Corners - Alternatives to animal experimentation

Page created by Jacob Reeves
Corners - Alternatives to animal experimentation

Upcoming Events                                 ment, health foundations, charities), the aca-       Sponsorship packages are available for
                                                demic research community (universities, re-       all sessions, as well as other specialized op-
8th Annual 3Rs Symposium:                       search institutes), environmental and human       tions. Please contact Camila Sgrignoli Janu-
Pandemic-Driven Advances                        toxicity researchers, the pharmaceutical          ario ( for details.
June 3-4, 2021 (online)                         and other industries (cosmetics, chemical,           Website:
                                                and food industries), medical centers and
The eighth annual joint 3Rs symposium,          practitioners, patient associations, and policy
organized by the Johns Hopkins Univer-          makers and testing centers – in a series of       VIDEO: Thomas Hartung and
sity Center for Alternatives to Animal Test-    global annual conferences to create a road-       Paul Locke Join Jane Goodall for
ing, USDA’s Animal Welfare Information          map for MPS technologies. This will be a first    Congressional Panel on Humane
Center, NIH’s Office of Laboratory Animal       step in establishing an international MPS         Research and Testing Act
Welfare, and the Johns Hopkins Depart-          society.                                          21st Century Innovations in Alternatives
ment of Molecular and Comparative Patho-           Additionally, this series of international     to Animals in Biomedical Research:
biology, is scheduled for June 3 and 4, 2021.   conferences (which include two virtual            Congressional Briefing – The Humane
This year’s virtual symposium is titled Pan-    events in 2021 in the lead-up to the hybrid       Research & Testing Act
demic-Driven Advances. Its goal is to bring     event in June 2022) will facilitate stake-
together experts and practitioners to fo-       holder communication as well as net-              On Wednesday March 10, 2021, Citizens for
cus on the challenges faced during the pan-     working among young scientists and MPS            Alternatives to Animal Research (CAARE)
demic and the successes in effectively using    thought leaders, promoting international          hosted a virtual panel discussion, titled “21st
animal models to maximize both biomedi-         standardization and harmonization of MPS          Century Innovations in Alternatives to An-
cal discovery and the goals of the 3Rs.         and serving as a global training environment.     imals in Biomedical Research,” recogniz-
   Registration closes on June 1, 2021.            The May 30, 2022 summit is a hy-               ing the importance of the Humane Research
   Event website:       brid event that will host up to 500 in-per-       and Testing Act. Scientists discussed the
programs/Refinement/3Rssymposium.html           son participants and 500 additional partici-      moral imperative to mitigate the use of an-
                                                pants online. It will be co-chaired by Suzie      imals in medical research and recent scien-
                                                Fitzpatrick, FDA, Don Ingber, Harvard             tific advancements that reduce the need for
Microphysiological Systems                      Wyss and Thomas Hartung, Johns Hopkins            animal testing. Presenters included: Dr Jane
World Summit                                    CAAT. The two preceding virtual meetings          Goodall, DBE, founder of the Jane Good-
Virtual Conferences                             will be held on June 24, 2021 and Decem-          all Institute and United Nations Messenger
June 24, 2021: Regulatory Acceptance            ber 9, 2021.                                      of Peace; Paul Locke, JD, DrPH, Associate
December 9, 2021: Systems Engineering              The 2022 meeting will start on a Mon-          Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
of Microphysiological Systems                   day with two pre-meeting workshop ses-            School of Public Health and affiliate of the
                                                sions focused on hands-on training and ed-        Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing;
Hybrid Conference (In-person and virtual)       ucation. The scientific sessions will include     Don Ingber MD, PhD, Founding Director of
May 30-June 3, 2022                             varying formats: workshops, roundtables,          the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired
New Orleans, LA                                 plenary sessions, and scientific symposia.        Engineering at Harvard University; Azra
                                                In total, we will have four keynotes, up to       Raza, MD, Chan Soon-Shiong Professor of
The MPS (Microphysiological Systems)            24 parallel sessions, and three lunch ses-        Medicine and Director of the MDS Center
World Summit will bring together a global       sions. Lunch and keynotes will be 60-min-         at Columbia University; and Thomas Har-
audience, including institutions (govern-       ute sessions.                                     tung, MD, PhD, Professor at the Johns Hop-

358                                                                                                                             ALTEX 38(2), 2021
Corners - Alternatives to animal experimentation

kins Bloomberg School of Public Health           need for new animal studies in toxicology.      Thomas Hartung and Marcel Leist
and Director of the Center for Alternatives        The Next Generation Humane Science            Interviewed by Science Blogger
to Animal Testing.                               Award is available annually to young sci-       Stefanie M. Hohenberger
   Watch now:       entists to acknowledge and encourage re-
                                                 searchers who focus on replacing the use        Thomas Hartung and Marcel Leist were in-
                                                 of animals in experiments. Please join us in    terviewed about their lifetime of work in
EBTC in Nature Scientific Reports:               congratulating Leah Wehmas!                     developing and promoting alternatives to
In Vitro Tests Outperform Animal                   Details about the award may be found          animal testing (in German).
and Human Studies in Predicting                  here:             Link: http://wissenschaftsversessen.
Troglitazone-Induced Toxicity                    awards/HumaneScience.html                       de/blog/haendel-tierschutzpreis-2020/

The Evidence-based Toxicology Collabo-
ration (EBTC) has published the results of       VIDEO: Contemporary Refinement                  Article in Das Magazin
a systematic review, conducted in collabo-       Research, its Application in                    (German) Features Thomas
ration with the Norwegian Institute of Pub-      Practice, and Future Directions                 Hartung and Marcel Leist
lic Health, Safer Medicines Trust (UK),
and other partners. The review found that        On March 11, CAAT’s Beyond Classical            Animal testing is still the standard in re-
pre-clinical animal and pre-market hu-           Refinement Program hosted a webinar fea-        search – although many are imprecise and al-
man trials do not predict a drug’s potential     turing four former winners of the CAAT          ternatives have long been available. So why
to cause harm, despite being mandatory in        Refinement Award, a prize awarded for out-      do animals have to continue to suffer? The
safety and efficacy trials.                      standing research that has the potential to     Swiss magazine Das Magazin covers the
   The collaboration conducted a compre-         significantly improve the lives of laboratory   research of Thomas Hartung and Marcel
hensive comparison of the in vivo (ani-          animals and/or reduce the number of ani-        Leist.
mal and human) and in vitro tests currently      mals used. Becca Franks (New York Uni-             Link:
available to assess drug safety before mar-      versity), Brianna Gaskill (Novartis), Judith
ket authorization and compared their find-       de Haan (Utrecht University) and Cathy
ings against “real world data” on adverse        Schuppli (University of British Colum-          VIDEO: Thomas Hartung and
drug reactions. They focused on two drugs:       bia) talked about what they have been up to     Tom Luechtefeld IVAMSS Webinar
troglitazone, which was withdrawn from           since they received the CAAT Refinement         January 29, 2021 (11am EST)
the market due to severe liver toxicity, and     Award and where their careers have taken
rosiglitazone, which remains on the market.      them. They gave short presentations on          On January 29, 2021, the In Vitro and Alter-
No reported biomarker for either drug indi-      their recent or ongoing research activities     native Methods Specialty Section (IVAM)
cated a strong hazard signal in either pre-      and engaged in a conversation on the role of    presented a series of webinars focused on
clinical animal studies or human trials. In      contemporary refinement research and on         the development and application of in vitro
contrast, the in vitro data showed that trogl-   how barriers to its implementation in prac-     methods and non-animal models for tox-
itazone was active in twice as many in vitro     tice can be overcome.                           icology and product safety. The webinar
assays as rosiglitazone, indicating a strong        Watch now on CAAT’s YouTube Chan-            with Thomas Hartung and Tom Luechtefeld
signal for off-target effects. The in vitro      nel:               broke the record for largest IVAMSS webi-
data showed marked differences in the two                                                        nar ever, with 536 registrants.
drugs’ toxicological profiles, offering a new                                                    – Thomas Hartung: A.I. and Big Data –
paradigm for reducing drug attrition and         VIDEO: 13th Conference on                         New Kids on the Toxicology Block
preventing adverse drug reactions.               Animal Experimentation of                       – Thomas Luechtefeld, Insilica LLC:
   The open access publication appeared in       Swiss Animal Protection STS                       Smart Chemistry – Algorithms for Chem-
Nature Scientific Reports on March 18 and                                                          ical Classification and Clustering
may be viewed here: https://www.nature.          Video of the 13th Conference on Animal            Watch now:
com/articles/s41598-021-85708-2                  Experimentation of Swiss Animal Protec-         groups/ss/IVSS/Events.asp
                                                 tion STS, which was recorded on Novem-
                                                 ber 13, 2020, is now available, along with a
Next Generation Humane Science                   PDF of supplementary material.                  VIDEO: EBTC Webinar on Application
Award Winner: Leah Wehmas                           Thomas Hartung: Brauchen wir wirklich        of US EPA IRIS Systematic
                                                 noch Tierversuche? (video, in German):          Review Methods to Health Effects
Leah Wehmas, of Oregon State Univer-                        February 2, 2021
sity/US EPA, was awarded CAAT’s Next
Generation Humane Science Award for her                                                          Scientists at the US EPA IRIS Program re-
work on recently developed genomics tech-                                                        cently finalized a series of systematic re-
nologies to make use of archival tissues                                                         views (SR) investigating the human health
from toxicity studies that will minimize the                                                     effects of exposure to phthalates. In this

ALTEX 38(2), 2021                                                                                                                        359
Corners - Alternatives to animal experimentation

EBTC Online Scientific Symposium, the               Given the manifold intersectional forms      cations for animal health and OneHealth. It
scientists presented the main findings from      of oppression, subjugation, and indifference    also holds the potential to reduce the use of
their SRs, highlighting novel uses of SR         experienced by animals and human people         whole animal studies in research.
methods in dose-response modeling and            affected by climate change, how can we de-         This workshop, held January 19 and 20,
drawing out general lessons learned in the       velop a multispecies approach to climate        2021, explored the use of MPS for a range
application of SR methods in chemical            justice and to animal and human health?         of animal species/strains and for optimizing
assessment.                                      What – if any – arguments are there to in-      animal model selection where whole animal
  Watch now (YouTube): https://www.              clude animals’ voices in the regulation of      models are necessary.                  climate policy? How does the global Black          Thomas Hartung spoke on Multi-organ
                                                 Lives Matter movement intersect with and        chips and emerging applications for biolog-
                                                 shape the future of animal liberation move-     ics studies: Integrated multi-organ systems.
Thomas Hartung Profiled in                       ments? How does this relate to other ques-         Link:
De Standaard: “Pope of A.I.                      tions of global justice, and the oppression
Research in Toxicology”                          of human groups (e.g., just transitions for
                                                 farmers and other workers)? How is this         Is Animal Testing Still Needed?
Thomas Hartung and CAAT’s research in            interconnected with capitalism? How do          (German Article)
toxicology and artificial intelligence was       questions of equality play into this?
profiled in the Dutch De Standaard.                 Watch now: https://animalsclimatehealth.     The promise made by their developers: Tiny
   Full article (in Dutch): https://www.         com/session-6/                                  models of human organs will in future lead                                                            to less suffering, more knowledge, better
                                                                                                 therapies. Thomas Hartung is interviewed.
                                                 Animal-Free Drug Safety Testing:                   Full article from P.M. (German science
VIDEO: EUROTOX In2Tox                            Challenges and Opportunities                    magazine, in German):
Followup COVID-19 Webinar                                                              
January 18, 2021                                 This virtual fireside chat, held January 26,
Introduction: Mathieu Vinken, Chair EU-          2021, invited visionaries who are leading
ROTOX In2TOX Specialty Section                   the way toward implementing animal-free         Thomas Hartung – The Promise of AI
                                                 methods that better predict the patient re-     in Pandemic Times: Beyond the Hype
“New approach methods as door-open-              sponse to new drugs. In an interactive
ers for drugs and vaccines or the other way      roundtable, panelists discussed important       This ePanel, part of a virtual keystone sym-
around?” by Thomas Hartung (CAAT)                scientific questions that all researchers in-   posium in collaboration with Frontiers held
  Watch now: https://youtube/                    volved in drug R&D should consider, espe-       January 12, 2021, addressed the promise,
rBxCLx 4cbzM                                     cially as regulatory agencies move to stop      and reality, of AI in the context of health.
                                                 supporting and funding research using ani-         Bringing together AI luminaries with di-
                                                 mal models by 2035 or sooner.                   verse perspectives on AI in medicine and
VIDEO: The Future of Animal                         Thomas Hartung presented, along with         public health, we explored these questions
Politics in the Context of Climate               Stephan Platz (AstraZeneca) and Armin           in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Change, COVID-19, and Movements                  Wolf (InSphero).                                in an effort to drive AI applications towards
Against Racial Capitalism                           Link:          tangible impacts on global public health.
                                                 program/ #animal-free                           The event concluded with a live audience
The webinar series is designed to bring to-                                                      Q&A, where the field leaders were asked
gether a diverse audience of people inter-                                                       burning questions and shaped the discus-
ested in animal studies, critical animal stud-   National Academies of Sciences,                 sion around new frontiers at the intersection
ies, animal ethics, animal politics, animal      Engineering, and Medicine Webinar               of AI and medicine.
law, environmental studies, environmental        Microphysiological Systems:                        Thomas Hartung shared his insights from
law, migration studies, as well as climate       Bridging Human and Animal                       a scientific, policy and societal perspective
law/studies.                                     Research – A Workshop                           in a talk entitled “The Promise of A.I. in
   This sixth and final session, held on                                                         Pandemic Times: Beyond the Hype”.
January 21, 2021, reflected on the insights      Microphysiological systems (MPS) are in            Preview:
from the previous sessions and identified        vitro platforms (such as tissues/organs on
ways of moving forward in theory and             chips) that mimic the biochemical, electri-
practice. Specifically, we looked to as-         cal, and mechanical properties of organ or      Thomas Hartung on
semble scholars to map future areas of re-       tissue function. They hold promise for ad-      Reconstruction Podcast
search at the juncture of animal studies,        vancing understanding of the mechanisms
climate change, racial injustice and global      of disease and accelerating drug develop-       The speed with which our scientific com-
health: What areas deserve our attention         ment. To date, MPS has been focused on          munity has identified the coronavirus and
going forward?                                   human health but could have many appli-         developed these vaccines is unprecedented.

360                                                                                                                           ALTEX 38(2), 2021
Corners - Alternatives to animal experimentation

Never before have researchers been able to     New Publications                                   R., Kleensang, A. et al. (2021). Organo-
conduct thousands of tests in such a short                                                        phosphorus flame retardants are devel-
period of time. In fact, it may be that the    Anderson, W. A., Bosak, A., Hogberg, H.            opmental neurotoxicants in a rat primary
biggest impact over the long term will be        T. et al. (2021). Advances in 3D neuro-          BrainSphere in vitro model. Arch Tox-
the revolution in research science that made     nal microphysiological systems: Towards          icol 95, 207-228. doi:10.1007/s00204-
this unprecedented speed possible.               a functional nervous system on a chip. In        020-02903
   Thomas Hartung was interviewed.               Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 57, 191-206.          Loser, D., Schaefer, J., Danker, T. et al.
   Listen now:              doi:10.1007/s11626-020-00532-8                   (2021). Human neuronal signaling and
shxmbc6c                                       Aschner, M., Paoliello, M. M. B., Tsatsakis,       communication assays to assess func-
                                                 A. et al. (2021). Social injustice in envi-      tional neurotoxicity. Arch Toxicol 95, 229-
                                                 ronmental health: A call for fortitude. En-      252. doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02956-3
CAAT Paper on Paroxetine and                     viron Res 194, 110675. doi:10.1016/j.          Meisig, J., Dreser, N., Kapitza, M. et al.
Developmental Neurotoxicity                      envres.2020.110675                               (2020). Kinetic modeling of stem cell
Published in New Frontiers Ebook               Calina, D., Hartung, T., Mardare, I. et al.        transcriptome dynamics to identify regu-
                                                 (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and al-                latory modules of normal and disturbed
Research on the antidepressant paroxetine        cohol consumption: Impacts and inter-            neuroectodermal differentiation. Nucleic
and developmental neurotoxicity, utilizing       connections. Toxicol Rep 8, 529-535.             Acids Res 48, 12577-12592. doi:10.1093/
CAAT’s “mini-brain” models and originally        doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.03.005                 nar/gkaa1089
published in February 2020, has been incor-    Farsalinos, K., Poulas, K., Kouretas, D.         Pamies, D., Zurich, M.-G. and Hartung, T.
porated into a new, free ebook: Brain Or-        et al. (2021). Improved strategies to            (2020). Organotypic models to study hu-
ganoids: Modeling in Neuroscience.               counter the COVID-19 pandemic: Lock-             man glioblastoma – Studying the beast
   Get the Free Ebook (PDF and Epub):            downs vs. primary and community health-          in its ecosystem. iScience 23, 101633.            care. Toxicol Rep 8, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.         doi:10.1016/j.isci.2020.101633
topics/9488/brain-organoids-modeling-in-         toxrep.2020.12.001                             van der Stel, W., Carta, G., Eakins, J. et al.
neuroscience                                   Golden, E., Maertens, M., Hartung, T. et al.       (2020). Multiparametric assessment of
                                                 (2020). Mapping chemical respiratory             mitochondrial respiratory inhibition in
Zhong, X., Harris, G., Smirnova, L. et al.       sensitization: How useful are our current        HepG2 and RPTEC/TERT1 cells using
  (2020). Antidepressant paroxetine ex-          tools? Chem Res Toxicol 34, 473-482.             a panel of mitochondrial targeting agro-
  erts developmental neurotoxicity in an         doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00320               chemicals. Arch Toxicol 94, 2707-2729.
  iPSC-Derived 3D human brain model.           Gupta, R., Schrooders, Y., Hauser, D. et           doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02792-5
  Front Cell Neurosci 14, 25. doi:10.3389/       al. (2020). Comparing in vitro human           Wang, T., Liu, H., Itoh, K. et al. (2021).
  fncel.2020.00025                               liver models to in vivo human liver us-          C9orf72 regulates energy homeostasis by
                                                 ing RNA-Seq. Arch Toxicol 95, 573-589.           stabilizing mitochondrial complex I as-
                                                 doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02937-6                   sembly. Cell Metab 33, 531-546.e9. doi:
                                               Hogberg, H. T., de Cássia da Silveira e Sá,        10.1016/j.cmet.2021.01.005

Global beauty brand                            rial and individual ingredients, for any cases   produce products not tested on animals, will
Garnier goes cruelty free                      of animal testing. Garnier and Cruelty Free      now feature on all of Garnier’s products,
                                               International worked together for many           and it is hoped that other L’Oréal Group
On March 5, 2021, Cruelty Free Interna-        months to secure this evidence from more         brands will soon follow.
tional announced that cosmetics and hair-      than 500 suppliers, who source over 3,000          Since 2017, there has been a 190% in-
care giant Garnier has been approved under     different ingredients for the brand, from        crease in brands enquiring about Leaping
the Leaping Bunny programme.                   across the world.                                Bunny status, showing that consumer de-
   Leaping Bunny certification requires           The Leaping Bunny logo, which is the          mand for cruelty free products across the
brands to forensically investigate their en-   best visible and independent assurance for       globe can have an impact on how cosmetics
tire supply chain, including all raw mate-     consumers of a company’s commitment to           brands operate.

ALTEX 38(2), 2021                                                                                                                         361
Corners - Alternatives to animal experimentation

Appeal success at ECHA to prevent               First Geoffrey Deckers Award                    York, where a revised bill will soon be rein-
conduct of unnecessary animal tests             goes to EcoVegAnimals, EVA                      troduced. After the Covid-19 pandemic cut
                                                                                                many state legislatures short last year, work
Two cases against animal testing decisions      On the day of Geoffrey Decker’s birthday,       on these state bills was delayed; however
made by the EU Chemicals Agency (ECHA)          January 13, Cruelty Free Europe announced       progress has come quickly in 2021.
have been decided, sparing thousands of an-     the recipients of the first Geoffrey Deckers       In Virginia, after a whirlwind legislative
imals from unnecessary tests. Cruelty Free      Award, EcoVegAnimals, EVA, from Bosnia          session, Senate bill 1379 and House bill
Europe intervened in both cases.                and Herzegovina.                                2250 passed the Virginia legislature with
   In a case heard by the European Court           EcoVeg Animals is a young animal pro-        bipartisan support and was signed into law
of Justice, Esso Raffinage (a division of       tection organisation working to improve         on March 11, 2021, making Virginia the 4th
ExxonMobil) was challenging a demand by         animal welfare in Bosnia and Herzegov-          state to pass legislation prohibiting the sale
ECHA to conduct a developmental toxicity        ina and beyond. Last year they successfully     of new animal-tested cosmetics. The new
study. After receiving a final decision, Esso   helped to end the use of live animals in the    law will prohibit the sale of any cosmetic
decided that the test could still be avoided    education programme at the Faculty of Vet-      product that has been tested on animals after
by demonstrating the safety of its chemi-       erinary Medicine at the University of Sara-     January 1, 2022.
cal using evidence from other sources, but      jevo. The organisation plans to use the funds      In Maryland, SB 282 passed all commit-
ECHA refused this option. The court ruled       from the award to encourage other faculties     tee hearings and legislative floor votes in-
that ECHA has a duty to consider alterna-       at the university to follow suit. They also     cluding unanimous votes in the Senate. The
tives put forward by companies even after a     plan to outreach to companies and consum-       bills are now on the desk of Maryland Gov-
final decision has been made. This has pos-     ers on the importance of bringing animal        ernor Larry Hogan, awaiting his signature
itive implications for the use of alternative   testing for cosmetics to an end.                or default passage into law. Like the Vir-
approaches under REACH.                            The award honours Geoffrey Deck-             ginia law, it will prohibit the sale of any cos-
   In another Board of Appeal case, the         ers, the much respected and loved former        metic product that has been tested on ani-
ZDDP group of companies challenged              Chair of the European Coalition to End An-      mals after January 1, 2022.
ECHA’s decision requiring them to con-          imal Experiments and Cruelty Free Europe,          The Hawaii, Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act
duct 90-day repeat dose toxicity studies        who passed away in June 2020. The €6,000        SB345 and HB 1088 have now successfully
and prenatal developmental studies on 13        award will be made annually on his birth-       passed all committee hearings in their op-
similar substances used in hydraulic fluids.    day to groups demonstrating a commitment        posite chambers. The bills are now headed
Tests on all 13 substances would have used      to ending animal tests and projects likely to   for final floor votes and will then go to con-
thousands of animals. ZDDP argued that it       make the most efficient and effective use of    ference committee to work out small differ-
was possible to avoid at least some of these    funds towards this goal.                        ences in the bills and an effective date be-
tests using read-across. The Board of Ap-                                                       fore being sent to Governor David Ige.
peal ruled that ECHA should have given all                                                         These important bills not only create
the registrants of the chemicals an oppor-      Progress with state-level cruelty               change at the state-level but create momen-
tunity to argue for the read-across, not just   free cosmetics legislation in the US            tum for national change. State efforts on this
the lead registrants. The ZDDP group will                                                       issue have already helped inform a way for-
now have another opportunity to argue in        This year Cruelty Free International wel-       ward for the national approach as the agree-
favour of using data from similar substances    comed the re-introduction of cruelty free       ments reached on state legislation were ad-
to avoid some of the animal tests demanded      cosmetics legislation in Virginia, Maryland     opted into the federal Humane Cosmetics
by ECHA.                                        and Hawaii and also resumed work in New         Act, which will be reintroduced this year.

362                                                                                                                            ALTEX 38(2), 2021

EUSAAT Virtual Seminar Series                       The Series kicked off on April 15, 2021         If you would like to attend, please regis-
started on 15.4.2021                             at 5 p.m. CEST with two presentations and       ter via: eusaatvirtualseminarseries2021@
                                                 will take place every second week.     by providing your name, e-mail,
We are very pleased to announce the EU-             We have decided to provide a platform        affiliation and career stage.
SAAT Virtual Seminar Series 2021. As we          for younger researchers, so one young re-
have postponed the EUSAAT Congress               searcher and one distinguished researcher          We wish many interesting presentations
from this year to 2022 in order not to com-      will present per session. The topics will       and discussions, and especially good health
pete with WC11, we have decided to offer         cover current 3R topics typically dealt         to all of you and your loved ones.
our members and the European 3R commu-           with in EUSAAT conferences including
nity a replacement with our Virtual Seminar      regulatory, ethical, educational, 3Rs cen-        Yours sincerely,
Series 2021.                                     ter and scientific news, discussions and          EUSAAT, your European 3Rs society

The last year of the project has taken a         meeting report by Rovida et al. (2021) de-      icotinoid pesticides can interfere with hu-
highly visible start with the fourth EU-Tox-     scribes how more than a hundred people          man neuronal signaling and may therefore
Risk Open Symposium, the yearly appoint-         actively participated in the discussion on      pose a DNT risk. A broad range of in vitro
ment for discussion and active interaction       that occasion, bringing together diverse        and in silico approaches was used (molec-
between EU-ToxRisk and international ex-         viewpoints across academia, regulators,         ular docking to the nicotinic acetylcholine
perts. The meeting took place virtually on       and industry. A consensus was reached that      receptor (nAChR), physiology-based tox-
February 23-24, 2021, hosting more than          NAMs can improve confidence in RAx, in          icokinetic modelling, cell-based signaling
300 participants from all over the world.        particular in defining category boundaries      studies), and the outcome was that a sub-
   The scientific program focused on the         as well as characterizing the similarities/     group of neonicotinoids triggers neuronal
critical assessment of general and specific      dissimilarities between source and target       signaling via the nAChR in the low micro-
learnings of the EU-ToxRisk project to pro-      substances.                                     molar range, a concentration that may be of
vide a foundation for its legacy. As one of         The 4th EU-ToxRisk Open Symposium            human toxicological relevance.
the key project deliverables, the “Advi-         also hosted a successful session on the cur-       Finally, the Open Symposium accom-
sory document on Novel Approach Method           rently running 2nd generation case studies      modated an exciting discussion on the up-
(NAM)-enhanced read-across (RAx)”, was           (CS). These studies address new challeng-       coming new frameworks, projects, and part-
the first topic addressed. Its content and ap-   ing regulatory and scientific questions, such   nerships, including a platform to jump-start
plication were reported, including the feed-     as testing of chemicals with little or no ob-   new efforts in next-generation risk assess-
back and endorsements from the Regula-           served adverse effects, with multi-target       ment. The session also included an interest-
tory Advisory Board, the OECD IATA Case          organ toxicity that undergo metabolism,         ing debate on validation and trust in NAM
Studies Project, and several international       or needing ab-initio risk assessment. One       to address specific regulatory information
regulatory toxicologists. The approach de-       of those is the case study on the develop-      requirements or decision-making needs.
scribed in the advisory document had al-         mental neurotoxicological (DNT) effects            An important conclusion was that trans-
ready been discussed previously at sev-          of neonicotinoid pesticides. Results from       parency and a close understanding of NAM
eral events. Most notable of these was the       this CS were recently published by Loser et     will lead to their increased acceptance for
EU-ToxRisk workshop held in Espoo, Fin-          al. (2021). In this multi-disciplinary study,   regulatory use.
land (May 2019). The recently published          the question was addressed whether neon-

ALTEX 38(2), 2021                                                                                                                         363

EU-ToxRisk publications                         proaches (multi-electrode arrays). The de-         References
                                                veloped model may fill an important gap in         Capinha, L., Jennings, P., Commandeur,
The EU-ToxRisk research has indeed              the panel of test systems available to char-         S. et al. (2021). Bioactivation of trichlo-
strongly focused on detailed characteriza-      acterize the effects of chemicals on neu-            roethylene to three regioisomeric gluta-
tion and description of the developed test      rotransmitter receptors.                             thione conjugates by liver fractions and
systems. The better a method and its applica-      Knowing your cell system well is crucial          recombinant human glutathione trans-
bility domain are characterized, the more ap-   for its correct implementation in a toxico-          ferases: Species differences and impli-
propriate regulatory questions can be asked.    logical test method. However, this is not suf-       cations for human risk assessment. Tox-
   Here are some examples of this approach      ficient. Knowing your tested chemical and            icol Lett 341, 94-106. doi:10.1016/j.
described in recent project publications and    its correct handling well are also important.        toxlet.2021.01.021
addressing different toxicological areas.       Handling of chemicals is an often-neglected        Klima, S., Brüll, M., Spreng, A. S. et al.
   Ter Braak et al. (2021) describe how var-    area of test descriptions. In Leist (2021), an       (2021). A human stem cell-derived test
ious adaptive cellular stress response path-    overview is given on the need for more ac-           system for agents modifying neuronal
ways are critical in the pathophysiology of     tive involvement of all test developers and          N-methyl-D-aspartate-type        glutamate
liver disease and drug-induced liver injury.    performers with this issue. The publication          receptor Ca2+-signalling. Arch Toxi-
The authors systematically compared the         gives guidance and examples on how to dis-           col. Online ahead of print. doi:10.1007/
transcriptomic profiles upon chemical acti-     close transparent information concerning             s00204-021-03024-0
vation in (hiPSC)-derived hepatocyte-like       the preparation and use of test and control        Leist, M. (2021). Identifying, naming
cells (HLCs), hiPSC, primary human he-          chemical solutions.                                  and documenting of test and tool com-
patocytes (PHH), and HepG2 liver can-              This crucial issue also was addressed by          pound stocks. ALTEX 38, 177-182.
cer cells. Using targeted RNA-sequencing,       Proença et al. (2021). Nominal effect con-           doi:10.14573/altex.2012311
benchmark concentration transcriptional re-     centrations from in vitro toxicity assays          Loser, D., Hinojosa, M. G., Blum, J. et al.
sponse was mapped for the various stress re-    may lead to inaccurate estimations of in vivo        (2021). Functional alterations by a sub-
sponses in the different test systems. This     toxic doses because the nominal concentra-           group of neonicotinoid pesticides in hu-
study contributes to a better understanding     tion poorly reflects the concentration at the        man dopaminergic neurons. Arch Toxi-
of how HLCs can contribute to the assess-       molecular target in cells in vitro, which is         col. Online ahead of print. doi:10.1007/
ment of cell physiological stress response      responsible for initiating effects and can be        s00204-021-03031-1
activation to predict hepatotoxic events.       referred to as the biologically effective dose.    Proença, S., Escher, B. I., Fischer, F. C. et
   In the publication by Capinha et al.         Chemicals can differentially distribute be-          al (2021). Effective exposure of chemi-
(2021), the question was addressed how to       tween in vitro assay compartments, includ-           cals in in vitro cell systems: A review of
choose the most relevant test model for re-     ing serum constituents in exposure medium,           chemical distribution models. Toxicol In
nal toxicity. In the publication, the authors   plate plastic, headspace, and extracellular          Vitro 73, 105133. Online ahead of print.
highlight how enzymatic bioactivation pro-      matrices. This paper reviews the mecha-              doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2021.105133
cesses can vary among species. The au-          nisms by which test chemicals distribute be-       Rovida, C., Escher, S. E., Herzler, M. et
thors focused on the enzymatic conjugation      tween in vitro assay compartments and also           al. (2021). NAM-supported read-across:
of glutathione (GSH) to trichloroethylene       lists the physicochemical properties driving         From case studies to regulatory guidance
(TCE) followed by catabolism to the cor-        the extent of this distribution. It helps define     in safety assessment. ALTEX 38, 140-
responding cysteine-conjugate, S-(dichlor-      chemical and biological applicability do-            150. doi:10.14573/altex.2010062
ovinyl)-L-cysteine (DCVC) and subsequent        mains of individual models, as well as pro-        Ter Braak, B., Niemeijer, M., Boon, R. et al.
bioactivation by renal cysteine conjugate       vide a perspective on how to improve model           (2021). Systematic transcriptome-based
beta-lyases, considered to play an import-      predictivity and quantitative in vitro-in vivo       comparison of cellular adaptive stress
ant role in the nephrotoxic effects of TCE.     extrapolations.                                      response activation networks in hepatic
The results suggest that humans are at much                                                          stem cell-derived progeny and primary
lower risk for TCE-associated nephrotoxic                                                            human hepatocytes. Toxicol In Vitro 73,
effects than rats.                              Outlook                                              105107. doi:10.1016/j.tiv.2021.105107
   Finally, the EU-ToxRisk researchers ad-
dressed the area of DNT. Currently avail-       The consortium is finalizing the organiza-
able human-based test systems for neuro-        tion of its last year of dissemination activ-      This project has received funding from the
science research or toxicological assays do     ities. More information will be available          European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
not well represent crucial receptors, such      soon, but all interested readers can already       and innovation programme under grant
as the ionotropic glutamate receptors (con-     save the dates November 3-4, 2021 (The             agreement no 681002.
sidered essential, e.g., for memory forma-      Square, Brussels) when the consortium and
tion). Klima et al. (2021) describe the es-     its stakeholders will have their last meet-
tablishment and characterization of stem        ing at the EU-ToxRisk Final Symposium.             Giorgia Pallocca and Marcel Leist
cell-derived neurons that show pronounced       On this occasion, the project legacy will be
NMDA signaling, measured either by cal-         summarized and the next phase of toxico-
cium imaging or by electrophysiological ap-     logical research kicked-off.

364                                                                                                                             ALTEX 38(2), 2021
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