Chapter Handbook 2021 2022 - Texas FCCLA

Page created by Annie Martinez
Chapter Handbook 2021 2022 - Texas FCCLA
2021 - 2022

     The Texas Association of Family, Career and
            Community, Leaders of America
               presents this handbook of
           information to the members of the
      organization at the local, region, state, and
national levels. The 2021-2022 Region Presidents wish
        you a great year in your local chapters.
Chapter Handbook 2021 2022 - Texas FCCLA
                                                                                  WHAT IS FCCLA?
                                                  FCCLA is a nonprofit national career and technical student organization for young men and
                                                  women in family and consumer sciences education in public and private schools, grades 6-12.

                                                  FCCLA helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family,
                                                  work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education.

                                                  Any student, grades 6th-12th, who is currently enrolled or who has taken a course in family and
                                                  consumer sciences can become a member.

                                                  Each year over 164,000 students join over 5,300 chapters in 49 states, including Puerto Rico,
                                                  and the Virgin Islands.

                                                  Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns, including teen pregnancy, parenting,
                                                  family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environment, nutrition and fitness, teen
                                                  violence and career exploration.

                                                  Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and
                                                  develop skills for life -- planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and
                                                  interpersonal communication -- necessary in the home and workplace.

                                                                  CREED                                            MISSION
                                                  We are the Family, Career and                     To promote personal growth and
                                                  Community Leaders of America.                     leadership development through
                                                  We face the future with warm courage              Family and Consumer Sciences
                                                  and high hope.                                    Education.
                                                  For we have the clear consciousness of
                                                  seeking old and precious values.                  “Focusing on the multiple roles of
                                                  For we are the builders of homes,                 family member, wage earner, and
                                                  Homes for America’s future,                       community leader, members develop
                                                  Homes where living will be the                    skills for life through -
                                                  expression of everything good and fair,                ● Character development
                                                  Homes where truth and love and security                ● Creative and critical thinking
                                                  and faith will be realities, not dreams.               ● Interpersonal communication
                                                  We are the Family, Career and                          ● Practical knowledge
                                                  Community Leaders of America.                          ● Career preparation
                                                  We face the future with warm courage              FCCLA is the only student-led
                                                  and high hope.                                    organization with the family as its
                                                                                                    central focus.
Chapter Handbook 2021 2022 - Texas FCCLA
                                                            PURPOSES                                                PLANNING
                                                  1. To provide opportunities for personal
                                                                                                              Identify Concerns
                                                     development and preparation for adult
                                                                                                                  Brainstorm for Ideas
                                                  2. To strengthen the function of the family as
                                                     a basic unit of society.
                                                                                                              Set A Goal
                                                  3. To encourage democracy through
                                                                                                                  Be Specific & Consider
                                                     cooperative action in the home and
                                                  4. To encourage individual and group                        Form A Plan
                                                     involvement in helping achieve global                       Who, What, When, Where, &
                                                     cooperation and harmony.                                    How
                                                  5. To promote a greater understanding
                                                     between youth and adults.                                Act
                                                  6. To provide opportunities for making                         Carry Out Plan
                                                     decisions and for assuming
                                                  7. To prepare for the multiple roles of men                 Follow Up
                                                     and women in today’s society.                                Evaluate, Publicize, &
                                                  8. To promote family and consumer                              Recognize
                                                     sciences, and related occupations.

                                                       OPENING CEREMONY                                  CLOSING CEREMONY

                                                   President: Give a rap with the gavel            President: Give a rap with the gavel
                                                   signaling the officers and members to           signaling the officers and members to stand
                                                   stand and say:                                  and say:
                                                   “We are members of Family, Career and           Members:
                                                   Community Leaders of America. Our
                                                   mission is to promote personal growth           We are the Family, Career and Community
                                                   and leadership development through              Leaders of America. We face the future with
                                                   family and consumer sciences
                                                                                                   warm courage and high hope. For we have
                                                                                                   the clear consciousness of seeking old and
                                                   Officers: “Focusing on the multiple roles       precious values. For we are the builders of
                                                   of family member, wage earner and               homes, homes for America's future. Homes
                                                   community leader, members develop               where living will be the expression of
                                                   skills for life through character               everything that is good and fair, Homes
                                                   development, creative and critical              where truth and love and security and faith
                                                   thinking, interpersonal communication,
                                                                                                   will be realities, not dreams. We are the
                                                   practical knowledge and career
                                                   preparation.”                                   Family, Career and Community Leaders of
                                                                                                   America We face the future with warm
                                                   Members: “As we work toward the                 courage and high hope
                                                   accomplishment of our goals, we learn
                                                   cooperation, take responsibility, develop       President: “This meeting of the _____
                                                   leadership and give service.”                   Chapter of Family, Career and Community
                                                                                                   Leaders of America is now in session. You
                                                   President: “This meeting of the _____           may be seated.
                                                   Chapter of Family, Career and
                                                   Community Leaders of America is now in
                                                   session. You may be seated.
Chapter Handbook 2021 2022 - Texas FCCLA
                                                  Colors- Red and White
                                                  Official colors contribute to the organization’s national unity and provide identity. Red
                                                  suggests strength, courage and determination-personal qualities leading to happiness
                                                  through a positive self-image. White symbolizes sincerity of purpose and integrity of action;
                                                  qualities that will help individuals build a better tomorrow.

                                                  Red and white may be used effectively in many ways for FCCLA meetings, such as wearing
                                                  red and white uniforms, displaying the FCCLA emblem or using red and white decorations.

                                                  Flower- Red Rose
                                                  The red rose represents the organization because it gives joy through its beauty and
                                                  fragrance. It symbolizes a desire for beauty in everyday living.

                                                  This is the official emblem for Family, Career and
                                                  Community Leaders of America chapters. The
                                                  collegiate letters stand for education and student
                                                  leadership. The arrow stands for an active organization
                                                  that embodies new arenas. The tagline, The Ultimate
                                                  Leadership Experience, comes off the lower right side.

                                                                        NAME AND EMBLEM USE
                                                   According to national policy, the organization’s name and emblem may be used only in
                                                   connection with programs and projects directly related to the goal and purposes of FCCLA.
                                                   When the emblem is reproduced, it should be an exact replica of the official emblem. The
                                                   name and emblem of FCCLA may not be used in commercially developed or on
                                                   member-developed products for sale to the public except as authorized by national

                                                   The following guidelines are recommended when wearing the official emblem.

                                                     ●    Wear the emblem over the heart or on a jacket pocket
                                                     ●    Avoid wearing the emblem in combination with Other school organization emblem or
                                                          seal or in Combination with the school’s name.

                                                   FCCLA Pin

                                                   The pin is a reproduction of the FCCLA emblem. Members, advisors, honorary members,
                                                   Alumni & Associate members and chapter parents may wear the pin. Active Alumni &
                                                   Associate members use the shield guard; for advisors, an A; for honorary Members, an H;
                                                   and for chapter parents, a P.

                                                   The FCCLA pin is worn over the heart. The guard should be placed level with the lower point
                                                   of the pin. The wearer determines the number of symbols to be worn at one time and their
                                                   placement on the chain.
Chapter Handbook 2021 2022 - Texas FCCLA
                                                       Parliamentary Law                              FCCLA FYI
                                                            Order of Business
                                                                                         FCCLA Week- is celebrated each year during
                                                  1.       Call to order or opening      the second full week in February and coincides
                                                       ceremony                          with National Career & Technical Education
                                                  2. Roll Call
                                                                                         National Headquarters- is located in Reston,
                                                  3. Secretary’s report                  Virginia.

                                                  4. Treasurer’s report                  The Birth of the Organization- was on June
                                                                                         11,1945 in Chicago, Illinois. The name was
                                                  5. Other officer’s report              changed from Future Homemakers of America
                                                                                         to Family, Career and Community Leaders of
                                                  6. Standing committee report           America in 1999 to better define the
                                                  7. Special committee report (if any)
                                                                                         National Fall Conference– is a weekend
                                                  8. Unfinished business                 meeting held in the fall. Attendees discover
                                                                                         creative ways to heighten chapter, school, and
                                                  9. New business
                                                                                         community involvement. Fall Conference
                                                                                         information is distributed to chapters early in
                                                  10. Announcements
                                                                                         the school year. Information may be found at
                                                  11. Program                  

                                                  12. Adjournment or Closing             National Leadership Conference- is held
                                                       Ceremony                          each July and offers members and advisors
                                                                                         opportunities to develop leadership skills and
                                                  How A Motion Progresses                learn ways to enhance chapter action through
                                                                                         participation in issue-oriented workshops and
                                                  1. A member rises and addresses        activities.
                                                     the presiding officer.
                                                                                         Teen Times- is FCCLA members’ national
                                                                                         magazine, with coverage of teen issues and
                                                  2. The member is recognized by
                                                                                         chapter action ideas. Members receive one
                                                     the presiding officer.              printed and three electronic issues each year.

                                                  3. The member proposes a motion.       Social Media-

                                                  4. Another member seconds the                 Twitter @TexasFCCLA
                                                                                                Facebook @TexasFCCLA
                                                  5. The presiding officer states the
                                                                                                Instagram @txfccla
                                                     motion to the assembly.
                                                                                                Snapchat @TexasFCCLA
                                                  6. The assembly discusses or
                                                     debates the motion.

                                                  7. The presiding officer takes the
                                                  vote on the motion.

                                                  8. The presiding officer announces
                                                  the result of the vote.
                                                       NATIONAL PROGRAMS
                                                                          The FCCLA Career Connection national peer
                                                                          education program guides students to
                                                                          develop, plan, carry out, and evaluate projects
                                                                          to discover their strengths and practice
                                                  career-ready skills. Through their projects, members experience
                                                  career preparation and improve their critical and creative thinking,
                                                  interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and real-world

                                                                          The FCCLA Community Service national peer
                                                                          education program guides students to
                                                                          develop, plan, carry out, and evaluate projects
                                                                          to improve the quality of life in their
                                                  communities. Through their projects, members experience character
                                                  development and improve their critical and creative thinking,
                                                  interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career

                                                  preparation. Youth leaders learn more about themselves, others, and
                                                  the world so that they can make a difference now and in the future.

                                                                         The FCCLA Student Body national peer
                                                                         education program helps young people learn
                                                                         to eat right, be fit, and make healthy choices.
                                                                         Its goals are to: help young people make
                                                  informed, responsible decisions about their health, provide youth
                                                  opportunities to teach others, and develop healthy lifestyles, as well
                                                  as communication and leadership skills.

                                                                          The FCCLA Stand Up national peer education
                                                                          program guides members to develop, plan,
                                                                          carry out, and evaluate advocacy activities to
                                                   improve the quality of life in their communities. Members develop
                                                  their voice to make a positive impact. Through their projects,
                                                  members experience character development and improve their
                                                  critical and creative thinking, interpersonal communication,
                                                  leadership, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
                                                      NATIONAL PROGRAMS
                                                                         The FCCLA Families First is a national peer
                                                                         education program through which youth gain
                                                                         a better understanding of how families work
                                                                         and learn skills to become strong family
                                                  members. Its goals are to: help youth become strong family
                                                  members and leaders for today and tomorrow and strengthen the
                                                  family as the basic unit of society.

                                                                          The FCCLA Financial Fitness national peer
                                                                          education program involves youth teaching
                                                                          one another how to make, save, and spend
                                                                          money wisely. Through FCCLA's Financial
                                                  Fitness program, youth plan and carry out projects that help them
                                                  and their peers learn to become wise financial managers and smart

                                                                          Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety
                                                                          (FACTS) is a national FCCLA peer education
                                                                          program through which students strive to
                                                                          save lives through personal, vehicle, and road
                                                  safety. Teens work to educate adults and youth about traffic safety
                                                  and support enforcement of local rules and regulations regarding
                                                  community traffic safety. Youth leaders can help families promote
                                                  basic safety attitudes that can last a lifetime.

                                                                         Power of One helps students find and use
                                                                         their personal power. Members set their own
                                                                         goals, work to achieve them, and enjoy the
                                                                         results with friends and family, in their future
                                                                          at college and on the job.

                                                                   POWER OF ONE UNITS

                                                        A BETTER YOU              FAMILY TIES
                                                        WORKING ON WORKING        TAKE THE LEAD
                                                                 SPEAK OUT FOR FCCLA
                                                                            COMPETITIVE EVENTS
                                                  STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition) are competitive events in
                                                  which members are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter and
                                                  individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. There are more than 30
                                                  STAR Events that members can participate in. STAR Events can be found on the
                                                  National FCCLA website. The top 5 region competitors advance to state. The top 2
                                                  state competitors advance to national.

                                                  STAR Events:
                                                  Career Investigation, Chapter in Review (Display and Portfolio), Chapter Service Project
                                                  (Display and Portfolio), Culinary Arts, Culinary Math Management, Early Childhood Education,
                                                  Entrepreneurship, Event Management, Fashion Construction, Fashion Design, Focus on
                                                  Children, Food Innovations, Hospitality, Interior Design, Interpersonal Communications, Job
                                                  Interview, Leadership, National Programs in Action, Nutrition and Wellness, Parliamentary
                                                  Procedure, Professional Presentations, Promote and Publicize FCCLA!, Public Policy
                                                  Advocate, Repurpose and Redesign, Say Yes to FCS Education, Sports Nutrition,
                                                  Sustainability Challenge, and Teach and Train.

                                                  Online STAR Events– Digital Stories for Change, FCCLA Chapter Website and Instructional
                                                  Video Design

                                                  FCCLA/ LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl – The content and competition questions focus on six
                                                  key areas of consumer knowledge that teens need to know to function effectively in today’s

                                                  Skill Demonstration Events— These events provide opportunities for members to
                                                  demonstrate college and career-ready skills in Family and Consumer Sciences and related
                                                  occupations. These competitions take place at the National Fall Conference.


                                                  ●Proficiency Events (Region and State level only)– Cupcake Battle, Cupcake
                                                   Presentation, Mystery Basket, Serving Up Success, and Toys That Teach.

                                                  ●Family Consumer Sciences Assessments (FCSAs) Objective tests given to
                                                   FCCLA members at fall leadership workshops, region FCCLA conferences and at
                                                   the state FCCLA Leadership Conference.
                                                  Texas FCCLA Calendar                                IMPORTANT DATES
                                                  Sept- Nov         Fall Leadership Workshops                   Across Texas
                                                  Sept- Nov         Fall Executive Council Meetings             Across Texas
                                                  September 13-17   Membership Recruitment Week                 Across Texas
                                                  September 20      Competitive Event Officer Meeting           Austin
                                                  October 3-4       Texas FCCLA Fall Conference                 Dallas
                                                  October 6         State Fair of Texas, Youth Activities Day   Dallas
                                                  November 4-5      Capitol Leadership                          Washington, D.C.
                                                  November 5-7      National Fall Conference                    Washington, D.C.

                                                  January 27-29     Region V Leadership Conference              Corpus Christi
                                                  February 3-5      Region IV Leadership Conference             Galveston
                                                  February 10-12    Region I Leadership Conference              Lubbock
                                                  February 17-19    Region III Leadership Conference            Waco

                                                  March 3-5         Region II Leadership Conference             Waco
                                                  April 7-9         State Leadership Conference                 Dallas
                                                  June 12-17        Officer Leadership Camp                     Navasota,
                                                                                                                Camp Allen
                                                  June 29-July 3    National Leadership Conference              San Diego, CA

                                                                                                TEXAS FCCLA REGIONS
                                                       IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION
                                                  STATE FCCLA OFFICE:                        State President
                                                                                             Caroline Davis
                                                                                             Glen Rose High School
                                                  Texas Association of Family, Career, and   900 Stadium Dr.
                                                                Community                    Glen Rose, Texas 76043
                                                           Leaders of America                Advisor: Tayler Sullivan
                                                            1107 W. 45th Street              (254) 898-3844
                                                            Austin, Texas 78756    
                                                          Phone: (512) 306-0099
                                                                                             Region I President
                                                            Fax:(512) 442-7100               Adriana Tarin
                                                                Denver City High School
                                                                                             601 Mustang Ave.
                                                                                             Denver City, Texas 79323
                                                  Melissa Isaacs, State Advisor              Advisor, Shanna Weir
                                                             (806) 592-6643

                                                            Nancy Moore                      Region II President
                                                                                             Caroline Welker
                                                           Region I Advisor                  Early High School
                                                               Anton, Texas                  115 Sudderth Drive
                                                              Early, Texas 76802
                                                                                             Advisor, Courtney Brandstetter
                                                                                             (325) 643-4593
                                                           Cindy Holton

                                                       Region II & III Advisor
                                                              McGregor, Texas                Region III President
                                                                                             Haven Fant
                                                             Zavalla High School
                                                                                             431 East Main
                                                         Judy Engleman                       Zavalla, Texas 75980
                                                                                             Advisor, Elizabeth Boulware
                                                       Region IV & V Advisor                 (936) 897-2301
                                                               Jewett, Texas       
                                                                                             Region IV President
                                                                                             Shelby Johnston
                                                     Pam Rosenbaum Officer                   Buffalo High School
                                                                                             1724 N Buffalo Ave.
                                                          Coordinator                        Buffalo, Texas 75831
                                                              Abilene, Texas                 Advisor, Amanda Harter
                                                          (903) 322-2473

                                                                                             Region V President
                                                                                             Mariana Williams
                                                                                             Byron P. Steele High School
                                                                                             1300 FM 1103
                                                                                             Cibolo, Texas 78108
                                                                                             Advisor, Jana Mahoney
                                                                                             (210) 619-4070
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