Charity Law Update New Charities Bill special edition July 2021

Page created by Marie Andrews
Charity Law Update New Charities Bill special edition July 2021
Charity Law
Update   New Charities Bill
         special edition

         July 2021
Charity Law Update New Charities Bill special edition July 2021
2 Charity Law Update July 2021

New Charities Bill
proposes to reduce
burden of charity
On 11 May 2021 the Queen announced an important piece of
legislation for the charity sector as the Government’s plans to
roll out the Charities Bill. In 2017 the Law Commission published
a report ‘Technical Issues in Charity Law’ setting out problems
in the legal sphere in which charities operate and making
recommendations for improvements. The Report noted that much
of charities’ time and funds are spent satisfying administrative
legal burdens, rather than on their intended charitable causes.
Annexed to the report was a draft Bill, designed to give legal
effect to the Commission’s proposed amendments.

Following delays, caused by Brexit and the pandemic, the
Government issued a response to the Law Commission’s
report in March this year accepting the majority of the
recommendations made. The Queen’s speech confirmed that
subject to Parliamentary approval, the Charities Bill will be
implemented with the purpose of addressing “a range of issues
in charity law which hamper charities’ day to day activities,”
as identified in the Commission’s 2017 report.
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What is the Charities Bill
intended to achieve?
The aim of the Bill is to:                      • Help charities consolidate and
                                                   restructure by simplifying legal
• Remove the unnecessary administrative
                                                   processes which will reduce costs
   and financial burdens that charities
                                                   and save time; and
   currently face because of the ‘inefficient
   and unduly complex’ laws that they are       • Rebalance the regulations by enabling
   governed by;                                    trustees to run charities effectively,
                                                   whilst ensuring that there is proper
  ake the regulation surrounding
                                                   oversight which safeguards the public
 charities more effective, and make
                                                   interest; and
 the legal framework easier to
 navigate, enabling charities to use            • Ensure that the law works better for
 their resources effectively to promote            the entire sector.
 their charitable causes;
                                                Continues on next page…
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New Charities Bill proposes to reduce burden of charity regulation

What changes will the Bill
implement to charity law if it
is passed through Parliament?
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1. Governing documents
Changes will be introduced to make          The three-part test to be considered by
it easier for charities to change their     The Charity Commission in considering
governing documents, including              whether to consent to regulated
streamlining the process by which           alterations are that the Commission
charities with Royal Charters can get       must have regard to:
Privy Council approval.                     • The charity’s purposes when it
                                              was established;
Confusion is currently created by
differences in how unincorporated           • Whether it is desirable to keep the
charities (e.g. trusts and unincorporated      purposes similar to those being
associations) and incorporated charities       altered; and
(e.g. companies and Charitable              • The need for the charity to have
Incorporated Organisations) may                purposes which are suitable and
amend their governing documents                effective in the light of current social
and in particular, seek consent                and economic circumstances.
of The Charity Commission to
regulated alterations. The Bill aims        Unincorporated charities would still
to put unincorporated charities and         be required to seek The Charity
incorporated charities on a similar         Commission’s consent to:
footing to reduce disparity and to
clarify the legal procedures.               • any changes relating to the manner in
                                               which the charity uses or deals with its
If the Bill is enacted, The Charity            permanent endowment assets; or
Commission will consider the same           • changes to the rights of third parties
three-part test when considering               (e.g. to nominate and appoint trustees)
giving consent to regulated changes            if such third parties are still in existence
to charities’ governing documents.             at the time the charity is looking to
Regulated changes are:                         change its governing document.
• Changes which would alter the            Continues on next page…
   charity’s purposes;
• Changes to the charity’s dissolution
   provisions; and
• Changes which would authorise
   benefits to be obtained by the
   charity’s trustees or members or
   people connected with them.
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New Charities Bill proposes to reduce burden of charity regulation

2. Charity mergers                            Amendments to the Register of Merger
                                              provisions are designed to address
There will be a removal of legal barriers
                                              this and to make the operation of the
to charities merging, when a merger is
                                              Register of Mergers more effective in the
in their best interests.
                                              circumstances, and to eliminate the need
The Bill proposes to amend the                to maintain dormant charities.
provisions in the Charities Act 2011 in
relation to The Charity Commission’s          3. Ex gratia payments
Register of Mergers. The Register of          If the Bill is enacted in its current form,
Mergers is intended to protect legacy         charity trustees will be allowed to
income to charities that have merged          make small ex gratia payments without
with another charity and have since been      the prior authorisation of The Charity
dissolved or incorporated and have been       Commission. Occasionally charity
removed from The Charity Commission’s         trustees need to consider making ex
Register. The Register of Mergers was         gratia payments. Ex gratia payments
introduced to stop legacy income “falling     are payments which the charity is not
through the net” if the beneficiary charity   under any legal obligation to make
has dissolved when the merger takes           and which are not necessarily in the
effect and has transferred its assets and     best interests of the charity, but where
operations to another charity (whether as     the charity’s trustees believe there is a
the result of a merger or incorporation).     moral obligation or imperative to make
                                              a payment.
As currently drafted the provisions are
not completely fool proof and some            Examples of ex gratia payments could
legacy income may still fail to take effect   include the charity waiving rights to
to the merged charity if it is unclear        money or property to which it is legally
whether the testator intended their           entitled but has not yet received,
gift to support that charity specifically     circumstances where legacies have
or its charitable purposes in general.        been left to charities under someone’s
Confusion over whether the Register           Will, but there is clear evidence that the
of Mergers would be sufficient to             testator may have wished to change
protect legacy income post-merger or          this, but it was not possible before their
incorporation, and dissolution of the         death or if there are doubts about the
transferring charity often leads charities    testator’s ownership of the assets gifted
to retain the transferring charity as a       to charities.
dormant charity on the Register to
ensure that future legacy income does         Provided they are in the charity’s interests,
not fall through the net. However, this       occasional small gifts that are not of
can be an administrative burden and it        significant value (e.g. token gifts for
can cause confusion.                          retiring trustees) are not considered ex
                                              gratia payments. Ex gratia payments
                                              go above and beyond small gifts for
                                              volunteers or retiring trustees that are not
                                              of significant value.
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The Bill would alter the existing           quickly to situations where they feel
legislation so that charities have the      there is a moral obligation for the charity
authority to make ex gratia payments        to make an ex gratia payment. However,
without the authority of The Charity        these powers should be exercised
Commission provided the value of such       cautiously; particularly in view of the
payments does not exceed the relevant       charity’s reputation and perception/
thresholds set down in the Bill which       opinion about whether something is
are based upon the charity’s gross          in the charity’s interests is subjective. If
annual income.                              these powers become available, charity
                                            trustees using them should be prepared
For example; if a charity’s gross income    to explain the rationale for making their
in its last financial year did not exceed   decisions and to justify why making
£25,000, the relevant threshold would       an ex gratia payment is in the charity’s
be £1,000. At the other end of the scale,   best interests. Careful decision making
if the charity’s gross income in its last   and Minutes documenting the decision
financial year exceeded £1 million, the     making process would be required, and
relevant threshold would be £20,000.        managing any conflicts of interest would
                                            also be essential.
It can take several weeks to obtain The
Charity Commission’s consent to make        Continues on next page…
ex gratia payments and an advantage
if these powers are introduced would
be to enable charity trustees to react
Charity Law Update New Charities Bill special edition July 2021
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New Charities Bill proposes to reduce burden of charity regulation

4. Disposal of charity land                  The Bill also simplifies the contents
                                             of the written report, so that this
The Bill proposes to simplify the law
                                             would consider:
around the disposal of charity land
and to make it easier for charities to       • The market value of the land;
secure the advice required to do so.         • Any improvements that would
This change could save charities both           improve the market value/price;
time and funds because the current
provisions are a common source of            • Any marketing the adviser would
aggravation for charity trustees.               recommend; and
                                             • Any other recommendation relevant
A source of frustration for charity             to the transaction.
trustees are the requirements under the
Charities Act 2011 to engage a RICS          Anyone advising the charity and
qualified surveyor to prepare written        preparing the report would be required
report advising the trustees when the        to self-certify that they have the relevant
charity is disposing of charity land. In     knowledge and expertise and that they
circumstances when the transaction           do not have a conflict of interest in
is relatively low value, but is caught       relation to the transaction.
by the land disposal provisions the
cost of obtaining such a report can be       These changes will be very welcome
disproportionate. Where time is of the       to charities holding land and should
essence in charity land transactions         address some of the problems and
there may not be time to obtain an           disproportionate costs and delays
Order from The Charity Commission            that have been experienced by
authorising the disposal if the costs        charity trustees in complying with
of obtaining a surveyor’s report are         the current procedures.
disproportionate either.

The Bill proposes to address this
by making changes to the range of
professionals that charity trustees can
obtain the written report from. This would
be expanded to include Fellows of the
National Association of Estate Agents
and Fellows of the Central Association
of Agricultural Valuers. Furthermore,
if a charity has a suitably qualified
person from amongst the trustees or its
employees they can also provide the
advice if they are in a position to do so,
and provided there would be no conflict
of interest.
July 2021 Charity Law Update 9

5. Failed fundraising appeals              7. Payment of charity trustees
The Bill, if enacted, would allow          The Bill, if enacted, would introduce
charities to keep small donations below    an express power for charity trustees
£120 when a fundraising appeal fails to    to be paid for goods supplied
reach its target or achieves a surplus     to the charity by them in certain
without having to contact the donor        circumstances, even if not expressly
for their approval. Charities would also   stated in the charity’s governing
be able to spend small donations on        document. This would give charities
similar charitable purposes without        greater flexibility to source goods from
needing to contact individual donors       their trustees or connected parties
for permission or seeking a Scheme         when it is in the best interests of the
from The Charity Commission.               charity to do so (e.g. if it is more cost-
                                           effective), without needing The Charity
6. Use of permanent endowment              Commission’s permission.
The Bill proposes to implement
measures to give charities increased
                                           8. Trust corporation status for
flexibility to use their permanent         sole corporate trustees of
endowment. Permanent endowment             charitable trusts
is assets or investments where the         Some unincorporated charities
capital value must be preserved and        have incorporated trustees and if an
the income only, and not the capital can   incorporated charity has permanent
be spent. Charity trustees can find the    endowment assets, these assets must
current regime very restrictive and the    be held on separate charitable trust.
Bill proposes to give charity trustees
power to act more flexibly to react to     Charities with sole corporate trustees
changing circumstances.                    require that trustee to have trust
                                           corporation status so that it can deal
The Bill also includes changes which       with the charity’s assets.
would allow charity trustees to borrow
a sum of up to 25% of the value of their   The Bill, if enacted, will bestow trust
permanent endowment funds, without         corporation status automatically on all
The Charity Commission’s prior approval,   sole corporate trustees of charitable
and subject to repayment conditions.       trusts. This is a technical requirement,
                                           but an important one and would remove
                                           the administrative burden of having to
                                           apply to The Charity Commission for a
                                           Scheme to obtain this status or to the
                                           Ministry of Justice for a Certificate to act
                                           as a trust corporation.

                                           Continues on next page…
10 Charity Law Update July 2021

New Charities Bill proposes to reduce burden of charity regulation

Is there anything the Bill does
not currently include?
Not all of the Law Commissions                 between charities and non-charities
recommendations have been accepted             should continue to operate on an
by the Government and some of the              arms-length basis.
measures suggested to further reduce
                                              • The Government have also rejected
the administrative burden on charities
                                                 the Law Commission’s suggestion to
have not made the cut to be included in
                                                 abolish the requirement for charity
the Bill. Some examples include:
                                                 trustees to give public notice of sales of
• Under current legislation if a charity        charities’ designated land. ‘Designated
   wishes lease or sell land to a trading        land’ is land that charities are obliged to
   subsidiary, it needs a court order or an      use for specific purposes. This was on
   order from The Charity Commission             the basis that designated land is often
   because the trading subsidiary is             an important asset to the community
   classed as a “connected person”. The          and commonly takes the form of
   Government has turned down the Law            community and recreation grounds,
   Commission’s recommendation that              halls, schools and church property;
   these transactions should be made             therefore the Government deemed that
   possible without an Order from the            public notice of sale should continue to
   court or The Charity Commission.              be given.
   This was on the basis that relationship
July 2021 Charity Law Update 11

Timetable: when will the
Bill become law?
The Government has asked the Law
Commission to update the Bill that they
drafted to accompany their 2017 report
and following the announcement in
the Queen’s speech it is expected that
subject to Parliamentary approval the
Bill will be introduced in the current
Parliamentary session.

  If you have any queries on any issues raised in this
  newsletter, or any charity matters in general please
  contact Gerry Morrison on 01482 337339 or email
12 Charity Law Update July 2021

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Information                                       The law is stated as at 16 July 2021.
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