CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club

Page created by Denise Craig
CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club

   This club was built for FUN
CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

                  Port Douglas Yacht Club Inc
                  1, Spinnaker Close, Port Douglas, QLD 4877

            Postal Address: PO Box 111, Port Douglas, QLD 4877

                                  Contact Us:
Club Manager:        Richard Stapleton

Ph:                  (07) 4099 4386



Rear Commodore:      Phillip Kilfoy

Ph:                  (07) 4099 4386

Email:               rearcommodore@portdouglasyacht

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

      2019 Club Calendar                                                            4
      Quicksilver Port Douglas Race Week                                            6
      Club Championship                                                             8
      Fun Sailing Days                                                              9
      Cruising                                                                     10
      Discover Sailing                                                             11
      Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions                                      12
      Volunteers                                                                   12
      WAGS                                                                         13
      Seasonal Series Supplementary Sailing Instructions                           15
      Handicapping                                                                 17
      Safety Management Plan                                                       18
      Sponsors                                                                     20

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
                             CLUB CALENDAR 2019
             DATE                           EVENT                            DETAIL

January 19th - 20th          Low Isles Cruise                 Cruise

January 26 Saturday          Australia Day Celebration        Fun day

Feb 8                        Quiz night/Skippers meeting

Feb 09                       Summer series                    Race 1 & 2 (buoy races)

Feb 16                       Summer series                    Race 3 (Passage race)
Mar 02                       Summer series                    Race 4 & 5 (buoy races)
March 16 Saturday            Closehaven Cup                   Race 6

March 30 Saturday            Ladies Skippers                  Race 1 & 2

April 06 Saturday            Learn to sail – day 1
                                                              J24 sail training week 2
April 07 Sunday              Learn to sail – day 2
April 13 Saturday            Learn to sail – day 3
April 19 - April 22          Easter Rally                     Hope Isles

April 20 – April 21          Easter Fun Regatta CYC event     Cairns Yacht Club

April 27 Saturday            Commodores Cup                   Race 7 (Passage race)

May 04 Saturday              CrystalBrook cup                 Race 8 & 9 (Buoy racing)
May 11 Saturday              Working B                        All hands-on deck

May 18 Saturday              Cruise: Port to Fitzroy          Mickey Ink Rally - Meet boats
May 19 Sunday                Cruise: Fitzroy to Port          heading north for PDRW

May 19 Sunday                Race week spinnaker run          4mile Beach fun run

May 20th - 25th              Quicksilver Port Douglas Race Week

June 8th Saturday            Winter Series race 1 and 2

June 22 Saturday             Winter Series race 3 and 4       Races 10 to 15 Club Championship

June 29 Saturday             Winter Series race 5 and 6

July 6 Saturday              Learn to sail - 2 week series
                                                              J24 sail training weekend 1
July 7 Sunday                Learn to sail - 2 week series

July 13 Saturday             Learn to sail - 2 week series    J24 sail training week 2

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
July 14 Sunday                Learn to sail - 2 week series

July 20 Saturday              Quicksilver Cup                  Race 16 Club Championship

July 27 Saturday              Christmas in July                Fun day

August 3 Saturday             Keith Quinn Memorial Cup         Race 17 Club Championship

August 08 - 15                Airlie Beach Race Week
August 17 - 24                Hamilton Island Race Week
August 17                     Low Isles cruise                Cruise

August 29 - Sept 4th          Magnetic Island Race Week

September 14 Saturday         Working B                       All hands-on deck

September 15                  PDYC Open day

September 21 Saturday         Annual General Meeting

September 28 Saturday         Learn to sail - 2 week series
                                                              J24 sail training week 1
September 29 Sunday           Learn to sail - 2 week series

October 4th Friday            Lizard Island Rally cruise

October 4th Friday twilight   Lizard Island Race              Lizard Island Trophy

October 5 Saturday            Learn to sail - 2 week series
                                                              J24 sail training week 2
October 6 Sunday              Learn to sail - 2 week series

October 8 Tuesday             Skippers Dinner

October 12 Saturday           Coral Sea Cup Regatta
                                                              Races 18 to 20 Club championship
October 13 Sunday             Coral Sea Cup Regatta

October 26 Saturday           Lady Skippers Race              Race 3 & 4

November 2 Saturday           Spring Series race 1 and 2

November 16 Saturday          Spring Series race 3 and 4      Races 21 to 26 Club Championship

November 23 Saturday          Spring Series race 5 and 6

November 30 Saturday          Working B                       All hands-on deck

December 7 Saturday           Christmas Cup                   Race 27 Club Championship

December 14 Saturday          Christmas Party                 Members only

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
               Quicksilver Clipper Cup Port Douglas Race Week

 Quicksilver Group is again the major sponsor of Port Douglas Race Week. 2019 is the third
 consecutive year for Quicksilver as naming rights sponsor and adds to a long history of
 supporting the community in the Douglas Shire and their association with PDYC.

                          25th Anniversary Clipper Cup
                     Quicksilver Port Douglas Race Week
               Racing the Winds of Paradise May 21nd to May 25th

        Date                                 Division                         First Warning

  Mon 20th May      All Divisions: Registration – from 1230 to 1630 hrs at PDYC

  Tues 21st May     Div 1, 2 & 4: Two short races; Div 3 short passage race       09:55
  Wed 22nd May      Div 1, 2 & 3: Passage race; Div 4 two short races             09:55
                    Division 3: Short passage race
                    Division 4: Two short races
  Thur 23rd May     All Divisions: Lay day (possibility of racing)

  Fri 24th May      All Divisions: Two short races                                09:55

                    All Divisions: Long triangle/W&R race                         09:55
  Sat 25th May
                                               Presentation Night

         The Notice of Race is available online at
             Entries open Monday 21st January. Launch Saturday 24th February.
                Entries close Friday 17th May. Refer Notice of Race for details.
2018 Div 1 Winner
   White Cap          Quicksilver Port Douglas Race Week
                     The Far North's Premier Sailing Event

                                        2018 Div 2 Winner                     2018 Div 4 Winner
                                             Callista                              #SPANK

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
                               Club Championship


The 2019 Club Champions will be the boat, skipper and crew that accrues the least points
from 10 events in the 2018 sailing programme. The series is comprised of 17 races from the
winter and spring seasonal series plus 10 races from 7 individual trophy events.
The series allows for 3 results to be dropped from the 24 races.
Summer Series: 4 buoy races, 1 passage race. Feb/Mar
Winter Series: 6 buoy races over 3 consecutive Saturdays in June.
Spring Series: 6 buoy races over 3 consecutive Saturdays in November.

March 16th          Closehaven Cup                              1 Passage race
April 27  th
                    Commodores Cup                              1 Race, the Commodores call
May 4  th
                    CrystalBrook Superyacht Marina Cup          2 buoy races
July 20th           Quicksilver Cup                             1 Long race
August 3    rd      Keith Quinn Memorial Cup                    1 Race - Waypoints
October 12th & 13th Coral Sea Cup                               1 Passage plus 2 short races
December 7th        Christmas Cup                               1 Passage race
                               Senga – 2018 PDYC overall Club
                                   Championship winner

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
                                  FUN SAILING DAYS

                        The most fun under the tropical sun
           Points awarded for fun sailing events do not count towards the Club Championship

January 26th              Australia Day                          Dress up and celebration time
May 19th                  4mile beach spinnaker run              Quicksilver Clipper Cup
July 28th                 Christmas in July                      Fun day with Christmas dinner
September 15th            Open Day                               Club Open Day

        We all know our famous motto, but where does it come from?

One Saturday afternoon back in the day, after a day racing on the bay, a disgruntled skipper
put in a protest against a fellow competitor. This was something unheard of for a friendly
Saturday afternoon social and the defendant was not

The following week when the skippers and crews
gathered for their next race a plaque appeared to
remind the racers just why they were there. That even
though yacht racing is an extremely competitive sport
they were all just out there for the fun of it!

There are two events on the club calendar that are
purely for fun. The results do not affect the Club Championship or the competitors future

Just for the record, it is alleged that Marina Mirage Challenge II won the protest over Sunburnt
Snowflake and the legend was born.

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

 January 19th – 20th               Low Isles Cruise
 April 19th - April 22nd           Easter cruise - Hope Islands - Details to be arranged
 May 19th                          Port Douglas to Fitzroy Island
 May 20th                          Mickey Ink Rally - Fitzroy Island to Port Douglas
 August 17th                       Low Isles Cruise
 October 4th                       Lizard Island Rally

"Go if it's good" is the theme for cruising events. Members are encouraged to "watch the
weather and plan together". Random cruises can be arranged whenever the weather is
suitable and there's nothing else on the calendar.

There are many places within a day's sail from Port. If the weather's looking good and time is
on your side, then why not go cruising?
Cape Kimberley, Snapper Island, Hope Isles, Low Isles, Upolo Cay, Green Island, Fitzroy Island,
Double Island and many reef anchorages within reach when the weather is right.

            Watch the weather, plan together and go if it's good

CLUB PROGRAMME 2019 - This club was built for FUN - Port Douglas Yacht Club
"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
                                DISCOVER SAILING

PDYC is an Australian Sailing Discover Sailing Centre. The club owns two
J24 yachts and has several members qualified through Australian Sailing
to conduct sail training.

   Now is the time for all members to discover sailing
Throughout 2018 the club is running two four-day & one 3 day sail
training sessions held over consecutive weekends. April 6th, 7th, 13th. July
6th, 7th, 13th and 14th and September 28th, 29th and October 5th & 6th.
 April 6 & 7th, 13th                    Day 1, 2, 3                            Learn to sail a J24
 July 6th & 7th, 13th & 14th            Day 1, 2, 3, 4                         Learn to sail a J24
 September 28th & 29th                  Day 1, 2                               Learn to sail a J24
 October 5th & 6th                      Day 3, 4                               Learn to sail a J24

Crystalbrook Superyacht Marina is a major sponsor of the clubs J24's
  Each of the three Learn to Sail programmes is followed by a major club race on the
  following weekend to enable students to crew in a race with the club fleet.

  For more information and to book, contact Port Douglas Yacht Club. Ph: (07) 4099 438

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

A NoR is published prior to each event which may cover a single race or multiple races
included in a single event.
The NoR shall advise where and when the sailing instructions will be available and include the
title, place and dates of the race(s). It will state how the race(s) will be governed and a list of
documents that will govern the event. It shall also include the divisions and the handicap
system that will be used and the conditions of entry.
Each NoR is published on the club notice board and website prior to each event.

The sailing instructions for all events will consist of the instructions in the World Sailing Racing
Rules of Sailing 2017 - 2020 Appendix S, Standard Sailing Instructions, and the Supplementary
Sailing Instructions (SSI) issued for each event. The standard sailing instructions plus the SSI
for WAGS and the Seasonal Series are posted on the club notice board. SSI for other events
are issued prior to the event as detailed in the notice of race.


Working B's are held throughout the year where members come together to put their time
and effort into looking after the club. Check the calendar for dates and make sure your email
is on the distribution list.
                                          This club was built for fun only by the
A volunteer event that is only                   strength of its volunteers
made possible by the generous
members that put in the time
and the effort.
The success of Race Week
depends on members that give
their time planning, organising
and staging the event.

Volunteers are always welcome and the club is forever grateful to those many members
that have assisted throughout the years, and those that continue to do so today.

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
Wednesday sailing is a thriving
tradition at many yacht clubs. PDYC
skippers and their crew generously
give their time to take members
and the public for a free sunset sail
every Wednesday.

To get involved be at the club from
4PM and register your interest.
Skippers choose their guests who
are encouraged to participate in
dinner and drinks at the club.

 Many years ago, in a distant port a few keen yachties hard at work one Wednesday
 afternoon decided that the weather was just too good, and they should be out sailing.
 Tools were downed and the race was on, and so was born the legend of WAGS.


1     RULES
1.1   WAGS is governed by these Supplementary Sailing Instructions, PDYC WAGS Policy and Risk
      Management Code of Practice contained within the PDYC Risk Management Plan and the
      mandatory nature of the rules and regulations therein.
1.2   PDYC WAGS Policy and Risk Management Plan is available on the club website at
2.1   The event is a short course sunset cruise. PDYC adopts YA/AS Special Regulations Part 1 as a
      guide for cruising boats.
2.2   The event is defined as a Category 6 event.
3.1   WAGS is open to only monohulls and multihulls listed on the PDYC Yacht Register.
3.2   Boats registering in the event log on the day shall be deemed to have entered the event.
3.3   By entering the event an entrant implies compliance with PDYC policy.
3.4   PDYC shall not be held accountable for non-compliance of its policies by event entrants.
4.1   Every Wednesday, registration at the Club from 4:00pm sailing anytime thereafter.
5.1   Refer to course diagram below.
5.2   The Start and Finish are at the discretion of the skipper within the time limit.

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
6.1    All boats shall complete the course in daylight hours only.
7.1    When a strong wind warning is issued by the Bureau of Meteorology for Cairns Coastal Waters, the
       course is to be changed to Dickson Inlet and Packers Creek only.
8.1    There will be no notices to competitors, changes to sailing instructions, divisions, signals, marks,
       changes to the course, shortened courses, protests, penalties or scoring.
9.1    All entrants shall agree to abide by PDYC WAGS Policy and Risk Management Code of Practice.
9.2    A boat that retires from the event shall notify the event office as soon as possible.
10.1   All boats shall monitor VHF channel 16 for the duration of the event.
11     PRIZES
11.1   All entries are eligible for prizes to be drawn at random after the event.
12.1   Participation in the event is entirely at the sole risk of the participant. See Rule 4, RRS. The
       organising authority, committee, members and employees will not accept any liability for material
       damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior too, during, or after the
13.1   Each participating boat shall be insured with a minimum $5,000,000 third party liability cover.

                              APPENDIX A: WAGS COURSE DIAGRAM

 No current weather warning
 Strong wind warning

 Boats may choose to navigate Dickson Inlet
 and Packers Creek when there are no current
 weather warnings but are required to do so
 when a strong wind warning is current.
 When navigating Trinity Bay boats are
 required not to travel further than the point
 at which their return shall exceed day light

 1 = PDYC pontoon or your boats marina pen
 2 = Any point on Trinity Bay
 3 = Any point on Packers Creek

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
                      SEASONAL SERIES

1     RULES
1.1   Races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions
      of Australian Sailing (AS), and the Supplementary Sailing Instructions (SSI). The SSI may modify
      parts of the RRS.
1.2   Australian Sailing Special Regulations Part 1, Category 6 shall apply.
2     CHANGES TO SAILING INSTRUCTIONS This changes RRS Appendix S 2.
2.1   Any change to the sailing instructions will be advised at the race briefing or notified on VHF 72.
3     SIGNALS MADE ASHORE This changes RRS Appendix S 4.
3.1   No signals shall be made ashore.

      SERIES     DATE          RACES 1st WARNING              2nd WARNING       LATEST WARNING
      Summer     9 February      2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race      13:55
      Summer     16 February     1       10:10
      Summer     2 March         2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55
      Winter     9th June        2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55
      Winter     16 June         2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55
      Winter     23 June         2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55
      Spring     3 November      2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55
      Spring     10th November   2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55
      Spring     17 November     2       10:10              ASAP after 1st race         13:55

5     THE COURSE This changes RRS Appendix S7
5.1   The course to be sailed shall be notified at the briefing at 0830hrs on the day.
5.2   The course shall be either three laps windward leeward (WL) or one lap triangle sausage (TS).
6     MARKS
6.1   Course WL
      • Start marks: A point (p) 100m from and through red outer channel marker in line with non palm
          tree (S).
      • Rounding marks: Inflatable buoy (P) and red outer channel marker (P).
      • Finish marks: Red outer channel marker (P) and green outer channel marker (S).
6.2   Course TS
      • Start marks: Inflatable buoy (P) and inflatable buoy (S).
      • Rounding marks: Inflatable buoys (P).
      • Leeward gate: Inflatable buoy (P) and inflatable buoy (S).
      • Finish marks: Inflatable buoy (P) and inflatable buoy (S).
7     SHORTENED COURSE This changes RRS 32
7.1   Changes to the course shall be notified at the race briefing or on VHF 72.
8     THE START This changes RRS Appendix S 9.
8.1   Races will be started by using rule 26 except that there will be no signals.
8.2   All boats must use GPS time to count down to the start and record a finish.
9     RECALLS This changes RRS 29
9.1   Boats over the line prior to the start shall voluntarily re-cross the start.

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
10        OMISSION OF RRS RULE 50.2
10.1      Rule 50.2 requiring that if used a whisker pole is attached to the mast does not apply.
11        THE FINISH This changes RRS Appendix S 11.
11.1      Yachts take their own finish times to be provided to race office as soon as possible.
11.2      Finish times must be taken off GPS time recorded in hours, minutes and seconds.
12        TIME LIMITS This changes RRS Appendix S 12.
12.1      Three hours.
13        PROTESTS AND REQUESTS FOR REDRESS This changes RRS Part 5.
13.1      Protests shall be lodged with the Race Committee within the protest time limit.
13.2      The protest time limit shall be at the discretion of the Race Committee.
13.3      Hearings will be held as soon as possible.


              WINDWARD–LEEWARD (WL)

   Start – 1(p) – 4(p) – 1(p) – 4(p) – 1(p) – Finish

           1 = Inflatable buoy
           2 = A point 100m from 4 in line with 4 & 5
           3 = Green outer channel marker
           4 = Red outer channel marker
           5 = Non palm tree on Rex Smeal Park

               TRIANGLE–SAUSAGE (TS)

       Start – 1(p) – 2(p) – L Gate – 1(p) – Finish

           Start = 3(p) 4(s)
           Gate = 3(s) 4(p)
           Finish = 3(s) 4(p)
           1 = Inflatable buoy
           2 = Inflatable buoy
           3 = Inflatable buoy
           4 = Inflatable buoy

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

Boats racing in PDYC events are allocated a performance handicap which, by definition,
indicates the expected performance of a boat relative to each other boat. This is based on
historical performance, crew and equipment.
Actual performance is used when historical data is available. Where historical data is not
available expected performance is based on information supplied to, or researched by, the
Sailing Committee.

The Sailing Committee issues an initial handicap to each boat.

Handicaps for Race Week are determined by the Race Officer in conjunction with the Sailing

All events use SailSys race management software to nominate, compute results and adjust
handicaps. Handicaps will adjust based on the parameters that are entered into SailSys. To
determine the results SailSys creates a benchmark boat and this boats handicap will not
change after that race. Boats placing above this boat will usually increase and boats below
will decrease. By how much depends on how close the result is.

The Sailing Committee meets once a month and determines if any manual adjustments are
required. This might occur if a boat is clearly under or out performing for any reason such as
major change of crew, new sails or recent slipping.

The PDYC Handicapping Rules are available on the club website.

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"
                       SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN


PDYC Safety Management Plan addresses the issues of health and safety and demonstrates
an understanding of the duty of care to all members, workers, contractors, participants and
the general public in respect to club organized sailing activities.
Visit to read the club Safety
Management Plan in full.

All skippers and crew participating in club organised sailing activities are encouraged to read
and comply with this document.


The safety requirements of YA/AS Special Regulations Part 1, Category 6 applies to all PDYC
sailing events unless stated otherwise in the Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions.
The YA/AS Special Regulations Equipment Audit Form for Category 6 safety requirements is
available at
Skippers and their crew are encouraged to review this to ensure their compliance.

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

The rules for the postponement of races applies to all PDYC organised events on the club
calendar except Quicksilver Port Douglas Race Week which is under the control of the
appointed Race Officer.
The following five point plan is in place to manage the inherent risk of sailing, limit possible
damage to equipment and preserve the integrity of the events.

   1. If a strong wind warning is current for Cairns Coastal Waters for any period that a
      scheduled race is due to take place then that race shall be postponed.
   2. A postponed race is rescheduled for the same start time on the next Saturday.
   3. Where there is an existing race on the next Saturday the postponed race will be run on
      the same day provided the time limit allowed for the postponed race will not infringe
      upon the time limit allowed for the existing race or races in which case the postponed
      race will be postponed to the next Saturday.
   4. Postponed races not rescheduled shall be abandoned.
   5. Postponed events may be rescheduled to a day other than a Saturday if a majority of
      skippers entered in the affected series agree.

                            Safety First Always
                  You're the Skipper - You're Responsible

"Sailing the winds of paradise in 2019"

         Please support your clubs sponsors


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