Page created by Kent Nguyen

Recommended Guidelines for Hotels
                 - Phase One

This set of recommended guidelines serves to help
hotels in implementing additional precautionary
measures at various hotel touchpoints and staff
work environments during Phase One. This should
be read in conjunction with the “Updated 2 June
2020 COVID-19 Measures for Accommodation
Providers (Hotels)” document.

Inputs from Singapore Tourism Board, National
Environment Agency and Ministry of Health have
been sought for the purpose of this set of guidelines
that is developed by the Singapore Hotel

• Recommended Guidelines for
  Guest Environment and
  Staff-Guest Interactions

1. Check-in / Check-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. In-Room Environment and Services
   During Stay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. Common Areas & Guest Facilities
   (F&B, Swimming Pools, Gyms, Others) . . . . . 5

• Recommended Guidelines for
  Staff Interactions and
  Work Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Recommended Guidelines for Guest Environment and
 Staff-Guest Interactions

               1. Check-in/ Check-out

Reduce capacity                             vi. Online pre check-in for guests
and inter-mingling                          is recommended to minimise
                                            waiting time at the hotel lobby.
at hotel lobby
                                            Hotels are required to authenticate
i.    Terminals at the Front Desk to        guests upon arrival and are
be spaced at least 1m apart, and with       encouraged to explore facial
a 1m distance between guest and             recognition solutions and tap on
Front Desk agent during interaction.        STB’s E-Visitor Authentication (EVA).
ii.   Install transparent shields/          vii. Signage should be erected in
plastic barriers at Front Desk.             public/ shared areas to draw
iii. Re-configure placement of               attention to safe distancing
furniture to ensure safe distancing         measures.
measures are followed.
                                            Adopt contactless processes
iv. Only guests with bookings that          and solutions
are confirmed or allowed by relevant
government authorities are                  i.    Where possible, prop open
permitted to enter the hotel. All           entry doors or use automated doors
bookings should be verified by hotel         to minimise contact with handles.
staff stationed at the lobby entrance        ii.   Sanitise key cards before
(e.g. via use of QR codes, etc.).           handing over to guests. Where
v.   Hotels should stagger their            possible, hotels to offer mobile key
check-in timing for guests.                 cards to guests.
                                            iii. Cash-free contactless
                                            payment methods with softcopy
                                            receipts sent via emails are
                      1 Metre

Recommended Guidelines for Guest Environment and
Staff-Guest Interactions

Hotel staff and guests to                     During check-out,
don Personal Protective                      hotels can implement
Equipment (PPE)                              contactless measures
i.    All guests are to wear masks           i.    Cash-free contactless payment
upon entering the hotel and keep             methods with softcopy receipts sent
them on when outside of their hotel          via emails are recommended.
rooms during their stay. This excludes
children less than 2 years of age.           ii.  Key drop and express
                                             check-out are recommended.
ii.    All guests-facing staff are to
wear masks and gloves throughout
their shift. Staff are reminded to
                                             Check-out rooms
sanitise gloved hands to prevent any         i.   Guest rooms to undergo
possible spreading of                        thorough cleaning as per NEA’s
microorganisms, and not to touch             guidelines.
their faces.

Remove/ reduce
additional services
provided at hotel lobby
i.   No valet services allowed to
minimise contact.
ii.   Welcome drinks to be served in
guest rooms instead of lobby area.

Recommended Guidelines for Guest Environment and
 Staff-Guest Interactions

              2. In-Room Environment and
              Services During Stay
Mini bar items to be made                   iv. Placement of disinfecting
available only on request.                  wipes, anti-bacterial gels and soaps
                                            in each guestroom.
Disable common ice
                                            v.      Where possible, guests can use
machines and water coolers                  voice-enabled assistants to adjust
for guests at room corridors.               room environment settings
                                            (e.g. lighting, TV, temperature).
Minimise interaction
between housekeepers                        Implement stringent
and guests                                  cleaning and disinfection
i.    Implement opt-in                      protocols, such as:
housekeeping services, and                  i.    Use hospital grade
comprehensive cleaning to be done           disinfectant materials.
only after guest checks out.
                                            ii.   Wash and treat bedding at
ii.    Food ordered through room            high temperature.
service and delivery of items such as
                                            iii. Deep clean carpets and
toiletries, towels, etc. to be placed
outside room for pick up by guests.
Where possible, deploy autonomous           iv. Extra disinfection of the more
delivery technology.                        frequently touched guest room
                                            areas, including light switches, door
iii. Guests to be given bags for
                                            handles, TV remote controls,
laundry, soiled towels and bedding;
                                            thermostats, bedframe, nightstands,
they can then place these bags with
                                            table tops, chair arms & backs,
the soiled items outside their rooms
                                            curtain/ blind pulls, bins, hairdryers,
and contact housekeeping to do the
                                            handles, switches, telephones and
pick up without having them enter
                                            safebox buttons/ knob.
the rooms.
                                            (More on next page)

Recommended Guidelines for Guest Environment and
Staff-Guest Interactions

Implement stringent                           Review Heating,
cleaning and disinfection                     Ventilation and
protocols, such as:                           Air-Conditioning
v.     Staff should wash their hands           controls (HVAC) and air
between tasks, especially ‘clean’ and         quality to ensure proper
‘dirty’ housekeeping tasks in the             functioning of ventilation
room and avoid cross-contaminating
an area that has been cleaned and
                                              and air exchange.
vi. Disinfect cleaning cloth in               Adopt digital solutions
bleach or disinfectant between                (eg. chatbots) to assist
rooms. Cleaning equipment should
                                              guests where possible;
be cleaned and disinfected after use
in each room. Clean and disinfect             this is to minimise the
housekeeping equipment and                    need for guests to
trolleys at least daily; in particular,       approach hotel staff for
the equipment used in multiple                assistance in view of
rooms must be thoroughly cleaned
                                              safe distancing.
and disinfected.

Recommended Guidelines for Guest Environment and
 Staff-Guest Interactions

                 3. Common Areas & Guest Facilities
                 (F&B, Swimming Pools, Gyms, Others)
Food and Beverage                          v.    Hotels can offer grab-and-go
i.    Please adhere to the measures        options for guests and inform
stated in Enterprise Singapore’s           guests not to consume these items
(ESG’s) advisory.                          in public areas.
See       vi. Hotels can design menus
covid-19/safe-distance.                    for single portions in place of
ii.   Buffets are not allowed and bar       sharing-size meal portions.
section of restaurants are not to
reopen.                                    Common guest facilities
iii. To have digital menu for
                                           (e.g. swimming pool,
in-room dining if possible.                gyms, kids’ clubs, etc.)
                                           i.   All common facilities are to
iv. For guests’ in-room dining
                                           remain closed till further notice.
service orders, items should be
packaged and left outside guest
rooms upon delivery. Guests
are to leave the items outside their
rooms after their meal. Room
service equipment should be
properly sanitised before and
after each use.

Recommended Guidelines for Staff Interactions
 and Work Environment

     !         Hotels must adhere to the MOM advisory
               “New requirements for Safe Management Measures
               at the workplace (updated as of 1June 2020)”.

Implementing a system                         iv. Special attention paid to
of safe management                            vulnerable hotel staff to enable
                                              them to work from home or deploy
                                              them to another role within the
i.   Detailed monitoring plan to              hotel.
ensure compliance, appoint
Safe Management Officers to                     v.    For hotel operations staff
implement and conduct checks.                 who cannot work from home, to
Implement comprehensive                       stagger working and break hours
hygiene and preventions training              to reduce congregation at all
programmes for hotel staff.                    common areas including
                                              entrances, exits, lobbies, canteens
                                              and pantries (i.e. staggered
Reduce physical interaction
                                              hours must be over at least three
and ensure safe distancing                    1-hourly blocks, with not more
i.     There must be no cross-                 than ½ of hotel staff reporting
deployment or interaction between             to work within each 1-hour block).
hotel staff in different shifts, teams
or worksites. If cross-deployment             vi. If not feasible for all staff to
cannot be avoided, then have                  stagger working and break hours,
additional safeguards to minimise             to implement other measures to
risk of cross infection (e.g. no direct       reduce congregation (e.g. arrange
contact with cross-deployed                   for staff to arrive/ depart via
personnel).                                   different entrances/ exits, extend
                                              service hours at staff canteen,
ii.   Where hotel staff can perform            boxed meals offered as alternative
work by telecommuting from home,              to be consumed at staff’s work
hotels must ensure that they do so.           stations).
iii. Conduct all internal and
external meetings between hotel
staff (e.g. handovers) and with
external stakeholders virtually,
where possible.

Recommended Guidelines for Staff Interactions
and Work Environment

     !        Hotels must adhere to the MOM advisory
              “New requirements for Safe Management Measures
              at the workplace (updated as of 1 June 2020)”.

Precautionary measures                     Avoid socialising
by staff                                    with colleagues
i.   Staff to ensure uniforms are           i.   All social gatherings at
not worn during travel to and from         workplace cancelled/ deferred.
work – to change out before leaving.
                                           ii.    Hotels to ensure staff do not
ii.   Staff with interactions with          congregate in groups in common
guests and their items (i.e. front         areas (e.g. staff canteens, pantries,
desk, housekeeping, bell hop,              water coolers, smoking corners,
laundry, F&B) should wear both             etc.), with ≥ 1m safe distancing
masks and gloves throughout                measures implemented.
the duration of their shifts.
                                           iii. Stagger employee breaks,
iii. Place elaborate signage               staff rest/ recreation and use of
throughout hotel back-of-house             changing areas to avoid
as reminders for activities                congregation.
such as proper handwashing,
sneezing etiquette, and proper
disposal of protective gear.

Recommended Guidelines for Staff Interactions
and Work Environment

     !        Hotels must adhere to the MOM advisory
              “New requirements for Safe Management Measures
              at the workplace (updated as of 1 June 2020)”.

Safe distancing measures                   v.    All back-of-house staff areas
and cleaning/disinfection                  must have increased frequency of
                                           cleaning, including dining rooms,
i.     Staff canteen and pantries           staff entrances, locker rooms,
to practise safe distancing measures       staff restrooms, laundry rooms
as stipulated in ESG’s advisory.           and staff offices.
ii.  No buffets allowed in staff             Shared tools and equipment should
canteens.                                  be disinfected before, during and
iii. Personal items including              after each shift or anytime the
reusable food and beverage                 equipment is transferred to a new
containers, cups, may not be used          staff. This includes phones, radios,
at pantries until further notice.          computers, payment terminals,
Water coolers and coffee brewers            kitchen, etc.
with disposable cups and                   vi. Review HVAC and air quality
refrigerators may continue to be           to ensure proper functioning of
used with proper hand hygiene              ventilation and air exchange;
and high touch surface disinfection.       deploy air cleaning technology to
iv. Deploy contactless access              disinfect air in work environment
controls and technology (e.g.              where ventilation is not strong.
autonomous carrying robots) to
minimise need for physical
touchpoints where possible and
frequent disinfection of


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