Coronavirus and heatstroke at the Tokyo Olympic Games

Page created by Herman Morrison
Coronavirus and heatstroke at the Tokyo Olympic Games

Coronavirus and heatstroke
at the Tokyo Olympic Games

           n the 12th of June, 2021           humidity and the special demands of          sporting events are scheduled in this
           Christian Eriksen, midfielder      coronavirus prevention, may combine          period. It is the worst time of the year
           for the Danish national            to create unique health risks for athletes   to hold elite competitive sports.
           soccer team, collapsed on          and spectators alike at this Olympics.
the pitch during the Finland-Denmark                                                       In general, the health risks of high
match of Euro 2021. Afterwards, his           We have been researching the effect of       temperatures are widely communicated
team confirmed he experienced                 the COVID-19 pandemic in Tokyo, and          with the public; however, humidity
a cardiac arrest and required a               also working on preparing infectious         must also be taken into account, as
defibrillator on the pitch. Although          disease countermeasures for the Tokyo        high humidity can reduce heat loss,
the exact underlying cause of this            Olympics. In late 2020, as part of this      and negatively impact on the body’s
shocking event is not clear, it serves as a   research, we realised that the Tokyo         cooling mechanism. This makes it easier
reminder that even the fittest athletes       Olympics faces a double burden of            for people to develop heat illness. From
in the world can experience sudden,           risk due to outbreaks of the novel           this standpoint, the Wet Bulb Globe
unexpected medical emergencies.               coronavirus during the pandemic and          Temperature (WBGT) is commonly used
The risk to athletes in the past year         heat stroke in both spectators and           in daily life as a combined measure of
has been exacerbated by the novel             athletes. Together these risks offer a       humidity and heat, and for considering
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)           unique combination of challenges for         re-scheduling or cancelling sporting
pandemic, during which sports bodies          the 2020 summer Olympics, and it is          events. The weekly average of daily
and governments have attempted to             not clear if the Olympics organisers         maximum WBGT has increased
keep professional sports competitions         are ready to deal with them.                 dramatically in mid-August in recent
open, at some risk to players. For                                                         years, from above 31°C to a maximum
example, the start of the Japan Rugby         Heat illness, its impact on Tokyo            of 33.5°C. There is a direct relationship
Union competition for 2021, the Top           health system and the Olympics.              between high WBGT and emergency
League, was delayed due to multiple           A simple fact about Japan that is not        transportations for heatstroke, with
COVID-19 outbreaks, and several               widely appreciated outside of the            the number of transportations
competitive combat sports events              archipelago is the extreme nature            increasing rapidly for every degree
have been modified at the last minute         of its summer. Although short, the           of WBGT over 30°C. This relationship
or canceled due to COVID-19 infection         summer period in Japan from mid-             can be seen in figure 1, which shows
among participants. These events are          July to mid-September is a period of         the cumulative total of emergency
not necessarily safe for spectators,          extreme heat and humidity, which             hospital admissions through different
either: the 2020 Cheltenham festival          most non-Japanese cannot easily              routes (left axis) and WBGT (right axis)
was identified as a potential “super-         imagine. Temperatures in Tokyo in late       during key weeks of the summer
spreader” event, as maybe was a prior         July and early August routinely reach        months for the past five years. As a
international rugby match attended            the mid-30s, with relative humidity          result, emergency medical services face
by the UK prime minister. Now, the            in the 80s. Tokyo also has a ferocious       difficulties in timely delivery of patients
perfect sporting super-spreader               heat island effect, which exacerbates        to appropriate healthcare institutions
event looms: the 2020 Olympics,               the high summer temperatures,                between late July and late August.
rescheduled to start in July 2021 in          and due to its proximity to the ocean
Tokyo, Japan. But this Olympics carries       the heat does not subside at night.          The heat index in Tokyo is expected
an additional risk beyond the obvious         Because of this, public advisories about     to be much higher than in previous
threat of coronavirus. Heat stroke, and       heatstroke prevention are ubiquitous         competition venues of the Summer
the combination of extreme heat,              in the summer months, and very few           Olympic and Paralympic Games. A study

24   VOLUME 38 • ISSUE 4 2021
Coronavirus and heatstroke at the Tokyo Olympic Games

by our colleague Koji Wada showed
that the mean WBGT in Tokyo during
the period of the games reaches 34°C
in the afternoon, with a range from 32
– 36°C, while the peak in Rio de Janeiro
and Beijing was just 31°C. Furthermore,
this peak is unrelenting: there is no
point from midnight to midnight when
WBGT falls below 30°C in Tokyo, and it
is above 32°C for all sunlight hours. This
will mean that Olympic athletes who
have not yet adapted to the conditions
will not perform properly. Furthermore,
many groups with physical disabilities
have a higher risk of heat-related illness,
but no special health policy has been
implemented for Paralympic sports.
Given that many Olympic athletes
are performing at the peak of human               Figure 1: Average Tokyo WBGT and distribution (right axis) and combined emergency hospital
physical achievement, and many will               admissions for heat stroke (left axis) during key summer months in Tokyo, 2016 – 2020.
not be used to the kind of temperatures
they will experience in Tokyo, there is an
increased risk to their health, and the
possibility in some of the outdoor events
of serious accidents. But our experience
of COVID-19 in summer 2020 suggests
that coronavirus counter-measures – in
particular mask use and the need to
ventilate indoor spaces – will worsen
these already heightened risks. Our
research, published in the International
Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health in early 2021, showed that
emergency admissions for heat stroke
in summer 2020 may have worsened
the challenges for emergency services
dealing with coronavirus. These hospital
admissions typically overwhelm
emergency services, and some
ambulances are forced to travel for long
periods of time to find open emergency
beds. We showed that in summer 2020,
                                                Figure 2: Daily COVID-19 cases (left axis) and emergency transportations that did not find a
when Tokyo experienced a small wave of          hospital within a defined time period (right axis) in Tokyo, March – September 2020.
coronavirus infections, there was a peak
in these delayed hospital admissions
that was not consistent with the number
of coronavirus infections, and was likely     to find a reception hospital within                on 20th June, and it is likely that by
a consequence of the combination of           a defined time period (right axis).                the start of the Olympics Tokyo will be
many hospital beds being taken up with                                                           experiencing a new wave of COVID-19
coronavirus patients at the same time as      Although daily cases in Japan at                   cases. Moreover, COVID-19 clusters
the sudden surge in heat stroke cases.        present are not especially high, with              caused by several variants of concern
This pattern is shown in Figure 2, which      Tokyo seeing between 300 and                       have been reported, and many of their
plots the daily case numbers of COVID-19      700 new COVID-19 cases every day,                  related cases have become untraceable.
(left axis) and the number of daily           we are currently under a state of                  With the onset of the summer heat
emergency transportations which failed        emergency that is expected to end                  this could cause the same sudden

                                                                                                              VOLUME 38 • ISSUE 4 2021         25
Coronavirus and heatstroke at the Tokyo Olympic Games

Coronavirus and heatstroke
at the Tokyo Olympic Games

surge of hospital admissions, blocked                                                       which will reduce the effectiveness of
beds, delayed emergency admissions                                                          air conditioning and increase interior
and health system pressure that was                                                         temperatures, preventing sportspeople
seen in summer 2020 – only this time                                                        from gaining the respite they might
it will be exacerbated by the presence                                                      need to lower body temperatures.
of a large number of foreign visitors                                                       Of course, close environments will be
                                             It is likely that by the start
who are at high risk of heat stroke and                                                     necessary for several competitions like
do not understand Japan’s summer            of the Olympics Tokyo will                      badminton and table tennis, which
weather or its health system.                     be experiencing a new                     potentially have higher risks of COVID-19
                                                                                            transmission and could trigger super-
COVID-19, its impact on the Tokyo              wave of COVID-19 cases.                      spreading events. Many athletes in
health system and the Olympics.                                                             track and field, equestrian, boating,
Compared to other high-income                                                               shooting, archery and other semi-
countries, Japan has so far mitigated                                                       outdoor and outdoor events may have
the worst epidemiological impact of                                                         to spend long periods of time waiting
COVID-19. Despite the fact the ongoing                                                      in high-temperature locations wearing
transmission of COVID-19 in Japan                                                           masks, possibly in direct sunlight, when
has been classified as “clusters of                                                         daytime WBGT values will lie in the
cases”, around 50% of contacts cannot                                                       extreme range. This will increase the
be traced in Tokyo, suggesting the          among athletes at their accommodation           risk of both minor heatstroke events
presence of some untraced community         remains a significant risk. This will           and major incidents with potentially
transmission. Furthermore, Japan            have particular risk for some athletes          life-threatening consequences for some
has lagged in COVID-19 vaccination          who may be clinically overweight (for           athletes. At the same time, a renewed
rates compared to other high-income         example, heavyweight fighters and               wave of coronavirus infections in the
countries. While the vaccination            weight lifters), who may be dieting to          general community will put pressure
program first started in mid-February,      cut weight (for combat sports or other          on the health system, leading to the
only 15% of the population (mainly health   events with weight classes) or who              same delays in emergency response
workers and people aged 65 and over)        are older (for example shooters and             that were observed in Tokyo in 2020,
had been vaccinated by early June.          equestrian athletes) and at greater risk        but exacerbated by the sudden
                                            from viral infection. In addition to the risk   demand placed on the system by heat
The International Olympic Committee         to the athletes’ health, such outbreaks         stroke among Olympic participants,
(IOC), International Paralympic             may also lead to the interruption and/or        support staff and spectators.
Committee (IPC), Tokyo 2020 Organising      cancellation of events, and the possibility
Committee (Tokyo 2020), the Tokyo           that the Olympics could become a                However, it is also important to discuss
Metropolitan Government (TMG)               global super-spreader event as athletes         whether prioritising vaccination for
and the Government of Japan have            and support staff from over a hundred           the Olympic and Paralympic Games
developed a range of measures to            nations return to their home countries.         participants is truly fair and ethical, as rich
enable the Games safely in the context                                                      countries dominate vaccine supplies and
of COVID-19. They also said that 80% of     For many athletes, strict COVID-19              many essential workers, even healthcare
the Village would be vaccinated, and        countermeasures will require that they          workers, in low-and middle-income
some countries prioritise vaccination of    wear masks in public and at sporting            countries are still facing challenges to
athletes ahead of the Olympic Games         venues, while waiting between events            be fully vaccinated. The 2021 Olympics
Tokyo 2020. Nonetheless, there are          and in waiting areas for events. A              presents the spectacle of rich countries
multiple risks surrounding the Olympic      key component of Japan’s relatively             hoarding vaccines to protect elite
and Paralympic games, connected             successful countermeasures against              athletes from coronavirus exposure in an
to both Tokyo’s unprecedented heat          COVID-19 has been action against                event the majority of Japanese citizens
and the unusual coronavirus situation.      the “three Cs”: closed, crowded and             think should be cancelled, only to create
Although many athletes are very fit         close-contact settings. To be consistent        a super-spreader event that inflicts new
and young and unlikely to experience        with these counter-measures, event              waves of the pandemic on countries
significant ill-effects of coronavirus      venues will be generally ventilated with        that are unable to access those same
infection, an outbreak of COVID-19          free movement of air from outside,              vaccines. This is the perfect example

26   VOLUME 38 • ISSUE 4 2021
Coronavirus and heatstroke at the Tokyo Olympic Games

of sport acting as a mirror for global         About the Authors
society’s ills, and there is little evidence
that the Olympics organisers have                               Stuart Gilmour is professor of biostatistics and
any interest in addressing this issue.                          bioinformatics at the Graduate School of Public
                                                                Health, St. Luke’s International University, Japan.
Olympics from the perspectives of                               Stuart was born in New Zealand and raised in
public health systems and services.                             Australia by British parents, and has lived in Japan
The peak of emergency transportations          since 2006. He originally studied physics but shifted careers to public
due to heat illness overlapped the             health where he began his career researching the health of
resurgence of COVID-19 in 2020, and            marginalized populations, especially sex workers and people
an increase of heat illness patients           who inject drugs. Stuart obtained his undergraduate degree in
with rising WBGT has been observed.            mathematical physics at the University of Adelaide, completed
Without urgent reconsiderations and            masters in Public Health at the University of Sydney, a Masters in
sufficient countermeasures, the double         Statistics at the University of New South Wales and his PhD at the
burden of COVID-19 and heat-related            University of Tokyo. His research interest is in quantitative health
illnesses in Tokyo will overwhelm              system assessment, the use of statistics to improve our
the healthcare provision system and            understanding of policies and interventions that can improve
maintaining essential health services will     population health, especially where it is affected by inequality
be challenging during the 2020 summer          and exclusion.
Olympic and Paralympic Games. Our
research provides clear evidence that          Kazuki Shimizu A cosmopolitan-minded physician and scientist
emergency medical services faced               of global public health. His expertise ranges across critical topics
difficulties in delivering patients to         in global health, such as infectious disease epidemiology, health
appropriate healthcare institutions and        emergency preparedness and response, global health security,
early intervention in July and August          health system financing, and public private partnerships. At
2020 in Japan, and there is every risk         London School of Economics, he was mainly involved in “The
that the same conditions which caused          Lockdown” survey, a global initiative to capture the experience of
those health system burdens in 2020            social distancing policy and assess how the measures taken to
will be repeated or even worse in              fight against the COVID-19 pandemic affected the educational
2021. This summer’s Olympics are still         process, professional opportunities, and wellbeing. Previously, he
underprepared for safely organising            was trained as a physician and completed his medical residency
the games in the context of both               at the Medical Support Division, Toyota Motor Corporation. He also
COVID-19 and heat policy. Considering          completed his externship at University of Florida Health Shands
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic                  Hospital. He obtained his M.D. at Nagoya University, Japan, and
and Japan’s overwhelmed public                 earned M.Sc. from London School of Economics and Political
health systems, securing sufficient            Science and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
surge capacity for the games, such as          United Kingdom. He is a certified physician in the Japanese Society
resources for regular COVID-19 screening       of Travel and Health and holds a position as adjunct lecturer
and isolation facilities in multiple venues    at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan.
where the games are scheduled, will
be an imminent challenge. People                                Phuong Mai Le is a Vietnamese researcher who has
watching the games at home should                               been living in Japan for 3 years. She completed a
remember the extreme heat stroke risk                           Masters of International Health in the Netherlands
that the athletes are facing, as well as the                    in 2016, and has rich experience in the HIV/AIDS
background risk of coronavirus spread                           response, with eight years working in the Vietnam
in Tokyo. These games are not popular          Ministry of Health. Le presently works as a research assistant at the
in Japan, and the callous disregard            Graduate School of Public Health, St. Luke’s International University
that the international organisers have         in Japan. She has published articles related to the healthcare system,
shown for both the athletes and                HIV/AIDS, and global health issues. Her research interests focus on
the citizens of Tokyo should not be            promoting the health of vulnerable populations, such as ethnic
forgotten as the spectacle unfolds.            minorities, particularly women and children.

                                                                                        VOLUME 38 • ISSUE 4 2021       27
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