Clanfield CE Primary School

Clanfield CE Primary School
Clanfield CE Primary School

                                              Fortnightly Newsletter 12th Feb 2021
Address: Main Street, Clanfield, Oxon, OX18 2SP                       Tel: 01367 810257
General Email:
Extended Services/ School meal bookings:

                               Message from Mrs Rogers
As we approach half term, I want to say once again that we continue to be amazed by children’s
positive outlook, their attitude to learning, resilience and perseverance. Thank you again for all
you are doing to support them. This period of school closures and remote learning has been
challenging for everyone. Despite these challenges, it has been wonderful to see the hard work
and dedication from children both at home and in school. I’m sure you will all join me in thanking
staff for their tremendous hard work and flexibility over the last 6 weeks.

I’ve noted over the last few weeks that we understand that this situation is very difficult for all our
families. We have set high expectations with our approach to remote learning to ensure our
children can continue to learn, make progress and connect with their teachers and peers.
However, all we ask is that everyone tries their best under the circumstances. Please let us know
if we can support in any way. This could be through providing additional exercise books and
paper, loaning of iPads or Chromebooks or perhaps just a simple telephone call with a teacher,
teaching assistant or senior leader to talk things through to offer support and guidance. We can
tweak our plans to suit your family commitments so please just drop us an email if there is
anything we can help with.

The government has asked schools to assist in contact tracing over holiday and have advised us
to share some information about this process: If a pupil or staff member tests positive for
coronavirus (Covid-19), having developed symptoms within 48 hours of being in school, the
school is asked to assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual
may have been infectious whilst in school.

Staff responsible for contact tracing will check the school Covid email between designated times
each morning and it is this address that you should use if you need to report a positive case.
Should we need to contact any parents and carers as a result of a positive case, we will
communicate via Teachers2Parents. Obviously, we very much hope that we do not need to
contact any families about coronavirus over the break but hope that this information ensures that
parents and carers understand the processes in place.

Thank you for your continued support. I hope you are able to enjoy a relaxing half term.

Mrs Rogers and the Clanfield Team.
Clanfield CE Primary School
Ruby Class
These last few weeks have flown by and we have been really busy in Ruby
We have started having a Maths meeting twice a week where we recap prior
learning and we have been looking at how many different ways we can
represent different numbers.
Here’s some of the work the children have been doing.

                                                      Adalin has used a part-part whole
                                                      diagram, numicon and domino and
                                                      written the number seven in words and

                         Can you see what she has used to represent the number 8?

          Martha enjoys buried treasure so much she made her
                          own game and even tested me on it.

                           Matilda has been doing some
                           amazing labelling of a picture so
                           she can use it when she writes her
                           town book.

                                   In PE we have been enjoying
                                   Joe Wicks and some
                                   mindfulness yoga (With a big

                                                          Miss Williams
Clanfield CE Primary School
Diamond Class
As always, learning has been met with much enthusiasm!
On Tuesday, we completed a mix of fantastic activities
about E-Safety and how to stay SMART when we are
online. The children were very sensible and came away
with the knowledge and skills of how to stay safe. They
created songs, dances, video recordings and posters to
emphasise the importance of staying safe online. I wish I
could share the videos with you, they were amazing!

We all survived a full half term of Remote Learning! I would
like to say a very big thank you to all the adults who have
supported the children over the last few weeks, I know it
has been a challenge for some and I appreciate it a great
deal. A HUGE well done to the children in Diamond Class
for adjusting to a new way of learning, for persevering
when it’s been a challenge and most importantly,
continuing to always try their best. You have definitely
‘reached for the stars’ this half term Diamond class; enjoy
your half term break!

                                                         Miss Thomas

                         Sapphire Class
                       Hello Sapphire

                       It is the last week of term and I have seen some
                       brilliant pieces of work come in over the last two
                       weeks. It has been so difficult for us all at times
                       but you have kept going with great enthusiasm
                       and energy right to the end of term. We have had
                       some fun packed days with Anglo-Saxon day
                       and a trip to China and I have been blown away
                       with the Science/DT projects that I have seen.
                       Enjoy a restful week off and most of all have fun!
                       See you after half term for out new topic 'A bear called...' I can't wait

                                             Miss Davies
Clanfield CE Primary School
Topaz Class
Things have continued to be full steam ahead for Topaz this
fortnight. In between writing a class anthology of poetry, they have
created a 100 word poem for a 100th birthday, mastered line graphs,
solved a series of mathematical mysteries and debated the right to
express religion through clothing. Phew! I am sure that the end to
our scientific experiment on the effect of time since hand-washing on
mould growth (on bread) is very welcome in many Clanfield
households. Thank you for being such good sports!

                                  Of course, with Safer Internet Day falling in this term, we have had a
                                  real focus on online safety across Spring 1. This has come to a climax
                                  this fortnight with lessons and activities considering fake news,
                                  clickbait, cyber bullying, intellectual property and staying safe on online
                                  platforms! This week, the children took part in a simulation as reporters,
                                  evaluating the reliability and accuracy of the sources they were being
                                  provided with when building their own breaking news article.

                                   This fortnight has also seen our children considering their place in the
world with a series of Global Citizenship lessons considering both gender equality (contributing to a
global survey) and biodiversity loss. The children have blown us away with their passion and
compassion during this series of lessons and their outcomes are fantastic. Hopefully a few will be
shared on the School website once we have obtained permission from the authors!
We would like to thank both our children and their wonderful families for making this term run so
smoothly and for the enthusiasm, courage and resilience with which they have approached the switch to
online learning. We are excited to see what the coming term will hold!
Dr Wallis and Mrs Tuach
Clanfield CE Primary School
PE Update

                                        I hope you have all received your jasmine log in and
                                        have managed to navigate around the platform?

                                        If you need any assistance, please get in touch.

                                  Street Tag
Street tag update we are currently 14th on the leader board with a huge score
of 107,380.

Our top player is still Gemma Dilworth with a whopping score of 66,790 well
done Gemma will anyone beat her? Gemma’s nearest competitors is mstreete with 22,070.

Here is the QR code to sign up.

Many thanks for your continued
participation. Miss Williams.
Clanfield CE Primary School
CBBC YouTube Channel
We’d like to inform you, we’ve made an exciting revamp to the CBBC YouTube Channel.
We think your pupils and parents may be interested in this for entertainment at half term
and outside of home-schooling hours now we’re in lockdown.

We are uploading videos to it daily that are suitable for 5-11 year olds. We have all the top CBBC
brands on here, with a wide range of genres from factual shows, news, dramas, comedy to
entertainment. Programmes like Horrible Histories, Blue Peter, Newsround, The Next Step,
Saturday Mash-Up, Operation Ouch, the Playlist, the Dumping Ground, Heirs of the Night and
Jamie Johnson. We are also welcoming back Dani Harmer in the brilliant new programme My
Mum Tracy Beaker.

If you think your pupils would be
interested in this, please do send this out
to your parents and ask them to
subscribe to -
 (it’s obviously completely free to
subscribe!) and don’t forget to watch the
CBBC live daily and on the BBC iPlayer.

Thanks so much for your time,
The CBBC team
Clanfield CE Primary School
Dates for your diary
Red nose day                   19th March 2021

Easter service                 29th March 2021

Sports Day                     2nd July 2021

                 Celebrations/Awareness Days
                                               E-Safety Week
                                World Book Day (dress up day) + International
March                                          Women’s Day
                                 National Awareness day - Autism + National
April                                           Earth Day
                                          International Space Day
                                      World Ocean’s Day + Forces Day
Clanfield CE Primary School Clanfield CE Primary School Clanfield CE Primary School
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