Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...

Page created by Charlie Maldonado
Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
Completing the
                            SPSA Modification Template:
                                     An SOS Technical Guide

      The purpose of this guide is to provide step-by-step technical assistance to Local District
      Northwest (LDNW) Title I schools in completing the SPSA (School Plan for Student
      Achievement) Modification template. Please refer to Developing and Writing Common
      Title I Expenditures for the SPSA: An SOS Guide, posted on the LDNW Title I webpage
      (, for additional information
      and guidance on how to develop and write high quality provisions for the SPSA
      Modification. For specific information regarding Title I Program and budget
      requirements, please see the current LAUSD Program and Budget Handbook, which is
      posted and linked on the LDNW Title I webpage as well. Please also see the two sample
      SPSA Modifications and Budget Adjustment Requests (BARs) attached to this guide as
      Appendix A.

      Step-by-Step Guide
      The SPSA Modification template is a two-page document template, as shown below. It
      needs to be typed (except for signatures), using the electronic version of the document
      posted on the LDNW Title I webpage.

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Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
1) Please check the box that corresponds to the specific federal program that is the subject
       of the proposed modification. Please be sure to complete separate documents for each
       program even if the SSC approves changes to more than one federal program at the same

    2) Please check the Title I Program model implemented at the school. Currently, all LDNW
       Title I schools are SWP (Schoolwide Program) schools, so the template has been pre-

    3) Please insert the full school name. (NOTE: The template already identifies the Local

    4) Please insert the seven-digit “School” part of the school’s CDS (County-District-School)
       code issued by the CDE. One way to find a school’s complete CDS code is by looking up
       the school’s profile at the following link:
       CAUTION: DO NOT USE the school’s location code or cost center code.

    5) Please insert the name and phone number of the person who will serve as the school’s
       main point of contact for any questions or issues related to the SPSA Modification.
       (Typically, it is the Title I Coordinator/Designee, who presumably prepared the SPSA
       Modification template and is usually, but not necessarily, the SPSA Contact identified on
       the “School Identification” tab of the SPSA Online platform.)

    6) Please check the box(es) that describe the reason(s) that the school is modifying its SPSA.
       NOTE: Most modifications that entail any changes to the program’s existing budget fall
       under #4 (“Revision of SPSA content and budget”). Box #1 applies only if the school is
       budgeting funds that have been placed in “Pending Distribution” due to one or both of
       the following circumstances:
          ▪ Additional allocation of Title I funds and/or release of Potential Funding Variance
             funds by the District
          ▪ Recovery of salary savings (e.g., from a position that the school has closed or has
             experienced a significant delay in filling) in consultation with the school’s assigned
             LDNW Fiscal Specialist

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Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
7) For all SPSA Modifications, regardless of reason, please state the total amount of funds
       being budgeted (e.g., “This SPSA Modification budgets a total of $28,430.”).
       In addition:
        a. For Reason #4: If the school is proposing to defund (take out) all or part of the funds
           already allocated to one or more budget items in its SPSA in order to fund one or
           more different items, please provide a brief statement of the school’s rationale for
           defunding the existing item(s) and funding the new item(s) instead.
        b. For Reason #1: Please state the source, as well as the total amount, of the funds
           being budgeted. (E.g., “Salary savings from closing one TA position: $7,341.”)
        c. For Reason #1: If the school is leaving any funds in the “Pending Distribution”
           budget line, please provide a statement explaining when the school’s SSC plans to
           budget the balance remaining (e.g., “The SSC plans to budget the balance of $2,598
           remaining in Pending Distribution at its next meeting.”).

    8) Please check all of the SPSA Goals and Focus Areas to which the SPSA Modification
       specifically pertains. At least one Goal and at least one Focus Area must be checked.

    9) Please provide a clear description of each planned strategy/action/expenditure. Please
       organize the entries by strategy. Please indicate in parentheses whether the strategy is
       already in the SPSA (“Existing”) or new to the school’s SPSA (“New”). If the strategy is new
       to the SPSA, please provide a brief description of the strategy, including how it will help
       the school meet its measurable objective(s) and the needs of its at-risk students. Please
       see the model descriptions in the sample SPSA Modifications in Appendix A. Please also
       refer to Developing and Writing Common Title I Expenditures for the SPSA: An SOS Guide
       for additional support to ensure that the description meets all applicable requirements,
       including calculation of costs.

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Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
10) Please complete this item with the appropriate date span. If the strategy/action will take
        place on several specific dates, please include that information in the description
        narrative in the previous column, and provide in this column a date span that covers the
        entire period within which these events will occur. Depending on the nature of the
        described strategy/action, it may be appropriate to specify “##/##/## [approximate date
        of approved modification] – 06/30/20” or something similar. Please see samples in
        Appendix A.

    11) Please describe how the school will (1) ensure high quality implementation of the
        strategy/action, and (2) measure whether and to what extent the strategy/action is
        effective in achieving its purpose(s). Please see the samples in Appendix A.

    12) Please use Title I Commonly Budgeted Items to identify the appropriate budget item
        name(s) and number(s) for inclusion in these respective columns.
        CAUTION: Please be sure to use Budget Item #s and not Commitment Item #s. Please see
        the samples in Appendix A.

    13) Please insert the total amount of the described expenditure. It should match the amount
        of that item on the BAR (“Budget Adjustment Request” aka “School Budget Signature
        Form”). Any break-down of costs should be included in the description narrative (in
        Column 9) and not in this column. Please see the samples in Appendix A.

    14) Please leave this column blank, unless the school is purchasing a new position or changing
        the hours/assignment of an existing position. In that instance, please consult with one of
        the LDNW Title I Coordinators to ascertain the appropriate information, if any, to be
        included in this column.

    15) Please specify the program fund code to which the modification pertains. This provision
        needs to match the box check-marked at the top of the template (see #1 above).

    NOTE: Please be sure that the provisions in Columns 10-15 corresponding to each strategy/expenditure described in
    Column 9 are horizontally aligned across all seven columns. Please see the samples in Appendix A.

    NOTE: Please make sure that the BAR (i.e., School Budget Signature Form), if any, exactly matches the SPSA Modification
    in terms of the reason(s) for request, budget items, and budget amounts.

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Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
                                                                                      LDNW T1C 12/18/19

 Check One:                                                                                                                                                            Check One:
                                                                               LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT
 X Title I (7S046)         Title I (7E046)                                                                                                                             X SWP
                                                   2019-2020 School Plan for Student Achievement Modification
   CSI (7T691)             Title III (7T197)                                                                                                                             TAS
School:                                                                                                LD:                     County District                        School
               SAMPLE SCHOOL                                                                                 Northwest
                                                                                                                                1 9 6 4 7 3                     3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
                        Jane Smith                                                                                     Contact Phone:              818-555-5555
Contact Name:
Check reason for modification:

                   1. New allocation, salary savings, or release of Potential Funding Variance (PFV)                       3. Exceptions Report correction
                   2. Revision of SPSA content with no change to budget                                               X    4. Revision of SPSA content and budget

For reasons 1, 3 or 4 above, state what      This SPSA Modification budgets a total of $12,515. All three purchases will be budgeted by moving $12,515 from Software License
will be defunded (if applicable):            Maintenance (originally budgeted to purchase ALEKS) to Supplemental Instructional Materials. The school has decided not to purchase
                                             ALEKS after all. The Math Department reviewed curricula, standards, and intervention goals at the beginning of the year and
                                             recommended to the SSC that the school instead purchase IXL as our primary online personalized support tool in math, which we have
                                             determined to be a better platform to meet our current needs. The other purchases similarly will support the school’s implementation of
                                             other improvement strategies. SSC concurred and approved these changes. (The IXL purchase is SIM and not SLM because this will be
                                             the first time that the school has used IXL.)
       Goals                Focus Areas         Describe the evidence-based Strategies selected On what               How will the school     What is the    What is    How      What is What is
                                                to achieve the School’s Measurable Objective(s) dates will                measure the           school         the     much        the     the
                                                    and the Action(s) the school will take to      the               effectiveness of each     buying?       Budget    does it    FTE? program
                                                            implement the Strategies.           Action(s) /             Strategy/Action?                      Item     cost?             funding
                                                                                               Tasks begin                                                    No.?                       source?
                                                                                                and end?                                       (Name of
                                                                                                                                              Budget Item)
                                                IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY: IN ORDER TO
                                                PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL OPPORTUNITIES TO
  X 100% Graduation      X PD, Lesson           LEARN AND PRACTICE CORE KNOWLEDGE
  X ELA                    Planning, Data       AND SKILLS AND ENSURE MEANINGFUL AND
                           Analysis             EQUITABLE ACCESS TO CORE CURRICULUM &
                                                INSTRUCTION, THE SCHOOL WILL PROVIDE
  X Mathematics          X Effective Classroom PERSONALIZED ONLINE SUPPLEMENTAL
                           Instruction          INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT IN CORE
    EL Programs
                                                SUBJECTS (ACCESSIBLE 24/7)(Existing
                         X Interventions During Strategy)
                           and After the School
                           Day and Other        Action:
                                                IXL MATH                                               10/12/19-    Math teachers will start Supplemental    40269     $7,700            7S046
                           Building Parent      In order to implement our strategy of providing        06/30/20     with pre-test for each   Instructional
                           Capacity and         students with personalized online instructional                     student. Students will   Materials
                           Partnership          support in core subjects that is available 24/7, the                take assessments along
                                                school will purchase IXL. The IXL online math                       the way, which will be
                                                program will engage our 6th,7th, and 8th grade                      used to measure the IXL
                                                students in real-world scenarios aligned to Math                    Math program’s

Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
Common Core standards at their individual level and                effectiveness. The
                                      pace. It will serve as a support in core math classes              students will take the
                                      as well as providing an intervention tool in                       summative assessment
                                      supplemental programs (e.g., after-school and                      at the end of the year to
                                      Saturday school intervention) for students struggling              measure EOY math level.
                                      to stay at grade level. Every student (and every
                                      math teacher) will have an account that will measure
                                      his/her math level and allow the student to access
                                      the content 24/7, which will provide support on
                                      demand and aid homework completion.

                                      Note: IXL Math also supports the school’s
                                      implementation of its technology strategy described

                                      1 site license = $11
                                      700 students (6+7+8) x $11 = $7700

                                      IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY: THE SCHOOL WILL
                                      USE TECHNOLOGY TO PROVIDE STUDENTS
                                      WITH HIGHLY ENGAGING MATERIAL AND
                                      EXPANDED ACCESS TO REAL-WORLD
                                      EXPERIENCES (Existing Strategy)


                                      MOSA MACK                                               10/12/19 – Science teachers will      Supplemental   40269   $2,115   7S046
                                      In order to support our strategy of using technology     6/30/20   measure effectiveness by Instructional
                                      to provide students and teachers with highly                       using formative            Materials
                                      engaging curricular material that also provides                    assessments during the
                                      access to real-world experiences, the school will                  use of the program
                                      purchase Mosa Mack for our 6th grade classes. The                  Students will also take
                                      Mosa Mack program is an award-winning NGSS-                        the pre and post tests in
                                      aligned science software that engages students in                  the Mosa Mack program
                                      exploring and mastering science concepts and                       to gauge the
                                      engineering science-informed solutions to real-world               effectiveness of the
                                      challenges.                                                        different lessons.
                                                                                                         Students will also be
                                      235 6th Graders                                                    surveyed about how the
                                      1 site license = $9                                                program has supported
                                      235 6th graders x $9 = $2,115                                      their understanding of the

                                      IXL MATH
                                      As a highly engaging online instruction platform, IXL
                                      Math also supports this strategy. See description of
                                      action and expenditure above.

Student, Staff,   Student, Staff,
Parent &          Parent Engagement
Engagement        Student, Staff,

Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
X 100%             Lesson Planning,     IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY: THE SCHOOL WILL
 Attendance,       Data Analysis, and   HELP STUDENTS TO DEVELOP THE SOCIAL-
 Suspensions,      Professional         EMOTIONAL AND OTHER SKILLS, HABITS, AND
                                        DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS OF SUCCESSFUL
 School Safety,    Development
                                        LIFE-LONG LEARNERS (New Strategy)
 and Other
 Supports                               Based on analysis of both quantitative and
                  X 100% Attendance,    qualitative data and our root-cause analysis of the
                                        reasons that many of our students are still not
                   Suspensions,         succeeding academically, our school has
                   School Safety, and   determined that many students are facing numerous
                   Other Supports       non-academic internal and external barriers to
                                        success in school. We therefore are pursuing a new
                   Building Parent
                                        strategy to learn, teach and reinforce fundamental
                   Capacity and         social-emotional and other skills and habits that will
                   Partnership          help our students to believe in themselves,
                                        overcome adversity, cope with problems and
                                        challenges, and develop the assets and mindset of
                                        successful life-long learners. This strategy also
                                        entails developing teacher knowledge and skills to
                                        recognize and understand student needs and
                                        support students more effectively in these areas.

                                        Action: To start implementing this new strategy, the
                                        school will take the following action:

                                        TWO CLASS SETS OF TWO BOOKS                              10/12/19-   Teachers will gather       Supplemental    40269   $2,200   7S046
                                                                                                  6/30/20    observation data to        Instructional
                                        Two class sets each of The 7 Habits of Highly                        measure the extent to      Materials
                                        Effective Teens and Mindfulness for Students will be                 which students effectively
                                        purchased for use in our two sixth grade Advisory                    use the specific taught
                                        classes. These books will support our school’s new                   habits and skills in core
                                        focus on helping students to develop the non-                        classes. Students also
                                        academic yet critical social-emotional and other                     will be surveyed pre- and
                                        skills and habits necessary to succeed in school and                 post-lessons/units
                                        become life-long learners. The books also will be                    regarding their
                                        used to support targeted intervention for 7th and 8th                perceptions of the utility
                                        students at potential risk of failing in core classes.               of these skills/books.

                                        The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
                                        76 copies x $12.75 = $969.00

                                        Mindfulness for Students
                                        76 copies x $16.19 = $1231.00

                                        $969.00 + $1231.00 = $2200

Completing the SPSA Modification Template: Los Angeles ...
Type or Print Name of SSC Chairperson                          Signature of SSC Chairperson                  Date

                 Type or Print Name of Principal                               Signature of Principal                    Date

          Type or Print Name of Local District Director                 Signature of Local District Director             Date

     Type or Print Name of Local District Title I Coordinator     Signature of Local District Title I Coordinator        Date

      Type or Print Name of Local District EL Coordinator            Signature of Local District EL Coordinator          Date

    Type or Print Name of Local District PACE Administrator      Signature of Local District PACE Administrator          Date

The SPSA Modification must be approved by the school’s Director and reviewed by the appropriate Local District Program

To move unused funds in the amount of $12,515 from SLM to SIM in order to purchase books and new software
   licenses (see SPSA Modification)

                                                                                   LDNW T1Cs 08/04/20
 Check One:                                                                          LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT                                            Check One:
 X Title I (7S046)             Title I (7E046)                                                                                                                      X SWP
   CSI (7T691)                 Title III (7T197)
                                                        2020-2021 School Plan for Student Achievement Modification                                                     TAS
School:                                                                                               LD:                    County             District                School
               SAMPLE SCHOOL                                                                                 Northwest
                                                                                                                             1   9        6    4 7 3          3    1 2 3 4 5 6             7
                          Jane Smith                                                                                                             818-555-5555
Contact Name:                                                                                                        Contact Phone:
Check reason(s) for modification:

                  X   1. New allocation, salary savings**, or release of Potential Funding Variance (PFV)               3. Exceptions Report correction
                      2. Revision of SPSA content with no change to budget                                              4. Revision of SPSA content and budget
**Please be sure to confirm the amount of salary savings available for budgeting with the school’s Fiscal Specialist.
For reasons 1, 3 or 4 above, state the total             This SPSA Modification budgets a total of $50,748, which is the amount that our school recently received as its
amount being budgeted. Then identify the
source(s) and corresponding amount(s) of the
                                                         second Title I allocation this year. Based on careful review of the current needs of our Title I Program, including
funds being budgeted, and what is being                  review of student progress data and the other components of our SPSA, our SSC has decided to propose the SPSA
defunded (if applicable). Last, identify any             and budget modifications described below.
amount that will remain in Pending Distribution.
       Goals                   Focus Areas          Describe the improvement strategies selected      On what       How will the school   What is the    What is   How much   What     What is
                                                   to achieve the school’s Measurable Objective(s) date(s) will the    measure the          school         the      does it   is the      the
                                                       and the Action(s) the school will take to     Action(s) /     effectiveness of      buying?       Budget      cost?    FTE?      progra
                                                               implement the strategies.           Task(s) begin           each                           Item                             m
                                                                                                     and end?        strategy/action?                     No.?                         funding
                                                                                                                                           (Name of                                     source
                                                                                                      (mm/dd/yy)                          Budget Item)                                     ?
                                PD, Lesson       IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY: In order to                                 In order to                                                         7S046
     Graduation                 Planning, Data   address our need to improve all tiers of                          measure the                                                           (all
     ELA                                         our math instructional program, we                                effectiveness of                                                    items)
  X Mathematics                 Effective        have adopted a new dual strategy of                               this strategy,
                                Classroom        (a) imbuing our core math instruction in                          intervention
     EL Programs                Instruction
                                                 grades 3-5 with high interest and                                 teachers and
                           X    Interventions    Culturally and Linguistically Responsive                          school
                                During and After
                                the School Day (CLR) lesson design, activities,                                    leadership will
                                and Other        technology-based resources, and                                   collect and
                                Supports         materials, and (b) providing additional                           review ST Math

Building Parent   instructional time and opportunities for             benchmark and
Capacity and
                  highly engaging and effective                        other
                  mathematics learning. (New Strategy)                 assessment
                                                                       data, student
                  Through root cause analysis, we have                 work, student
                  determined that many of our upper                    and teacher
                  grade students are still struggling in               feedback,
                  mathematics. One significant                         attendance
                  contributing factor is that a substantial            data, and other
                  number of our students are losing                    relevant
                  interest and engagement in math                      evidence to
                  learning as they enter the upper grades,             assess the
                  regardless of prior success in math. They            impact of the
                  report that they feel bored and do not               revamped
                  see the relevance of math learning.                  intervention
                  Attendance in our after-school                       program on
                  intervention program has been low. Our               student
                  at-risk students nonetheless still need              academic
                  more time in individual or small group               progress and
                  instruction to process and internalize               achievement in
                  upper grade math concepts than can be                the targeted
                  provided during the instructional day.               areas. To ensure
                                                                       high quality
                  To implement the above strategy, the                 implementation,
                  school plans to transform our existing               teachers will
                  after-school intervention program into a             debrief
                  high interest technology-supported                   periodically, and
                  program designed to attract and engage               school
                  students in grades 3-5 who are                       leadership will
                  potentially at risk of failing in                    periodically
                  mathematics. Accordingly, we will take               observe lesson
                  the following actions:                               planning and
                  Access to Technology-Based Instruction: 10/01/20 –
                  The school will purchase 100            06/30/20
                  Chromebooks and headphones, and 3
                  Carts, to provide upper grade students
                  with meaningful access to high quality
                  individualized math lessons, delivered

through online software programs/apps
and downloaded software as well as via
remote teacher instruction during
distance learning. The headphones will
enable to students to access the full
audio power of the technology in any
setting (school or home). The carts will
be used to store and charge class sets of
Chromebooks to ensure that they are
ready for student use on campus. The
school will also purchase ST Math (100
student licenses), which is a proven high
quality online math program that
provides highly engaging individualized
lessons and support online. ST Math will
be used primarily during after-school
intervention, but will also be used during
the instructional day as well.

CHROMEBOOKS AND HEADPHONES                     GEN      40127   $32,779
(GST):                                       SUPPLIES
1 Chromebook = $309.43 (including tax,         TECH
shipping, and ancillary costs)
$309.43 x 100 = $30,943
1 Set of Headphones = $18.36
(including tax, shipping, and ancillary
$18.36 x 100 = $1,836
$30,943 + $1,836 = $32,779

CARTS (Non-Cap Equip – Classroom):           NON-CAP    40124    $2,513
1 Cart = $837.66 (including tax, shipping,    EQUIP
and ancillary costs)                          CLSRM
$837.66 x 3 = $2,512.98

ST MATH (Suppl Instr Material):              SUPPLMTL   40269    $1,771
1 Student License = $17.71                    INSTRL
100 students x $17.71 = $1,771                 MAT
(includes 10 teacher licenses gratis)

High Quality Collaborative Design and    10/01/20 –
                                    Implementation of Intervention Program 06/30/20
                                    The school will purchase approximately
                                    164 hours of Teacher X (Non-Tutor) to
                                    provide time outside the regular
                                    assignment for eight (8) teachers to
                                    engage in collaborative in-depth
                                    planning, debriefing, and analysis
                                    throughout the year (specific dates TBD)
                                    to ensure the design and delivery of a
                                    high quality afterschool intervention

                                    COLLABORATIVE PLANNING (Teacher X                     TCHR X   14693   $13,685
                                    (Non-Tutor Time):                                      (NON-
                                    8 Ts x 2 hrs. x 10 sessions = 160 hours;              TUTOR)
                                    plus an extra 4-5 hrs. for agenda and
                                    materials prep by lead teacher
                                    164.91 hours x $82.98 = $13,684.23

Student, Staff,   Student, Staff,
Parent &          Parent
Community         Engagement
                  Student, Staff,

100%              Lesson
Attendance,       Planning, Data
Suspensions,      Analysis, and
School Safety,    Professional
and Other         Development
                  School Safety,
                  and Other

Building Parent
                              Capacity and

                Type or Print Name of SSC Chairperson                                         Signature of SSC Chairperson                             Date

                    Type or Print Name of Principal                                               Signature of Principal                               Date

Type or Print Name of Local District Community of Schools Administrator      Signature of Local District Community of Schools Administrator            Date

         Type or Print Name of Local District Title I Coordinator                     Signature of Local District Title I Coordinator                  Date

          Type or Print Name of Local District EL Coordinator                          Signature of Local District EL Coordinator                      Date

        Type or Print Name of Local District PACE Administrator                      Signature of Local District PACE Administrator                    Date
The SPSA Modification must be approved by the school’s COSA and reviewed by the appropriate Local District Program Coordinator/Administrator, as applicable.

To budget Teacher Non-Tutor X, Non-Cap Equipment, GST, and SIM from Pending Distribution to meet the needs of our Title I
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