COMMUNITY Clean City CLEAN-UP - Toronto District School Board

Page created by Roberto Gill
COMMUNITY Clean City CLEAN-UP - Toronto District School Board
Clean City

COMMUNITY Clean City CLEAN-UP - Toronto District School Board

Writer: Michèle Martin
Contributors: Richard Christie, Eleanor Dudar, Mieke Foster, Toronto DSB
Editor: Eleanor Dudar, Toronto DSB
Reviewers: Scott Baker, Leaders Today; Bryan Blenkin, Toronto Board of Trade; Richard Bishop, City of Toronto,
Mieke Foster, Toronto DSB; Suzana Greenaway, Toronto DSB; PC Diana Korn-Hassani, Toronto Police Service;
Rose MacDonald, Toronto Catholic DSB; Bruce McKelvey, Toronto Board of Trade; Garry Norman, Leaders Today;
Greg Rogers, Toronto Catholic DSB; Barbara Spyropoulos, Community Police Liaison Committee (12 Division);
Tobin Walsh, Toronto Catholic DSB
Special thanks to Trustee Josh Matlow for his leadership, and to the staff at the following schools for sharing
their community clean-up experiences with us: Jane Bates, Brian P.S.; Judy Campbell, H.A. Halbert Jr. P.S.;
Val Copeland, Malvern C.I.; David Ehrlich, Hodgson Sr. P.S.; Sharon Janes, Swansea P.S.; Suzana Greenaway,
Vaughan Road Academy; Stewart MacSween, Sir Robert L. Borden B.T.I.; Brian McClure, Garden Avenue Jr. P.S.;
Karl Sprogis, North Albion C.I.

Cover Photo: Peter Power/Toronto Star

The use of the logos courtesy of the City of Toronto, the Clean and Beautiful City initiative, and the
Toronto Board of Trade; the use of the Toronto Police crest courtesy of the Toronto Police Services Board.

Clean City Community Clean-up Guide
© 2005 Toronto District School Board
Reproduction of this document for use in schools within the Toronto District School Board is encouraged.
For anyone other than Toronto District School Board staff, no part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the copyright holder:
Toronto District School Board
Library and Learning Resources
3 Tippett Road
Toronto, ON M3H 2V1
Tel: 416-397-2595
Fax: 416-395-8357
Every reasonable precaution has been taken to trace the owners of copyrighted material and to make due
acknowledgement. Any omission will gladly be rectified in future printings.
Designer: Comet art + design
Printer: TDSB Printing Services
Clean City and EcoSchools
TDSB EcoSchools is a comprehensive program that engages staff,
students, and parents in taking leadership and action to help build
a healthy and sustainable future. In addition to providing teaching
resources for elementary and secondary schools, the program provides
guides to reduce the impact of school operations on the environment,
and opportunities for learning and action outside of the classroom.

The Clean City Community Clean-up Guide forms part of the EcoSchools
resource series. It is intended to help TDSB schools plan and implement a
clean-up event, whether it be small or large in scale. Many schools have
organized clean-ups in the past: this guide consolidates lessons learned,
pointing to how a clean-up event can promote youth leadership and
initiate partnerships with the wider community.

Clean-ups can help students develop a sense of pride in their community
and a sense of responsibility for making their environment healthy and safe.
A clean-up event can also introduce participants to the bigger social,
ecological, and safety issues related to garbage and littering. It is our hope
that clean-up events will open the door to other environmental projects and
initiatives in schools.

      For information about EcoSchools, please visit

MARCH 2005
On the Web

  Register your event on TDSBWeb:
  From a TDSB computer
  • Go to http://tdsbweb/>Facility Services>Principals>Community Clean-up>
  • Select your school, then click on Register a New Community Clean-up Event
  • Enter data in each field
  • Click Save to submit
  To view a sample registration screen, turn to page 27 of this guide.

  Download useful clean-up “tools” from
  • Certificate to recognize participants
  • Insert for your school’s newsletter, and
  • Blank action plan template

  Visit for information about the City of Toronto’s
  Clean and Beautiful City program. You will find
  • The City’s Five Point Action Plan for making Toronto a clean and beautiful city
  • Ways that people can get involved
  • Litter tips
  • Where to find beauty in the city
  • A community news section where neighbourhoods can submit
    stories and photos that showcase local efforts

Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Clean City

    1. Why is a clean city important?                                                    2

    2. What is the Clean City campaign?                                                  5

    3. Different approaches to organizing community clean-ups                            6

    4. Youth leadership and community involvement                                        8

    5. Organizing a community clean-up                                                   9
            The five-step process…at a glance
            The five steps…in detail
                   i. Establish a team                                                 10
                   ii. Conduct a review                                                11
                   iii. Develop an action plan                                         12
                   iv. Implement the action plan                                       13
                   v. Evaluate your results, recognize participants, and celebrate     14
            Sample Action Plan                                                         16

    6. Safety and equipment                                                            17

    7. Connecting with community partners                                              21
            School Board Trustee and City Councillor contacts                          23

    8. Clean City Toolkit                                                              25
            Blank action plan template                                                 26
            Instructions for registering your project and submitting feedback          27
            Certificate of appreciation for students and community partners            29
            Sample school newsletter insert                                            30
            Walking excursion permission form                                          31
            Clean-up participants’ feedback forms                                      32
            Going beyond litter – ideas for further action                             33
                     Tree planting
                     Creating gardens
                     Painting murals
                     Teaching about waste
            “We Recycle” poster                                                        35

1    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
        Toronto’s leaders support youth involvement in the Clean City campaign

    2   Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Greetings to the Toronto District School Board
                 City Council’s Clean and Beautiful initiative is much more than a superficial clean-up. True, it
         begins with the worthy goal of getting rubbish off our streets and out of our parks, but this is only the
         first step.

                 At its heart, Clean and Beautiful reaffirms the City’s commitment to the public realm. It is
         meant to give Torontonians new pride in their city. Recently, council approved a five-point action
         plan to help us move ahead with Clean and Beautiful. Those five points are: sweep it, design it, build
         it, grow it, and celebrate it. These are simple ideas, but they are carrying us forward from clean-up
         initiatives, toward our ultimate goal of an architecturally splendid city that we are proud to show off
         to the world.

               Much of the work around Clean and Beautiful deals with specific details and concrete issues –
         how can we keep our public spaces free of litter? What should the new opera house look like? How
         can we increase the number of trees on our streets?

                Every one of these issues is important, but if Toronto is to be truly clean and beautiful, we
         need a to realize a grand vision that encompasses our entire city. We have to continue to celebrate
         the diversity of our fabulous neighbourhoods, and at the same time, we have to invest in our public
         spaces in ways that give the whole city unity. You should be able to walk down a street anywhere in
         the city and have it be an unmistakably Toronto experience. It has to show in the architecture, the
         streetscapes, the bus shelters, the recycling bins and a hundred other elements of the public realm.

                It all begins with every resident doing their part to clean up our city. This is especially
         important for young people, so they can see the value of investing in, and engaging with, their city.
         I hope to see as many Torontonians as possible joining in on this project, so that we can all help
         transform our city together.

         Yours truly,

         Mayor David Miller
         March 2005

                                                                                February 14, 2005

                                                                                Dear Participants to Community Clean-up Day:

                                                                                For the past few years, students at several schools across the city have taken it upon themselves to organize
                                                                                Earth Day beautification projects in their communities. This year, I am delighted to see that this endeavour
                                                                                will spread to all schools in Toronto when students across this city will take part in a variety of projects
                                                                                during Earth Week 2005 to clean up and generally improve the appearance of their neighbourhoods.

                                                                                A clean, well cared-for environment sends a clear message that someone cares about that area and they are
                                                                                willing to protect it. People like to walk in these beautiful neighbourhoods, making them lively, welcoming
                                                                                places. Those intending to do harm generally stay away from such areas. Thus, removal of litter and graffiti
                                                                                and other beautification projects are actually very important crime prevention initiatives and help to create a
                                                                                safe environment for everyone.

                                                                                Our young people are providing a shining example to the rest of the citizens of Toronto. Their willingness to
                                                                                be environmentally and socially responsible is outstanding. We are certain that the efforts of these young
                                                                                stewards will result in safer, more peaceful, and attractive communities.

                                                                                The Toronto Police Service is proud to stand with our young people in this exceptional project as their
                                                                                community partner. Members of our Community Response Units, our School Liaison officers, our
                                                                                Community Police Liaison Committees and our Auxiliary officers will support and assist your efforts in
                                                                                every way that they can.

                                                                                We are all very proud of your outstanding efforts.

                                                                                Yours truly,

                                                                                Julian Fantino, C.O.M., O.Ont.
                                                                                Chief of Police

                                                                    To view these letters in full size, go to

3   Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
What do we do with the litter?

                              For small amounts of litter:
• If you have collected up to 5 bags of litter weighing no more than 20 kilograms each,
    dispose of the bags in the normal way by placing them at the curb on the school’s
    regular pick-up day, or in the bulk garbage bin.

• Off school property, you may be able to use public garbage bins for small amounts
    of litter collected. Ensure that it is secured in the bin and cannot blow away.

                              For large quantities of litter:
• The City of Toronto’s Works and Emergency Services will pick up large quantities
    of litter if your event takes place on Friday April 22, 2005 or Saturday April 23, 2005.
    To arrange for a special pick-up, call 416-338-0338 by April 15.

                               A note about recyclables:
• Whenever possible, separating recyclables in good condition from the litter you are
    collecting should be an integral part of your community clean-up, particularly if the
    clean-up is taking place on school property. The recyclables you collect can be placed
    in the school’s recycling boxes or toters.

• When recyclables are soggy, dirty, or decomposing, you should put them with the
    non-recyclable garbage.

4    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005

All of our students and staff participated in our 20 minute clean-up in 2004. Before our event
the senior students made and put up posters to teach everyone about how to sort waste and
recyclables. Kids from K-4 cleaned up litter on the school grounds while the older kids in grade 5
and 6 went to clean up in a nearby park. Some parents came out to help too. We got all of our
equipment from the school, but were concerned about the amount of garbage produced by the
latex gloves we used – this year we might ask students to bring in gloves from home instead.
We’ll also try to plan our clean-up more in advance!
                                                         BRIAN MCCLURE, GRADE 3 TEACHER, GARDEN AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL

        Years ago, Peter Ustinov famously described             other partners to tackle Toronto’s litter problem
        Toronto as “New York run by the Swiss,”                 by developing an effective campaign to educate
        and we enjoyed an international reputation              and motivate the people and businesses of
        as a vibrant and exciting cosmopolitan centre           Toronto. After all, it is human behaviour that
        with low crime rates, efficient services, and           creates litter – only changes in that behaviour
        clean streets. Today, Toronto remains one               can help to solve the litter problem.
        of the world’s great cities, but some of our
                                                                Community clean-ups organized by schools
        sterling attributes have been slipping. The
                                                                and other groups are one facet of the Clean
        clearest public example, for visitors and
                                                                City campaign. A community clean-up
        Torontonians alike, is the litter in our
                                                                basically consists of a group of people getting
        streets, alleyways, parks, and ravines.
                                                                together to clean up and improve an urban or
        The loss of Toronto’s reputation as a clean             natural area in their community. The clean-
        city should be of concern to all residents and          up might be anything from a quick “20
        businesses, and indeed, Torontonians have               minute makeover” or litter pick-up in a
        identified litter as one of the top problems            school ground, to a huge garbage removal
        in the city today. The ugliness of litter               effort spanning several days, involving many
        undermines our civic pride, leaves tourists             community partners and participants, and
        with a bad impression, and makes it harder              including an array of activities such as
        for Toronto to attract and retain the skilled           picking up litter and garbage, planting,
        workers we need to thrive and prosper.                  or painting murals.

        In 2004, the Toronto Board of Trade                     The Mayor has set a goal of 50% reduction
        created a Clean City Task Force to work in              in Toronto’s litter within five years (between
        collaboration with the City of Toronto, the             2003 and 2007). Schools can make an
        school boards, Business Improvement Areas, and          important contribution to achieving this goal.

    5    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005

Our whole school participated in a spring clean-up of the school grounds which went on all
day with classes going out in shifts. We often do fall clean-ups as well. Kids picked up litter,
raked, and did gardening. Everyone picking up litter wore gloves for protection. Student
council representatives from different classrooms helped to organize the clean-up. Morning
announcements throughout the month of April always include readings on the environment.
                                                                      JANE BATES, PRINCIPAL, BRIAN PUBLIC SCHOOL

        Many Toronto schools have organized clean-         Location
        ups before, and indeed some have been doing        •   Will the clean-up take place on or off
        it as an annual Earth Day or Earth Week                school property, or a combination of
        event for years. Each school has its own               both?
        culture, context, and ideas about how to
        approach the organization of events such as        Timing
        clean-ups. This guide describes strategies         •   Will the clean-up take place on a school
        used successfully in the past which we hope            day or on a weekend?
        will help schools in organizing their own
        community clean-up. Here are a number              •   Will everyone clean up at the same
        of factors to consider when planning the               time, or will groups go out to clean
        approach your school might take:                       up at different times, spread out over
                                                               a day or several days?
        •     Will the clean-up be organized by adults,    Duration
              students, or a combination of both?          •   For how long will participants be
                                                               cleaning up?
        • Will the school EcoTeam, environment
          club, environment committee, or youth            Participants
          leadership group be involved?                    •   Who will be involved in the clean-up –
                                                               everyone in the school, interested
        • Will the school invite parents, the police,
                                                               classes/students only, older students only,
          and other community partners
                                                               parents, other community partners?
          to help organize the event?

    6       Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
• Can our school act as a hub to                        There is no one right way to organize a
          encourage others in our family of                     community clean-up. Schools will have
          schools to participate?                               different approaches, and any clean-up
                                                                event can be a success as long as students
        • Will older students be involved in the
                                                                participate, the place looks better, and
          same activities as younger students?
                                                                everyone is safe. Throughout this guide
                                                                you’ll find inspiring stories about the
        Activities                                              community clean-ups organised by several
        • Will activities focus on litter pick-up               TDSB schools in 2004. And these are only
          only?                                                 a small sample!
        • Will the clean-up also include planting
          or painting murals?

                                       What is litter?
                                       Litter is any product or material that is lying around on our
                                       highways, parks, beaches, or streets that doesn’t belong there.
              Examples of litter include cups, lids, cans, plastic bottles, napkins, cigarette butts,
              candy bar wrappers, chip bags, bottle caps…the list goes on! Litter comes from a
              variety of sources: it can blow out of full garbage cans or be pulled out by urban
              wildlife, fall out of trucks and cars, or be dropped carelessly by any one of us. Litter
              does not, however, include leaves, branches, and other natural waste – all of these
              belong on the grass or open ground where they can decompose and enrich the soil.

Our school held a community clean-up event on Saturday May 1st, 2004. Leaders Today
partnered with the TDSB, the Toronto Star, Toronto 1, Rona, and Pizza Pizza for this day
and invited schools to participate. Seven schools took part, including Sir John A. Macdonald,
Agincourt, C.W. Jefferys, Kipling, Scarlett Heights, Western Tech, Central Tech and us.
Interested clubs and groups in our school signed up to take care of different activities, such
as cleaning up litter in the school grounds, fixing up the track and field pits, and gardening.
Involving students in the planning and running of events such as this is key to the long-term
impact of developing students’ sense of pride in the school. Our school caretakers were also
fabulous and provided a lot of support for the event.
                                                                 VAL COPELAND, GUIDANCE TEACHER, MALVERN COLLEGIATE

    7    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005

        Youth Leadership                                   section on page 21 for more information
        Giving students a role in helping to plan          about these and other youth leadership
        and implement a clean-up event can                 initiatives.
        provide an excellent opportunity to
        develop leadership skills. Existing school         Community Involvement
        environment clubs often take responsibility        High school students involved in a
        for organizing clean-up events; however,           community clean-up event can obtain
        there may be other students in the school          community involvement credit for work done
        also willing and able to get involved.             outside of school hours, e.g., helping with
                                                           planning the event during lunch break, spare
        In elementary schools, older students can          periods, and for the clean-up itself if it takes
        plan and publicize the event, as well as teach     place outside of class time or on a weekend.
        the clean-up safety rules to younger students.     Obtaining community involvement hours
        Older students can also be paired up with          might be a significant motivating factor in
        their “reading buddy” from younger grades          getting students to participate in the clean-
        during the clean-up itself.                        up event. If your event takes place outside of
                                                           school hours, make sure that your organizers
        Youth Programs                                     have extra copies of the Community
        Many secondary schools have a number of            Involvement Passport on hand and delegate
        youth leadership initiatives already in place,     an adult organizer to be the signing
        often with the input of external community         authority for the event.
        partners. Examples include the Empowered
        Student Partnerships (ESP) program and             For more information, please consult the
        SMILE, both supported by the Toronto Police        TDSB’s Community Involvement Manual
        Service, or “Volunteer Now” and “It’s up to        and Community Involvement Passport.
        YOUth,” run by Leaders Today. Students who         They are both available online (in PDF
        are or have been involved in such leadership       format) at Click on
        initiatives are in an ideal position to organize   >Students>Secondary>Community
        a clean-up event and help to motivate other        Involvement>TDSB Community
        students to participate. Check out the             Involvement Manual.
        “Connecting with Community Partners”

    8    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
           The five-step process…at a glance

                                                                            Step   1
                                                                          Spread the word to everyone at school
                                                                           and possible community partners
                                                                          Hold a start-up meeting

                                  Step  1
                                                                            Step   2
                                                                          Find out what was learned from previous
                                         Team                              clean-ups
                                                                          Review possible clean-up locations
                                                                          Review resources available in the school


                                                                           or community
5          Your Resue


                                    Organize                              Find out if, when, and where other local

                                      your                                 community organizations are also holding
                                    Clean-Up                               clean-ups

                                                         Ac ev

                  yo n



                                   P                el n Pl
                               ion nt                    3                Define what you want to accomplish and how
                                                      op an
                            Act leme


                                                                          Think about how you will evaluate your success
                                                                          List resources you need
                                                                          Include strategies for publicizing your event
                                                                          Delegate tasks
                                                                          Get school administration approval
                                                                          Register online

                                                                            Step   4
                                                                          Involve team members
                                                                          Clean-up your community!
                                                                          Reward your participants

                                                                            Step   5
                                                                          Get your team members together for a party!
                                                                          Make follow-up recommendations
                                                                          Provide feedback about your event online
                                                                          Start planning your next community
                                                                           clean-up…(and back to Step 1!)

    9      Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Step  1
                                                                                   THE FIVE STEPS…in detail
                                                          Ste CoRnedvuiecwt
                                                             p 2

5      Your Resue


                                                                                   Step One – Establish Your Clean-Up Team

                                                     Ac ev
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                        Act leme



                                                                                   Once you’ve decided you want to hold a               At your first meeting decide how big an
                                                                                   community clean-up, you’ll need a team to            event you want to organize, and brainstorm
                                                                                   plan and oversee the event. Organizing a             possible dates and sites for your community
                                                                                   great clean-up event is too much for one             clean-up. Find out what people are good
                                                                                   person to do alone! Hold a start-up meeting          at doing and start delegating responsibilities
                                                                                   and invite people representing different             e.g., publicity, fundraising, equipment,
                                                                                   groups to come:                                      safety, food, rewards, and recognition for
                                                                                   • students (don’t forget to invite
                                                                                     representatives from the school
                                                                                     environment club, environment committee,
                                                                                     or any youth leadership initiatives)
                                                                                   • teachers and principal
                                                                                   • caretakers and school administrative staff
                                                                                                                                               Not everyone will want to be on
                                                                                   • the police
                                                                                                                                             the organizing team, but they might
                                                                                   • parents
                                                                                                                                             like to be involved as participants on
                                                                                   • local community groups and businesses
                                                                                                                                               the clean-up day or as sponsors.
                                                                                     (check out “Connecting with Community
                                                                                                                                              Create a list of everyone interested
                                                                                     Partners” on page 21)                                    in the community clean-up so that
                                                                                   • representatives from other schools                          you can keep them informed
                                                                                     in your area                                                      about the event.

                                                                                   Toronto Police Service
                                                                                   All of Toronto’s schools already work in collaboration with the Toronto Police Service in
                                                                                   a variety of capacities. Your school’s police partners can help you plan your event, identify
                                                                                   hotspots in your community that require a clean-up, connect you with community partners,
                                                                                   advise you on safety issues relevant to clean-ups, and perhaps provide officers to help
                                                                                   supervise your event. Contact your school’s police liaison officer to invite him/her to
                                                                                   become involved in your clean-up event.

                                                                              10    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Step  1

                                                          Ste CoRnedvuiecwt
                                                             p 2

5      Your Resue


                                                                                   Step Two – Conduct a Review

                                                     Ac ev
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                        Act leme



                                                                                   Review what was done in any previous                           risk? You can mitigate some safety risks
                                                                                   clean-up events organized by your school                       by having older participants work on
                                                                                   to learn from past experience.                                 more difficult sites, or having older
                                                                                                                                                  participants lead and supervise small
                                                                                   Which area should we clean up?                                 groups of younger ones. You can also
                                                                                   Check out a few possible sites both on
                                                                                                                                                  invite the police to help supervise
                                                                                   and off school property. For a map of
                                                                                                                                                  the event.
                                                                                   your school neighbourhood, go to
                                                                                   http://tdsbweb/>Facility Services>                         •   Suitability of site for age of participants and
                                                                                   Vital Systems.                                                 size of group – if most of your participants
                                                                                                                                                  are young, you might want to stay on
                                                                                   Factors to consider:                                           school property or choose a site close to
                                                                                   •     Amount and type of work needed – choose                  the school that has few safety risks. If
                                                                                         a worthwhile site that will show marked                  your group will be very large, you will
                                                                                         improvement as a result of your clean-up.                want to consider choosing a fairly large
                                                                                         If you wish to broaden your scope,                       site so that you can keep people busy
                                                                                         consider the potential of the site for work              and have maximum impact.
                                                                                         other than just garbage removal. Your
                                                                                                                                              • Location and accessibility – if you do
                                                                                         school liaison police officer or the city
                                                                                                                                                a clean-up off school property on a
                                                                                         parks department might also have an
                                                                                                                                                weekend, choose a site that is easily
                                                                                         idea of hotspots that need a clean-up.
                                                                                                                                                accessible by foot or public transit, and
                                                                                   •     Safety of participants – is the clean-up               in a location that is in reasonably close
                                                                                         site along busy streets? Are there steep               proximity to most of the expected
                                                                                         ravines or water that might pose a safety              participants.

                                                Two hundred and fifty students at Sir Robert L. Borden B.T.I. took part in our annual Earth
                                                Week clean-up during the week of May 1-7, 2004. We advertised the clean-up in school
                                                announcements and then interested classes signed up and went out for a period during that
                                                week to go out into our community to clean up. Some classes went off school property to clean
                                                up a churchyard, a park, a fire hall, and a strip mall, and this made a great impression on
                                                members of our community outside of the school. Participating classes were entered in a raffle
                                                and the winners received a pizza lunch.
                                                                                                                                       STEWART MACSWEEN, HEAD OF GUIDANCE, SIR ROBERT BORDEN B.T.I.

                                                                              11       Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Step  1

                                                          Ste CoRnedvuiecwt
                                                             p 2


                                                                                   Step Three - Develop Your Action Plan
       Your Resue


                                                     Ac ev
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                               P                el n Pl
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                                                                                   Now that you have gathered information                   the event. Check out the sample action plan
                                                                                   about your community and the resources                   on page 16 for ideas, and then go to the
                                                                                   available, you need to draw up an action                 toolkit at the end of this guide, or online
                                                                                   plan. This doesn’t have to be complicated!               to, for a blank
                                                                                   Basically, you need a plan so that your whole            action plan template.
                                                                                   team is clear about the objectives you are
                                                                                   trying to achieve, the actions you need to               Indicators of Success
                                                                                   take to meet those objectives, who will do               It’s a good idea at the action planning stage
                                                                                   the tasks, and when – simple!                            to think about how you will measure your
                                                                                                                                            success. Once your event is finished, you’re
                                                                                   Define your objective(s) –
                                                                                                                                            going to want to be able to tell people what
                                                                                   a good starting point
                                                                                                                                            you have accomplished – on your website,
                                                                                   What exactly does your team want to                      in the school newspaper, and/or through the
                                                                                   accomplish by doing a community clean-up?                local media. List the indicators of success for
                                                                                   You might have more than one objective.                  each action in your plan, and don’t forget to
                                                                                   Here are some examples:                                  collect this information on the day of your
                                                                                   • Collect and dispose of all litter from the             clean-up!
                                                                                     following streets: Baine, Withrow, Riverdale
                                                                                                                                            Here are a few examples of success indicators:
                                                                                   • Clean up and sort all litter and other garbage
                                                                                                                                            • Number and types of participants, e.g., students,
                                                                                     in Gracedale Park
                                                                                                                                              staff, parents, community partners
                                                                                   • Collect, sort, and dispose of all litter from school
                                                                                                                                            • Amount of garbage and recyclables collected (can
                                                                                                                                              be measured by counting, and if possible,
                                                                                   • Discourage graffiti by creating a mural
                                                                                                                                              weighing the bags)
                                                                                   • Discourage school littering
                                                                                                                                            • Number of streets/total approximate
                                                                                   • Create a butterfly garden to enhance pride
                                                                                                                                              area cleaned up
                                                                                     of place
                                                                                                                                            • Amount of time spent/number of students
                                                                                   • Demonstrate to community that students
                                                                                                                                              collecting litter
                                                                                     are responsible citizens
                                                                                                                                            • Other activities accomplished, e.g., 4m2 butterfly
                                                                                                                                              garden created, murals painted
                                                                                   Once you know what your objectives are, you
                                                                                                                                              on panels, etc.
                                                                                   need to decide what actions you will take to
                                                                                                                                            • Impact of clean-up activity on participants/
                                                                                   accomplish them, before, during and after

                                                                              12    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Registering your clean-up event
                                                                                                                  If you want your school’s community clean-up to be considered
                                                                                                                  part of the 2005 spring Clean City campaign, it should take place
                                                                                         between Monday April 18th and Saturday May 28th, 2005. To register your clean-up,
                                                                                         complete the TDSB online registration form three weeks before your event. Please see
                                                                                         page 27 for instructions on registering your event online.

                              Step  1
                                                          Ste CoRnedvuiecwt
                                                             p 2


                                                                                   Step Four – Implement the Action Plan
5      Your Resue


                                                     Ac ev
              yo n



                               P                el n Pl
                           ion nt                    3
                                                  op an
                        Act leme



                                                                                   Branch out                                             responsibilities for getting your clean-up
                                                                                   • Organize other activities to help                    event organized and implemented. If you
                                                                                     clean up and improve your school                     are undertaking a large clean-up, the team
                                                                                     or community, such as tree planting,                 might need to meet a few times before the
                                                                                     gardening, mural painting, etc.                      event to make sure that everything is on
                                                                                                                                          target, and that everyone is up to date. Keep
                                                                                   Before the event                                       brief notes of these meetings, and send them
                                                                                   At this stage, everyone on your team should            out to anyone who could not attend to ensure
                                                                                   have been assigned specific roles and                  that everyone knows what’s going on.

                                                                                   On the big day!                                        • Set up a first aid station and an
                                                                                   You want to make sure your clean-up event                equipment station, and designate
                                                                                   goes smoothly, and one of the best ways of               garbage drop-off areas.
                                                                                   achieving this goal is to be well organized.
                                                                                                                                          • Have participants work in teams (e.g.,
                                                                                   Here are a few ways to avoid chaos:
                                                                                                                                            a class, club or other group) and assign
                                                                                   • Create a master plan showing where and                 each team to a different clean-up area
                                                                                     when each team will be working, and                    or activity.
                                                                                     what they will be doing. Consider
                                                                                                                                          • Assign a leader to each team who can
                                                                                     making a large copy and posting it in a
                                                                                                                                            distribute gloves and garbage bags, and
                                                                                     busy part of the school so that everyone
                                                                                                                                            who knows where the garbage is to be
                                                                                     can see what is happening. Use a map!
                                                                                                                                            taken and where the first aid station
                                                                                   • Designate one person as the main event                 is located.
                                                                                     coordinator. This person should know
                                                                                     exactly what is in the master plan.

                                                                              13    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Step  1

                                                          Ste CoRnedvuiecwt
                                                             p 2                   Step Five – Evaluate Your Results and Celebrate!

5      Your Resue


                                                     Ac ev
              yo n



                               P                el n Pl
                           ion nt                    3
                                                  op an
                        Act leme



                                                                                   Once you have completed your clean-up event,         Certificate of Appreciation for
                                                                                   get your team back together to see what you          students and community partners
                                                                                   did well, and what could have been done              While your school will receive one
                                                                                   better. Have some treats on hand to entice           Certificate of Participation from the Mayor
                                                                                   people and create a celebratory atmosphere!          to acknowledge your contribution to the
                                                                                   Fill in the results section of the action plan,      Clean City campaign, your school may also
                                                                                   and make a list of recommendations for the           wish to issue its own Certificates of Appreciation
                                                                                   next clean-up event.                                 to recognize the contributions of individual
                                                                                                                                        participants, classes or community partners.
                                                                                   Consider collecting information about the
                                                                                   impact of the event on the participants              A certificate template is provided in the guide’s
                                                                                   themselves to use in the school newsletter,          toolkit on page 29, and is also available online
                                                                                   website or in a display – also very useful           at You can
                                                                                   when you go online to provide feedback!              insert your school logo and make changes
                                                                                   This could be done by giving participants            to the text to make this certificate specific
                                                                                   a feedback form to complete, either at the           to your event.
                                                                                   event or soon afterwards. For sample forms
                                                                                   see page 32 in the toolkit section, or
                                                                                   on-line at

                                                                                                                 Submit feedback about
                                                                                                                 your clean-up event!
                                                                                         Now is the time to go back to the online registration system and send in your
                                                                                         feedback – who participated, how it went, what you did. Feedback should be
                                                                                         submitted by Monday May 30th (see the toolkit, page 28).

                                                                                         Once you submit your feedback you’ll receive a Certificate of Participation for your
                                                                                         school from the Mayor. Information about your event may be shared publicly.

                                                                              14    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
         Here are a few tips to consider while                    •    Have a party for participants – ask
         putting together your action plan,                            community partners to donate healthy
         gathered from the experiences of                              drinks or snacks (try to avoid turning
         organizers of previous school                                 this into a garbage-producing party!)
         community clean-ups:
                                                                  •    Hold a draw for participating classes
                                                                       and give the winning class a pizza lunch
         Prepare your participants
                                                                       or other prize
         •     Obtain the equipment your participants
               will need for a successful clean-up (and
               be sure that each piece is clearly labelled
                                                                  Celebrate your accomplishments
                                                                  •    Give individual participants or
               for easy return)
                                                                       participating classes a certificate
         •     Communicate safety rules every day during               acknowledging their contribution
               the week leading up to your event
                                                                  •    Invite the media to cover your event,
         •     Delegate different clean-up areas to                    particularly the local community paper
               classes or teams to cover more ground
                                                                  •    Include a story about your community
                                                                       clean-up in the school newspaper or
         Make it fun!
                                                                       on the school website
         •     Give raffle prizes (donated by community
               partners) to participants

Every morning during the week leading up to our clean-up event in the school yard, grade two
students reviewed safety rules on the announcements. It worked well at our school to just ask
each class to go out for 20 minutes when it was convenient, rather than make up a schedule.
Letting students take leadership where possible was a successful strategy. The kids participated
with enthusiasm and the school grounds showed a real improvement! The students recognized
that a lot of garbage was present in our school yard, and they could see that, in many cases, it
was litter that they had created.
                                                             JUDY CAMPBELL, VICE PRINCIPAL, H.A. HALBERT JR. PUBLIC SCHOOL

    15       Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
SAMPLE ACTION PLAN - Community Clean-up
                                           Objective (s)                              Actions                           Indicators                       Resources                                  When                              Results
                                                                                                                        of Success                   (human, material, $)                                                        (How did we do?)
                                           Clean up and sort      1. Register event & publicize                   •   participants             • team members                             • register 3 weeks        • clean-up registered online
                                           all litter and other      • register online                            •   involvement              • school administration                      before event            • 1 article in community paper

                                           garbage on school         • create flyer, publicity materials              of community             • media list                               • flyers, media release   • 50 flyers posted

                                           property and              • distribute flyers in school & community        partners outside         • sample media release                       2 weeks before          • PA announcements every day

                                           Gracedale Park            • send out media release                         school                                                              • permission & PA           for 1 week
                                                                     • send permission forms home                                                                                           1 week before
                                                                     • make announcements on PA

                                                                  2. Organize equipment                           •   equipment organized      • school team members                      • pick up 1 week          • no cloth gloves available - used latex
                                                                     • check equipment available in school            and well distributed     • parent volunteers                          before event              supply from school, one
                                                                     • purchase needed equipment                                               • canvas gloves, bags,                     • deliver to drop-off       per participant
                                                                     • organize into bundles for teams                                           recycling boxes and toters                 point morning of        • used school garbage bags/

                                                                                                                                               • containers for hazardous waste             April 22nd                recycling boxes
                                                                                                                                                 and sharps

                                                                  3. Fundraise                                    • 10 raffle prizes           •   team and team leaders                  •   Fri. April 15th       •   pizza lunch donated by pizza shop
                                                                      • obtain donations, raffle prizes,            secured                    •   school stationery                                                •   20 raffle prizes obtained and awarded

Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
                                                                        team prizes, and reusable gloves          • 1 pizza lunch donated

                                                                      • personal visits to local businesses

                                                                  4. Train team leaders                           •   no incidents –           • team                                     •   Wed. April 20th       •   training session held
                                                                      • select students to be team leaders            everyone safe            • older students                                                     •   environment club formed after event
                                                                      • visit site & assign areas                                                (team leaders)                                                         by participants
                                                                      • go over equipment & sorting rules                                      • clean-up equipment

                                                                      • establish safety guidelines

                                                                  5. Clean-up day                                 • amount of garbage          • everyone in school                       •   Fri. April 22nd       •   43 bags of garbage collected, incl. 10
                                                                     • divide participants into teams               collected                  • parents                                                                bags recyclables, from school ground,
                                                                     • collect & sort litter                      • recyclables sorted         • community partners                                                     local park and
                                                                     • leave garbage at drop-off points           • total area covered         • used grocery bags for smaller                                          2 streets
                                                                       for city to collect                                                       students
                                                                                                                                               • large bags for garbage and recyclables

                                                                  6. Follow-up                                    • garbage removed            • team members                             •   Fri. April 29th       • certificates to all participating classes
                                                                      • thank you letters to community partners     promptly                   • raffle prizes                                                      • thank you letters sent 1 week later
                                                                      • rewards & prizes for participants         • thank you letters done     • other prizes                                                       • pizza lunch won by Room 5

                                                                      • submit feedback online                    • certificates distributed   • certificates                                                       • feedback submitted

                                                              A blank action plan template can be found in the guide’s toolkit section on page 26, or online at

         Undeniably, the first concern of many         • Contact the rail police ahead of time if
         schools interested in organizing a              you are planning to conduct a clean-up
         community clean-up is the safety of             on rail lands. See “Connecting with
         their participants. By following these          Community Partners” on page 21.
         safety guidelines and obtaining some basic
         clean-up equipment, you should be able        Safety – during your event
         to organize a safe and successful clean-up
                                                       •   Provide at least one glove for each
         event involving students from kindergarten
                                                           student. For community clean-ups
         through high school.
                                                           in ravines or heavily vegetated areas,
                                                           reusable cloth gloves will provide
         Safety – before your event
                                                           more protection.
         • Plan ahead to ensure that there is
                                                       •   Make certain that students do not touch
           sufficient adult supervision of the
                                                           any dangerous materials (such as broken
           students involved in picking up litter
                                                           glass, needles, sharp objects, and used
           and other garbage. Parents and
           volunteers could be invited to help
           teachers supervise students.                •   If dangerous or suspicious items are
                                                           found, mark the location using a pylon
         • Arrange for the caretaker to look for and
                                                           or hula hoop so that the caretaker or
           safely remove dangerous items on the
                                                           another adult can find and safely
           school grounds before a clean-up is
                                                           remove them.
           done. Other adults can help with this
           off school property.

         • Use school announcements to review
           safety guidelines during the week
           preceding your clean-up event.                   Consider involving the police officer
                                                             affiliated with your school – he/she
         • Include information about safety in any            can help you address safety in the
           newsletter articles or other publicity             planning stages as well as provide
           inviting people to participate in your           support at your actual clean-up event.
           clean-up event.

    17    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Safety – during your event…cont’d.
     • Extra care should be taken around shrubs         Permission forms
       because dangerous materials are more
                                                        •   Parents of the students involved should
       difficult to spot in these locations.
                                                            be asked to sign standard school board
     • Students should work in teams                        permission forms stating that they
       supervised by an adult, and always                   support their children participating in
       remain in a group, particularly in                   the clean-up activity, whether it takes
       densely vegetated areas.                             place on a school day or the weekend.
                                                            Look for the sample permission form
     • Keep younger children away from                      on page 31.
       the edges of ponds or creeks.

     • Have a first aid station, and ensure that        Equipment
       all team leaders know where it is and who        You’re going to need some basic equipment
       to contact in case a problem does arise.         for your community clean-up, most of which
                                                        is already in the school. Here are a few ideas
     •     For clean-ups off school property, someone
                                                        to consider:
           should have a cell phone handy in case of
           emergencies.                                 Essential Equipment
                                                        Garbage bags:
     Safety – after your event                          • Used grocery bags – ask students to
     • All participants should wash their hands            bring these in from home prior to the
       afterwards. If your community clean-up              clean-up event. Used bags are ideal
       event is off school property, plan ahead            for participants to use for collecting
       for hand washing, particularly if you               litter, especially younger children. Use
       are having refreshments. If public                  separate bags for collecting reasonably
       washrooms are nearby, coordinate with               clean recyclable container products.
       the owner or city parks department to
                                                        •   Large garbage bags – the school
       arrange for them to be open/available
                                                            caretaker may be able to supply these.
       to participants. Alternatively, you could
                                                            Have several large bags available and ask
       bring along a portable water dispenser,
                                                            students to dump the contents of their
       soap and towels, or hand disinfectant.
                                                            grocery bags in them.
     • Make sure that all garbage is put in
                                                        • Recycling containers – designate students
       school bulk bins, stored away, or picked
                                                          to collect recyclable container products
       up promptly following your event to
                                                          that are reasonably clean and put these
       avoid the possibility of garbage being
                                                          in the school’s blue boxes or blue toters.
       re-strewn around the cleaned up area
                                                          For a list of which container products
       by raccoons or other animals.
                                                          are recyclable, please see recycling poster
                                                          on page 35.

18       Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Gloves                                             wagon may be helpful to carry supplies
     • One glove per student should be                  to and litter from the clean-up location.
        adequate, unless you’re doing a major
                                                    Rubber boots
        clean-up of a ravine or park and dealing
                                                    • If your community clean-up is in a wet
        with more than litter.
                                                       or muddy area, encourage participants to
     • The school should be able to provide            wear rubber boots or old shoes.
       latex gloves from their own supply.
                                                    Rakes and brooms
     • If you are planning to make clean-ups        • Rakes and brooms come in handy for
       an annual event and are concerned about         collecting litter in grassy or paved
       creating more garbage with latex gloves,        areas and tidying up gardens.
       ask a community partner to sponsor
                                                    •   Ask students to bring them in from
       reusable cloth gloves. You’ll need to
                                                        home (with names on the handle!).
       collect them and find a volunteer to wash
       them all when your clean-up is over!
                                                    Litter grabbers
     •     Or, ask students to bring in their own   • If your school does a lot of clean-ups, and
           gloves from home (clearly marked with        your students are K-6, you may consider
           their names).                                investing in a set of “litter grabbers” or
                                                        “reachers,” which have a pincer on the
     Sensible clothing                                  end to grasp items (often used by seniors)
     • Participants should be warned that               and can be ordered through a pharmacy.
        cleaning up garbage can be messy!               Try to find a community partner who
        The community clean-up is not the best          will help cover the cost.
        occasion to show off a favourite new
                                                    Hip waders
        fashion item - older clothes and sensible
                                                    • If your participants are in high school
        shoes with strong soles are ideal.
                                                       and your community clean-up involves
     • Long sleeves and pants are recommended          a wet area, you may consider having a
       for clean-ups around bushes and shrubs.         few pairs of hip waders on hand. You
                                                       may be able to borrow these from a
     Extra Equipment                                   college or university, or a company that
     Shopping cart or child’s wagon                    does environmental impact assessments.
     • If you are working away from the school
        grounds, a shopping cart or child’s

19       Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Our school organized a 20 minute clean-up, and all classes went over safety rules prior to the
event. All of our 700 students went out at the same time collecting litter around our school in
the field and on the sloping wooded areas where they play. We sent a letter home in advance
informing parents about the clean-up and inviting them to participate, and quite a few of them
came. It felt great being part of a big clean-up event happening all over the city. The clean-up
made a big impact on the students – several of them kept collecting litter in the playground on
their own for several days afterwards.
                                                            SHARON JANES, VICE-PRINCIPAL, SWANSEA PUBLIC SCHOOL

On behalf of the environment and community, about a dozen students, 4 teaching staff, a Vice-
Principal and the Principal participated in our community clean-up of Smithfield Park behind
Smithfield Middle School on Saturday April 24th, 2004. Supplies and equipment for the clean-
up were supplied by Councillor Hall. ‘Never have so few collected so much for the benefit of the
many.’ Mother Nature would have been proud! A large pile of full garbage bags was produced,
several shopping carts were pulled from the stream, a number of mattresses and bed frames,
various forms of scrap metal, a couple of bicycle frames, a couple of cans of paint, 3 car
batteries, large amounts of plastic sheeting. This is the pile of litter that my team was working
on: there were others that I did not see! Despite the list above, there was still a large amount
of debris left that the students had not a chance of moving, e.g., discarded sofas, or could not
access because some of it was lying in the creek bed and hard to dislodge because of silting.
                                                               KARL SPROGIS, PRINCIPAL, NORTH ALBION COLLEGIATE

   20   Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005

         Your school might be interested in               Community Police Liaison
         organizing your clean-up in collaboration        Committees (CPLC)
         with other partners in the community.            Secondary schools should get in touch
         Following is a list of community partners        with the Police and Community Liaison
         to consider. This list is just the beginning –   Committee (CPLC) in their Division to enlist
         there are many other potential partners in       the assistance of that unit’s officers. CPLCs
         the community that might be interested           are active in all Divisions across the city
         in helping with your school’s clean-up           and can help schools connect with many
         event, such as local environmental groups,       community partners. The contact number
         residents’ associations, faith communities.      is 1-808-(Division number)00. Ask for the
                                                          Community Response Staff Sargeant.
         School Trustees
         Your school trustee can help you publicize       Rail Police
         your clean-up event, and may be interested       If rail lands are to be targeted, the
         in participating. Check the table on page 23     appropriate rail police must be notified.
         for the trustee in your ward.                    They will provide assistance in ensuring
                                                          protection for students working on the rail
         Parents                                          lands. The contact for CP Police is Ron
         Invite parents to get involved in your clean-    Morrison, Community Services Unit, CPR
         up – they can help with planning the event       Police Service, Toronto, 416-696-6601
         and supervising groups of students as well       (office), 416-600-4337 (pager), e-mail:
         as helping to clean up. Some of them might CN Rail can be
         also be able to help with equipment or           reached through Constable Matthew
         supplies.                                        Davidson, CN Police, 905-815-0312 (office)
                                                          or 1-800-465-9239 (24hr).
         City Councillors
         Let your city councillor know about your
         clean-up event – he or she may be able to
         help you connect with community groups,
         help publicize your event, and even be
         interested in participating!

    21    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
Empowered Student                                Business Improvement Areas
     Partnerships (ESP)                               Toronto currently has about 50 “Business
     ESP is a Toronto Police Service initiative       Improvement Areas” or BIAs. A BIA is
     in partnership with the school boards of         an association of business people within a
     Toronto, the Canadian Safe School Network,       particular part of the city who are working
     ProAction Cops and Kids, and other               together, with official approval of the City,
     partners. Many Toronto high schools have         on a self-help program aimed at stimulating
     an ESP group – these students and the            local business. Their goal is to draw more
     associated police officer can help your school   prospective customers to their area by
     put together a safe and successful clean-up      improving the attractiveness of the area
     event. Find out more about ESP:                  and promoting it as a good place to shop,                                 visit, and do business. Litter is one of their
                                                      concerns, so it is worth checking to see if
     Students and Staff Maximizing                    your school falls within an existing BIA.
     Intercommunity Leadership                        If so, contact it about potential partnership
     Experiences (SMILE)                              for your event. Visit
     Middle school and secondary students who         for maps and contact details.
     have participated in the Toronto Police
     Service’s SMILE camp may be interested           Local Businesses
     in applying their leadership skills to help      Invite local businesses to sponsor equipment,
     organize a community clean-up.                   raffle prizes, or refreshments and invite
                                                      employees to participate.
     Leaders Today
     Leaders Today is a non-profit organization
     that provides and supports youth leadership
     and volunteer initiatives in many of Toronto’s
     high schools. Their programs include
                                                              Create a photo display of your
     “Volunteer Now” and “It’s up to YOUth.”
                                                            community clean-up and put it up
     Participating students are in an ideal
                                                           in a prominent spot in the school or
     position to organize and coordinate
                                                            community, e.g., the library, a busy
     a school community clean-up. Check out
                                                            bank, or a business run by one of
     their website for contact information                      your community partners.
     and details on how to get Leaders
     Today involved at your school:

22    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
School Board Trustee and City Councillor Contacts 2005
     Check the table below for your locally elected representatives. If you’re not sure which ward
     your school is in, you can find out by visiting
     To contact your trustee, call 416-397-3061. To contact your city councillor, call 416-338-0338.

     WARD                                        TRUSTEE                            COUNCILLOR
                                                                               1    Suzan Hall
     Etobicoke North                      1      Stan Nemiroff                 2    Rob Ford
                                                                               3    Doug Holyday
     Etobicoke Centre                     2      John Campbell                 4    Gloria Lindsay Luby
                                                                               5    Peter Milczyn
     Etobicoke-Lakeshore                  3      Bruce Davis                   6    Mark Grimes
                                                                               7    Giorgio Mammoliti
     York West                            4      Stephnie Payne                8    Peter Li Preti
                                                                               9    Maria Augimeri
     York Centre                          5      Sheine Mankovsky              10   Mike Feldman
                                                                               11   Frances Nunziata
     York South-Weston                    6      Elizabeth Hill                12   Frank Di Giorgio
                                                                               13   Bill Saundercook
     Parkdale-High Park                   7      Irene Atkinson                14   Sylvia Watson
                                                                               15   Howard Moscoe
     Eglinton-Lawrence                    8      Howard Goodman                16   Karen Stintz
                                                                               17   Cesar Palacio
     Davenport                            9      Maria Rodrigues               18   Adam Giambrone
                                                                               19   Joe Pantalone
     Trinity-Spadina                      10     Chris Bolton                  20   Olivia Chow
                                                                               21   Joe Mihevc
     St. Paul’s                           11     Josh Matlow                   22   Michael Walker
                                                                               23   John Filion
     Willowdale                           12     Mari Rutka                    24   David Shiner
                                                                               25   Cliff Jenkins
     Don Valley West                      13     Gerri Gershon                 26   Jane Pitfield
                                                                               27   Kyle Rae
     Toronto Centre-Rosedale              14     Sheila Ward                   28   Pam McConnell
                                                                               29   Case Ootes
     Toronto-Danforth                     15     Rick Telfer                   30   Paula Fletcher
                                                                               31   Janet Davis
     Beaches-East York                    16     Sheila Cary-Meagher           32   Sandra Bussin
                                                                               33   Shelley Carroll
     Don Valley East                      17     Michael Coteau                34   Denzil Minnan-Wong
                                                                               35   Gerry Altobello
     Scarborough Southwest                18     Gary Crawford                 36   Brian Ashton
                                                                               37   Michael Thompson
     Scarborough Centre                   19     Scott Harrison                38   Glenn De Baeremaeker
                                                                               39   Mike Del Grande
     Scarborough-Agincourt                20     David Shory                   40   Norm Kelly
                                                                               41   Bas Balkissoon
     Scarborough-Rouge River              21     Noah Ng                       42   Raymond Cho
                                                                               43   David Soknacki
     Scarborough East                     22     Patrick Rutledge              44   Gay Cowbourne
                                                 School Trustee ward numbers        City Councillor ward numbers

23    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
In 2002, York Memorial Collegiate Institute, 12 Division Toronto Police Service, and the
Community Police Liaison Committee of 12 Division initiated a community clean-up in
conjunction with their family of schools and community partners. In 2003, these original
6 were joined by an additional 7 area schools. As well as gathering up litter and removing
graffiti, students painted a mural at the gateway to the Eglinton Hill community, and planted
beautiful gardens throughout the area.

In 2004, 22 schools* participated in our massive community clean-up event, held from 9am
to 12 noon on Earth Day (Thursday April 22nd). Over 3500 square feet of inappropriate
graffiti were removed by York Memorial C.I. students alone. Collectively, the 22 schools had
approximately 7000 participants including students, staff, residents, and business partners,
and managed to fill 3/4 of a garbage truck. According to our contact at the City’s Works
and Emergency Service department that adds up to approximately 8 tons (16000 lbs.) of
garbage!!!!! In addition, 14 - 4’x 8’ panels of art work were created by York Memorial students
and donated to CN/CP for embellishing an underpass. Ten of the 22 schools also organized
activities to beautify their school grounds - planting trees, shrubs, flowers. Each school was
given a tree and $100 by ProAction towards the purchase of “greens.” Terrific work by all!
                                                                  SUZANA GREENAWAY, PRINCIPAL, VAUGHAN ROAD ACADEMY

     *   Briar Hill Junior Public School             Portage Trail Community School

         Cordella Junior Public School               Portage Trail Middle School

         C.R. Marchant Middle School                 Rockcliffe Middle School

         Downsview Junior Public School              Roselands Junior Public School

         George Harvey Collegiate Institute          Silverthorn Junior Public School

         Harwood Junior Public School                Tumpane Community School

         Kane Middle School                          Vaughan Road Academy

         Keelesdale Junior Public School             Webster Junior Public School

         Lambton Park Community School               Weston Collegiate Institute

         Pierre Laporte Middle School                York Humber High School

         Lawrence Heights Middle School              York Memorial Collegiate Institute

   24     Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005

                Blank community clean-up action plan template*                                26
                Instructions for registering your project and submitting feedback             27
                Certificate of Appreciation template (for students and community partners)*   29
                Sample school newsletter insert*                                              30
                Walking excursion permission form*                                            31
                Clean-up participants’ feedback form*                                         32
                Going beyond litter – ideas for further action                                33
                            Tree planting
                            Creating gardens
                            Painting murals
                            Teaching about waste
                “We Recycle” Poster                                                           35

            * Also available at

    25   Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
                                           Objective (s)   Actions        Indicators       Resources                When                 Results
                                                                          of Success   (human, material, $)                          (How did we do?)

Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
                                                                                                       Also available at
     To register:
        • go to http://tdsbweb/>Facility Services>Principals>Community Clean-up
        • select your school, then click on Register a New Community Clean-up Event
        • enter data in each field
        • click Save to submit

     Here is what the registration screen will look like:

27    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
     To provide feedback:
     • go to http://tdsbweb/>Facility Services>Principals>Community Clean-up
     • select your school, then click on Feedback on your Community Clean-up Event
       You will need to register your clean-up event before you can provide your feedback.
     • enter data in each field
     • click Save to submit

     Here is what the feedback screen will look like:

28    Clean City Community Clean-up Guide 2005
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