Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun

Page created by Troy Sanders
Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun
St. Patrick’s Day             Compass Career Navigator            Lucky Leprechaun
                                             March 2021
AFTER 1+ YEAR OF COVID                                 NEXT STEPS FOR ALL BUSINESSES
When the Coronavirus/COVID-19 first began in           Employers and Business Owners: What do you
December 2019, the key things heard about it           need now to revive, invigorate, or grow your
was it started in China, and people were bringing      existing businesses? Do you have the employees
it to other nations via airplanes, with serious        to re-open your business and the products and
consequences – death and further spreading.            services to meet the customers’ needs?
Though similar to the “flu”, this illness was more
                                                       Some existing employees may be ready to return
powerful. Months later, victims were of all ages.
                                                       to work, or they may be nervous about the
Then as we approached Christmas of 2020, one           stability of the economy. Has the pandemic
vaccine that appeared to be effective, followed by     weakened the foundation, making the workforce
a second, and then a third vaccine was produced.       anxious about the future? This is a valid concern
Of course, the first two vaccines were exciting, but   that can trigger the fear for employees to second-
a third vaccine really boost the morale and spirits    guess how stable businesses and the economy
around the world. Hope rose & fatalities dropped.      really are. Most experts say we need to still be
                                                       cautious, but we want to be confident!
For those who had already lost families and loved
ones, the devastation has cost a heavy toll. The       At this time employers and business owners need
positive repercussion was that now more lives          to strategize and have a plan, as well as
could be saved. A lesson learned from such             implement efforts that can encourage creative and
experiences is that our world’s population has         progressive strides, where fresh and new ideas
faced other deadly diseases, where many lives          produce opportunities. Furthermore, there is a
were lost; but a vaccine was developed, and the        real need to find ways to increase a firm’s
vast population receives the vaccine, but decades      finances, helping a business be more progressive
later, some say “Oh, we don’t need that vaccine        and benefitting both the business and its
anymore”. Sadly, the diseases return and start         customers. Therefore, Business Owners need to
another round of terror. They just lie dormant until   encourage their workforces to seek ideas that
enough have forgotten the vengeance, thus more         attract more customers and develop products and
innocent victims are easy prey. Hopefully, people      services that enhance the customers’ status.
will remember this lesson, and credible vaccines       Think creatively! Most successful ideas are
continue to be used to immunize others and avoid       discovered by hard-working human beings.
the return of COVID or other deadly diseases.

     More Healthcare Centers Have Been Set Up             Open Your Mind to Creative Opportunities!
Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun
MENTAL ANGUISHED?                                      When you look at those businesses and
                                                       organizations who have survived through our
                                                       Pandemic Existence, how and why do you think
                                                       they have survived? No doubt, some of the
                                                       leaders possess an extra strong sense of
                                                       perseverance and commitment, but that can go
                                                       only so far. Most in business are aware of the
                                                       traits and characteristics of an exceptional leader.
                                                       Most of these have been provided a well-
                                                       developed Leadership Training Program.
  Who is more stressed: management or employee?        Still, a Leadership person needs to have some of
                                                       the basic characteristics and competencies of an
Who hasn’t been feeling stressed throughout this       effective leader. In addition, an employer should
COVID experience? Parents, teachers, business          be aware of the importance of the key
and restaurant owners, a multitude of employees,       comprehensive traits, which enables the
who have lost jobs or expect to lose their jobs,       candidate to grow into a strong, effective leader.
hotels, all forms of entertainment, etc. Practically   Furthermore, the Leadership candidate needs to
everyone! The flip side of job loss include the        experience opportunities to practice and utilize
many in healthcare and first-responders, who are       those lessons, and learning which ones are more
overworked and exhausted.                              effective in real-life scenarios. Each leader must
Ones who tend to be under the radar are the            find what works for him/her.
elderly and the children. These people don’t           The better the Leadership Coaching/Training is,
seem to have a “voice” in regards to stress. Yet       the more supportive a Leader can be for his/her
they are at the mercy of others. They are victims      team. The trained Leader should review and
of neglect, left to feel helpless and disregarded.     practice those techniques and processes that
Can you imagine the stress of feeling ignored & at     have been most effective in the past, and see if
the mercy of others? Therefore, children and the       any should be adjusted.
elderly are unable to express their emotions.
It is important for all of us to take time to give
these fragile & neglected people their fair share of
respect, care and to listen to them. What are their
fears, concerns, and needs? The stress each
person experiences is just as important and real
as everyone else’s. This includes those who are
working in management roles and the rest of the
workforce. Stress is experienced at work, in the
grocery stores, at home, and everywhere else.
No one is exempt from the stress these days.             A Leader: One of Confidence & Who is Trusted
Therefore, it is so important to remember this as
you look at all the people around you. We need         Being a Leader is a HUGE responsibility,
to be respectful of all.                               therefore, that person needs to be as prepared as
                                                       possible, knowing how to make wise decisions,
Even as the COVID vaccines are being distributed       being straight-forward and disciplined in order for
we each should be sensitive to all of our fellow       the subordinates to trust him/her as well as being
citizens. Parents, children, healthcare workers,       supportive of the Leader. Being an effective
business owners, fellow employees are all faced        Leader requires being a person of integrity
with stress, and any act of kindness and               and dependability and being professionally
thoughtfulness is needed and welcomed now              trained.
more than ever. Be respectful of all.
Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun
A CREDIBLE RESOURCE TO ENHANCE YOUR                  to heighten employee engagement. Compass
WORKFORCE & INCREASE YOUR BOTTOM                     Career Management Solutions has found “one
LINE: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT                         of the BEST resources” that addresses employee
                                                     relations AND employee performance.
                                                     It is a well-developed, practical, and rational
                                                     process, which “people/employees” can
                                                     understand, and where the exchange is clear.
                                                     Expectations through this process are plainly
                                                     conveyed verbally AND visually.
                                                     The creator of this program was a very
                                                     methodical, logical thinker, who was able to relay
                                                     a) both the “people” aspect and the “process”
                                                     aspect, which jointly clarified the skills needed for
                                                     a successful production goal”. b) The other
                                                     perspective to this process is to improve
                                                     communication, which is becoming an even more
                                                     important goal of today’s workforces. Employees
                                                     want to be valued and offered development.

For dozens of decades Employees have asked or        As this creator implemented his program, he
expected their Employers to provide an annual        discovered that the process encouraged more
increase without realizing that an increase wasn’t   verbal communication between employers and
justified. But when the two had an exchange, the     employees, and a better understanding of the
employee automatically expected to receive an        work and skills needed to clarify the production.
increase. However, only a few of those               Thus, employers saw what skills were missing for
employees were actually deserving of an              the employee, which dictated specific training.
increase. Many employees don’t make a                These exchanges also noted when an employee
conscious effort to improve their skills. Maybe      had been placed into an inappropriate position,
due to unclear expectations. And if this exchange    and thus moved to a better fitting position.
only happens once a year, much is forgotten by       These “performance” conversations were helpful
either of them about promises made or the lack of    when scheduled more often than once a year.
follow-through. This is just one reason why the      Twice or three times a year improved
existing process doesn’t work or been productive.    production even more. Employers using this
Interested in a real solution?                       process no longer needed to guess what kind of
Most know this existing process as the “Annual       training was needed. The Performance Exchange
Review”. (The fact is this process was first         helped identify those, then were trained or
created back in “Biblical times”.) Unfortunately,    coached on that specific skill.
this tool has done little but caused continued       With the use of this effective “Performance
frustration - resulting in poor relations between    Management” tool, businesses are experiencing a
employers and employees. Follow-up questions         substantial increase in their Bottom Lines, and
arose for Managers re: “how often they actually      more workforces are much happier. This tool has
“talked with” the employees?” We may see our         proven itself to be a very valued resource.
employees daily, but there are seldom extended       Compass Career Management Solutions is
exchanges with our workforces. Yet more              totally supportive of this internet-based, and user-
employees are looking for better working             friendly resource. We can also provide impartial
relationships with supervisors and managers.         but experienced coaching and facilitation.
However, employers and management would like         Compass Career Management can arrange a
employees to show more efforts or see them be        virtual or on-site demonstration. Call or email Bill
more productive, though such a discussion often      Crigger (; 704-
comes across as criticism. Recently, more            849-2500).
companies are seeking HR products that promise
Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun
A RESOURCE TO ADDRESS STRESS &                       Robyn Crigger, CEO of Compass Career
BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE                                Management, arranged for this forum to be an
                                                     intimate, select group of HR Professionals in a
As mentioned earlier, the topic and issue for        private setting, discussing issues & concerns and
STRESS is a growing concern. There are a             sharing resources with each other. The group
several ways to effectively manage the stress that   meets a few times a year plus has Zoom
people experience due to work, as well as the        meetings. If interested, contact Robyn at 704-849-
pandemic health issues that have plagued so          2500 or email:
many over the past 14 months or more.                **********************************************************
A service that many women have found to be           IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION
calming, as well as providing a person to feel       How important is “Communication” for a career in
comforted and to improve their personal              business? No, this is not a trick question. Today
appearance is an appt for a manicure or pedicure.    more and more people are so drawn to
Today’s “nail spa/salon” can include a relaxing      technology that many have become weak in their
period sitting in a “massaging chair”, while being   ability to communicate effectively. This is NOT an
offered a cold beverage and tranquil music.          exaggeration, and causes a BIG loss of business.
There are many such spas around, but of course,      One might see groups of people talking constantly
you want an establishment who is responsible,        in a social setting. HOWEVER, a sad gap is how
sanitary with the latest styles, and who offers      many do not LISTEN to the other person? If you
quality and professional services. One such nail     ask a question of your friend, how closely do you
spa is “RUBY NAIL SPA”, which is located on          listen to their response? Do you understand what
Monroe Road and North Sardis Road in the             they said? Did you respond appropriately?
Crown Point area of Charlotte.
                                                     There is a good chance that you didn’t hear what
The owners are Tina and Tony, and they have a        they said or totally comprehend their response.
very skilled staff, who can provide Manicures,       This happens every day in every office and can
Pedicures, Full Sets, “Gel nails”, Dipping powder,   be the same on phone calls. With this big lapse
Waxing, and Eyelashes. They have a WIDE              of communication, some employees lose jobs for
RANGE of COLORS, and able to paint intricate         being misunderstood. Or they miss promotions
designs on nails. Also, their pedicures can          as their exchanges cause hard feelings. If you
include lavender-scented wax to soften your feet     have a team who is not productive, watch how
and steaming towels & lotion to moisten dry skin     they communicate.
from the cold weather. Here are a couple of
photos and contact info for your convenience.

Location: 9854 Monroe Rd., Charlotte 28270                           The Art of Listening
Phone: 704-849-9119 (Appts or Walk-ins)              Compass Career Management Solutions are
                                                     human-resources professionals, whose
COMPASS CAREER SUPPORTS HR                           expertise involves “business transitional
                                                     scenarios”; thus, services include Outplacement,
                                                     Leadership Coaching, Performance Management,
For over several years Compass Career                Workplace Behavioral Forums, Strategic
Management Solutions has facilitated a special       Planning, Communication Coaching, etc.
human resources venue, where “decision-making; 704-849-2500.
HRs” have productive exchanges with their
colleagues, discussing some current issues and
concerns, sharing experiences and resources.
                                                        The Winds of Change Bring Opportunity!
Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun Compass Career Navigator Lucky Leprechaun
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