Page created by Samuel Norman

nAtuRAl GAS –
An eneRGy SOuRce
WitH A futuRe
At GAZPROM Germania, we are
convinced that natural gas has
an important role to play in our
future energy supply. As the most
environmentally-friendly fossil fuel,
natural gas is a reliable partner to
renewable energy.

1,                                                        One                                                        40
           n    cubic metres
                of natural gas

                is how much



                has supplied


                to Germany
                                                                                                                      GAZPROM SuPPlieS 40 cuBic MetReS Of

                so far – twice
                                                                                                                      nAtuRAl GAS tO GeRMAny eveRy yeAR.
                                                            tWO HundRed

                that used                                                                                             —
000,            by all EU                                                                                             tHAt’S enOuGH tO Meet tHe eneRGy

                                                            employees work for GAZPROM
                member states                                                                                         RequiReMentS Of 19 MilliOn HOuSe-

                                                            Germania – more than 200 of whom
000             each year.                                  work our Berlin headquarters.                             HOldS.

19 7 3
     R u S S i A n            n A t u R A l           G A S       i S      f i R S t       S u P P l i e d            t O
                                 GAZPROM has reliably supplied millions of German households day in, day out, ever since.
                                                                                                                               G e R M A n y

169,000                                                   fOuR                                                       TWELVE         it tAkeS nAtuRAl
                                                                                                                                    GAS tWelve
—                                                                                                                                   dAyS tO tRAvel
                                                                                                                                    fROM itS SiBeRiAn

GAS PiPelineS iS tHe WORld’S                                                                                                        PROductiOn
lOnGeSt, At 169,000 kM in lenGtH –                          Germany is connected to GAZPROM’s                                       StAtiOnS
tHAt’S fOuR tiMeS AROund tHe                                gas fields in Northern Russia via four                                   tO GeRMAn
                                                            thousand kilometres of pipeline.
equAtOR!                                                                                                                            cOnSuMeRS.

               GAZPROM GeR-
               MAniA PlAnS
               tO Be OPeR-
               AtinG OveR
                                                            GAZPROM’S inteRActive
                                                            eXPeRience eneRGy
                                                            AttRActiOn At

                                                                                                                      Bundesliga football team
               35 nAtuRAl                                   in RuSt, neAR                                             FC Schalke 04 regularly
               GAS fillinG                                  fReiBuRG,                                                 attracts 61,673 spectators.
               StAtiOnS in                                  iS viSited                                                GAZPROM has been main
               GeRMAny By tHe                               By 4 MilliOn                                              sponsor of FC Schalke 04
               end Of 2015.                                 viSitORS A yeAR.                                          since 2007.

                                                                            A SecuRe SuPPly fOR yeARS tO cOMe



GAZPROM has been reliably supplying
its customers in Germany and across
europe with natural gas for over 40 years.
We have spent four decades building an
energy partnership with our international
partners that is marked by reliability,
continuity, and trust.


Providing provide Germany and europe with a secure, cost-effective,
and eco-friendly energy supply remains the greatest task in the restruc-
turing of our energy systems.
                                                                                           vyAcHeSlAv kRuPenkOv
                                                                                           Senior Managing Director
natural gas is essential to our future energy mix, and already makes a
significant contribution to the security of our energy supply. natural gas
has a range of benefits: it is kinder on the environment than other fossil
fuels, and it is important for heat supply and electricity generation. even
if there are rapid developments in regenerative technologies such as
wind, solar, and biogas, it will not be possible to meet energy demands
without the help of natural gas in the foreseeable future. With its high
efficiency, eco-friendliness, and flexibility, natural gas is the ideal part-
ner to renewable energies.

At GAZPROM Germania, we invest in and apply our expertise towards
ensuring that natural gas plays a key role in the restructuring of our
energy supply.

Germany is our most important european market, and we stand by it as
a reliable partner. As a German company with Russian roots, we put all
our energy into continuing the success story that is the energy partner-
ship between Germany and Russia.

                                                                                           AndRey BiRyulin
                                                                                           Managing Director
06                                  Gazprom Germania GmBh

Since its establishment in 1990,
GAZPROM Germania GmbH has
developed into an internationally
operating group of companies.

                                    A secure supply for years to come
WE ARE GAZPROM GERMANIA                                               07


The focus of our work is the sustainable supply of natural gas
to Germany and throughout Europe.

GAZPROM Germania

Today, the GAZPROM Germania Group comprises around 40 companies in more than 20 countries in Europe,
Asia, and North America. GAZPROM Germania is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom export, a company
of the Moscow-based GAZPROM Group. The GAZPROM Group is the world’s largest natural gas producer,
and its core business activities include the exploration, production, processing, transportation, and trading of
natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and gas condensate.

Our market

Germany has traditionally been our most important European market. Over 200 of GAZPROM Germania’s
1,200 employees work on natural gas storage, natural gas trading, and natural gas for transport at our Berlin
headquarters. GAZPROM exports around 40 billion cubic metres of natural gas a year to its customers in
­Germany – around half of German consumption – a figure testament to the significance of GAZPROM’s role
 as a reliable natural gas supplier to Germany.

Our contribution

To meet growing demand, GAZPROM Germania continuously invests in expanding transport routes and under-
ground storage facilities – two important components of modern energy infrastructure – via its subsidiaries
and investees.
08                                                                            Gazprom Germania GmBh

                                                                              GAZPROM Germania works to promote the
                                                                              use of environmentally-friendly natural gas
                                                                              vehicles and the development of a nationwide
                                                                              network of natural gas filling stations – and
                                                                              by doing so, contributes to the reduction of
                                                                              CO2 emissions from the transport sector.

Our partners

GAZPROM invests in expanding the infrastructure required to meet continuously growing demand. With that
infrastructure, we transport natural gas thousands of kilometres from Russia’s reserves to German consum-
ers. Hand in hand with our international partners, we have realized projects such as the Nord Stream pipeline
in the Baltic Sea, the world’s longest underwater pipeline. Nord Stream transports up to 55 billion cubic metres
of natural gas from Russia to Europe annually – enough to supply 26 million households. And by increasing its
shareholding in natural gas trading and storage company WINGAS, GAZPROM has made a greater commit-
ment to the German market and to providing Europe with a reliable supply of energy.

Our social commitment

But GAZPROM Germania’s mission goes far beyond providing a reliable supply of natural gas. As a German
company with Russian roots, we see ourselves as a bridge between Germany and Russia. ­GAZPROM Germania
promotes intercultural dialogue with a variety of projects and initiatives, and works to bring people together
through social sponsorship and sports sponsorship focusing on Bundesliga football team FC Schalke 04.


                                                                              For more information
                                                                              about us, visit

                                                                              A secure supply for years to come
10                         GAZPROM GeRMAniA GMBH

OuR MileStOneS
PARt i

fROM 1973
tO tHe
the partnership between
Germany and Russia on
energy matters dates
back over 40 years. find
out more about some                                                    16.3—
of the milestones in our                                          BilliOn cuBic MetReS
                                                                     Of nAtuRAl GAS
company’s history.                                                     eXPORted tO
                                                                     WeSt GeRMAny


                                                                   1983    —
                                     GAZPROM                    natural gas deliveries
                                 commences supplies             have increased from
                                   to Germany on               1.1 billion cubic metres
                                    1 May 1973.                in 1973 to 16.3 billion
                                         —                          cubic metres.

                           A SecuRe SuPPly fOR yeARS tO cOMe
fROM 1973 tO tHe PReSent                                  11

                                ZGG realizes the SteGAl and
                                 MidAl pipeline projects and                                                     —
                                  the 4.2-billion-cubic-metre                                        GAZPROM and Wintershall
                                Rehden underground storage                                              celebrate 10 years of
                                   facility in lower Saxony in                                       German-Russian economic
                                collaboration with Wintershall.                                               history.

       1990    —
                                        1993    —
                                                                              1995  —
                                                                                                          2000   —
  Zarubezhgaz-erdgashandel-      it also establishes WinGAS,                 following a year’s      What began shortly before
     Gesellschaft (ZGG) is        which supplies natural gas            construction, ZGG moves      German reunification as a
  established as a subsidiary      to German municipal and               to its new headquarters   memorandum of understanding
    of GAZPROM in Berlin.       regional utilities and industrial       at Markgrafenstrasse 23,   about future collaboration has
               —                 customers, as a joint venture                     Berlin.          become a firm partnership.
    that same year, parent              with Wintershall.                           —                            —
 company GAZPROM signs an                       —
agreement with German natural
   gas producer Wintershall
   on marketing Russian gas
           in europe.
12                                                              GAZPROM GeRMAniA GMBH

                                                                OuR MileStOneS
                                                                PARt ii
                            1 January: GAZPROM becomes
                              main sponsor to Bundesliga
                               football club fc Schalke 04,
                                      Gelsenkirchen.                                                               —
                                             —                                                            the nord Stream AG
                                 today, GAZPROM is the                                                 international joint venture
                                longest-term sponsor that                                                 commences with the
                                Schalke has ever had, and                                            construction of the 1,224 km
                             is a reliable partner to Schalke                                        pipeline under the Baltic Sea,
                                  on projects promoting                                              providing a direct connection
                              anti-discrimination, respect,                                           between Russia’s gas fields
                                  and fair play in football.                                                 and Germany.


     2006  —
                                    2007  —
                                                                         2008  —
                                                                                                            2010   —
Zarubezhgaz-erdgashandel-           the same year,                GAZPROM becomes a 50 %                 Alongside GAZPROM,
    Gesellschaft mbH             GAZPROM Germania                 founding shareholder in the          BASf-Wintershall, e.On,
   changes its name to            becomes partner to               South Stream consortium.          Gdf Suez, and Gasunie also
GAZPROM Germania GmbH.           the German-Russian                            —                       participate in the project.
           —                       festival in Berlin.             the consortium, to which         GAZPROM’s 51 % shareholding
                                                                  BASf-Wintershall, eni, and            represents a significant
                                                                    edf are also party, plans         contribution to Germany’s
                                                                  to construct an underwater             future energy supply.
                                                                  pipeline under the Black Sea                     —
                                                                     to Bulgaria and then to
                                                                  italy and Austria in order to
                                                                  supply Russian natural gas
                                                                      to Southern europe.

                                                                A SecuRe SuPPly fOR yeARS tO cOMe
fROM 1973 tO tHe PReSent                                                 13

              —                                 —
 May: GAZPROM Germania             nord Stream’s second pipe
    and its partners reach           enters service following
agreement on the expansion         30 months of construction
 of the Haidach natural gas           and euR 7.4 million of
  storage facility in Austria,    investment, making it one of                                                           —
 which is directly connected     europe’s largest infrastructure                                           GAZPROM has now supplied
  to Germany’s natural gas        projects. GAZPROM is a key                                              more than 1 trillion cubic metres
      pipeline network.                      investor.                                                      of natural gas to Germany.

                                               —                                                          1,000,000,000,000
                                                                                                              cuBic MetReS Of nAtuRAl GAS

       2011    —
                                         2012    —
                                                                                2013   —
 1 July: vyacheslav krupenkov      the project takes measures            1 September: GAZPROM               that’s more than twice the
is appointed Senior Managing          before, during, and after        Germania acquires 12 natural       natural gas that the eu member
     director of GAZPROM            construction to protect the        gas filling stations in southern    states together use in a year.
      Germania GmbH by           Baltic Sea’s marine environment       Germany. it now has 23 filling                    —
    shareholder resolution.         that go far beyond what is              stations nationwide.
               —                          required by law.                             —
14                                                                               Gazprom Germania GmBh


     Natural gas is increasingly popular as a source of
     energy for heating, and cooking, and as a fuel for
     road transport – and unsurprisingly so, as it is
     the cleanest of all fossil fuels, highly economical,
     exceptionally versatile, and is likely to be available
     for a long time to come.
     There aren’t many energy sources that better strike the balance between
     reliability, cost-effectiveness, and eco-friendliness. Natural gas is the
     perfect complement to a variety of innovative technologies. It reduces
     CO2 ­emissions and can be distributed to households quickly and safely.


                                                   Meeting climate goals with natural gas
                                                    The targets set in the Kyoto Protocol and agreed
                                                     by the international community to limit global tem-
                                                    perature increases to a maximum of 2 °C are ambitious
                                                       targets, and require a joint effort from all those involved.
                                                        The German federal government has committed to reducing
                                                        CO2 ­emissions by at least 40 % below 1990’s emissions by 2020.

                                                                       Natural gas is the ideal source of energy with which to provide both
                                                               eco-friendliness and security of supply. It offers the best eco-balance of all fossil fuels,
                                                               and combusting it releases 20 % less CO2 than crude oil and up to 60 % less than coal.

                                                                                 A secure supply for years to come
THE FASCINATION OF NATURAL GAS                                            15

                                  Warming up cold winters with natural gas
                                      Almost half of Germany’s 40 million households heat using natural gas. Natural gas is also the most popular
                                         fuel for heating in newly constructed dwellings, with around half of new building permits in 2012 featuring
                                             modern natural-gas boiler or domestic cogeneration plants that produce both heat and electricity.
                                                 ­GAZPROM Germania sees great potential for decentralized energy, and constructed two high-­
                                                    efficiency cogeneration plants in Erfurt in the German state of Thuringia. Cogeneration plants
                                                       allow the waste heat produced when electricity is generated to be used on-site.

                                                                     A partner to renewables
                                                                      Natural gas has an important role to play in our energy mix, not least as a fuel
                                                                      for high-efficiency natural gas power stations that are able to compensate for
                                                                      fluctuations in energy generation from renewable energies such as wind and
                                                                      photovoltaics. Natural gas power stations are very flexible, and can be started
                                                                      and stopped quickly to meet supply shortfalls as required. Natural gas is also
                                                                     a highly efficient fuel for heat and electricity generation, with combined-cycle
                                                                     power stations already able to reach efficiency rates of 60 % – more than 10 %
                                                                    higher than coal or lignite.

                                                        Eco-friendly mobility with natural gas vehicles
                                                     Kind on the environment, kind on your wallet: Natural gas vehicles produce up to 25 % fewer
                                                  CO2 emissions than petrol vehicles, and around 20 % fewer than diesel vehicles. And motorists can
                                               save up to a third on fuel compared to diesel and up to 50 % compared to petrol. GAZPROM Germania
                                           is committed to promoting natural gas as a motor fuel, and plans to be operating 35 natural gas filling
                                       stations by the end of 2015.

Reserves from within
The world’s natural gas reserves have enormous potential. GAZPROM alone has 35 trillion cubic metres of natural gas – the largest reserves in the
world. Our supply contracts will ensure that German demand is met today and for decades to come. And in this way, we’re providing for the reliable
supply of natural gas to Germany and throughout Europe.
16                              GAZPROM GeRMAniA GMBH

nAtuRAl GAS PROductiOn

fROM                            01

Well tO                         tHe ORiGin
                                Of nAtuRAl GAS

cOnSuMeR                        Millions of years ago, a gradual chemical process began on the sea floor
                                that continues today: dead microbes and other organic matter fall to the

—                               sea floor and are covered by layers of sand and clay. As a result of the high
                                pressure and temperatures of 180°c, they are then transformed into gaseous
                                hydrocarbons – natural gas.
GAZPROM has been a
dependable supplier of
Russian natural gas to
Germany and its european
neighbours for over
40 years. But what are
the logistics of transporting
Russian natural gas
4,000 km to its customers
in europe?
                                tRAnSPORt AcROSS

                                Germany is directly connected to Russia’s natural gas deposits via
                                GAZPROM’s complex, highly-developed pipeline network.
                                the nord Stream offshore gas pipeline running under the Baltic Sea is
                                testament to this. At 1,224 km in length, nord Stream is the world’s longest
                                underwater pipeline and can transport up to 55 billion cubic metres of natu-
                                ral gas to europe annually – enough to supply 26 million households. After
                                landing in Germany at lubmin, near Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Western
                                Pomerania, the natural gas transported through the pipeline continues
                                through an extensive pipeline network to its destination.
to find out more,
watch our videos at

                                A SecuRe SuPPly fOR yeARS tO cOMe
fROM Well tO cOnSuMeR                                                           17

02                                                                                 03
—                                                                                  —
eXPlORAtiOn –                                                                      PROductiOn –
tHe SeARcH fOR                                                                     HARveStinG tHe Blue GOld
nAtuRAl GAS                                                                        —

GAZPROM physicists, geologists, and drilling engineers work around the             if exploratory drilling proves successful, engineers install pipelines that
clock with our German partners to tap into Russia’s extensive natural gas          reach down to the deposit’s location. natural gas then rises upwards out
fields using deep drilling methods at depths of up to 7,000 metres. Russia         of the rock. Once collected, the gas is dried and purified at the processing
is estimated to have a third of the world’s total reserves of 180 trillion cubic   plant. Once this stage is complete, the gas is ready for transmission, and
metres.                                                                            fed into the GAZPROM gas network.

05                                                                                 06
—                                                                                  —
StORAGe fAcilitieS –                                                               deStinAtiOn ReAcHed –
AvAilABle dAy And niGHt                                                            A Multitude Of APPlicAtiOnS
—                                                                                  —

GAZPROM’s state-of-the-art infrastructure includes first-class storage             it takes an average of 12 days to extract natural gas from the ground and
facilities. these play a vital role in ensuring security of supply for Germany     delivering it to industrial customers, municipal and regional utilities, and
and its european neighbours. Storage facilities are used to smooth out             other end-customers.
peaks and troughs in consumption – day and night, all year round. they             —
ensure that supply meets demand at all times.                                      natural gas has a variety of applications and is the cleanest fossil fuel for
—                                                                                  electricity and heat generation. it is also an economic and environmentally
the Rehden storage facility in lower Saxony, in which GAZPROM has a                friendly fuel for the automotive industry, and an important raw material for
minority shareholding, is the largest storage facility in Western europe,          manufacturing.
with a capacity of 4 billion cubic metres – enough to supply two million
free-standing homes with natural gas for a whole year.
18                            Gazprom Germania GmBh


For more information
about our sponsorship,

                              A secure supply for years to come
Our sponsorship                                                      19


Our sponsorship
The GAZPROM brand stands for 40 years of reliable, sustainable natural
gas supply to Germany. But we provide society with more than just
energy – we also have a history of social commitment and sponsorship
of partners in sports, culture, education, and social welfare.

As a German company with Russian roots, GAZPROM Germania is dedicated to supporting the community
and promoting cultural exchange between Germany and Russia – all true to our corporate slogan, “Energy
Unites People”.

Giving Russian artists the chance to perform in Germany is just as much a part of our corporate philosophy as
ensuring a sustainable supply of natural gas. We sponsor the German-Russian Festival and Russian Film Week
in Berlin, and present world-renowned ensembles including Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet and St Petersburg’s
Mariinsky Theatre.

Sports sponsorship

We’re just as proud of our sponsorship of Bundesliga football club FC Schalke 04 of Gelsenkirchen. We’ve
shared some great football moments and many successes since commencing our partnership with Schalke
in 2007. But we go beyond just supporting the eleven players on the pitch to working with the club off the
field against social exclusion and for fair play and team spirit.

For example, we pay tribute to those who do volunteer work in the community with the “Weil Du es verdient
hast!” initiative. We also support Straßenkinder e.V., a charitable organization in Berlin, in cooperation with
Christoph Metzelder Stiftung, a foundation run by former German national football side player Christoph

As the main sponsor of FC Schalke 04, we are also in close contact with fans. We hold benefit matches in
support of anti-violence programmes and make it known that violence has no place in stadiums. We also
hold the GAZPROM Fan Cup, Germany’s largest small-pitch amateur football tournament.
20                                                                             Gazprom Germania GmBh

Education sponsorship

GAZPROM Germania is deeply committed to spreading general natural gas knowledge and teaching Russian
as a foreign language.

At Europa-Park, we make it possible for park visitors to experience energy hands-on – whether on the blue
fire Megacoaster powered by GAZPROM, a catapult rollercoaster, or at the GAZPROM Experience Energy
attraction. Our Europa-Park installations provide the around four million annual park visitors a combination
of information and interactive entertainment and give visitors insights into the world natural gas that cover
its production, its transport, and its diverse range of applications.

In the education arena, GAZPROM Germania has been main sponsor of the Bundescup “Spielend Russisch
Lernen” Russian language competition – which aims to promote Russian language acquisition through
game – since 2007. Since its inception, more than 20,000 schoolchildren from 16 German states have taken
part in the nationwide competition. We are also a benefactor of the European School of Management and
­Technology (ESMT) and have partnerships and projects that aim to support schools and kindergartens in
­Berlin, the location of our company’s headquarters.

GAZPROM is the exclusive motor-fuel supplier to the
VW Scirocco R-Cup, the world’s only single-make racing
series powered by natural gas.
VW Scirocco R-Cup

The starter grid features a mixture of up-and-coming talent and motorsports legends, and in the past has
included extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner, racing legend Hans-Joachim Stuck, and Formula 1 world
champion Damon Hill. The VW Scirocco R-Cup is held over six weekends as part of the Deutsche Touren­
wagen-­Meisterschaft (DTM). The race offers a unique combination of speed and eco-friendliness and
attracts average viewership of around 70,000.

     twitter                               facebook                               youtube

GAZPROM Germania                       Visit GAZPROM’s Schalke fan-site        GAZPROM Germania
on Twitter                             on Facebook                             on YouTube
—                                      —                                       —

                                                                               A secure supply for years to come
Our sponsorship   21
22   Gazprom Germania GmBh

     A secure supply for years to come
Working at GAZPROM Germania                                          23


Working at
GAZPROM Germania
At GAZPROM Germania, we offer employees challenging,
exciting, and diverse roles with excellent perspectives in
an international environment. We also help our employees
keep their work-life balance in check.

Since its establishment on the German market, GAZPROM Germania has become an internationally operating
group of companies comprising around 40 subsidiaries and investees in over 20 countries around Europe,
Asia, and North America. Our 200 employees at our Berlin headquarters are the foundation of our s­ ustained
success. Their experience and passion for energy are the cornerstones of the positive atmosphere and lively
company culture with which we work.

We operate a variety of initiatives to help make sure that our employees are giving their best each and every
day – for example, by honouring our individual employees’ commitment with attractive remuneration packages
that include a variety of benefits and flexible working time models.

Work-life balance

At GAZPROM Germania, it’s important to us that our employees strike their personal balance between their
careers and the rest of their lives – because we know that only well-adjusted employees are motivated workers.

With flexible working hours, tailored work models, and childcare options, we help our employees balance their
career, family, and leisure.
24                                                                            Gazprom Germania GmBh

                                                                              Why we work for
                                                                              GAZPROM Germania
We also take our employees’ health very seriously. We offer a variety of
offerings such as preventative medical check-ups and advice and free
sports programmes to promote employee well-being and increase the
performance of our workforce.

GAZPROM Germania has received audit berufundfamilie certification
from the Hertie Foundation for its family-friendly human resources
policy. The certification was awarded after a comprehensive audit that
is recommended by leading German trade associations and enjoys
the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior
Citizens, Women, and Youth.

Training for the future

The shortage of skilled workers has long reared its head in our indus-
try. To attract talented employees with technical and business skills,
­GAZPROM Germania works with the European School of Management,
 the Humboldt University of Berlin, and Leipzig University. In the collabo-
 ration courses offered, students study the practical aspects of our busi-
 ness from a variety of perspectives and are prepared for their careers in
 the best possible way.

Give us your energy!

 Whether you are a recent graduate and want to start your career in
the energy industry, or you’re an experienced worker looking for a
­challenging new role in a dynamic environment – there’s an exciting
 and diverse role waiting for you at GAZPROM Germania.



Dr. Stehle-Hartwig | Personnel Consulting
Im Rehefeld 10 | 53757 Sankt Augustin
T +49 (0) 2241 337091
F +49 (0) 2241 336788

                                                                              A secure supply for years to come
Why we work for GAZPROM Germania                                    25

What makes our company
an attractive employer?
We asked our employees for
their personal opinions.

                                                                  “Whether it’s the expansion of our energy infrastructure or developing
                                                                  new applications, GAZPROM Germania works transnationally and with
                                                                  the latest technology. That’s why we as an employer foster employees
                                                                  who bring to the table an international orientation, high performance,
                                                                  and the willingness to innovate.”

                                                                  Timo Vehrs
                                                                  Director of Business Development

“I love working in cross-site project teams, and I love the
­opportunity to expand my horizons each and every day.
 I’d say that GAZPROM Germania generally has a very open
 company ­culture and a combination of Russian and German
spirit – a unique mix of energies.”

Ulan Raimbekov
Protocol Expert

“It all started when I did an internship at GAZPROM Germania      “GAZPROM Germania is a great employer and a company that makes
­during my master’s programme in energy economics. Then           it possible to keep your work-life balance in check. The international
 I decided to do GAZPROM Germania’s trainee programme.            environment lets me make use of my English and Russian language
 Now I work on a pilot project investigating the use of natural   skills when corresponding with co-workers and business partners from
gas vehicles in public transport. I couldn’t have had a more      around the world. The job also requires intercultural expertise and a
 exciting start to my career.”                                    sense of diplomacy.”

—                                                                 —
Liudmila Tatarchuk                                                Anna Schubert
Junior Expert, Gas for Transport                                  Foreign-Language Secretary, Corporate Communications
GAZPROM Germania GmbH

Content and coordination
Susanne Fleischer / Mirco Hillmann / Nils Möller

Concept and design
PBL Milk GmbH

Reiher Grafikdesign & Druck e. Kfr.

PEter Adamik — 18
Cathrin Bach — 11 / 18 / 19
Oli Keinath / Die Hoffotografen — 02
Erdgas Mobil — 02 / 13 / 15
Firo Sportfoto — 12 / 18
Getty images — Cover / 03 / 08
OAO Gazprom — Cover / 02 / 03 / 10 / 16 / 17
Steffen Jagenburg — 05 / 25
Ferdi kräling motorsport-bild gmbh — 20 / 21
Fabian Krüger — Cover / 02 / 03 / 22 / 23
Dana Manthe — 12
Nord Stream AG — Cover / 02 / 03 / 09 / 12
Shutterstock — 02 / 06 / 14 / 15
monique Wüstenhagen — 06 / 24 / 25

Available at
GAZPROM Germania GmbH
Markgrafenstrasse 23
10117 Berlin

T	+49 30 20195 152
F	 +49 30 20195 135

Corporate Communications
Susanne Fleischer / Mirco Hillmann / Nils Möller
GAZPROM Germania GmbH | Markgrafenstraße 23 | 10117 Berlin |

                 Energy unites people
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