Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church

Page created by Eric Reyes
Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
The Signal
   Spring 2023

 Centered :
Deeply Rooted
 in Love

Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
Members of our 2023 Vestry at Grace Point
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Realm Connect is a valuable resource for the church and can
                                                                                                                                  A Word From Our Wardens                                                   also be a useful tool for each of you. With it, you can find
                                                                                                                                  by Bob Wood and Bob McKenzie                                              current contact info for your fellow parishioners, photos to
                                                                                                                                                                                                            help jog your memory of who is who, and a record of your
                                                                                                                                  As we enter Lent and consider the theme of this newsletter,               own personal giving for the year. Access to Realm Connect
                                                                                                                                  “Centered: Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love”, consider the                  is available by contacting Beth Hackett via email at sttims@
                                                                                                                                  oft-quoted words of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: “If it’s     She will give you instructions on how to
                                                                                                             AI generated image
                                                                                                                                  not about love, it’s not about God”. We ask you to ponder                 log on to the Realm website and how to download the App
                                                                 relationship with the God who created us and loves us
Let Us Look for the “God-Shaped                                  unconditionally.
                                                                                                                                  the question: where at St Timothy’s do you experience God’s               for use on your mobile device. With the app you will always
                                                                                                                                  love? Is it during Sunday worship? While helping feed our
Vacuum” Inside of Ourselves                                      As we approach the penitential season of Lent, let us            neighbors in need? At EYC? The men’s book club? Serving
                                                                                                                                                                                                            have the most current church directory in digital form on
                                                                                                                                                                                                            your tablet or smart phone. And for those who choose not
by Rev. Taylor Dinsmore                                          carve out some moments to center ourselves and be with           on the Altar Guild? At dinner with your Foyer Group?                      to go digital, plans are underway to produce a print version
St. Augustine is quoted as saying, “You have made us for         God. Praying, holy reading, reaching out to someone              During Morning Prayer or Compline? All these groups and                   available soon for a nominal contribution.
yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests                                                                        experiences, and myriad more, are available at St. Timothy’s,
                                                                 who is lonely, sitting in silence, or living in gratitude. It                                                                              There are other projects and activities going on at St.
                                                                                                                                  a place where you can share God’s love with each other
in you.” The writer, Blaize Pascale said something very          doesn’t take much time…it is the intention that matters                                                                                    Timothy’s, some of which you’ll read about in this newsletter.
                                                                                                                                  through meaningful, authentic relationship. Each ministry is
similar, “There is a ‘God-shaped vacuum’ in the heart            to God.                                                          important, and each of you is important. To borrow the Met/               One to highlight is the completed installation of acoustical
of every person which cannot be filled by any created            Discovering ways to slow down, pay attention to that             Min slogan, “You Matter” in the life of our church.                       panels in the nave to improve the sound in our worship
thing, but only by God.”                                                                                                                                                                                    space. This project was accomplished in large part due to
                                                                 ‘vacuum’ that exists within our souls is our goal for this       But there are so many ministries and so many new faces at                 the generous contributions of Smith Faris in loving memory
Life in our culture moves so fast that we have no idea           Lenten season. Our Lenten Supper Conversations will              the church. How do we get a handle on it all? For starters,               of his sister-in-law, Patsy Jones. As one grateful parishioner
that something is even missing. We go to work, we                be on Sunday evenings from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. They              St. Timothy’s is gathering information to update our parish               recently shared regarding the sound upgrades: “These past
come home, we have dinner, we have children to raise,            will offer fellowship, holy conversation and space to            directory. Many of you have recently had your photograph                  few weeks I’ve been able to hear every word”.
and homework to help with. We live fast and complicated          help us rediscover our center and fill it with God’s all-        taken before or after Sunday services by Reed Hampton, who
                                                                                                                                  has graciously donated his time and talent to help with this              We love hearing that positive feedback. But as always, if you
lives. We never seem to slow down, because we might              encompassing Love. There will also be a book study in                                                                                      also have concerns or suggestions to share, please reach out
                                                                                                                                  effort. These photographs, and the updated contact info, are
miss out on something…and yet, we are missing                    the conference room during the adult Sunday school                                                                                         to one of us or any member of your vestry. •
                                                                                                                                  being uploaded by Beth Hackett into “Realm Connect”, the
out on the most important thing in our lives…our                 hour. Please join us. •                                          online database the church uses to track our membership.                  Your servants,
                                                                                                                                  This same database is used by Amy Cox, our financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bob Wood				Bob McKenzie
                                                                                                                                  director, to record the financial support given by each family.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Senior Warden				Junior Warden

                                                                                                                                    The Realm database has many benefits that our staff at St. Timothy's utilize;
                                                                                                                                    from Director of Finance’s the ability to track pledges to communicating
                                                                                                                                    with small groups, it is now an essential tool for parish administration.
   Join us as we gather and share a simple soup supper on Sunday evenings from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm during                            However, Realm is not only for the staff. Realm Connect is an app that
   Lent. This will be an opportunity to slow down and center ourselves before a new week begins. In our                             everyone can use. EYC parents can catch up on the news. EFM can
   time together we will try to become more deeply rooted in our relationship with God and with each other.                         discuss class needs. But the most exciting piece of Realm is the online
   It will be a time of focusing on the importance of our faith. We hope to have several tables to join in the                      directory. An easy-to-access online directory on your phone with
   discussion, so if you are interested in helping facilitate the questions, please let us know at                                  up-to-date information is an incredibly helpful tool to have.                                                           Scan here to
                                                                                                   sign up                          Realm Connect can be downloaded on your phone.
   Feel free to bring a friend who you think might enjoy a meal and fellowship.                  or on our
                                                                                                  website:                          Contact Beth to get help setting it up!
   Childcare can be provided, if needed.                                                  sttimothysignal.                          Beth Hackett:
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Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
program called ‘Love, Period.’ This program is focused
                                                                  on providing period products to people who are in
                                                                  need. While this may seem like a minor problem, the
                                                                  impacts of period poverty can be especially challenging
                                                                  for teens in school. Recent studies have shown that 23%
                                                                  of teenagers have struggled to afford period products,
                                                                  and almost 20% have either missed school or left early
                                                                  due to a lack of access to these supplies. This challenge
                                                                  is not limited to just teenagers; 10% of girls in college
                                                                  experience a lack of access every month. Women with
                                                                  low incomes report that more than half of the time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Stone Labyrinth Stock Photo
                                                                  they were unable to buy these products (which are not
                                                                  covered under federal assistance programs).                     Love is the Centerpiece and Foundation                             In discussing what it means to “love like Jesus,” one
                                                                                                                                  by Mark Hackett                                                    of my favorite contemporary theologians, Richard
                                        Copyright Aunt Flow       In order to help the women and girls in our communities                                                                            Rohr, offers this advice: “As Jesus put it, ‘cut off from
Love Period.                                                      we are partnering with St. Paul’s and will be organizing           “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all
                                                                                                                                    your heart and with all your soul and with all your              the vine, you can do nothing’ (John 15:5). The ‘vine
by Natalie Tate, Community Visioning Team                         our own collection and distribution activities                                                                                     and the branches’ offer one of the greatest Christian
                                                                  throughout the year. Right now we have information                mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
The concept of love runs throughout the bible and in                                                                                And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as                mystical images of the non-duality between God and
                                                                  on ‘Love, Period.’ on our Community Corner memo                                                                                    the soul. In and with God, I can love everything and
many ways love defines who we are as Christians. Jesus                                                                              yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on
                                                                  board, and you’ll see more                                                                                                         everyone—even my enemies. Alone and by myself, my
shared and showed love in his teachings and his actions,                                                                            these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40).
                                                                  details coming soon along                                                                                                          willpower and intellect will seldom be able to love in
and we are called to do this same with ourselves and
                                                                  with various ways you                                           Love is the centerpiece and foundation of all the                  difficult situations over time. Many folks try to love by
our neighbors – both those we know and those we don’t
                                                                  can help support these                                          teachings of Jesus. The love to which Jesus calls us is            willpower, with themselves as the only source. They try
directly know. As we look outward the Community
                                                                  efforts. Helping to address                                     inclusive, unconditional, and extends to those that we             to obey the second commandment without the first. It
Team would like to share an opportunity we feel
                                                                  basic needs that are often                                      likely find difficult to love. In the parable of the Good          usually does not work long-term….” Rohr again: “The
supports loving those in our communities in a way that
                                                                  overlooked is a way of                                          Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37), Jesus shows us that our                 only way I know how to teach anyone to love God, and
may seem small and even simple, but can have positive
                                                                  showing and sharing love,                                       “neighbor” includes those whom we would rather not                 how I myself seek to love God, is to love what God loves,
impacts in the long term.
                                                                  and we hope you join us. •                                      love, and elsewhere Jesus directly calls on us to “love            which is everything and everyone, including you and
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Athens has started a
                                              ‘                                                    Copyright St. Paul’s Athens.   your enemies.” (Luke 6:27; Matthew 5:44).                          including me! … ‘If we love one another, God remains

 Womens Retreat
                                                                                                                                  So -- What does it mean to love God with all your                  in us, and God’s love is brought to perfection in us’ (1
                                                                                                                                  heart, soul, and mind? What does it mean to love your              John 4:12). Then we love with God’s infinite love that can
                                                                                                                                  neighbor as yourself? How are we supposed to love our              always flow through us. We are able to love things for
                                                                                                                                  enemies? What does that look like? Is it possible to love          themselves… and not for what they do for us. That takes
                                                                                                                                  like Christ loves -- or at least strive to do so? If so, how       both work and surrender. As we get ourselves out of the

                              Embrace Community
                                                                                                                                  do we do that? What practices help us in that effort?              way, there is a slow but real expansion of consciousness.
                                                                                                                                  On behalf of the Worship and Formation Visioning                   We are not the central reference point anymore. We
                                                                                                                                  Team of St. Timothy’s Vestry, I invite you to explore              love in greater and greater circles until we can finally do
                                                                                                                                                                                                     what Jesus did: love and forgive even our enemies.”
    You’re invited to join us for the upcoming Women’s Retreat!                                                                   these questions together with your fellow parishioners
                                                                                                                                  and clergy as we start a new Lenten program and                    As we prepare to enter the Lenten Season, the Worship
    Beginning Friday evening,April 14, to Sunday, April 16, at St.                                                                formation offering called “Centered: Becoming Deeply               and Formation Team invites you to attend the upcoming
                                                                                                                                  Rooted in Love / A Christian Discipleship Experience.”             Rector’s Forum classes that will focus on the meaning
    Mary’s, Sewanee, all St. Timothy’s women are welcome and                                                                      Beginning on February 26 and continuing throughout                 and practices of Ash Wednesday and Lent, help create
                        encouraged to attend!                                                                                     Lent, St. Timothy’s will offer a series of Sunday evening
                                                                                                                                  gatherings based on the Centered theme to explore
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the Alleluia Banner at an intergenerational Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                                                     School class on February 19, come feast with the EYC
                                                                                                                                  together how we might become more deeply rooted in                 at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 21,
                                                                                                                                  love -- with God and one another. These “Lenten Supper             and attend Ash Wednesday services on February 22.
                                                                                                                                  Conversations” will take place on Sunday evenings in               Then, we hope you will join us as we share a meal and
                                                                                                                                  the Parish Hall and will feature a simple meal (e.g., soup,        explore what it means to “walk in love” at the upcoming
                                                                                                                                  salad, etc.), prayer, and small group discussions led by           Lenten Supper Conversations on Sunday evenings
                                                                                                                                  volunteer “table leaders” to facilitate conversation.              throughout Lent. •
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Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
Roll on into VBS!
by Evie Durant, Children’s Director
This summer, St. Timothy’s is having a Food Truck Party
for VBS! “Food Truck Party” invites children to pray as
Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:11: “Give us this day our
daily bread.” These words remind us that everything we
have comes from God and that it’s by talking to God
in prayer that our needs will be met. We have a special
friend, DJ Cupcake, to help our campers learn about
the “Daily Specials” like, “God is Great” and “By God’s
Hands We All are Fed.” Each day we will explore these
“Daily Special” messages through fun activities, games,
songs, and of course, food, grounded in stories from
both the Old and New Testaments. The goal of VBS
                                                                                             Children’s Chapel Logo
at St. Timothy’s is to open kids’ eyes to the countless
ways God provides, loves, and cares for for all of us
                                                        Children’s Chapel is Growing!
while inviting them to join God in providing, loving, by Evie Durant, Children’s Director                                                                                                                        Happening #81 Group Photo
and caring for others.                                  Over the past year, we have all been re-acclimating             Happening: Renewal, Community Building,
                                                                                                                                                                                 been a member of this church, 3 youth have served as
                                                        our daily lives and deciding what aspects are essential
We will host our Food Truck Party the week of June to add back in and what to let go of. Making church a
                                                                                                                        and LOVE!                                                lay rector and dozens have served on team. We have
                                                                                                                        by Julie Novak, EYC Cooridinator
12-16, from 9 am to 12 pm. Campers are rising grades priority is not easy, and we are humbled that you choose                                                                    five St. Timothy's youth that will serve in March - Ruth
                                                                                                                        Happening is a spiritual awakening and renewal
preK - 5th. Middle School and High School kids can to worship with us. As a staff, we continue to seek the                                                                       Novak, Mary Claire Blanton, Sophia Dockery, Nyim
                                                                                                                        weekend where high school students (Grades 9-12) have
get in on our party too! Counselors have as much fun right balance of what to offer and when to simplify.                                                                        Edwards, and Rinn Laney, Registration is open now
                                                                                                                        a face-to face encounter with the love of Jesus through
as our campers being group leaders and sous chefs. St. This past year we have seen a resurgence in Sunday                                                                        for high schoolers that would like to join this amazing
                                                                                                                        Christian community. This is done through a series of
Timothy’s and STEPS families can sign up early until attendance and fellowship offerings. One of the joyous                                                                      community at •
                                                                                                                        talks, given by youth and adults about their experiences
May 1, and then we will open it up to families outside discoveries has been the draw to Children’s Chapel! All
                                                                                                                        in faith and in life.
the Parish. •                                           the carpet squares get filled regularly, and listening to       This weekend is honest and up-front. The weekend
 Food Truck Party Registration is now open!! children hum “Father, I Adore You” as they walk down                       follows a format of talks, each followed by small-group
                                                        the hall is heartwarming.                                       discussion and activities. Topics covered throughout the
             June 12-16, 2023 9 am - 12am
            Campers: rising preK - 5th grade                                                                            weekend include prayer, faith, Jesus, and our individual
            Counselors: rising 6 - 12 graders             We need parents to help meet our Safe Church, Safe            calls to ministry in the world. Scattered between the
 Scan to register                                         Communities guidelines, to help with activities, and          talks and small group sessions are lots of fun songs and
   for campers                                            crowd control. Starting in Lent, current Children’s           games, and worship. We come together for praise, for
                                                          Chapel families will get a Sunday through the spring          reconciliation, for healing. Of course, there are a few
                                                          to come and be our parent help. We have 8 weeks of            fun surprises throughout the weekend!
                                                          Chapel before our outdoor summer services start on            I attended Happening #11 in the Diocese of Atlanta over
                                                          May 14, so each parent or parent team should only have        35 years ago. It was one of those amazing weekends that
                                                          to serve one time. Please let Evie know if you know of        I have held on to all these years. I still have relationships
 Scan to register                                         a weekend you would like to help. Weekends will begin         with the other youth involved in the weekend. It has also
 for counselors!                                          being doled out on the March Server Schedule. You can         meant so much to both of my children - EJ served as the
                                                          switch out with someone if you find you are unable to         lay rector last spring and Ruth will serve on the team for
                                                          serve. It is important that we have a helper each week.       the third time in March. She currently is member of the
                                                          Thank you for bringing your children to St. Timothy’s         Diocesan Steering Committee as well.
                                                          and trusting us with their spiritual growth! We are excited   St. Timothy's has a strong history of being involved
                                                          for this program to keep growing and succeeding, and          in the Happening Community. In the 9 years I have
                                                        6 with your help, we can make that happen!                                                                                      7
Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
For the 50th annual series some amazing people have
                                                            been brought in as Keynote Speakers:
                                                            March 1:         The Rev. Becca Stevens, Thistle Farms
                                                            March 8:         Reflections on 50 Years of the Thorne
                                                                             Sparkman School of Religion
                                                            		               Panelists: The Very Rev. John Bonner III,
                                                            		               The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Abts Wright, Mr.
                                                            		               Joel King, and The Very Rev. Jim Turrell
                                                            March 15:        Bishop Kevin Strickland, Evangelical
                                                                             Lutheran Church of America
                                                            March 22:        Dr. Catherine Meeks, The Absalom
                                                            		               Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing
                                                              The Right Rev. Brian Cole, Bishop of the
                                                            March 29:
Thorne Sparkman Lenten Series                                 Diocese of East Tennessee of the 		                                                                                                                       Sunday Morning 10:30 service
50 Years of Lenten Discovery                                		Episcopal Church ​•                                        Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord;                         St. Teresa of Avila has written “Christ has now no
                                                                                                                         Be Swift to Love and Make Haste to Be Kind.                     body on earth but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are
The early followers of Jesus fashioned the season of Lent
                                                                                                                                                                                         the eyes through which Christ’s compassion looks
as an intentional time of spiritual practice and devotion          THORNE SPARKMAN                                       by George Hamrick, Stewardship Chair
                                                                                                                         I love the liturgy and worship of God found within our          out on the world. Yours are the feet with which he is
to prepare for the Resurrection of Christ at Easter and
the baptism of new believers.
                                                                    +School of Religion+                                 Episcopal church services. The emphasis is on praise,           to go about doing good. And yours are the hands with
                                                                                                                         thanks and gratefulness to our gracious and loving God          which he is to bless us now.” As we all go into this new
Thorne Sparkman offers an opportunity to join                          Class Registration & Fees                         for all the wondrous blessings given to us. I also enjoy        year I pray that we can reach out in service and love
Christians across time and space in renewing our                                                                         the music of both our fantastic choir and Zammarin.             to one another and do as Christ has commanded us to
commitment to growing in knowledge and love of                Online Registration opened February 1, 2023.                                                                               do. St. Timothy’s Church has many ministries which
                                                                                                                         I like the fact that sermons usually end in about ten
God through learning, study, self-examination, and            Lecture series:                                                                                                            follow the example set by Jesus. This year St. Timothy’s
                                                                                                                         minutes and not the forty minute sermons of my youth,
meditation on the Scriptures in a community devoted            • $30 for adults                                          growing up in a southern Baptist church in Nashville.           Stewardship Team will try our best to make you aware
to excellence in scholarship and a lively faith for the        • $20 for students                                        But maybe my favorite part of our worship service is the        of the these opportunities to be the body of Christ. At
good of all creation.                                          • $15 for children.                                       end of it! Not because it has been too lengthy or boring        times we may even reach out and ask for your service,
There will be an organ meditation and a service of the                                                                   but because of what is said as we are dismissed by our          your time and your talent. Please let us know if we can
Eucharist beginning at 5:15. A light soup supper will
                                                              Soup supper for all 5 weeks:                                                                                               help you to find ministries with which to be involved or
                                                                                                         Scan to         clergy. We are dismissed with the words, “Go in peace
follow at 5:45. Lectures will begin at 6:30 p.m. each         $30 per person.                            register!       to love and serve the Lord” or “Life is short so make           even to start a new one. May this new year find us all
Wednesday evening of the School.                                         ‘                                               haste to be kind”!                                              going in peace to love and serve the Lord! •

   Confirmation at St. Timothys 2023
                                                                                                                         These words center me, they direct and remind me of                                   Valentine made during Children’s Chapel
                                                                                                                         what I should do and what I should be as I go out from
                                                                                                                         the church building into our world. We are to go in
             April 23, April 30, May 7. May 14. May 21, May 28, June 4, June 11                                          kindness to love and serve the Lord! Well, how exactly
                          Sundays at 4:00 p.m. | Conference Room                                                         do we do this? This is another of those “easier said
                                                                                                                         than done statements” we encounter in life. However,
Have you ever wondered about how to join the Episcopal Church?                                                           I believe the way we follow this directive is by actively
Do you want some answers to some of your questions about why and how we do things?                                       serving others and actively loving others. Jesus himself
Would you like to look at the scripture in a new way?                                                                    directs us in what is known as the new commandment
If so, join us for our Confirmation Classes 2023 as we cover a wide variety of subjects                                  found in John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to
related to our Episcopal faith and traditions. Classes will begin at 4:00 p.m. on the above                              you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, you
Sunday afternoons. Youth preparing for Confirmation will be included in these classes. We                                also should love one another.” As Jesus loved us we are
will talk about the Bible, Church tradition, the three-legged stool, Bishops, beliefs and all                            to love one another! How did he love us? He sacrificed,
sorts of things. We also hope to have guest speakers like we did last year. Classes will culminate                       he healed, he listened, he gave of his time, he fed and
with Bishop’s Annual Visit and Confirmation on Father’s Day, June 18. Come and bring a friend.                           he prayed for others. This is how he loved, by giving of
For more information, or to sign up:                                                                                     himself to people in need. I feel we’re called to do the or                                                              same. Quite a challenge!
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Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
Lenten Sunday Morning Book Study
by Rev. Taylor Dinsmore
Lent I, February 26 - Lent 5, March 26
9:30 am to 10:15 am, Community Room
                           For the season of Lent we
                           invite everyone to come and
                           participate in our Lenten Book
                           Study on Sunday mornings
                           from 9:30 - 10:15 am during
                           our Rector’s Forum. We will
                           gather in the Community
                           Room each Sunday in Lent,
                           February 26 - March 26 to read
                           and discuss “Inspired: Slaying
                           Giants, Walking on Water, and
                           Loving the Bible Again”, by
                           Rachel Held Evans.
Rachel Held Evans was a product of our own part of
the south and a communicant of St. Luke’s Episcopal
Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. She was a prophetic
writer during her short life on earth. She was raised in
the Evangelical Church, until she began to have deep
theological questions about her faith that “inspired”
such a wonderful journey. If the Bible isn't a science
book or an instruction manual, then what is it? What do
people mean when they say the Bible is inspired? When
Rachel Held Evans found herself asking these questions,
she began a quest to better understand what the Bible
is and how it is meant to be read. What she discovered
changed her – and it will change us as well.
  “Drawing on the best in recent scholarship and using
  her well-honed literary expertise, Evans examines
  some of our favorite Bible stories and possible
  interpretations, retelling them through memoir,
  original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even
  a short screenplay. Undaunted by the Bible's most
  difficult passages, Evans wrestles through the process
  of doubting, imagining, and debating Scripture's
  mysteries. The Bible, she discovers, is not a static work
  but is a living, breathing, captivating, and confounding                  Met/Min Evensong
  book that is able to equip us to join God's loving and
                                                                           February 26, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
  redemptive work in the world.” - Book description                                                       The combined choirs of St. Paul’s, Grace
                                                                   Church, Good Shepherd, and St. Timothy’s
“Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Living            sing Noble’s Evening Service in B minor and
the Bible Again” can be purchased on Amazon and is                 Chilcott’s “God So Loved the World.” The
available for Kindle. •                                            offering received at the service will be given
                                                                            to Metropolitan Ministries.
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Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
630 Mississippi Ave.
Signal Mtn. TN 37377
Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church Centered Becoming Deeply Rooted in Love - The Signal Spring 2023 - St Timothy's Episcopal Church
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