Charter for Remain - The Independent Group for Change

These elections offer you the chance
to send a simple message: we want
a People’s Vote and we want to remain
in the European Union.

                   Our politics is broken. Our main           We could no longer remain a part
                   parties have drifted to the ideological    of this dysfunctional system, so
                   fringes and are failing to provide the     we founded what is now Change
                   leadership our country needs. The          UK in February. We left the
                   Conservative Party is increasingly         outdated cultures of Labour and
                   controlled by its right wing; Labour       the Conservatives behind. We want
                   by the hard left. Neither is competent.    to provide an alternative – one
                   Both are failing to speak up for the       based on the values which we
                   kind of open-minded, open-hearted          know matter to the British people:
                   Britain we are.                            a strong economy, our country
                                                              playing a leading role in the world,
                   The 11 Change UK MPs put                   protecting our environment, investing
                   everything on the line by leaving the      in our public services and building
                   Conservative and Labour parties to         a vibrant, healthy democracy where
                   work for a better alternative, precisely   we campaign for our beliefs with
                   because the country deserves better.       decency and respect.
                   Brexit is the biggest symbol of our        At these European elections,
                   broken system – and the main               that alternative will be on the
                   parties are the cause. We have             ballot paper. Where our broken
                   spent more than three years                main parties offer you division,
                   consumed by it, thanks to the              we are united. Where they focus
                   divisions in the Conservative Party        on internal arguments, our vision
                   and a desperate lack of opposition         for Britain’s future is clear.
                   from Jeremy Corbyn.                        Where they put their own narrow
                                                              political interest first, we will
                   Politics shouldn’t be like this. We        always put the country first.
                   should not be faced with a choice
                   between a divided Conservative             The Brexit process has divided our
                   Party, with a weak Prime Minister at       country for too long. It has stifled
                   war with her own backbenchers, or          the debate and prevented us from
                   a Labour leadership which refuses          focusing on the real challenges we
                   to come off the fence and back our         need to solve. We can’t wait any
                   place in Europe. You deserve better.       longer. Send our broken main parties
                                                              a message:

                                                              It’s time for change.
                                                              Vote for Change UK.
Remain in
the EU
Britain today can feel like a divided      Great British products from Cornish       We are stronger, safer and
country. There are times when it feels     pasties to Scotch whisky are              better off in the EU. Change UK
like we have completely forgotten          protected by EU rules. All of this and    MEPs will:
how to debate issues in a reasonable       more continues to be at risk from
way. Parliament cannot agree on            those, like Nigel Farage, who would       •C
                                                                                       ampaign for your right to a final
anything and is falling apart. Our         drag us out of Europe and back             say in a People’s Vote – and we will
political parties have exacerbated         in time.                                   campaign for Remain, making the
the problem: pitting those with                                                       positive case for Britain in Europe
means against those with less; urban       While the other parties may be fearful
against rural; old versus young. Our       about these European Parliamentary        •A
                                                                                       rgue passionately for an open,
politics is broken.                        elections, we embrace them. We             frictionless border on the island of
                                           believe that the European Parliament       Ireland, consistent with the Good
The argument about Europe is not           is a forum the UK must be involved         Friday Agreement and with the
the cause of this, but it is the biggest   in. We have a powerful role as a           UK’s full participation in the Single
symbol of it. When Tory Prime              rule-maker around the table, not           Market and EU
Minister David Cameron bowed to            just a rule-taker, obeying laws made
the right wing of his party and said       without Britain being present.            •S
                                                                                       eek to amend any Brexit ‘deal’
that we would have a referendum                                                       presented to the European
on our membership of the European          Britain being in Europe is not just        Parliament so that it is subject to a
Union, he fired the starting gun on        in the national interest – it is in our    People’s Vote
a period of uncertainty and bitterness     communities’ interests, our families’
                                           interests and in our interests. But it    •N
                                                                                       ot vote for any final Brexit
which has disfigured our national
                                           is not simply that we are better off in    proposal if the British public
life – and which has hit you in
                                           the EU. For many, of all generations,      themselves have not approved it
the pocket.
                                           being part of Europe is an expression
Business investment in our country         of British values. One of the most
has stalled. Our economic growth           inspiring things about the past few
has slowed to a crawl. By some             years has been an increasingly
measures, your household income is         patriotic movement which is proud
£1,500 a year lower today than we          of Britain and is unapologetically
were promised in 2016. There may           pro-European. Over 6 million people
be more people in work, but prices         signed the petition to revoke Article
are rising and pay is barely going up.     50; a million wrapped themselves
The UK has experienced the sharpest        in the EU flag and marched to
slowdown of any major economy.             Parliament’s front door. These were
Oddly enough, none of this was             not the acts of ‘traitors’ or ‘enemies
on the side of Boris Johnson’s big         of the people’ – but those of patriots
red bus.                                   who believe in a brighter future
                                           for Britain: one where we act in
The Government’s own assessments           partnership with our friends and allies
show that Brexit in any form –             in a Europe of equals.
including the ‘soft Brexit’ options of
‘Common Market 2.0’ or a customs           Your values are ours. We want to
union – will harm our economy and          put the chaos and division of the
leave us worse off than we are now.        past few years behind us. The Brexit
There is no Brexit deal which is           voted for three years ago is simply
better than the one we have now as         undeliverable. The only way to
members of the EU.                         reconcile the country is to give the
                                           final say on whether to proceed with
Right now, you have the right to           Brexit, as it is today, to the people.
live, work and retire anywhere in the      Over 2 million young people who
European Union. Millions of British        couldn’t vote in 2016 have become
jobs are linked to our membership.         eligible to vote and their futures will
As a consumer, you are protected           be affected by Brexit more than any
anywhere in Europe. Roaming                one group. Their voice must
charges have been abolished.               be heard.
the EU
There were many reasons behind           Remain prosperous                         We need to remain in Europe
the 2016 vote to leave the European                                                so that we can build a fairer,
Union, not least that people felt that   We need an economy that increases         stronger economy. Change UK
politics and the economy weren’t         opportunity and reduces poverty. It       MEPs will work within the EU
working for them. The truth is that      must close the gaps between north         institutions to:
we need fundamental change to            and south, regions and nations,
address the issues which drove           rich and poor. We must focus on           •F
                                                                                     ight Brexit austerity which flows
that vote. We strongly believe that      skills, training and a proper system       from any form of exiting the EU and
leaving the EU won’t help resolve        which helps people as they change          expose the waste of money spent
any of the challenges we face, but       career. We must prepare for the            on preparations for ‘no deal’
we do recognise that addressing          rise of automation and support
them is critically important. That’s     investment in the industries of the       •P
                                                                                     rioritise the long-term interests of
why although stopping Brexit and         future where, thanks to its world-         the next generation, including a new
remaining in Europe is a first step,     leading universities and science           focus on skills and preparedness
it’s not enough. The EU itself needs     infrastructure, Britain is well            for the impact of automation on
reform, so that it better focuses and    placed to lead. Everyone should            the workplace
delivers on the things which matter      be able to make the most of
                                         these opportunities.                      •S
                                                                                     upport the continued free
to you.
                                                                                    movement of people across the 28
Like any political institution, the      Change UK will always make the             European Union nations
EU isn’t perfect. It can feel too        case for immigration and its benefits.
                                         We welcome those who want to              •E
                                                                                     nsure Britain remains a great
distant from us, with too few
                                         bring their ideas and energy to            destination for international
MEPs being well-known to their
                                         Britain; who want to work hard,            students
constituents. Change UK MEPs will
be campaigners in their communities      contribute to our society and build
                                                                                     dvocate fair trade deals for the
and advocates for reform. The entire     a better life for themselves and
                                                                                    UK as part of the EU, using the
Parliament regularly ups sticks and      their families. Immigration is a net
                                                                                    leverage of the entire continent
moves from Brussels to Strasbourg,       positive for our country. Where it
                                                                                    to ensure we get better social,
which is a completely unnecessary        poses challenges to some of our
                                                                                    economic and environmental
waste of time and money – so we          communities, we need to take action;
                                                                                    outcomes in line with the values
should put an end to that back and       for example, central government
                                                                                    we share
forth. The EU Budget needs to be         should be properly supporting local
refocused on the investments which       authorities. But we see newcomers
can give us the most return and          not as a security risk, but as Britons-
elements of it, like the Common          in-waiting. We support the freedom
Agricultural Policy, desperately         of movement which gives you the
need reform.                             right to holiday, work, live and love
                                         in other EU countries – and which
                                         breaks down barriers and builds
                                         links between the United Kingdom
                                         and our European neighbours. At a
                                         time of global insecurity and division,
                                         this unity should be celebrated and
                                         defended. We are more powerful
                                         when we work together.
Remain healthy                             • Expose and oppose the fall in          We need to remain in Europe
                                              revenues allocated to our NHS as a     so that we can be a part of the
The Leave campaign knowingly lied             result of the damage Brexit will do    international action needed to
about the £350 million extra a week           to our economy                         tackle climate change. Change
they claimed would go into the NHS                                                   UK MEPs will:
as a result of the Brexit vote. They       • Fight to hold the UK Government
pledged this non-existent bonanza             to account for ignoring the vote of    •A
                                                                                       rgue for reaching carbon ‘net zero’
to the NHS. The truth is there is no          Parliament to make it a negotiating     emissions at least by 2050 with a
bonanza – only extra cost.                    objective for the UK to continue        stretch target ambition for 2045 if
                                              to participate in the European          the evidence shows it is feasible;
Brexit will be a disaster for our             medicines regulatory network
hospitals, science and research,                                                     •S
                                                                                       upport a transition away from
social care and public health. It will     Remain united on tackling                  sales of new petrol and diesel cars
be bad for our health workforce – if       climate change                             and vans by 2030;
they leave the UK, patients and those
who are dependent on care will bear        We are in a climate emergency.            •W
                                                                                       ork with industry to phase out
the brunt. It will be bad for getting      Climate change is accelerating and         non-essential single-use plastics
the medicines we need, which have          the Government’s action falls short of     by 2025;
a short shelf-life and which we risk       what is required. Difficult decisions
losing if we leave the EU without          need to be made now, because how          •A
                                                                                       dvocate higher standards for new-
a deal.                                    we live, the goods we consume and          build, with all new stock built to
                                           the energy we generate will need           carbon neutral standards by 2025,
This impact would be on top of the         to be transformed. We must agree           incorporating tough new regulations
loss of expertise and opportunity          stronger water and energy standards        on energy and water efficiency
which we have already experienced          for new-build homes; change how
with the departure of the European         we consume energy in those homes;         •C
                                                                                       ommit to supporting and
Medicines Agency, and the loss of          adopt and expand renewables;               developing a diverse energy base
research networks of which we were         reform our transport, automotive           which makes use of a range of
an important part. We also face            and other industries – working with        renewables, including hydrogen and
losing the benefits of guaranteed          them to protect jobs; and make the         tidal power; and
healthcare which we currently enjoy        transition to a circular economy.
                                                                                       all for an increase in the areas
when we live and travel in the EU.         Europe is absolutely essential to
                                                                                      designated for nature protection
                                           this – not least because of our
We need to remain in the EU so                                                        across the UK and EU – and
                                           membership of the Emissions Trading
that we can get on with the job                                                       commit to improving our natural
                                           Scheme, which is the key mechanism
of building a healthier nation.                                                       environment and high-carbon
                                           for managing carbon reductions.
Change UK MEPs will:                                                                  natural habitats
                                           The way in which we renew our
• Support the recruitment, retention      natural environment will be critical.
   and valuing of the nurses, doctors      Poor management of this means
   and healthcare professionals who        that the natural world around us is
   are essential to our NHS – keeping      no longer playing its proper role in
   the UK an attractive place to live      sequestering carbon. Improving our
   and work                                soil quality and uplands restoration
                                           are critically important to meeting the
• Defend UK citizens’ right to            challenge. We must work with those
   healthcare when living and travelling   who are closest to our countryside –
   in EU countries                         our farmers and agricultural
• Vote for the UK to be reinstated        industry – to invest in research
   around the table as a full              and find new ways of significantly
   decision-maker in the European          reducing emissions.
   Medicines Agency
Remain Stronger
in the World
In these turbulent times, Britain        Despite international agreements          We need to remain in the EU so
should stand with her allies in what     to end all forms of extreme poverty       that we can defend our values
is not just an economic alliance but     by 2030, there are still millions for     and play our part in the world.
a security one, too. Our place on        whom there is no plan or investment       Change UK MEPs will:
the UN Security Council and our          to help them escape a miserable
leading role in NATO are critical, but   existence; and there are more             •S
                                                                                     upport the UK playing its full part
our membership of the EU is also         refugees now than at any time since        in international institutions such as
essential. Being part of the EU does     1945. Whenever disaster strikes, it        NATO, the UN and the European
not dilute or crowd out our voice – it   is women and girls who experience          Union as the best way to amplify
multiplies our power as we act in        it most acutely, so it cannot be right     British values in an unstable world
concert with those who share our         that only a fraction of humanitarian
values of freedom and democracy.         aid is spent on tackling the epidemic     •S
                                                                                     eek the development by the EU
                                         of gender-based violence in crises. It     of new international institutions to
The world continues to shrink rapidly    is only through urgent and energetic       meet modern global challenges,
thanks to advances in technology         international co-operation that we         including corporate tax avoidance
and the global economy. In such a        can reverse this trend and lay the         and evasion; internet safety; and
world, the challenges which face us      foundations of peace and prosperity.       climate change
cross borders – and the only way to
solve them is by working together.       Playing our part means putting our        •S
                                                                                     upport reforms which make
Britain has never been a country to      values into action. We have to accept      it more likely that humanitarian
pull up the drawbridge and turn its      that there are threats from those on       assistance to vulnerable
back on the world. We are innovators     Europe’s borders who do not share          populations and those suffering
and explorers. Our way is to face up     our values and who would do us             distress and persecution can be
to challenges and work with our allies   harm. Russia’s behaviour in recent         delivered swiftly and intervention
to tackle them. That’s the approach      years has been unacceptable and we         can be more effective
we need now – and the one which          should continue to stand shoulder
has always been the most true to         to shoulder with our partners in
who we are.                              Europe in the face of this threat. We
                                         should also be concerned about the
That means speaking up for our           potential security risks from greater
values within the halls of the EU.       use of Chinese technology in our
Today there is a movement within         national infrastructure and seek to
some parts of Europe for ‘illiberal      build consensus within Europe about
democracy’. We reject this approach      engagement with Beijing. Cyber
as contrary to our values.               threats from the Middle East, notably
                                         Iran, must be defended against –
The EU was born to bring European        and any EU efforts to bring peace
nations together after decades of        between Israel and the Palestinians
terrible conflict. Now we need to        must be supported.
work together to stabilise the EU’s
‘near abroad’. We will support efforts   Britain has always played a
to work with the countries of the        leading role on the world stage.
Mediterranean and North Africa – but     Our conviction is that our country
we will not turn away search and         must play its full part in all forms of
rescue boats from safe harbour.          international co-operation. In doing
                                         so, we will increase our impact and
                                         influence on world events, as we
                                         always have.
The Values
Behind Remain
Our primary duty as a political          We believe:                                • Individuals are capable of taking
party is to put the best interests                                                     responsibility if opportunities are
of the people of this country first      • Ours is a great country of which           offered to them, everybody can
and foremost.                               people are rightly proud, where the        and should make a contribution to
                                            first duty of government must be to        society and that contribution should
Our aim is to pursue policies that are      defend its people and do whatever          be recognised. Paid work should be
evidence-based, not led by ideology,        it takes to safeguard Britain’s            secure and pay should be fair.
taking a long-term perspective to           national security.
the challenges of the 21st century                                                  •O
                                                                                      ur free media, the rule of law and
in the national interest. We must no     • Britain works best as a diverse,         our open, tolerant and respectful
longer be locked in the old politics        mixed social market economy,             democratic society should be
of the 20th century, which put party        in which well-regulated private          cherished and renewed.
interest first.                             enterprise can reward aspiration
                                            and drive economic progress             •W
                                                                                      e believe that our parliamentary
We recognise the value of healthy           and where government has the             democracy in which our elected
debate, are tolerant towards different      responsibility to ensure the             representatives deliberate,
opinions and will seek to reach             sound stewardship of taxpayers’          decide and provide leadership,
across divides, building consensus          money and a stable, fair and             held accountable by their whole
to tackle Britain’s problems.               balanced economy.                        electorate is the best system of
                                                                                     representing the views of the
                                         • A strong economy means we can            British people.
                                            invest in our public services. We
                                            believe the collective provision of     • In order to face the challenges
                                            public services and the NHS can            and opportunities presented
                                            be delivered through government            by globalisation, migration and
                                            action, improving health and               technological advances, we
                                            educational life chances, protecting       believe the multilateral, international
                                            the public, safeguarding the               rules-based order must be
                                            vulnerable, ensuring dignity at every      strengthened and reformed.
                                            stage of life and placing individuals      We believe in maintaining strong
                                            at the heart of decision-making.           alliances with our closest European
                                                                                       and international allies on trade,
                                         • The people of this country have            regulation, defence, security and
                                            the ability to create fairer, more         counter-terrorism.
                                            prosperous communities for present
                                            and future generations. We believe      •A
                                                                                      s part of the global community
                                            that this creativity is best realised    we have a responsibility to
                                            in a society which fosters individual    future generations to protect our
                                            freedom and supports all families.       environment, safeguard the planet,
                                                                                     plan development sustainably
                                         • The barriers of poverty, prejudice       and to act on the urgency of
                                            and discrimination facing                climate change.
                                            individuals should be removed
                                            and advancement occur on the            •P
                                                                                      ower should be devolved to the
                                            basis of merit, with inequalities        most appropriate level, trusting
                                            reduced through the extension of         and involving local communities.
                                            opportunity, giving individuals the      More powers and representation
                                            skills and means to open new doors       should be given to local government
                                            and fulfil their ambitions.              to act in the best interests of
                                                                                     their communities.
Charter for
Remain in Europe
Remain prosperous
Remain healthy
Remain united on tackling climate change
Remain stronger in the world

For a People’s Vote.
For Remain.
Vote Change UK on 23 May

Printed by TOD London
UK Ltd., 1 Onslow Street,
London EC1N 8AS.

Promoted by Harry Burns
on behalf of Change UK
– The Independent Group
MEP candidates all at
52 Grosvenor Gardens,
London SW1W 0AU
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