COMMUNITY UPDATE We're continuing to upgrade O'Shea Road to improve access to the Monash Freeway - Victoria's Big Build

Page created by Rene Castro
COMMUNITY UPDATE We're continuing to upgrade O'Shea Road to improve access to the Monash Freeway - Victoria's Big Build
UPDATE                                                                                                           SUMMER 2021/2022
                                                                                                              O'SHEA ROAD UPGRADE

We’re continuing to upgrade O’Shea Road to
improve access to the Monash Freeway
We’re adding lanes, improving                              What we’ve done                         • placed the fill for the new ramps
freeway access, upgrading                                                                            at Beaconsfield interchange
                                                           • completed underground water             totalling 200,000 cubic metres,
intersections and building                                   relocation works at the O’Shea Road     which is enough to fill 80 Olympic
new walking and cycling                                      and Clyde Road intersection             swimming pools
paths as part of the                                       • gas and electrical relocations        • installed 26 beams to widen the
O’Shea Road Upgrade.                                         along O’Shea Road                       Beaconsfield interchange from three
                                                           • finished major works to begin           to 10 lanes
All works are due to be                                      upgrading intersections at            • laid 5,100 tonnes of asphalt as part
completed by mid-2022                                        Soldiers Road, Bridgewater              of the O’Shea Road extension.
                                                             Boulevard, Jembecca Drive,              That’s over 1500 elephants worth!
                                                             Skyline Way and Moondarra Drive
                                                                                                   • installed the pedestrian bridge over
                                                           • realignment works as part of the        the Pakenham rail line, which will
Image above: Shared use path                                 new entrance/exit to Eden Rise          provide a pedestrian connection
over Pakenham Rail Line                                      Village from O’Shea Road                from Berwick to Beaconsfield.


Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
COMMUNITY UPDATE We're continuing to upgrade O'Shea Road to improve access to the Monash Freeway - Victoria's Big Build
O'Shea Road widening works                                                                                                                                                                New ramps at the Beaconsfield Interchange taking shape

Upcoming works                                                                                                              Progress at the
Over the summer months we’ll:             • start works to upgrade the Clyde     Clyde Road works                           Beaconsfield interchange
• finish building the westbound             Road intersection. We’ll need to
                                                                                 During the January school holidays we'll   Your new diamond interchange              When the new ramps and O’Shea Road
  carriageway and switch traffic to the     close lanes and have some short
                                                                                 start work to upgrade the Clyde, O'Shea    is starting to take shape. We took        extension are completed in mid-2022,
  new section of road while we start to     term closures of the intersection    and Greaves road intersection.                                                                                                    Community
                                                                                                                            advantage of lower traffic volumes        we would have laid over 28,000 tonnes
  rebuild the eastbound carriageway       • switch power to new underground                                                 during the recent COVID-19 restrictions   of asphalt, enough to fill more than         support services
                                            cables. Remove old light poles       From 11 to 31 January there will be:
• begin upgrading intersections at                                                                                          and have moved traffic onto the new       11 Olympic size swimming pools               Please know that we have a
  O’Shea Road and Kimbarra Drive            and install new improved lighting.   • no right turn from Greaves Road          outbound exit and inbound entry ramps.    or the equivalent weight of over             support service to help people
  and Riviera Drive                                                                into Clyde Road
                                          We will need to close O’Shea Road                                                                                           3500 elephants.                              impacted by our road projects.
                                                                                 • no right turn from Clyde Road            We’ve installed 26 bridge beams to
• implement a short-term closure of       for short periods while we move                                                                                                                                          This service remains open
                                                                                   into O'Shea Road.                        widen the bridge from 3 to 10 lanes       The new Beaconsfield interchange
  Bridgewater Boulevard to complete       safety barriers and we change                                                                                                                                            to you and if you ever feel like
                                                                                                                            and placed the fill for the new ramps     will be key to getting you home sooner
  kerb realignment works                  traffic conditions.                                                                                                                                                      talking to someone about how
                                                                                                                            totalling almost 200,000 cubic metres.    and with a 10-lane bridge it will be
                                                                                                                            Kerbing is nearing completion and we’ve   a great alternative to lining up on          these works affect you, you can
                                                                                                                            begun laying asphalt on the ramps.        the Clyde Road exit ramp!                    call 1300 830 687 and quote
You can now receive text messages about upcoming                                                                                                                                                                   ‘MRPV’ and one of their staff will
or changed traffic impacts. To sign up, text OSHEA                                                                                                                                                                 arrange a phone, video or face to
to 0499 073 073, or visit                                                                                                                                                                 face appointment free of charge.
COMMUNITY UPDATE We're continuing to upgrade O'Shea Road to improve access to the Monash Freeway - Victoria's Big Build
Monash Freeway                               Caring for the                                   Clyde Road level
resurfacing works                            environment                                      crossing removal
Works are underway to                        Unlike conventional walking and cycling          Major works are underway to
                                             paths, which use metal reinforcement             remove the Clyde Road level
resurface all existing freeway               for strength, the shared-use path along          crossing with changed traffic
lanes between Warrigal Road                  the O’Shea Road extension has been               conditions on Clyde Road.
and EastLink and between                     constructed with ‘E-mesh’.
Princes Highway and                                                                           From 12am Monday 10 January
                                             ‘E-mesh’ is a plastic fibre made                 to 11.59pm Sunday 20 February
Cardinia Road.                               from 100% recycled plastic which                 2022, Clyde Road will be closed
                                             replaces the need for steel and reduces          between the level crossing and
These works need to take place
                                             the water and carbon emissions                   Mansfield Street and buses
while the weather is warmer and              associated with concrete reinforcement.          will replace trains on the
will continue through Summer
                                                                                              Pakenham Line.
and will be completed in Autumn.             Of the soil used for the O’Shea
                                             Road extension and ramp                          Text CLYDE to 0429 218 131
In January there will be major               construction at the Beaconsfield                 or visit
disruptions on the Princes Freeway           interchange, 35,000 cubic metres                 au/contact/subscribe to sign
between Beaconsfield interchange             has been re-used from the centre                 up for alerts on construction
and Cardinia Road. This includes             median of the Monash Freeway                     impacts and travel changes.
day time lane and ramp closures              and from between Soldiers Road
and nightly carriageway closures.            and the Beaconsfield interchange.

Contact us      Follow us on social media                   Please contact us if you would like this
1800 105 105                                                @roadprojectsvic     information in an accessible format
 ajor Road Projects Victoria
M                                          For languages other than English,     If you need assistance because of a hearing or

GPO Box 4509, Melbourne VIC 3001           please call 9209 0147                 speech impairment, please visit
COMMUNITY UPDATE We're continuing to upgrade O'Shea Road to improve access to the Monash Freeway - Victoria's Big Build
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