COVID-19 guidelines for line managers - St Luke's Hospice ...

Page created by Pedro Bates
COVID-19 guidelines
      for line managers

COVID-19 routine testing is not compulsory but             Once the test has been completed staff will need to
is strongly recommended for all staff going into           register the test, on the same day, through the online
Turnchapel on a regular basis and all clinical staff       portal:
including those working remotely who are patient
facing. Testing is important to ensure the safety of
our patients, staff and families.                          uk/register-organisation-tests/consent

There is an expectation staff will complete regular        They will need to enter the 11-digit bar code number
testing and should they have valid reasons not to we       on the test, and the unique organisation code:
are encouraging them to have a further discussion
with yourself as their line manager.                       99873119.

Clinical staff and anyone based at Turnchapel will         Staff will need to return the test in a priority post box
have access to weekly PCR swab testing, where the          using the return postage label. The nearest priority
test is processed in a lab and results made available      post box can be found through the link below:
typically within 72 hours.
Staff will also have access to frequent lateral flow
device testing (LFD), the results are available within     Staff will be notified of their test results, usually
30 minutes of conducting the test.                         within 72 hours, by email/text. They must notify their
                                                           line manager of a positive result.
PCR testing process
                                                           Lateral flow testing process
Each month staff will collect 4 x test kits from the
COVID test storage downstairs at Turnchapel if they        All clinical staff and those working from Turnchapel
are based there or collect from Brooklands from 9:00       are asked to do an LFD test in addition to the weekly
– 12:00 on Mondays if home working/based                   PCR test.
elsewhere. This provides a one-month supply of
tests.                                                     If planning to work from Turnchapel or having
                                                           patient contact in the community, please conduct an
Staff will need to select a preferred day to do the test   LFD test the evening before. This is to ensure the test
from Thursday - Sunday and try to stick to the same        result is known in advance and appropriate plans can
testing day each week. (If staff have symptoms, the        be made if the test result is positive.
PCR test can be done any day of the week).
                                                           It is not necessary to undertake LFD testing if
Follow this step by step guide to conduct the test:        working from home.
COVID-19 guidelines
                                                                                    for line managers

Each eligible member of staff will be provided with a     What to do if a staff member receives a positive
box of 25 lateral flow tests which includes everything    test result
needed to conduct the test at home.
                                                          If a staff member tests positive using a lateral
Please keep a log of the batch number (found on the       flow test, they should go home immediately and
box of 25 test kits) and date given to each member of     self-isolate. They should notify their line manager
staff. The spreadsheet is located in Teams.               and complete a PCR test as soon as possible for
                                                          confirmation of the positive result.
All staff undertaking LFD testing must complete the
short online training module before testing, available    If a staff member has a positive result on the PCR test,
here:                                                     please follow the steps below.             For asymptomatic staff with a positive test result
                                                          please follow the guidance here: https://assets.
They will be asked to register an account, and when
prompted enter the token:                                 system/uploads/attachment_data/file/905674/
3wkcVi4UTX.                                               July.pdf

Please ensure everyone completing the training            Symptomatic staff with a positive result should follow
saves a copy of their certificate; they may be asked to   the guidance here: https://assets.publishing.service.
provide this as evidence.                       
The written guide to complete the LFD test can be         to_work_symptomatic_30_july.pdf
found here:
                                                          Please ask the staff member to download the NHS                 Track and Trace app if they have not already done
government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_             so, and to enter their test results and close contacts
data/file/958773/care-home-lfd-self-test-                 through the app. They will also be contacted directly
guidance-v04-02_2.pdf                                     by NHS Test and Trace within 48 hours.

The test results will be available within 30 minutes of   In order to ensure the safety of colleagues working
completing the test.                                      at St Luke’s, please ask the person who has tested
                                                          positive to consider asking you to alert co-workers
Tests must be registered through the online portal:       who may be a close contact, or notifying them                  personally if they are willing to do so. You should
                                                          not name the individual unless they consent to this,
At the current time the portal does not provide an        but you may need to inform staff there has been
option to enter the organisation ‘hospice’; instead,      a positive case of COVID-19. Further information
please select ‘care home’. Individuals will then be       is detailed below regarding how to determine if
asked to enter the bar code number on their test and      someone is a ‘close contact’.
enter the unique organisation code: 99873119.
                                                          It is essential that all positive test results are reported
Staff must report a positive result to their line         to HR on the day that you are made aware of this. A
manager.                                                  risk assessment will then be undertaken and the local
                                                          Health Protection Team will be notified.
COVID-19 guidelines
                                                                                     for line managers

If the member of staff is unwell and needs to be off        Trace. If the member of staff has a test, please update
sick please record this through SelectHR in the usual       HR once the result is known. In those instances
way, ensuring that the reason for absence is noted as       where the individual cannot work from home but is
COVID19.                                                    not unwell, please record this on SelectHR as ‘self-
If the member of staff is isolating but able to
continue working from home this does not need               Please note, it is a legal obligation to follow the
to be recorded on SelectHR, but instead please              isolation advice if contacted by NHS Test and Trace.
email the HR inbox providing information regarding
the test date/when they first started experiencing          What to do if a member of staff has symptoms
symptoms.                                                   of coronavirus

In those instances where the individual cannot work         Please ask them to go home immediately and isolate,
from home but is not unwell, this should be recorded        and to arrange a PCR test as soon as possible. Further
on Select HR as ‘self-isolating’.                           information is available here:

Please also notify facilities of the positive test result
where the staff member has been into a base.                how-it-works

Consideration will be given as to whether a deep            Please notify HR with details of the date they first
clean is necessary.                                         started experiencing symptoms and provide an
                                                            update once the test results are back to confirm
Please ensure the staff member does not participate         whether the result is positive or negative. If the
in further routine testing for a period of 90 days from     member of staff is unwell and off sick please record
the date of their positive test (if asymptomatic), or       through SelectHR in the usual way, noting COVID19
from the date they developed symptoms.                      symptoms as the reason for absence.

What to do if a member of staff is contacted by   Please also notify facilities as it may be necessary to
NHS Test and Trace as an identified close contact conduct a deep clean.

Please see the following guidance:                          What to do if a member of staff has an
                                                            inconclusive result
how-it-works                                                Assume the result is negative if the member of staff
                                                            does not have any symptoms of coronavirus but ask
If the individual develops symptoms and needs to            them to complete another test as soon as possible
be off sick please record this through SelectHR in          to confirm. If they do have symptoms, please assume
the usual way, ensuring that the reason for absence         they are positive and ask them to isolate until
is noted as COVID19. The individual will need to do         another test has been completed and the results
a PCR test as soon as possible and notify their line        are known. If the result comes back positive, please
manager of the result.                                      follow the steps identified above.

If the member of staff is isolating but able to
continue working from home this does not need to
be recorded on SelectHR, but instead please email
the HR inbox providing relevant information such
as the date they were contacted by NHS Test and
COVID-19 guidelines
                                                                                     for line managers

What to do if a member of staff has an alert to            If the individual cannot work from home but does
isolate through the NHS COVID-19 mobile app                need to follow the isolation guidance this must be
                                                           recorded on SelectHR as ‘self-isolating’.
The NHS COVID-19 mobile phone app is not a
replacement for the Test and Trace service and works       The risk assessment aims to determine whether there
independently. The NHS COVID-19 app logs other             is sufficient evidence to suggest that the alert was
nearby app users. If any of those users later test         made in error and the member of staff can continue
positive for coronavirus, an alert is automatically sent   to work, or whether the person should isolate. If
through the app to self-isolate.                           in doubt, please ask the individual to follow the
                                                           isolation guidance.
There may be occasions where the app
inappropriately gives an isolation alert, for example,     How to determine who is a ‘close contact’
when the app has not been paused in a healthcare
environment where safety measures are being                If health and social care staff are providing direct
followed, or where a mobile phone is left in a locker      care to a patient or a resident with COVID-19 and
next to someone else’s mobile phone who later tests        are wearing the correct PPE in accordance with the
positive.                                                  current IPC guidance, they will not be considered
                                                           as a contact for the purposes of contact tracing and
When a staff member receives an alert through              isolation. They will also not be required to self-isolate
the NHS COVID-19 app, a risk assessment can be             for 10 days.
undertaken to determine whether there is sufficient
evidence to suggest that the member of staff can           The use of PPE in other settings, such as a staff room,
safely continue to work, or whether they should            will not necessarily exclude an individual from being
isolate. Please only undertake a risk assessment in        considered a close contact. If the criteria below is
those instances where:                                     met, please ask the member of staff to let those
                                                           colleagues know and report any close contacts
•    The app might have given an isolation alert in        through NHS Track and Trace.
    error (e.g. the member of staff had not turned off
    the app while in work while safety measures were       A contact can be:
    followed such as wearing PPE)
                                                           •   anyone who lives in the same household as
•   The member of staff is unable to work from home            someone with COVID-19 symptoms or who has
                                                               tested positive for COVID-19
•   The member of staff is essential to the continued
    safe operation of clinical services                    •   anyone who has had any of the following types
                                                               of contact with someone who has tested positive
•   The alert is through the NHS COVID19 App only,             for COVID-19 with a PCR test:
    they have not been named as a close contact
    by NHS Test and Trace (it is a legal obligation to     •   face-to-face contact including being coughed on
    adhere to isolation guidance from Test and Trace)          or having a face-to-face conversation within one
Where a member of staff can work from home, or if
they are not clinical/their role does not require them     •   been within one metre for one minute or longer
to enter clinical areas such as the inpatient unit, then       without face-to-face contact
they should follow the isolation guidance.
                                                           •   sexual contacts
COVID-19 guidelines
                                                         for line managers

•   been within 2 metres of someone for more than
    15 minutes (either as a one-off contact, or added
    up together over one day)

•   travelled in the same vehicle or a plane

An interaction through a Perspex (or equivalent)
screen with someone who has tested positive for
COVID-19 is not usually considered to be a contact,
as long as there has been no other contact such as
those in the list above.

If health and social care staff have been in contact
with a COVID-19 case and are not following
appropriate IPC, including wearing correct PPE, they
will be considered as a contact for the purposes of
contact tracing and isolation.

Who to contact if further guidance is needed

Please contact Nicola Pereira in the first instance If your query
cannot be resolved locally please call 119 for further
guidance, quoting the St Luke’s unique
organisation number: 998 73119.
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