Construction Remedies Act - A new era: expanded obligations for owners under New Brunswick's Evaluating the risks of a CAUT censure - Stewart ...

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                                                 Evaluating the risks of a
                                                 CAUT censure

                                                 A new era:
                                                 expanded obligations for
                                                 owners under New Brunswick’s
                                                 Construction Remedies Act
                                                          DISCOVERY | FALL 2021   4
01   Evaluating the risks of a CAUT censure

                                                                                                                                                                           06   What the government is doing to continue
                                                                                                                                                                                support for international students

                                                                                                                                                                           12   A new era:
                                                                                                                                                                                expanded obligations for owners under
                                                                                                                                                                                New Brunswick’s Construction Remedies Act

                                                                                                                                                                           15   Publications faites dans vie personnelle
                                                                                                                                                                                peuvent égaler manque de professionnalisme
                                                                                                                                                                                dans vie académique : la relation qui
                                                                                                                                                                                existe entre les médias sociaux et les
                                                                                                                                                                                institutions postsecondaires et l’obligation
Fall is here again, and academic institutions in the region have cautiously welcomed                                                  BRITTANY TRAFFORD
                                                                                                                                                                                d’équité procédurale
students back to campus. While the Atlantic provinces deal with a fourth wave of the                                                  FREDERICTION, NEW BRUNSWICK
pandemic, our universities have forged ahead with their fall semester and will continue                                               BTRAFFORD@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM

to encounter a range of issues including, but not limited to, the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                Private posts can lead to a lack of academic
In our ninth issue of Discovery Magazine, Stewart McKelvey lawyers review a number                                                                                              professionalism: the relationship between
of subjects relevant to Atlantic Canadian universities and colleges, including the CAUT                                                                                         social media and post-secondary institutions
censure process, changes to New Brunswick’s Construction Remedies Act, immigration                                                                                              and the duty of procedural fairness
policies impacting international students and procedural fairness when addressing
private social media posts (featured in both French and English).

Stewart McKelvey is ready to help, and aims to always provide a wide variety of topics
for each issue. Please feel free to contact us with subjects you would like this publication                                                                          15
to cover in the future.

We hope you enjoy, and wish you continued health and happiness.

- Brittany, Editor

This publication is intended to provide brief informational summaries only of legal developments and topics
of general interest, and does not constitute legal advice or create a solicitor-client relationship. This publication
should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with a lawyer with respect to the reader’s specific
circumstances. Each legal or regulatory situation is different and requires a review of the relevant facts and applicable law. If
you have specific questions related to this publication or its application to you, you are encouraged to consult a member of our
Firm to discuss your needs for specific legal advice relating to the particular circumstances of your situation. Due to the rapidly
changing nature of the law, Stewart McKelvey is not responsible for informing you of future legal developments.
T    he Canadian Association
                                     of University Teachers
                                (“CAUT”) censure process has
                                                                                       member associations (such as
                                                                                       the Dalhousie Faculty Association
                                                                                       or the Memorial University
                                                                                                                                             The Association will undertake
                                                                                                                                             renewed efforts to settle the
                                                                                                                                             dispute, and report progress to
                                attracted widespread attention in                      of Newfoundland Faculty                               the Council. On the basis of that
                                recent months, following CAUT’s                        Association), or by applying for                      report the Council may decide to
                                extraordinary vote in April 2021 to                    individual membership.3 CAUT                          impose censure, which will remain
                                censure the University of Toronto                      supports members in collective                        in effect until the Council is
                                (“U of T”). CAUT censured U of                         bargaining, grievances and                            satisfied that the matter has been
                                T for terminating the candidacy                        arbitrations, issues of academic                      satisfactorily resolved.6
                                of Dr. Valentina Azarova, who                          freedom, advocacy on academic
                                was the selection committee’s                          employment, communications                            A censure involves a blanket
                                top choice for the directorship of                     strategy, and other matters.4                         request to all CAUT members to
                                the International Human Rights                                                                               not accept appointments, speaking
                                Program at the U of T Faculty                          WHAT IS “CENSURE”?                                    engagements, distinctions, or
                                of Law. While an external review                                                                             honours from the censured
                                concluded differently, many                            The CAUT censure is intended to                       institution until CAUT’s requested
                                participants and observers believe                     be a rare and last-resort sanction                    changes are made. Further,
                                Dr. Azarova’s candidacy was                            imposed against a university or                       CAUT will publicize the censure;
                                terminated because of her previous                     college administration that, in the                   seek support from student
                                work on Israel-Palestine, after an                     view of the CAUT Council, has                         organizations, labour groups, and
                                alumnus and donor — who is also                        acted “in a manner that threatens                     international academic associations;
                                a Tax Court judge — intervened.                        academic freedom and tenure,                          and refuse to advertise positions at
                                                                                       undermines collegial governance,                      the censured institution.
                                CAUT suspended the censure on                          disregards negotiated agreements,
                                September 17, 2021.                                    refuses to bargain in good faith, or                  Prior to the current U of T
                                                                                       takes other actions that are contrary                 censure, there had only been
                                This FAQ-style article reviews the                     to interests of academic staff or                     two other censures since 1979.7
                                background to the censure and the                      compromise the quality and integrity                  The last time censure was invoked
                                fallout at U of T, and considers the                   of post-secondary education.”5                        was in 2008, over governance
                                risks for other universities.                                                                                issues at First Nations University
                                                                                       Before imposing censure, CAUT                         in Saskatchewan.8
                                In short, the U of T controversy                       will explore alternative mechanisms
                                demonstrates that a CAUT                               to resolve the concern, including                     HOW DID THE U OF T CENSURE
                                censure is not toothless, but can                      a referral to the appropriate                         COME ABOUT?
                                have very real consequences for                        CAUT committee for further
                                the educational and professional                       investigation. If these steps are not                 On October 15, 2020, the CAUT
                                environment of a university.                           satisfactory, the CAUT Executive                      Executive passed a censure motion
                                                                                       may recommend to Council that                         against U of T, in response to its
                                WHAT IS CAUT?                                          censure be imposed. At that point:                    controversial decision the previous
                                                                                                                                             month to terminate the candidacy of

Evaluating the risks of a
                                CAUT comprises “72,000 teachers,                           If persuaded that a censure is                    Dr. Valentina Azarova for the position
                                librarians, researchers, general staff                 justified, the Council will pass                      of Director of the International
                                and other academic professionals                       a motion giving notice to the                         Human Rights Program at the
                                at some 125 universities and                           administration concerned that unless                  Faculty of Law.9 Dr. Azarova was

CAUT censure
                                colleges across the country.”1 There                   the dispute is resolved, censure will                 known for her early-career work
                                are multiple classes of CAUT                           be imposed at its next meeting. This                  on Palestinian rights, and more
                                membership,2 but professionals                         action will be publicized within the                  recent work on migrant rights and
                                generally join through their                           Canadian academic community.                          international criminal law.10

                              CAUT, “About Us”.                                                          7
                                                                                                          CAUT, “University of Toronto under censure” (May 2021).
                              See generally CAUT By-law Number 1 (November 2020).                         CAUT, “CAUT Council imposes rare censure against University of Toronto over Azarova

                              CAUT, “CAUT Membership”.                                                    hiring controversy” (April 22, 2021).
                              CAUT, “Field Guide to CAUT”.                                                Masha Gessen, “Did a University of Toronto Donor Block the Hiring of a Scholar for her
                              CAUT, “Procedures Relating to Censure” (revised 2008).                      Writing on Palestine?” (May 8, 2021) in The New Yorker, [“Gessen”].
                              CAUT, “Procedures Relating to Censure” (revised 2008).                     10
                                                                                                            Gessen, above.

1   DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                           DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                         2
As reported in The New Yorker:                                   (A Judicial Conduct Review                                    to Dr. Azarova.21 Dr. Azarova                                                    of the IHRP faculty advisory                           a complaint about an individual                              risks can quickly translate into
                                                                   Panel of the Canadian Judicial                                declined the offer, telling CBC                                                  committee, and Prof. Kent Roach                        issue may be better suited                                   tangible negative impacts on
      It emerged that, on September 4th,                           Council has since concluded                                   News that, “In light of events over                                              stepping down as faculty chair                         for grievance arbitration or                                 universities, and those who work
  a high-level university administrator                            that, while Justice Spiro “made                               the past year, I realized that my                                                of the Advisory Group for                              other processes, whereas more                                and study there.
  spoke on the phone with David E.                                 serious mistakes, these were not                              leadership of the program would                                                  the David Asper Centre for                             systemic concerns may benefit
  Spiro, a tax judge who, individually                             serious enough to warrant a                                   remain subject to attack by those                                                Constitutional Rights;                                 from engagement with CAUT.                                   Our Education team is always
  and as a member of a wealthy family,                             recommendation for his removal                                who habitually conflate legal                                                                                                           Universities may also wish to                                available to help clients navigate
  is a major donor to the law school.                              from office.”14 Several of the                                analyses of the Israeli-Palestinian                                             • lawyers refusing to hire U of T                      carefully and proactively consult                            these issues.
  Spiro expressed concern about Azarova’s                          complainants have now filed an                                context with hostile partisanship.”22                                              law students; and                                    with their other stakeholders,
  work on the Israeli occupation and                               application for judicial review in                            Nevertheless, the development                                                                                                           including student groups, to gauge
  suggested that her appointment would                             Federal Court.)15                                             prompted CAUT’s Executive                                                       • outside organizations ending their                   where they stand on the issues
  damage the university’s reputation. The                                                                                        Committee to pause the censure                                                     collaborations with U of T (these                    involved and shore up support.
  university administrator alerted the                             On April 22, 2021, the CAUT                                   “pending a final decision by CAUT                                                  include Human Rights Watch;
  leadership of the law faculty, who, in                           Council voted to censure U of T,                              Council” in November.23 CAUT’s                                                     Citizen Lab; the HIV Legal                           In sum, prevention is key —
  turn, contacted the search committee.                            on the basis that the cancellation                            Executive Committee is still calling                                               Network; Butterfly: Asian and                        because once censure happens,
  Soon [Dean of Law Edward] Iacobucci                              of Dr. Azarova’s hiring was                                   on U of T “to resolve all the issues                                               Migrant Sex Workers Support                          it is very difficult to walk back
  reversed the process of Azarova’s hiring.                        politically motivated and a breach                            in the case, including explicitly                                                  Network; the Immigration Legal                       the damage.
                                                                   of academic freedom.16 The                                    extending academic freedom                                                         Committee; the Indigenous                                                                                         JENNIFER TAYLOR
  The October motion advised that                                  Council expressly disagreed with                              protections to academic managerial                                                 Education Network; and                               CONCLUSION                                                   HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA
  censure would be imposed at the                                  the Cromwell Report’s conclusion                              positions and developing policies                                                  Amnesty International).26                                                                                         JENNIFERTAYLOR@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM
  spring meeting of Council, unless                                “that the donor’s call did not                                that prohibit donor interference in                                                                                                     CAUT cannot necessarily enforce
  “satisfactory steps” were taken by U                             trigger the subsequent actions                                internal academic affairs.”24                                                   Censure UofT, a group of U of T                         a censure through the courts, but
  of T — like hiring Dr. Azarova for                               resulting in the sudden termination                                                                                                           faculty members that is active on                       that does not mean a censure is
  the still-vacant director position.11                            of the hiring process.”17                                     WHAT HAVE THE                                                                   social media, maintained a list of                      without risk for universities. The
                                                                                                                                 CONSEQUENCES BEEN FOR                                                           “solidarity statements and actions”                     reputational cost of attracting
  This left several months for                                     “The censure amounts to a                                     U OF T?                                                                         in response to the censure.27                           a CAUT censure can be readily
  negotiations to take place.                                      boycott of the University,”                                                                                                                                                                           observed in the case of U of T:
                                                                   according to Ultra Vires, the law                             The censure caused significant                                                  More repercussions may have                             there are practical consequences
  During this time, the University                                 faculty’s student newspaper.18                                fallout,25 including:                                                           ensued if the censure had remained                      to a censure when it comes to
  tried to stave off censure by                                                                                                                                                                                  in place during the current                             retaining and recruiting faculty,                            CALVIN DEWOLFE
  retaining the Hon. Thomas                                        The University of Toronto Faculty                             • multiple events being cancelled                                              academic year.                                          facilitating student employment                              HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA
  Cromwell, retired justice of the                                 Association abstained from the                                   and speaking invitations declined;                                                                                                   opportunities, attracting speakers,                          CDEWOLFE@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM
  Supreme Court of Canada, to                                      censure vote, and is pursuing two                                                                                                             HOW CAN UNIVERSITIES                                    and beyond. A censure could also
  conduct an independent review of                                 grievances of its own arising from                            • the Right Honourable Michaëlle                                               MANAGE THE RISKS ARISING                                have a significant financial impact,
  the hiring situation (“Cromwell                                  the hiring controversy.19                                        Jean, former Governor General of                                             FROM THE CENSURE PROCESS?                               depending on how it affects
  Report”). Mr. Cromwell concluded                                                                                                  Canada, postponing a lecture on                                                                                                      enrolment and donor behaviour.
  that he “would not draw the                                      CAUT maintained that censure                                     systemic discrimination;                                                     It is in universities’ interests to
  inference that external influence                                would “remain in effect until                                                                                                                 avoid censure if at all possible. For                   Especially in the age of social
  played any role in the decision to                               Council is satisfied that the matter                          • law faculty resigning from                                                   this reason, universities should                        media, risk needs to be assessed
  discontinue the recruitment of                                   has been satisfactorily resolved.”20                             university roles, including Prof.                                            take the threat of censure seriously,                   holistically — through a
  the Preferred Candidate.”12 The                                                                                                   Audrey Macklin resigning as                                                  and react proactively rather than                       communications and public
  Cromwell Report was endorsed                                     On September 17, 2021, CAUT                                      chair of the International Human                                             defensively if the threat arises.                       relations lens, and not just a legal
  by the University, but met with                                  suspended the censure, after U                                   Rights Program (“IHRP”)                                                                                                              lens. It is not simply about whether
  criticism from many corners.13                                   of T re-offered the directorship                                 hiring committee and member                                                  Universities may want to consider                       a censured institution could be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 early engagement with CAUT                              sued for damages, but about what
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and participation in any CAUT                           might happen in the court of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 investigations, depending on the                        public opinion. In the case of a
   Shree Paradkar, “University teachers’ association calls for rare censure of U of T administration
                                                                                                            controversy” (April 22, 2021) [“CAUT censure”].                                                      circumstances. For example,                             CAUT censure, the reputational
   over law faculty hiring scandal” (October 15, 2020) in the Toronto Star.                            17
                                                                                                          CAUT censure, above.
   Hon. Thomas A. Cromwell, CC, Independent Review of the Search Process for the Directorship
12                                                                                                    18
                                                                                                          Cheng and Myles, above.
   of the International Human Rights Program at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law (March          University of Toronto Faculty Association, “CAUT Censure: Frequently Asked Question”

   15, 2021) at page 6.                                                                                   (May 26, 2021).
   Vivian Cheng and Harry Myles, “Criticisms over the Cromwell Report Erupt with CAUT
13                                                                                                    20
                                                                                                          CAUT, “University of Toronto under censure” (May 2021).
   Censuring U of T” (May 17, 2021) in Ultra Vires, [“Cheng and Myles”]. See also Gessen, above.          CAUT, “CAUT calling for ‘pause’ on U of T censure after U of T reverses course on Dr. Azarova

   “Canadian Judicial Council completes its review of the matter involving the Honourable D.E.
                                                                                                          case” (September 17, 2021) [“CAUT pause”].                                                      25
                                                                                                                                                                                                             See generally Gessen, above.
   Spiro” (May 21, 2021).                                                                                 Shanifa Nasser, CBC News, “Censure against U of T temporarily suspended after school reverses
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cheng and Myles, above. See also Sarah Tomlinson, “Rye Law Prof Stands with CAUT Censure of U of T Over Hiring Scandal” (September 8, 2021) in The Eyeopener; CAUT, “University

   Aidan Macnab, “Judicial review sought on decision to close complaint against Justice David
                                                                                                          course in hiring controversy” (September 17, 2021).                                                of Toronto under censure” (May 2021).
   Spiro” (July 14, 2021) in Law Times.                                                                23
                                                                                                          CAUT pause, above.                                                                              27
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Censure UofT, “About Us”.
   CAUT, “CAUT Council imposes rare censure against University of Toronto over Azarova hiring
16                                                                                                    24
                                                                                                          CAUT pause, above.

   3           DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                     4
What the government is
                            doing to continue support
                            for international students

                            W      ith the 2021 fall school
                                   semester under way, it
                            has been a year and a half since
                                                                Citizenship Canada (“IRCC”)
                                                                has been implementing
                                                                temporary policy changes for
                                                                                                  an exemption to the travel
                                                                                                  restrictions to be eligible to
                                                                                                  travel to, and enter, Canada.
                            the COVID-19 pandemic first         those international students      Initially the Government of
                            resulted in school closures and     studying online, to provide       Canada had limited the travel
                            travel restrictions, and forced     them with flexibility during      exemption for international
                            many students and educational       the pandemic. The government      students to those who held valid
                            institutions to move to online      has continued to modify and       study permits or an official
                            learning environments. While        introduce new measures to         approval letter that was issued
                            many schools are re-opening,        support international students:   on or before March 18, 2020.
                            there are still some students who                                     This exemption was modified
                            are unable to study in-person in    1. T
                                                                    RAVEL RESTRICTION            in late 2020 to broaden who is
                            Canada due to ongoing travel           EXEMPTIONS:                    eligible to travel to Canada.
                            restrictions and study permit
                            processing delays. As discussed     During the COVID-19               The travel exemption for
                            in our Spring 2020 and Fall         pandemic, students coming         international students now has
                            2020 issues of Discovery,           from outside of the United        two primary requirements. First,
                            Immigration, Refugees, and          States have had to meet           the students must either hold a

5   DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                            DISCOVERY | FALL 2021     6
valid study permit, be eligible to   or already be approved for the      many students will need to          Finally, while students              AIPP is currently in a temporary
apply for a study permit at the      permit, this exemption should       begin or continue their studies     graduating in Canada are still       pilot phase, but the Government
port of entry, or have received      make the assessment process         online from outside of Canada.      required to apply for their          of Canada has announced that
written approval of their study      simpler for many students.          The Government of Canada            PGWP within 180 days of              due to its success it will be made
permit application. Second,                                              is temporarily allowing all         holding a valid study permit,        a permanent program. It has
students must be attending           2. G
                                         REATER POST-GRADUATION         students who were enrolled in       and within 180 days of receiving     yet to be announced whether
an institution that is listed by        WORK PERMIT ELIGIBILITY          PGWP-eligible programs in           written notification of their        there will be any changes once
the Government of Canada                FLEXIBILITY:                     progress in March 2020, or          program’s completion, there are      the permanent program comes
as having appropriate measures                                           who started a program of study      temporary policy changes for         into place, but it is nonetheless
in place to support the student’s    In the Spring 2020 and              from spring 2020 up to and          graduates outside of Canada.         exciting news as it provides
quarantine. This is helpful for      Fall 2020 issues of Discovery,      including fall 2021, to complete    Students who graduate from           international graduates in
international students who           we discussed new temporary          up to 100 per cent of their         outside of Canada do not             Atlantic Canada with another
received their study permit          measures introduced by the          program online from outside         currently need to hold or            permanent avenue for applying
approvals over the last year         Government of Canada to             of Canada without impacting         have held a valid study permit       for residence in Canada.
and are now seeking to join          preserve international students’    their PGWP eligibility.             within 180 days of their PGWP
their schools when on-campus         eligibility for a Post-Graduation                                       application as long as they either   As we have seen throughout
classes resume.                      Work Permit (“PGWP”) despite        Also, PGWPs are generally           have a study permit or study         the COVID-19 pandemic, it is
                                     pandemic-related distance and       valid for the same length of        permit approval and apply for        possible that these measures may
Those who plan to attend an          online learning requirements.       time as the study permit, with      their PGWP within 180 days of        change and new measures may
educational institution that         As a reminder, the PGWP             a minimum length of eight           receiving written notification of    be introduced, depending on
is not currently listed by the       Program provides students           months and up to a maximum          their program’s completion.          how the pandemic progresses.
Government of Canada are not         who have graduated from             length of three years. IRCC
eligible to enter the country        certain Canadian educational        is currently allowing any time      3. A
                                                                                                                 TLANTIC IMMIGRATION             Our immigration law team
under this international student     institutions with a route to        spent studying online outside          PILOT PROGRAM BECOMING            would be pleased to provide
exemption. The institution list      obtain an open work permit          of Canada up to December 31,           A PERMANENT PROGRAM:              up-to-date advice on COVID-19
is updated regularly and new         (otherwise known as a PGWP).        2021 to be counted towards                                               issues impacting educational
schools are added frequently,        Among other requirements,           the length of the PGWP. Any         The Atlantic Immigration             institutions and international
so non-qualifying international      to be eligible for a PGWP, a        time spent studying outside         Pilot Program (“AIPP”) is            students alike.
students may be able to travel to    student would generally need to     of Canada after December 31,        a permanent residence pathway
Canada under this exemption in       study in Canada in a program        2021 will be deducted from          that helps employers in
the future.                          eight months in duration or         the length of the PGWP. It is       Atlantic Canada hire foreign
                                     longer, maintain full-time          also important to note that         skilled workers who want to
Additionally, the Government         student status during each          time spent studying outside of      immigrate to Atlantic Canada,
of Canada has recently               academic session, and have held     Canada only begins to count         and international graduates
implemented a broad exemption        a study permit within 180 days      towards the length of a PGWP        who want to stay in Atlantic
to the travel restrictions for       of applying for the PGWP.           once IRCC receives the study        Canada after they graduate.
fully vaccinated travellers                                              permit application.                 There are three subprograms
that may also be applicable to       Recognizing the impact of                                               under AIPP, one of which is the      BRENDAN SHERIDAN
some international students.         COVID-19 on the ability for         It was noted in the Fall 2020       Atlantic International Graduate      HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA
This exemption to the travel         international students to qualify   issue of Discovery that students    Program.                             BSHERIDAN@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM
restrictions allows individuals      for this permit, the Government     who graduate from more than
who are fully vaccinated             of Canada has made temporary        one PGWP-eligible program of
to travel to Canada. To be           modifications to the PGWP           study may be able to combine the
considered fully vaccinated for      eligibility requirements. To        length of their programs
the purposes of this exemption,      be eligible for the temporary       of study (if they are each longer
individuals must have                changes discussed below,            than eight months) when they
completed their COVID-19             students must either have a         apply for their PGWP on
vaccine dosage regime of an          valid study permit, have been       graduation. IRCC has recently
approved vaccine (Pfizer,            approved for a study permit, or     announced that students can now
Moderna, Astra-Zeneca, or            have applied for a study permit     complete 100 per cent of both
Janssen / Johnson and Johnson)       before beginning their program      programs online from outside of
at least 14 days before their        and have it eventually approved.    Canada if both programs were
entry to Canada. While the                                               either in progress in March 2020
students should still either         Due to the continued processing     or began between spring 2020
have a study permit in-hand          delays and travel restrictions,     and fall 2021.

7       DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                                                         DISCOVERY | FALL 2021   8

Conor practices in commercial litigation with an
emphasis on the construction industry, where he has
extensive experience working with general contractors,
surety companies, insurers, owners of construction
projects, subcontractors and suppliers to help
provide practical, efficient solutions. A professional
engineer by trade, Conor has represented parties in
dispute resolution, drafted and negotiated various
forms of contracts and procurement documents,
managed complex litigation matters (including one
of the longest trials in New Brunswick) and acted in
matters concerning professional negligence claims.
In addition to his busy practice, Conor is also chair of
the Canadian Bar Association – New Brunswick branch
construction subsection.

                                                              DISCOVERY | FALL 2021   10
A new era:
                             expanded obligations for
                             owners under New Brunswick’s
                             Construction Remedies Act
                             C    onstruction lien legislation
                                  exists in every province
                             and territory in Canada.
                                                                  protect material suppliers by
                                                                  giving them a charge against
                                                                  the lands for which materials
                                                                                                        legislation, the Construction
                                                                                                        Remedies Act (“Act”), on
                                                                                                        December 18, 2020 and the
                             Liens are a creature of statute      or services were supplied.            Act, with the exception of
                             introduced, at least in North                                              several sections, came into force
                             America, first in the state of       Beginning in 2016 with                on November 1, 2021, replacing
                             Maryland. The concept of early       Ontario, every province, with         the Mechanics’ Lien Act.
                             construction liens was intended      the exception of Newfoundland
                             to combat the issues of bad          and Labrador, has undertaken          The new legislation is long
                             credit encountered by colonial       a review of its lien legislation      – double the length of its
                             era material suppliers who           and most have passed some             predecessor. Most of the
                             faced the new world problem          legislative changes or indicated      fundamental concepts remain
                             of land owners with abundant         their intention to do so. New         the same. However, the Act
                             land, but little cash and bad        Brunswick’s Mechanics’ Lien           makes significant changes with
                             credit. Materials were expensive     Act is the oldest lien act still in   respect to entities considered
                             to transport to new remote           force of any of the provinces.        “owners” under the legislation,
                             locations and so, the legislatures   The Legislative Assembly of           including introducing new
                             of that era created liens to         New Brunswick passed new              holdbacks provisions and

11   DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                DISCOVERY | FALL 2021      12
expansive trust obligations         contractor as trustees and,         breach of trust. Similar sections     of improvements or projects          above and beyond $100,000 in
for owners. Most universities       unless ordered otherwise by         exist in other jurisdictions          within the meaning of the            the run of a year (e.g. replacing
and colleges will fall into         the court, any payment from a       and may result in an increased        new legislation, the obligation      a gymnasium floor, renovations
the category of an owner            holdback trust account requires     risk of litigation for directors,     to maintain a holdback trust         to dormitories, building or
for both new projects and           the signatures of both trustees.    officers and employees                account does not apply to the        modifying laboratories, etc.),
capital improvements. As of                                             managing the statutory trust.         Crown or to local government.        will likely be faced with creating
the writing of this article, the    This is potentially                                                       Although there is not a              and maintaining separate             CONOR O’NEIL, P.E n g .
sections of the Act dealing with    administratively burdensome         WHAT TYPES OF PROJECTS                “one size fits all” answer,          holdback trust accounts for each     SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK
owner holdback trust accounts       to owners with several projects     DOES THIS APPLY TO?                   generally community colleges         improvement contract, and will       CONEIL@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM
are being revised. Bill 68 was      happening simultaneously.                                                 are likely to be deemed the          be subject to the corresponding
introduced on November 1,           Owners should expect to             The new legislation defines an        Crown for the purposes of            obligations under the Act.
2021, outlining minor proposed      track trust information to          “improvement” in respect of           the Act, while the same is           Further, as noted above, both
amendments to these sections.       maintain traceability of trust      lands as:                             not true for universities. This      the university as a corporation,
                                    funds such as:                                                            may have a significant impact        and those of its individual
WHY THE NEW HOLDBACK AND                                                (a) a ny alteration, addition or     on a university’s obligations        directors, officers and employees
TRUST PROVISIONS MATTER             • Deposits and withdrawals to           capital repair to the land,      under the Act with respect to        who have responsibility for
                                       and from the account;                                                  holdbacks and owners’ trusts.        the management of the
The Mechanics’ Lien Act                                                 (b) a ny construction, erection or                                        holdback trusts, may be
creates a statutory trust for       •A
                                      ny transfers made for the             installation on the land, or     Community colleges in                held personally liable for           SARAH-JANE LEWIS
all funds paid by owners on          purposes of the trust;                                                   New Brunswick are Crown              appropriation or conversion          SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK
a construction project, the                                             (c) c omplete or partial             corporations. They are creatures     of any part of the trusts.           SJLEWIS@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM
beneficiaries of which are          •T
                                      he names of parties involved          demolition/removal of a          of statute and subject to the
the contractors and material         in any transaction regarding            building, structure or works     New Brunswick Community              HOW STEWART MCKELVEY
suppliers below the owner in         the trust; and                          on the land.                     Colleges Act (“NBCAA”).              CAN HELP
the construction pyramid.                                                                                     Under section 8 of NBCAA,
Importantly, under that             •T
                                      he amount retained as a          Importantly, the new legislation      community colleges are clearly       Stewart McKelvey can assist
legislation an owner is not a        holdback for each contract.        also clarifies that capital repairs   defined as agents of the Crown.      universities and colleges
trustee of such funds and its                                           include any repair intended to                                             with reviewing and drafting
obligations are largely limited     Perhaps most surprisingly to        extend the normal economic            Universities in New Brunswick        procedures and construction
to retaining the fifteen per cent   some, the new legislation makes     life of the land, building,           are not subject to legislation       contracts to best manage the
statutory holdback.                 appropriation or conversion of      structure or works but do not         similar to the NBCCA, are            risks inherent in the new
                                    any part of an owner’s trust a      include normal preventative           self-governed, and are not           legislation. In the event of a
Under the new legislation,          category F offence under Part       maintenance.                          expressly legislated as Crown        dispute, Stewart McKelvey’s
the trust provisions have           2 of the Provincial Offences                                              agents under the Act. As such,       dispute resolution team has
been greatly expanded.              Procedure Act which may include     The supply of services to an          the expansive definition of          extensive experience in dealing
The construction trust will         a fine of up to $10,200 and a       improvement also clearly              improvement makes it likely          with all forms of dispute
extend to owners and there          term of imprisonment of up to       includes the supply of a design,      that universities, which typically   resolution across the Atlantic
have been significant changes       90 days.                            plan, drawing or specification        make dozens of capital repairs       region and beyond.
to owners’ obligations.                                                 by an architect or engineer
                                    Further, any director, officer or   which enhances the value of the
Owners will be required to          person, including employees         land. In other words, owners
retain a ten per cent statutory     or agents who have effective        should maintain the ten per
holdback, a reduction from the      control of the corporation,         cent statutory holdback on
predecessor legislation, until      who assents to, or acquiesces       contracts they enter into with
the expiry of the holdbacks         in conduct, that such persons       their consultants for building
period. In retaining such funds     knew or ought to have known         projects and capital repairs.
every owner must create separate    amounts to the corporation
holdbacks trust accounts for        committing a breach of trust        UNIVERSITY OBLIGATIONS
each improvement where the          may be personally liable to         MORE EXPANSIVE THAN
value of the contract is over       the trust beneficiaries. This       COLLEGES
$100,000. Further, the owner        effectively creates a statutory
is required to administer the       right for trust beneficiaries to    Although both colleges and
trust account jointly with the      personally sue such persons for     universities may be “owners”

13       DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                                                             DISCOVERY | FALL 2021   14
jetables et exécutables selon les     n’était pas sincère et manquait       discipliner la conduite « non
                                                                                                            caprices et désirs subjectivent de    d’empathie. Le 30 août 2019, le       académique » d’un étudiant en
                                                                                                            la mère » et « l’avortement est       CPC a expulsé Zaki du Collège.        relation avec toute question
                                                                                                            immoral et contraire à l’éthique ».                                         universitaire (« any university
                                                                                                                                                  Zaki a fait appel de la décision      matter »). Une question
                                                                                                            Le Collège a reçu 18 plaintes         du CPC auprès du comité               universitaire est définie comme
                                                                                                            anonymes en réponse aux               disciplinaire de la faculté           étant tout acte, évènement ou
                                                                                                            publications Facebook de              des sciences de la santé              engagement qui a un lien étroit
                                                                                                            Zaki. Ces plaintes ainsi que le       ainsi qu’auprès du comité             avec l’université.
                                                                                                            contenu de ces publications ont       disciplinaire de l’université (le
                                                                                                            soulevé des inquiétudes quant         « CDU »). Dans les deux cas,          Le juge a conclu qu’il était

Publications faites dans vie
                                                                                                            au professionnalisme de cet           la décision de l’expulser du          approprié et raisonnable pour
                                                                                                            étudiant de première année, qui       programme a été maintenue.            le CDU de considérer les
                                                                                                            était une exigence essentielle        Dans sa décision, le CDU a            publications Facebook de Zaki
                                                                                                            chez les étudiants de médecine.       adressé les questions d’équité        comme étant une « question

personnelle peuvent égaler manque                                                                           EXPULSION DU REQUÉRANT
                                                                                                            – LES TRIBUNAUX
                                                                                                                                                  procédurale de façon brève. Il
                                                                                                                                                  a conclu, de plus, qu’il n’avait
                                                                                                                                                  pas la juridiction de considérer
                                                                                                                                                                                        universitaire ». Alors que Zaki
                                                                                                                                                                                        tentait d’argumenter que ses
                                                                                                                                                                                        publications n’avaient pas un

de professionnalisme dans vie
                                                                                                            ADMINISTRATIFS                        les droits de la personne Zaki en     lien étroit avec l’université, la
                                                                                                                                                  vertu de la Charte canadienne des     preuve démontrait le contraire.
                                                                                                            Le 25 février 2019, le vice-          droits et libertés (la « Charte »).

académique : la relation qui existe
                                                                                                            doyen du Collège, Dr                                                        D’une part, Zaki avait dit
                                                                                                            Ripstein, et le vice-doyen au         APPEL DE LA DÉCISION – COUR           aux membres de la faculté de
                                                                                                            professionnalisme, Dr West, ont       DU BANC DE LA REINE                   médecine qu’il utilisait son
                                                                                                            rencontré Zaki pour adresser                                                compte Facebook pour se garder

entre les médias sociaux et les                                                                             leurs inquiétudes. Il a été décidé
                                                                                                            que Zaki allait écrire une lettre
                                                                                                            d’excuses à ses collègues de
                                                                                                                                                  Zaki a fait appel de la décision
                                                                                                                                                  du CDU auprès de la Cour du
                                                                                                                                                  banc de la reine du Manitoba.
                                                                                                                                                                                        à jour avec tout ce qui se passait
                                                                                                                                                                                        dans sa classe et au Collège
                                                                                                                                                                                        de médecine. De plus, à la fin

institutions postsecondaires et                                                                             classe (la « lettre »).

                                                                                                            Suite à la rencontre, Dr Ripstein
                                                                                                                                                  Les questions dont le juge devait
                                                                                                                                                  adresser étaient les suivantes :
                                                                                                                                                                                        de certaines publications qui
                                                                                                                                                                                        ont mené à toute cette affaire,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Zaki a souhaité bonne chance

l’obligation d’équité procédurale
                                                                                                            a écrit à Zaki lui expliquant         1. Est-ce que l’université avait      à ses collègues de classe sur
                                                                                                            les attentes du Collège par           la juridiction d’expulser Zaki        leurs examens et a fait d’autres
                                                                                                            rapport à la lettre d’excuses. En     pour avoir fait des publications      commentaires dirigés à ses
                                                                                                            avril 2019, Zaki a été avisé que      controversées sur sa page             collègues. Il était donc tout à
                                                                                                            le comité de progrès du Collège       Facebook personnelle?                 fait raisonnable pour le CDU
                                                                                                            (le « CPC »), dont Dr Ripstein                                              de conclure que les gens visés
                                                                                                            était membre, n’était pas             2. Est-ce que l’université a fait     par ses publications étaient les
                                                                                                            satisfait du remords démontré         preuve d’équité procédurale?          autres étudiants au programme
                                                                                                            par Zaki dans les ébauches de                                               de médecine.

D     ans la décision récente
      et intéressante de Zaki
v. University of Manitoba,
                                    PUBLICATIONS FACEBOOK–
                                    UN MANQUE DE
                                                                       Les 12 et 13 février 2019, Zaki
                                                                       a affiché deux publications sur
                                                                       sa page Facebook portant sur le
                                                                                                            la lettre et le dossier allait être
                                                                                                            transmis au comité disciplinaire.
                                                                                                            À ce même moment, Zaki a été
                                                                                                                                                  3. Est-ce que la Charte doit être
                                                                                                                                                  considérée dans un processus
                                                                                                                                                  de discipline non académique
                                                                                                                                                                                        2. Équité procédurale et crainte
                                                                                                                                                                                            raisonnable de partialité
2021 MBQB 178 (CanLII), la                                             droit des Américains de posséder     averti que le dossier serait étudié   à l’université?
Cour du banc de la reine du         Dans sa première année comme       des armes à feu. Le 17 février       comme étant une « inconduite                                                Le juge était d’avis que le CDU
Manitoba a dû étudier l’impact      étudiant à l’école de médecine     2019, il a publié un essai qu’il     non-académique » et que le            1. Facebook                           avait raison de conclure que
des publications Facebook sur       Max Rady à l’University of         avait lui-même écrit intitulé :      Collège considérait l’expulser                                              Zaki avait bien été avisé de
                                    Manitoba (« le Collège »), le
le cheminement professionnel        requérant Rafael Zaki (« Zaki »)   « Refuting the ‘Final Solution’      ou le suspendre.                      Le Collège et l’université se         l’enquête ainsi que la charge
d’un individu dans le milieu        a affiché trois publications       for Undocumented Infants :                                                 sont fiés sur le règlement sur        d’inconduite contre lui dans
universitaire, l’importance         sur sa page Facebook qui           A Reconciliary Formula ». Cet        Au cours des cinq prochains           la discipline des étudiants           un délai raisonnable. Le CDU
d’un tribunal administratif de      ont éventuellement mené à son      essai était antiavortement. Parmi    mois, Zaki a soumis cinq              ainsi que la procédure qui            avait aussi raison de conclure
demeurer impartial et la relation   expulsion du programme dû          les propos faits par Zaki, on        ébauches de la lettre qui ont         l’accompagne pour arriver à la        que Zaki connaissait l’étendue
complexe qui existe entre les       au manque de professionnalisme     lit (traduit de l’anglais) : « les   toutes été rejetées par le CPC        décision d’expulser Zaki. La          de la preuve contre lui et il avait
                                    que ses articles et commentaires
institutions postsecondaires et     exhibaient.                        enfants humains à naître sont        qui était d’avis que la lettre        procédure prévoit que l’on peut       eu amplement de temps pour
le gouvernement.                                                       considérés comme des esclaves                                                                                    répondre aux allégations.

15      DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                                                              DISCOVERY | FALL 2021       16
Le CDU a toutefois fait              décision du CPC. Le comité           gouvernementale. Cependant,          sembler que les réseaux sociaux      sa décision écrite pour justifier
preuve de manquement en              disciplinaire a alors rejeté         en suivant le processus de           sont des canaux entièrement          sa conclusion, d’une part, et
négligeant de considérer, dans sa    l’appel de Zaki. Cette lettre a      discipline pour les inconduites      séparés et distincts du milieu       éviter que la décision rendue
décision, la crainte raisonnable     aussi été divulguée au CDU           « non académiques », l’université    académique, si la communauté         soit considérée biaisée, injuste
de partialité causée par le          lors du deuxième appel avancé        s’était engagée dans l’élaboration   universitaire a accès à ces          ou déraisonnable.
chevauchement de rôles occupés       par Zaki et la CDU a maintenu        et la mise en œuvre des              réseaux, on peut s’attendre
par Dr Ripstein (le vice-doyen       la décision d’expulsion sans         politiques gouvernementales          qu’il existe un lien étroit entre    Finalement, il importe pour         TESSA BELLIVEAU
du Collège) tout au long du          adresser les divers rôles occupés    et donc agissait comme agent         les actions de l’étudiant sur        l’institution postsecondaire        MONCTON, NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK
processus disciplinaire.             par Dr Ripstein tout au long du      du gouvernement. Dans ce             Facebook et l’université,            de comprendre les lois qui          TBELLIVEAU@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM
                                     processus disciplinaire.             contexte, la Charte et les droits    et cette dernière pourra             ont mené à sa création et la
Le test à rencontrer pour                                                 de Zaki doivent être considérés      actionner toutes inconduites         relation qui existe entre elle et
déterminer s’il y a une crainte      Le juge était d’avis que ce          lors du processus décisionnel.       de la part de sa population sur      le gouvernement. Il est clair
raisonnable de partialité est        manquement de la part du             Le fait que le CDU a manqué          ses divers canaux.                   en lisant la décision de Zaki
de se demander : « À quelle          CDU en rendant sa décision           à ce devoir rend la décision                                              que même si une université
conclusion en arriverait une         est une grave lacune et qu’elle      d’expulsion incorrecte et            Du point de vue de l’université,     est une entité distincte du
personne bien renseignée             donnait l’impression que le          déraisonnable.                       on ne peut jamais perdre de          gouvernement, certaines
qui étudierait la question           CDU a simplement adopté le                                                vue l’importance de demeurer         procédures administratives
en profondeur, de façon              raisonnement et la décision finale   RENVOI AU CDU                        impartiale tout au long du           internes découlant de politiques
réaliste et pratique. Est-ce         de Dr Ripstein. Cela s’agit d’une                                         processus disciplinaire et de        gouvernementales peuvent faire
que cette personne penserait         crainte raisonnable de partialité    Malgré les conclusions du Juge       s’assurer qu’il n’existe pas de      en sorte que l’université devient
que la décision était juste?         qui rend la décision du CDU          Champagne par rapport au             chevauchement de rôles chez          un agent du gouvernement et est
» (Committee for Justice and         déraisonnable et incorrecte.         caractère biaisé et déraisonnable    les personnes responsable de         assujetti aux mêmes obligations,
Liberty et al. v. National Energy                                         de la décision du CDU, ce n’est      rendre la décision. Si cela ne       dont la reconnaissance des droits
Board et al., 1976 CanLII 2          3. Les universités canadiennes –    malheureusement pas la fin de        peut être évité, comme semble        d’un étudiant sous la Charte.
(SCC), [1978] 1 SCR 369).                des agents du gouvernement?      l’affaire pour Zaki.                 être le cas dans Zaki, le tribunal   Cela peut varier de province
                                                                                                               administratif doit s’assurer         en province et devra être
Dans le cas en l’espèce, Dr          Devant le CDU, Zaki, par le          Le dossier sera renvoyé au           de bien adresser la crainte          considéré cas par cas.
Ripstein était à la première         biais de son avocat, a argumenté     CDU, qui doit être composé           raisonnable de partialité dans
rencontre avec Zaki suite à          que les publications sur sa page     d’un nouveau panel et aura à
la publication de l’essai. Il a      Facebook étaient protégées           adresser la crainte raisonnable
ensuite participé à l’enquête        par la Charte. Le comité avait       de partialité et faire preuve
et a expliqué à Zaki quelles         conclu qu’elle n’avait pas la        d’une évaluation indépendante
étaient ses attentes du Collège      juridiction de considérer une        et objective du dossier. De plus,
en lien avec la lettre. Dr           violation de la Charte.              le CDU aura la tâche difficile
Ripstein a reçu les ébauches,                                             de protéger les droits de Zaki en
les a révisées et les a présentées   En vertu de l’article 32.(1), la     vertu de la Charte ainsi que ses
aux CPC, dont il était membre.       Charte s’applique au Parlement       propres obligations statutaires.
La preuve démontrait de              et au gouvernement, ainsi que
plus que depuis le début du          la législature et le gouvernement    Il importe de noter que Zaki
processus disciplinaire, le CPC      de chaque province, pour tous        a continué sa formation au
avait conclu que Zaki devait         les domaines relevant de cette       sein du Collège tout au long
être expulsé du programme            législature. La jurisprudence,       du processus d’appel et pourra
de médecine, suggérant un            toutefois, clarifie que la Charte    vraisemblablement graduer en
résultat prédéterminé. Le CPC        peut aussi s’appliquer aux           2022 comme prévu.
a recommandé que Zaki soit           acteurs gouvernementaux et,
expulsé du programme et Dr           selon la loi de la province, aux     QUE DOIT-ON RETENIR?
Ripstein a participé au processus    institutions postsecondaires
décisionnel final.                   qui agissent comme « agent du        Pour l’étudiant, il est important
                                     gouvernement ».                      de comprendre que ce qui est
Au moment où Zaki a fait                                                  publié sur notre page Facebook
appel de la décision auprès          Dans le cas de Zaki, et en           personnelle peut entraîner un
du comité disciplinaire de           révisant les lois provinciales       processus disciplinaire au niveau
la faculté des sciences de la        du Manitoba, le juge a               académique et avoir un effet
santé, Dr Ripstein a soumis          conclu que l’Université du           néfaste sur notre cheminement
une lettre détaillée justifiant la   Manitoba n’était pas une entité      professionnel. Alors qu’il peut

17       DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                                                          DISCOVERY | FALL 2021   18
explain his expectations for the      3. Does the Charter apply to the   him and had ample time to

Private posts can lead
                                                                                                               letter of apology. In April 2019,          University’s non-academic       respond to the allegations.
                                                                                                               Zaki was told that the College’s           disciplinary procedure?
                                                                                                               Progress Committee (“CPC”) was                                             However, the UDC failed
                                                                                                               unsatisfied with his apology in       1. Facebook                          to consider the reasonable

to a lack of academic                                                                                          the letter and the matter would
                                                                                                               be transferred to the Disciplinary
                                                                                                               Committee. Zaki was also told
                                                                                                                                                     The College and the University
                                                                                                                                                     made the decision to expel Zaki
                                                                                                                                                                                          apprehension of bias caused by
                                                                                                                                                                                          the overlapping roles played by
                                                                                                                                                                                          Dr. Ripstein (the Associate Dean

professionalism: the
                                                                                                               that the matter was being treated     based on the Student Discipline      of the College) throughout the
                                                                                                               as “non-academic misconduct,”         Bylaw and its accompanying           disciplinary procedure.
                                                                                                               and the College was considering       procedure. The procedure
                                                                                                               expulsion or suspension.              stipulates that a student’s “non-    The test to determine whether

relationship between social
                                                                                                                                                     academic” conduct in relation to     there is a reasonable apprehension
                                                                                                               Over the following five months,       “any University matter” may be       of bias is to ask the question:
                                                                                                               Zaki submitted five drafts of the     disciplined. A “University matter”   “What would an informed
                                                                                                               letter of apology, all of which the   refers to any activity, event, or    person, viewing the matter

media and post-secondary
                                                                                                               CPC rejected because it thought       undertaking that has a substantial   realistically and practically –
                                                                                                               them insincere and lacking            connection to the University.        and having thought the matter
                                                                                                               empathy. On August 30, 2019,                                               through – conclude? Would this
                                                                                                               the CPC expelled Zaki from the        The judge concluded that it was      person think the decision is fair?”

institutions and the duty of                                                                                   College.

                                                                                                               Zaki appealed the CPC’s decision
                                                                                                                                                     appropriate and reasonable for the
                                                                                                                                                     UDC to consider Zaki’s Facebook
                                                                                                                                                     posts a “University matter.” While
                                                                                                                                                                                          (Committee for Justice and Liberty
                                                                                                                                                                                          et al. v. National Energy Board et
                                                                                                                                                                                          al., 1976 CanLII 2 (SCC) [1978]

procedural fairness
                                                                                                               to the Rady Faculty of Health         Zaki claimed his social media        1 SCR 369.
                                                                                                               Sciences Local Discipline             posts did not have a substantial
                                                                                                               Committee and the University          connection to the University, the    In the case at hand, Dr. Ripstein
                                                                                                               Discipline Committee (“UDC”).         evidence demonstrated otherwise.     was the first person to meet with
                                                                                                               In both cases, the decision                                                Zaki following the publication of
                                                                                                               was upheld. The UDC briefly           Firstly, Zaki had told the College   his essay. Dr. Ripstein then was
                                                                                                               addressed Zaki’s concerns about       that he used his Facebook            involved in the investigation and
                                                                                                               procedural fairness. Moreover,        account to keep up with all things   explained to Zaki the College’s
                                                                                                               it concluded that it lacked the       happening in his class and in the    expectations for the letter. Dr.

I n its recent and interesting
  decision regarding Zaki v.
University of Manitoba, 2021
                                     (“Zaki”) made three posts on
                                     his Facebook page which led to
                                     his expulsion due to the lack of
                                                                           The college received 18
                                                                           anonymous complaints about
                                                                           Zaki’s Facebook posts. These
                                                                                                               jurisdiction to consider Zaki’s
                                                                                                               rights under the Canadian
                                                                                                               Charter of Rights and Freedoms
                                                                                                                                                     College. Moreover, at the end of
                                                                                                                                                     some of the posts in question,
                                                                                                                                                     Zaki wished his classmates good
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ripstein received the drafts,
                                                                                                                                                                                          revised them, and presented
                                                                                                                                                                                          them to the CPC, of which he
MBQB 178 (CanLII), the               professionalism of his articles       complaints and the content          (“Charter”).                          luck on their exams and made         was a member. The evidence
Court of Queen’s Bench of            and comments.                         of his posts raised concerns                                              other comments intended for          also demonstrated that the CPC
Manitoba had to analyze the                                                about the first-year student’s      APPEAL AGAINST THE DECISION –         his classmates. Therefore, it        had concluded that from the
impact of Facebook posts             On February 12 and 13, 2019,          professionalism, a requirement      COURT OF QUEEN’S BENCH                was entirely reasonable for the      start of the disciplinary process,
on the professional career           Zaki made two posts on his            for medical students.                                                     UDC to conclude that the target      Zaki should be expelled from
of a university student, the         Facebook page about the                                                   Zaki appealed against the             audience of Zaki’s posts was other   the program, which suggests
importance of impartiality of        right of Americans to bear arms.      THE APPLICANT’S EXPULSION —         UDC’s decision to the Court           students in the program.             a predetermined decision.
an administrative court, and the     On February 17, 2019, he posted       ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS            of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba.                                              Ultimately, the CPC did
complex relationship between         an anti-abortion essay he had                                             The judge had to address the          2. Procedural fairness and          recommend that Zaki be expelled
post-secondary institutions and      written titled “Refuting the ‘Final   On February 25, 2019, the           following questions:                      reasonable apprehension          from the program, and Dr.
the government.                      Solution’ for Undocumented            Associate Dean of the College,                                                of bias                          Ripstein was involved in making
                                     Infants: A Reconciliary Formula.”     Dr. Ripstein, and the Associate     1. Does the University have                                               the final decision.
FACEBOOK POSTS — A LACK              In the essay, he argues several       Dean of Professionalism, Dr.            the jurisdiction to expel the     The judge was of the view that
OF PROFESSIONALISM?                  points, including the following:      West, met with Zaki to discuss          applicant for publishing          UDC was right to conclude that       Just as Zaki appealed the
                                     “preborn human children               their concerns. It was agreed           controversial posts on his        Zaki was provided with timely        decision to the Rady Faculty of
During his first year as a student   are held as disposable and            that Zaki would write a letter of       personal Facebook page?           notice of the investigation and      Health Sciences Local Discipline
at the Max Rady College of           executable slaves to their mother’s   apology to his classmates.                                                the charge of misconduct brought     Committee, Dr. Ripstein sent
Medicine (“the College”) at          whims and subjective desires”                                             2. Did the University provide the    against him. The UDC was also        a detailed letter justifying the
the University of Manitoba,          and “abortion is immoral              Following the meeting,                  applicant sufficient procedural   right to conclude that Zaki knew     CPC’s decision. Therefore, the
the applicant Rafael Zaki            and unethical.”                       Dr. Ripstein wrote to Zaki to           fairness?                         the scope of the evidence against    Discipline Committee rejected

19       DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                                                                                                DISCOVERY | FALL 2021      20
Zaki’s appeal. This letter was      procedure for “non-academic”          networks, we can expect there
also revealed to the UDC            misconduct, the University            to be a connection between the
during Zaki’s second appeal,        was engaged in developing and         students’ actions on Facebook
and the UDC maintained the          implementing government               and the university, such that
decision to expel Zaki without      policy and, therefore, acted as       universities can act against
addressing the various roles held   a government agent. In this           student conduct. Universities
by Dr. Ripstein throughout the      context, the Charter and Zaki’s       can act against student
disciplinary procedure.             rights must be considered             misconduct.
                                    during the decision process.
The judge was of the view           The fact that the UDC failed          For universities, representatives
that the failure of the UDC         to do so renders the decision         should never forget the
to account for this issue in        of expulsion incorrect and            importance of remaining
its decision was a serious flaw     unreasonable.                         impartial throughout the
and gave the impression that                                              disciplinary procedure and
the UDC simply adopted              FILE RETURNED TO THE UDC              ensuring that the roles of those
Dr. Ripstein’s reasoning and                                              involved in decision making
conclusion. This supports           Despite the conclusions of Judge      do not overlap. If this cannot
a finding of reasonable             Champagne about the biased            be avoided, as was the case in
apprehension of bias and            and unreasonable nature of the        Zaki, the administrative tribunal
renders the UDC’s decision          UDC’s decision, the affair is still   must address a reasonable
of expulsion unreasonable           not over for Zaki.                    apprehension of bias in writing
and incorrect.                                                            to justify its conclusions, and
                                    The file will be returned to          ensure the final decision is
3. Canadian universities –         the UDC, which must put               unbiased, fair, and reasonable.
    government agents?              together a new panel to address
                                    the reasonable apprehension           Lastly, universities must be
Before the UDC, Zaki, through       of bias and prove evidence of         familiar with the government
his lawyer, argued that his         an independent and objective          policies that lead to their
Facebook posts were protected       evaluation of the file. Moreover,     creation, and the relationship
by the Charter. The committee       the UDC will have the difficult       that exists between them.
had concluded that it lacked        task of protecting Zaki’s             Though universities are a
the jurisdiction to consider a      rights under the Charter as           separate entity from the
violation of the Charter.           well as the committee’s               government, certain internal
                                    statutory obligations.                administrative procedures
According to Article 32.(1),                                              resulting from government
the Charter applies to the          It should be noted that Zaki          policy can create a situation
Parliament and government,          has continued his studies at          where the university is acting on
and to the legislature and          the College during the appeal         behalf of the government, and
government of each province         process and is likely to graduate     therefore becomes subject to
in respect of all matters within    in 2022 as planned.                   the same obligations, including
the authority of the legislature                                          recognizing the rights of a
of each province. However,          WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM                student under the Charter. This
the jurisprudence clarifies that    THIS?                                 can vary between provinces and
the Charter may also apply                                                should be considered on a case-
to government actors and,           For students, it is important         by-case basis.
depending on provincial laws,       to understand that what they
post-secondary institutions who     post on their personal Facebook
act as “government agents.”         page could lead to an academic
                                    disciplinary procedure and
In Zaki’s case, the judge           damage their careers. Social
reviewed the laws of Manitoba       media channels may seem
and concluded that the              completely disconnected
University of Manitoba was not      from the world of academia,           TESSA BELLIVEAU
a government entity. However,       but if university staff and           MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK
by following a disciplinary         students have access to these         TBELLIVEAU@STEWARTMCKELVEY.COM

21       DISCOVERY | FALL 2021                                                                                   DISCOVERY | FALL 2021   22
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