Challenges in Information-Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval

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Challenges in Information-Seeking QA:
                      Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval

                        Akari Asai                                          Eunsol Choi∗
                  University of Washington                         The University of Texas at Austin

                          Abstract                              To reduce annotator burden, the task has been sim-
                                                                plified as reading comprehension: annotators are
        Recent pretrained language models “solved”              tasked with finding an answer in a single document.
        many reading comprehension benchmarks,                  Recent pretrained language models surpassed es-
        where questions are written with the access
                                                                timated human performance (Liu et al., 2019; De-
        to the evidence document. However, datasets
        containing information-seeking queries where            vlin et al., 2019) in many reading comprehension
        evidence documents are provided after the               datasets such as SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016)
        queries are written independently remain                and CoQA (Reddy et al., 2019), where questions
        challenging. We analyze why answering                   are posed with an answer in mind. However, those
        information-seeking queries is more challeng-           state-of-the-art models have difficulty answering
        ing and where their prevalent unanswerabili-            information-seeking questions (Kwiatkowski et al.,
        ties arise, on Natural Questions and TyDi QA.
                                                                2019; Choi et al., 2018).
        Our controlled experiments suggest two head-
        rooms – paragraph selection and answerabil-                In this work, we investigate what makes
        ity prediction, i.e. whether the paired evidence        information-seeking question answering (QA)
        document contains the answer to the query or            more challenging, focusing on the Natural Ques-
        not. When provided with a gold paragraph and            tions (NQ; Kwiatkowski et al., 2019) and TyDi
        knowing when to abstain from answering, ex-             QA (Clark et al., 2020) datasets. Our experimen-
        isting models easily outperform a human an-             tal results from four different models over six lan-
        notator. However, predicting answerability it-
                                                                guages on NQ and TyDi QA show that most of
        self remains challenging. We manually an-
        notate 800 unanswerable examples across six
                                                                their headroom can be explained by two subprob-
        languages on what makes them challenging to             lems: selecting a paragraph that is relevant to a
        answer. With this new data, we conduct per-             question and deciding whether the paragraph con-
        category answerability prediction, revealing is-        tains an answer. The datasets are annotated at the
        sues in the current dataset collection as well as       document level, with dozens of paragraphs, and
        task formulation. Together, our study points            finding the correct paragraph is nontrivial. When
        to avenues for future research in information-          provided with a gold paragraph and an answer type
        seeking question answering, both for dataset
                                                                (i.e., if the question is answerable or not), the per-
        creation and model development.1
                                                                formance improves significantly (up to 10% F1 in
1       Introduction                                            NQ), surpassing that of a single human annotator.
                                                                   After identifying the importance of answerabil-
Addressing the information needs of users by an-                ity prediction, in Section 4, we compare a ques-
swering their questions can serve a variety of prac-            tion only baseline, state-of-the-art QA models, and
tical applications. To answer such information-                 human agreement on this task. For comparison,
seeking queries – where users pose a question be-               we also evaluate unanswerability prediction in a
cause they do not know the answer – in an un-                   reading comprehension dataset including unanswer-
constrained setting is challenging for annotators               able questions (Rajpurkar et al., 2018). While all
as they have to exhaustively search over the web.               datasets contain a large proportion of unanswerable
                                                                questions (33-59%), they differ in how easily mod-
     Our code and annotated data is publicly avail-
able     at                     els can detect them. This motivates us to further
unanswerable_qa.                                                investigate the source of unanswerability.

                    Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
                 and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 1492–1504
                               August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
To this end, we quantify the sources of unanswer-      Data           % Answerable           %      Avg.
ability by annotating unanswerable questions from                      Long Only Short      Un-ans    # of P
NQ and TyDi QA; we first classify unanswerable            NQ                 14.7    35.2      50.1   131.3
                                                          TyDi QA             5.4    34.8      59.9    41.1
questions into six categories and then further an-        SQuAD 2.0             -    66.6      33.4     1.0
notate answers and alternative knowledge sources
when we can find the answers to the unanswer-          Table 1: Answer type and paragraph number statistics
able questions. Despite the difficulty of annotating   in three datasets’ train portions. “Avg. # o P” de-
questions from the web and crowdsourcing bilin-        notes the average number of the paragraphs included
                                                       in the reference context per question. About half of the
gual speakers, we annotated 800 examples across
                                                       questions are unanswerable (Un-ans); the rest consist
six typologically diverse languages. Our analysis      of questions with only paragraph-level answers (Long
shows that why questions are unanswerable dif-         Only) and additional span-level answers (Short).
fers based on the dataset or language. We conduct
per-category answerability prediction on those an-     if there is no answer on the page, or if the infor-
notated data, and found unanswerable questions         mation required to answer the question is spread
from some categories are particularly hard to be       across more than one paragraph. If they have identi-
identified. We provide a detailed analysis for al-     fied the long answer, then the annotators are tasked
ternative sources of an answer beyond Wikipedia.       to choose the short answer, a span or set of spans
Grounded in our analysis, we suggest avenues for       within the chosen paragraph, if there is any. Ques-
future research, both for dataset creation and model   tions are collected independently from existing doc-
development based on the analysis.                     uments, so those datasets tend to have limited lexi-
   Our contributions are summarized as follows:        cal overlap between questions and context, which is
    • We provide in-depth analysis on information-     a common artifact in prior reading comprehension
      seeking QA datasets, namely on Natural Ques-     datasets (Sugawara et al., 2018).
      tions and TyDi QA to identify the remaining         Reading comprehension datasets such as
      headrooms.                                       SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), by contrast, have
                                                       been created by asking annotators to write ques-
    • We show that answerability prediction and        tion and answer pairs based on a single provided
      paragraph retrieval remain challenging even      paragraph. SQuAD 2.0 (Rajpurkar et al., 2018)
      for state-of-the-art models through controlled   includes unanswerable questions that are written
      experiments using four different models.         by annotators who try to write confusing questions
    • We manually annotate reasons for unan-           based on the single paragraph.
      swerability for 800 examples across six lan-        As shown in Table 1, while unanswerable ques-
      guages, and suggest potential improvements       tions are very common in NQ, TyDi QA and
      for dataset collections and task design.         SQuAD 2.0, there are some major differences be-
                                                       tween the first two datasets and the last: First, NQ
2   Background and Datasets                            and TyDi QA unanswerable questions arise natu-
                                                       rally, while SQuAD 2.0 unanswerable questions
We first define the terminology used in this paper.
                                                       are artificially created by annotators (e.g. chang-
In this work, we focus on a reading comprehension
                                                       ing an entity name). Prior work (Kwiatkowski
setting, where reference documents (context) are
                                                       et al., 2019) suggests that those questions can be
given and thus retrieval is unnecessary, unlike open
                                                       identified as such with little reasoning. Second,
retrieval QA (Chen et al., 2021).
                                                       while NQ or TyDi QA models have to select the
   Information-seeking QA datasets contain ques-
                                                       evidence paragraph (long answer) from dozens of
tions written by a human who wants to know the
                                                       paragraphs, SQuAD 2.0 provides a single refer-
answer but doesn’t know it yet. In particular, NQ
                                                       ence paragraph. That lengthy context provided in
is a collection of English Google Search Engine
                                                       NQ and TyDi QA requires systems to select and
queries (anonymized) and TyDi QA is a collection
                                                       focus on relevant information to answer. As of
of questions authored by native speakers of 11 lan-
                                                       January 2021, the best models on NQ or TyDi QA
guages. The answers are annotated post hoc by
                                                       lag behind humans, while several models surpass
another annotator, who selects a paragraph with
                                                       human performance on SQuAD and SQuAD 2.0.2
sufficient information to answer (long answer). Al-
ternatively, the annotator can select “unanswerable”

In the following sections, we focus on information-                                    Long answer                Short answer
seeking QA datasets, investigating how to improve                                      P     R     F1             P      R     F1
the answer coverage of those questions that are                    RikiNet        74.3     76.3     75.2     61.4     57.3     59.3
                                                                   w/Gold T       85.2     85.2     85.2     64.6     64.6     64.6
currently labeled as unanswerable through several
controlled experiments and manual analysis.                        ETC            79.7     72.2     75.8     67.5     49.9     57.4
                                                                   w/Gold T       84.6     84.6     84.6     62.5     62.5     62.5
                                                                   w/Gold P          -        -        -     67.9     57.7     62.4
3     QA performances with Gold Answer                             w/Gold T&P        -        -        -     68.9     67.6     68.3
      Type and Gold Paragraph                                      Human
                                                                   - Single       80.4     67.6     73.4     63.4     52.6     57.5
                                                                   - Super        90.0     84.6     87.2     79.1     72.6     75.7
We quantify how the two aforementioned sub-
problems in information-seeking QA – deciding                    Table 2: Oracle analysis on the dev set for NQ. “Gold
answer type, also referred to as answer calibra-                 T” denotes Gold Type, and “Gold P” denotes “Gold
tions (Kamath et al., 2020) or answerability pre-                Paragraph”.
diction, and finding a paragraph containing the
answer – affect the final QA performance. We                                      Long answer                Short answer
conduct oracle analysis on existing models given                                  P     R     F1             P      R     F1
two pieces of key information: Gold Paragraph                      mBERT        64.3     66.4     65.2     58.9     50.6     54.3
                                                                   w/ Gold T    78.5     78.5     78.5     60.8     60.8     60.8
and Gold Type. In the Gold Paragraph setting,
we provide the long answer to limit the answer                     Annotator    84.4     74.5     79.9     70.8     62.4     70.1
space. In the Gold Type setting, a model outputs                 Table 3: Oracle analysis on the dev set of TyDi QA.
the final answer following the gold answer type                  “Gold T” denotes Gold Type.
ti ∈ {short, long only, unanswerable},
which correspond to the questions with short an-                 3.2    Evaluation Metrics
swers,3 questions with long answers only, and ques-
                                                                 The final metric of NQ is based on precision, recall
tions without any answers, respectively. This lifts
                                                                 and F1 among the examples where more than one
the burden of answer calibration from the model.
                                                                 annotators select NON-NULL answers and a model
                                                                 predicts a NON-NULL answer (Kwiatkowski et al.,
3.1    Comparison Systems
                                                                 2019), to prevent a model always outputting unan-
QA models. For NQ, we use RikiNet (Liu et al.,                   swerable for achieving high scores.
2020)4 and ETC (Ainslie et al., 2020). These sys-                  TyDi QA evaluation is based on recall, precision
tems are within 3% of the best-performing systems                and byte-level F1 scores among the examples with
on the long answer and short answer prediction                   answer annotations. The final score is calculated
tasks as of January 2021. We use the original                    by taking a macro-average score of the results on
mBERT (Devlin et al., 2019) baseline for TyDi                    11 target languages.
QA. RikiNet uses an answer type predictor whose
predicted scores are used as biases to the predicted             3.3    Results
long and short answers. ETC and mBERT jointly                    Table 2 presents oracle analysis on NQ. Having
predict short answer spans and answer types, fol-                access to gold answer type and gold paragraph is al-
lowing Alberti et al. (2019).                                    most equally crucial for short answer performance
                                                                 on NQ. For long answers, we observe that the mod-
Human. The NQ authors provide upper-bound                        els rank the paragraphs correctly but struggle to
performance by estimating the performance of a                   decide when to abstain from answering. When the
single annotator (Single), and one of the aggregates             gold type is given, ETC reaches 84.6 F1 for the long
of 25 annotators (Super). Super-annotator perfor-                answer task, which is only 2.6 points behind the
mance is considered as an NQ upper bound. See                    upper bound, and significantly outperforms single
complete distinction in Kwiatkowski et al. (2019).               annotator performance. Provided both gold para-
                                                                 graph and answer type (“Gold T&P”), the model’s
SQuAD-explorer/                                                  short answer F1 score reaches 10% above that of
     The short answer is found inside the long answer, so long   a single annotator, while slightly behind super hu-
answer is also provided.
     We contacted authors of RikiNet for the prediction files.   man performance. For short answers, providing
We appreciate their help.                                        gold paragraph can improve ETC’s performance

by 5 points, gaining mostly in recall. Having the                   Model
                                                                                    NQ (ETC)         TyDi       SQuAD
gold answer type information also significantly im-                               3-way 2-way    3-way 2-way    2-way
proves recall at a small cost of precision.                         Majority       50.9   58.9    58.2   58.2     50.0
                                                                    Q Only         65.5   72.7    69.8   70.2     63.0
   Table 3 shows that a similar pattern holds in                    QA Model       72.0   82.5    74.2   79.4     94.1
TyDi QA: answerability prediction is a remaining
challenge for TyDi QA model.5 Given the gold                        - binary       71.0   78.9    88.1   86.9        -
type information, the long answer F1 score is only                  - aggregate    79.6   85.6    93.3   94.0        -
1.4 points below the human performance. These re-
                                                                 Table 4:    Answer type classification accuracy:
sults suggest that our models performed well when                long, short, none for three-way classification and
selecting plausible answers and would benefit from               answerable,unanswerable for two-way classification.
improved answerability prediction.

4     Answerability Prediction                                   script of NQ and TyDi QA calibrates the answer
                                                                 type for each question by thresholding long and
We first quantitatively analyze how easy it is to                short answers respectively to optimize the F1 score.
estimate answerability from the question alone,                  We use the final predictions after this calibration
and then we test the state-of-the-art models’ per-               process.
formance to see how well our complex models
given question and the gold context perform on                   Human. We compare the models’ performance
this task. We conduct the same experiments on                    with two types of human performance: binary and
SQuAD 2.0, to highlight the unique challenges of                 aggregate. “Binary” evaluation computes pair-wise
the information-seeking queries.                                 agreements among all combinations of 5 annotators
   Each example consists of a question qi , a                    for NQ and 3 annotators for TyDi QA. “Aggregate”
list of paragraphs of an evidence document di ,                  evaluation compares each annotator’s label to the
and a list of answer annotations Ai , which                      majority label selected by the annotators. This
are aggregated into an answer type ti ∈                          inflates human performance modestly as each an-
{short, long, unanswerable}.                                     notator’s own label contributes to the consensus
4.1    Models
Majority baseline. We output the most fre-                       4.2     Results
quent label for each dataset (i.e., short for NQ,                The results in Table 4 indicate the different charac-
unanswerable for TyDi QA and SQuAD 2.0).                         teristics of the naturally occurring and artificially
                                                                 annotated unanswerable questions. Question only
Question only model (Q only). This model
                                                                 models yield over 70% accuracy in NQ and TyDi
takes a question and classify it into one of three
                                                                 QA, showing there are clues in the question alone,
classes (i.e., short,long,unanswerable)
                                                                 as suggested in Liu et al. (2020). While models
solely based on the question input. In particular,
                                                                 often outperform binary agreement score between
we use a BERT-based classifier: encode each input
                                                                 two annotators, the answer type prediction com-
question with BERT, and use the [CLS] token as
                                                                 ponent of ETC performs on par with the Q only
the summary representation to classify. Experimen-
                                                                 model, suggesting that answerability calibration
tal details can be found in the appendix.
                                                                 happens mainly at the F1 optimization processing.
QA models. We convert the state-of-the-art QA
models’ final predictions into answer type predic-               Which unanswerable questions can be easily
tions. When a QA system outputs any short/long                   identified? We randomly sample 50 NQ exam-
answers, we map them to short / long type; oth-                  ples which both Q only and ETC successfully an-
erwise we map them to unanswerable. We                           swered. 32% of them are obviously too vague or
use ETC for NQ, and mBERT baseline for TyDi                      are not valid questions (e.g., “bye and bye going to
QA as in Section 3.3. For SQuAD 2.0, we use                      see the king by blind willie johnson”, “history of
Retro-reader (Zhang et al., 2021).6 The evaluation               1st world war in Bangla language”). 13% of them
                                                                 include keywords that are likely to make the ques-
       We do not experiment with Gold P setting for TyDi QA,     tions unanswerable (e.g., “which of the following
as it’s included in the original paper (Clark et al., 2020).
       We contacted authors of Retro-reader for the prediction   would result in an snp?”). 14% of the questions
file. We appreciate their help.                                  require complex reasoning, in particular, listing en-

tities or finding a maximum / best one (e.g., “top 10   category into three categories based on the question
air defense systems in the world”), which are often     types: factoid, non-factoid, and multi-evidence
annotated as unanswerable in NQ due to the diffi-       questions. Factoid questions are unanswerable due
culty of finding a single paragraph answering the       to the failure of retrieving articles with answers
questions. Models, including the Q only models,         available on the web. These questions fall into two
seem to easily recognize such questions.                categories: where the Wikipedia documents includ-
                                                        ing answers are not retrieved by Google Search, or
Comparison with SQuAD 2.0. In SQuAD 2.0,
                                                        where Wikipedia does not contain articles answer-
somewhat surprisingly, the question only baseline
                                                        ing the questions so alternative knowledge sources
achieved only 63% accuracy. We hypothesize
                                                        (e.g., non-Wikipedia articles) are necessary. We
that crowdworkers successfully generated unan-
                                                        also find a small number of examples whose an-
swerable questions that largely resemble answer-
                                                        swers cannot be found on the web even when we
able questions, which prevents the question only
                                                        exhaustively searched dozens of web-pages.7 Non-
model from exploiting artifacts in question sur-
                                                        factoid questions cover complex queries whose
face forms. However, when the context was pro-
                                                        answers are often longer than a single sentence
vided, the QA model achieves almost 95% accu-
                                                        and no single paragraphs fully address the ques-
racy, indicating that detecting unanswerability be-
                                                        tions. Lastly, multi-evidence questions require
comes substantially easier when the correct context
                                                        reasoning over multiple facts such as multi-hop
is given. Yatskar (2019) finds the unanswerable
                                                        questions (Yang et al., 2018; Dua et al., 2019). A
questions in SQuAD 2.0 focus on simulating ques-
                                                        question is assigned this category only when the
tioner confusion (e.g., adding made-up entities, in-
                                                        authors need to combine information scattered in
troducing contradicting facts, topic error), which
                                                        two or more paragraphs or articles. Theoretically,
the current state-of-the-art models can recognize
                                                        the boundaries among the categories can overlap
when the short reference context is given. By de-
                                                        (i.e., there could be one paragraph that concisely
sign, these questions are clearly unanswerable, un-
                                                        answers the query, which we fail to retrieve), but
like information-seeking queries which can be par-
                                                        in practice, we achieved a reasonable annotation
tially answerable. Thus, identifying unanswerable
information-seeking queries poses additional chal-
                                                           Invalid QA includes invalid questions, false
lenges beyond matching questions and contexts.
                                                        premise and invalid answers. Invalid questions
                                                        are ill-defined queries, where we can only vaguely
5     Annotating Unanswerability                        guess the questioner’s intent. NQ authors found
                                                        14% of NQ questions are marked as bad questions;
In this section, we conduct an in-depth analysis        here, we focus on the unanswerable subset of the
to answer the following questions: (i) where the        original data. We regard queries with too much am-
unanswerability in information-seeking QA arises,       biguity or subjectivity to determine single answers
(ii) whether we can answer those unanswerable           as invalid questions (e.g., where is turkey com-
questions when we have access to more knowledge         modity largely produced in our country). False
sources beyond a single provided Wikipedia article,     premise (Kim et al., 2021) are questions based on
and (iii) what kinds of questions remain unanswer-      incorrect presuppositions. For example, the ques-
able when these steps are taken. To this end, we        tion in Table 5 is valid, but no Harry Potter movie
annotate 800 unanswerable questions from NQ and         was released in 2008, as its sixth movie release
TyDi QA across six languages. Then, we conduct          was pushed back from 2008 to 2009 to booster
per-category performance analysis to determine the      its release schedule. Invalid answers are annota-
types of questions for which our models fail to         tion errors, where the annotator missed an answer
predict answerability.                                  existing in the provided evidence document.
5.1    Categories of Unanswerable Questions
                                                        5.2   Manual Study Setting
We first define the categories of the unanswerable
                                                        We randomly sampled and intensively annotated a
questions. Retrieval miss includes questions that
                                                        total of 450 unanswerable questions from the NQ
are valid and answerable, but paired with a doc-
ument which does not contain a single paragraph            7
                                                             Such cases were more common in low resource lan-
which can answer the question. We subdivide this        guages.

Type             Sub-Type                          Query                                      Wiki Page Title    Answer
                  factoid question (Fact)           when is this is us season 2 released on    This Is Us (sea-   September
 Retrieval Miss                                     dvd                                        son 2)             11, 2018
                  non-factoid question (Non-F)      what is the difference between a bernese   Bernese Moun-      -
                                                    mountain dog and a swiss mountain dog      tain Dog
                  multi-evidence question (Multi)   how many states in india have at least     Border
                                                    one international border
                  Invalid questions (q.)            the judds love can build a bridge album    Love        Can
 Invalid QA
                                                                                               Build a Bridge
                  false premise (false)             what harry potter movie came out in        Harry Potter       -
                                                    2008                                       (film series)
                  Invalid answers (ans.)            who played will smith’s girlfriend in      Independence       Vivica A.
                                                    independence day                           Day       (1996    Fox

                       Table 5: Types of unanswerable questions and their examples in NQ.

development set, and 350 unanswerable questions                                 % Retrieval Miss               % Invalid
across five languages from the TyDi QA develop-                          N    Fact Non-F Multi            q.    false ans.
ment set. Here, we sample questions where annota-               NQ     450      25        20        6    38           3    8
tors unanimously agreed that no answer exists. See              Bn      50      68         0        4     4           6   18
Table 6 for the statistics. For NQ, the authors of              Ja     100      61        11       15     2           4    7
                                                                Ko     100      57         8       20    14           0    1
this paper annotated 100 examples and adjudicated               Ru      50      50         6       32     8           0    4
the annotations to clarify common confusions. The               Te      50      74         2        0    14           0   12
remaining 350 questions were annotated individu-
                                                              Table 6: The manual classification results based on the
ally. Before the adjudication, the annotators agreed          unanswerable question categories (Table 5) on N exam-
on roughly 70% of the questions. After this adju-             ples per row. The bottom five rows represent TyDi QA
dication process, the agreements on new samples               Bengali, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Telugu, respec-
reached over 90%.                                             tively in order.
   For TyDi QA, we recruit five native speakers
to annotate examples in Bengali, Japanese, Ko-
                                                              subset). In TyDi QA, document retrieval was a ma-
rean, Russian, and Telugu. We provide detailed
                                                              jor issue across all five languages (50-74%), and a
instructions given the adjudication process, and
                                                              significantly larger proportion of re-annotated an-
closely communicate with each annotator when
                                                              swers were found in other Wikipedia pages (50%
they experienced difficulty deciding among multi-
                                                              in TyDi QA v.s. 21.8% in NQ), indicating that the
ple categories. Similar to NQ annotation, annota-
                                                              retrieval system used for document selection made
tors searched the answers using Google Search, in
                                                              more mistakes. Document retrieval is a crucial part
both the target language and English, referring to
                                                              of QA, not just for modeling but also for dataset
any web pages (not limited to Wikipedia) and re-
                                                              construction. We observe more complex and chal-
annotated the answer, while classifying questions
                                                              lenging questions in some TyDi QA languages;
into the categories described earlier.
                                                              20% of the unanswerable questions in Korean and
5.3   Results                                                 32% of the unanswerable questions in Russian re-
                                                              quire multiple paragraphs to answer, as opposed to
Causes of unanswerability. Table 6 summarizes                 6% in NQ.
our manual analysis. We found different patterns
of unanswerability in the two datasets. Invalid an-           Alternative knowledge sources. Table 7 shows
swers were relatively rare in both, which shows               the breakdown of the newly annotated answer
they are high quality. We observe that invalid                sources for the “retrieval miss (factoid)” questions.
answers are more common for questions where                   As mentioned above, in TyDi QA new answers are
annotators need to skim through large reference               found in other Wikipedia pages (66.7% of retrieval
documents. In NQ, where the questions are natu-               miss in Japanese subset, 55.6% in Korean subset
rally collected from user queries, ill-defined queries        and 34.8% in Russian), while in NQ, the majority
were prevalent (such queries account for 14% of               of the answers are from non-Wikipedia websites,
the whole NQ data, but 38% of the unanswerable                which indicates that using Wikipedia as the single

Number (%)                   documents due to the lack of information on the
   dataset   total     Ib / tab    diff. Wiki non-Wiki         web. A Bengali question asks “Who is the father
   NQ        119       3 (2.5)     26 (21.8)   119 (75.6)      of famous space researcher Abdus Sattar Khan (a
   Bn         40      9 (22.5)     27 (67.5)     4 (10.0)
   Ja         60     10 (16.7)     40 (66.7)    10 (16.7)
                                                               Bangladeshi scientist)?”, and our annotator could
   Ko         54     13 (24.1)     30 (55.6)    11 (20.3)      not find any supporting documents for this ques-
   Ru         23     10 (43.4)      8 (34.8)     5 (21.7)      tion.
   Te         23      4 (17.4)      5 (21.8)    14 (60.9)
                                                               Limitations of the current task designs. Ta-
Table 7: The knowledge sources for retrieval miss ques-        ble 9 shows non-factoid or multi-evidence ques-
tions in NQ and TyDi Bengali, Japanese, Korean, Rus-
                                                               tions from TyDi QA, which are marked as unan-
sian and Telugu annotation. The bottom five rows repre-
sent TyDi QA Bengali, Japanese, Korean, Russian and            swerable partially due to the task formulation – an-
Telugu, respectively. “Ib / tab” denotes infobox or table      swers have to be extracted from a single paragraph
in the same Wikipedia pages, “diff. Wiki” denotes dif-         based on the information provided in the evidence
ferent Wikipedia pages, and “non-Wiki” denotes non-            document. On the first three examples of non-
Wikipedia webpages.                                            factoid questions, we have found that to completely
                                                               answer the questions, we need to combine evidence
                                                               from multiple paragraphs and to write descriptive
knowledge source hurts the coverage of answerabil-             answers. The second group shows several exam-
ity. Table 8 shows retrieval miss (factoid) questions          ples for multi-evidence questions. Although they
in TyDi Japanese, Korean and Russian subsets. In               are not typical compositional questions in multi-
the first example, the retrieved document is about             hop QA datasets (Yang et al., 2018), it requires
a voice actor who has acted on a character named               comparison across several entities.
Vincent. Yet, Japanese Wikipedia has an article
about Vince Lombardi, and we could find the cor-               5.4   Per-category Performance
rect answer “57” there. The second group shows                 How challenging is it to detect unanswerablity from
two examples where we cannot have Wikipedia                    different causes? Table 10 shows the per-category
articles with sufficient information to answer but             performance of answerability prediction using the
can find non-Wikipedia articles on the web. For                models from Section 4. Both Q only and QA mod-
example, we cannot find useful Korean Wikipedia                els show the lowest error rate on invalid questions
articles for a question about Pokemon, but a non-              on NQ, suggesting that those questions can be eas-
Wikipedia Pokemon fandom page clearly answers                  ily predicted as unanswerable, even from the ques-
this question. This is also prevalent in NQ. We pro-           tion surface only. Unsurprisingly, all models strug-
vide a list of the alternative web articles sampled            gle on the invalid answer category. We found that
from the retrieval misses (factoid) cases of NQ in             in some of those cases, our model finds the cor-
Table 11 in the appendix.                                      rect answers but is penalized. Detecting factoid
   For the TyDi QA dataset, answers were some-                 questions’ unanswerability is harder when refer-
times found in tables or infoboxes of provided                 ence documents are incorrect but look relevant due
Wikipedia documents. This is because TyDi QA                   to some lexical overlap to the questions. For ex-
removes non-paragraph elements (e.g., Table, List,             ample, given a question “who sang the song angel
Infobox) to focus on the modeling challenges of                of my life” and the paired document saying “My
multilingual text (Clark et al., 2020). WikiData also          Life is a song by Billy Joel that first appeared on
provides an alternative source of information, cov-            his 1978”, which is about a different song, our QA
ering roughly 15% of queries. These results show               model extracts Billy Joel as the answer with a high
the potential of searching heterogeneous knowl-                confidence score. This shows that even the state-
edge sources (Chen et al., 2020b; Oguz et al., 2020)           of-the-art models can be fooled by lexical overlap.
to increase answer coverage. Alternatively, Asai
et al. (2021) show that searching documents in                 5.5   Discussion
another language significantly increases the an-               We summarize directions for future work from the
swer coverage of the questions particularly in low-            manual analysis. First, going beyond Wikipedia
resource languages. Lastly, a non-negligible num-              as the only source of information is effective to in-
ber of Telugu and Bengali questions cannot be an-              crease the answer coverage. Many of the unanswer-
swered even after an extensive search over multiple            able questions in NQ or TyDi QA can be answered

Sub-Type                                                    Example
                            Query                                  Original Wiki Title         New article          Answer
    different Wikipedia     ヴィンセント・トマス・ロンバ                           森 川 智             之       ヴィンス・ロン              57
                            ル デ ィ は 何 歳 で 死 去 し た ? (At              (Toshiyuki                バ ル デ ィ (Vince
                            what age did Vincent Thomas Lom-         Morikawa)                 Lombardi)
                            bardy die?)
                            Skol~ko marok bylo vypuweno v Poqtovye marki Znaki poqtovo                             97
                            SSSR v 1938? (How many stamps SSSR (Postage oplaty SSSR
                            were produced in the USSR in 1938?) stamps of the (1938) (Signs of
                                                                     USSR)                     the postage of the
                                                                                               USSR (1938))
    not Wikipedia           ᄑᄏ
                            ᅩ  ᆺᄆ
                               ᅦ ᆫᄉ
                                 ᅩ ᅳᄐ ᅥᄋ ᅦ서ᄀ ᅡᄌ ᅡ
                                                 ᆼᄏ  ᆫᄑ
                                                     ᅳ  ᅩᄏᆺᄆ
                                                          ᅦ ᆫᄋ
                                                            ᅩ ᆫ
                                                              ᅳ      ᄒᄋ
                                                                     ᅡ  ᅣᄉ  ᅵᄇ ᅡᄅ ᅡ ᄆ  ᅦ       Top 10 Largest       Onix
                            ᄆ  ᆺᄋ
                               ᅥ ᆫᄀ
                                 ᅵ ᅡ? (What’s the largest poke-      ᅮᄆ
                                                                     ᄀ  ᅵ (Hayashibara         Pokémon
                            mon in pokemonster?)                     Megumi)
                            日本で平均的に車が買い替えられ                          モータリゼー                    2017年 度 乗 用 車        7.0
                            る頻度は? (How often do people buy           ション (Effects of           市場動向調査 (FY
                            a new car on average in Japan?)          the car on societies)     2017 Private Car
                                                                                               Market Survey)

Table 8: Examples of retrieval miss (factoid) questions in TyDi Japanese, Korean and Russian subsets. English
translations annotated by native speakers are written in the parentheses.

  Sub-Type                                                        Example
                    Query                                                                    Wiki Page Title
  non-factoid       ᄀᄅ
                    ᅩ ᅵᄌ  ᅮ의ᄂᆫᄋ
                              ᅳ  ᆼᄀ
                                 ᅧ ᆨᄋ
                                   ᅮ ᅦᄋ ᅥᄄ ᆫᅧ
                                           ᅥ  ᆼ
                                              ᄋᄒ ᅣ
                                                   ᅳ  ᅵᄎ ᆻᄂ
                                                         ᅧ ᆫᄀ
                                                           ᅳ  ᅡ? (How did utilitarian-       ᅦᄅ
                                                                                             ᄌ ᅥᄆ
                                                                                                  ᅦ ᆷ (Jeremy Bentham)
  question          ism affect UK?)
                    Poqemu nado podigat~ absent?         (Why should you lit absinthe       Absent (Absinthe)
                    on fire?)
                    スペースシャトルと宇宙船の違いは何? (What is the differ-                                  宇宙船 (Space ship)
                    ence between a space shuttle and a spaceship?)
  multi-            ᆨᄐ
                    ᄃ ᅥᄒ  ᅮᄉ  ᅵ리ᄌ
                                 ᅳᄌ ᆼᄀ
                                    ᅮ  ᅡᄌ ᅡ
                                          ᆼᄂ ᇁᄋ
                                             ᅩ  ᆫᄉ
                                                ᅳ  ᅵᄎ ᆼᄅ
                                                      ᅥ ᆯᄋ
                                                        ᅲ  ᆯᄀ
                                                           ᅳ  ᅵᄅᆨᄒ
                                                                ᅩ  ᆫᄉ
                                                                   ᅡ ᅵ리ᄌ ᅳᄂ  ᆫᄆ
                                                                              ᅳ  ᅮᄋ ᆺ
                                                                                    ᅥ        ᅩᄃ
                                                                                             ᄏ ᅳᄇ ᆯᄅ
                                                                                                  ᅳ ᅮ -ᄃ ᆨᄐ
                                                                                                         ᅡ ᅥᄒᆯᄀ
                                                                                                             ᅦ  ᅵᄀᆫᄀ
                                                                                                                  ᅵ  ᆸᄀ
                                                                                                                     ᅳ ᅮᄆ
  evidence          ᆫᄀ
                    ᄋ ᅡ? (Which Doctor Who series scored the highest view rate?)             (Code Blue (TV series))
                    進化論裁判はアメリカ以外で起きたことはある? (Has any                                          進化論 (Darwinism)
                    legal case about Creation and evolution in public education ever
                    happened outside of the US?)

 Table 9: Examples of non-factoid and multi-evidence questions in TyDi Japanese, Korean and Russian subsets.

                          NQ              TyDi (MBERT)          addressing this topic. Although there are several
   category     Q only     QA    # ex.    Q only  # ex.         new reading comprehension datasets focusing on
   Fact           33.9    24.1      112     21.2    212         reasoning across multiple modalities (Talmor et al.,
   Non-F          16.9    22.9       87     17.4     23
   Multi          27.5    18.5       29     17.0     53
                                                                2021; Hannan et al., 2020), limited prior work inte-
   q.              8.5     7.2      165     20.6     29         grate heterogeneous knowledge sources for open-
   false          42.8    14.3       14     14.3      7         domain or information-seeking QA (Oguz et al.,
   ans.           47.2    48.6       35     32.0     25
                                                                2020; Chen et al., 2021).
Table 10: Per-category answerablity prediction error               Invalid or ambiguous queries are common in
rates. The categories correspond to the six categories          information-seeking QA, where questions are of-
in Table 5 and ‘# ex’ column represents the number of
                                                                ten under-specified. We observed there are many
examples in each category.
                                                                ambiguous questions included in NQ data. Consis-
                                                                tent with the findings of Min et al. (2020), we have
if we use non-Wikipedia web pages (e.g., IMDb)                  found that many of the ambiguous questions or ill-
or structured knowledge bases (e.g., WikiData). Al-             posed questions can be fixed by small edits, and we
ternative web pages where we have found answers                 suggest asking annotators to edit those questions
have diverse formats and writing styles. Searching              or asking them a follow-up clarification instead of
those documents to answer information-seeking                   simply marking and leaving the questions as is in
QA may introduce additional modeling challenges                 the future information-seeking QA dataset creation.
such as domain adaptation or generalization. To our                Lastly, we argue that the common task formula-
knowledge, there is no existing large-scale dataset             tion, extracting a span or a paragraph from a single

document, limits answer coverage. To further im-         Artifacts in datasets. Recent work (Gururangan
prove, models should be allowed to generate the          et al., 2018; Kaushik and Lipton, 2018; Sugawara
answer based on the evidence document (Lewis             et al., 2018; Chen and Durrett, 2019) exhibited
et al., 2020), instead of limiting to selecting a sin-   that models can capture annotation bias in crowd-
gle span in the document. Evaluating the correct-        sourced data effectively, achieving high perfor-
ness of free-form answers is more challenging, and       mance when only provided with a partial input.
requires further research (Chen et al., 2020a).          Although NQ and TyDi QA attempt to avoid such
   While all the individual pieces might be revealed     typical artifacts of QA data by annotating questions
in independent studies (Min et al., 2020; Oguz et al.,   independently from the existing documents (Clark
2020), our study quantifies how much each factor         et al., 2020), we found artifacts in question surface
accounts for reducing answer coverage.                   forms can let models easily predict answerability
                                                         with a partial input (i.e., question only).

6   Related Work                                         7   Conclusion

Analyzing unanswerable questions. There is               We provide the first in-depth analysis on
prior work that seeks to understand unanswerabil-        information-seeking QA datasets to inspect where
ity in reading comprehension datasets. Yatskar           unanswerability arises and quantify the remaining
(2019) analyzes unanswerable questions in SQuAD          modeling challenges. Our controlled experiments
2.0 and two conversational reading comprehension         identifies two remaining headrooms, answerability
datasets, namely CoQA and QuAC, while we fo-             prediction and paragraph selection. Observing a
cus on information-seeking QA datasets to under-         large percentage of questions are unanswerable, we
stand the potential dataset collection improvements      provide manual analysis studying why questions
and quantify the modeling challenges of the state-       are unanswerable and make suggestions to improve
of-the-art QA models. Ravichander et al. (2019)          answer coverage: (1) going beyond Wikipedia tex-
compare unanswerable factors between NQ and              tual information as the only source of information,
a QA dataset on privacy policies. This work pri-         (2) addressing ambiguous queries instead of sim-
marily focuses on a privacy QA, which leads to           ply marking and leaving the questions as is, (3)
differences of the categorizations of the unanswer-      enable accessing multiple documents and introduc-
able questions. We search alternative knowledge          ing abstractive answers for non-factoid questions.
sources as well as the answers to understand how         Together, our work shed light on future work for
we could improve answer coverage from dataset            information-seeking QA, both for modeling and
creation perspective and connect the annotation re-      dataset design.
sults with answerability prediction experiments for      Legal and Ethical Considerations
modeling improvements.
                                                         All of the manual annotations conducted by the au-
Answer Calibrations. Answerability prediction            thors of the papers and our collaborators. The NQ
can bring practical values, when errors are expen-       and TyDi QA data is publicly available and further
sive but abstaining from it is less so (Kamath et al.,   analysis built upon on them is indeed encouraged.
2020). While predicting answerability has been           This work would encourage future dataset creation
studied in SQuAD 2.0 (Zhang et al., 2021; Hu             and model development for information-seeking
et al., 2019), the unanswerability in SQuAD 2.0          QA towards building a QA model that could work
has different characteristics from unanswerability       well on users’ actual queries.
in information-seeking QA as we discussed above.
To handle unanswerable questions in information-
seeking QA, models either adopt threshold based          We thank Jon Clark, Michael Collins, Kenton
answerable verification (Devlin et al., 2019), or in-    Lee, Tom Kwiatkowski, Jennimaria Palomaki, Se-
troduce an extra layer to classify unanswerablity        won Min, Colin Lockard, David Wadden, Yizhong
and training the model jointly (Zhang et al., 2020;      Wang for helpful feedback and discussion. We
Yang et al., 2019). Kamath et al. (2020) observes        thank Vitaly Nikolaev for helping with the Russian
the difficulty of answer calibrations, especially un-    data annotation, Trina Chatterjee for help with Ben-
der domain shift.                                        gali data annotation, and for Aditya Kusupati for

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A    Annotation Instruction                                5e-5. We set the maximum total input sequence
                                                           length to 128. We train our model with a single
The authors annotated examples in the following
                                                           GeForce RTX 2080 with 12 GB memory for
                                                           three epochs, which roughly takes around 15
    • (Step 1) Translate the query, if not in English.     minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes for each
                                                           epochs on SQuAD 2.0, TyDi and NQ, respectively.
    • (Step 2) Decide whether the query is valid →         The hyperparameters are manually searched by
      if not, mark as (5) Annotation Error (Question       authors, and we use the same hyperparameters
      is ambiguous or unclear), if not, go to step 3.      across datasets that perform best on NQ Q-only
    • (Step 3) If the query is valid, look at the linked
      document. if the answer is in the document,          C     Additional Annotation Results
      write down the answer in the “answer” col-
      umn of the spreadsheet, mark it as (4) Invalid       C.1    Examples of alternative Web pages for
      QA. The corner case here is if the answer is                NQ Retrieval Miss (Factoid)
      in the infobox, according to TyDi definition         Table 11 shows several examples of alternative web
      it won’t work. so in this case mark as (1)           pages where we could find answers to originally
      Retrieval Error (Factoid question) and label         unanswerable questions. Although those additional
      as "Type of missing information: no descrip-         knowledge sources are highly useful, they are di-
      tion in paragraphs, but can be answered based        verse (from a fandom site to a shopping web site),
      on infobox or table". If you cannot find the         and all have different formats and writing styles.
      answer in the document, go to step 4.
                                                           C.2    Examples of retrieval misses without any
    • (Step 4) If the answer is not in the document,              alternative knowledge sources
      google question to find an answer. - If there’s      Table 12 shows the examples where we cannot
      a factoid answer found, mark it as (1) Re-           find any alternative knowledge sources on the web.
      trieval Error (factoid question) and copy-paste      Those questions often ask some entities who are
      the answer. Mark the source of the answer –          not widely known but are closely related to cer-
      whether from other Wikipedia page, or in En-         tain culture or community (e.g., a Japanese athlete,
      glish Wikipedia, or in the web. If the answer        geography of an Indian village).
      is non factoid and can be found, mark it as
      (2) Retrieval Error (non-factoid question), and
      copy paste a link where the answer. Mark the
      source of the answer – whether from another
      Wikipedia page, or in the web. - If the ques-
      tion is very complex and basically you can’t
      find an answer, mark it as (3) Retrieval Error
      (complex question).

B    Experimental Details of Question Only
Our implementations are all based on PyTorch.
In particular, to implement our classifica-
tion based and span-based model, we use
pytorch-transformers (Wolf et al.,
2020).8       We use bert-base-uncased
model        for        NQ       and       SQuAD,
for TyDi as initial pre-trained models. The training
batch size is set to 8, the learning rate is set to

Query                   New article                          Paragraph                                 Answer
   when is fairy tail ep   Fairy Tail Wiki at: https:// Information Japan Air Date October 7,             October 7,
   278 coming out            2018                                          2018
   where was the           American Horror Story “Cult” The horror show “American Horror Story            Southern
   American horror         Fillming Locations at: https:// Cult” starring Sarah Paulson &Ryan Mur-        Califor-
   story cult filmed       hollywoodfilminglocations. phy was filmed on location throughout               nia    and
                           com/                             Southern California and Michigan.             Michigan
   what are the main       A Roundup Of The Most Popular Beef (33% out of 94% consider beef as            beef
   types of meat eaten     Meats Eaten In The UK at: https: their top choice): Beef is the most pre-
   in the uk               // ferred choice among British people
   around the world in     Around the World in 80 Days Pa- Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Pub-       130 pages
   80 days book pages      perback – November 6, 2018 at: lishing Platform (November 6, 2018) Lan-
                           guage : English Paperback : 130 pages

Table 11: Examples of the alternative websites we could find answers to the retrieval miss (factoid) questions from
Natural Questions.

         Dataset (language)     Query
         TyDi (Telugu)          What is the main agricultural crop in Onuru village (a village in India)?
         TyDi (Telugu)          As of 2002, what is the biggest construction in Tenali town (a city of India)?
         TyDi (Japanese)        What is Yuta Shitara (a Japanese long-distance runner.)’s best record for 10000
         NQ (English)           how many blocks does hassan whiteside have in his career
         NQ (English)           who migrated to the sahara savanna in present-day southeastern nigeria

               Table 12: Examples of questions we cannot find any web resources including answers.

You can also read