Connection - City of Arcadia

Page created by Edna Bowers
Connection - City of Arcadia
Arcadia Senior Services                                           February 2021

 Arcadia Community Center                                 City of Arcadia
     365 Campus Drive                                      626.574.5130
     Arcadia, CA 91007                       

             All activities and services are for adults 50 and older.
Connection - City of Arcadia
Friday, February 5 at 10am
Location: 365 Campus Drive - Parking Lot
 Participants must pre-register online at
or call 626.574.5130 for more options.
         Activity Code: W21-7050

        Face coverings are required
         One household per vehicle.

Connection - City of Arcadia
Staff Contact
                               Kris Garcia, Recreation Coordinator
                    Office: 626.574.5138 | Email:
                 Senior Services has an Information & Referral (I&R) Program that
                 provides information on a wide variety of resources, from City, County,
                 State, and Federal, to private companies that can assist you with
                 specific needs.
                 What is I&R: Community information and referral providers that
connect people with resources that can help them.
Who Uses I&R: Everyone can use and benefit from I&R throughout their lives.
How I&R Works: Recreation Coordinator, Kris Garcia, maintains and updates resources,
programs and services through various channels. If you or someone you know have
questions or need referral assistance please contact Kris Garcia.

        This Month’s I&R
  Are you looking for information on
    Government benefits for senior
  citizens? If so, call Kris Garcia who
   can provide you with brochures,
     pamphlets, and information on
 understanding Government Benefits,
 Social Security Retirement Benefits,
      Disability Benefits, and more!

                        Lions Sight Program: Senior Services in partnership with Arcadia Lions
                        Club offers a certification for a cost-free eye exam, frames, and bifocal
                        lenses. You must be 62 years or older, and have a yearly income below
LIONS SIGHT PROGRAM     $29,000. Contact Kris Garcia for an appointment.

                  What is HICAP: Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program provides
                  free, confidential counseling, education, and assistance on Medicare, Long-
                  Term Care insurance, other health insurance related issues, and planning
                  ahead for Long-Term Care needs. Contact Kris Garcia for an appointment.

Connection - City of Arcadia
Free Informative Virtual Presentations
                                    Protect Yourself From Fraud & Scams
                                                      Presented by AARP
                                            Tuesday, February 9 at 10am
                                     Learn how to spot and avoid fraud and scams
                                     so you can protect yourself. You will learn how
                                     scammers think and how to safeguard against
                                       identity theft and fraud. Hear from first-hand
                                      victims and know what to do if you or a loved
                                                   one has been a victim.

                                         Behaviors & Alzheimer’s Using IDEA
                                           Presented by Alzheimer’s Los Angeles
                                                   Friday, Feb. 19 at 10am
                                                This presentation will explain how
                                          Alzheimer’s disease causes behaviors
                                                      that are hard to understand.
                                                             Presentation Topics
                           Why Alzheimer’s disease causes changes in behaviors
                                      Difficult behaviors common with dementia
                                     Practical tips to manage problem behaviors

                                       Improve Mobility & Balance
                            Presented by Physical Therapist, Larry Nakamura
                                          Methodist Hospital
                                    Tuesday, February 23 at 10am
                       Methodist Hospital’s Physical Therapist, Larry Nakamura
                        will discuss how to improve your balance and mobility.
                         Larry will demonstrate simple and useful exercises
                           that can help improve your mobility and balance.

              Pre-registration is required to provide you with login/dial-in to Zoom.
Call 626.574.5130 no later than one day before the presentation and provide your email address.
Connection - City of Arcadia
Dementia or Alzheimer’s
                                           Trackable Bracelet
                                  It can happen to anyone at any time. People with
                                  Dementia or Alzheimer’s can easily become confused
                                  or overwhelmed, and susceptible to getting lost. Sixty
                                  percent of people with Alzheimer’s wander off at some
point in their lives. L.A. Found provides a free trackable bracelet to help locate your
loved one. When the individual wearing a bracelet goes missing, the Los Angeles
County Sheriff’s Department deploys a rescue. Caregivers need to contact 911 and
informs the operator the individual has a trackable bracelet. To apply for a free tracking
bracelet visit: or call 1.833.569.7651 for information.

                               The Arcadia Community Center and Recreation staff
                                   have been reaching out to our patrons since the
                               closure of the Community Center. If you, or someone
                                  you know would like a friendly call from our staff,
                                please let us know and we will be happy to check in
                                           each month just to say “hello”.
                                 If you have any questions please call 626.574.5130.
                                         or Email:

      Are you having trouble
       finding face masks?
       If so, please contact
        Gina Hernandez at
Connection - City of Arcadia
           We are still experiencing the Corona Virus pandemic. With the number
of positive cases increasing daily, The City of Arcadia is accepting donations for protective
                       equipment and supplies for our first responders.

   Hand Sanitizer
   Disposable Isolation Gowns
   Sanitizing Wipes
   Disposable Gloves

If you or someone you know would like to donate supplies, please contact Sara Somogyi
                 at or call 626.821.4369.

    The City of Arcadia is currently monitoring the impacts of COVID-19
              and will continue to provide updates through the
                        City's Nixle, and social media.
             To stay connected, text ARCADIACOV19 to 888777,
                   follow us on Twitter at @ProtectArcadia,
                     or visit us at
       The COVID-19 tracker on the City’s website provides the latest
      information on cases in Los Angeles County which includes the
      City of Arcadia. If you have any questions regarding the tracker,
         please contact the City Manager's Office at (626) 574-5401.
Connection - City of Arcadia
Arcadia Transit                   626.574.5435   Methodist Hospital               626.898.8000
Arcadia Dial-A-Ride               626.445.2211   Paramedic/Ambulance Billing      800.772.6552
AT&T                              800.310.2355   Paramedic Membership Program     626.574.5126
Chamber of Commerce               626.447.2159   Pasadena Humane Society          626.792.7151
Charter Spectrum                  888.892.2253   Police (non emergency)           626.574.5123
City Manager                      626.574.5401   Post Office                      800.275.8777
Community Center                  626.574.5130   Public Works (Street Services)   626.254.2720
DMV                               800.777.0133   Recreation Department            626.574.5113
Electric Outage                   800.611.1911   Sewer Service                    626.254.2700
Fire Department (non emergency)   626.574.5100   So Cal Edison                    800-684-8123
Graffiti Hotline                  626.821.4333   So Cal Gas Co.                   800.427.2200
Home Improvement Program          626.574.5409   Waste Management                 800.266.7551
Household Hazardous Waste         888.253.2652   Water Billing                    626.574.5473
Illegal Dumping                   888.253.2652   Water Sewer Service              626.254.2700
City Library                      626.821.5567   Wilderness Park                  626.355.5113

                 Foothill Unity Center Inc. Food Programs
Family Food Program: Each month, seniors and families can receive enough food to
supplement their nutritional needs for about ten days (a balanced mix of canned, dry,
frozen, refrigerated food, bread, bakery, dairy products, and fresh produce. If you are
in need of help, please contact Foothill Unity Center 626.358.3486 to find out how you
can qualify for this program.
Bag Lunch Program: The Monrovia site distributes substantial bag lunches three times
per week, providing enough food to last for about two days. These lunches, made up of
sandwiches, instant soups, snack foods, fresh fruit, drinks, flip-top canned foods, canned
meats, and sweets are given to people and families who are homeless or have no place to
store or cook food. They also provide toiletry items weekly as available to help with
hygiene needs.
Homebound Grocery Delivery: With the help of volunteers and part-time drivers,
Foothill Unity Center makes it a point to reach shut-ins, such as homebound seniors and
disabled persons, by delivering groceries to their homes once a month.
                         For information call Foothill Unity Center at
                      Monrovia 626.358.3486 or Pasadena 626.584.7420
                    or visit their website at
Connection - City of Arcadia
Love Your Pet Day
                                                               February 20
                        NATIONAL LOVE YOUR PET DAY

 On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day.
 This holiday focuses on giving extra attention to our pets. The day encourages
pampering our pets and focusing on the special relationship pets hold in our lives.

                                         6 months / Old English Bulldog
                                 This handsome stud is full of love and life at only
                               6 months young. Guillermo loves to go for long walks,
                                 play ball, fetch, runs like a champ, enjoys his little
                                   Sister Kona’s company, and sleeps like a king.


                       6 months
                 Old English Bulldog
        This princess is so sweet and laidback.
       She enjoys snuggling with her humans,
 belly rubs, kisses, and roughhousing with her baby          KONA
                  brother Guillermo.

Email us at to have your pet featured in the next Connection!
                          Include pet names, age, and breed.
Connection - City of Arcadia
Connection - City of Arcadia
Arcadia Community Center
     Senior Services
     365 Campus Drive
     Arcadia, CA 91007

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