The effects of art therapy on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease

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doi: 10.21860/medflum2021_261184                                                               Review/Pregledni članak

The effects of art therapy on Parkinson`s and
Alzheimer`s disease
Učinci art terapije na Parkinsonovu i Alzheimerovu bolest
Alisa Junakovic1*, Srdjana Telarovic2

 Croatian Institute for Brain Research,
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia                             Abstract. Art therapy is one of the non-pharmacological treatment modalities for many
                                            diseases, including neurological and psychiatric disorders. Adrian Hill started art therapy in
 Department of Neurology, University
                                            the 1940s. Parkinson`s disease is one of the progressive neurodegenerative diseases
Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
                                            characterized by various motor and non-motor symptoms. As patients with Parkinson`s
                                            disease often report low quality of life despite improving their motor symptoms,
                                            complementary therapy may reduce their difficulties. Music and dance therapy, clay
                                            manipulation therapy, and tai chi training have promising results. There is also art therapy for
                                            one of the most common causes of dementia worldwide, Alzheimer`s disease. In addition to
                                            standard pharmacological treatment for Alzheimer`s disease e.g. cholinesterase inhibitors,
                                            music and visual arts therapy are evolving. This article presented some of the art therapy
                                            methods used in the most common neurodegenerative disorders, Parkinson`s and
                                            Alzheimer`s. In addition, we also presented some of the limitations of those studies. Some of
                                            the limitations are as follows: small sample size, relatively short duration of therapy sessions,
                                            and the fact that it is doubtful that art therapy could improve symptoms and cognitive
                                            abilities of people with advanced forms of neurodegenerative disorders.

                                            Key words: Alzheimer disease; art therapy; basal ganglia; dementia; Parkinson disease;
                                            quality of life

                                            Sažetak. Art terapija jedna je od nefarmakoloških metoda liječenja mnogih bolesti, pa tako i
                                            neuroloških i psihijatrijskih. Adrian Hill započeo je provođenje art terapije u četrdesetim
                                            godinama dvadesetog stoljeća. Parkinsonova bolest progresivna je neurodegenerativna
                                            bolest koju obilježavaju brojni i raznoliki motorički i nemotorički simptomi. Pacijenti koji
                                            boluju od Parkinsonove bolesti često imaju slabiju kvalitetu života unatoč poboljšanju
                                            motoričkih simptoma, a komplementarna terapija potencijalno može umanjiti njihove
                                            tegobe. Terapija glazbom i plesom, terapija glinom i tai chi trening daju obećavajuće
                                            rezultate. Također, postoji i art terapija za jednu od najpoznatijih i najčešćih vrsta demencija,
                                            Alzheimerovu bolest. Uz standardnu farmakološku terapiju za liječenje Alzheimerove bolesti
                                            poput inhibitora kolinesteraze, u posljednje vrijeme razvijaju se i različiti oblici art terapije
                                            poput terapije glazbom. U ovome radu predstavili smo neke od oblika art terapije koji se
                                            koriste u najčešćim neurodegenerativnim bolestima, Parkinsonovoj i Alzheimerovoj bolesti.
                                            Također smo prikazali i određena ograničenja studija o učinku same art terapije, kao što su
                                            mali uzorak ispitanika, relativno kratko trajanje terapijskih procesa te činjenica da nije
                                            izgledno da art terapija može pomoći ljudima koji već boluju od uznapredovalog oblika
                                            neurodegenerativne bolesti.

 Corresponding author:                      Ključne riječi: Alzheimerova bolest; art terapija; bazalni gangliji; demencija; kvaliteta života;
Alisa Junakovic, MD                         Parkinsonova bolest
Croatian Institute for Brain Research,
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Šalata 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

236                                                             medicina fluminensis 2021, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. 236-243
A. Junakovic, S. Telarovic: The effects of art therapy on Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease

                                                                 ly express themselves through art-making. The
                                                                 art product is not as important as the process of
Parkinson`s disease                                              art therapy that is meant to improve a patient’s
Parkinson`s disease (PD) is a progressive neuro-                 quality of life. Art therapy is also a form of non-
degenerative disorder that manifests with vari-                  verbal communication between the feelings and
ous motor and non-motor symptoms1. The                           thoughts of an individual. It can help people ver-
disease was first described by James Parkinson in                balize their problems and feelings10. This form of
1817, and it was named “paralysis agitans.” Later                complementary therapy can potentially help indi-
in the 19th century, Charcot named it “Maladie                   viduals of all age groups. It is used to encourage
de Parkinson” in French, or PD in English1,2. The                personal growth, help the person understand his
incidence of PD is rapidly increasing as the popu-               problems and aid their emotional restitution10.
lation is getting older, and PD is typically a neuro-
logical disease of seniors3. The prevalence of PD
                                                                Art therapy is one of the non-pharmacological
in people over 60 is 1 out of 100. The entire
                                                                treatment modalities for many diseases including
population`s prevalence is 1-2 out of 10004.
One of the cardinal neuropathological features of               neurological and psychiatric disorders. Different types
PD is the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the                   of art therapy (music and dance therapy, tai chi training,
substantia nigra (pars compacta) and striatum.                  clay manipulation therapy) can improve the quality of
Neurotransmitter dopamine and basal ganglia                     life of patients that suffer from Parkinson`s disease and
are essential components of the brain for move-                 Alzheimer`s disease.
ment coordination and control. As dopaminergic
neurons degenerate and dopamine levels de-
                                                                 Throughout history, art therapists have worked
crease, it becomes tough to regulate movements,
                                                                 with people who suffer from neurological and
and typical motor symptoms of PD start to arise5.
                                                                 psychiatric disorders and oncology patients, peo-
The most crucial motor signs of PD are bradyki-
                                                                 ple with AIDS, tuberculosis, asthma, and different
nesia, resting tremor, rigidity, and postural reflex-
                                                                 kinds of trauma10. Adrian Hill started art therapy
es loss1. In addition to those motor symptoms,
                                                                 in the 1940s, and it originated from both psycho-
people who suffer from PD experience many
                                                                 therapy and art. He started art therapy sessions
non-motor symptoms, e.g. neuropsychiatric and
                                                                 on patients with tuberculosis and continued to
neurovegetative symptoms. Even though non-
                                                                 work with people suffering from post-traumatic
motor symptoms are increasingly recognized6,
                                                                 stress disorder (PTSD)11.
dopaminergic drugs do not effectively control
                                                                 Pharmacological treatment like levodopa/carbi-
them. Some of the neuropsychiatric symptoms
                                                                 dopa therapy is usually not enough for patients
seen in PD patients are anxiety, depression, cog-
                                                                 with PD. Those medications effectively treat their
nitive impairment, and those symptoms deterio-
                                                                 motor symptoms such as resting tremor and ri-
rate their quality of life significantly7. Fatigue is a
                                                                 gidity, but they do not affect non-motor symp-
commonly reported symptom in PD patients with
a prevalence of 40 to 80%. In addition to that,                  toms like depression and anxiety. That is why
many PD patients (up to 85%) experience pain8.                   complementary therapy (exercise, physiotherapy,
In some studies, pain has been described as a sig-               art therapy) is so essential12. Patients with PD of-
nificant contributor to the lower quality of life8.              ten report a low quality of life even when phar-
Studies have shown that approximately 40% of                     macological therapy reduces their motor
PD patients suffer from anxiety and around 35%                   symptoms7. Complementary art therapy has a lot
of patients suffer from depression, which is a sig-              of various modalities, such as music therapy,
nificant concern9.                                               dance therapy (especially Argentine tango dance
                                                                 therapy), clay manipulation therapy, tai chi train-
Art therapy and Parkinson`s disease                              ing, and some other art therapy modalities13.
Art therapy is a form of complementary therapy                   Studies have shown that listening to music and
based on the idea that every person can creative-                playing instruments positively impacts a patient`s

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A. Junakovic, S. Telarovic: The effects of art therapy on Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease

      quality of life9. Music therapy can improve and                         evidence of dance therapy effectiveness in peo-
      recover gait, balance, and postural instability in                      ple with severe PD13. Recent studies have shown
      PD patients9. The most frequent modality of mu-                         that Argentine tango lessons may improve self-
      sic therapy interventions is sound/music improvi-                       esteem and quality of life in general14. Tango may
      sation, where a therapist and a patient interact                        help PD patients in a way that emphasizes turn-
      while playing musical instruments. In that way                          ing movements, balance, and initiation of move-
      the patient can more easily express his/her feel-                       ments. Initiation of the movement and turning
      ings. The neuroscientific background of music                           moves are especially difficult for PD patients. All
      therapy efficacy is the activation of the limbic                        of these exercises are extremely useful for PD pa-
      system, and especially the brain reward system9.                        tients and older adults in general. Group dancing
      Music therapy can be subdivided into relational                         and socialization may increase motivation and
      and rehabilitative therapy. Relational music ther-                      improve the patient`s mood and symptoms12,14.
      apy promotes empathy, communication, and                                One famous study showed the effects of tai chi
      building a strong relationship between the pa-                          training, which is a successful method for reduc-
      tient and a therapist. In contrast, rehabilitative                      ing the number of falls and improving balance in
      therapy aims to improve the cognition and pre-                          PD patients15. Research has also shown that regu-
      dominantly motor symptoms of the disease9.                              lar therapy sessions of clay manipulation may re-
      There are many different forms of music therapy                         duce stress in patients and improve their motor
      performance, and some of them are as following:                         symptoms, such as tremor5. Somatic and psycho-
      music relaxation, different kinds of music therapy                      logical improvement is seen in patients and their
      sessions such as voice exercises, singing in a                          caregivers, which is incredibly significant and im-
      choir, performing rhythmic and free body move-                          portant5. One of the critical aspects of art thera-
      ments which can improve quality of life over                            py and art-making is that the patient can be
      time9.                                                                  distracted from the disease and his problems. In
      Except for music therapy, dance therapy is also                         that way distress levels may decrease3. Clay ma-
      very popular in the field of art therapy. Although                      nipulation therapy may improve motor symp-
      the long-term effects of therapeutic dancing have                       toms of PD like tremor, speech difficulties or
      not yet been confirmed, studies have shown that                         dysarthria, stiffness, and fatigue, but it can also
      people who participated in dance therapy en-                            help people to feel better and happier, increase
      joyed that activity, and beneficial effects on qual-                    their self-esteem and improve their social inter-
      ity of life were evident13. It is also important to                     actions and social skills3,5. In clay manipulation
      emphasize positive effects on mobility and bal-                         therapy, participants were given four little clay
      ance in people who suffer from PD. Compared to                          balls, each a different color. After choosing the
      conventional physiotherapy, dance therapy had                           color, they were asked to squeeze the ball ten
      higher adherence (78 to 91%), compliance, and                           times in one hand, then do the same with the
      satisfaction of participants13. An interesting ex-                      other hand. Afterward, they had to tear the clay
      ample of dance therapy is PD patients` participa-                       ball into pieces and model some other shape (ex-
      tion in tango classes for 13 weeks. Tango lessons                       cluding the ball). Following the clay manipulation
      were composed of many different exercises such                          session, people were asked about their experi-
      as balance, stretching and footwork exercises,                          ence with the therapy. Before and after the clay
      tango-style walking, and dancing. People were                           manipulation session, participants had to com-
      dancing both alone and with a partner. While                            plete a Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). BSI is one
      dancing with a partner, they learned to dance                           of the psychological screening tools for symp-
      both following and leading roles in tango, regard-                      toms overview in patients5.
      less of gender14. Those studies had limitations,                        Brain plasticity is one of the possible mechanisms
      such as relatively small sample size and the prob-                      underlying behavioral changes, so one of the po-
      lem that patients involved in these studies suf-                        tential mechanisms of art therapy efficacy is
      fered from a mild or moderate PD. There is no                           brain plasticity. It has been shown that brain cir-

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A. Junakovic, S. Telarovic: The effects of art therapy on Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease

cuits are continuously changed and shaped by                    exercises had a better quality of life. Their score
learning and even structural changes are found in               for quality of life was higher than in a control
the brain`s gray matter. Animal studies have                    group. Their depression rate was much lower and
shown that even white matter microstructure                     the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score
can change due to training and exercise16. As                   was higher after receiving the treatment. The
brain plasticity and plastic changes in the brain               rate of depression in PD patients was measured
are long-term processes, it is not likely that short-           by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which is
term art therapy interventions will help patients               a questionnaire that measures the severity of de-
permanently17. In addition to that, one more po-                pression. Cognitive status was measured by
tential physiological mechanism for explaining                  MMSE with 11 different questions21,22. It is essen-
the art therapy efficacy except brain plasticity is             tial to emphasize some limitations of this study.
the neurotransmitter dopamine`s role. Dopamine                  The process of recruiting neurological patients in
is a neurotransmitter produced in the substantia                the study mentioned above was challenging be-
nigra (pars compacta) and the ventral tegmental                 cause of the drop-out. Furthermore, the follow-
area of the brain, and it can modulate the activity             up of those patients was not long enough to see
of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, limbic sys-                their progress22.
tem, and striatum18. One study showed the effect                An additional treatment modality similar to the
of the neurotransmitter dopamine on one                         Feldenkrais method is called the Alexander tech-
person`s ability to enjoy listening to music19. Par-            nique. An Australian teacher and actor F. M. Alex-
ticipants of the study were given the dopamine                  ander, founded that method while dealing with
precursor (levodopa), dopamine antagonist (risp-                his voice problems and trying to cure himself21.
eridone), and placebo (lactose) while listening to              Alexander technique is usually taught while the
music. By measuring pleasure responses, it was                  patient is sitting in front of the mirror. The thera-
shown that levodopa which transformed to                        pist guides the patient through standing, sitting,
dopamine, increased the pleasure while listening                and lying down while watching themselves in the
to soothing music. Dopamine antagonist risperi-                 mirror. The idea is to help the patient maintain
done showed the opposite effect – it diminished                 his position using vision instead of just proprio-
the feeling of satisfaction while listening to mu-              ceptive information from muscles and joints21. Al-
sic19. One study showed that listening to good                  exander technique emphasizes the importance
music could promote dopamine release in the                     of inhibition in changing daily movements. Ses-
striatum and nucleus accumbens septi, a part of                 sions are held individually, in front of the mir-
the brain reward system. Positron emission tom-                 ror21. Alexander technique usually improves
ography (PET) scan of the brain was used in the                 postural stability and movement, especially the
study mentioned above20.                                        movement`s initiation in patients with PD23. Alex-
Furthermore, the Feldenkrais method and Alex-                   ander technique`s goal is to produce a control-
ander technique are complementary treatment                     led, functional movement. In the Feldenkrais
modalities worth mentioning. Moshe Feldenk-                     method, the goal is a spontaneous movement.
rais, the Russian electrical engineer, and physicist            Both methods are movement reeducation tech-
developed one of the complementary treatment                    niques in which the patient and therapist act as
modalities for PD patients, called the Feldenkrais              students and teachers21.
method21. The center of interest of this method is              One more severe problem for PD patients is dys-
the awareness of the patient`s body through                     arthria. It is estimated that around 70% to 90% of
movement22. Feldenkrais method should be                        PD patients suffer from speech disorders, and
taught while the patient is in the horizontal posi-             just 37% of them receive a speech therapy to al-
tion to lessen the gravity effect. People usually               leviate their symptoms24. Dysarthria associated
learn how to roll and crawl during the Feldenk-                 with PD can be treated with speech therapy or
rais method session21. It was shown that patients               surgically by deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the
who were practicing Feldenkrais method-based                    subthalamic nucleus. One of the complementary

 medicina fluminensis 2021, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. 236-243                                      239
A. Junakovic, S. Telarovic: The effects of art therapy on Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease

      speech therapies is called the Lee Silverman                            ry7. Art and occupational therapy have positive
      voice treatment (LSVT) and it is widely used in                         outcomes in non-motor symptoms (depression
      patients with idiopathic PD. The main character-                        and anxiety) and quality of life7. It has been
      istic of that therapeutic modality is great effort                      shown that active theater is a valid complemen-
      vocalization24,25. The LSVT aims to improve and in-                     tary therapy modality in PD patients. One active
      crease the adduction of vocal folds and in that                         theater therapy session consisted of a vocal
      way improve vocalization and loudness of voice.                         warm-up that lasted for 20 minutes, preparation
      LSVT therapy consists of speech and non-speech                          of the scene that lasted for about 40 minutes,
      drills. Speech drills consist of diverse speech                         and then staging where participants were acting
      tasks starting from repeating single words to                           the scene they were previously practicing7. Peo-
      whole sentences and at the end to conversation-                         ple who participated in active theater treatments
      al speech. On the other hand, in non-speech                             showed a significant improvement in their symp-
      drills, patients (participants) have to pronounce                       toms of depression, quality of sleep, and in gen-
      `ah` phonation starting from low pitched voice                          eral, their emotional well-being28.
      and moving to a high pitch. After finishing the
                                                                              Artistic evolution in people with Parkinson`s
      task, they have to pronounce it vice versa, from
      high pitched to low pitched voice26. LSVT im-
      proves the voice`s loudness and reduces negative                        Sometimes, non-motor symptoms of PD occur
                                                                              even before typical motor symptoms arise29. It is
      aspects of speech such as a monotone, hoarse
                                                                              well known that artists can change their painting
      voice. The primary intent of the LSVT is to enable
                                                                              styles when they suffer from neurodegenerative
      patients to speak better and with fewer difficul-
                                                                              disorders – some of them may become unskilled
      ties in their everyday life24. Voice Handicap Index
                                                                              and incompetent while some of them may find
      (VHI) was used in the study to evaluate the ef-
                                                                              new ways to express their art. People with PD
      fects of treatment on dysarthria. VHI is made of
                                                                              sometimes experience difficulties with painting
      30 different questions that evaluate speech prob-
                                                                              because of their motor impairment and hand
      lems` physical, emotional, and functional as-
                                                                              tremor29. In one case report, the initial PD symp-
      pects. Studies have shown that LSVT improved
                                                                              tom was a dramatic change in artistic perform-
      the VHI score24. Limitations of this study were the
                                                                              ance from abstract painting to extreme realism.
      small sample size and the fact that patients (par-
                                                                              Interestingly, that change occurred even before
      ticipants) were usually referred for LSVT treat-
                                                                              any of the motor symptoms arose29. Some chang-
      ment in the advanced stage of the disease where
                                                                              es in artistic performance and creativity are also
      that kind of treatment was not that effective any-
                                                                              associated with dopaminergic therapy and
                                                                              dopaminergic dysregulation syndrome (DDS)30.
      In the days of new technology, virtual reality (VR)
                                                                              DDS is an iatrogenic condition of higher levels of
      has been tried out as a new vehicle of neurore-
                                                                              dopamine due to dopaminergic therapy. It can
      habilitation therapy27. VR therapy`s impact is still
                                                                              lead to compulsive behaviors and impulse con-
      questionable but results have shown that VR
                                                                              trol disorders30.
      neurorehabilitation therapy has a positive impact
                                                                              Some reports have shown that people started ex-
      on neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with
                                                                              periencing compulsive behaviors (compulsive
      PD27. Literature has shown that VR therapy in                           picking wild berries), changed their creativity
      comparison with conventional rehabilitation                             (started writing poems), or started gambling while
      therapy can have even better results in improving                       they were on dopaminergic therapy for PD31.
      gait and balance27.
      One of the exciting and intriguing complementa-                                   ART THERAPY AND DEMENTIA
      ry therapies is active theater7. In a study that
      compares the effects of conventional physiother-                        Alzheimer`s disease
      apy and active theater therapy, the benefits of                         Alzheimer`s disease (AD) is one of the most com-
      physiotherapy are often temporary and transito-                         mon causes of dementia worldwide, and its inci-

240                              medicina fluminensis 2021, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. 236-243
A. Junakovic, S. Telarovic: The effects of art therapy on Parkinson`s and Alzheimer`s disease

dence rate is rising because our population is                    The most frequent modality of art therapy used
getting older2. It is estimated that the prevalence               in dementia care described in the literature is
of dementia will double by 2030 worldwide and                     music therapy35. Music therapy has the most sub-
that it will more than triple by the end of 205011.               stantial evidence of efficacy in intensifying good
AD is one of the neurodegenerative causes of de-                  behavior and lessening undesirable and socially
mentia, as well as frontotemporal dementia                        unacceptable behavior. Another modality of art
(FTD), Lewy body dementia, and Creutzfeldt-Ja-                    therapy worth mentioning is visual arts therapy
kob disease32. The most important AD symptoms                     (painting and drawing). It is believed that it can
are cognitive and language impairment, memory                     encourage nonverbal communication, help pa-
loss, problems with abstract thinking, spatial dis-               tients express their feelings through art-making,
orientation, disorientation in time, mood and                     and help them build up their “self”35. Dance/
personality changes32. Some of the common                         movement therapy focuses on empowering peo-
signs and symptoms are depression, hallucina-                     ple with dementia, emphasizing their quality of
tions, apathy, delusions, psychomotor agitation,                  life35. The study which included the elderly at
sleep disorders, and those difficulties increase                  higher risk for dementia, showed that art therapy
over time and reduce the quality of life of people                sessions could significantly improve their quality
with dementia11.                                                  of life. It showed that the cognition of the elderly
AD was first described by a German psychiatrist                   from the experimental group was improved com-
and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 190733.                   pared to those from the control group, who did
It is defined as a progressive brain disorder that                not get art therapy sessions. People from the ex-
affects memory and cognition. The most promi-                     perimental group showed fewer symptoms of de-
nent degenerative changes are found in the tem-                   pression. Music therapy was essential for
poral and parietal brain lobe32. Pharmacological                  improving cognition and reducing depression in
therapy for AD exists, but it can not alleviate all               people with mild dementia36. One randomized
of the symptoms, and as we all know, AD is still                  controlled trial showed that singing and painting
an incurable disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors                   interventions as a form of art therapy led to de-
and memantine are used as a pharmacological                       creased anxiety levels and significantly eased the
treatment for dementia. Antidepressants and an-                   pain in patients who suffer from a mild form of
tipsychotics are used for treating neuropsychiat-                 AD37. Results also showed that those interven-
ric symptoms, but their efficacy in improving                     tions might improve patients` quality of life and
behavioral symptoms is not satisfactory11. Antip-                 mood with a mild AD37. Despite the benefits of
sychotics have serious side effects such as parkin-               art therapy mentioned above, there is a lack of
sonism, accelerated cognitive decline, and                        systematic data analysis. In addition to that, in
cerebrovascular incidents34. Because of all the                   many studies, measurement tools are not speci-
side effects mentioned above and insufficient                     fied enough, and study design explanation is
and incomplete pharmacological therapy, the                       sometimes inadequate35.
need for complementary therapy arose11.
Art therapy in dementia care                                      Literature has shown that art therapy is useful as
Studies have shown that art therapy in AD pa-                     an additional treatment in many different diseas-
tients provides satisfaction and pleasure, im-                    es, including PD and AD, among the most com-
proves attention, neuropsychiatric symptoms,                      mon and well-known neurodegenerative
social behavior, self-esteem, and improves the                    disorders3,7,9,11. Many different art therapy modal-
quality of life11. Interesting fact is that artists that          ities are already known, such as music therapy,
suffer from AD can change their artistic expres-                  clay manipulation therapy, visual arts therapy,
sion. Their artwork usually becomes more ab-                      dance therapy, and tai chi training. With standard
stract, with fewer colors, less realistic, with more              pharmacological therapy, art therapy can im-
symbols in their artistic work11,29.                              prove the quality of life of patients who suffer

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