Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products

Page created by Enrique Shelton
Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
Conference   Hotel   Restaurant   Office Building

                                            Summer 2021 | $6.25
Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
s               weeping
                windows and
                wood give
               elegance to
the Purdue Memorial Union,
the heart of student life at
Purdue University in West
Lafayette, Indiana. The
Union Club Hotel recently
reopened after a $35 million
renovation, with all 182
guest rooms as well as public
spaces refreshed.

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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products

 Modern Aesthetic in Historical
 University Student Union Hotel.

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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
at a
                                   AWI MANUFACTURING
                                   D&L Wood Products,
                                   Crown Point, Indiana

                                   QCP Manufacturer

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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
Originally built in 1929
as an addition to Purdue
Memorial Union, the hotel
expanded several times
over the years and was last
renovated in the 1980s. The
newest renovations highlight
academic-inspired designs
and colors in art, upholstery          The development needed
and carpet. The hotel will be      to feel seamless from space
used as a learning lab for         to space, provide sight lines
students in Purdue’s School        from the union and within
of Hospitality and Tourism         the hotel that pulled guests
Management.                        deeper into the heart of the
    Design of the hotel was        hotel, celebrate the legacy of
commissioned to Simone             Purdue, and embrace where
Deary Design Group, Chicago,       the university is going next,
while the architectural            adds Carrie Tolman of Deary
woodwork was fabricated            Design.
and installed by D&L Wood              “We created a roadmap
Products, an AWI member            of six pillars that dictated
firm from Crown Point,             everything from the interior
Indiana.                           architecture vernacular to the
                                   style of trim on the decorative
Design Objectives                  throw pillows,” she explains.
    “The Union Hotel is            “Those six pillars were to
physically a part of the           reinvent the Union Hotel by
Student Union. Within the          capturing the history of the
Union there is existing            university and people that
woodwork that speaks to            comprise it; preserve the
the history and legacy of the      existing architecture and
university,” explains Pete         highlight historical details
Reardon of hotel owner White       by keeping the finishes
Lodging. “It was important to      simple yet poignant; create
us that the Union Hotel felt       a timeless experience that
cohesive with the rest of the      resonates and inspires the
Union and the level of finish      diverse group of people who
was consistent. However, this      will experience the hotel;
wasn’t a restorative project.      choreograph an environment
We wanted to make sure             that provides improvised
that the hotel was modern in       as well as formulated
its aesthetic as well. As this     experiences, bridge the
hotel is also the gateway that     gap between the multiple
many people experience the         additions to the hotel over
university, we wanted the          the years by making a
spirit of the university to be     cohesive interior vernacular;
expressed visually.”               celebrate and capture the
                                   six pillars of Purdue through
                                   visual content; and craft a
                                   layered yet timeless solution
                                   for the furniture as well as the
                                   art that is heavily rooted in
                                   the University’s history.”

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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
Adds Adam Ligda,
executive vice president of
D&L Wood Products, “we
collaborated with the design
team and general contractor
on a weekly basis throughout
the course of the project to
discuss submittal approvals,
design changes, woodwork
details, and field conditions.
These weekly calls provided
the necessary direction to
keep the fabrication on
schedule and the installation
moving efficiently. When the
final products were delivered
to the site, virtually all the
unexpected field conditions
and final installation details
had been addressed and
coordinated together as a
team, allowing for a truly
quality driven result.”

Woodwork Details
    The restaurant ceiling
consists of several curved,
intersecting beams with brass
finished brackets, reports
Ligda. The Whiskey Lounge
includes 102 individually lit
and lockable liquor display
cabinets. Behind the front
desk are floating bookshelves
engineered to support over
4,000 pounds of books.
Custom metal cabinet doors
and trims adorn the back
of the main bar and the bar
curio cabinets.


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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
We specialize in the fabrication and installation of custom architectural
millwork, metals, glass, fabrics and stone across the country.
– Adam Ligda, Executive Vice President, D&L Wood Products

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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
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Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
Woodwork products are a mix
of plain sliced Red Oak and plain
sliced, quartered or rift White
Oak. An ebonized stain was used
in the Whiskey Lounge, while a
custom stain was used to match
existing areas of the restaurant
that were 50 years old.
    Of particular note, continues
Ligda, is the custom bookshelf
behind the reception desk
which is a completely floating
feature supported only by in
wall brackets. “This required
extensive engineering and
coordination with the contractor
                                                                                                             2153 8"
to ensure the weight of the
bookshelves and the books
                                                                                                             1537 16"
were properly supported. In the                                           27 8"                                                              27 8"
restaurant, the curved ceiling
                                                   31"           211 8"           211 8"                     635 16"                211 8"           211 8"          31"
beams created challenges due                             21 8"                             21 8"
to the intersecting nature of
the design. These beams were
assembled on the ground into
four large quadrants and hoisted          30"
                                                                                                      WOOD BEAMS
into the position supported by
custom brass plated brackets.
The Whiskey Room created                                                                                                     R3301 4"
challenges due to coordination                                                                                                                                                  941 8"

of the individual up lighting in        545 16"
each whiskey locker. Electrical
chases had to be incorporated                                                                          METAL
                                                                                                       BRACKETS         METAL
into the design and fabrication of                                                                                      CROSS TIE
each locker and metal inlays were
mortised into the cabinets that                                                                                                                                                 141 4"
chased around the room.”
    “There are two areas that really    5915 16"                                                                                                                                113 4"
stand out to me,” says Tolman.
                                                                                                       26"                                                                      141 4"
“The first is the ceiling expression
in the restaurant. This expression
is made of stained wood panels                                                                                                                                      301 8"
                                                                                                       WOOD BEAMS
that are roughly 12” to 15” tall
that are curved and interlock with
metal detailing that suspend from       543 8"

almost hidden metal support                                                                                                                                                     941 8"
                                                                                                     8815 16"
posts. The intricate pattern it                                                                    METAL
creates was inspired by the aerial
shots you see of fields where the
tractor has created these shapes        2915 16"
in the vegetation and celebrates
Purdue’s long history of
agriculture studies. The execution                                                                           WOOD BEAMS

of all the pieces that are flawlessly
aligned ground the restaurant
experience and become an art                                                               @ LOUNGE FEATURE
piece in the ceiling.”

                                                                                                                                        summer 2021       I   designsolutions       33
Conference Center Hotel - D&L Wood Products
1/4"X1/2" FLAT BAR            121 8"
                                                                                          METAL                                       4"
     The second area, she           you stumble upon things that                                                                     3"
continues, is the front lobby.      you didn’t know were there                      LIGHTING BY                                       17 8"
“The execution of the wall          that you can’t necessarily                                     143 4"
                                                                                  WOOD VENEER                               12"
panels, to the wall upholstery,     remove. Again, it was the                        INTERIOR

and then finally the banquette      creativity of our team that                                                                      2"1 "
is an intricate dance between       allowed solutions to be                    WIRE MESH PANEL
materials, depths, and              realized that didn’t take away                                                         155 16"
precision. When you first           from the spaces.”                         WOOD DOOR FRAME
glance at it the composition            White Lodging and D&L                                                                         1 "
appears simplistic because          Wood Products have been
                                                                                                   473 4"                  155 16"
it is so beautifully executed       collaborating on hotel projects                 LIGHTING BY
but upon further inspection         across the country for the                                                                        1 "
you truly see the complexity        past 25 years, says Reardon.
as well as the craftmanship of      “They are a true asset to                                                              157 16"
the woodworker.”                    our company and aid in the                    WOOD VENEER
                                                                                                                                           1333 8"

                                    feasibility of the project design                INTERIOR
Challenges, Collaboration           providing an unmatched level
    Well, the obvious special       of service and producing the                                   143 4"                   12"

problem was this project            highest quality architectural
was completed at the height         woodwork.”
                                                                                 34"X2 14" WOOD                              6"
of the Covid 19 epidemic,               “We have worked with                         TRIM FRAME
says Tolman. “Everything            Simone Deary on several
from the supply chain to the        projects over the years,
employees executing the             including two 1,000-room
work on site were affected.         hotels, and have a great                                       471 4"                  331 2"

It was by the ingenuity,            working relationship. They
flexibility, and pulling            share their vision for the
together as a community             designed spaces and their
that truly made this project        expectations of the final                       WOOD BASE                                        21 2"
successful. Another challenge       products, and we work with                                                                        4"

we had is that when you             them on the feasibility,                                                131 4"
                                                                                                                     1 "
renovate an historic space          constructability, and pricing
and pull back the old finishes      to ensure it becomes reality.”
                                                                                                   @ WHISKEY LOUNGE

Perdue Memorial          White Lodging       D&L Wood             Simone Deary       Shiel Sexton Company             Nathan Kirkman,
Union Club Hotel         Merrillville, IN    Products, Inc.       Design Group       Indianapolis, IN                 Camera Department, Inc.
West Lafayette, IN                           Crown Point, IN      Chicago, IL                                         Chicago, IL

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