Clinical Prediction Rule for RSV Bronchiolitis in Healthy Newborns: Prognostic Birth Cohort Study

Page created by Perry Nguyen

Clinical Prediction Rule for RSV Bronchiolitis in
Healthy Newborns: Prognostic Birth Cohort Study
AUTHORS: Michiel L. Houben, MD,a Louis Bont, MD, PhD,a                    WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Hospitalized respiratory
Berry Wilbrink, PhD,b Mirjam E. Belderbos, MD,a Jan L. L.                 syncytial virus (RSV) lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) can
Kimpen, MD, PhD,a Gerard H. A. Visser, MD, PhD,c and                      be predicted by using host and environmental factors. The impact
Maroeska M. Rovers, PhDd                                                  of outpatient-treated RSV LRTI includes increased number of
aDepartment of Pediatrics, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital,                physician visits, drug prescriptions, and parents’ missed work
cDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and dJulius Center              days.
for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; and bLaboratory of Infectious
Diseases and Perinatal Screening, National Institute of Public            WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: A simple prediction rule can identify
Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, Netherlands                        infants at risk of outpatient-treated RSV LRTI. The absolute risks
KEY WORDS                                                                 of RSV LRTI range from 3% for children with the lowest prediction
birth cohort study, respiratory syncytial virus, lower respiratory        rule score to 32% for children with all predictive factors.
tract infection, health-related quality of life, postbronchiolitis
wheeze, risk stratification
AUC—area under the curve
GP—general practitioner
HRQoL—health-related quality of life
                                                                     abstract                                                            +

LRTI—lower respiratory tract infection                               OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to determine predictors of respiratory syn-
OR—odds ratio
PCR—polymerase chain reaction
                                                                     cytial virus (RSV) lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) among
ROC—receiver operating characteristic                                healthy newborns.
RSV—respiratory syncytial virus
                                                                     METHODS: In this prospective birth cohort study, 298 healthy term                    newborns born in 2 large hospitals in the Netherlands were monitored
doi:10.1542/peds.2010-0581                                           throughout the first year of life. Parents kept daily logs and collected
Accepted for publication Oct 8, 2010                                 nose/throat swabs during respiratory tract infections. The primary
Address correspondence to Louis Bont, MD, PhD, University            outcome was RSV LRTI, which was defined on the basis of the combina-
Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Pediatrics, Lundlaan 6,
                                                                     tion of positive RSV polymerase chain reaction results and acute
3584 EA Utrecht, Netherlands. E-mail:
                                                                     wheeze or moderate/severe cough.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
                                                                     RESULTS: Of the 298 children, 42 (14%) developed RSV LRTI. Indepen-
                                                                     dent predictors for RSV LRTI were day care attendance and/or siblings,
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Dr Bont received research funding and
speaker’s fees from Abbott International; the other authors have     high parental education level, birth weight of ⬎4 kg, and birth in April
indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this       to September. The area under the receiver operating characteristic
article to disclose.
                                                                     curve was 0.72 (95% confidence interval: 0.64 – 0.80). We derived a
                                                                     clinical prediction rule; possible scores ranged from 0 to 5 points. The
                                                                     absolute risk of RSV LRTI was 3% for children with scores of ⱕ2 (20% of
                                                                     all children) and 32% for children with all 4 factors (scores of 5; 8% of
                                                                     all children). Furthermore, 62% of the children with RSV LRTI experi-
                                                                     enced wheezing during the first year of life, compared with 36% of the
                                                                     children without RSV LRTI.
                                                                     CONCLUSIONS: A simple clinical prediction rule identifies healthy new-
                                                                     borns at risk of RSV LRTI. Physicians can differentiate between children
                                                                     with high and low risks of RSV LRTI and subsequently can target pre-
                                                                     ventive and monitoring strategies toward children at high risk.
                                                                     Pediatrics 2011;127:35–41

PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011                                                                                                35
The proportion of all children in their     senhuis [Netherlands]) participated in      during any period in the first year of
first year of life with medically at-        this prospective birth cohort study.        life. The presence of siblings in the
tended respiratory syncytial virus          Children who were born after 37             household of the child was defined as
(RSV) infections in the United States is    weeks of gestation (term) after an un-      ⱖ1 sibling younger than 18 years liv-
estimated to be 44%.1 The majority of       complicated pregnancy were eligible         ing ⱖ3 days per week in the same
these children (95%) are treated as         to participate. Newborns with major         house. A composite variable of day
outpatients by general practitioners        congenital anomalies and newborns           care and/or siblings was created to
(GPs) or at the emergency depart-           whose parents had limited Dutch lan-        limit the number of potential predic-
ment.1 Therefore, from a socioeco-          guage skills were excluded. Between         tive factors, because of the relatively
nomic point of view, outpatient-treated     January 2006 and December 2008,             small sample size. Parental education
RSV infections have a large impact, in-     1080 newborns were eligible and the         level was dichotomized by using the ar-
cluding emergency department and of-        parents of 341 (32%) agreed to partic-      bitrary cutoff level of a bachelor’s de-
fice visits, drug prescriptions, and par-    ipate and gave written informed con-        gree for ⱖ1 parent. Because maternal
ents’ missed work days.2 Moreover,          sent. The most frequent reason for          anti-RSV antibodies may protect in-
RSV lower respiratory tract infection       nonparticipation was reluctance of          fants against RSV disease in the com-
(LRTI) is associated with subsequent        parents to perform daily follow-up          munity in their first months of life,
recurrent wheeze for ⬃40% of pa-            measurements according to the study         being born within 6 months before
tients, leading to reduced health-          protocol. Baseline characteristics of       the start of the RSV season (April
related quality of life (HRQoL).3–5         nonparticipating children and their         through September) was used as a
Identifying newborns who will develop       parents were similar to the character-      potentially predictive variable.25
RSV LRTI is important, because simple       istics of participating subjects (data
lifestyle changes, such as intensified       not shown). Of the 341 included chil-       Outcomes
hand hygiene, can prevent RSV infec-        dren, 298 (87%) had no missing values.
                                                                                        The primary outcome was RSV LRTI,
tions.6–9 In addition, current and future   The study protocol was approved by
                                                                                        which was defined as the presence of
medical preventive measures may be          the institutional review boards of the 2
                                                                                        an LRTI and the presence of RSV RNA.
used to target individuals at high          participating hospitals.
                                                                                        Parents were instructed to record
risk.10,11 Known risk factors for the oc-                                               daily respiratory symptoms, including
                                            Predictive Factors
currence of RSV LRTI are preterm                                                        wheeze and cough, in a log.26 Episodes
birth, young age, male gender, heart        The presence or absence of risk fac-
                                                                                        in the log were defined to represent an
and lung disease, Down syndrome, ab-        tors for RSV LRTI was assessed by us-
                                                                                        LRTI by using strict predefined criteria,
sence or short duration of breastfeed-      ing data from the hospital delivery files
                                                                                        that is, moderate or severe cough or
ing, presence of siblings, day care at-     (gender, gestational age, birth weight,
                                                                                        wheeze of any severity lasting for ⱖ2
tendance, and exposure to tobacco           and month of birth) or from standard-
                                                                                        days. A nose/throat swab sample was
smoke.12–20                                 ized questionnaires completed at 1
                                                                                        obtained by the parents at the start of
                                            month and 1 year of age. Gestational
To date, clinical prediction models for                                                 every respiratory episode and subse-
                                            age was dichotomized by using an ar-
RSV have been developed only with re-                                                   quently was sent to the researchers in
                                            bitrary cutoff value of 40.0 weeks. Birth
spect to hospitalization among pre-                                                     a single vial containing 2 mL of viral
                                            weight was dichotomized by using an
term infants.21–23 A clinical prediction                                                transport medium. The samples were
                                            arbitrary cutoff value of 4 kg.24 Breast-
model for outpatient-treated RSV LRTI                                                   frozen at ⫺80°C until polymerase
                                            feeding was defined as being given
among term children does not yet ex-                                                    chain reaction (PCR) assays were per-
                                            mother’s milk exclusively (without ad-
ist. Therefore, the objective of this                                                   formed. The presence of RSV A or B RNA
                                            ditional formula feeding) beyond the
study was to develop a clinical predic-                                                 was determined by using real-time
                                            age of 1 month. Parental atopy was de-
tion rule to identify healthy term new-                                                 PCR assays.27
                                            fined as the presence of any atopic di-
borns at high risk of RSV LRTI in the
                                            agnosis (asthma, eczema, or hay fe-         A secondary outcome was GP-attended
first year of life.
                                            ver) made by a physician for 1 or both      RSV infection, which was defined as
METHODS                                     parents. Exposure to maternal tobacco       the occurrence of a respiratory epi-
                                            smoke was defined as maternal smok-          sode with GP attendance and the pres-
Population                                  ing of ⱖ1 cigarette per day at the age      ence of RSV RNA. To study the burden of
Two large urban hospitals (University       of 1 month. Day care attendance was         RSV LRTI episodes, we also examined
Medical Center Utrecht and Diakones-        defined as attendance of any day care        wheezing during the first year of life

36    HOUBEN et al

and HRQoL (measured with the TNO-AZL
Preschool Children Quality of Life ques-
tionnaire [TAPQoL]) for children with
and without RSV LRTI (secondary out-
comes).28–30 Data on wheezing during
the first year of life were derived from
the logs.

Statistical Analyses
The association between each prog-
nostic factor and the presence or ab-
sence of RSV LRTI was examined with
univariate logistic regression analy-
ses. Predictors that were associated
with the outcome in univariate analy-
ses (P ⬍ .15) were included in multi-
variate logistic regression analyses.
The model was reduced through exclu-            FIGURE 1
                                                Distributions of month of birth for children with (A) and without (B) RSV LRTI(s) and of month of RSV
sion of predictors with P values of             LRTI(s) (C).
⬎.10. The predictive accuracy of the
model was estimated on the basis of
its reliability (goodness of fit) by using       strap sample. This yielded a shrinkage               with wheeze each month, respiratory
Hosmer-Lemeshow tests.31,32 The mod-            factor for the regression coefficients                symptoms, and HRQoL between chil-
el’s ability to discriminate between            and the ROC AUC.33                                   dren with and children without RSV
children with and without RSV LRTI was          To obtain a prediction rule that is eas-             LRTI in the first year of life. All analyses
estimated as the area under the curve           ily applicable in clinical practice, the             were performed with SPSS 15 (SPSS
(AUC) for the receiver operating char-          adjusted regression coefficients of the               Inc, Chicago, IL).
acteristic (ROC) curve for the model.           model were divided by the lowest coef-
The ROC curve is a plot of the true-            ficient and rounded to the nearest in-                RESULTS
positive rate (sensitivity) versus the          teger. Scores for each individual pa-                Of the 298 participating children, 42
false-positive rate (1 ⫺ specificity)            tient were obtained by assigning                     (14%) developed RSV LRTIs during
evaluated at consecutive cutoff points          points for each variable and adding                  their first year of life. One child devel-
for the predicted probability. The AUC          the results. Patients were classified                 oped 2 separate RSV LRTIs within the
provides a quantitative summary of              according to their risk scores and the               same season. The median age at the
the discriminative ability of a predic-         number of children developing or not                 time of RSV LRTI was 6 months (inter-
tive model. A useless predictive model,         developing RSV LRTI, and correspond-                 quartile range: 4 – 8 months) (Fig 1).
such as a coin flip, would yield an AUC          ing positive and negative predictive                 Twenty children (48%) were boys. Of
of 0.5. When the AUC is 1.0, the model          values were calculated.                              the 42 children with RSV LRTI, 27 (64%)
discriminates perfectly between sub-                                                                 visited a GP and 3 (2, 6, and 8 months of
                                                To test the robustness of the model,
jects who do and subjects who do not                                                                 age) were hospitalized. Although RSV A
                                                sensitivity analyses were conducted by
develop a prognostic outcome.33                 using the alternative outcome of GP-                 (25 of 42 cases) and RSV B (17 of 42
Prediction models derived with multi-           attended RSV infection and by using al-              cases) were detected separately in
variate regression analyses are known           ternative predictive factors (eg, day                PCR assays, the clinical outcomes of
for overestimated regression coeffi-             care and siblings as separate vari-                  children with LRTI attributable to RSV A
cients, which result in too-extreme             ables and duration of breastfeeding,                 and RSV B were comparable (data not
predictions when applied in new cas-            intensity of maternal smoking, and du-               shown).
es.33 Therefore, we validated our mod-          ration of day care attendance as con-                Results of univariate and multivariate
els internally with bootstrapping tech-         tinuous variables). The clinical rele-               logistic regression analyses are pre-
niques in which the entire modeling             vance of the model was studied by                    sented in Table 1. The final reduced re-
process was repeated with each boot-            comparing the proportions of children                gression model included 4 indepen-

PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011                                                                                                     37
TABLE 1 Univariable and Multivariable Analyses of Predictors of RSV LRTI
          Characteristic                                     n (%)                                 Univariate Analyses                      Multivariate Analyses                    Points
                                                                                                                                                (Final Model)                          for
                                               RSV LRTI              No RSV LRTI              OR (95% CI)                 P               OR (95% CI)                 P
                                               (N ⫽ 42)               (N ⫽ 256)
  Breastfeeding                                  22 (52)              140 (55)               0.91 (0.47–1.8)             0.78                  —                      —               —
  Male                                           20 (48)              138 (54)               0.78 (0.40–1.5)             0.45                  —                      —               —
  Gestational age 40–42 wk                       28 (67)              128 (50)               2.00 (1.01–4.0)             0.05                  —                      —               —
  Birth weight ⬎ 4 kg                            16 (38)               52 (20)               2.41 (1.2–4.8)              0.01           2.24 (1.1–4.6)               0.03             1
  Parental atopy                                 24 (57)              143 (56)               1.05 (0.55–2.0)             0.88                  —                      —               —
  Maternal smoking                                2 (5)                24 (9)                0.48 (0.11–2.1)             0.33                  —                      —               —
  Born in April to September                     28 (67)              132 (52)               1.88 (0.95–3.7)             0.07           2.17 (1.1–4.4)               0.03             1
  Day care or siblings                           41 (98)              214 (84)               8.05 (1.1–60.1)             0.02           5.80 (0.76–44.4)             0.09             2
  High parental education level                  38 (91)              186 (73)               3.58 (1.2–10.4)             0.01           2.79 (0.94–8.3)              0.07             1
Hosmer-Lemeshow ␹2                                 —                    —                          —                      —                   2.74                   0.91             —
ROC AUC                                            —                    —                          —                      —             0.72 (0.64–0.80)              —               5
CI indicates confidence interval. The prediction rule was as follows: score ⫽ (2 for day care attendance and/or siblings) ⫹ (1 for high parental education level) ⫹ (1 for birth weight of ⬎4
kg) ⫹ (1 for birth in April to September). All variables were dichotomous (0 or 1), and scores ranged from 0 through 5.

dent predictive variables, that is, day                         TABLE 2 Performance of Different Thresholds for Prediction Rule for RSV LRTI (N ⫽ 298)
care attendance and/or the presence                              Threshold           True-Positive             True-Negative           Positive Predictive           Negative Predictive
                                                                                        Results                   Results                   Value, %                     Value, %
of siblings (odds ratio [OR]: 5.8), high                                              (N ⫽ 42), %              (N ⫽ 256), %
parental education level (OR: 2.8), birth                            ⱖ3                  40 (95)                  58 (23)                      16.8                           96.7
weight of ⬎4 kg (OR: 2.2), and month of                              ⱖ4                  33 (79)                 148 (58)                      23.4                           94.3
birth between April and September                                     5                   8 (19)                 239 (93)                      32.0                           87.5
(OR: 2.2) (Table 1). The goodness-of-fit                         The prediction rule was as follows: score ⫽ (2 for day care attendance and/or siblings) ⫹ (1 for high parental education
                                                                level) ⫹ (1 for birth weight of ⬎4 kg) ⫹ (1 for birth in April to September). All variables were dichotomous (0 or 1), and
test indicated an acceptable fit of the                          scores ranged from 0 through 5.
final prognostic model (P ⫽ .91), and
the AUC was 0.72 (95% confidence in-
terval: 0.64 – 0.80). The shrunk AUC                            of children in the cohort with and with-                         tors (8% of all children) had an abso-
was 0.70 (shrinkage factor: 0.97). The                          out RSV LRTI across different catego-                            lute risk of 32% (risk ratio: 9.6).
sensitivity analyses with the alterna-                          ries of risk scores. Figure 2 shows that
                                                                children with the lowest scores (0 –2                            Furthermore, 62% of the children with
tive outcome of GP-attended RSV
                                                                points; 20% of all children) had an ab-                          RSV LRTI experienced wheezing during
infection and with alternative pre-
dictive factors yielded similar                                 solute risk of 3% for developing RSV                             the first year of life, compared with
prognostic models with identical dis-                           LRTI, whereas children with all risk fac-                        36% of the children without RSV LRTI
criminating abilities (ROC AUC values                                                                                            (risk ratio: 1.72; P ⫽ .003) (Fig 3). Ex-
of 0.72 and 0.71, respectively).                                                                                                 clusion of the episodes that defined
                                                                                                                                 the RSV LRTI group gave similar results
By using the regression coefficients of
the final predictive model, the proba-                                                                                            (59% vs 36%; risk ratio: 1.65; P ⫽ .005).
bility of developing a RSV LRTI can be                                                                                           Children with RSV LRTI used more re-
estimated for each child by using the                                                                                            spiratory drugs at the age of 1 year,
formula given in Table 1. For example,                                                                                           although this finding was not signifi-
a child who is born in July (1 point),                                                                                           cant (15% vs 8%), and more often vis-
attends day care (2 points), has a birth                                                                                         ited a physician because of respiratory
weight of 4.2 kg (1 point), and has par-                                                                                         problems, compared with children
ents who are not highly educated (0                             FIGURE 2                                                         without RSV LRTI (48% vs 30%; P ⫽ .03).
                                                                Absolute risk to develop RSV LRTI for children
points) has a total score of 1 ⫹ 2 ⫹                            with different prediction rule scores. Scores of                 The HRQoL was lower for children with
1 ⫹ 0 ⫽ 4 points, which corresponds                             0, 1, or 2 points (pooled), n ⫽ 60; score of 3                   RSV LRTI with respect to 5 of the 10
                                                                points, n ⫽ 97; score of 4 points, n ⫽ 116; score
to a probability of developing a RSV                            of 5 points, n ⫽ 25 were compared by using ␹2                    domains (lungs, stomach, appetite,
LRTI of 23%. Table 2 shows the number                           test, P ⬍ .001.                                                  anxiety, and problem behavior), com-

38      HOUBEN et al

                                                                                                              To our knowledge, this is the first study
                                                                                                              that attempts to predict the risk of
                                                                                                              nonhospitalized RSV LRTI for healthy
                                                                                                              newborns by using molecular detec-
                                                                                                              tion of RSV. Some of our findings de-
                                                                                                              serve additional discussion. First, only
                                                                                                              341 of the 1080 eligible newborns par-
                                                                                                              ticipated in our study, which might
                                                                                                              have resulted in selection bias. Com-
                                                                                                              parison of the baseline clinical and de-
                                                                                                              mographic characteristics between
                                                                                                              participants and nonparticipants,
                                                                                                              however, showed no differences.
                                                                                                              Therefore, we think that our results
                                                                                                              are generalizable to all healthy new-
                                                                                                              borns. Second, because of the design
                                                                                                              of our study, elective cesarean deliver-
                                                                                                              ies were overrepresented in this co-
                                                                                                              hort (16% vs 6% in the Netherlands).38
                                                                                                              Mode of delivery, however, was not as-
                                                                                                              sociated with RSV LRTI. Therefore, we
Proportions of children with wheezing during the first year of life, for children with and without RSV         assume that the results are generaliz-
LRTI in the first year of life. A, Proportion of children with wheezing in each calendar month. Fisher’s       able to other modes of delivery. Third,
exact test: November, P ⫽ .001; December, P ⫽ .01. Exclusion of the episodes that defined the RSV LRTI
group yielded similar results (November, P ⫽ .01). B, Cumulative proportion of children with wheezing
                                                                                                              the possibility of misclassification at-
in each month of life. Fisher’s exact test or ␹2 test: all P ⬍ .01, except for month 1 (not significant) and   tributable to parental noncompliance
month 5 (P ⫽ .02). Exclusion of the episodes that defined the RSV LRTI group yielded similar results;          with recording of respiratory symp-
all P ⬍ .01, except for month 1 (not significant), month 5 (P ⫽ .05), month 6 (P ⫽ .05), and month
7 (P ⫽ .01).                                                                                                  toms and collection of nose/throat
                                                                                                              swabs cannot be completely ruled out.
                                                                                                              However, associations between paren-
pared with children without RSV LRTI                    strongest predictor in our study (day                 tal compliance and any potential risk
(Supplemental Figure 4).                                care attendance and/or the presence                   factor seem unlikely. Fourth, because
                                                        of siblings) is in agreement with the                 missing values usually do not occur at
DISCUSSION                                              findings of other studies.21–23 High                   random, exclusion of participants with
We developed a simple prediction rule                   birth weight may be associated with                   missing values (complete case analy-
that identifies healthy newborns at                      delayed parturition and an altered                    sis) might have resulted in biased es-
high risk of RSV LRTI in the first year of               immunologic phenotype.21,34,35 Birth                  timates.39,40 Therefore, we used impu-
life. Independent predictors for RSV                    within 6 months before the start of the               tation to address the missing values,
LRTI were day care attendance and/or                    RSV season is a longer window than                    including missing values for the out-
the presence of siblings, high parental                 usually found.16,21,23 However, it is                 come, which yielded results similar to
education levels, birth weight of ⬎4                    consistent with the median age of 6                   those of the presented complete case
kg, and month of birth between April                    months for RSV LRTI in the commu-                     analysis. Fifth, for a number of vari-
and September.                                          nity and/or at GPs in our cohort study                ables, we used arbitrary cutoff values
Our prognostic study differs from oth-                  and in studies by others.1 Highly ed-                 and/or definitions, mostly in favor of a
ers with respect to the domain and                      ucated parents might be more care-                    simple prediction rule or as a result of
outcome studied.21,22 We focused on                     ful or might seek earlier medical ad-                 study design. Accessory analyses with
nonhospitalized RSV LRTI among                          vice if their child develops a                        alternative cutoff values yielded a sim-
healthy term infants, whereas others                    respiratory infection.36,37 However,                  ilar prediction model. Similarly, use of
studied hospitalized RSV in premature                   parental education levels also may                    continuous variables (eg, for duration
infants. This may explain the small dif-                be associated with other environ-                     of breastfeeding and number of ciga-
ferences in predictive factors. The                     mental factors.                                       rettes smoked per day) did not change

PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011                                                                                                      39
the final model. Therefore, we think                    als when future RSV vaccines become                  Houben), the Wilhelmina Children’s
that our prediction rule is robust.                    available for healthy term infants.44                Hospital Research Fund (grant
The clinical implications of our finding                                                                     2004.02), the Catharijne Stichting, and
include the use of the prediction rule                                                                      the Dutch Asthma Foundation (grant
by primary care pediatricians, who                     The risk of RSV LRTI was 10 times higher    The funders had no role in
care for the majority of children at risk              for children who attended day care, had              study design, data collection or analy-
                                                       older siblings, had high parental educa-             sis, the decision to publish, or prepa-
of and/or with RSV LRTI.1 The incidence
                                                       tional levels, had birth weights of ⬎4 kg,           ration of the manuscript.
of medically attended RSV infections
                                                       and were born between April and Sep-
among children younger than 1 year is                                                                       We acknowledge Eltje Bloemen, re-
                                                       tember, compared with children without
extremely high (⬃44%), and the inci-                                                                        search nurse, for her participation in
                                                       these factors. Clinicians can use these
dence is highest for the group 6 to 12                                                                      data collection; Jojanneke Dekkers,
                                                       features to differentiate between chil-
months of age (24%).1 Children classi-                                                                      laboratory technician, for technical as-
                                                       dren with high and low risks of RSV LRTI
fied as being at high risk could be mon-                                                                     sistance with real-time PCR assays;
                                                       and subsequently can target preventive
itored more closely and lifestyle                                                                           Projka Piravalieva-Nikolova, labora-
                                                       and monitoring strategies to children at
changes that reduce exposure could                                                                          tory assistant, and Arthur Gottenkieny,
                                                       high risk.
be applied.6–9 When novel preventive                                                                        laboratory technician, for technical
treatment options become available,                    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                      support; and Hilda Kessel, gynecolo-
these could be used for targeted high-                 This study was funded by a fellowship                gist, and Wouter de Waal, pediatrician,
risk populations.41– 43 Finally, the model             award from the European Society for                  for their assistance with recruitment
may be used in randomized clinical tri-                Paediatric Infectious Diseases (to Dr                of participants.
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PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 1, January 2011                                                                                                                     41
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