COACH TRAINING ACADEMY - 2019-2020 - TPC Leadership

COACH TRAINING ACADEMY - 2019-2020 - TPC Leadership

COACH TRAINING ACADEMY - 2019-2020 - TPC Leadership
          In choosing to train as a coach with TPC Leadership, you are joining a community that dates
          back to the very first days of executive coaching.

          In 1968, Sir John Whitmore, who’d been a motor racing champion in his 20s, gave up
          business to study with pioneers in the field of sport psychology in the USA: Tim Gallwey (The
          Inner Game) and human performance expert Bob Kriegel. Gallwey and Kriegel were the first
          to formulate the coaching processes and create experiential learning to overcome the inner
          obstacles to human potential and high performance such as fear, doubt and limiting beliefs.

          In 1970, seeking to develop his growing interest in transpersonal psychology (an approach
          that focuses on the will, intention and responsibility, pioneered by William James, Carl Jung
          and Abraham Maslow amongst others) Whitmore studied at The Esalen Institute in California.
          There he met Diana Becchetti, who had trained with Roberto Assagioli, the founder of an
          approach to psychology called Psychosynthesis.

          Returning to England, he married Diana and established a tennis school and a ski school in
          the Alps licensed by Gallwey. In the 1990s, Whitmore co-founded (along with Eric Parsloe,
          David Clutterbuck, David Megginson and Julie Hay) the European Mentoring and Coaching
          Council (the EMCC).

          Amongst the founding members at the inaugural meeting of the EMCC was John’s associate,
          former squash professional turned coach, Charles Brook. Charles went on to play a key role
          in growing the EMCC across Europe.

          Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, in Australia, clinical psychologist Dr Andrew
          McDowell was working as a senior lecturer in medical education specialising in the areas of
          health psychology and behavioural change. In his academic role, Andrew was involved in
          pioneering problem-based learning techniques and established the first graduate education
          medical programme in Australia, which now forms the basis of graduate medical education
          in the UK. It was through studying Psychosynthesis that he came to know the Whitmores,
          and in 2002 Andrew moved to the UK.

          In 2003, driven by a passion for helping people find where they can make the biggest
          difference in their work and in their lives, Charles Brook founded The Performance Coach
          attracting talented coaches such as The School of Coaching’s Director Chris Sheepshanks and
          businesses psychologist Sandra Goddard (who, in her role as Director of Quality Assurance
          retains a key position in TPC Leadership today).

          In 2004, John Whitmore (who had by that time co-developed GROW, one of the most
          established and successful coaching models today), founded Performance Consultants; as is
          common in the coaching world, the two organisations often collaborated: for example,
          together with Portsmouth University, they founded the world’s first Masters in Coaching.

          The Performance Coach went from strength to strength, recruiting partners and Kate Hesk
          and Damion Wonfor, to name just a couple of the talented coaches who were instrumental
          in shaping the business TPC Leadership is today. Sadly, John Whitmore passed away in 2017.
          Diana, however, remains a core member of the faculty team, delivering the module Applied
          Positive Psychology in Coaching.

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COACH TRAINING ACADEMY - 2019-2020 - TPC Leadership
In 2017, The Performance Coach became TPC Leadership; a name-change reflecting how the
          business, and its clients, had grown. Today, alongside Charles Brook and Andrew McDowell,
          and under the chairmanship of Andrea Cardillo, 15 partners lead TPC Leadership across
          Europe, the Middle East, the US and Asia.

          The nature of leadership has also changed: when the business was founded, leadership was a
          straightforward endeavour - analyse the situation and move forward - it was done "by the
          book". Today the world is unpredictable and characterised by disruption and constant
          change: this requires different leadership (and different coaching). There isn't a playbook.

          Training to be a coach with TPC Leadership won't always be comfortable: it will require you
          to work on self, creating alignment between your inner and outer world. You'll go to your edge
          - the place where learning, insight and genius happen.

          We believe this is a price worth paying, an adventure worth having. We
              hope you will choose us to accompany you on that adventure!

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              We believe that taking up the challenge of leading with purpose

          “   requires us to engage in the adventure of not knowing, becoming
              centred in the storm and going beyond our personal needs. It
              requires the discipline to work on self, creating alignment
              between our inner and outer worlds. It asks you to manage fear,
              build trust, navigate through conflicts and differences, while
              being inclusive.

              We believe this is a price worth paying, because leading towards
              a purpose is an adventure worth having.
              TPC Leadership Manifesto

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Our Foundation Coaching Skills programme runs over 3 days, providing core skills and
          competencies that can be applied in a coaching relationship.

          The programme will introduce you to the background and the key fields that have influenced
          the growth and practice of coaching today. You will learn the fundamental pillars of great
          coaching conversations and how to effectively structure and facilitate a conversation with a
          coachee. Critical coaching skills such as generative listening and insightful questioning will be

          Building on the foundational elements of day one, day two will cover key areas such as
          coaching styles, boundaries and developing an effective coaching relationship with your
          coachees. You will explore the concept of “The Inner Game” and its application to yourself
          and your coachees. We will also share some creative techniques and approaches for
          generating awareness and options to maximise your impact in a coaching session.

          Day three will look at how you can introduce challenge to create shifts in your coachee’s
          thinking whilst maintaining the relationship and we will explore the importance of contracting
          during the coaching relationship. Finally, you will discuss the reflective practice and
          accreditation requirements for your programme.

          On completion of this module, you will have:
                      •     Developed core coach competencies
                      •     Understood the key coaching skills and models and be able to
                            apply these in a coaching relationship
                      •     Defined coaching and understand the range of coaching styles
                      •     Understood the boundaries of a coaching relationship and how to
                            contract effectively
                      •     Learned to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to
                            identify areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for
                            new learning

          You will receive a certificate of attendance from TPC Leadership UK on completion of the
          module. This certificate can then be used as a record and can be used for accredited prior
          learning for our professional coach development programmes.

          If you are interested in achieving the EMCC EQA award at Foundation Level you’ll be able to
          attain this by completing some coaching practice and providing evidence of your learning, for
          an additional fee. This is our recommendation to ensure you embed your learning.

          The Foundation Coaching Skills programme is also the first module in our Coach Practitioner
          programme so it’s possible to continue your learning with us by joining the next available
          Coach Practitioner programme if you want to (from the second module).

          Suitable for: Leaders who want to learn the basic skills of coaching to apply in their daily

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Our Coach Practitioner programme will teach you the competencies and skills that you need to
          become accredited with your choice of:

          -            the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

          -            the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)

          -            the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)

          The choice of accreditation will depend on what you want to do with your coaching qualification
          once you have achieved it, on how the requirements for the accreditation process resonate with
          your learning style and whether you have plans to progress onto further learning.

          It is a 9 month programme with up to 5 workshops over 10 days (ILM routes have 4 workshops),
          interspersed with group supervision and practice of your coaching skills.

          Suitable for: People who are considering coaching as their career, or who are planning to
          integrate coaching of all levels of seniority as part of their role.

          Module descriptions and learning outcomes
          Foundation Coaching Skills

                     We believe that taking up the challenge of leading with purpose

          “          requires us to engage in the adventure of not knowing, becoming
                     centred in the storm and going beyond our personal needs. It
                     requires the discipline to work on self, creating alignment
                     between our inner and outer worlds. It asks you to manage fear,
                     build trust, navigate through conflicts and differences, while
                     being inclusive.

                     We believe this is a price worth paying, because leading towards
                     a purpose is an adventure worth having.
                     TPC Leadership Manifesto

          This 3-day module will introduce you to the background and the key fields which have
          influenced the growth and practice of coaching today. You will learn the fundamental pillars
          of great coaching conversations and how to effectively structure and facilitate a conversation
          with a coachee. Critical coaching skills such as generative listening and insightful questioning
          will be developed.

          Building on the foundational elements of day one, day two will cover key areas such as
          coaching styles, boundaries and developing an effective coaching relationship with your
          coachees. You will explore the concept of “The Inner Game” and its application to yourself
          and your coachees. We will also share some creative techniques and approaches for
          generating awareness and options to maximise your impact in a coaching session.

          Day three will look at how you can introduce challenge to create shifts in your coachee’s
          thinking whilst maintaining the relationship and we will explore the importance of contracting

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during the coaching relationship. Finally, you will discuss the reflective practice and
          accreditation requirements for your programme.

          On completion of this module, you will have:
                •     Developed core coach competencies
                •     Understood the key coaching skills and models and be able to apply
                      these in a coaching relationship
                •     Defined coaching and understand the range of coaching styles
                •     Understood the boundaries of a coaching relationship and how to
                      contract effectively
                •     Learned to self-reflect and appraise coaching capabilities to identify
                      areas for personal development in coaching, and plan for new learning

          Creating Insights

                     We believe that asking uncomfortable questions creates the

          “          space for meaningful answers to emerge. It requires valour and
                     the courage to go to your edge: because this is where
                     learning, insight and genius happen
                     TPC Leadership Manifesto

          This two-day module shifts focus to creating a deeper awareness of yourself as a coach and
          how you are developing as a practitioner, identifying preferences and opportunities for
          potential and growth. We will explore the concept of emotional intelligence applying this
          both to your own development as a coach and your work with leaders.

          You will develop capability to work at a deeper level to create alignment between our inner
          and outer worlds by working with your coachee’s values and beliefs and use models for
          behavioural and personal change. A final focus of this unit will be to explore the importance
          of supervision to sustain an ethical coaching practice.

          On completion of this module, you will have:
               •    Explored your vision and identity as a coach and be developing an
                    understanding of your signature strengths and areas of focus
               •    Become more self-aware and intelligent as a coach
               •    Learned to self-evaluate performance and ways of being as a coach
               •    Helped clients develop emotional intelligence and personal insight
               •    Explored a number of different concepts and tools, which generate
                    personal insights in others and enable personal change

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Applied Positive Psychology in Coaching (not ILM delegates)

                     We believe in leadership that harnesses the good intent and

          “          best beliefs of an organisation’s people, unifying them around
                     a reason for being. When an organisation is connected to its
                     sense of purpose through skilful leadership that both inspires
                     and delivers results, then the organisation fully thrives and
                     something extraordinary can emerge

                     We believe that taking up the challenge of leading with
                     purpose requires the discipline to work on self, creating
                     alignment between our inner and outer worlds.
                     TPC Leadership Manifesto

          This two-day unit provides you with a coaching application of recent advances in the field of
          Positive Psychology. The module connects you with the key concepts of using strengths and
          an appreciative approach in your work with clients with a view to helping them achieve an
          optimal performance state and flow.

          In addition, this module focuses on the use of a transpersonal approach in coaching, its
          origins and assumptions, such that you are able to work with your coachees at a deeper level
          helping them access the values, qualities and guiding principles that engage and will inspire
          them to undertake the challenge of leading towards a purpose. We will look at the concept
          of remaining centred, through considering models of performance, the transpersonal concept
          of subpersonalities as well as tools for working with a sense of meaning. Finally, this module
          will explore the mindset of the coach in accessing potential with coachees.

          On completion of this module, you will have:
                •     Understood different tools, concepts and approaches from Positive
                      Psychology and how these can be used to impact learning and
                •     Developed approaches to help clients to become more centred,
                      resilient and have a strengths-based focus
                •     Worked with purpose and meaning
                •     Worked on self, using transpersonal tools and techniques to create
                      deep awareness and personal change.

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Coaching through Ambiguity and Complexity

                     Today’s unpredictable world, characterised by disruption and

          “          constant change, requires different leadership, that starts with
                     asking different questions.                                            ”
                     What guides your actions? How do you stay true to what you
                     believe in? How is what you’re doing making a difference? Can
                     you deliver what matters? And are you delivering what matters
                     the most? Failing to ask such questions means you’re unlikely
                     to be inspiring your organisation and you risk being left behind.
                     You might be managing the day-to-day, but you’re not thriving
                     or moving beyond the horizon of your last plan
                     TPC Leadership Manifesto

          During this module, you will explore the latest thinking, frameworks and models for
          leadership and as part of this work you will explore your role in coaching those exercising
          leadership in a world characterised by disruption and constant change.

          In addition, you will look at approaches to generate a deeper sense of authentic self and
          flexibility of leadership style within your clients to maximise their impact with the teams and
          organisations they lead. As part of this unit you will review psychological processes you will
          experience in practice, so you can maximise the value you bring and your impact as a coach.

          You will specifically develop the capacity to coach leaders in role transition, enable leaders
          to develop effective teams and hold more systemic conversations to create insight of the
          wider organisational context and the influence it brings.

          On completion of this unit, you will have:

                 •     Explored your identity as a leadership coach and as a leader
                 •     Practiced models, tools and concepts to enable you to coach through
                       ambiguity and complexity
                 •     Examined your own reaction to "not knowing" and your ability to work
                       alongside your coachees as they experience uncertainty
                 •     Explored the unconscious relationship dynamics that are often at play
                       in your coaching relationships and the impact that has on your
                       effectiveness as a coach

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Coach Integration Day

           This final module is an opportunity for you to bring together your learning from the
           programme and to plan for your future development as a coach. You will complete an online
           coach tool prior to the module which will provide you with additional feedback from your
           coachees that you can integrate into your learning.

           You will also review accreditation requirements for the submission of your reflective learning
           journal. This day is a celebration of all you have learned during your time on the programme
           and also brings your learning group to a formal close.

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           ICF (International Coach Federation) ACC accreditation (ACSTH path)

           If you choose to follow the ICF route (leading to the ACC level award through the ACSTH
           path), when your learning with us has completed you will be able to continue to develop your
           coaching skills independently. Your application for ACC accreditation is an individual activity
           that you can do when you are ready.

           Please note that the Coach Practitioner programme will cover the required training hours
           and some of the supervision hours but you will not have finished your work when you have
           completed your time with us.

                REQUIREMENTS                  WHAT YOU WILL                WHAT YOU
                FOR ACC (ACSTH                ACHIEVE WHILE                WILL STILL
                path)                         ON THE                       NEED TO
                                              PROGRAMME                    ACHIEVE
                                              84 hours of coach            n/a
                100 hours of coaching         36 hours of unpaid           75 hours of paid
                - 75 paid hours               coaching                     coaching
                - 25 unpaid hours
                8 clients                     6 clients                    2 more clients
                Be recorded in a real life                                 Be recorded in a
                coaching session and                                       real life coaching
                submit the audio                                           session and submit
                recording and written                                      the audio recording
                transcript                                                 and written
                Complete the Coach                                         Complete the Coach
                Knowledge Assessment                                       Knowledge
                (an online assessment)                                     Assessment (an
                                                                           online assessment)
                10 hours of mentoring, no     6 hours of group             2 hours of 121
                more than 7 in a group        mentoring                    mentoring over 3
                environment                   2 hours of 121               months

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ILM Certificate at Level 5 or Level 7
           If you choose to follow the ILM route, you need attend only 3 of the 4 workshops (Applied
           Positive Psychology in Coaching is not required by ILM), and when your programme with us has
           completed we will continue to support you through to the submission of your portfolio for the
           level 5 (Certificate in Effective Coaching or Mentoring) or level 7 (Certificate in Executive or
           Senior Coaching or Mentoring) award as appropriate. We will mark your portfolio for you and
           award your certificate when you pass.

                          REQUIREMENTS                   WHAT YOU WILL
                          FOR ILM LEVEL 5                ACHIEVE WHILE
                                                         ON THE
                          18 hours of coaching           18 hours of coaching
                          2 – 3 clients                  2 – 3 clients
                          Completion of 3                Completion of 3
                          assignments set by ILM,        assignments set by ILM
                          to include a portfolio of      including a portfolio of
                          evidence                       evidence

                          REQUIREMENTS                   WHAT YOU WILL
                          FOR ILM LEVEL 7                ACHIEVE WHILE
                                                         ON THE
                          20 hours of coaching           20 hours of coaching
                          2 – 3 clients                  2 – 3 clients
                          Completion of 3                Completion of 3
                          assignments set by ILM,        assignments set by ILM
                          to include a portfolio of      including a portfolio of
                          evidence                       evidence

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EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) EIA accreditation
           We work in close partnership with the EMCC and have embedded the requirements for
           individual accreditation with the EMCC into our EQA accredited Coach Practitioner
           Programme. This means that the process of becoming individually accredited with the EMCC is
           completed as part of the programme without you having to make a separate application to
           the EMCC.

           The programme will enable you to accredit at either the Foundation Level EIA or the
           Practitioner Level EIA. When your programme is complete, we’ll discuss with you which level
           of EIA accreditation to apply for. The level is dependent on the number of hours of coaching
           you have, the number of coaching clients and the length of time that you have been coaching
           for, so any experience prior to the programme can be counted towards this.

           If completed as part of the Coach Practitioner programme, there is no additional fee from
           TPC Leadership for processing your EIA application.

           The following table summarises the requirements for the Foundation level EIA award:

                REQUIREMENTS                  WHAT YOU WILL                WHAT YOU
                FOR EIA                       ACHIEVE WHILE                WILL STILL
                Foundation Level              ON THE                       NEED TO
                (EQA route)                   PROGRAMME                    ACHIEVE
                50 hours of coaching over     36 hours of coaching         If you already have
                1 year                        over 1 year                  prior experience, no
                                                                           more is required,
                                                                           otherwise we may
                                                                           ask for further
                5 clients                     6 clients                    n/a
                Completion of an EQA          Completion of an EQA         n/a
                approved programme            programme if you
                                              submit all the evidence
                1 hour of supervision per     6 hours of supervision       n/a
                16 hours of CPD               Your attendance counts       n/a
                                              as this

           If, when you commence the programme, you have sufficient prior experience to be
           considered for the Practitioner level EIA award, we will discuss this with you and make an
           appropriate recommendation.

           In order to go straight in at Practitioner level, in addition to completing the programme
           and completing all the required evidence, you will also be expected to evidence that you
           have completed at least 100 hours of coaching over 3 years with 10 clients, and that you
           have been receiving supervision and undertaking CPD.

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Next Steps
           We hope this has given you enough information to help you make a choice about whether
           to study with us, and if so, which course you would like to attend.

           If we can be of any further help, please feel free to email or
           call us on +44 203 637 0970 Option 1.

                    Leading towards a purpose is an adventure worth having.
                                      Join our adventure!

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