Page created by Felix Hines

                                                           Original: inglés
                                                    15 de octubre de 2020


               Vigésima séptima Reunión





1.      En la Vigésima sexta Reunión del Comité Permanente de Programas y Finanzas, celebrada en
julio de 2020, los Interventores Exteriores de Cuentas, el Contralor y Auditor General de Ghana,
presentaron a los Estados Miembros su informe para el ejercicio financiero de 2019, consignado en el
documento S/26/CRP/1.

2.      La Administración aceptó las recomendaciones formuladas en dicho informe y se comprometió
a tomar las medidas correctivas. Si bien mantiene este compromiso, cabe destacar que en algunos
casos el pleno cumplimiento de las recomendaciones requerirá recursos y tiempo adicionales.

3.       El cuadro que se presenta a continuación presenta el número de recomendaciones formuladas
por los Interventores Exteriores de Cuentas durante los últimos seis ejercicios financieros.

                                                     Ejercicio financiero auditado
                                2014          2015         2016       2017           2018     2019       Total
                             S/16/CRP/15* S/18/CRP/10* S/20/CRP/1* S/22/CRP/1* S/24/CRP/1* S/26/CRP/1*

                                 37            43           47         54            35        56         272
implementadas antes
                                 -36           -40          -41        -40           -21                 -178
del último informe
implementadas desde el                                      -1          -5            -1      -47         -54
último informe
pendientes de                     1             3            5          9            13         9         40

* Informes de los Interventores Exteriores de Cuentas

4.     El Anexo al presente informe contiene un cuadro en el que se enumeran las recomendaciones
pendientes de implementación en el informe anterior y aquellas que fueron objeto de medidas
durante los ejercicios financieros de 2019 y 2020. Ese cuadro también contiene lo siguiente: a) la
respuesta de la Administración de la OIM; b) una descripción de las medidas correctivas adoptadas o
en progreso; y c) la fecha de cumplimiento previsto de las recomendaciones pendientes.

5.      Las recomendaciones enumeradas en el Anexo se clasifican bajo las categorías “en curso” o
“implementadas”. Para facilitar la comprensión, la clasificación bajo las categorías en curso o
implementadas, se efectúa según el ejercicio financiero más reciente y en el mismo orden en que
aparecen en el informe de intervención de cuentas respectivo, además se enumeran por tipo de
auditoría, a saber: de certificación, provisional, de ejecución o de cumplimiento.
                                                                                                                                                                   Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                                      ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS                                                                         Página 1

                                Recommendation                                     Management response                                                                                       Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                                  Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                              date of
   number                                                                                                                                       (as at September 2020)
                                   S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                               completion

      2019          We urged management to consider the Management agreed with the recommendation and stated An analysis is being conducted to determine an                                     December
  CERTIFICATION     determination of a threshold and a that they would determine a threshold and discount rate appropriate threshold and discount rate for                                        2020
      AUDIT         discount rate which would be applicable to for non-current assessed contribution receivables. incorporation into the IOM IPSAS Manual.
                    guide assigned staff so as to eliminate any
                    discretional interpretation on how the
                    non-current      assessed      contribution
                    receivable ought to be treated in the
                    Annual Financial Report.

       2019         We urged the Chief of Mission to               Management accepted the recommendation and the Office         Steps have been taken, with the guidance of the                December
   COMPLIANCE       establish effective risk management            stated that further guidance will be sought with the          Regional Office in Dakar and the IOM Chief Risk Officer          2020
      AUDIT         process in compliance with IN213 and           Regional Office Dakar and the IOM Chief Risk Officer in HQ    at Headquarters, to establish the Risk Management
                    ensure systematic identification and           in order to establish the Risk Management Matrix.             Matrix.
                    documentation of significant risk and put
                    in place the necessary controls to mitigate

The acronyms used in this table include the following:
BCP: business continuity plan                                                        KPI: key performance indicator
GPSU: Global Procurement and Supply Unit, Manila Administrative Centre               OSI: Operational Support Income
HCPU/MAC: Health Claims Processing Unit, Manila Administrative Centre                PRIMA: Project Information and Management Application
HRM: Human Resources Management Division                                             PRISM: Processes and Resource Integrated Systems Management, the IOM enterprise resource planning system
ICT: information and communication technology                                        PSD: Procurement and Supply Division
IGF: Internal Governance Framework                                                   SOP: standard operating procedure
IPSAS: International Public Sector Accounting Standards                              VAT: value added tax
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 2                                                     ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                             Recommendation                             Management response                                                                     Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                            Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                 date of
   number                                                                                                                 (as at September 2020)
                               S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                      completion

      2019         To increase the number of medical claims Management agreed with the recommendation and wish Whether or not to process claims internally is January 2021
  PERFORMANCE      processed by the HCPU per month, we to highlight ongoing assessment if claims are to be currently being assessed.
      AUDIT        recommended that, the HR Division should processed internally.
                   redefine the tasks of the two most
                   experienced staff in HCPU-Manila from
                   their current schedule to concentrate on
                   evaluation of claims only, and train the two
                   staff who open pouches and sort claims to
                   work on the electronic claims submission
                   when it is operationalised to help increase
                   the number of processed claims per

      2019         To improve on detection of altered Management agreed with the recommendation and wish Whether or not to process claims internally is January 2021
  PERFORMANCE      document, the HCPU should combine a to highlight ongoing assessment if claims are to be currently being assessed.
      AUDIT        variety of ways in detecting the processed internally.
                   authenticity of documents including:
                   checks for obvious mistakes in the scanned
                   documents, look out for unusual alteration
                   in the text which could be a manipulation
                   of scanned text in the computer, and verify
                   documents against official database from
                   the proposed source of the document.
                                                                                                                                                    Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                 ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                   Página 3

                             Recommendation                                   Management response                                                                          Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                       Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                            date of
  number                                                                                                                            (as at September 2020)
                                S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                completion

     2019         To       facilitate     staff    motivation, Management agreed with the recommendation and wish Whether or not to process claims internally is January 2021
 PERFORMANCE      improvements         in     accuracy    and to highlight ongoing assessment if claims are to be currently being assessed.
     AUDIT        completeness of claims, we recommended processed internally.
                  that, management of IOM should design a
                  formal structure for the HCPU to also take
                  account of succession plan for the Unit to
                  boost the morale of HCPU staff with
                  regards to career progression. Increase the
                  frequency of visits by the Insurance
                  specialist in Geneva to Manila for first-
                  hand information for decision-making and
                  to have physical contact with operational
                  staff to discuss their concerns. The Head of
                  HCPU-MAC should delegate more of her
                  responsibilities to the longest serving in
                  the staff HCPU to free her to execute
                  strategic work.

     2019         To ensure that HCPU staff are maintained     Besides agreeing with our recommendation, management Based on the outcome of the assessment, and if claims January 2021
 PERFORMANCE      and have the relevant skills which will be   highlighted further that if claims continue to be processed are processed internally, further action will be taken
     AUDIT        utilised efficiently, we recommended that,   internally relevant actions will be taken to improve current to improve current processes and procedures.
                  the HR Division should motivate staff and    processes and procedures. These will include, revision of
                  formerly assess their performance to         current roles and team building activities to ensure good
                  inform management of the relevant            transition.
                  training interventions required to
                  complement their roles.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 4                                                             ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                              Recommendation                                      Management response                                                                                       Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                                Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                             date of
   number                                                                                                                                     (as at September 2020)
                                  S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                               completion

      2019         We recommended that the HR Division           Management agreed with the recommendation and wish            Based on the outcome of the assessment, and if claims January 2021
  PERFORMANCE      should assess the training needs for the      to highlight ongoing assessment if claims are to be           are processed internally, further action will be taken
      AUDIT        HCPU in order to provide them with ‘tailor-   processed internally. Management highlighted that if          to improve current processes and procedures,
                   made’ training, and continue to support       claims continue to be processed internally relevant actions   including training to give staff members an in-depth
                   the HCPU staff where practicable to visit     will be taken to improve current processes and procedures.    understanding thereof and thus increase efficiency.
                   Offices with doctors to continuously          These will include training to staff members to enable in
                   expose them to medical facilities abroad      depth comprehension of new processes and procedures to
                   and arrange for them to provide               increase efficiency.
                   orientations to staff of the IOM on medical

      2018         We urged Management to enhance                Management agreed with the recommendation and                 PSD has initiated the vendor management system              December
  CERTIFICATION    internal communication among various          confirms that the currently decentralized process for         project to enhance and streamline existing vendor             2020
      AUDIT        offices and units and introduce standard      blocking vendors in PRISM will be reviewed, as part of the    management practices. An external consultant has
                   operating procedures for deactivating         planned comprehensive process review of vendor                been engaged. Together with a multi-functional team,
                   vendors whose actions have been duly          management. This review will inform the development of a      it will draw up a holistic workplan that includes, but is
                   investigated and concluded by the             comprehensive SOP for blocking vendor and will further        not limited to, the development of comprehensive
                   Organization to be non-compliant.             clarify the roles and responsibilities of IOM offices and     SOP comprising a matrix of defined roles and
                                                                 central units within this process.                            responsibilities, a strengthened governance system
                                                                                                                               that leverages existing best practices across IOM and
                                                                                                                               the United Nations, and the clean-up of vendor master
                                                                                                                               data in PRISM to prevent the use of blocked vendors.
                                                                                                                                                              Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                              Página 5

                             Recommendation                                    Management response                                                                                      Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                               Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                         date of
  number                                                                                                                                    (as at September 2020)
                                S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                             completion

     2018         We recommended that Management              Management agreed with the recommendation and stated            Management has launched a comprehensive vendor           December
 CERTIFICATION    should introduce comprehensive policy       that it will assess the options available to automate related   management review and mapping exercise as part of          2020
     AUDIT        coordination and supporting procedures to   control mechanisms both for centrally and for locally           the IGF procurement transformation process. In
                  facilitate coordination among all the       maintained vendor accounts.                                     addition, as part of the IGF finance transformation,
                  shared services with regards to vendor                                                                      management is implementing a software tool for
                  master data management. Furthermore,                                                                        continued compliance monitoring that will run on
                  IOM shall establish control mechanisms                                                                      PRISM. Once fully in place, the new solution will help
                  systematically reviewing the vendor                                                                         to ensure timely detection of deviations in master
                  master data to correct incomplete data                                                                      data. Taken together, the above steps will fully
                  fields, particularly in relation to                                                                         address the audit recommendation and strengthen
                  information about vendors’ names,                                                                           related internal controls.
                  contact address and bank accounts. The
                  Organization’s Vendor Information Sheet
                  (VIS) should also provide information to
                  vendors about the need to limit the
                  payment methods to reduce risks.

     2018         We urged Management to review IN/13, Management agreed with the recommendation and stated                   Pursuant to the Organization’s revised IGF, the Ethics   December
 CERTIFICATION    and introduce procedures for disclosing that it will accordingly assess the necessary actions to be         and Conduct Office will assess management’s                2020
     AUDIT        staff financial interests, and initiate taken.                                                              recommendation to initiate a financial disclosure
                  financial disclosure interest programmes                                                                    programme as a control and reporting measure, and
                  through the Ethics Office as a measure to                                                                   gauge what action needs to be taken.
                  enhance staff compliance and ensure
                  transparency and accountability.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 6                                                              ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                               Recommendation                                      Management response                                                                                      Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                                 Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                             date of
   number                                                                                                                                      (as at September 2020)
                                  S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                               completion

      2018         We urged Management to include as part         Management indicated that it considers the first part of the   IOM continues to work on IGF application in priority        June
  CERTIFICATION    of the draft IGF, a policy or guidance that:   recommendation implemented. As shared with the                 areas and to provide updates to Member States at            2021
      AUDIT        defines clearly roles and responsibilities;    auditors, IOM has developed a comprehensive IGF that
                                                                                                                                 Standing Committee sessions. A comprehensive IGF
                   the process to assess internal control         outlines the essential requirements for a modern and fit-      workplan shared with Member States in late July
                   efficiency and effectiveness; and provide a    for-purpose internal governance system and developed a         2020 includes timelines and preliminary indicators
                   strategy to ensure that it is communicated     Strategic Vision and Strategic Landscape. These documents      for performance measurement. KPIs will be
                   timely to all those concerned. In addition,    are undergoing consultation with IOM`s Member States           developed as part of the “as is” and “to be”
                   the Framework should have clear                currently. With respect to the clear timeliness and KPIs,
                                                                                                                                 business model design process, which will lay the
                   implementation timeliness and key              IOM will be able to establish such targets once resources to
                                                                                                                                 foundation for the Business Transformation. The
                   performance indicators to facilitate           implement the IGF are secured / confirmed.
                                                                                                                                 transition to the new Enterprise Resource Planning
                   monitoring and evaluation.
                                                                                                                                 system will be dependent on the availability of
                                                                                                                                 funding, as are certain other proposed reforms
                                                                                                                                 under the IGF.

      2018         We recommended that Management Management agreed with the recommendation and stated                           The Accounting and Financial Reporting Division           December
  CERTIFICATION    should establish SOP to guide the process that it will assess the options available in enhancing PRISM        identified key data fields required in PRISM, aligned       2020
      AUDIT        for sharing HR data with the relevant reporting capabilities towards HR data processing.                      with the actuarial data required to determine
                   offices and conduct an assessment of SAP                                                                      employee benefit liabilities. During the 2019 actuarial
                   PRISM with a view to enhancing its                                                                            exercise, the Division coordinated data collection with
                   reporting capabilities towards this process.                                                                  Manila Budget Section and Manila Human Resources
                   All mandatory staff record fields such as                                                                     Operations, to ensure the data were aligned with the
                   entry and end date should be                                                                                  fields identified and to improve data collection and
                   appropriately filled to ensure accurate                                                                       reporting. This ongoing initiative includes assessing
                   determination of employee benefits.                                                                           whether or not to automate data reporting and
                                                                                                                                                                     Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                     ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                                Página 7

                              Recommendation                                       Management response                                                                                          Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                                     Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                 date of
  number                                                                                                                                          (as at September 2020)
                                 S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                                    completion

     2018         We urged Management to take the                 Management stated that IOM has not engaged with other            The Administration has developed a list of risk                To be
 CERTIFICATION    necessary steps to ensure timely                institutions in the annex building regarding the Project, and    assessment and mitigation measures; proposed the            determined
     AUDIT        recruitment of the Project Director and         further stated that although the two buildings share             next steps in the timely development of the prototype
                  include as part of their terms of               common services for heating and garage, the owners of the        design for the new building, including a project
                  engagement clear timelines in liaising with     properties manage them independently. The Swiss Building         timeline, in coordination with operational groups and
                  the necessary stakeholders and act on the       Foundation for International Organizations (FIPOI) provides      stakeholders; and proposed a workspace scenario
                  actions outlined in the Council’s resolution.   general oversight for both buildings so is responsible for       leading to a finalized programme and needs for the
                  Management should also ensure the               any overarching issues that impact the owners of the             Organization.
                  timely development of the prototype             buildings. FIPOI is also formally the designated focal point
                  design for the new building and assess the      of the Government of Switzerland for the new IOM building        The Administration has taken risk mitigation measures
                  impact to the other occupants of the            project. Consequently, any issues relating to the new            and worked in close coordination with FIPOI on a
                  adjoining building sharing the same             building which will impact IOM neighbours will be managed        possible coordinated development of the adjoining
                  perimeter with IOM. Furthermore, we             by them. The construction of the new building will not have      buildings. It will thus be able to update its assessment
                  would continue to provide independent           any direct impact on the adjoining building. The IOM             of the risks and opportunities posed by the project
                  assessment as part of our annual audit          Administration will nonetheless take proactive steps to          itself, the adjoining buildings, the public realm and the
                  assurance of the Organization’s operations      inform the neighbours on development as appropriate.             land situation; propose mitigation measures and
                  to augment oversight activities on the          IOM is currently in the process of procuring a consultancy       strategic options; and update the project timeline in
                  implementation of the Project to enable         to start preparatory work that will be used to undertake the     line with the main strategy and eventual strategic
                  the Organization take proactive measures        initial assessment and establish the pre-requisite for the       options.
                  to mitigate any potential operational or        project in order to define the exact cost of the Project. This
                  financial risk.                                 initial work by the Consultant will be continued by the          The finalized programme and building requirements
                                                                  Project Director for whom the recruitment will take a            will be integrated into a study loan document to be
                                                                  longer time. The Director General has already established a      submitted to the host State by November 2020.
                                                                  Steering Committee which provides oversight to the whole
                                                                  process and the Administration commits to ensure that
                                                                  adequate planning, consultation and active engagement
                                                                  with Member States, stakeholders and stringent
                                                                  procurement and internal controls measures will be strictly
                                                                  adhered to. The Administration will continue to rely on the
                                                                  independent assessments of the External Auditors
                                                                  throughout the life of the project from the initial
                                                                  conceptualization phase to completion.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 8                                                               ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                               Recommendation                                      Management response                                                                                    Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                               Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                           date of
   number                                                                                                                                    (as at September 2020)
                                  S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                             completion

      2018         We urged Management to strengthen the Management agreed with the recommendation and stated                  The ICT Division has a three-year updated strategy        December
  CERTIFICATION    ICT governance process, especially, in that they will provide an action plan by towards end 2019.           with milestones in two main areas (enabling                 2020
      AUDIT        terms of management of business owners’                                                                     environment, and governance and strategic
                   initiatives on ICT solutions, using an                                                                      initiatives). A copy of the strategy document and
                   enterprise-wide approach in achieving                                                                       target operating model are available for review.
                   value across the Organization.

  2018 INTERIM     We recommended that Management                  Management agreed with the recommendation and               Initial steps were taken briefly to explore established   December
      AUDIT        should liaise with the SCPF and consider        indicated that as initial step, Management will explore     approaches to long-term capital expenditure funding.        2020
      Manila       the development and implementation of a         established approaches by benchmarking with other           The matter will be revisited as progress is made on
                   long-term capital expenditure funding           United Nations entities, for such a dedicated fund,         assessments and studies in relation to the new
                   strategy; and the establishment of a            following which a proposal to adopt a long-term funding     Headquarters building.
                   dedicated Headquarters Capital Fund for         mechanism for capital expenditures will be presented to
                   the purpose of covering the cost of major       member states for consideration.
                   construction works, repairs, renovation,
                   system enhancement and replacement of
                   equipment. The Fund should have clear
                   funding sources and disbursement
                   procedures to ensure its sustainability.

       2018        To improve upon procurement planning,           Management accepted the recommendation and indicated        An initial investment was made to strengthen capacity     April 2021
  PERFORMANCE      we recommended that IOM should ensure           that additional guidance on procurement planning will be    at PSD and GPSU. The future structure of procurement
      AUDIT        that: issues of procurement plan should be      provided within the upcoming revisions of the Procurement   and supply chain management is being reviewed as
                   assessed and addressed at project               Manual (IN168) and Project Handbook (IN/250). PSD will      part of the ongoing IGF application and Business
                   development stage; PSD should strengthen        continue issuing Procurement and Supply Chain alerts to     Transformation initiative. The proposed structure
                   its oversight functions; staffing position at   facilitate information sharing and enhance oversight and    aims to enhance the role of oversight, so as to drive
                   GPSU and PSD should be improved; IOM            compliance to standards and procedures. In collaboration    strategic sourcing interventions and improve supply
                   should restructure PSD and widen its scope      with HRM/Staff Learning and Development, PSD will           chain responsiveness.
                   to serve as a specialized unit in supply        develop training modules for the end-to-end procurement
                   chain and value management.                     value chain that will be accessible and certifiable
                                                                                                                                                                 Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                   ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                              Página 9

                             Recommendation                                      Management response                                                                                      Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                                  Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                           date of
  number                                                                                                                                       (as at September 2020)
                                 S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                              completion

     2018         To      improve     item      descriptions/   Management accepted the recommendation and indicated             IOM has implemented a new material master               December
 PERFORMANCE      specifications during procurement, we         that implementation of standardization of global                 database using the United Nations Standard Products       2020
     AUDIT        recommended that IOM should: categorize       commodities will improve efficiency and effectiveness.           and Services Code. Progress has been made on further
                  and standardize items with specifications     Opportunities to build synergies and combined                    foundational interventions, such as the institutional
                  for global commodity; implement               procurement of items will be considered as part of the           review of procurement and supply chain processes,
                  procurement      category    management       broader strategic sourcing model. In addition, the feasibility   the online purchases requisition solution and the
                  approach, similar to peer United Nations      of implementing technology enabled forecasting and               vendor management system, so as to strengthen
                  agencies (UNICEF, UNHCR, and UNDP) to         planning tools are envisaged as part of broader                  existing procurement and supply chain processes
                  build synergies and possibly for combined     Procurement and Supply Chain improvements.                       through digitization and automation whenever
                  procurement of items; and centralize end-                                                                      possible. Implementation is ongoing under IGF
                  to-end procurement and supply chain                                                                            workplan items 2.4.1 – 2.4.10.
                  activities under functional supervision of

     2018         We therefore recommended that                 Management accepted the finding and indicated that the           Projects are under way to integrate, digitize and       December
 PERFORMANCE      Management should: establish a review         vendor management process will be reviewed to inform the         automate existing procurement and supply chain            2020
     AUDIT        committee to ensure that vendor               development of comprehensive guidelines. An assessment           processes. Specifically, the vendor management
                  information is reviewed and updated           of institutional supply chain system solution enabling           system will define the “to-be” state of the lifecycle
                  constantly; assess institutional supply       automatization of transactions and using direct interface        management       of     vendors,    including     the
                  chain     system     solution     enabling    with PRISM will be part of the broader Procurement and           procurement/vendor review committee, in line with
                  automatization of transactions; and the       Supply Chain Management reforms.                                 ongoing efforts to harmonize with United Nations
                  functionalities of PRISM should be                                                                             processes. GPSU is piloting the activation of PRISM
                  expanded to include modules with                                                                               material management functionalities, which can be
                  functions sufficient for the entire                                                                            implemented across offices.
                  procurement      supply     value    chain
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 10                                                            ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                              Recommendation                                     Management response                                                                                     Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                              Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                          date of
   number                                                                                                                                   (as at September 2020)
                                  S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                            completion

      2018         To improve upon its procurement options,      Management accepted the finding and indicated that the       A new IOM procurement manual has been drafted             April 2021
  PERFORMANCE      we recommended that Management                revision of the Procurement Manual and compliance with       using the harmonized United Nations table of
      AUDIT        should review the Procurement Manual to       the manual will be monitored by strengthened oversight.      contents. The draft manual will be completed with
                   align with United Nations standard            Mandatory procurement training will be prioritized as part   additional findings from the ongoing review of existing
                   procurement policy structure and ensure       of the implementation of the revised manual through a        procurement and supply chain practices. After broad-
                   compliance in all offices. Again, mandatory   change management strategy.                                  based consultation and finalization, online training
                   institutional procurement training should                                                                  and training certification will be developed and
                   be conducted for all procurement and non-                                                                  implemented to drive adoption and compliance across
                   procurement staff to ensure that human                                                                     offices.
                   errors are minimized.

      2018         We therefore recommended that                 Management accepted the finding and indicated that the       Foundational interventions such as material master        December
  PERFORMANCE      Management          should       implement    automation of authorization of procurement and payment       data (2019), online purchase requisition (2020) and         2020
      AUDIT        authorization of procurement and              process-flows will be assessed and implemented as part of    the vendor management system (2020) will facilitate
                   payment process-flows in PRISM using          broader Procurement and Supply Chain Management              the integration, digitization and automation of the
                   technology to leverage human time for         reforms. Enhanced guidelines for specification and TORs      procurement-to-pay process in PRISM, including the
                   efficiency of processing payments. Also,      will be provided.                                            efficiency and quality of payment processing. New
                   clear guidelines for specification and TORs                                                                procurement-to-pay processes will be incorporated in
                   with the new Procurement Manual.                                                                           the new procurement manual, and a user guide will be
                                                                                                                              developed for training and use.
                                                                                                                                                                Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                               Página 11

                             Recommendation                                    Management response                                                                                         Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                                Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                            date of
  number                                                                                                                                     (as at September 2020)
                                S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                                completion

     2017         We recommended that Management              The Office of the Inspector General agreed with the finding     Implementation of this recommendation is dependent          December
 CERTIFICATION    should     develop    a   comprehensive     and recommendation to update and consolidate the                on IOM progress in implementing IGF components.               2020
     AUDIT        anti-fraud manual that responds to its      existing fragmented instructions into a comprehensive           From the perspective of the Office of the Inspector
                  operational       and      administrative   manual that addresses the full spectrum of fraud                General, the following action will be taken:
                  environment, taking advantage of lessons    prevention and control strategies. It added that the Internal
                  learned and best practices developed in     Audit function has produced a draft manual that will            (a) The Inspector General and the head of Internal
                  the course of preventing, detecting,        address most of the prevention, detection and monitoring        Audit are currently reviewing the Office’s internal
                  investigating and sanctioning fraud that    strategies and that a manual for investigation that will        audit strategy and structures. As part of this process,
                  have occurred.                              outline various elements addressing protocols related to        they will propose that a dedicated Internal Audit team
                                                              fraud response will also be produced.                           be assigned to perform audit assignments at
                                                                                                                              Headquarters for the next two to three years. The
                                                                                                                              assignments will be to audit Headquarters processes
                                                                                                                              and systems that have been recently audited or
                                                                                                                              reviewed, or that have been identified as critical
                                                                                                                              during the regular risk assessment process.

                                                                                                                              (b) In parallel, the Office of the Inspector General will
                                                                                                                              incorporate forensic data analytics with specially
                                                                                                                              tailored data analytic techniques into its assessment
                                                                                                                              plans. The aim is to conduct data-dependent audits in
                                                                                                                              order to test the integrity and accuracy of budgetary
                                                                                                                              and financial data and to protect information security
                                                                                                                              components from the risks of fraud and human error.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 12                                                               ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                               Recommendation                                        Management response                                                                                         Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                                      Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                  date of
   number                                                                                                                                           (as at September 2020)
                                  S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                                    completion

      2017         We recommended that management                  Management agreed with the recommendation and stated              The Resource Mobilization Strategy 2018–23 was               June
  CERTIFICATION    should develop a resource mobilization          that it acknowledges the need for an organization-wide            presented to senior management in January 2019. The          2021
      AUDIT        strategy that will outline principles           resource mobilization strategy and is currently developing        Donor Relations Division was informed in 2020 that it
                   in resource mobilization activities,            a Resource Mobilization (RM) strategy for the period 2018-        should develop a new strategy that underpins and is
                   harmonize various strategies for funding        2022 which will include a narrative, a results matrix and a       linked to/aligned with the Strategic Results
                   IOM operations in a more coherent               work plan. Management added that consultations for the            Framework and the regional strategies. The
                   manner.                                         RM strategy have already been held with the four CORMFs           implementation plan for the Strategic Vision and a
                                                                   (Washington DC, Berlin, Helsinki and Tokyo) as well as all        new funding model are being prepared. By decision of
                                                                   nine Regional Offices and is expected that the strategy will      the Director General, the annual Migration Initiatives
                                                                   be finalized before the end of 2018. Management stated            publication, IOM’s traditional fundraising tool, will be
                                                                   that this will be used to provide a framework for RM              discontinued in its current format and the future
                                                                   strategies being developed at Country and Regional Office         Migration Initiatives is being assessed with a view to
                                                                   level and would help country and regional offices to              being used as a fundraising tool. The Division
                                                                   develop a more structured approach to fundraising, with           consulted with Country Offices with Resource
                                                                   the possibility of setting up resource mobilization targets to    Mobilization Functions and shared a proposed
                                                                   meet their needs and monitoring the achievement of these          fundraising document for senior management
                                                                   objectives. Management also indicated that the MI                 endorsement.         Implementation        of        the
                                                                   publication is not stricto sensu a fundraising tool, but rather   recommendation is ongoing and contingent on the
                                                                   considered as a corporate document, or institutional              development of a comprehensive strategy aligned
                                                                   “business card” that captures the variety of the                  with institutional priorities, frameworks, strategies
                                                                   Organization’s programming aspirations, as framed by the          and implementation plans, as specified, and allocation
                                                                   MIGOF.                                                            of resources.

      2017         We recommended that Management                  Management agreed with the recommendation and the                 The Administration has completed the process of            December
  CERTIFICATION    should establish an automated centralized       resources needed for implementing such an automated               reviewing, with expert consultants and service               2020
      AUDIT        management system to provide timely             centralized management system/tool. It added that                 providers, the centralized financial coordination
                   access to audit trails in resolving financial   because of the need to establish an automated centralized         platform and its subprojects. The new Financial
                   adjustments      and      streamline     the    system and the expanded role of ACO in its management             Coordination Platform went live in August 2019 and
                   coordination process by including               oversight responsibilities, management will assess and            implementation continues as per the predefined
                   automated generation of reminders on            identify the needed staffing resources in ACO who will also       phased implementation plan, with completion
                   outstanding issues and to strengthen ACO        coordinate with the Administrative Centres to enhance the         expected by the end of 2020.
                   management capacity to oversee the              Organization's financial management.
                                                                                                                                                                  Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                  ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                               Página 13

                             Recommendation                                      Management response                                                                                        Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                                  Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                             date of
  number                                                                                                                                       (as at September 2020)
                                S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                                 completion

     2017         Due      to     the     capital     outlay   Management agreed with the recommendation and                     It is expected that the “as-is/to-be” model of the          June
 CERTIFICATION    needed to reengineer/overhaul SAP            indicated that actions are under way to achieve the target        Enterprise Resource Planning system will be                 2021
     AUDIT        implementation, we recommended that          of replacing SAP before 2025. It added that ICT has started       completed by January 2021. An organizational
                  Management should perform a user             the initial discussion at DRM level to prepare for the            decision will then be made on the next-generation
                  assessment survey of the system              replacement of SAP and that this will be tabled during 2018       system as part of the IGF Business Transformation
                  application and develop a business case or   IT Advisory Board meeting and will be included in the             track. The ICT Division will ensure that the technology
                  a sustainability plan, including funding     budget review process.                                            platform itself is fit for any SAP product changes.
                  requirements, for the consideration of MS
                  before the year 2025.

 2017 INTERIM     We recommended that Management               Management agreed with the recommendation and stated              A comprehensive chart-of-accounts review is on the        June 2021
     AUDIT        should review the chart of accounts to       that it is a priority for the Accounting Division. It indicated   implementation roadmap of the ongoing Business
     Manila       include account definitions that are         that preliminary work started in 2017 and will continue as        Transformation process. However, the review can only
                  descriptive and instructive of the actual    time and resources allow. Management added that the               take place after strategic sequencing has been
                  financial     transactions    of     IOM.    policy on CoA revision and guidance on GL usage to offices,       completed with regard to other ongoing initiatives,
                  Management should also consider              will be addressed as first priority in the CoA review process     including, but not limited to, those related to vendor
                  embedding a maintenance framework/           and will incorporate emerging donor and management                and donor structure reviews and remapping of
                  guideline into standard business processes   financial information needs (e.g. CBI, Implementing Partner       reporting      requirements.      Accordingly,     the
                  to ensure relevance of the chart of          transfers and many others) as well as the necessary               Administration is considering conducting a
                  account.                                     restructuring of material codes related GLs to better serve       comprehensive enterprise accounts structure review
                                                               the various information needs.                                    as part of the Business Transformation process, in
                                                                                                                                 order to take account of the broad interdependence
                                                                                                                                 between current efforts to transform various business
                                                                                                                                 functions and their impact on financial master data
                                                                                                                                 and the chart of accounts.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 14                                                               ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                               Recommendation                                        Management response                                                                                         Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                                     Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                  date of
   number                                                                                                                                          (as at September 2020)
                                   S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                                   completion

      2017         We urged Management to continue with             Management explained that it was doing its best to finalize     Lebanon’s application for IOM membership was not            December
   COMPLIANCE      its efforts in ensuring that the Country         and sign an MoU with the Government as early as                 endorsed by Parliament at its session of 28 May 2020.         2020
      AUDIT        Office obtains an agreement with the             practicable. It indicated that the Office was working with      Instead, Parliament returned the application to the
                   government of Lebanon to enable the              the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior/General   Government for further clarification regarding
                   office to reinvest the savings from VAT          Security Department (GSD) and Office of the Prime Minister      integration. IOM Beirut is working with the Ministry of
                   exemptions into catering for migration           to draft the MOU and the response so far has been very          Foreign Affairs and Parliament to address their
                   needs.                                           positive but added that final approval was still under          concerns.

      2017         We urged Management to liaise with the           Management agreed with the finding and stated that The technical ICT team continues to work on final                        December
  COMPLIANCE       Head of ICT/SAP PRISM to consider the            developing new reporting options through PRISM will adjustments of the tool, and final testing is scheduled                   2020
     AUDIT         development of a business case to                indeed help the ROs and COs to monitor financial situation for the fourth quarter of 2020.
                   enhance the financial sustainability             of their Offices in a more effective way. Hence, Regional
                   analytical tool for a possible adoption as an    Office will bring this observation to the attention of Head
                   Organization wide application to improve         of ICT/SAP and liaise for enhancement of reporting
                   timely identification of factors that affect     modules in PRISM before the end of the current year.
                   the viability of COs and support decision

      2017         We recommended that Management and               Management explained that in principle, the Austrian            The Office of Legal Affairs is in touch with the Austrian   December
  COMPLIANCE       the Head of Country Office, Vienna should        Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs    Permanent Mission in Geneva, which is                         2020
     AUDIT         liaise with IOM Headquarters with the            recognizes IOM’s right for equal entitlements and               communicating with the Austrian Government. The
                   view of pursuing a supplemental host             treatment similar to the other United Nations agencies,         Office and Mission are exploring potential areas where
                   country agreement with the Government            according to the above mentioned Article, but the legal         Austrian law offers flexibility.
                   of Austria to regularize the post legal status   process to make this changes is long and require other
                   of the Office and grant full privileges          parties, including Parliamentary involvement and
                   and     immunities        accorded       other   endorsement. Management indicated that the Regional
                   intergovernmental organizations and their        Director and the Head of Office Vienna will continue their
                   staff.                                           negotiations with the Austrian counterparts, in
                                                                    coordination with LEG department and other relevant HQ
                                                                                                                                                               Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                  ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                            Página 15

                             Recommendation                                      Management response                                                                                     Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                                Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                          date of
  number                                                                                                                                     (as at September 2020)
                                 S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                             completion

      2017        We recommended that Management and            Management agreed with the finding and stated that this is     IOM will continue following up with the United           December
  COMPLIANCE      the Head of Country Office, Vienna should     a challenge for IOM in Vienna and both Regional Office and     Nations Office in Vienna, once the legal base laid out     2020
     AUDIT        liaise with Headquarters with the view to     Office have been working together on this issue in the past    in the revisions to the privileges and immunities
                  resolve these challenges to enable staff of   months to resolve it. However, Regional Office Vienna as       agreement is available.
                  IOM enjoy equal rights and privileges as      well as the Office Vienna will continue their efforts in
                  their counterparts in the United Nations      negotiations and liaison with the United Nations HQ in
                  Family in Vienna.                             Vienna to ensure provision of full privileges and
                                                                entitlements for IOM offices and their staff in Vienna.

     2016         Although a Statement of Internal Control is   Management agreed with the usefulness of the Internal          Work related to the future issuance of the Statement     December
 CERTIFICATION    not required under IPSAS to be presented      Control Statement as an emerging corporate governance          of Internal Controls continues within the framework of     2021
     AUDIT        as part of the Financial Statements of the    tool and indicated that it will evaluate the feasibility of    the IGF, given the close link between the need for
                  Organization, we recommended that the         adopting such practice, giving due consideration to the time   enhanced capacities to monitor the efficiency of the
                  Organization should work towards the          and additional resources needed for implementing the           control framework and systems, and the
                  adoption of this best practice to issue a     necessary certification procedures within IOM’s                preconditions for issuing the Statement of Internal
                  Statement on Internal Control as part of      decentralized structure without increased administrative       Controls. The issuance of IOM’s first Statement of
                  the financial reporting to provide            burden on its lean central structure and existing high         Internal Controls is largely dependent on progress in
                  assurance to all stakeholders that IOM is     demands on field offices.                                      IGF application and Business Transformation
                  effectively managing and controlling the                                                                     processes.
                  resources entrusted to it.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 16                                                             ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                               Recommendation                                     Management response                                                                                       Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                              Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                             date of
   number                                                                                                                                   (as at September 2020)
                                  S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                               completion

      2016         We therefore recommended that                  Management accepted the recommendation and agreed          Based on the Strategic Vision (2019), IOM is currently        December
  CERTIFICATION    Management             should       prepare    that further efforts should be made to move in that        developing a comprehensive, global strategic results            2020
      AUDIT        departmental plans under the core funding      direction. It added that the Organization will continue    framework that will define four global objectives for
                   structure to closely link with the Migration   integrating Results Based Management principles to its     the Organization. Activities around the globe will be
                   Governance Framework and budget                operational and reporting processes within the resources   linked to this framework at the project outcome level
                   consumption with what has been delivered       available and within the applicable regulatory framework   (electronically within PRIMA), enabling the
                   in terms of outputs and outcomes to            and that the recently re-activated Member State-led        Organization to measure and report on progress
                   ensure integrated performance reporting        Working Group on Budget Reform will also afford some       towards achieving the Strategic Vision, which is
                   under RBM. We further recommended              opportunity to drive the process.                          informed by the Migration Governance Framework,
                   that Management should provide the                                                                        the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global
                   required electronic tools to facilitate                                                                   Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
                   monitoring, evaluation, and timely                                                                        Further, updates to PRIMA will enable IOM to report
                   reporting of the process.                                                                                 on its contribution towards achievement of
                                                                                                                             Sustainable Development Goal targets, including
                                                                                                                             budget        expenditure          per      target.    The
                                                                                                                             comprehensiveness of institutional reports will
                                                                                                                             depend on users entering the appropriate fields (to be
                                                                                                                             made mandatory) and on all active projects being
                                                                                                                             incorporated in PRIMA. As regards results-based
                                                                                                                             budgeting, and in response to questions raised by
                                                                                                                             Member States at the meeting of the Working Group
                                                                                                                             on Budget Reform of 6 July, the Deputy Director
                                                                                                                             General emphasized that to move to results-based
                                                                                                                             budgeting, several processes would need to be
                                                                                                                             changed, such as the current budget process and how
                                                                                                                             projects and related indicators were developed. The
                                                                                                                             Business Transformation project will put in place
                                                                                                                             relevant tools for results-based management, which
                                                                                                                             will in turn facilitate a shift to results-based budgeting.
                                                                                                                                                               Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                                 ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                             Página 17

                             Recommendation                                     Management response                                                                                     Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                                Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                         date of
  number                                                                                                                                     (as at September 2020)
                                S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                             completion

     2016         We recommended that Management Management agreed with the recommendation and stated                          In addition to Policy Hub efforts, the results-based    December
 CERTIFICATION    should adopt a more comprehensive that it will continue strengthening the knowledge                          management team is developing a results platform          2020
     AUDIT        Knowledge Management framework and management framework of IOM.                                              that compiles information from several databases, in
                  procedures aligned with the Organization’s                                                                   order to facilitate evidence-based decision-making
                  mandate, goals, and objectives. These may                                                                    and serve as an analytical tool for managers.
                  be based on an assessment of current and
                  future knowledge management needs and                                                                        In coordination with the Policy Hub, the team has
                  include measures for implementation.                                                                         shared terms of reference for a knowledge
                                                                                                                               management secondment (via the Donor Relations

     2016         We recommended that Management               Management agreed with the observation and added that           Updated budget resolutions and regulations were         December
 CERTIFICATION    should     conduct     an     independent    a strong core structure is essential to ensure a well-          adopted by the Standing Committee in June 2018. The       2020
     AUDIT        assessment      of   the    Organization’s   managed and properly controlled organization, which is          Administration will pursue its discussions with
                  management and effectiveness, including      global and highly decentralized. Management indicated           Member States to identify sustainable funding for the
                  its decentralized nature, to help improve    that it will explore the options to achieve this, including     core structure. In addition, some of the unearmarked
                  the core structure funding mechanism and     reviewing the possibility of an outside evaluation and          contributions made by Member States have been
                  to build a new foundation for continuous     stated that the re-convened Working Group on Budget             invested in core services and as seed funding for the
                  improvement as well as keep pace with the    Reform will be another avenue to help strengthen the core       IGF initiative. The Administration has been engaging
                  increasing rate of earmarked activities      structure and indicated its commitment to working in that       with Member States regarding the inadequate core
                  going forward.                               forum to achieve concrete results in the mid- to long- term.    structure and some of them have provided
                                                                                                                               unearmarked contributions while discussions on
                                                                                                                               budget reform continue.

     2016         We recommended that Management               Management concurred that it is essential to maintain an        Work was held up by the COVID-19 pandemic, as both      December
 CERTIFICATION    should review IN/1 to strengthen policies    up to date, well organized, coordinated and complete            the working group members and the departments             2020
     AUDIT        and procedural coordination within the       series of policies, and that this is an important part of any   concerned were occupied by urgent issues. Work
                  Organization. Management could also          well-managed and transparent organization. It indicated its     resumed in September.
                  consider the establishment of a Policy       commitment to explore specific approaches to improving
                  Coordinating Unit to have close              the current regime, including reviewing the IN/1 and any
                  collaboration with technical members of      structural solutions to help improve in this area.
                  departments to ensure that policy,
                  normative and operational management
                  are coordinated and aligned with IOM’s
                  mission and objectives.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 18                                                                ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)

                               Recommendation                                        Management response                                                                                        Planned
 IOM tracking                                                                                                                                     Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                 date of
   number                                                                                                                                          (as at September 2020)
                                   S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                                  completion

      2015         The resolution of the problems                   OIG is reporting statistics on the Ongoing audit                 The Administration remains committed to                   December
  CERTIFICATION    faced    in    non-implementation     of         recommendations. The administration is following up to           implementing internal audit recommendations and             2020
      AUDIT        recommendations of internal audit may be         address the recommendations at all levels including by           IOM country offices are making progress on
                   addressed by the Management/Audit                country offices, regional offices, the administrative centers,   specific recommendations and reporting back to the
                   Advisory Committee so that corrective            and Headquarters.                                                Office of the Inspector General. Opportunities for
                   action     envisaged    under      these                                                                          implementing further measures to strengthen
                   recommendations could be taken.                                                                                   management follow-up of audit recommendations
                                                                                                                                     will be pursued and evaluated under the IGF.

      2015         IOM may explore inclusion of policy              A new Diversity and Inclusion Officer position was approved      IOM is working with the United Nations system on          December
  PERFORMANCE      provisions specific to staff with disabilities   in the 2017 budget (under recruitment currently) and a           implementation of the United Nations Disability             2020
      AUDIT        as part of efforts to create a diverse and       Staff Welfare Position has been established in 2016. These       Inclusion Strategy (CEB/2019/1/Add.6). An internal
                   inclusive work environment.                      positions will be tasked to promote inclusion of staff           working group meets about every three months under
                                                                    members with disabilities.                                       the supervision of the Deputy Chief of Staff. HRM is
                                                                                                                                     responsible for reviewing and reporting yearly on the
                                                                                                                                     indicators related to the workplace and human
                                                                                                                                     resource practices, while the working group also looks
                                                                                                                                     at disability inclusion in programming. HRM is hiring a
                                                                                                                                     consultant to work on policy and guidance for
                                                                                                                                     reasonable         accommodations       and      other

      2015         IOM may devise performance evaluation HRM is planning to revise its instruction on consultants IN/84 (Guidelines for Selection and Employment of                            December
  PERFORMANCE      indicators for each category of consultancy (IN/84) this year and will include robust performance Consultants) has been revised based on consultations                        2020
      AUDIT        and their functional competencies.          indicators for evaluation of consultants.             and the draft shared with relevant stakeholders in the
                                                                                                                     field. It is currently undergoing internal coordination
                                                                                                                     for final comments, after which it will be submitted to
                                                                                                                     the Office of the Director General for approval. The
                                                                                                                     revised instruction includes performance evaluation
                                                                                                                     criteria and a suggested rating grid.
                                                                                                                                                            Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
                                                               ONGOING RECOMMENDATIONS (continued)                                                                            Página 19

                            Recommendation                                   Management response                                                                                     Planned
IOM tracking                                                                                                                              Subsequent action taken
                                                                                                                                                                                      date of
  number                                                                                                                                   (as at September 2020)
                               S/22/CRP/1                                                                                                                                           completion

     2014         ITC may ensure that confidentiality and   No funding has been approved for the IC Division to              As at July 2020, no funding had been secured for ISO   December
 PERFORMANCE      integrity of organization-wide data is    implement compliance with ISO 27001. Although the latest         27001 compliance. Work has been done on data             2023
   ICT AUDIT      strengthened by adopting ISO 27001        ICT Strategy (2017-2020) incorporates ISO 27001                  classification using Exchange Online for Microsoft
                  certification and updating its backup     certification as one of its objectives within the period. This   Office products.
                  system.                                   objective is supported by defined action to be delivered by
                                                            ICT between now and 2020.
Anexo (únicamente en inglés)
Página 20                                                             IMPLEMENTED RECOMMENDATIONS

                               Recommendation                                     Management response
  IOM tracking                                                                                                                              Subsequent action taken                   Completed
    number                                                                                                                                   (as at September 2020)                      in

       2019         We recommended that management               The Management agreed with the recommendation and               IOM regularly follows up with the relevant           September
   CERTIFICATION    should impress on the Resource               stated that the Periodic Checklist Reviews performed by         government tax authorities to expedite timely           2020
       AUDIT        Management Officers and Chiefs of            Regional Accounting Focal points includes direct follow up      recovery of outstanding VAT claims. IOM offices
                    Mission to have regular follow up schedule   with Offices on outstanding VAT receivables. Additionally,      are committed to the timely submission of claims,
                    with the tax authorities of the host         in some instances, a large office has a staff member            which are also reviewed and followed up by central
                    counties to enhance timely inflow of the     dedicated for the VAT reimbursement, and in another, the        review functions, so as to ensure claims are not
                    needed Value Added Tax reimbursable to       office has contracted an external agency with expertise on      delayed. Given that reimbursement delays are
                    support the resource requirement of IOM.     VAT recoveries to do the presentation and follow up with        beyond IOM’s control, management considers the
                                                                 the respective Government.                                      recommendation closed.

                                                                 Management further indicated that most of the VAT
                                                                 reimbursement delays are beyond IOM’s control. Where
                                                                 offices face specific challenges in claiming the VAT refunds,
                                                                 similar delays are experienced by other United Nations
                                                                 agencies present at the country as well, and as such the
                                                                 follow-ups with respective Governments have been
                                                                 coordinated by the United Nations Resident Coordinators.
                                                                 In addition, management regularly highlights and urges
                                                                 Member States to expedite settlement of tax
                                                                 reimbursements, including via their Permanent
                                                                 Representations in Geneva.
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