Page created by Deborah Gibson
D I V I N E M E R C Y S U N D AY - A P R I L 1 1 , 2 0 2 1

                                         MISSION STATEMENT
           Faithful to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Raphael Parish and School
                      promotes the Universal Call to Holiness for all the People of God.

     WORSHIP                                   CONTACT                            SACRAMENTS
      Weekday Masses                    Fr. Michael Rudolph, Pastor x 205               Reconcilia!on
Monday - Saturday: *8:00 am          frmichaelrudolph@straphaelcrystal.org         Weekdays: 7:30 - 7:50 am
   First Friday: 7:00 pm              Fr. Robert Al!er, Parochial Vicar x 206       Saturday: 7:30 - 7:50 am,
  Extraordinary Form La!n              frrobertal!er@straphaelcrystal.org       8:30 - 9:30 am and 4:00 - 5:15 pm
      Weekend Masses                 Parish Email: info@straphaelcrystal.org
     Saturday: 5:30 pm                     Parish Phone: 763-537-8401
                                                                                   Please contact Fr. Rudolph.
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am, and                Parish Office Hours
          *12:30 pm                   Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm                    Bap!sm
 * Masses also live-streamed.             Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm            Please contact the Parish Office.

                Today we take a break from our series on the              believe in Him and in His mercy? Everything Jesus did in the
                Commandments to address the cri!cal issue of              course of His Passion was always the worst it could be. St. John
                Divine Mercy we celebrate today. It is fi$ng,             tells us Jesus did not need anyone to instruct Him about human
                even as we have been focusing on the areas of             nature. Therefore, He knew that if there was anything human
                sin, that our only hope is in the mercy of God for        beings could find that was anything less than the worst, we might
                the forgiveness of our sins. So, while it is              exploit that to say He did not do enough. In 2000 years, I have
                important to be aware of the many ways which              never heard of anyone trying to use that argument.
we can offend our Lord, it is equally necessary to be aware of the        This being the case, in His mercy, God forces us to face the
only way those sins can be forgiven.                                      ques!on about the Person of Jesus and the work He
We all know how dependent we are on the mercy of God, but we              accomplished to redeem and save us. There are many people
o&en have difficulty believing in His mercy. There are many               who simply choose to ignore the ques!on and there are others
reasons why this might be the case, but regardless of the reason,         who will acknowledge what our Lord did and even Who He is, but
our Lord wants desperately for us to know and believe in the              they do not let it come any closer than an arm’s distance. What
love God has for us. While this love is shown in many ways, it is         about us? Are we willing to allow His mercy into our hearts?
demonstrated most profoundly in His mercy.                                That, a&er all, is what mercy is about. The La!n word
Perhaps we have trouble believing in God’s mercy because we               misericordia literally means “from the misery of the heart.” As
are not so merciful ourselves. We recall that our Lord taught us          an extension of what was said earlier regarding sin, now we can
that the measure with which we measure will be measured back              say that most people will not open their hearts to receive God’s
to us. So, if we desire mercy, He teaches us that we are to be            mercy un!l they face their own interior misery. Since most
merciful to others. But what does this mean? Because we tend              people today try to cover up their misery in any number of ways,
to present mercy and jus!ce as opposites, we look at jus!ce as            we do everything in our power not to even admit that we are
holding someone accountable and mercy as le$ng someone off                miserable on the inside.
the hook. Neither of these is completely correct.                         Jesus asked St. Faus!na to put an inscrip!on on the bo'om of
In fact, for mercy to be received, we first have to be accountable.       the picture of Divine Mercy. The inscrip!on says: “Jesus, I trust
We cannot receive mercy unless we recognize our need for                  in You.” Do we trust Jesus? Naturally, we will suggest we trust
mercy. If we have not sinned, there is no need for mercy. Only            Him, but will we open our hearts and allow Him into the misery
when we acknowledge our sins will we be able to acknowledge               hidden therein? Will we give Him our misery? Our misery comes
our need for God’s mercy. However, this can happen objec!vely             from our woundedness; the La!n word for wound is vulnera. Are
and have li'le effect on us. In other words, we might                     we willing to be vulnerable, to lay open our wounds, before the
acknowledge that we are sinners, but we either downplay the               Lord? Are we willing to let Him into the areas of woundedness
gravity of our sins or we refuse to acknowledge the sins                  within our hearts?
themselves.                                                               Only when we are willing to do this can we truly know His mercy.
Mercy is extended to everyone, but not everyone will receive              His Sacred Heart has certainly received more than its share of
God’s mercy. This is not because God does not give the mercy,             wounds from His human creatures who blaspheme and reject
but because the person is unwilling to receive what God is                Him, so He knows what wounds feel like. Moreover, it is
offering. The mercy of God is nothing new. When God revealed              important to note that the picture of Divine Mercy shows the
Himself to Moses on Mount Sinai 3500 years ago, He pronounced             rays coming from the pierced Heart of Jesus. His mercy flows
His Holy Name, but also called Himself a merciful God. So, God’s          from the misery of His Heart and, if we are willing to accept, it
mercy has been available from the beginning of !me, but as                flows into the misery of our hearts to heal them.
people grew farther away from God and, therefore, had a more              If we allow His mercy into our hearts, we will experience His love.
difficult !me believing they could be the recipient of His mercy          One wound at a !me will be healed and we will have our hearts
God, in His mercy, provided humanity with some clear proofs of            filled with His love. This will allow us to be more merciful to
His love and His mercy so no one could doubt or deny.                     others, but it will especially allow us to enter the wounds in our
Throughout the years before the coming of Jesus, God prepared             Lord’s Heart to love Him and unite ourselves with Him in
His people through the Prophets. Unfortunately, the more God              compassion for what He suffered. We need forgiveness, we
sent prophets into the world, the more people rejected the                need healing, we need to be loved. These are the very things our
prophet and the One Who sent the prophet. In the fullness of              Lord’s mercy holds out to us. Trust
!me, God sent His only bego'en Son. We see His mercy in the               Him, open your heart to Him, let Him
Incarna!on, we see His mercy in His teaching, His healings, His           love you; let Him heal you. If we
exorcisms, etc. Most of all, we see the depth of God’s love and           bring the faith we profess from our
mercy in the Passion, death, and resurrec!on of our Blessed               heads to our hearts, we will
Lord.                                                                     experience His mercy. This
                                                                          experience of God’s mercy will lead
When we consider the whole Paschal Mystery, we have to ask                us to that which is most important of
ourselves what else God needed to do in order to help us to               all: to know Jesus Christ!

 PARISH DIRECTORY                           FAITH FORMATION                                     PASTORAL COUNCIL
 Parish Office: 763-537-8401                Director of Youth Ministry &                Mario Chavez, Sco' Gregory, Sharon
                                            Confirma!on Coordinator                   Hedman, Roselyn Lawrence, Jacob Nelson,
                                            Joseph Turner (x211)                     Maricela Rodriguez Ocampo, Rose Pis!lli and
 Pastor                                                                                             Mike Vecellio
 Fr. Michael Rudolph (x205)                 Family Discipleship Director
 Parochial Vicar                            Josh Stegman (x211)                                 Pastoral Council Mee!ngs
 Fr. Robert Al!er (x206)                    RCIA Coordinator                              If you would like a par!cular item on
                                            Mary Jo Smith                            the next Parish Council agenda please contact
 PARISH ADMINISTRATION                                                                                Fr. Rudolph.
 Business Administrator                     WORSHIP
 Ginny Metzger (x202)                       Prayer Line (x528)
                                                                                                  FINANCE COUNCIL
 Part-Time Administra!ve Assistant          Bulle!n Prayers for the Sick
 Sue Kubovec (x201)                         (x523)                                   Steve Cheney, Nancy Holovnia, Shawn Horn,
 Administra!ve Assistant/                   Adora!on Coordinators                      Steve Pellegrene, and Mark Schoenfelder
 Bulle!n Editor                             Sharon Hedman 763-315-0202
 Marie Nachtsheim (x222)                    Char Vecellio 651-336-6630                     STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE
 Social Needs Coordinator                                                                     MARCH 14, 2021 CONTRIBUTION
 Bunny Arseneau (x214)                                                                   Contribu!ons ..............................$13,968.02
                                            School Office: 763-504-9450
 Crisis Pregnancy Hotline (x500)                                                         Budget .........................................$16,623.00
                                            School Principal
 PARISH TRUSTEES                            Paul Dull (x352)                             Building Fund....................................$730.00
 Tony Pis!lli                                                                            Budget ...........................................$1,419.00
 Jo Tolck                                                                                Mr. J. Scholarship Fund ....................$131.24
                                                                                                 Thank you for your generosity!

                                             PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Sunday, April 11                               Wednesday, April 14                              Friday, April 16
 9:45 AM         Catholic Q & A,                9:00 AM       Cana Family Ins!tute,             7:00 PM          Rosary/Divine Mercy
                 Marian Hall                                  Fr. Fenelon Room                                   Chaplet - Lower Level
 2:00 PM         IGNITE Faith Forma!on,         9:00 AM       Catholic Book Club,                                East Gathering Area
                 Parish Campus                                Marian Hall                       Saturday, April 17
 2:30 PM         Divine Mercy Holy Hour         9:20 AM       School Students, Church             8:45 AM         First Communion
                 Church                         7:00 PM       Life Night Youth Group,                             Retreat, Church,
6:00 PM          Core Team Mee!ng,                            Marian Hall                                         Marian Hall, Fr. Fenelon
                 Parish Campus                  7:00 PM       Rosary/Divine Mercy                                 Room
Monday, April 12                                              Chaplet - Upper Level              2:30 PM          “I Heard God Laugh”
 6:30 PM         Cana Family, JP II Room,                     East Gathering Area                                 Book Club, Marian Hall
                 Fr. Fenelon Room,              7:30 PM       Adult Choir, Church
                                                              Choir Lo&                         Sunday, April 18
                 St. Therese Room                                                                9:45 AM         Catholic Q & A,
 7:00 PM         “I Heard God Laugh”           Thursday, April 15                                                Marian Hall
                 Book Club, Marian Hall         9:30 AM         Fa!ma Prayer Cell,               2:00 PM         Carmelites, Parish
 7:00 PM         Rosary/Divine Mercy                            Fr. Fenelon Room                                 Campus
                 Chaplet - Upper Level          6:30 PM         ACCL/Respect Life Mtg,
                 East Gathering Area                            JP II Room
 7:00 PM         Schola Prac!ce, Church         6:45 PM         Mary’s Mantle
Tuesday, April 13                                               Consecra!on, Marian
 9:45 AM          Navarre Bible Study,                          Hall
                  Marian Hall                   7:00 PM         Rosary/Divine Mercy
 7:00 PM          “I Heard God Laugh”                           Chaplet - Upper Level
                  Book Club, Marian Hall                        East Gathering Area
 7:00 PM          Rosary/Divine Mercy           7:00 PM         St. Raphael Prayer               Mario & Stephanie Chavez
                                                                Group, Choir Room
                  Chaplet - Upper Level
                                                7:00 PM         Bell Choir, Church
                                                                                                  and Augus!ne Chavez
                  East Gathering Area

                            A Time of Grace … A                    Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet
                             Time of Healing…                     Monday - Friday Evenings at 7:00 pm
                             Divine Mercy                     Please join us in praying the Rosary and Divine Mercy
                              Holy Hour,                      Chaplet for an end to the pandemic, for our families, for
                                                                                   our country, for our president and all
                             April 11, 2021                                        elected leaders, for our communi!es,
                                                                                   for our Church and for the world.
                               2:30 pm                                              We meet on weeknight evenings
                                Church                                              (Monday through Friday) at 7:00 pm
                         Please join us TODAY, Divine                               outside in front of the Our Lady of
                                                                                    Guadalupe statue located on the east
                         Mercy Sunday, April 11th, for
                                                                                    side of the church - lower level. Please
                         a Holy Hour in the church.
                                                              join us in front of the statue and observe social distancing.
                         The hour will include                Or, you can also park in the East parking lot facing the
                         Exposi!on of the Blessed             statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and pray from your car if
                                                              you are more comfortable with that.
                         Sacrament, praying the
Diving Mercy Chaplet, and Benedic!on.                         NOTE: We will pray inside in event of inclement weather
                                                              or if it is too cold outside. Please enter through the lower
The Sacrament of Reconcilia!on will be available during
                                                              level doors on the east side of the church near Marian
this !me.                                                     Hall and join us in the lower or upper level East Gathering
              Jesus, we trust in You!                         Space (loca"on depends on other events).

                         SAVE THE DATE!                                       Reaching For Faith & SPSE
                                                                                 (St. Paul Street Evangeliza!on)
                       ROSARY SOCIETY
                                                              Please pick up a copy of the book I Heard God Laugh
                            RETREAT                           (wri'en by Ma'hew Kelly) a&er Mass today. The
                         with Fr. Al"er                       books are available at each of the church doors.
                       Saturday, May 15                       Thank you to the generous parishioners who made
                                                              this book give away possible! May this wonderful
                       8:00 am - 2:00 pm                      book enrich your faith!
                        Retreat Theme:                           “I Heard God Laugh” Book Clubs!
                       THE HOLY FAMILY
                                                              Would you like to join a book club? “I Heard God
                     The retreat will begin with              Laugh” book clubs will be offered on your choice of
                       Mass at 8:00 am in the                 Saturday a&ernoons at 2:30 pm or Monday or
                               church.                        Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm.
                                                              The Saturday book club began on April 10; the
                      The retreat also includes a             Monday book club begins April 12 and the Tuesday
                     con"nental breakfast and a               book club begins April 13.
                             boxed lunch.                     Please call the Parish Office this week 763-537-8401
                                                              to register for one of the three book clubs as they fill
                    Pre-registra"on is preferred.             up quickly. Space is limited.
                       Watch for more details                 You can also ask if there are any extra books, if you
                           coming soon!                       would like to bring a friend!

       MASS INTENTIONS                                               EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
Monday           April 12                        Eucharis"c Adora"on Contacts
 8:00 AM         + Fr. Thomas Dufner and         Sharon Hedman 763-315-0202
                 Family - (Living and
                                                  Char Vecellio 651-336-6630
Tuesday          April 13                       EUCHARISTIC ADORATION UPDATE
 8:00 AM         + Paul Gunther              Currently the Blessed Sacrament is
Wednesday        April 14                    exposed Monday through Saturday from
 8:00 AM         David Cichy                 5:00 am un!l 11:00 pm. The Blessed
Thursday         April 15                    Sacrament is reposed in the Adora!on
 8:00 AM         + Jerry Simcoe              Chapel tabernacle on Sundays un!l the
Friday           April 16                    open hours are filled. (See Urgent Need
 8:00 AM         Vitek Family (Living and    below.)
                 Deceased)                               URGENT NEED:                                    Tantum Ergo
Saturday         April 17                                Saturday: 8:00 am                          By St. Thomas Aquinas
 8:00 AM         + Paul Schleisman                       Sunday: 12:00 pm                  Down in Adora!on falling,
 5:30 PM         + Janet Bergman
                                             If you have ques!ons regarding                Lo! The sacred host we hail;
Sunday           April 18
                                             Eucharis!c Adora!on please call Sharon        Lo! O’er ancient forms depar!ng,
 8:30 AM         St. Raphael Parishioners
                                             Hedman at 763-315-0202. If you are            Newer rites of graces prevail;
10:30 AM         Fr. Robert Al!er
                                             interested in commi$ng to a specific          Faith for all defects supplying,
                                             hour(s) please sign up online at              Where the feeble senses fail.
       WEEKLY READINGS                       straphael.weadorehim.com                      To the everlas!ng Father,
                                             If unable to sign up online, or to get on a   And the Son, who reigns on high,
      Readings for the week of               subs!tute list, please contact Char           With the Holy Ghost proceeding
           April 11, 2021                    Vecellio at 651-336-6630.                     Forth from each eternally,
                                                                                           Be salva!on, honour, blessing,
Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15,
                                                                                           Might and endless majesty.
22-24 [1]/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-3
Monday: Acts 4:23-31/Ps 2:1-3, 4-7a, 7b-9
[cf. 11d]/Jn 3:1-8                                                                         V. Thou gavest them bread from heaven.
                                                                                           R. And therein was sweetness of every
Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2,
5 [1a]/Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5,                                                    Let Us Pray,
6-7, 8-9 [7a]/Jn 3:16-21                                                                   O God, Who, under this wonderful
                                                                                           Sacrament, hast le# unto us the
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2 and 9,
                                                                                           memorials of Thy Passion;
17-18, 19-20 [7a]/Jn 3:31-36
                                                                                           Grant us, we beseech Thee,
Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14                                                     So to venerate the sacred mysteries of
[cf. 4abc]/Jn 6:1-15                                                                       Thy Body and Thy Blood,
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19                                                 That we may constantly experience within
[22]/Jn 6:16-21                                                                            us the fruit of Thy redemp!on.
Next Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/Ps 4:2,
                                                                                           Who livest and reignest...
4, 7-8, 9 [7a]/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48
                                                                          PLEASE PRAY FOR...
                                               Michael Anderson                   Tom (TJ) Jacobs                 Renee Page
                                                 Gladys Benton                      Sindi Jensen                 Danielle Sco'
                                                 Tom Bohlinger                      David Jones                   Jean Shields
                                                  Judy Dancisak                  Audrey Kauffmann                  Lois Smith
                                                Patricia Dancisak                  John Lundeen                 Marilyn Sullivan
                                              Andrew Eisenzimmer                        Mary                     Nadine Svetc
                                                Brenda Gieneart                   David McMillen                  Ione Utecht
                                              Robert Haekenkamp                       John Noe                  Joann Wentling
                                                 Nichole Iverson                 Bridge'e O’Brien

                             SAINT OF THE DAY – SAINT GEMMA GALGANI
Gemma was born in Borgo Nuovo di Camigliano, near Lucca, in the Tuscany region of Italy in 1873. Her mother died when she
was eight and, in 1897, when her father died, she went to live with Cecilia Giannini, who treated her like an adopted daughter.
Gianna wanted to join the Passionist Sisters, but was prevented from doing so by her poor health. She had suffered from a
number of illnesses since childhood, including tuberculosis of the spine. She was said to have been cured a&er appari!ons of
Saint Gabriel Possen!, a Passionist brother to whom Gemma had a par!cular devo!on and who died when he was only twenty-
four from tuberculosis. Another account a'ributes the cure to an appari!on of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.
Gemma is known to the world largely from over 230 le'ers of hers, published in 1940, to her spiritual director and confessor.
She was an honest and pious young woman, generous in her response to God’s love, humble and obedient to her spiritual
director, and willing to suffer everything in imita!on of Christ’s passion. For about a year and a half, she regularly had on her
body the s!gmata—signs of Christ’s wounds—between Thursday evening and Friday a&ernoon. She also went into ecstasies and
was heard talking to people in her visions. Her le'ers reveal her as level-headed and habitually calm and peaceful. Toward the
end of her life, she seems to have had a constant awareness of God’s presence.
Eventually, her illness returned. She died, a&er a long period of physical suffering, on April 11, 1903. She was twenty-five years
old. Saint Gemma Galgani, pray for us! (Excerpted and adapted with permission of the Publisher from Butler’s Lives of the Saints,
New Full Edi!on ©Paul Burns 2003, Published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN.)

                                             Our Lady over Marian Hall
                                             If you’ve been in the East                  Run, Run, Run, or Walk
                                             Gathering Space of our church
                                             building recently you may have               At Beau"ful Lake Rebecca
                                             no!ced the beau!ful                             Preserve in Rockford
                                             reproduc!on of the image of Our
                                             Lady of Guadalupe over the                     4 Mile Chip Timed Race
                                             doors to Marian Hall. I would like               May 15th @ 10 AM
                                             to thank parishioners Doug and
                                             Kathy Williams, who had it                  Proceeds benefit Holy Spirit
                                             framed and gave it to the parish,               Academy Students
                                             and parishioner Amy Glasscock
                                             and her husband Gary, who own                     Register at:
                                             Transport Graphics in Rogers,               www.HolySpiritAcademy.org
                                             where the image was
                                             manufactured. – Father Rudolph

                    Help for Max?                                       CATHOLICS AT THE CAPITOL - April 15
A young man named Max who a'ends Mass with his                      Catholics at the Capitol - a day of prayer, educa!on, and
family here at St. Raphael’s is hoping to be able to get a          advocacy is coming up on April 15th. This event, hosted by
diabe!c alert dog to help him move forward in life with             the Minnesota Catholic Conference is now being offered
safety and confidence as he deals with the challenges of            both virtually and in person at the Cathedral of St. Paul.
both type 1 diabetes and au!sm. His mother Rebecca put              The day begins with Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul,
together a gofund.me page to try to raise money to buy              followed by an incredible lineup of speakers, and in the
one of these highly trained animals, which amazingly can            a&ernoon, Benedic!on at the Capitol and !me to pray for
respond to the smells of high and low blood sugars and              our state and our elected leaders.
alert the person with diabetes as needed to save him or
                                                                    You will then meet virtually with legislators the next day as
her from possible hypoglycemia or insulin shock. I
                                                                    an advocate for life and dignity.
encourage you to check out the page at the address below
for more informa!on, and to please consider helping Max.            Tickets for both the virtual and in-person event are
– Father Rudolph                                                    available un!l March 31st.
h#ps://gofund.me/1a062638                                           To register, please go to: CatholicsAtTheCapitol.org

YOUTH MINISTRY                                                    FAITH FORMATION
                        CONTACT                                                CONTACT & INFORMATION
        Ques"ons? Please contact Joseph Turner
                                                                    IGNITE Family Discipleship Program & Sacramental Prepara"on:
                 at 763-537-8401 (x 211) or                         Please contact Josh Stegman at:
                jturner@straphaelcrystal.org                        faithforma!on@straphaelcrystal.org
  Register for any youth events on the St. Raphael youth
                                                                    Rite of Confirma"on (ROC) Program: Please contact Joseph
            website: www.straphaelyouth.com                         Turner at: jturner@straphaelcrystal.org
                                                                    Joseph can be reached at 763-537-8401 x 211 and Josh can be
               THE HUNGER                                           reached at 763-537-8401 x 211

     Friday, April 16 - 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
                                                                                    RITE OF CONFIRMATION (ROC)
    Saturday, April 17 - 9:00 am - 7:30 pm                                             These nights are required for
        Church of St. Vincent de Paul                                                        all 8th graders.
This year’s theme for THE HUNGER is “Hunger for God”
with an emphasis on the Spiritual Works of Mercy. The                       Life Night Youth Group: Wednesday, April 14th
event will be held at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul. This                          7:00-8:15 pm - Marian Hall
will not be an overnight event.                                               Rite of Confirma"on: Wednesday, April 21st
                                                                             7:00-8:15 pm - Fr. Fenelon Room, Marian Hall
Please Register for this event by contac"ng Joseph Turner
at 763-537-8401 (x211) or via email at:
jturner@straphaelcrystal.org                                            IGNITE Faith Forma"on
                                                                           Sunday, April 11
           EXTREME FAITH CAMP                                               2:00 - 4:00 pm
               July 19 - July 23, 2021
                                                                            Parish Campus
        Trout Lake Camp in Pine River, MN                           Check in Time 1:45 pm - 2:00 pm
    Please register at: h#ps://cysc.com/extremefaith                         in Marian Hall

                                  ST. RAPHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL
                                    Kindergarten Is
                                      Very Busy!!

                                                                     We are construc"ng pulleys and inclined planes
                                                                          from materials in our room and the
                                                                                    sewing closet.
 A student proudly
    displays her
    handwri"ng!                                                       machines are
For informa"on about enrolling your child in Pre-School
                                                                       really fun!
or Kindergarten at St. Raphael Catholic School, please
call the school office at 763-504-9450 or visit the school
website at: h#ps://srsmn.org/
www.washburn-mcreavy.com                                                                                                                                                            Funeral Chapels, Cemeteries
                                                                                                                                                                                      & Cremation Services
Edina • 952-920-3996 Robbinsdale • 763-537-2333                                                                       Glen Haven • 763-533-8643                                                                     Hopkins • 952-938-9020
 50th at Hwy 100         4239 W. Broadway                                                                                  5125 W. Broadway                                                                              1400 Mainstreet
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