Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch

Page created by Raymond Strickland
Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Content Strategy
January 2014

Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist,
King Content

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
CONTENTS   01   Executive summary

           02   Strategy agenda

           03   Goals and objectives

           04   Target audience

           05   Keyword and competitor analysis

           06   Proposed content approach

           07   Website UX and design

           08   Content amplification

           09   KPIs and measurement

           10   Contacts

           11   List of appendices and attachments

           12   Appendix 1,2 and 3

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Executive Summary

      With a history extending back as early         AL-KO’s marketing team has engaged
      as 1946, AL-KO has earned a reputation         King Content’s expertise to develop and
      for high-quality products in the caravan,      help execute a content strategy that will
      trailer and marine market.                     generate leads, cultivate existing and
      The company’s strong growth over the           new audiences, and provide a service
      past decade has been driven by product         (through content) to their customers.
      range expansion and innovation that has        A current opportunity in the caravan (RV/
      further enhanced AL-KO’s position as a         motorhome), trailer and marine markets
      market leader in its field.                    will enable AL-KO to establish its team
      Intelligent concepts and innovative tech-      as the trusted, technical and safety go-
      nology (700 patents and counting) have         to experts on everything relating to the
      given AL-KO the advantage over its com-        caravanning and towing market.
      petition and continue to increase revenue      In response to this challenge, King Con-
      across all business areas.                     tent recommends AL-KO create an online
      Today the company utilises CAD, CNC            content hub for the Australian market.
      and robotics to design and manufac-            The strategy that follows builds a com-
      ture excellent products. With the aid of       pelling case that creating a content hub
      a modern computer system, it delivers a        which provides valuable advice, tips and
      high standard of service to its customers.     “how-to’s” is the best course of action for
      In 2014, AL-KO will actively promote its       differentiating AL-KO in the market. In do-
      latest key products including:                 ing so, AL-KO will be established as the
      •       AL-KO ESC (Electronic Stability        undisputed number one expert of techni-
      Control) for caravans                          cal information, advice and tips relating
      •       AL-KO Authentics range – cara-         to the caravan, trailer and marine market.
      van and trailer parts and accessories
      •       AL-KO Sensabrake – marine trail-
      er braking system

     Strategy Agenda

      AL-KO is looking to establish its brand        ing the brand as a trusted partner. Over
                                                     the long term, this trust will result in in-
      profile, as well as increase awareness of
      its caravan, trailer and marine products       creased numbers of loyal customers for
      in the Australian consumer market.             the brand, which remains top of mind for
      Within this strategy document, King Con-       the audience of the content.
      tent will provide direction and strategic      AL-KO has already established strategic
      content planning, setting it out against       relationships with local partners, which
      the required levels of time and resources      will be a key component to ensuring the
      that are needed to effectively optimise        success of the content strategy. That
      the AL-KO brand position in the consum-        said, AL-KO has a lot of ground to cover,
      er market.                                     so at this time it is best to focus on build-
      Throughout this document will be refer-        ing a loyal and engaged audience. To do
      ences to Youtility, which is defined by        this, King Content recommends that AL-
      Jay Baer as “marketing so useful, peo-         KO create a Youtility that provides value
      ple would pay for it”. The essence behind      to their existing and potential customers,
      Youtility is providing information, insights   as well as differentiating itself from com-
      and advice that help the audience solve        petitors.
      problems in their lives, thus establish-       As this will be a new platform which is

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
subject to further growth and change,
        King Content will also look to further de-
        fine both the long-term and short-term
        objectives and benefits of working within
        the content hub.

     Goals & Objectives

        The goals and objectives of this strat-               suggested activities.
        egy have been defined by a review of the              Although these objectives and goals are
        existing AL-KO activities within related              set out at a high level they will evolve and
        channels and the information provided                 mature as the depth and growth of the
        by relevant AL-KO team members. Inde-                 strategy develops (this must be seen as
        pendent research has also been consid-                a living document).
        ered when defining core objectives and

       The AL-KO key business and communication
       objectives for this content strategy are:

       •Attract new high value customers
        (lead generation)
       •Increase brand awareness and recognition of AL-
        KO among the target market
       •Establish AL-KO as an authority for parts &
        accessories in the caravan industry

       To achieve these goals, we have set the follow-
       ing content objectives:

       •Drive traffic to the microsite
       •Create demand for AL-KO products and services
       •Leverage key partnerships to amplify content
       •Increase audience engagement with content on
        the microsite (measured by engagement metrics:
        sharing, likes) building an engaged community of
        caravan followers
       •Generate new leads from email sign-ups and
        mailing forms
       •Build relationships with customers at all stages of
        the buying cycle by providing Youtility

     Target audience
     Market snapshot

       Like many other sectors of the Austral-                dergone significant change over the past
       ian economy, the caravan, camping and                  10 years, and is currently working hard to
       manufactured housing industry has un-                  reinvent itself.

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Market snapshot - Camping and Caravanning in Australia

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Each year, consumers ask operators for        taken in Australia, an increase of four per
       better standards. They are looking for        cent compared to the equivalent period
       better ‘‘destination parks’’ that can pro-    in 2012.
       vided a high standard of facilities such      According to KPMG’s Impact of Demo-
       as self-contained caravans, electricity,      graphic Change on the Future of the Car-
       internet access, swimming pools, kids’        avan, Camping and Manufactured Hous-
       clubs, camp kitchens, jumping pillows,        ing / Manufactured Home Village Industry
       mini-golf, group entertainment, restau-       report, at July 2013 over 12 per cent of
       rants and shops.                              the domestic trips in Australia were dedi-
       Park visitors are looking for the most        cating to caravanning or camping.
       comfortable places. They want to feel as      The Australian Government Tourism Re-
       though they’re ‘‘away from home’’ but with    search Australia study International Visi-
       everything they need to feel ‘‘at home’’.     tors in Australia (March 2013), reports a
       As Australians seek higher standards in       total of 211 million visitors to Australia, of
       caravan holidays, they’re also seeking        which 1.7 per cent comprised people uti-
       better products that enable this lifestyle.   lising camping/caravans as accommoda-
       In recent years, there has been strong        tion. International visitors from Germany,
       growth in visitors from both the domestic     France and the United Kingdom made up
       and international markets.                    the largest groups.
       In September 2013, Tourism Research
       Australia’s Key Findings revealed there
       were 76 million domestic overnight trips

     Audience segments

       The 2012 Australian Government’s Tour-        According to the statistics, this market
                                                     sector is projected to increase from 3.1
       ism Research Australia Snapshot found
       half of the 8.5 million domestic caravan/     million in 2011 to 3.7 million in 2021.
       camping visitors in Australia were aged       The research above suggests the most
       30 to 54 years, while around one quarter      promising market segments are families
       were active seniors aged 55 to 70 years.      with young children and seniors over 55
       This sector grew rapidly in 2011, with        years of age. These groups should be
       visitors increasing by 12 per cent to 2.6     prioritised in moving forward with the
       million.                                      content strategy.
       The July 2011 report, The Caravan and
       Park Industry, by Alliance Strategic Re-
       search suggests that the 50+ age group
       has equal importance as the key user
       group of 35-49. Furthermore, there has
       been an increased visitation by families
       and decreased visitation among ‘singles’.
       While in 2008, couples with children un-
       der 18 made up 50 per cent of the demo-
       graphic, by 2011 this figure had risen to
       54 per cent.
       Furthermore, the KPMG report states that
       the ‘young families’ segment may present
       one of the most significant opportunities
       for the industry over the coming decade.

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Primary Audience

     Families with young children.                  Seniors over 55 years of age.
     Parents between 30-49 years old, with
     young children no more than 10 years

     Both parents working in a full/part-time       They are usually retirees or pensioners.
     job. They normally travel during school        They have spent most of their life working,
     holidays to entertain their kids. Parents      raising their children and watching them
     place high value on how they spend their       build their own families. They’re starting to
     free time with their kids. Among the ac-       re-build their life and enjoy what’s coming
     tivities they partake in together are play-    next. They try to keep themselves active by
     ing outside, sports, musical activities and    joining different sport clubs or elderly activi-
     reading books. Mothers with a child un-        ties, thus improving their health conditions.
     der five spend 38 hours a week parenting       They are more likely to take long-term holi-
     and playing with children. Fathers with a      days because they have a lot of free time
     child under five spend 16 hours parenting      and are in no rush to get anywhere. After
     and playing with children. They look for a     a busy life, they try to avoid holiday peak
     friendly environment for the kids and low-     seasons and they are usually only look-
     cost holiday destinations close to home in     ing for relaxing sites where they can go on
     case of emergencies.                           hikes or walks.

      Secondary Audience

      Couples.                                       International visitors.
      Between 25 and 35 years old with no

                                                     They want to experience the real Austral-
      Both are working in a full/part-time job.      ia. They spend at least two weeks in the
      Eventually, they want to start a family        country and they want to see as much as
      but they are currently focusing on their       they can. They want to try different ac-
      careers. They spend their time togeth-         tivities like surfing, snorkelling or diving.
      er by having dinner, watching movies,          They look forward to seeing the wildlife of
      going for walks, attending picnics, go-        Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas,
      ing to friends’ birthdays, participating in    which is why they go camping. Accord-
      family reunions and others. They are           ing to the Australian Bureau of Statistics,
      more likely to go on short breaks of           there were 495,100 visitor arrivals during
      three to four days close to where they         September 2013 – an increase of 4.5 per
      live because of work commitments.              cent relative to the same period of the
                                                     previous year.

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Common themes

        What is common to all these groups is          terests, travel on a budget, and experi-
        that they are all looking to travel at their   ence the ‘real’ Australia and the natural
        own pace, to meet people with similar in-      environment.

     Audience drivers

        One of the strengths of park holidays is       modation and cost. However, two main
        that they are seen as easy to organise.        factors that are considered the most im-
        This particularly suits young families with    portant in the decision-making process:
        children and seniors, who don’t want to        location and accommodation. Customers
        go through the hassle of planning a va-        usually think first about where they like to
        cation.                                        spend their holidays and then how would
                                                       they do it. Therefore, AL-KO should work
        The internet has become the starting           on being ‘top of mind’ when it comes to
        point of planning a vacation. The cara-        preparing for holiday.
        van/camping industry needs to be up-to-
        date with the technological changes and
        use online as a distribution channel to        Young families:
        promote their services. Today, more and
        more people are going to the internet to       Domestic families between 30 and 49
        either search for information or purchase      years old with young children usually
        something. According the KPMG report           value camaraderie when travelling. They
        mentioned earlier, online shopping in          normally travel during school holidays
        Australia has grown by an average of 25        and they are looking for low-cost holi-
        per cent per annum over the five years to      days and a friendly environment. They
        2013 and it projected to grow by an aver-      are looking to relax and enjoy their time
        age of 11 per cent per annum over the          away from home. They usually plan their
        five years to 2018.                            holidays by using the internet and looking
                                                       for good sales.
        Travellers are adopting the internet as a
        research and booking tool across all age
        groups. As in line with Tourism Research       Useful to this group:
        Australia, around 38 per cent of domestic
        caravan/camping visitors used the inter-       •      Best camping areas to take your
        net in seeking information for their trip.            children
                                                       •      Preparing your caravan for kids
        Despite the majority (81 per cent) of inter-   •      What to take on your holiday
        national camping and caravanning visi-         •      Dos and don’ts when caravanning
        tors using the internet to book their travel          with your children
        to Australia, only one-third of Australia’s    •      Caravan checklist before your
        tourism operators have online booking                 holidays
        and payment facilities, as reported by

        When planning a holiday, a traveller con-
        siders several factors: destination, time
        of the year, length of trip, type of accom-

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Seniors:                                      net to search for good options, although
                                                   books, magazines and newspapers are
     Generally comprise cashed-up retirees         also used.
     or pensioners. They prefer to tour their
     caravans or motorhomes and try to avoid
     the peak holiday seasons. They have a         Useful to this group:
     lot of free time so they are looking for
     longer-stay trips. Relaxation is their main   •      Practical information on caravans
     goal when booking a destination. They         •      Articles related to the best places
     are looking for places where they can                to go off season
     enjoy the natural scenery. Many of them       •      Is my caravan ready for my holi-
     prefer outback touring and avoid the                 days?
     coast. They want to travel as comfortably     •      How to choose the right caravan
     as they possibly can and they are usu-        •      How to maintain your caravan
     ally conservative when it comes to their      •      What services do the parks
     shopping behaviour. They use the inter-              provide?

Content Strategy January 2014 - Author: Lieu Pham, Content Strategist, King Content - Without A Hitch
Keyword and competitor analysis
       A) Overview

          To assist with determining the direction of the new con-
          tent hub, we performed keyword research and a com-
          petitor analysis to identify key opportunities. Specifical-
          ly, the scope of the investigation included:

          Keyword research into towing/equipment/accessories.
          •    Where do the key opportunities lie?
          •    What are people searching for online in rela-
               tion to towing?
          •    What can we determine from the types of
          •    How can these learnings be built into a con-
               tent strategy?

       Competitor analysis

          •      What are the key competitors doing on their websites?
          •      What market are they targeting (Lifestyle/Brand/Commercial/Retail)?
          •      How are they managing or not managing leads, next steps, and sales funnels?
          •      How are they using social sites to integrate content?
          •      What are the competitors doing right/wrong?
          •      How can AL-KO differentiate themselves in the market?

       Lead generation capture/measurement

          •      Determine options for engagement in blog to lead/sale pathways.
          •      Show examples of how this can be integrated into the blog content.
          •      Determine how potential customers can be driven to nearest sales reps.
          •      Recommendations for content amplification – Outbrain/Search etc.

| 10
B) Keyword search

            We used the Google Keyword Planner            is to drive traffic from Google organic
            to research keyword search terms within       search results it is important to find niche
            Australia across the three core product       keywords that represent you content –
            verticals: caravan, trailer and marine.       that are not too competitive – and that
            Keyword research can give very clear in-      are highly targeted to drive leads for the
            sights into the type of searches people       business.
            are typing into Google and the level of       Additionally understanding the key goals
            potential audience and competition.           of the traffic once it gets to the site is also
            When developing a new content site it         vital in keyword selection. What keywords
            is crucial to develop the content strategy    would potential customers type into
            in-line with the marketing strategy. What     Google? What information are they seek-
            strategies will be implemented to drive       ing? What stage of the research, buying
            targeted traffic to the site? What are        or information seeking cycle will they be
            the traffic volume goals and what budg-       in? How can the keyword to call to action
            et is available to promote the site once      relationship be fostered through making
            launched? What are the core objectives        a clear keyword content strategy?
            and KPIs of the site? If a core objective

       Keyword Searches – Site Visibility – Supporting Content – Engagement – Lead Generation

                                                                        Attachment 1: A full spreadsheet of keyword re-
                                                                        search is supplied separately to this document.

       i.      Caravans – Keyword Research

            The majority of searches for caravans         petitive with a range of brands investing
            are around “caravan sales”, “caravan          heavily in Google Adwords and Google
            hire”, “second-hand caravans” and “cara-      SEO search results.
            van brands”. These keywords have high         There are also high volumes of traffic
            volumes of traffic but are highly com-        around “caravan parks” and name varia-

| 11
tions of different parks. So where do key-   searching online? When is the best time
       word opportunities lie? What stage of a      to capture them?
       person’s caravan experience will they be

       The opportunity:

       There are lots of searches around “cara-     ing equipment”. A series of “how to” arti-
       van towing”, “towing capacities”, “best      cles containing really helpful information
       car to tow a caravan” and “caravan tow-      could be capturing extremely targeted

| 12
traffic in the research phase of the buy-    to provide solutions and guides to the
       ing cycle. There is a targeted opportunity   many searches and questions people
       to drive traffic to the AL-KO hub through    search for in relation into Caravanning
       “how to” and “guide” content. Aligning       and towing.
       with Google Hummingbird conversation
       search results will favour articles that
       have headings that match how people
       search. There is an opportunity for Al-Ko

| 13
What type of “new” search activity does Hummingbird help?

                  “Conversational search” is one of the biggest examples Google gave. People, when
                  speaking searches, may find it more useful to have a conversation.
                  “What’s the closest place to buy the iPhone 5s to my home?” A traditional search engine
                  might focus on finding matches for words — finding a page that says “buy” and “iPhone
                  5s,” for example.
                  Hummingbird should better focus on the meaning behind the words.
                  In particular, Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a
                  query, ensuring that the whole query — the whole sentence or conversation or meaning
                  — is taken into account, rather than particular words. The goal is that pages matching
                  the meaning do better, rather than pages matching just a few words.


       ii.      Towing & Trailer – Keyword Research

             Search volumes around towing and trail-          seeking information on towing a car or
             ers as expected is not as high in volume         car towing services. These would gener-
             as caravans, however it is very targeted.        ally be people looking to have a one off
             There is a large volume of searches for          car towed as opposed to people seeking
             people looking to have a car towed or            information on how to tow trailers.

| 14
The opportunity:

              There is an opportunity to specifically         There are some good volumes for motor-
              create content around the different types       cycle trailer searches and tow bars and
              of towing and trailers people would use         tow and trailer hitches. There is also
              for different purposes. There is a lot of       search volume around “horse trailers”
              search volume around “towing capacity”          and how to pull or tow a trailer.
              and people seeking specific information
              such as laws, and speed limits relating to

       iii.      Marine – Keyword Research

              The keyword research for marine trailers        is best for which task, person or lifestyle
              is similar to caravan in that boat and trail-   such as box trailers, boat trailers, galva-
              er sales and hire dominate the volume.          nised trailers, atv trailers, ski boat trailers
              There are also many brand searches.             etc.
              Where the opportunity lies across all ver-
              ticals with descriptions and info on all
              different types of trailers and which one

| 15
The opportunity:

       There is a good volume around “trailer    AL-KO can determine the keywords most
       parts” which may be a good opportu-       relevant to the products they want to pro-
       nity for introducing the AL-KO products   mote and map informative articles to key-
       through supportive guides and how-to’s    words that people are searching for.
       with marine towing information.

| 16
| 17
AL-KO competitors and lifestyle sites

          Many sites were discussed for the com-        Some of the caravan sites are really out-
          petitor reviews. The direct competitor        dated – and look like they were built in the
          sites in the majority were product-based      last century.
          only and do not offer blogs or articles, so   The following is a list of all of the sites
          there were little key insights or learnings   considered for the review. For the pur-
          we can get from these.                        pose of this particular strategy, the sites
          A lot of the caravan specific sites are       highlighted in red were reviewed.
          more about sales / new and used – not
          much value in reviewing these in detail.

| 18

       i. The Grey Nomads

           Category:              Caravan Specialist
           Company Name           The Grey Nomads
           Website URL  
           Facebook URL 
           Facebook Likes         2314
           Site Overview          If you are one of the growing army of grey no-
                                  mads discovering, or hoping to discover, the
                                  joys of the open road in this wonderful country,
                                  then this site is for you. Whether you are a baby
                                  boomer travelling indefinitely, choosing to spend
                                  the winter months up north, or simply enjoying a
                                  few short trips a year, you are part of the growing
                                  grey nomad community in Australia. Whether you
                                  are travelling in a caravan, motorhome, camper-
                                  van, camper trailer, fifth wheeler or a tent, this site
                                  is the place to read about people like yourselves
                                  … and about the issues affecting the grey nomad
                                  lifestyle in Australia.

                                             Site Overview

                                             The Grey Nomads site is aimed at retiree’s travel-
                                             ling around Australia – whether living in a caravan,
                                             motor home, campervan, camper trailer or tent.

                                             •       The site features classifieds – help
                                                     or work wanted, volunteer work,
                                                     items for sale.
                                             •       Features guides on where to go /
                                                     how to get there / Australian Events.

             Content Categories

| 19
Links to The Grey Nomads
       Facebook page were ob-
       vious from the top of the     Visitor Engagement Opportunities
       site. The Facebook page
       is used to connect directly   •    Facebook
       with customers and at the
       time this page was reviewed
                                     •    Twitter
       the posts were focused on     •    RSS Feed
       directly communicating to     •    Subscribe to Mailing List
       customers current news ar-    •    Potential and existing customers would come to
       ticles from the Grey Nomads        the site to get information on The Grey Nomads
                                          products and services, advice on where to travel
                                          in Australia, information on planning your
       Facebook                      •
                                          camping trip.
                                          There is a lot of visitor engagement in the articles
       page:                              – customers can comment on articles or partici-

       2,314 likes                        pate in conversation in forums.

                                                                   The comments and posts are
                                                                   both positive and negative
                                                                   based on customer opinions
                                                                   of the content.

| 20
ii. Experience Caravanning and Camping

            Category:                           Caravan Specialist
            Company Name                        Experience Caravanning and Camping
            Website URL                         http://www.experiencecaravanningandcamping.
            Facebook URL              

            Facebook Likes                      29,268
            Site Overview                       Experience Caravanning and Camping’s mission
                                                is to be the national peak body representing the
                                                Caravanning & Holiday Parks industry in Australia
                                                (caravan holiday parks, caravans, motorhomes,
                                                camper trailers, tent trailers, camping, cabins,
                                                plus other RV’s, and industry suppliers), and pro-
                                                vide for growth, development and professionalism
                                                of industry participants.

                                                     Site Overview

                                                     Caravan RV & Accommodation Industry of Australia
                                                     Ltd (CRVA), as it is now known, was formed in 1992
                                                     out of industry concern for declining RV manufactur-
                                                     ing levels. The Australian Caravanning & Holiday
                                                     Parks Industry has come a long way since this time
                                                     with manufacturing levels now over 5 times that of the
                                                     early 1990’s. CRVA is a membership based organisa-
                                                     tion with each of the individual State Associations and
                                                     the Recreational Vehicle Manufacturers Association
                                                     of Australia (RVM Australia) providing representation
                                                     for the CRVA National Board, and various operational

              Content Categories

| 21
Facebook   Visitor Engagement Opportunities
       Page:      •   Facebook
       29,268     •
                      Subscribe to Mailing List
                      Join VIP Club
       likes      •   Potential and existing customers would come to
                      the site to get information on Experience Caravan-
                      ning and Camping products and services, as well
                      as deciding on where to travel through Australia
                      and information about caravanning services includ-
                      ing where to purchase parts and where to go for

                  •   Site features key industry partner AL-KO in footer

                                              Facebook posts are a variety of
                                              camping related articles, funny
                                              pictures relating to camping.
                                              Another positive opportunity
                                              is Facebook post advertising
                                              a competition which is getting
                                              a lot of comments and likes/
                                              shares. Good way of engaging
                                              current and new customers.

| 22
iii. Dexter Axle

             Category:                 Caravan Parts Specialist
             Company Name              Dexter Axle
             Website URL     
             Facebook URL              N/A
             Facebook Likes            N/A
             Site Overview             The leading manufacturer of trailer axles and trail-
                                       er brakes for over 50 years

                                                  Site Overview

                                                  Since 1960, Dexter has built a strong reputa-
                                                  tion as a progressive industry leader. We’re an
                                                  engineering driven company dedicated to help-
                                                  ing your company remain competitive, safe and
                                                  innovative. Over the past 50 years, OEMs have
                                                  installed more than 45 million Dexter Axles.
                                                  • Aimed at people who want to repair their
                                                       caravans, likely a more male-based audi-
                                                  • This is more of a product-based website –
                                                       information mostly on parts/mechanics

              Content Categories

                                   Visitor Engagement Opportunities

                                   •   There isn’t much visitor engagement opportunity –
                                       no social media – forums or articles for comments.

| 23
iv. Titan Trailer Brakes

             Category:             Caravan Specialist
             Company Name          Titan Trailer Brakes
             Website URL 
             Facebook URL
             Facebook Likes        8
             Site Overview         Titan Trailer Brakes offers a clear and easy way
                                   for you to choose just how to overcome all of your
                                   brake problems. Choose the type of brake system
                                   you would like... Bronze, Stainless Steel, Dacrom-
                                   et Coated or a combination of all. Each choice is
                                   designed to help you meet the price you want to
                                   pay and yet still have corrosion, low maintenance
                                   brakes. All of the hydraulic plumbing is available
                                   in kit form, with all the correct sizing. All the new
                                   brakes are available in complete kit form or view
                                   our Accessories page on our website for individual

                                              Site Overview

                                              •   This is purely a product-based website and
                                                  menu items consist of products listed by
                                                  category, accompanied with an image, de-
                                                  scription and pricing.

              Content Categories

| 24
Facebook   Visitor Engagement Opportunities

       Page: 8    •   Facebook

       likes      •
                      This is a fairly new Facebook page – having joined
                      in July 2013. As of the time of review, there is not
                      much content on the Facebook page, and under 10
                      followers. Photo albums include images of trailer
                      brakes, hitches and actuators, and in-cabin control-
                      lers. Some YouTube videos appear throughout the
                      website – underneath product descriptions. Videos
                      show the product in use.

| 25
v. What’s Up Down Under

             Category:                           Travel Television Series
             Company Name                        What’s Up Downunder
             Website URL               
             Facebook URL              
             Facebook Likes                      26,069
             Site Overview                       TV Show What’s Up Downunder

                                                            Site Overview

                                                            Caravanning, Camping, 4WDing, Self
                                                            Drive & Fly Drive Holidays - Travelling

             Content Categories

         •    Includes classifieds – sorted by categories including caravans, 4WDs, holiday parks,
              tents, RV parts and accessories.
         •    Directory listing – users can search for holiday parks, restaurants, activities, RV man-
              ufacturers, towing services etc all by location.

          Facebook                           Visitor Engagement Opportunities

          Page:                              •   Facebook

          26,069                             •

          likes                              •
                                                 Newsletter signup
                                                 TV/video episodes feature on the website sorted
                                                 by season and episode.
                                             •   Users can register and submit their own business.

| 26
| 27
vi. Discover Down Under

           Category:             Travel Television Series
           Company Name          Discover Downunder
           Website URL 
           Facebook URL
           Facebook Likes        15,499
           Site Overview         Discover Downunder is Australia’s longest running
                                 Travel Lifestyle TV Show dedicated to all aspects
                                 of Caravanning and Camping

                                           Site Overview

                                  is the only
                                           website in Australia dedicated to Caravan-
                                           ning, Camping, 4WDing and ‘On the Road’
                                           Travel that is supported by its very own TV
                                  is also sup-
                                           ported by Bauer Trader Media’s top-sell-
                                           ing magazines such as – Caravan World,
                                           Camper Trailer Australia and Motor Home
                                           & Caravan Trader as well as many others
                                           across a range of genres.
                                           Just like the TV show, the website is dedi-
                                           cated to bringing our visitors a range of new
                                           and archived information including reviews
                                           on: Caravan/RVs, New Products, Cara-
                                           van/Holiday Parks, Attractions, Festival &
                                           Events, Recipes from right across Australia!

            Content Categories

| 28
•   Content-rich site with a lot of visitor engagement opportunity through social media
           and blog/forums on site.
       •   Includes sponsors and features AL-KO on the website.
       •   Features each episode categorised by season and episode available to watch on-
       •   Product reviews
       •   Features a directory for holiday parks, and RVs for sale.
       •   Great competitions – currently three running where you can win caravans or a holi-

       Facebook                       Visitor Engagement Opportunities

       Page:                          •
       15,499                         •
                                          RSS Feed
       likes                          •   Blogs
                                      •   Forums
                                      •   Competitions
                                      •   Sign up to website to receive access to forums, blogs,
                                          photo galleries, and weekly newsletter updates

| 29
vii. Caravan Camping Sales

           Category:                Caravan Specialists
           Company Name   
           Website URL              Caravan Camping Sales/
           Facebook URL   
           Facebook Likes           830
           Site Overview   Australia’s number
                                    one caravan and camping site!

                                               Site Overview

                                      Ltd. (ABN 91-074 444 018) is
                                               a publicly owned company whose goal is
                                               to bring you the best Automotive classified
                                               and other classified websites in Australia.
                                               We compete directly with the newspaper
                                               media moguls.

                                       This website specialises in selling caravans/motorhomes
            Content Categories         and the supporting accessories.

                                       They feature a travel section, which includes a travel
                                       planner – where you can map your journey and find out
                                       how many holiday parks or service stations are along the
                                       way and where they are located.

                                       There is also the opportunity to book a caravan park
                                       through this planner.

                                       As well as buying caravans there is the opportunity to

| 30
Facebook    Visitor Engagement Opportunities

       Page: 830   •
       likes       •
                       Google +

                                                There doesn’t appear to
                                                be a lot of engagement
                                                on the Facebook page.
                                                There are some posts
                                                asking for opinions of
                                                members but they are
                                                getting little traction
                                                and often no response.

| 31
viii. Jayco

               Category:                        Caravan Specialists
               Company Name                     Jayco
               Website URL            
               Facebook URL           
               Facebook Likes                   3,581
               Site Overview                    Jayco has a reputation for producing high quality,
                                                competitively priced caravan and camping prod-
                                                ucts, and is a leading player in the Australian rec-
                                                reational vehicle (RV) industry

                                                           Site Overview

                                                           Site Overview
                                                           Jayco manufactures eight product ranges.
                                                           They are: Camper Trailers, Pop Top Cara-
                                                           vans, Expanda Vans, Caravans, Park Cab-
                                                           ins, Motorhomes, Campervans, Toy Haul-
                                                           ers. All Jaycos are proudly designed and
                                                           built in Australia


           •    To build high-quality and reliable products which are competitively priced and ex-
                ceed our customers’ expectations.
           •    To continually strive to be innovative and efficient in work practices.
           •    To provide a secure, safe and rewarding working environment for our employees.
           •    To conduct our business in an ethical, professional and responsible manner towards
                our suppliers, dealers, customers and the wider Australian community.

                                            Content Categories

                                            •   This is a product-based infor-
                                                mation site and mainly spe-
                                                cialises information on the
                                                products they sell – different
                                                types of RVs
                                            •   Does not feature sponsor-

| 32
Facebook   Visitor Engagement Opportunities

       Page:      •   Facebook

       3,581      •
                      Newsletter signup

| 33
ix.Caravanning Queensland

           Category:                         Caravan Specialists
           Company Name                      Caravanning Queensland
           Website URL             
           Facebook URL            
           Facebook Likes                    2,834
           Site Overview                     Caravanning Queensland joins the peak industry
                                             bodies in this state for caravan dealers, manufac-
                                             turers, camping suppliers, service providers, etc.
                                             as well as caravan park operators through two re-
                                             lated associations

            Content Categories

            •   Guides and tips to purchasing RV’s and what
                to know before you buy, where to buy
            •   Travel guides – destination ideas and tips
            •   Directory featuring caravan parks around Aus-

| 34
Facebook   Visitor Engagement Opportunities

       Page:      •   Download App through iTunes App Store

       2,834      •
                      Interactive Map

| 35
x. Towing Guide

           Category:        Towing Guide
           Company Name     The National Caravan and Recreational Vehicle
                            Towing Guide
           Website URL
           Facebook URL     N/A
           Facebook Likes   N/A
           Site Overview    The caravan and camping industry associations
                            throughout Australia are pleased to make The
                            National Caravan & Recreational Vehicle Towing
                            Guide available to you free of charge. We hope
                            you find the publication useful and we wish you
                            many hours of happy, safe towing.

                               Site Overview

                               The National Caravan & Recreational Vehicle Tow-
                               ing Guide has been produced in response to over-
                               whelming public demand. In the guide you will find a
                               wealth of technical information, handy hints and ad-
                               vice, which, when put into practice, will help you to
                               tow your caravan or other recreational vehicle with a
                               greater degree of confidence and safety.
                               There are currently around 400,000 registered rec-
                               reational vehicles – including caravans, camper
                               trailers and tent trailers – in Australia. The popu-
                               larity of these vehicles is growing rapidly, with new
                               registrations of around 20,000 units every year. Of
                               course, there are also innumerable other types of
                               trailers such as boat trailers, horse floats and the
                               humble box trailer, which are used for both private
                               and commercial purposes. But no matter what vehi-
                               cle you tow and what your level of experience (from
                               first-timer to old hand) you will find the guide is an
                               invaluable reference tool.
                               Refereed by nine technical experts with many years
                               of collective towing experience, the information in
                               the guide is both practical and, at the time of publi-
                               cation, consistent with the applicable national road
                               and towing regulations. For additional towing infor-
                               mation or advice, please contact one of the organi-
                               sations listed on the last page of this guide.

| 36
Content Categories

        This site offers very specific detailed information
        for towing and related equipment. It is provided
        by an association and is backed up with a guide.
        However the information is mostly text based with
        a few diagrams. There is some level of detail in
        some articles however there is differently room to
        improve visually and to be able to more effectively
        communicate information.

       Keyword and competitor research summary

          Keyword Opportunities

          The keyword research indicates some strong opportu-
          nities with the key segments – Caravan/Towing/Marine
          – with specific search terms that should be incorporated
          into the content strategy. It is recommended to stay away
          from high-volume, highly competitive or very travel ge-
          neric terms as these will have little impact and will have
          a lower goal conversion rate.

          Direct Competitor Sites

          The direct competitor sites with similar types of content
          are mostly product sites and have little to no additional
          lifestyle or application or guide-style information. Most of
          these sites have small social media presence and do not
          have direct relationships with consumers.

| 37
Large Lifestyle Sites

       A lot of larger lifestyle sites were proposed for review. However, this
       market is very saturated and there would need to be a very large
       investment in content development to ever have a chance at getting
       visibility in this space. Generic lifestyle is way too broad and would
       also not yield as many targeted leads specific to the AL-KO products.
       The recommendation from a keyword perspective to generate ongo-
       ing long-term traffic and a clear position in the marketplace is to be

       Travel and Touring information

       There were a number of caravan and travel and touring sites. Some
       of these are very destination focused and travel guide orientated.
       Some were poorly designed and others had some excellent content
       categories that could be incorporated into the AL-KO content strat-

       Content Categories

       There were a few sites that had a great variety of content and ap-
       proach that covered a range of information through different stages
       of a person’s experience with campaign, towing and trailers. These
       ranged from articles on buying tips, hiring tips, finance and insurance,
       different caravan, campervan RV types etc., different trailer types,
       security, off road, lifestyle, towing setup, wiring diagrams, and much

       Content Diversity

       Overall the content for most of the sites – excluding the specific TV
       related site – was pretty basic in style. Only a few of the sites re-
       viewed in the caravan travel specific sites were engaging well in so-
       cial media. There is a great opportunity to offer more diversity in con-
       tent such as guides, videos, articles, features, and more.


       The tone varied greatly across the sites reviewed. The product-based
       competitors were formal and specific. The caravan and travel sites
       were more conversational and engaging.

       Look and Feel

       There was great variance in the look and feel. The direct competitor
       manufacturers offered very mechanical and hard-looking sites, while
       the travel sites were busy with lots of different information. Some of
       the caravan-specific directories and sites were very old fashioned
       and did not look modern. The look and feel for this hub should be ap-
       proachable and informative.

| 38
Proposed content approach

                                       The content hub represents a unique opportunity for AL-

                                       KO to target current and prospective customers sparking

                                       their interest, active consideration and purchase period,

                                       through a content-rich environment that will connect users

                                       with relevant products.

                                       Specifically, using ‘how to’ content to contextualise audi-

                                       ence needs, leading to the explanation and relevance of

                                       products, which will convert to sales later down the track.

       Understanding the customer journey

          To better understand how content is cre-
          ated we have identified three stages of
          mind that assist in defining how content
          may affect our readers.

       Content considerations

          Content is the heart and soul behind this     competitor analysis and market research,
          strategy.                                     what follows are King Content’s overarch-
                                                        ing recommendations when approaching
          Having an ever-growing repository of          content for this hub.
          good, quality content is the primary driv-
          er behind AL-KO’s ability to achieve ‘top
          of mind recall’ for Australian customers.
          Through a mixture of editorial experience,

| 39
Content mission statement

          The content mission statement sets out
          the purpose of the content. It outlines
          who your target audience is and why they
          should want to read this content. The
          focus is on the audience objectives and
          needs. It should identify who the audi-
          ence are (in their terms, not yours) and
          explain what you’ll offer them and why
          they want to consume it.

 Proposed content mission statement

                                                         Without a Hitch, brought to you by AL-
                                                         KO, is a comprehensive hub dedicated
                                                         to helping you have a smooth towing trip.
                                                         This is the place where you’ll find up-to-
                                                         date information, practical advice, ‘how to’
                                                         guides and handy tips for your caravan,
                                                         trailer and anything worth towing. From
                                                         the open road to the camping grounds,
                                                         we’ve got you covered.

       Depth and breadth of content

          We are here to help Australian caravan/
          trailer/marine enthusiasts, and solution-
          oriented content will position AL-KO as a
          trusted source of advice. The content will
          be presented as a series of blogs posts
          that cover a wide variety of topics pertain-
          ing to the target audience’s concerns.
          The premise is to build a repository of in-
          formation that covers any and all informa-
          tion Australians and visitors to Australia
          would search for regarding the entire buy-
          ing life-cycle (from buying to maintaining
          and upgrading) of caravan goers, boat-
          ing, trailer and towing enthusiasts.

| 40
Depth and breadth of content

          •       Develop a range of content type –          cle. Write articles that related specifically
          An excellent opportunity exists for AL-KO          back to products offering solutions and
          to establish itself as a provider of quality       drive leads.
          information to the caravan/trailer/marine
          industry. There are thousands of searches          •       Practical topics – Topics that an-
          every day for a variety of content terms.          swer questions that people will ask online
          It is recommended that a variety of con-           are good ways to drive ongoing, consist-
          tent types be provided, including specific         ent and targeted traffic to the site. Espe-
          towing guides and laws, information on all         cially when people are in research mode
          different types of vehicles for towing, ar-        – if they find good content that easily links
          ticles for different stages of engagement          through to resellers – this will have the
          and ‘how to’ guides. Videos and demon-             highest opportunity for driving leads and
          strations of products should also be con-          building brand awareness.

          •        Be specific and not generic – The
          more specific the content and articles,
          the more ongoing search visibility will
          be achieved. Steer away from generic
          headings and vague editorial headlines
          – these will have little impact on driving
          traffic. Ensure there is a good volume of
          specific detailed informative content and
          limit light fluff articles that will have little
          engagement and will be unlikely to drive

                      210KM SOUTH OF CAPE YORK.
                 Content marketing and SEO – it

                   GOOD TO KNOW YOU’VE   Tone - GOT
                                                Two stylesGENUINE
          is imperative that articles are written with
          the purpose of driving new visitors to the       of tone that are

                            PEACE OF     MIND.
                                  recommended: professional/informative
          site. All articles should contain unique
                                  for guides and static content and com-
          keyword rich meta title and a description
                                  mentary and conversational for feature,
          tags that reflect the content of each page.
                                                             topical and hook-style articles. AL-KO
          •       Content that tackles problems              should establish themselves as a leader
          and issues and offers solutions – Write            in this field offering informative and up-to-
          articles about the issues and concerns             date content.
          or questions people have with towing.
          Look at different stages of the buying cy-

| 41
Content Types

            As part of a phased approach, this initial       shareable across multiple platforms and
            stage will focus on building an audience.        channels.
            This is more about giving current and pro-
            spective customers of AL-KO something            King Content recommends that AL-KO
            valuable, interesting and helpful. In this       adopts a three-layered approach to the
            instance, it’s not about selling or convert-     content hub. The first is the base and
            ing them to products; this will come later.      the core of the hub to capture visitors via
            As such, we are producing information-           SEO (satisfying their immediate enquiry
            rich content across three key verticals as       need), with the second and third keeping
            per the three identified markets: caravan,       them on the site and encouraging them to
            trailer and marine. This content should be       explore further (nurturing leads).


                                                             As examples:
        Cover common search terms and evergreen top-
        ics across caravanning and towing.
                                                             e.g. The gourmet caravan: X great food and wine
                                                                      regions to take your caravan
        •    e.g. What’s the best car to tow a caravan?
                                                             e.g. The rise of glamping (We go in search of Aus-
        •    e.g. The six best box trailers for motorbikes
                                                                      tralia’s most luxurious caravan. Also looks
        •    e.g. Caravan vs. campervan. Five things to
                                                                      at current trends in high-end caravan de-
        •         think about before you buy
        •    e.g. Towing by numbers: An infographic guide
                                                             e.g. The latest in tech-gadgets for caravans
        •         to load capacity
                                                             e.g A beginner’s guide to freshwater fishing (with
        •    e.g. Think safety first: How to prepare your
                                                                      help from Fishcare, a not-for-profit organi-
        •         caravan for an Easter break
                                                                      sation promoting sustainable recreational
        •    e.g. A buyer’s guide to second-hand caravans
        •    e.g. What to do when your caravan breaks
                                                             e.g. Five outback destinations to escape this win
        •         down
                                                                      ter (According to Alan Whiting, editor of
        •    e.g. How to buy insurance for your caravan               Outback Travel Australia)
                                                             e.g. Our great big year off (We talk to three fami-
                                                                      lies who left the big smoke for an island
                                                                      continent-sized family adventure)

            Although lifestyle/destination/travel is not     terests can to capture their attention and
            the focus of the AL-KO hub, King Content         encourage them to explore the site fur-
            recommends complementing the ‘how to’            ther.
            pieces with a small selection of this style      As the hub becomes richer in content, and
            of content.                                      the audience grows, AL-KO may want to
            Content that speaks to the audience’s in-        increase the quantity of lifestyle content.


            Build   AL-KO’s authority in the towing
            specialist niche by producing ‘how to’ and
            other relevant guides.

| 42
•   e.g. Everything you need to know about
              towing your caravan, trailer or boat
          •   e.g. Bang for your buck: 2014 buying
              guide to Australia’s best caravans, RVs,
          •   e.g. How to upgrade your caravan on a
          •   e.g. 2014 caravan models: Our top picks
          •   e.g. AL-KO’s 2014 safety guide for cara-
              van enthusiasts
          •   e.g. The latest in safety technology


          •   e.g. The latest in safety technology
          •   e.g. Mix ‘n’ match: 6 AL-KO products and
              your caravan
          •   e.g. How to upgrade your caravan with
          •   e.g. 5 things to consider when you in-
              sure your caravan
          •   e.g. 4 components you’ll need to tow
              your boat trailer
          •   e.g. 8 AL-KO products that will change
              the way you tow

          The creation process for each article will work to solve a customer’s need through an AL-KO
          product by:

          •      Establishing the vertical that the content belongs to
          •      Establishing the subcategory that the content belongs to
          •      Identifying the relevant product, challenge and objective
          •      Identifying a suitable topic for the article according to seasonality/content calendar
          •      Contextualising articles for use within the Without A Hitch site and external placements

| 43
Content Checklist

          Audience engagement with content will               pieces assessed according to perfor-
                                                              mance and thus effectiveness. Content is
          be measured with users and content
                                                              required to fulfil single or multiple objec-
                                                              tives, such as:

          Aligning with the evaluation pro-                              Content created to drive awareness
          cess a user goes through,                                         and increase site traffic.
          the connection moment is
          gauged on metrics such
          as bounce rate, time
          spent on site, pages
          visited and sub-

              Short-term goals                                                             Engagement        in-
              such as sub-                                                                 volves     long-term
              scriptions/sign-                                                            goals of the content,
              ups to the Without                                                          driving social lay-
              A Hitch newsletter.                                                        ers including shares
                                                                                        and likes on integrated
                                                                                      platforms. This leads to
                                                                                    repeat conversions and
                                                                                 transitioning users in be-
                                                                               coming brand advocates not
                                                                           just participants.

          Each piece of content will be further
          checked against:

          •          Deriving customer value through
                     the following propositions: useful,
                     engaging, shareable, considered,
                     accessible, pull – not push, friendly,
                     maintainable and has personality
          •          Meets business objectives
          •          Meets users’ needs and wants,
                     made easily searchable
          •          Communicates in a ‘human voice’
                     that is consistent and personable

| 44
Content Checklist

          New content hubs take time to develop;          on AL-KO to further position the brand as
          therefore, it is imperative that the foun-      a trusted partner and highlight the brand’s
          dations are solid. For the launch phase,        expertise.
          the core content should focus on ever-
          green articles and blogs. In future, AL-KO      •       e-books. These guides will serve
          should build towards a content hub that is      as lead generation opportunities, provid-
          rich in format types.                           ing visitors with in-depth information so
                                                          valuable that they would be willing to ‘pay’
          •       Evergreen/blogs. This will focus        for it with their contact information.
          on content with a long shelf life, provid-
          ing a solid grounding of information for        •       Infographics. Infographics can be
          visitors who need general advice around         highly effective, especially on social chan-
          towing as it relates to the caravan, trailer    nels, to share specific data and insights
          and marine market.                              in a visual manner. King Content recom-
                                                          mends including infographics to present
          •      Topical/blogs. These articles will       research data or to illustrate a point that
          be current in nature with a time relevance.     would be too complex via text.
          They will be simple and engaging and
          provide useful information to the target        •      Videos. A highly visual and share-
          audience.                                       able medium, videos will enable AL-KO
                                                          to ‘hero’ willing ambassadors and further
          •      Technical/blogs. Be more instruc-        enhance the personal touch of the brand.
          tional and satisfy an immediate need to         These could include talking-head style
          learn “how to” do something or solve a          advice from ambassadors and other ex-
          problem or query.                               perts, case studies of current customers,
                                                          analysis of news and stories in the cara-
          •      Feature articles. These articles will    van/trailer/towing space, as well as gen-
          go further into issues affecting our read-      eral advice and aspirational content from
          ership. Here we will provide actionable         the caravan/trailer/marine market.
          ‘how to’ advice and analysis of recent
          news and research.                              Note: Whitepapers are not recommended
                                                          for a consumer-focused site due to their
          •       Case studies/expert profiles and        highly technical nature.
          interviews. These will shine the spotlight

       Content Pillars

          King Content recommends that content            three sections, and will be as follows:
          be divided into pillars to help visitors find
          the information they are looking for. The       •      Buying and Maintenance. This
          core pillars for the launch phase will be:             covers buying and maintaining a
                                                                 caravan, RV, motorhome and trail-
          1.     Caravan                                         er.
          2.     Trailer
          3.     Marine                                   •      Towing and Compliance. This cov-
                                                                 ers compliance with legal require
          The subcategories will be the same for all             ments as well as policies, proce-

| 45
dures and expectations for towing          •    Equipment, Parts and Accesso
                 your caravan/RV/motorhome and                   ries. This covers everything you
                 trailer.                                        need to know about parts and ac-
                                                                 cessories for your caravan, popup,
          •      Driving and Safety. This covers                 trailer, RV, motorhome etc.
                 safety and driving tips and expert
                 advice as it relates to caravans,          •    Destinations and Experience. This
                 motorhomes, RVs trailers and tow                covers lifestyle, travel, events,
                 ing.                                            des-tination and articles around
                                                                 experiences such as bush
          Post-launch, King Content recommends                   walking, fishing, camping, where
          adding the following sub-headers*:                     to go etc.

          * Please note that the creation of a site category with too few items results in poor user
          experience. Therefore, King Content recommends launching new categories only once
          three or more articles can be contained therein.

           Caravan                     Trailer                       Marine

           Buying and Maintenance      Buying and Maintenance        Buying and Maintenance

           Towing and Compliance       Towing and Compliance         Towing and Compliance

           Driving and Saftey          Driving and Saftey            Driving and Saftey

           Equipment, Parts and Acces- Equipment, Parts and Acces- Equipment, Parts and Accesso-
           sories                      sories                      ries

           Destinations and Experience Destinations and Experience   Destinations and Experience

       Editorial calendar

          In this first phase of the project, three
          months’ worth of content will be produced
          with a view to all of the content being
          ready for launch (end of March). In the
          next phase, there are plans to increase
          the output of articles and reach out to us-
          ers via amplification and lead-generation
          materials and premium content.

| 46
Launch phase content mix

        Caravan        Content              Trailer        Content           Marine            Content

        Buying and 15 x general Buying and                 10 x general Buying and             2 x general
        Maintenance posts       Maintenance                posts        Maintenance            posts
                    10 x tech                              5 x tech                            2 x tech
                    posts                                  posts                               posts

        Towing and     8 x general-         Towing and     5 x general       Towing and        2 x general-
        Compliance     posts                Compliance     posts             Compliance        posts

                       2 x tech                            2 x tech                            2 x general
                       posts                               posts                               posts
                       1 x e-book
        Driving and    6 x general          Driving and    5 x general       Driving and       2 x general
        Saftey         posts                Saftey         posts             Saftey            posts
                       2 x tech                            2 x tech                            2 x tech
                       posts                               posts                               posts

       Proposed monthly content schedule for post launch, with a week dedicated to a par-
       ticular pillar (note: the ‘caravan’ pillar will alternate weeks as it’s a key focus of the

                   Monday         Tuesday      Wednes-     Thursday     Friday         Saturday   Sunday
                   (9.30am-                    day         (2pm-        (8am-                     (6pm -
                   10am)                       (11.30am-   3.30pm)      8.30am)                   10pm)
       Week 1
                   General blog       x        Tech blog   General blog General blog       x      Tech blog

       Week 2
                   General blog       x        Tech blog   General blog General blog       x      Tech blog

       Week 3
                   General blog       x        Tech blog   General blog General blog       x      Tech blog

       Week 4
                   General blog       x        Tech blog   General blog General blog       x      Tech blog

| 47
At July 2014, King Content recommends AL-KO do a review to of its content hub to determine
           what content is engaging with users and develop a content mix to match. If site traffic is strong,
           it is recommended that AL-KO add some ‘Convert’ content to this mix.

           See the Editorial Calendar on Google Drive for topics and schedule.

       Tone and Style

          The AL-KO tone is knowledgeable, help-
          ful and conversational.
          The tone of blog/topical/feature articles
          should be insightful, reassuring, support-
          ive, confident and full of life. Content is
          presented in a simple, easy-to-follow for-
          mat while being entertaining and/or in-
          The content will portray solutions-based
          advice in a positive, proactive and prac-
          tical manner, providing actionable advice
          for AL-KO existing and potential custom-

       Images and Visual Direction

          Each article will include an image to en-
          hance visual appeal and provide a relat-
          able human element for the advice being
          offered. In general, images should be:

          •       Clean and crisp. Images should
                  have a clear focal point and not be
                  overly busy.
          •       Real. representations of abstract
          •       Human. Where possible, include a
                  human element.

| 48
You can also read