Page created by Gerald Doyle
     Services Director
City of San Marino, California
Finance, Fire, Police and Parks & Public
The Community                                  successful, highly engaged with, and
                                                                                            Works. San Marino primarily relies on
                                               proud of, their City.
Situated 12 miles from the majestic
                                                                                            property tax revenue with roughly 66%
foothill mountains, the beautiful City of      To learn more about the City
                                                                                            of revenue from this source. Crowell
San Marino, CA (approximate 13,000             of San Marino, please visit
                                                                                            Library, the City’s municipal library, is
population) is located northeast of Los
                                                                                            of one of several jewels of the community
Angeles in the San Gabriel Valley.
Incorporated in 1913, San Marino               The Organization                             as nationally recognized by the Library
                                                                                            Journal among the top 5.9% of libraries
is primarily a residential community           The City of San Marino is a General
                                                                                            of its size. Maintaining public safety is
and is known for expansive properties          Law city and operates under a Council/
                                                                                            also important in the community and as
surrounded by beautiful gardens, wide          Manager form of government. The City
                                                                                            such, in November 2019, the community
streets, well maintained parkways              Council consists of five members that
                                                                                            renewed its public safety parcel tax with
and top performing schools. A city of          are elected at-large and typically serve
                                                                                            71% voter approval.
3.75 square miles, the City is home            staggered, four-year terms. Mayor and
to numerous recreational and cultural          Vice Mayor seats typically are one year in   Since being appointed as City Manager
opportunities that complement all              duration and are selected by the Council     over three years ago, Dr. Marcella
interests. Residents and visitors enjoy        Members. The City Council appoints the       Marlowe enjoys and trusts a high
hiking in the foothill mountains,              City Manager and the City Attorney.          performing team of skilled and talented
exhibits at The Huntington, historical         The City Treasurer is also appointed by      professionals who are dedicated and
culture at the Old Mill Foundation and         the City Council.                            empowered to move the City forward.
Lacy Park. With a focus on resident                                                         The executive team consists of positive,
                                               The City of San Marino provides
services and community engagement, the                                                      committed, enthusiastic and high-spirited
                                               excellent, responsive and high-quality
City of San Marino is recognized for its                                                    department directors who enjoy their
                                               services for the community. Based on
police and fire services, library, parks and                                                work, are committed to public service
                                               the City’s high property values, property
community amenities, and planning and                                                       and value thoughtful conversations,
                                               tax revenue and fiscal conservatism,
zoning that maintain the community’s                                                        high achievement and laughter. The
                                               the community is financially stable and
high-quality residential character. The                                                     City Manager embraces an action-
                                               secure; no employees, full or part time,
City’s appeal as a small community, its                                                     oriented approach for the executive
                                               were laid off as a result of COVID-19.
attention to residents, and being ranked                                                    team and prioritizes respect, candor and
                                               The 2020/21 operating budget is
as the 12th safest city in California                                                       team-building; the leadership culture is
                                               approximately $27 million and includes
makes San Marino among the region’s                                                         based on a commitment to excellence,
                                               131.67 authorized full-time equivalent
best places to live. San Marino residents,                                                  professionalism and fun. With a strong
                                               employees (FTEs) within the departments
including long-time homeowners and                                                          commitment to supporting work-life
                                               of Administration, Community
young families, are well educated,                                                          balance whenever possible, Dr. Marlowe
                                               Development, Community Services,
                                                                                            maintains an open-door policy and enjoys
                                                                                            informal conversations. Team members
                                                                                            are encouraged to challenge each other
                                                                                            (and her) in order to achieve successful
                                                                                            shared victories and Dr. Marlowe is
                                                                                            committed to fostering a supportive
                                                                                            environment in which to learn, take risks
                                                                                            and grow. The executive team is also
                                                                                            expected to proactively engage with the
                                                                                            community and participate in community
                                                                                            events and programs.
                                                                                            The Community Services Department
                                                                                            is comprised of the Recreation and
                                                                                            Library Divisions. They have the mission
                                                                                            “to bring the community together,
                                                                                            provide enriching activities, create
lasting connections” and to offer “an
enticing space to explore curated access
to information and culture,” respectively.
The Department’s FY 2020-21 budget
includes 35.17 full-time equivalent (FTE)
positions and the operating budget is
approximately $3.5 million.
The Department is in the midst of             The Position                                    • Openness, honesty, trustworthiness
                                                                                                and professional ethics.
a rebirth, with a basic foundation            The ideal candidate is a visionary, creative,
established for re-envisioned                                                                 • Flexibility to successfully accomplish
                                              entrepreneurial and confident leader
                                              and manager who will introduce and
                                                                                              • Ability to facilitate interdepartmental
                                              implement organizational direction;               teamwork and collaboration.
                                              cultural and intellectual programs;
                                                                                              • Excellent presentation, writing and
                                              special events and “pop-up” activities;           communication skills.
                                              operational efficiencies; and staff training
                                                                                              • An understanding of the community
                                              and development. The successful applicant         in order to implement programs
                                              is expected to establish and maintain             tailored to San Marino.
                                              credibility with public officials and the       • Ability to create innovative
                                              community, embrace responsiveness                 programming, events and services.
                                              and customer service, be an exceptional         • A work ethic that embraces challenges
                                              communicator and tailor Department                with solutions and delivers results.
                                              services to the community. She/                 • Working with and balancing the
                                              he must also have a strong business               interests of multiple constituencies and
                                              acumen with an eye towards generating             competing demands.
                                              revenue whenever appropriate and                • Experience working among/with
programming that engages the                  understand how to develop and manage              elected and appointed officials.
community in ways meaningful                  a budget. Mindful of building healthy           • Being appropriately visible in the
and tailored to San Marino. The               communities, it is also important that the        community.
re-envisioning calls for a closer             successful applicant build a network to         • Good judgement and superior
relationship between Recreation and           be knowledgeable of best practices and            interpersonal skills.
the Library, particularly around shared       industry trends. The new Director will
and overlapping programming. The              work with and among the team to achieve
City is also shifting from a historic         citywide programming that goes beyond
reliance on contract classes to innovative    traditional recreation programming to
“pop up” programming. Instead of              bring the entire San Marino community
focusing predominantly on youth               together. The Community Services
programming, development of a robust          Director will also participate in the future
slate of offerings for seniors is critical    development of a new community center,
for San Marino’s mature community.            expected to break ground in Fall 2021.
Programming will embrace new trends
in wellness, cultural and arts events         The ideal candidate is a confident
and intellectual thought-provoking            individual with public sector experience
discussions and lectures. Finally, building   that demonstrates the skills, motivation
on cherished annual events (such as           and accomplishments to succeed. The
Independence Day, Memorial Day, etc.),        candidate may be a director, manager,
Community Services will take the lead         or specialist. Important attributes to be
in collaborating with other departments       successful in the position include:
on the development and execution of new        • Experience in community relations
community-building traditions.                   and engagement.
Search Schedule
Any combination of education, local
government/special district experience               Resume filing deadline ..................................................... June 11, 2021
and training that demonstrates                       Preliminary Interviews ...................................... June 14 – June 25, 2021
supervisory and programming
knowledge, skills and abilities could                Recommendation of Candidates .......................................June 28, 2021
be considered qualifying. A typical                  Finalist Interview Process ............................................. July 8 & 9, 2021
background would be 1) a bachelor’s
degree in recreation or the arts,                    These dates have been confirmed, and it is recommended that you plan your
communications, public administration,               calendar accordingly.
or a related field, 2) at least five years
of increasingly responsible experience
in municipal management, cultural
arts, community relations, or economic
development programing or project             PEPRA. The City does not participate in
management, and 3) supervisory                Social Security, but employees must be
experience of professional-level staff.       enrolled in the Medicare portion.
A master’s degree is desirable.
                                              Medical, Dental, Vision,
The Compensation                              Insurance Long- and Short-term
                                              Disability Insurance, and Life
The annual salary range for the
                                              Insurance: The City currently provides
Community Services Director is
                                              an allowance of $1,400 per month toward
$123,792 to $156,516 (with an already-
                                              the costs; that amount will increase to
approved 2% increase effective July 1,
                                              $1,500 per month on July 1, 2021. The
2021), and appointment within the range
                                              City subscribes to CalPERS for options of
will be dependent upon the qualifications
and experience of the selected candidate.
                                              medical insurance.                                   The Recruitment
The City also offers a competitive benefits   Administrative Leave: 80 hours                       Process
package, as follows:                          annually.                                            If you are passionate about this
Retirement: Depending on selected             Vacation: 90 and up to 180 hours of                  opportunity, we invite you to apply, even
candidate’s prior membership with             annual vacation time accrual based on                if your resume is not traditional! To
CalPERS, the retirement formula will          years of service.                                    apply for this exciting career opportunity,
be 2% @ 60 (which tops out at 2.418% @        Sick Leave: 120 hours of sick leave                  please visit our website at:
63) or 2% @ 62; employee contribution         annually with a cash-out option available.           Peckham & McKenney
towards retirement benefit is the                                                        
                                              Holidays: 11 holidays annually.
employee portion for “classic” members or
                                              Bereavement Leave: 3 or 5 days                       Resumes are acknowledged within two
50% of the normal costs of membership
                                              (depending on location) per circumstance.            business days. We are pleased to answer
(currently up to a 7% contribution
                                                                                                   questions about this exciting opportunity
depending on prior CalPERS                    Work Schedule: City Hall hours are
                                                                                                   and the recruitment process; do not
membership) for members under                 Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m.
                                                                                                   hesitate to contact Tony Dahlerbruch at
                                              to 5:00 p.m., and Fridays from 7:00 a.m. to
                                                                                                   (310) 567-1554 or (866) 912-1919.
                                              11:00 a.m. (Note: City Council meetings
                                              are the second Wednesday of each month
                                              (except August) and the last Friday of
                                              the month at 8:30 a.m. (except August,
                                              November and December).
                                              Other benefits offered by the City of
                                              San Marino include a catastrophic leave
                                              bank, retirement health savings plan and   
                                              voluntary deferred (457) compensation plan.
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