Clinical characteristics and related risk factors of disease severity in 101 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Wuhan, China - Nature

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Clinical characteristics and related risk factors of disease severity in 101 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Wuhan, China - Nature

                  Clinical characteristics and related risk factors of
                  disease severity in 101 COVID-19 patients hospitalized
                  in Wuhan, China
                  Xue-qing Liu1,2, Shan Xue1,2, Jia-bo Xu1,2, Heng Ge2,3, Qing Mao2,4, Xin-hui Xu2,5 and Han-dong Jiang1,2

                      Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) broke out in December 2019. Due its high morbility and mortality, it is necessary to
                      summarize the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients to provide more theoretical basis for future treatment. In the current
                      study, we conducted a retrospective analysis of the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients and explored the risk factors for the
                      severity of illness. A total of 101 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Leishenshan Hospital (Wuhan, China) was classified into three
                      sub-types: moderate (n = 47), severe (n = 36), and critical (n = 18); their clinical data were collected from the Electronic Medical
                      Record. We showed that among the 101 COVID-19 patients, the median age was 62 years (IQR 51–74); 50 (49.5%) patients were
                      accompanied by hypertension, while 25 (24.8%) and 22 (21.8%) patients suffered from diabetes and heart diseases, respectively,
                      with complications. All patients were from Wuhan who had a definite history of exposure to the epidemic area. Multivariate logistic
                      regression analysis revealed that older age, diabetes, chronic liver disease, percentage of neutrophils (N%) > 75%, CRP > 4 mg/L,

                      D-dimer > 0.55 mg/L, IL-2R > 710 U/mL, IL-8 > 62 pg/mL, and IL-10 > 9.1 pg/mL were independent variables associated with severe
                      COVID-19. In conclusion, we have identified the independent risk factors for the severity of COVID-19 pneumonia, including older
                      age, diabetes, chronic liver disease, higher levels of N%, CRP, D-dimer, IL-2R, IL-8, and IL-10, providing evidence for more accurate
                      risk prediction.

                      Keywords: coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); clinical features;
                      risk factors; disease severity; retrospective analysis

                      Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2021) 0:1–12;

                  INTRODUCTION                                                                             COVID-19 patients to provide a theoretical basis for future
                  As a highly contagious disease, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-                         research and assistance in COVID-19 prevention and control. In
                  19)-induced pneumonia was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei                                  this study, we retrospectively collected and analyzed the detailed
                  Province, China, in December 2019 and then broke out in other                            clinical data of COVID-19 patients with varying disease severity
                  provinces of China and overseas [1]. The World Health Organiza-                          from a hospital in Wuhan. The clinical characteristics of patients
                  tion declared ongoing COVID-19 a public health emergency of                              with COVID-19 pneumonia were described, and risk factors for the
                  international concern on January 30, 2020 [2]. Under strict                              severity of COVID-19 were explored.
                  prevention and control strategies, new cases of COVID-19 in
                  China have been rapidly reduced, and the epidemic has been
                  effectively managed. However, the epidemic has constituted a                             METHODS
                  considerable challenge worldwide, and the global situation                               Study design, setting, and participants
                  remains grim. As of June 29, 2020, there were over 10 million                            In this retrospective cohort study, 101 case subjects (≥18 years
                  COVID-19 patients and more than 500,000 deaths worldwide. The                            old) with COVID-19 infection who were discharged from or died at
                  numbers are still growing, greatly exceeding the numbers of cases                        Leishenshan Hospital (Wuhan, China) between February 23, 2020,
                  and deaths caused by SARS or the Middle East respiratory                                 and April 4, 2020, were included. According to the seventh edition
                  syndrome (MERS) outbreaks in 2003 and 2013, respectively.                                of the COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment guide of the National
                  However, the source of COVID-19 has not been identified, and                              Health Commission of China, the above patients were divided into
                  there are currently no specific antiviral treatments. Therefore, it is                    three groups: moderate (mild and common, n = 47), severe (n =
                  necessary to summarize and analyze the clinical characteristics of                       36), and critical (n = 18). The study was approved by the Research

                   Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200001, China; 2Department of Intensive
                  Infection, Leishenshan Hospital, Wuhan 430212, China; 3Department of Cardiology, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200001, China;
                   Department of Neurosurgery, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200001, China and 5Department of Emergency, Ren Ji Hospital,
                  School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200001, China
                  Correspondence: Heng Ge ( or Qing Mao ( or Xin-hui Xu ( or Han-dong Jiang (
                  These authors contributed equally: Xue-qing Liu, Shan Xue, Jia-bo Xu.

                  Received: 3 August 2020 Accepted: 10 February 2021

                  © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to CPS and SIMM 2021
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                 XQ Liu et al.
    Ethics Commission of the hospital, and the requirement for                   history among the three groups. Nearly half of the patients (50,
    informed consent was given by the Ethics Commission.                         49.5%) had hypertension, which was also the most common
                                                                                 primary comorbidity, followed by diabetes (25, 24.8%) and heart
    Data collection                                                              disease (22, 21.8%). The differences in the above three complica-
    Epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, radiography, treatment, and           tions were statistically significant among the three groups.
    outcome data were collected from electronic medical records. All             Additionally, clinical complications, such as chronic renal disease
    data were extracted and examined by three clinicians                         and cerebrovascular diseases, were significantly different among
    independently.                                                               the groups. The difference in pulse and differential pressure
                                                                                 among the three groups was statistically significant, and the
    Statistical analysis                                                         differential pressure in critically ill patients was higher than that in
    For continuous variables, the mean (SD) and median (IQR) were                moderate patients (P < 0.05). In terms of clinical presentation,
    used for normally and abnormally distributed data. Categorical               fever (65, 64.4%) and cough (59, 58.4%) were the most common
    variables were expressed as counts (%). For laboratory tests, it was         clinical features in these patients, while chest distress, dyspnea,
    determined whether the measurement results were outside the                  fatigue, diarrhea and myalgia were also found. Symptoms such as
    normal range.                                                                runny nose and sore throat appeared less frequently and were
        Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to extract            therefore classified as other symptoms. Based on the SOFA score
    the features, and dimension reduction was completed without                  and CURB-65 score at admission, critically ill patients were in a
    losing important information on the variables. Based on the data             more critical condition than patients with milder illness.
    integrated by PCA, cluster analysis was performed to determine
    the COVID-19 subgroups.                                                      Laboratory markers
        In this article, the chi-square test or Fisher’s test was used to test   Key laboratory indicators for 101 patients on admission are
    an association between categorical variables, while ANOVA was                summarized in detail (Table 2). In terms of routine blood tests,
    used for continuous variables. We have presented our method in               there were significant differences in the counts of white blood
    the table and figure legends to ensure that the readers can                   cells (WBCs), lymphocytes (L), and neutrophils (N); the
    understand what statistical approaches we adopted for the given              neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR); the percentage of neutrophils
    calculation. To identify the risk factors for the severity of COVID-19       (N%); the number of platelets (PLTs); and the hemoglobin (HB)
    illness in 101 patients, we performed univariate ordinal logistic            level among the three groups. Among them, the L count (0.74
    regression by including 52 key characteristics as independent                [0.36]), PLT count (125.00 [85.00, 194.00]) and HB level (97.50
    variables in the calculation, followed by fitting a multivariate              [87.50, 106.75]) were lowest in critical patients, while the values for
    ordinal logistic regression model with the significant variables              WBC (9.32 [6.21, 11.87]), N (8.18 [4.71]), NLR (12.33 [6.96]), and N%
    selected from univariate ordinal logistic regression. Before fitting          (82.70 [8.94]) were relatively high. Concerning the infection-
    the ordinal logistic regression model, continuous variables of the           related parameters, the levels of inflammatory markers such as C-
    indicators were converted into categorical variables according to            reactive protein (CRP, 68.73 [44.82]) and the erythrocyte sedi-
    their reference values. The univariate and multivariate cumulative           mentation rate (ESR, 48.22 [37.95]) were dramatically elevated in
    logit models were fitted, with the levels of indicators in the                severely and critically ill patients and were positively correlated
    moderate group as the reference. First, univariate ordinal logistic          with the severity of pneumonia. In addition, the critical patients
    regression was used to investigate the potential predictors of               had higher levels of inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin
    severity. To exclude the insignificant variables in the univariate            (IL)-6 (556.44 [1390.84]), IL-2R (1410.06 [1490.60]), IL-8 (43.39
    cumulative logit model, we further carried out a backward,                   [73.60]), IL-10 (26.99 [33.9]) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-
    stepwise, multivariate, ordered, and logistic regression analysis.           α, 17.70 [21.51]), than moderately severe patients. Additionally,
    The odds ratio of the 95% confidence interval (CI) was estimated              there were also significant differences in PT among the three
    by the ordinal logistic regression model. A two-sided P value <              groups (P < 0.001), while the D-dimer level showed no difference
    0.05 was considered statistically significant. The R.3.6.3 and R              among the groups. Moreover, the levels of indicators reflecting
    packages (gtsummary, MASS, FactoMineR, tableone) were used for               cardiac function, such as creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB, 4.19 [4.63]),
    data analysis and statistics [3].                                            myoglobin (Mb, 402.45 [928.54]), troponin I (TNI, 0.04 [0.04]),
                                                                                 lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, 335.19 [170.24]), hydroxybutyrate
                                                                                 dehydrogenase-α (HBDH, 254.94 [119.18]), and brain natriuretic
    RESULTS                                                                      peptide (BNP, 230.47 [398.42]), were significantly increased in
    Demographics and clinical characteristics                                    patients with critical illness (P < 0.05). Moreover, the indicators of
    A total of 101 adult patients with COVID-19 infection who were               hepatorenal function, including glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
    hospitalized at a Wuhan hospital between February 23, 2020, and              (GOT, 63.83 [97.64]), amylase (31.64 [36.75]), blood urea nitrogen
    April 4, 2020, were included in this study. On the basis of the              (BUN, 17.18 [15.23]) and creatinine (CR, 17.18 [15.23]) levels, were
    seventh edition of the COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment guide of             higher in critical patients (P < 0.05), while the levels of albumin
    the National Health Commission in China, the above patients were             (ALB, 30.37 [4.94]) were lower. In addition, patients with severe
    divided into three groups: moderate (mild and common, n = 47),               and critically ill conditions had higher fasting blood glucose levels
    severe (n = 36), and critical (n = 18). Among these patients, 14             (6.42 [4.65]; 8.38 [6.54], respectively), which also corresponded to a
    patients died during hospitalization, and 87 were discharged or              higher rate of history of diabetes in the severe and critical patients.
    transferred to a general hospital for other treatments. As shown in          Otherwise, the levels of serum potassium (K), sodium (Na), and
    Table 1, the median age of the 101 patients was 62 years (IQR                chlorine (Cl) did not differ significantly among the three groups.
    51–74). The severe or critical patients were older (69.5 years, (IQR            To explore the similarities and differences among patients in
    62–80.5), and 72.5 years, (IQR 62.25–79.75) than the moderate                the moderate, severe and critical groups, PCA was performed
    patients (52 years, (IQR 40.5–62)). There were more male (56,                based on a set of clinical factors. PCA is an unsupervised learning
    55.4%) than female (45, 44.6%) patients. All patients were from              method and enables us to identify subgroups of patients sharing
    Wuhan and had a definite history of exposure to the epidemic                  similar characteristics. As shown in the present study, the biplot
    area, of whom 55 patients (54.4%) had been in close contact with             from our PCA not only captured the patients with the same clinical
    patients diagnosed with COVID-19, 7 patients (6.9%) had a cluster            symptoms (i.e., severity), but also showed the variables that were
    onset, and 39 patients (38.6%) had no clear history of direct                positively or negatively associated with the different severity
    contact. There was no difference in exposure history or smoking              categories. The contribution of each variable to the given

                                                                                                               Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2021) 0:1 – 12
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                                  XQ Liu et al.
 Table 1.    Demographics and clinical characteristics of 101 patients.

Demographics and clinical characteristics Total (n = 101)               Moderate (n = 47)         Severe (n = 36)           Critical (n = 18)      P value

Age (median [IQR])                            62.00 [51.00, 74.00]      52.00 [40.50, 62.00]      69.50 [62.00, 80.25]      72.50 [62.25, 79.75]
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                   XQ Liu et al.
     Table 2.   Laboratory data of 101 patients.

    Laboratory data and clinical features      Total (n = 101)           Moderate (n = 47)         Severe (n = 36)            Critical (n = 18)         P value

    Blood routine
       WBC (*109/L, median [IQR])                6.34 [4.93, 7.79]          5.68 [4.61, 6.98]        6.82 [5.16, 9.11]            9.32 [6.21, 11.87]     0.002
       L (*109/L, mean (SD))                     1.28 (0.65)                1.69 (0.56)              1.02 (0.53)                  0.74 (0.36)
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                            XQ Liu et al.

Fig. 1 PCA of the laboratory markers in COVID-19 patients with different disease severity. This section shows the correlation degree of
continuous variables and the influence degree of each continuous variable on PCs.

 Table 3.   Image characteristics of 101 patients.

Imaging features                             Total (n = 101)   Moderate (n = 47)            Severe (n = 36)        Critical (n = 18)         P value

Ground glass opacification (GGO)              92 (91.1%)        41 (87.2%)                   34 (97.1%)             17 (94.4%)                0.24
Bilateral involvement                        92 (91.1%)        44 (93.6%)                   32 (91.4%)             16 (88.9%)                0.811
Consolidation                                74 (73.3%)        31 (66.0%)                   29 (82.9%)             14 (77.8%)                0.208
Subpleural distribution                      53 (52.5%)        28 (59.6%)                   17 (48.6%)              8 (44.4%)                0.445
Fibrosis                                     41 (40.6%)        13 (27.7%)                   20 (57.1%)               8 (47.1%)               0.024

Fig. 2 Representative CT image of the COVID-19 patients. The CT image shows ground-glass opacification (GGO) in bilateral upper lungs
with a little consolidation (a); CT radiography shows consolidation mainly in both lungs (b).

Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2021) 0:1 – 12
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                XQ Liu et al.
    Complications and treatments                                                time from illness onset to ICU admission was 21 days (IQR
    Secondary infection (53 patients, 52.5%) was the most common                6.25–33.75) and 29 days (IQR 15–36) for severely ill patients.
    complication, followed by hypoproteinemia (52 patients, 51.5%),             Patients with critical illness had a longer length of stay in the
    respiratory failure (44 patients, 43.6%), anemia (44 patients,              hospital, with an average length of stay in the ICU of 12 days (IQR
    43.6%), coagulation disorder (35 patients, 34.7%), and acute                5–20.75). The median time from admission to discharge was
    respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (32 patients, 31.7%). The              20 days (IQR 14–27) for moderate patients, 10 days (IQR
    results showed that the populations of severe or critical patients          7.75–16.25) for severe patients, and 13.5 days (IQR 5–18.5) for
    experiencing the above complications were greater than those of             critically ill patients. The above indicators were significantly
    patients with moderate illness. Beyond that, sepsis, septic shock,          different between each two groups (P < 0.001).
    heart failure, and acute renal injury also occurred more frequently
    in severe or critically ill patients than in mild patients (P < 0.05).      Risk factors for the severity of disease in 101 patients with
       All patients were held in isolation with empiric and supportive          COVID-19
    medication. A total of 95 patients (94.1%) received antiviral               To identify the risk factors for the severity of COVID-19 illness in
    treatments, including ribavirin, arbidol, interferon-α sprays,              101 patients, we performed univariate ordinal logistic regression
    oseltamivir and ganciclovir, of which the first two kinds of                 by including 52 key characteristics as independent variables in
    medicines were listed and most commonly used. As a representa-              the calculation. Before fitting the ordered logistic regression
    tive proprietary Chinese medicine, Lianhua Qingwen capsule was              model, continuous variables were converted into categorical
    used by 57 patients (56.4%) in total, including 35 patients (74.5%)         variables according to their reference values, and moderate
    with mild and moderate disease. Given that IL-6 may be involved             illness was fitted as the reference level in the univariate
    in the activation of multiple immune and inflammatory mediators              cumulative logit model. As shown in Table 6, 36 variables were
    contributing to respiratory failure in SARS-COV-2-infected patients,        found to be associated with COVID-19 severity. Older age,
    a human recombinant IL-6 receptor (IL-6R)—tocilizumab (not                  diabetes, heart diseases, chronic renal disease, cerebrovascular
    listed in Table 4)—was administered to two of the critical patients         diseases, chronic liver disease, WBC (>10*109/L), N% (>75%), N
    with significantly elevated IL-6 levels. Unfortunately, both patients        ((1.8–6.3)*109/L; >6.3*109/L), NLR, CRP (>4 mg/L), ESR (>20 mm/h),
    ultimately died. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that has             PCT (>0.05 ng/mL), GOT (>35 IU/L), TBIL (>21 µmol/L), BUN (>7.6
    anti-inflammatory, antipathogen, and immune-enhancing proper-                mmol/L), CR (>110 µmol/L), CKI (>4.97 ng/mL), Mb (>65 ng/mL),
    ties [4, 5]. Thirty-five patients (34.7%) were given vitamin                 TNI (>0.04 ng/mL), LDH (>243 IU/L), PT (>13 s), D-dimer
    C treatments. In addition, 72 patients (71.3%) received antibiotic          (>0.55 mg/L), IL-6 (>7 pg/mL), IL-1β (>7 pg/mL), IL-2R ((223–710)
    therapy, which included cephalosporins, quinolones, carbapenem,             U/mL; >710 U/mL), IL-8 (>62 pg/mL), TNF-α (>8.1 pg/mL), IL-10
    an enzyme inhibitor, linezolid, etc. Antifungal drugs were used at          (>9.1 pg/mL), and fibrosis in chest imaging examination were
    the appropriate time. In addition, 28% of patients (27.7%) received         associated with increased risks of severe COVID-19. However,
    glucocorticoids, and 17 patients (16.8%) used gamma immuno-                 WBC ((4–10)*109/L), PLT ((125–350)*109/L; >350*109/L), HB
    globulins. Additionally, anticoagulant therapy was administered in          (≥130 g/L), L ((0.5–1.1)*109/L; >1.1*109/L), ALB (>40 g/L), GLU
    34 patients (33.7%). Continuous renal replacement therapy was               ((3.9–6.1) mmol/L; >6.1 mmol/L), and BUN ((2.8–7.6) mmol/L) were
    administered to seven severe and critical patients (6.9%) in the            relevant to decreased risks of COVID-19 severity.
    ICU. Proper nutrition support, such as albumin, early effective fluid            We further performed a multivariate ordinal logistic regression
    infusion, and correction of electrolyte imbalances and acidosis,            analysis to obtain the statistically significant independent
    helped to save lives.                                                       determinants of COVID-19 illness severity in the final model
       Oxygen therapy plays a critical role in the treatment process of         (Table 7). Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that
    patients. At the onset of illness, the majority of patients (69, 68.3%)     older age (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 1.02–1.11; P = 0.007), diabetes
    received oxygen therapy, and only 32 patients (31.7%) were                  (OR = 4.82, 95% CI: 1.55–16.64; P = 0.01), chronic liver disease
    treated without oxygen. Among the patients initially receiving              (OR = 6.53, 95% CI: 1.38–35.81; P = 0.025), percentage of neutro-
    nasal catheters, 16 patients (34.0%) had moderate disease, 30               phils greater than 75% (OR = 9.12, 95% CI: 2.49–41.41; P = 0.002),
    patients (83.3%) had severe disease, and 7 patients (38.9%) had             CRP more than 4 mg/L (OR = 7.52, 95% CI: 1.83–35.36; P = 0.008),
    critical disease. Mask oxygen inhalation was used by only one               D-dimer more than 0.55 mg/L (OR = 19.96, 95% CI: 2.37–272.47
    severely ill patient and one critically ill patient (2.8% and 5.6%,         P = 0.013), IL-2R greater than 710 U/mL (OR 2.55, 95% CI:
    respectively), while high-flow oxygen inhalation was used by                 1.06–6.58; P = 0.044), IL-8 more than 62 pg/mL (OR = 236.35,
    4 severe and 2 critical patients (11.1% and 11.1%, respectively).           95% CI: 5.62–384.1; P = 0.018) and IL-10 more than 9.1 pg/mL (OR
    Among critical patients, 3 (16.7%) received noninvasive ventila-            = 14.64, 95% CI: 2.14–162.46; P = 0.016) were independent risk
    tion, and 5 (27.8%) underwent tracheal intubation. In the course of         factors associated with severe COVID-19 (Table 7).
    the illness, an intermittent nasal catheter was used for oxygen
    inhalation in the vast majority of patients with mild symptoms. On
    discharge, 46 moderately ill patients (97.9%) were able to                  DISCUSSION
    discontinue oxygen, and only 1 (2.1%) remained on oxygen.                   Currently, the COVID-19 outbreak is still spreading around the
    Among the critically ill patients, 6 (33.3%) underwent noninvasive          world, posing a serious threat to human health. The origin and
    ventilation, 10 (55.6%) underwent endotracheal intubation, and 2            pathogenesis of COVID-19 are still unclear, and there are still no
    (11.1%) underwent ECMO. Encouragingly, one of the patients                  specific drugs to treat the disease. Unfortunately, some patients
    successfully weaned from ECMO, transitioning to ventilator-                 progress so rapidly that they develop respiratory failure and even
    assisted ventilation and eventually to nasal catheterization for            die within a short period of time. Therefore, the potential for early
    oxygen (Table 4).                                                           identification of severe and critically ill patients has become a
       The course of hospitalization of these patients is shown in              priority in improving effective treatment, reducing mortality and
    Table 5. In general, the total hospitalization time of these patients       contributing to the allocation of medical resources. Therefore, we
    was 40 days (IQR 28–49), of which the hospital stay of critically ill       investigated the clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of
    patients was the shortest, only 21.5 days (IQR 13.5–46). The                COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Wuhan to identify the risk
    median time from illness onset to first admission was 4 days (IQR            factors for illness severity, thus providing evidence for strengthen-
    2–8) in patients with moderate disease, 19 days (IQR 10.5–30) in            ing the effective management of COVID-19 patients hospitalized
    patients with severe disease, and 10.5 days (IQR 1.25–28.5) in              with severe illness. The median age of the 101 COVID-19 patients
    patients with critical disease. For critically ill patients, the median     included in this study was 62 years (IQR 51–74); 50 (49.5%)

                                                                                                             Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2021) 0:1 – 12
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                                   XQ Liu et al.
 Table 4.   Complications and treatments of 101 patients.

                                           Total (n = 101)          Moderate (n = 47)            Severe (n = 36)           Critical (n = 18)         P value

   Sepsis                                   8   (7.9%)               0   (0.0%)                   3   (8.3%)                5   (27.8%)               0.001
   Septic shock                             4   (4.0%)               0   (0.0%)                   0   (0.0%)                4   (22.2%)
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                   XQ Liu et al.
     Table 5.   The hospital course of 101 patients.

    The hospital course (median [IQR])                 Total (n = 101)        Moderate (n = 47)      Severe (n = 36)        Critical (n = 18)       P value

    Hospital time                                      40.00 [28.00, 49.00]   40.00 [30.00, 47.50]   41.50 [27.75, 51.00]   21.50 [13.50, 46.00]      0.132
    Time from illness onset to first admission           8.00 [3.00, 21.00]     4.00 [2.00, 8.00]     19.00 [10.50, 30.00]   10.50 [1.25, 28.50]
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                            XQ Liu et al.
 Table 6.Results of univariate ordinal logistic model for the severity of   Table 6.     continued
                                                                            Variable                         Univariate
Variable                      Univariate                                    Clinical characteristics         Level         OR        95% CIa     P value
Clinical characteristics      Level          OR     95% CIa
                                                                 P value
                                                                            ALT (IU/L)                       ≤45           –         –
Sex                           Female                                                                         >45           0.44      0.15–1.17    0.1
                              Male           1.84   0.87–3.97     0.11      GOT (IU/L)                       ≤35           –         –
Age                                          1.08   1.05–1.12    35           2.79      1.03–7.68    0.043
Hypertension                  0                                             ALB (g/L)                        ≤40           –         –
                              1              2.01   0.96–4.29      0.065                                     >40           0.1       0.02–0.32   21           5.92      1.51–26.1    0.011
Heart diseases                0                                             GLU (mmol/L)                     145          2.98      0.76–12.1    0.11
Sputum                        0                                             LDH (IU/L)                       ≤243          –         –
                              1              1.17   0.31–4.29      0.81                                      >243          12.8      5.21–34.6   13           9.03      3.48–25.2   0.55         56.7      14.9–376    7            42.1      14.5–144
Characteristics of 101 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
                                                                    XQ Liu et al.
                                                                                      assessed, and thromboprophylaxis should be undertaken for all
      Table 7.Results of multivariate ordinal logistic model for the severity
                                                                                      these high-risk patients [27].
      of COVID-19.
                                                                                         In terms of laboratory tests, the lymphocyte counts decreased in
     Variable                     Multivariate                                        most patients, and the absolute value of lymphocytes was
                                                                                      negatively correlated with the severity of COVID-19, indicating that
     Clinical characteristics     Level          OR           95% CIa       P value   COVID-19 mainly attacked lymphocytes. T lymphocytes play an
                                                                                      important role in viral clearance, with CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (CTLs)
     Age                                           1.06       1.02–1.11     0.007     and CD4+ helper T cells (Th) enhancing the host’s ability to remove
     Diabetes                     0                                                   pathogens. However, continuous stimulation by the virus may lead
                                  1                4.82       1.55–16.64    0.01      to T-cell exhaustion, resulting in reduced immune function and
     Chronic liver disease        0                                                   aggravation of the patient’s condition. Studies have shown a
                                  1                6.53       1.38–35.81    0.025
                                                                                      decrease in all subsets of lymphocytes, including total T cells, CD4+
                                                                                      and CD8+ T cells, memory and regulatory T cells, and B cells, in
     N%                           ≤75               –          –                      COVID-19 infection. Moreover, lower lymphocyte counts are closely
                                  >75              9.12       2.49–41.41    0.002     correlated with worse prognosis [28, 29]. Due to the limited
     CRP (mg/L)                   ≤4                  –        –                      detection conditions, we failed to detect lymphocyte subsets in our
                                  >4               7.52       1.83–35.36    0.008     clinical work. Nevertheless, urgent intervention may be necessary to
     Fibrosis                     0
                                                                                      prevent the development of disease in patients with lower T-cell
                                                                                      counts. Cytokine storms have been considered an important factor
                                  1                2.37       0.81–7.36     0.125     in ARDS and have also been associated with respiratory viral
     PCT (ng/mL)                  ≤0.05               –        –                      infections, such as SARS in 2000 and H7N9 infection in 2013 [30, 31].
                                  >0.05            3.56       0.78–17.86    0.112     In addition, studies have shown that the number of T cells is
     D-dimer (mg/L)               ≤0.55             –          –                      negatively correlated with serum IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α [32]. Here, we
                                  >0.55           19.96       2.37–272.47   0.013
                                                                                      found that serum IL-2R, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, and IL-10 levels were
                                                                                      elevated in severe/critical patients compared with moderate
     IL-6 (pg/mL)                 ≤7                  –        –                      patients. Furthermore, the multivariate logistic models indicated
                                  >7               1.44       0.23–8.22     0.685     that higher levels of IL-8 (>62 pg/mL) were independent significant
     IL-2R (U/mL)                 710             2.55       1.06–6.58     0.044
                                                                                      regulator of lung neutrophil and monocyte chemotaxis. Studies
                                                                                      have shown that IL-8 may promote the inflammatory response by
     IL-8 (pg/mL)                 ≤62               –          –                      recruiting immune cells into the lung, which may be directly
                                  >62            236.35       5.62–384.10   0.018     involved in the pathogenesis of ARDS [33, 34]. It has been shown
     IL-10 (pg/mL)                ≤9.1                –        –                      that increased plasma IL-8 levels are related to the potential
                                  >9.1            14.64       2.14–162.46   0.016     mortality of patients with acute lung injury [35]. Consistent with
                                                                                      previous investigations [36], our study found that plasma pro-
      Statistically significant p < 0.05 values are in bold.                           inflammatory cytokines IL-8, along with IL-6 and TNF-α, were
      Observations 99, R2 Nagelkerke 0.76.
                                                                                      significantly increased in both severe and critical cases and were
       CI Confidence Interval.
                                                                                      positively correlated with COVID-19 severity, suggesting that a
                                                                                      vigorous inflammatory response plays a crucial role in the
                                                                                      pathogenesis of SARS-COV-2 infection. IL-10 is an inhibitory cytokine
     shown that the median CRP value is approximately 40 mg/L for                     that can not only inhibit T-cell proliferation but also induce T-cell
     survivors and 125 mg/L for nonsurvivors, which is closely related                exhaustion. It has been reported that higher levels of IL-10 are
     to disease severity and prognosis [24].                                          associated with better survival of ARDS patients and that lower IL-10
        Coagulation disorders are common in COVID-19 patients,                        levels are correlated with more severe illness in SARS patients
     especially in severe cases [25]. Multiple studies have confirmed                  [37, 38]. However, the IL-10 level was found to be significantly higher
     that D-dimer dynamics can reflect the severity of COVID-19 and                    in severe MERS patients than in mild MERS patients and was
     that elevated levels are associated with poor outcomes in                        positively correlated with mortality [39]. Similarly, we demonstrated
     COVID-19 patients. In a multicentric retrospective study, D-dimer                here that severe COVID-19 patients displayed significantly higher
     levels (≥0.5 mg/L) were increased in 260 (46.4%) of 560                          levels of IL-10 following SARS-CoV-2 infection, and an IL-10 level
     confirmed COVID-19 patients and were more pronounced in                           greater than 9.1 pg/mL was an independent predictor of COVID-19
     severe patients (59.6%) [26]. Another study showed that patients                 severity, with an OR of 14.64 (95% CI: 2.14–162.46; P = 0.016) in the
     requiring ICU support had higher levels of D-dimer and                           multivariate analysis. These results may be due to the anti-
     prothrombin time (PT) on admission. Furthermore, among 201                       inflammatory regulation of IL-10, which may be a compensatory
     patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, prolonged PT and increased                     response to the increased pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition,
     D-dimer were associated with an increased risk of ARDS (P <                      elevation of IL-10 is associated with increased expression of the T-
     001). In a retrospective cohort study, multivariate analysis                     cell exhaustion markers PD-1 and Tim-3, and their ability to clear
     showed that elevated D-dimer levels (>1 g/L) were closely                        viral infections is thus impaired, especially in severe COVID-19
     related to in-hospital mortality [4]. In our study, D-dimer and                  patients. Therefore, the increase in IL-10 levels may be associated
     PT levels were increased in severe or critical COVID-19 patients,                with poor prognosis. In contrast to IL-10, serum IL-2R is considered a
     and a multivariate model revealed that patients with D-dimer                     marker of T-cell activation [40]. In patients with acute lung injury, IL-
     greater than 0.55 mg/L had a higher risk of disease deterioration                2R concentrations have been shown to be higher than those in
     (OR = 19.96, 95% CI: 2.37–272.47; P = 0.013). The elevated D-                    patients without ALI, with enhanced T-cell activity [41, 42]. A study
     dimer level reflects hypercoagulability in vivo and may promote                   carried out by Ni et al. found that IL-2R levels were significantly
     the formation of deep venous thrombosis or even the possibility                  associated with disease severity, showing markedly higher
     of lethal pulmonary thromboembolism (PE) caused by detach-                       serum levels in severe COVID-19 patients [43]. Our multivariate
     ment of thrombi in COVID-19. Therefore, the risk of venous                       logistic models revealed that COVID-19 patients with IL-2R levels
     thrombus embolism in all hospitalized patients must be                           greater than 710 U/mL had an increased risk of disease progression

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QM, and XHX analyzed the data and assisted the statistical analysis; HDJ designed          23. Liu Fang, Li Lin, Xu MD, Wu J, Luo D, et al. Prognostic value of interleukin-6, C-
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Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material               25. Deng Y, Liu W, Liu K, Fang YY, Shang J, Zhou L, et al. Clinical characteristics of
available at                                       fatal and recovered cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan,
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