Corpus Christi Catholic Church

Page created by Cody Jacobs
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Corpus Christi
                   Catholic Church
                    JUNE 26, 2022 | 13 TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME

      This Weekend
      After all Masses

 Please stop by the table in
  the courtyard after Mass
 to grab some tasty treats
and help support our

                               Address: 3550 E. Knox Rd.            Facebook: @corpuschristiphoenix
                               Phoenix, AZ 85044
                               Parish Office: 480-893-8770
                               Children’s Faith Formation Office:   Flocknote:
                               480-893-1160                         Text JOINCC to 84576 or go to
                               Website:    latest communications from the parish.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church

 Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Pastor
 Rev. Scott Sperry, Parochial Vicar
 Deacon Chris Kellogg
 Deacon Dennis Lambert
 Website/Blog: dennislambert-
 Retired Deacon Al Gaudio
 Retired Deacon Phil Simeone

 Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager       MISSION STATEMENT: Corpus Christi Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming
 Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager
                                            community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal          relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church through Scripture, Sacraments,
                                            and service.
 Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager                       MASS SCHEDULE                                   OFFICE HOURS
 Kathleen Foley, Director of Mission        WEEKEND MASS                                    PARISH OFFICE
 Advancement                                Sat. Vigil: 4:00 pm                             Mon.-Fri.: 9:00-11:30 am
                                            Sun.: 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:30 am,               Mon.-Thurs.: 1:00-5:00 pm
 Nancy Krappitz, Administrative Assistant
                                            5:00 pm                                         Sat.-Sun.: Closed
 Coordinator of Marriage                    DAILY MASS                                      CHILDREN’S FAITH
                                            Mon.-Sat.: 8:15 am                              FORMATION OFFICE
 Coordinator of Safe Environment
                                            Tues.: 6:00 pm                                                       Summer Hours
                                            Fri.: 6:30 am
 Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor                                                               Mon-Wed: 9:00am-4:00pm                                                           Closed from 06/29—07/05
 FAITH FORMATION & MINISTRY                 Tues.: 5:00 — 5:45 pm                           GIFT SHOP
 Dr. Lenny Kelley, Director of Faith        Thurs.: 7:00 — 8:00 pm
                                                                                            Open after the Saturday Vigil Mass &
                                            Sat.: 2:30 — 3:30 pm                            the Sunday morning Masses.
 Linda McCormack, Children’s Faith
 Formation Office Manager                         PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                                                CHAPEL IS OPEN 24/7
 Grace Rivera, Coordinator of Youth
                                            Make a weekly appointment with the best spiritual director EVER!
 Evangelization                             There are several critical hours that need committed adorers.
 Matthew Henry, Director of Music &
                                            Please prayerfully consider a commitment to one of
 Liturgy                                    these hours:           Monday: 2am, 3am
 MAINTENANCE                                  Tuesday: 12am (Midnight-1am Tuesday morning)
 Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor          Wednesday: 3 am           Prayer partners are needed for any hour, especially
 COUNCIL PRESIDENTS                         each day from midnight–6am.
 Cynthia Smith, President of the Pastoral
                                            “The lives of the saints and blesseds show us the importance of the
 Council                  Eucharist on our journey as disciples of Jesus.”
                                                   - The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church (51)
 Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the
 Finance Council                            Become a prayer partner! Help each other on your journey as
                                            disciples of Christ to grow in holiness and become future saints!
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
                                                                               13 TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME| PAGE 03

                                                                    PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS
                                                                    JUNE 12, 2022
                                                                    Weekly Total ................................................... $26,775.10
                                                                    Weekly Budget ............................................... $27,690.50
                                                                    Weekly Deficit .................................................... ($915.40)
                                                                    Fiscal Year-to-date Total ......................... $1,535,370.48
Sunday, June 26                  Thursday, June 30
                                                                    Fiscal Year-to-date Budget ...................... $1,466,463.00
7:00 am  Living & deceased          The First Martyrs of the Holy
                                                                    Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus ........................... $68,907.48
           members of the           Roman Church
           Rusbosin family         8:15 am † Thomas A.              OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS
 8:30 am † Jim McGrath                         Sullivan, Sr.        Miscellaneous ........................................................ $40.00
10:30 am Parishioners            Friday, July 1                     Parish Center Renovation ............................... $3,080.00
 5:00 pm Father’s Day Novena      St. Junípero Serra                Building Fund Collection ................................. $1,036.00
                                  6:30 am Tasha Irvine              Building Fund Balance................................ $169,343.22
Monday, June 27
                                  8:15 am † Jane Ritzinger
St. Cyril of Alexandria
 8:15 am Father’s Day Novena     Saturday, July 2
                                   8:15 am † Sumalee                                              Safe • Simple • Secure
Tuesday, June 28
St. Irenaeus
                                   4:00 pm † Eugene Koukal
                                                                                                Please consider Online Giving!
 8:15 am † Mary McGuine                                             It’ll help us financially, of course, but it also helps us run
 6:00 pm Patty Liotta            Sunday, July 3                     a better parish. Online gifts are easier to administer,
                                  7:00 am    † Shirley Massop       more transparent, and more dependable. It’s also safer
Wednesday, June 29
                                  8:30 am    Parishioners
Ss. Peter & Paul                                                    and healthier for our volunteer money counters.
                                 10:30 am    Souls in Purgatory
 8:15 am † Shirley Massop
                                  5:00 pm    † John Kane            To get started, scan the QR code here or click the
                                                                    green GIVE NOW button at
OFFERING A MASS INTENTION                                           and follow the instructions for repeat electronic
The Mass is the greatest possible prayer of intercession insofar
as it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making      giving to the Sunday Collection.
present the paschal mystery of His death and resurrection.          Regardless of how you choose to give, thank you for
Request a Mass offering for the intentions of a living person or
                                                                    your continued generosity! Your support not only makes
for the repose of the soul of a deceased person. Requesting a
                                                                    a difference within our own parish, but also throughout
Mass Intention is now available online at
corpus-christi-cath-church/forms/mass-intention, or you may call    our local community!
or stop by the office.                                              As the Body of Christ — Becoming Disciples, we are
                                                                    called to serve each other in many ways. As a family of
                                                                    families, we know the needs are great. Together, we can
                                                                    do more than any one person or family could do alone.

     Judy Armstrong, Paula Barr, Ester Balenzano,
                                                                    Text JOINCC to 84576 or visit us online at
     Jackie Benhoff, Tess Bernard, Bobbie Braden,
    Randy Booth, Peter Cavallero, Sr., Rose Colella,
      Dale Crawford, David Crosslin, Kenny Fahn,                    Sign-up for electronic newsletters, emergency
    Louise Gnaller, Dee Gordon, Harold Henry, Jr.,                  notifications, and other communications, such as funeral
 Rose King, Jackie Manning, Patty Michael, Al Navarro,              notices, holy days of obligation, and parish activities.
     Brooks Pallan, Rick Parson, Richard Peterson,
  Denisa Proefrock, Dorothy Rivera, Yolanda Rosales,                     Find us on Facebook at
 Luna Marie Rotter, Louis Spadafore, Fr. Scott Sperry,                   corpuschristiphoenix
   Trisha Stuart, Dorothy Tartaglio, Josh Wilkinson,                     Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Corpus Christi
Deborah Wirth, Jim Yeager, Jean Zingale, and all who are                 Catholic Church Phoenix (
            suffering from the Corona virus                              c/CorpusChristiCatholicChurchPhoenix)
Corpus Christi Catholic Church

                   A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Part 2)
                                 Kathleen Foley, Director of Mission Advancement

  As we continue to celebrate the 25th anniversary of                    both for Confession and for Holy
the dedication of our church, we will take a look at                     Communion, is the time when a child
the remaining stained-glass windows to further help                      begins to reason, that is about the
us connect the visual to the spiritual.                                  seventh year, more or less.” [QS 21:1]
East Side of the Church                                                  Citing the practices of the early Church,
                                                                         as well as Jesus’ love of children, he
Vatican II
                                                                         restored the baptismal right of children
  The Second Vatican Council produced several                            receiving their First Holy Communion and
documents that changed the way the faithful                              Confession early on in life. Hence, this
experience the Mass. One of these documents, the                         window shows children gathered
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum                         around Pope Saint Pius X.
Concilium) laid out the reform and practical norms of
the Liturgy with the goal of greater understanding and
participation from the laity.                                This Latin word is commonly understood as provisions
  The Church, therefore, earnestly desires                 for a journey. Receiving Holy Eucharist prior to death is
  that Christ's faithful, when present at                  receiving the Bread of Life for the
  this mystery of faith, should not be there               journey to eternity. According to
  as strangers or silent spectators; on the                the Rites of the Anointing and Viati-
  contrary, through a good understanding                   cum:
  of the rites and prayers they should take                  The celebration of the Eucharist as
  part in the sacred action conscious of                     Viaticum, food for the passage
  what they are doing, with devotion and                     through death to eternal life, is the
  full collaboration. They should be instructed              sacrament proper to the dying
  by God's word and be nourished at the                      Christian. It is the completion and
  table of the Lord's body; they should                      crown of the Christian life on this
  give thanks to God; by offering the                        earth, signifying that the Christian
  Immaculate Victim, not only through                        follows the Lord to eternal glory
  the hands of the priest, but also with                     and the banquet of the heavenly
  him, they should learn also to offer                       kingdom. [Ch 5, para 175]
  themselves; through Christ the Mediator, they should
                                                           Blessed Sacrament Procession
  be drawn day by day into ever more perfect union
  with God and with each other, so that finally God may                      We follow a long tradition of Eucharistic
  be all in all. [48]                                                       processions when we celebrate our
 After the Council, one significant change at many                          feast day or other significant events
 parishes was that the priest faced the people during                       in the Church. In 1551, the Council of
 Mass, similar to being gathered around the table                           Trent declared:
 for the Last Supper.                                                        … that this sublime and venerable
                                                                             Sacrament be, with special veneration
Saint Pius X                                                                 and solemnity, celebrated, every year,
  From the late Middle Ages until the early 20 th                            on a certain day, and that a festival;
century, conditions and expectations of sacramental                          and that it be borne reverently and
preparation in the Roman Catholic Church had                                 with    honour     in    processions
changed to the extent that eventually, only adults                           through the streets, and public
were allowed to receive Holy Communion. In 1910,                             places…” [Session XIII, Ch V].
Pope St. Pius X changed that with his encyclical,          Displaying our faith in the Eucharistic Lord through
Quam Singulari, which decreed, “… the age of discretion,   processions encourages us in our own journey of
                                                           faith and allows us to share His presence with others.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
                                                                                      JUNE 26, 2022| PAGE 05

Saint Thomas Aquinas                                        Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your
  What can we say about the                                 hands I commend my spirit”; and when he had
                                                            said this, he breathed his last.
“Angelic Doctor of the Church” in
                                                                                                  - Luke 23:46
this small space? An outstanding
scholar and philosopher of the                             Our Lord’s Glorious Ascension
Middle Ages, St. Thomas Aquinas                             “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
spent years writing, teaching, and                          baptizing them in the name of the Father, and
preaching as a Dominican priest.                            of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching
Even then, great thinkers of the day                        them to observe all that I have commanded
were wrestling with the relationship                        you. And behold, I am with you always, until the
between faith and reason. While he                          end of the age.”
wrote more than 60 works, he is                                                         - Matthew 28:19-20
best known for his Summa Theologica.                        “Then he led them [out] as far as Bethany, raised
As mentioned two weeks ago in the article on the history    his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed
of our feast day, he composed the verses of Tantum Ergo,    them, he parted from them and was taken up
which we still sing during Eucharistic exposition. This     to heaven.”
influential saint will remain a significant source of                                        - Luke 24:50-51
spiritual nourishment for years to come.
                                                           May we continue to seek the beauty, truth, and
Adoration Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacrament             goodness of God through our senses, especially
  Our adoration chapel – the heart of our parish – is      as we gaze upon the amazing work of stained-
where we can spend time with Jesus, who loves us           glass windows in our own church and in every
more than we can imagine. The stained-glass windows        church we visit throughout our lives.
here are beautiful reminders
of His ultimate expression
of love.
Agony in the Garden
 After withdrawing about a
 stone’s throw from them
 and kneeling, he prayed,
 saying, “Father, if you are
 willing, take this cup away
 from me; still, not my will
 but yours be done.” And to
 strengthen him an angel
 from heaven appeared to
 him. He was in such agony,
 and he prayed so fervently
 that his sweat became like
 drops of blood falling on
 the ground.
             - Luke 22:41-44
Crucifixion of Our Lord
 “No one has greater love
 than this, to lay down one’s
 life for one’s friends.”
                - John 15:13
Corpus Christi Catholic Church

                                                             THE MEN OF ST. JOSEPH
                                                      A Ministry for the Men of the Parish
                                                          July Speaker Night
                                                               Wednesday, June 1
                                                             6:30 pm in rooms 7 & 8
                                                                 Sam Chamoun
                                                   Our Heavenly Father Speaks to His Children
          (SVdP)                                             KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
       CONFERENCE                                             Memorial Golf Tournament
                                        Golfers — save the date! Saturday, September 10 is the
    Summer Water Drive                  Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 10062 Annual
  "I was thirsty and you gave me        Memorial Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament is
       something to drink....           in honor of Jim McGrath. 2022 marks the 31st year that
  Truly, I say to you, to the extent    the Knights have held this event. Proceeds from the
  that you did it for one of these      tournament will benefit Knights’ Charities, the K of C Ukraine Solidarity
  brothers or sisters of mine, you      Fund, and Arizona Firefighters via the 100 Club of Arizona.
            did it for me."             Registration is taking place right now! Enjoy a full round of golf,
           ~ Matt 25: 35, 40            beverages, cart prizes and lunch for just $100 per player. The event
The summer is here and the              will be held at the Foothills Golf Club in Ahwatukee with a 7:30am
temperature is soaring! Please          shotgun start.
help bring hope and relief to           Sponsors are also needed. Three sponsorship levels are available,
the homeless.                           each with a variety of benefits. Knights of Columbus 10062 Charities,
                                        Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Please consult your tax
Beginning July 1 and running            professional should you have any questions.
through August 31, SVdP
                                        See any Knight for details or visit to download regis-
Corpus Christi Conference will
                                        tration and sponsorship forms. Thank you for your support of our
be hosting a monetary water             event and hope to see you on September 10.
drive. Instead of lugging large
cases of water to the church,                      Knights Offering FREE Membership
monetary donations for bottled          Interested in becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus? Your
                                        first year of membership is on us! For a limited time, Catholic men 18
water can be placed in the
                                        years of age and older can join the Knights of Columbus Council 10062
white donation box located in           for FREE! Join at and use the promo code
the vestibule. Your help is deeply      “MCGIVNEY2020” for a free one-year membership. If you prefer,
appreciated. Thank you for your         please contact any member of Council 10062 (here at Corpus Christi)
continued support.                      for further information. Thank you.

              REST IN PEACE                                                      BAPTISMS
Donna Jean & Eugene Albert Adelman                                     Dominic Francis Heyer
         Cyrus J. Goldhair                                               Lucy Rose Knotzer
                Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and                Avery Rose Pasqualone
               perpetual light shine upon them. May the                Congratulations!
               souls of the faithful departed, through the
                                                               You have put on Christ, in Him you have
                    mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
                                                                   been baptized. Alleluia, alleluia!
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
                                                                            13 TH SUNDAY OF EASTER | PAGE 07

                                              Excerpts from
                      The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
         (You can pick up a copy of the entire document in our Adoration Chapel or find it online at
 25. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is called Holy Communion precisely because, by placing us
in intimate communion with the sacrifice of Christ, we are placed in intimate communion with
him and, through him, with each other. Therefore, the Eucharist is called Holy Communion be-
cause it is “the efficacious sign and sublime cause of that communion in the divine life and that
unity of the People of God by which the Church is kept in being.”33 How can we understand this?
The Gospel of John recounts that, when Jesus died on the cross, blood and water flowed out (Jn
19:34), symbolic of Baptism and the Eucharist. The Second Vatican Council teaches, “The origin
and growth of the Church are symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the open
side of the crucified Jesus,”34 and that “it was from the side of Christ as he slept the sleep of
death upon the cross that there came forth the wondrous sacrament of the whole Church.”35 In
this image from the Gospel of John, we see that the Church, the Bride of the Lamb, is born from
the sacrificial love of Christ in his self-offering on the cross. The Eucharist re-presents this one
sacrifice so that we are placed in communion with it and with the divine love from which it flows
forth. We are placed in communion with each other through this love which is given to us. That
is why we can say, “the Eucharist makes the Church.”36

                                33. Catechism of the Catholic Church, no.
                                    1325, citing Eucharisticum Mysterium,
                                    no. 6.
                                34. Second Vatican Council, Lumen
                                    Gentium, no. 3.
                                35. Second Vatican Council,
                                    Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 5
                                36. Catechism of the Catholic Church,
                                    no. 1396.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
PAGE 08                                         13 TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME                                                 JUNE 26, 2022

 Thanks to Katie Savoy with Savoy Images for providing pictures from VBS and to Mari Rubio for providing photos of the 6th grader service days.
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Piano, Accordion & Music Theory
                                                                                       Ron Oligino
                                                                                       Member of Knights of Columbus
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		               For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Parish, Phoenix, AZ          B 4C 05-1867
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		               For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Parish, Phoenix, AZ   A 4C 05-1867
                Entrance Antiphon                                                 Creed
        All peoples, clap you’re your hands.               I believe in one God,
                                                               the Father almighty,
            Cry to God with Shouts of joy!
                                                               maker of heaven and earth,
                      cf. Psalm 47                             of all things visible and invisible.
                                                           I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
                      Gloria                                   the Only Begotten Son of God,
Glory to God in the highest,                                   born of the Father before all ages.
   and on earth peace to people of good will.                  God from God,
We praise you, we bless you,                                   Light from Light,
                                                               true God from true God,
   we adore you, we glorify you,
                                                               begotten, not made,
   we give you thanks for your great glory,                    consubstantial with the Father;
   Lord God, heavenly King,                                    through him all things were made.
   O God, almighty Father.                                 For us men and for our salvation
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,                          he came down from heaven,
   Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,                           All bow at the words that follow,
   you take away the sins of the world,                            up to and including ‘”and became man.”
   have mercy on us;                                          and by the Holy Spirit
   you take away the sins of the world,                       was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
   receive our prayer;                                        and became man.
   you are seated at the right hand of the Father,         For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
   have mercy on us.                                          he suffered death and was buried,
                                                              and rose again on the third day
For you alone are the Holy One,                               in accordance with the Scriptures.
   you alone are the Lord,
                                                           He ascended into heaven
   you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,                 and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
   with the Holy Spirit,
                                                           He will come again in glory
   in the glory of God the Father.                            to judge the living and the dead
Amen.                                                         and his kingdom will have no end.
                                                           I believe in the Holy Spirit,
                          Responsorial Psalm                   the Lord, the giver of life,
                               Psalm 16                        who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
                                                               who with the Father and the Son
                                                               is adored and glorified,
                         You are my                            who has spoken through the prophets.
                                                           I believe in one, holy, catholic
                        inheritance,                           and apostolic Church.
                                                           I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
                                                               and I look forward to the resurrection of the
                           O Lord.                             dead and the life of the world to come.

         Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
       St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle,
                 be our protection against the
            wickedness and snares of the devil.
          May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
        and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host,
         by the power of God, cast into hell Satan
      and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world
                  seeking the ruin of souls.
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