didn’t   phrased by David Whyte, it goes:                         engage in have conversations because constructive
           mixture of exhilaration and nervousness       fit into the “conventional” white Afrikaner mould.                                                                 criticism is essential. If you are uncertain about
           but ultimately an unforgettable experi-       So growing up in a liberal household in the North-                                                                studying art, do more research. “Read as much as
 ence that has made her grow as an artist. She made
 sure to work extra hard and never gave up on her
                                                         ern Suburbs, she quickly understood what it meant
                                                         to be an outsider of sorts. Looking back she said, “I
                                                                                                                  “Pathmaker, there is no                                  you can about different artists and topics, watch

                                                                                                                  path; you make the path
                                                                                                                                                                           documentaries and programs, expose yourself, go
 dreams.                                                 think that it really informed my understanding of                                                                 to openings and walkabouts and start to immerse
                                                         the world from an early age.”
 Winner of the Cassirer Welz Award 2019, Olivia                                                                   by walking. By walking                                   yourself in this world.”

 Botha, says so far this has been the highlight of her   However, she adds that it wasn’t always easy as it
 career. She won the award in January and it has         got quite lonely at times, but it gave her a lot of      you make the path.”                                      For more about Olivia and her work you are
                                                                                                                                                                           welcome to follow her on Instagram @oliviabothas-
 granted her a 10-week residency at the Bag Facto-       time to think and get lost in her own thoughts. “It                                                               tudios.
 ry- an artist studio where she produced a body of       shaped me into who I am today, and I wouldn’t
 work that was cumulated in her first solo art exhibi-    want to change it one bit. That being said, my trav-
 tion show. The show took place at SMAC Gallery at       els, experiences and reflections have also deeply
 Johannesburg, Rosebank, on February 2019.               informed how I am today.”

 Olivia is a visual artist working predominately in      Olivia’s response to the question introvert or extro-
 sculptural installation, video performance, sound       vert was: “Hmm”, as she smiled and shook her head.
 and at times collage and drawings. When she was         I’d say I’m a bit of both. I value time on my own but
 five years old her parents moved to Cape Town,           I also love being social and meeting new people.”
 where she grew up. After completing her matric,
 Olivia went on to study Fine Arts at the University     Neville Starling, who is also a conceptual visual
 of Cape Town.                                           artist from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, is her life partner.

Brazo wa - Mogodu Recipe - North Magazine
17                                                                                                                                                    18

     Chef Radi's                     Mo g o d u R ec i p e to w el c om e y ou r
                                     fa mi l y m em b ers h om e t h i s c o min g
                                     e as ter
                                                                                                 Method (2-3 hours to
                                                                                                 Wash the tribe/mogodu about three times and
                                                                                                 remove 90% of the fats (This kills the smell)

                                                                                                 Then soak the clean tribe/mogodu in fresh milk
                                                                                                 for about an hour, for the soft texture

                                                                                                 Boil the tribe until it is soft, add salt, beef stocks
                                                                                                 and your vegetables (be careful on the salt, beef
                                                                                                 stocks are quiet salty as well)

                                                                                                 Allow your vegetables (baby potatoes and

                                               Ingredients                                       carrots) to boil and simmer in the mixture until
                                                                                                 they are soft, then scoop them out and reduce
                                                                                                 the water level
                                               + Tribe/Mogodu (Quantity depends on the
                                                 number of people to be served)                  Use the "fats" from your tribe/mogodu to fry it
                                               + Baby Potatoes (to reduce the sticky effect)      a bit, with enough onions (rings), celery , mush-
                                               + Carrots                                         rooms, asparagus, robot peppers, garlic and an
                                               + Celery                                          array of cumin seeds
                                               + Onions
                                               + Asparagus                                       As soon as the mixture is golden brown, you can
                                               + Mushrooms                                       now add the tomato puree, a bit of water, chut-
                                               + Pineapples (Optional for the sweet taste)       ney, parsley/sweet basil, chilli and spices (see
                                               + Robot Peppers (Julienne Sliced)                 ingredients), whisking to consistency for the
                                               + Beef Stock                                      rich flavourful tang and thick soup
                                               + Garlic
                                               + Himalayan Pink Salt                             Now put back your boiled vegetables in the
                                               + Cumin Seeds                                     soup and allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes,
                                               + Tomato Puree                                    then serve
                                               + Fresh parsley/Sweet Basil
                                               + Spices (BBQ spice, Cayenne pepper, Paprika,     Serving suggestions
                                                 crushed black pepper and rosemary & olive
                                                 spice)                                          Best served with Pap, Dombolo or Creamy
                                               + Chilli (fresh/powder)                           Samp
                                               + Chutney

19                                                                                                                                20

 By: Thabo Molele

 P     ick a path and devote your whole self into    upon businesses we choose to create, upon
       it. We often come across people who have      careers we choose to follow and understand
       done extraordinarily in the paths that they   what it takes to be successful in the path we
 did chose to follow, that either finds us inspired   choose to follow and also understand what level
 to do great or de-motivate us in some way, but      of persistence and determination is needed
 more often than not it makes us doubt our own       throughout the thoughts of giving up and quit-
 paths. We begin to wonder if whether we chose       ting.
 wisely and if that gets to us quickly we even
 consider changing careers or goals. This may be     We're in a point of time where the current
 seen as our constant need to follow what's          unemployment rate of South Africa is alarming,
 trending, what's in style.                          many of our youth face difficult times daily and
                                                     so they accept every possible way presented to
 (, 2019)                              them to make an income, some of which are
                                                     good and some which aren't, there's absolutely
 They say we're the youth that's growing into the    no problem in the good ways of trying to make
 habit of instant gratification that we want to       an income, the problem lies when we only do
 start something now and obtain results within a     these things because we are chasing quick cash
 short period of starting and if this doesn't        and so there's no deep connection between us
 happen, we easily believe that we are unsuc-        and the introduced methods of making income.
 cessful. We find it comforting to switch careers     One may argue that that's why we often see
 or goals halfway through and often follow a new     network marketing systems trending. Network
 path with the same mindset then wonder at the       marketing includes the likes of Long-rich, Herb-
 end why everything we have tried never              al-life, and IFA and of course Forex trading.
 succeeded. To my own observations, we only
 do this because of the results we see through       True, there's quite a mass of people who have
 others' success and goals, we don't really care     made it through these methods of income
 much about the process they had to go through       making and there's probably going to be more
 in order to get where they are.                     going forth but truth be told, we cannot all
                                                     succeed in making income the same way, thus
 What we have to understand is that if there's       advising that we get to know ourselves and pick
 truth and love in what we do, we shall prevail      paths we know we poses strengths in.
 no matter what circumstances may be.
                                                     Pick a path and devote your whole self into it.
 They say that curiosity is the key to all knowl-
 edge and wisdoms of the world, for one to know
 one has to have urge to want to know and
 what's the better way of knowing if it's not
 through research. It's quite wise to encourage
 ourselves and others to do proper researches

21                                                                                                                                                           22

     Celebrity                                                Naked DJ and Naledi Willers

     By: Mogotladi Makgato

     We’re only past the first term of 2019, just a
     month after the month of love; love is still in
     the air but unfortunately not for all of us. While
     others like Mmatema Moremi were tying knots
     and making vows promising their significant
     other eternal love, others were breaking up
     and some filing for divorce. Here are five
     celebrities that recently called it quits.

                                                              Metro FM DJ Quinton Masina, well-known           "I wish him well in his future endeavors and
                                                              as-Naked DJ, and the Real Housewives of          request that my privacy be respected during
                                                              Johannesburg-Naledi who tied the knot in         this time”, she wrote. She also made her state-
                                                              March 2017 go separate ways. Naledi posted       ment clear by removing all pictures of them she
                                                              on intagram in February 2019 stating that they   had on social media.
                                                              are permanently separated. “I wish to announce
                                                              that Quinton Masina and I are no longer in a      The separation shocked fans since they looked
                                                              relationship. As it has been a public one to a   up to Naked DJ. They said that the Ask A Man
                                                              certain degree, I feel it fitting to formally     Co-host had been busy solving people’s rela-
                                                              announce that we have ended things, perma-       tionships but failed to fix his.
                                                              nently separated and are no longer staying

23                                                                                                                                                                  24

                                                                  Khloé Kardashian &
                                                                  Tristan Thompson
                                                                  Kloe Khardashian and Tristan Tompson break
                                                                  up after Tristan allegedly cheated on Kardashian
                                                                  with her sister Kylie Jenner’s best friend, Jordyn
                                                                  Woods. The professional basketball player
                                                                  seems to fail to keep his flyer closed. Last year
                                                                  around April a video of him cheating went viral
                                                                  just few days before Khloe gave birth to their
               Lady Gaga & Christian                              daughter True. Since then their relationship had
                                                                  been sailing on a rocky boat. Though it over-
               Carino                                             came the first storm it seems like this time
                                                                  around there is no turning back. Kardashian has
                                                                  shared several emotional quotes since the news
               Lady Gaga and her fiancé Christain Carino split.    broke, including one that read,
               Speculations that the engagement has been
               called off began when fans noticed that Gaga
               was not wearing her engagement ring at the
               Grammy Awards on 10 February 2019. On 19
                                                                          “That betrayal was
               February Gaga’s representative confirmed to
               the People that indeed they split. It has been
                                                                           your blessing.”
               some time since Gaga mentioned Cairo or
               appeared with him in public. A source told the
               People that the two split. “It just didn’t work
               out. Relationships sometimes end,” a source
               told PEOPLE. “There’s no long dramatic story.”

               Gaga’s rep also confirmed to E!News that they

                                                                                                                       Monica & Shannon
               had called off their engagement.
               A source told the publication the split was ami-

               cable, saying:

                     “Relationships                                                                                    According to TMZ R&B star Monica filed for
                                                                                                                       divorce from her husband Shannon Brown in
                     sometimes end.                                                                                    early March.

                     It's not a long                                                                                   The Grammy winner secretly married Shannon
                                                                                                                       in 2010. After the wedding cover was blown
                     dramatic story.”                                                                                  they remarried again publicly in July 2011. It
                                                                                                                       was speculated that the couple separated Octo-
                                                                                                                       ber last year until Monica shared their happy
                                                                                                                       photos on Instagram. But in recent photos she
                                                                                                                       hasn’t been wearing her wedding ring.                                                                            
25                                                                    04

 Beck & Melissa Ribisi

 Bek David Campbell and Marissa announced
 their split just few days before their 15 years of
 marriage anniversary, according to TMZ. The
 couple got married in April 2004 in Barbar, Car-
 lifonia when Marissa was pregnant with Cosmo
 Henri (son). The Grammy Award winning musi-
 cian filed the divorce petition in Los Angeles last

 Beck recently, he received two Grammys for his
 latest album, Colors. Marissa is an actress who
 has appeared in Dazed And Confused, Pleasant-
 ville, Felicity, and Friends.

27                                                                                                                                                                                                                         28

 Gunman attacks New Zealand Christchurch

 At least 50 died after gunman opened fire during
 prayers at two mosques in Christchurch
                                                                                                               masacre. He was at Al Noor with his father and
                                                                                                               older brother Abdi when the attack happened.
                                                                                                               Everyone began to run then the three separated
                                                                                                               during the screaming and running.

                                                                                                               The devastating news of Mucad broke the family
                                                                                                               especially his mom, On Sunday 17 March 2019
                                                                                                               Abdi said police confirmed his death. The commu-
                                                                                                               nity is heartbroken as Mucad was so young.

                                                                                                               The Community

                                                                                                               The community has lost the people they care
                                                                                                               about, Including the church. The family members
                                                                                                               who has lost their loved ones in the mosque are
                                                                                                               devastated. According to Nusrat Alam- a niece who
                                                                                                               lost her aunt during the shootout, said that the man
                                                                                                               who killed her aunt was not raised to be loved.
                                                                                                               According to her the man is broken inside, that’s
                                                                                                               why he is taking his rage on people.

                                                                                                               The congregation felt lost, they said that the
 By: Unity Rambau                                                                                              church is their place of worshipping God. When
 Fifty people have been confirmed dead during            The inquiry is to look at how the agencies should      the incident happened none of them though that it
 terrorist attack in two mosques at New Zealand         have known about the individual attack on the          would be tragic, they thought about their loved
 city of Christchurch. The alleged gunman bought        innocent. The purpose of the inquiry is to reveal      ones.
 four firearms and opened fire on Friday15 March          how relevant agencies could have known about
 2019. It has been reported that among 31 injured       gunman’s access to weapons and also if there were
 victims at Christchurch hospital, nine were in         possible ways that they could prevent the attack.
 critical condition.                                                                                           “It has been tough days
                                                        She also urged to make quick changes in the gun
 The shooter is identified as 28-years-old ,Austra-      laws, according to her ‘within few days from they’ll   for the community, the
 lian citizen, Branton Harrison Terrant. He has been    resolve issues of this horrific incident.’ This will
 charged with murder. The authorities found an 87       make the country more safer to end gun violence in     tragic incident broke so
 page manifesto filled with anti-Muslim ideas.           communities. She said that her cabinet agreed in
                                                        reforming the community, and plans to focus on         many people. What hap-
 Minister of New Zealand informs the public             the laws.
                                                                                                               penxsed in the mosque                                  50 deceased. According to her family Linda had a
 New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern            The Child
                                                                                                               left many living in fear.”
                                                                                                                                                                      huge heart, she helped many immigrants and refu-
 ordered an inquiry into how the government                                                                                                                           gees. Her house was a home to all those who
 official could have known about the massacre             The youngest known victim in the attack is three                                                              needed help.
 before he carried out the attack.                      year old Mucad Ibrahim who was killed during the
                                                                                                               The community has lost a member who contribut-         The court should rule fairly, families have lost their
                                                                                                               ed in helping out. Linda Armstrong was among the       loved ones. Gun violence is destroying the world.

29                                                                                     30

        A Serial Rapist
        On Th e L o o s e
 By: Mahlatse Makhafola

 It is a scary time for women in the country with a serial
 rapist on the loose. A man linked to 58 rape cases since
 2012 and who could be South Africa's worst serial
 rapist on record is on the run. He was sentenced to 12
 life terms plus 706 years in March last year.

 The man is in his mid 20’s, black, short to medium
 height and has bows legs. The cases have been report-
 ed in the East Rand more specifically Daveyton,Putfon-
 tein,Etwatwa and Crystal Park. He has a prominent scar
 on the left cheek. Gauteng police have launched a man-
 hunt for the suspect operating in Ekurleni.

  Gauteng spokesman captain Mavela Masondo said the
 suspect was linked to cases because of the modus ope-
 randi he mainly employed to attack his victims. “We
 thought we were dealing with isolated incidents, but we
 believe otherwise now based on the statements we
 have.” Masondo said.


Hellen Mamabolo


083 957 6234

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                 Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine

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Unity Rambau
Faiza Stone
Mahlatse Makhafola

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