College of Education - Department of Kinesiology KIN 492/493: KINternship-Virtual Experience - Michigan State University ...

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College of Education - Department of Kinesiology KIN 492/493: KINternship-Virtual Experience - Michigan State University ...
College of Education – Department of Kinesiology

KIN 492/493: KINternship- Virtual Experience
Section 730
Spring 2021

Part 1: Course Information
Instructor Information
Instructor: Keri Morrison, M.S. (KINternship Coordinator)
Office Hours: Fridays 2-4pm via Zoom
Zoom Personal Meeting Room: Meeting ID: 964 5593 6198; Passcode: KIN492; Join URL
Main Contact For: Questions regarding course assignments and grading.

Teaching Assistants (TAs)
TA: Yuemei Lu
Office Hours: Mondays 10:30am-12:30pm via Zoom
Zoom Personal Meeting Room: Meeting ID: 208-164-5385; Password: KIN492; Join URL
Main Contact For: Questions about course assignments and if Yuemei graded your particular
assignment on D2L.

TA: Kapule David Mabuta
Office Hours: Thursdays 10-11:00am & 2-3pm
Zoom Personal Meeting Room: Meeting ID: 962-5535-5378; Password: KIN492; Join URL
Main Contact For: Questions about course assignments and if David graded your particular
assignment on D2L.

Course Description
This Internship Course (the “KINternship”) is designed to be a culminating experience for
students who will graduate with a Major in Kinesiology. Our hope for you during this virtual
internship is that you will gain a practical experience in the Kinesiology domain, acquire skills
and knowledge that could help with a potential career, and apply knowledge that you have
learned throughout your undergraduate degree in a practical setting. We are pleased and
excited to have each Kinesiology Major represent the Kinesiology Department, the College of
Education, and MSU at your respective internship sites.

You are required to earn a minimum of 3 internship credits for successful completion of your
undergraduate program in Kinesiology. The number of credits must correspond to the
appropriate number of hours that you will be working virtually from the internship site (45
hours of work for every credit).

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College of Education - Department of Kinesiology KIN 492/493: KINternship-Virtual Experience - Michigan State University ...
    •   You must be a senior and a KIN Major to enroll in KIN 492 and KIN 493.
    •   You are required to have completed the KIN 492/493 Pre-Enrollment Orientation
        Module on D2L (please see the KIN 492/493 website for details).
    •   You must have submitted the Criminal Background Check consent form.
    •   You must have completed KIN 411 for KIN 493 (KIN 411 is a pre- or co-requisite for KIN
        493 only). Please see the KIN 492/493 website for details on selecting KIN 492 versus
        KIN 493.
    •   You must have an internship site that has been approved by Keri Morrison.
    •   You must have a completed Affiliation Agreement signed by your site.
    •   You must have completed the Application To Enroll for the semester in which you hope
        to enroll in the course (please see the KIN 492/493 website for details).

Please note: If we do not have a signed Affiliation Agreement for your internship site, your
internship is null and void and you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492/493. If we do not have a
Criminal Background Check consent form by the second week of class, you will be dropped from
KIN 492/493.

Textbook & Course Materials
    •   None required.

Enrollment (Add/Drop Dates)
There are no exceptions to the following: the add/drop dates for KIN 492/493 are the same as
for any course at MSU. These are set by the university and always described on the Registrar’s
website. You are responsible for knowing these dates. You cannot late add or late drop KIN
492/493. If you do not add/drop the course by the official dates you will get no refund and/or
you will receive a 0.0, and you will not be able to graduate.

Part 2: Course Organization & Delivery
This course is delivered online and asynchronous, without common meeting times regularly
required. However, timelines will be essential for the proper function of this course, so you must
meet those timelines outlined in the schedule. If factors outside your control will prevent you
from completing an assignment on time, contact me immediately and before the deadline so we
can determine if an alternate plan is feasible.

Course Requirements
    •   Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable).
    •   Need to back-up all work using a cloud-based service (Google Drive for MSU, or other
        similar service). Tech failure is not a valid excuse for missed deadlines.
    •   Access to Desire2Learn (D2L).
    •   Access to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Zoom

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D2L Course Announcements and Schedule
We will make regular course announcements through D2L, which will be the primary method of
communicating course news and reminders. Subscribe to course announcements by clicking the
dropdown arrow next to Announcements, selecting Notifications, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Location of the announcements drop-down menu on the D2L course page.

Then, configure Announcements options for email (as shown in Figure 2 – you will need to scroll
down after you have selected Notifications to get to this information). That way, you will get an
email each time I post a new announcement. You can select SMS if you want a text-message
each time I post a new announcement. You can also select notifications for other options, but
you might get too many emails that way.

Figure 2 – Checked-boxes to receive notifications of course announcements by email. SMS (text)
options are also available.

Email is the default mode of communication in this course. You must check your MSU email
daily throughout the workweek for important correspondence. You should set your D2L mail
account to forward to your MSU email account if you have not done that already. The primary
and preferred method of communicating with Keri, Yuemei, and David is through e-mail. We will
be responsive to email Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Email sent on the weekend may not get a
response until Monday. Otherwise, expect an email response within a 24-48 hour window.

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Course Technologies
Desire2Learn –
Our course management system. First stop for all learning materials. Not sure where to start?
Check here first. Login with your MSU NetID and password. D2L Tutorial – for basic overview of
logging in and how this platform works. In D2L, you will access course materials, assignment
instructions, and additional resources.

Zoom –
Videoconference software for group meetings and the best way to “meet” with us (Keri, Yuemei,
and David) virtually. Access for all faculty, staff, and students (as a student, you can set-up
meetings on your own). Zoom can be run on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can also
dial-in from a regular phone. Zoom tutorial available by first visiting the website

Google Apps –
Google apps access through MSU (hosted on MSU servers). Includes Drive (cloud storage and
syncing), Docs (word processing), Sheets (Excel), Slides (PowerPoint), Forms, Drawings, Maps,
and Sites. Also includes calendar, contacts, and Classroom.

Getting Help
Call the MSU IT helpline first: 517-432-6200 or 800-500-1554. This is a very useful and
responsive helpline. You can also file a request through the web.

Course Structure
This course will be delivered online through the course management system and you will need
your MSU NetID to login to the course from the D2L homepage. In D2L, you will access course
materials, assignment instructions, and additional resources. Activities will consist of email,
journaling, tracking hours, and other online activities.

Part 3: Course Objectives
The primary learning objectives for this course are to:

    •   Provide each student with a practical experience in the field of Kinesiology;
    •   Acquire skills related to a potential future career in Kinesiology;
    •   Create site-specific objectives/goals, in collaboration with the site supervisor that
        students will work to achieve throughout their internship;
    •   Reflect on experiences through a guided reflection process;
    •   Apply knowledge acquired through Kinesiology courses to a practical experience;
    •   Improve professionalism in day-to-day interactions with co-workers, patients, residents,
        clients, etc.;
    •   Develop an appreciation and understanding of the diverse backgrounds and experiences
        within a particular work environment.

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You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in
this course:

    •   Participation in and completion of virtual internship hours with an approved site (45
        hours per credit taken; minimum 3 credits required to graduate = 135 hours at the
        internship site);
    •   Completion of Weekly Assignments;
    •   Completion of Proposal Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale;
    •   Site supervisor’s completion of Midterm & Final Performance Evaluations;
    •   Site supervisor’s completion of Midpoint & Final Personal Objectives Scales;
    •   Completion of Final Report.

Part 4: Course Outline
Refer to the course calendar on D2L and this Syllabus for specific due dates and times. As we do
not get to officially meet everyone in person, it is essential that you regularly check your email
and D2L for information updates as this is our main means of communicating with you.
Assignment details are explained in detail on D2L under the “Assignments” section. If you have
any questions, please contact Keri Morrison.

Guidelines and grading rubrics for all assignments are located on D2L.
D2L will open the first day of class.

Course Schedule
The table below describes the activities and due dates for this class. The first column lists the
item that needs to be completed, the second column lists the dates the item is due, the third
column lists the time the item is due, and the fourth column lists the percentage of final grade.
Brief assignment descriptions are provided below the table. For detailed assignment
information, visit D2L.

 Item Due               Due Date        Time Due      Percentage of final

 Welcome Quiz on        Monday          11:59pm       0% but the rest of the
 D2L                    January 25th                  course does not appear
                        2021                          until this is completed

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Item Due              Due Date       Time Due       Percentage of final

 Weekly Assignment     Every          11:59pm        25% total (weighted
                       Monday                        based on # of
                       (even                         assignments
                       holidays)                     submitted)
                       required if
                       you have no
                       hours to

 Proposal              Tuesday        5:00pm         15%
 Assignment            February 9th
 (including Personal   2021                          2 points deducted per
 Objectives Scale      *see                          24-hour period late
 creation)             exception in
                       on D2L
 Expert Career         Friday         2:30-          Course requirement
 Panel Live            February       4:00pm
 Webinar               12th 2021

 Midterm               Midpoint of    N/A            10%
 Performance           your hours
 Evaluation            (varies for
                       each person)

 Midpoint Personal     Midpoint of    Due as a       Submitted as Part 2 of
 Objectives Scale      your hours     component      the Assessment section
                       (varies for    of the Final   of your Final Report
                       each person)   Report (not
 Internship Hours      Monday         11:59pm        Course requirement
 Completion / Last     April 19th
 Weekly Assignment     2021

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Item Due              Due Date        Time Due       Percentage of final

 Final Performance     Tuesday         5:00pm         15%
 Evaluation            April 20th

 Final Personal        Wednesday       Due as a       Submitted as Part 2 of
 Objectives Scale      April 21st      component      the Assessment section
                       2021            of the Final   of your Final Report
                                       Report (not
 Final Report          Wednesday       5:00pm         35%
                       April 21st
                       2021                           5 points deducted per
                                                      24-hour period late;
                                                      Late Final Reports not
                                                      accepted after Monday
                                                      April 26th 2021 at

Part 5: Grading Policy
Graded Course Activities
Grading of Weekly Assignment:

Since you are working remotely as a requirement of your redesigned experience, you must
submit your hours to your site supervisor each week for verification in addition to the Weekly
Assignments to us through D2L.

Submitting hours to Site Supervisor:
You can do this by emailing your site supervisor your Weekly Assignment with or without the
journal, or some other agreed upon mechanism (with your site supervisor) for reporting your
hours from a virtual space.

Every student in KIN 492/493 hands in a different amount of Weekly Assignments due to the
varied length of his/her internship. For example, one student may hand in 4 Weekly
Assignments, while another student hands in 10.
To figure out your grade on the Weekly Assignments at the end of the semester:

(Your Total Points on Weekly Assignments handed in / Total # of Weekly Assignments You Have
Completed for Your Internship) * 100 = # points out of 100 possible points. Therefore, taking the
example above, if the individual handed in 10 weekly assignments and got 9 points across those
10 weekly assignments, their score would be: (9/10) *100 = 90 points.

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Proposal Assignment and Final Report:

These assignments will be graded according to their associated grading pages and rubrics. Please
see assignment instructions on D2L for further detail.

Evaluation Criteria
Your grade is a weighted average based on the following table:
*Please note we use the “% of Final Grade” in the chart below to calculate your final grade (not
the points). For example, if you get 92/100 points on your weekly assignments: 92/100 = 0.92
0.92 x 0.25 [25%] = 0.23; to get your percentage out of 25%    0.23 x 100% = 23%. Therefore,
you have a total of 23% out of 25% for Weekly Assignments.

  % of Final Grade         Description                                               Graded out
  25%                      Weekly Assignments                                        100 points
  15%                      Proposal Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale           15 points
  10%                      Site Supervisor Midterm Performance Evaluation            40 points
  15%                      Site Supervisor Final Performance Evaluation              40 points
  35%                      Final Report                                              40 points
  100%                     Total

Grading Scale
Your final grade in this course will be determined based on your overall weighted percentage.
The table below indicates the required percentage for each GPA:

  GPA                                     Percentage
  4.0                                     93 – 100%
  3.5                                     85 – 92%
  3.0                                     80 – 84%
  2.5                                     75 – 79%
  2.0                                     70 – 74%
  1.5                                     65 – 69%
  1.0                                     60 – 64% (minimum required to graduate)
TWO OR MORE WEEKS LATE: If you miss submitting a Weekly Assignment and it has been more
than 1 week and hand it into a later Dropbox, you will receive no credit (0/1) for the assignment
(even if it is the first missed assignment). However, if you get your site supervisor to verify your
hours for the missed assignment (site supervisor should send email verifying the missed hours to
the TA and instructors), you may still claim the hours worked and you will not have to “redo” the
hours at your internship site, but you are still required to submit properly structured assignment
for that week.

NO HOURS TO REPORT: If you do not have any hours to report for any given week, you do not
need to submit an assignment for that week.

Proposal Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale:

For every 24-hour period your assignment is late, 2 points will be deducted (even if 5 minutes

As the Proposal Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale is the backbone of this course, if it is
not completed properly you will be asked to redo the assignment.

Final Report:

For every 24-hour period your assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted (even if 5 minutes

Viewing Grades
Whenever possible, the following will apply to viewing your grades:

Weekly Assignments: We will make every effort to grade the Weekly Assignments with
feedback provided on D2L by Sunday at 5:00pm. Please be sure to read the comments each
week on D2L as there may be important information regarding your assignment structure that
you may need to modify for the following Weekly Assignment.

Proposal Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale: We will make every effort to have grades
and comments posted on D2L three weeks after the due date. Please revise the Proposal
Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale according to the instructor’s comments as early as
possible as you will need components of the Proposal Assignment at the midpoint of your hours
for the revised Personal Objectives Scale and for the Final Report.

Midterm & Final Performance Evaluations: Once your site supervisor has completed each of the
evaluations, a copy of the evaluation will be sent automatically when the supervisor clicks
“submit” (please ensure you provide your site supervisor with your correct email address) to
you as the student, the instructors, and the supervisor. The grade will be transferred to D2L
within a week of the instructors receiving the evaluations. Midterm Performance Evaluations
should be completed as close to the midpoint of the student’s hours as possible, and the Final
Performance Evaluations should be completed by the due date provided so that the student
does not receive an “Incomplete” or a 0.0 in the course.

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Final Report: Grades will be posted on D2L by the last day of the semester when grades are due.

Part 6: Course Policies
D2L Website / MSU Email
This course will be using the D2L website and MSU email for all course information and
communication. You can access the site by going to the following site
You will need your net ID and password to login. Students are responsible for checking both D2L
and their MSU email at least every week to stay informed about class updates.

Students can check their grades through D2L and are expected to notify the instructor of any
discrepancies within a week so corrections can be made.

Emails to the instructor and TA regarding the class will be responded to as soon as possible. You
can expect email responses during the regular workday and work week (Monday-Friday 9am-
5pm), and we will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible within that time frame.
When sending an email with questions regarding assignments, they should be sent with the
aforementioned timelines in consideration (i.e., please do not expect a response
Saturday/Sunday for an assignment that is due Monday; give us sufficient time to respond to
your inquiry).

Tardiness / Absence / Professionalism
Treat your internship like you would a job. You are expected to arrive on time to your internship
and to remain for the duration of your work hours. You are also expected to ask your site
supervisor for permission to get time off for vacation, doctor’s appointments, etc. Time off will
be at the discretion of your site supervisor. You should carry on professional conversations with
colleagues and patients/patrons and abide by the rules of the site.

Dismissed / Fired
If you are dismissed/fired during your internship from your internship site, you will
automatically receive a grade of 0.0.

Dress Code
Please ask your site supervisor for your site’s specific dress code policy and then abide by it.

Financial Compensation
Some internships may include some form of stipend or wage. However, this is not required by
the Department of Kinesiology and is at the discretion of each site.

Pre-Approval Required

If you are planning to work more than 40 hours per week you must get pre-approval from the
Internship Coordinator.

Two Internship Sites

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If you have been approved to take your internship at 2 sites, please email the Internship
Coordinator right away. In the email state which 2 internship sites you have been approved
for. I will email you back to let you know if you can do one Proposal Assignment and one
Final Report or if you will need to do two (one for each site). BOTH sites must provide a
Midpoint & Final Personal Objectives Scale and a Midterm & Final Performance Evaluation.

Commit to Integrity: Academic Honesty
The Kinesiology Department adheres to the regulations set out in the Student Rights and
Responsibilities, and adheres to the policies on academic honesty. (See also Spartan Life:
Student Handbook and Resource Guide and/or the MSU Web site:

Therefore, unless authorized by your instructor, you are expected to complete all course
assignments, including homework, lab work, quizzes, tests and exams, without assistance from
any source. You are expected to develop original work for this course; therefore, you may not
submit course work you completed for another course to satisfy the requirements for this
course. Students who violate MSU academic integrity rules may receive a penalty grade,
including a failing grade on the assignment or in the course. Contact your instructor if you are
unsure about the appropriateness of your course work. (See also the Academic Integrity

This course uses “Turnitin” software to check for originality of work. Please see the Turnitin
website for further detail.

The Spartan Code of Honor Academic Pledge
“As a Spartan, I will strive to uphold values of the highest ethical standard. I will practice honesty
in my work, foster honesty in my peers, and take pride in knowing that honor in ownership is
worth more than grades. I will carry these values beyond my time as a student at Michigan State
University, continuing the endeavor to build personal integrity in all that I do.”

Actions that may result in a 0.0 and/or an Academic Dishonesty Report

    •   The student cannot “research” graduate programs/requirements, job markets, and/or
        salaries and claim it as internship hours.

    •   You may not log internship hours unless you are enrolled in KIN 492/493. Therefore, the
        first day of the semester is the first day you may begin logging internship hours (or if you
        late enroll in the class, the first day in which you are officially enrolled is the first day
        you can start counting internship hours toward the class).

    •   The student may not claim drive time to or from the internship as internship hours.

    •   The student cannot study for a GRE or any other test and claim it as part of your
        internship hours.

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•   If you wait until the last week of the semester to hand in your Weekly Assignments all at
       once or you do not hand them in EVERY week you are actually working and claiming
       hours, you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492/493.

   •   If you do not finish all of your internship hours by the end of the semester, you may
       receive a 0.0 in KIN 492/493.

   •   Getting dismissed/fired from your internship will result in an automatic 0.0 in the class.

   •   The student may not claim their lunch hour as part of your internship hours unless it is
       required of their “job description” by your site supervisor. For example, if a student is a
       camp counselor at a sports camp and are required to supervise the children during the
       lunch hour then they may claim the lunch hour under the 20% rule (Approximately 80%
       of your hours each week should be spent on Kinesiology-related tasks; only a maximum
       of 20% of your hours per week should be spent on non-Kinesiology related tasks like
       folding towels, cleaning, checking people in at a gym counter, etc.).

   •   The student cannot take a course at another university because it is a requirement for
       graduate school and claim it as internship hours.

   •   The student cannot interview for jobs or work on their resume and claim it as internship

   •   The student cannot leave the internship site at 4:45pm and claim that they worked until

   •   A student may not use any portion of another student’s work (from the current
       semester or any previous semester) and claim it as their own (this is plagiarism). This
       will result in a 0.0 and Academic Dishonesty Report.

   •   If we do not have a Proposal Assignment & Personal Objectives Scale for you uploaded
       to D2L by the 4th week of your internship, you internship hours are no longer valid and
       therefore you may receive a 0.0 in KIN 492/493.

   •   You may NOT falsify or “pad” your internship hours by claiming more hours than what
       you actually worked. This information is tracked weekly by the TA. If there are any
       discrepancies at the end of the semester between your hours and the record we have
       for your hours, the information we have on file will stand, and therefore you will be
       required to complete any additional hours before the end of the semester, and this
       could result in a 0.0 or Academic Dishonesty issue. As such, retrospectively changing
       weekly hour spreadsheets is not allowed.

   •   If the student’s recorded hours are discrepant from the site’s record of your hours,
       this may result in a 0.0 for the class and be considered an Academic Dishonesty issue.

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Limits to Confidentiality – Mandatory Reporting
Essays, journals, and other materials submitted for this class are generally considered
confidential pursuant to the University's student record policies. However, students should be
aware that University employees, including instructors, may not be able to maintain
confidentiality when it conflicts with their responsibility to report certain issues to protect the
health and safety of MSU community members and others. As the instructor, I must report the
following information to other University offices (including the Department of Police and Public
Safety) if you share it with me:

    •   Suspected child abuse/neglect, even if this maltreatment happened when you were a
    •   Allegations of sexual assault or sexual harassment when they involve MSU students,
        faculty, or staff, and;
    •   Credible threats of harm to oneself or to others.

These reports may trigger contact from a campus official who will want to talk with you about
the incident that you have shared. In almost all cases, it will be your decision whether you wish
to speak with that individual. If you would like to talk about these events in a more confidential
setting you are encouraged to make an appointment with the MSU Counseling Center.

Inform Your Instructor of Any Accommodations Needed
From the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD): Michigan State University is
committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and
activities. Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities may be made by contacting
the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities at 517-884-RCPD or on the web at Once your eligibility for an accommodation has been determined,
you will be issued a Verified Individual Services Accommodation ("VISA") form. Please present
this form to the instructors at the start of the term and/or two weeks prior to the
accommodation date (test, project, etc.). Requests received after this date may not be honored.

Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD)
    •   To make an appointment with a specialist, contact: (517) 353-9642
        Or TTY: (517) 355-1293
    •   Website for RCPD:

Students whose names do not appear on the official class list for this course may not participate
in this class.

Students are expected to participate in all online activities as listed on the course calendar in
addition to the required hours at their internship sites.

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Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the
course, make sure you let your instructor know as early as possible. As you will find, building
rapport and effective relationships with both the instructor and your site supervisors are key to
becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are proactive in informing your
instructors and site supervisors when difficulties arise during the semester so that we can help
you find a solution.

Complete Assignments
Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through D2L unless otherwise
instructed. Assignments must be submitted by the given deadline or special permission must be
requested from instructor before the due date. Extensions will not be given beyond the next
assignment except under extreme circumstances.

All discussion assignments must be completed by the assignment due date and time. Late or
missing discussion assignments will affect the student’s grade.

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You can also read