COVID-19 PULSE Start off with a weekly recap of the main Public Affairs developments across LATAM - Edelman

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COVID-19 PULSE Start off with a weekly recap of the main Public Affairs developments across LATAM - Edelman

Start off with a weekly recap of the main Public Affairs
             developments across LATAM.
COVID-19 PULSE Start off with a weekly recap of the main Public Affairs developments across LATAM - Edelman
                                                                                   Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2020
         STATS: 1.874.801 cases of COVID-19, 47.034 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] President Alberto                [LOCAL MEASURES] The Government                     [DIGITAL ECONOMY] According to a Central
Fernández and the managing director of the         extended until December 31, 2021 the public         Bank resolution ATMs must have fingerprint
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina      emergency in occupational matters, which            readers so that users can choose to validate
Georgieva, met and agreed to continue              includes: the prohibition of dismissals without     their identity with this biometric data to carry
working on a new financing program for the         cause and the extension of double                   out operations, announced the Central Bank.
country supported by the multilateral              compensation. (Source)                              (Source)
organization and designed and led by
Argentina. (Source)
                                                   [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] The cost of the Total           [HEALTH] Representatives from some blocs
[COVID RELATED] The second stage of the            Basic Basket (CBT), which determines the            that make up the Social Action and Health
vaccination campaign began in the 24 districts     poverty line, rose 4.7% in December and             Committee of the Lower House were received
of the country after the arrival of the second     accumulated a rise of 39.1% in 2020, above          by the Minister of Health, Ginés González
component of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.        general retail inflation. (Source)                  García, with whom they discussed the
(Source)                                                                                               vaccination campaign against the coronavirus
                                                                                                       throughout the country. (Source)

[ECONOMY] The National State accounts              [TECHNOLOGY] The Minister of Education,             [MANUFACTURING] The industry grew by
closed 2020 with a primary deficit of 1 trillion   Nicolás Trotta, assured in Misiones that this       2.2% year-on-year in November and resumed
749,957 million pesos, equivalent to 6.5           year a program like Conectar-Igualdad, will be      the positive trend of September, while in the
percentage points of GDP. The financial deficit    implemented again, through which about half         third to last month of last year the
was 2 trillion, 292,830 million pesos,             a million computers will be distributed             accumulated decline was cut to 7.3% in the
equivalent to 8.5 points of GDP. (Source)          throughout the country. (Source)                    first eleven months of 2020. (Source)
                                                                                       Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2020
            STATS: 8,872,964 cases of COVID-19, 217,712 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry

[EXECUTIVE POWER] The impeachment of               [LOCAL MEASURES]          The Federal Court         [DIGITAL ECONOMY] Brazilian banks will help
President Jair Bolsonaro is supported by 53.6%     determined that those who skipped the               guide society about vaccination against
of Brazilians, according to an Atlas survey        vaccination line against Covid-19 will not be       coronavirus. The goal is to assist the Ministry
released on Sunday 24. (Source)                    entitled to the 2nd dose in Amazonas.               of Health in the campaign. (Source)
                                                   Vaccination against Covid was suspended in
                                                   Manaus, for a reshuffle after complaints of
                                                   "queer-breaker". (Source)
[COVID RELATED] President Jair Bolsonaro           [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] The manufacturing               [HEALTH] Minister Ricardo Lewandowski, of
announced that China has released the export of    industry, failed to close 2020 with a positive      the Federal Supreme Court (STF), opened an
5,400 liters of inputs needed to produce the       performance in product launches. The only           investigation this Monday to ascertain an
Coronavac vaccine, developed by the Butantan       sector that presented a positive result was         alleged omission by the Minister of Health,
Institute in partnership with the pharmaceutical   Beverages, which managed to recover losses          Eduardo Pazuello, in the management of the
company Sinovac. (Source)                          and closed the year 0.7% above the result of        Covid-19 pandemic in relation to the collapse
                                                   2019. (Source)                                      of public health in Manaus. (Source)

[ECONOMY] Nearly 40,000 formal workers had         [TECHNOLOGY] Brazilian scientists created a         [MANUFACTURING] On Friday (22), the
to leave for more than 15 days of service          test capable of detecting antibodies to the         Ministry of Health included industrial and
because of the most serious effects of covid-19    coronavirus in just 10 minutes and with a cost      construction workers in the list of priority
in 2020. According to the Ministry of Economy's    up to five times lower than the market              groups in the vaccination plan against Covid-
Social Security and Labor Secretariat, 39,532      average. (Source)                                   19. In total, this group represents 5.3 million
people received sickness benefits between April                                                        people. (Source)
and December last year. (Source)
                                                                                  Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2021

           STATS: 201,037 cases of COVID-19, 10,043 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] The Russian Sputnik V            [LOCAL MEASURES] The Departmental Health           [DIGITAL ECONOMY] The National Tax Service
vaccines will arrive this week and the             Service (SEDES) of Cochabamba reported the         reported on that taxpayers can now pay taxes
government has already established the             medical loss of 36 workers in the area; the        online, through the digital banking of Banco
procedure for their application. (Source)          acceleration in temporary contracts is a           PyME and Banco Fassil, from their home or
                                                   necessity. (Source)                                office. (Source)

[COVID RELATED] Since the coronavirus arrival      [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] The National Service           [HEALTH] Chinese respirators, which are part
on March 10, Bolivia did not register more         of Agricultural Health and Food Safety             of the investigation for alleged acts of
than 2,600 daily cases until last Wednesday,       (Senasag) and the Chamber of Industry,             corruption in their purchase, were unsealed to
January 20. The Ministry of Health confirmed       Commerce, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz       be used in medical centers to care for COVID-
2,655 new infections of COVID-19, the new          (Cainco) carried out coordination to expedite      19 patients. (Source)
record for the country in the pandemic.            export procedures for food products, within
(Source)                                           the framework of sanitary measures. (Source)

[ECONOMY] Refund of contributions to the           [TECHNOLOGY] Bolivia and Russia agree to           [MANUFACTURING] Gastronomic sector,
pension System will inject up to $ 1,200 million   reactivate Nuclear Center to treat cancer. The     merchants, shopping centers, supermarkets,
into the economy. This amount represents           project between both countries also includes       gyms, hoteliers, deliveries, transporters and
5.9% of the money managed by the AFPs,             irradiation to decontaminate food destined for     trade unions, among others, have declared an
most of which are invested in the stock            export. (Source)                                   emergency and spoken out against a rigid
market. (Source)                                                                                      quarantine. (Source)
                                                                                     Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2021
           STATS: 703,178 cases of COVID-19, 17,999 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] The Government                   [LOCAL MEASURES] Two municipalities in the          [DIGITAL ECONOMY] Specialized in footwear
presented to the Senate the bill that seeks to     Metropolitan Region changed through phases          and clothes retail stores ended 2020 with a
extend until December 2021 the Employment          in the Step-by-Step Plan. Paine went back to        313% growth in digital sales, according to a
Protection Law and the improved conditions         step 2 (Transition), San José de Maipo              FollowUp survey. Today, the online channel
of access to Unemployment Insurance.               advanced to step 3 (Preparation). The rest of       represents 18% of total transactions, a four-
(Source)                                           the capital continues in phases 2 and 3.            fold increase compared to 2019. (Source)

[COVID RELATED] More than 53,000 health            [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] The food industry is             [HEALTH] Ministry of Health announced that
professionals and officials from Armed Forces      currently leading the generation of jobs in the      the Sinovac vaccine will arrive in Chile at the
institutional facilities have been vaccinated      country even in the pandemic context,                end of January, which will be delivered to
                                                   according to SOS Group. In January, the sector       people between 18 and 59 years. Meanwhile,
against COVID-19. For this year, Chile will have
                                                   increased its temporary job offers 28%               the Pfizer laboratory vaccine will be destined
more than 35 million doses for the people.
                                                   compared to last January, a number that              only to older adults. (Source)
                                                   could continue to grow. (Source)

[ECONOMY] According to "Payers Ranking",           [TECHNOLOGY]       PleIQ,     the    Chilean-        [MANUFACTURING] According to the latest
presented by the Product Exchange and the          Venezuelan     start-up    of     educational        Real Estate Supply Report from GfK Adimark,
Chilean Entrepreneurs Association, the             technology, specialized in the use of                the value per square meter of new homes in
payment term to SMB´s companies decreased          augmented reality to enhance the learning of         the Metropolitan Region continues to rise,
from 67 days in the fourth quarter of 2019 to      young children, was the winner of the Global         despite that sales in the sector fell 48.4% in
45 days in the same period of 2020. (Source)       Edtech Startups Awards. (Source)                     2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source)
                                                                                       Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2021
           STATS: 2,041,352 cases of COVID-19, 52,128 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] President Iván Duque               [LOCAL MEASURES] Occupancy of ICUs for              [DIGITAL ECONOMY] Mastercard and USAID
declared 3 days of mourning in the country           coronavirus in Bogotá drops; it reaches 92 %        launched Start Path Empodera, which gives to
due to the Minister of Defense's death, Carlos       (Source)                                            digital female entrepreneurs training on
Holmes Trujillo. (Source)                                                                                leadership, building of strategic networks, and
                                                                                                         technical assistance. (Source)

[COVID RELATED] According to the Bloomberg           [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] According to                    [HEALTH] The Ministry of Health included
resilience list, Colombia is in the third place of   Francisco Miranda, Director of Portafolio, it is    indigenous people in Colombia's Ten-Year
worst countries in COVID-19 situation                necessary to include the restaurants into the       Public Health Plan. (Source)
management. (Source)                                 conversation of policy making of measures for
                                                     the pandemic. The restaurants generate
                                                     female-majority jobs and participate in a chain
                                                     that includes agricultural products. (Source)

[ECONOMY] According to Fedesarrollo and the          [TECHNOLOGY] According to Humberto                  [MANUFACTURING] Flavia Santoro, president
Colombian Stock Exchange, the confidence             Pertúz, CEO of Vozy, a Colombian company            of Procolombia, said that foreign investment in
index in the Colombian stock market is 92.5%,        specialized in the development of voice             Colombia could grow 22.5% in 2021. (Source)
which represents a decrease of 1.9 percentage        technologies for companies, the technologies
points. (Source)                                     that will support digitalization in 2021 are:
                                                     Virtual voice assistants, Speech Analytics, and
                                                     Voice biometrics. (Source)
                                                                                 Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2021
              STATS: 241,567 cases of COVID-19, 14,639 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] The President of               LOCAL MEASURES] Authorities close a                [DIGITAL ECONOMY] The president of the
Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, traveled to the United    clandestine medical center in Quito that           European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,
States to promote relations with the new         offered false COVID-19 vaccines. (Source)          invited the authorities of the United States to
administration of President Joe Biden and seek                                                      work together in the creation of a regulatory
new economic resources for his country.                                                             framework to control the power of the big
(Source)                                                                                            technological companies. (Source)

[COVID RELATED] Ecuador begins vaccination       [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] New restrictions in            [HEALTH] Ombudsman asks President Lenín
against COVID-19 in hospitals with the Pfizer    Ecuador: Business meetings and food sales in       Moreno for the immediate dismissal of the
vaccine. (Source)                                restaurants and hotels are held with a 30%         Minister of Health, Juan Carlos Zevallos.
                                                 capacity and until 00:00. The restaurants will     (Source)
                                                 serve until 23:00 with a capacity of 50%.
[ECONOMY] President Lenín Moreno met with        [TECHNOLOGY] Civil Registry will deliver the       [MANUFACTURING]         According    to    the
the IDB and the IMF in the United States to      digital ID in the second week of February.         Government, the reactivation of local
obtain economic resources for Ecuador.           (Source)                                           manufacturing is key to the recovery of the
(Source)                                                                                            national economy in 2021. The Government
                                                                                                    launched a program to boost exports to the
                                                                                                    countries of Europe, the United States and the
                                                                                                    Andean Community of Nations (CAN). (Source)
                                                                                 Tuesday, January 19– Monday, January 25, 2021

          STATS: 1,771, 740 cases of COVID-19; 169,593 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] President Andrés           [LOCAL MEASURES] Authorities in Mexico City,         [DIGITAL     ECONOMY]      Tatiana   Clouthier,
Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) known for        which continues to show an increase in COVID-        Secretary of Economy, said that women have
not following health recommendations to      19 cases, will allow the reopening of activities     been hit the hardest with the pandemic in
avoid the contagion of COVID-19, tested      such as stationery stores, restaurant suppliers,     relation to unemployment; thus, one of the
positive for the virus on Sunday. (Source)   opticians, and hardware stores. (Source)             priorities in Mexico's Inclusion Agenda is to
                                                                                                  prepare women for their integration into the
                                                                                                  digital economy. (Source)
[COVID RELATED] Thousands of teachers        [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Uber, DiDi and Rappi             [HEALTH] According to undersecretary of
from elementary-level schools in the state   have agreed to reduce their charging                 Health, Hugo López Gatell, the Russian vaccine
of Campeche have been vaccinated to          commissions to restaurants affiliated to their       Sputnik V will arrive to the country on late
return to in-person classes. (Source)        platforms in order to support businesses during      January, early February. (Source)
                                             the economic downturn. (Source)

[ECONOMY] According to Moody’s               [TECHNOLOGY] According to Select, the ICT            [MANUFACTURING] The president of the
Analytics, the recovery of Mexico’s GDP      industry in Mexico will experience a 3.4%            National Council of the Textile Industry and
could reach up to 7.5% in 2021 given the     growth during 2021. (Source)                         Export Manufacturing (Index) in the state of
growth dynamics expected for the United                                                           Queretaro, Enrique Quezada Ojeda, explained
States. (Source)                                                                                  that the sector continues to analyze the changes
                                                                                                  in the USMCA and the impact it could have on
                                                                                                  its activity, especially regarding collective
                                                                                                  contracts. (Source)
                                                                                     Tuesday, January 19– Monday, January 25, 2020
              STATS: 127,652 cases of COVID-19, 2,617 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] The president took their            [LOCAL MEASURES] The president enactment           [DIGITAL ECONOMY]
oath to the new ministers of Foreign Affairs and      the austere General Budget for this year that      Health Head, Dr. Julio Mazzoleni, held a meeting
Interior in the government palace. (Source)           maintains certain restrictions on superfluous      with representatives of the National University
                                                      expenses, everything related to the hiring of      of Asunción for an agreement that will allow the
                                                      personnel, appointments and salary increases.      future use of a unique scan obtained and
                                                      (Source)                                           brought this week by the National University of
                                                                                                         Asunción to detect cancer. (Source)

[COVID RELATED] At a press conference, the            [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Record soybean                 [HEALTH] Health Council officials from various
Minister of Health, Julio Mazzoleni, announced        exports slowed the economic decline in 2020,       parts of the country demonstrated in front of
that agreements were concluded with two               said the Paraguayan Chamber of Cereal and          the Ministry of Health headquarters. The
laboratories that develop vaccines and that the       Oilseed Exporters and Marketers (Capeco). Even     workers are asking for the incorporation of
first doses will arrive in the second half of         though it was a year full of adversities, the      some 17,000 personnel to the Ministry of Public
February. (Source)                                    output of 6.48 million tons was recorded.          Health. (Source)

For this fiscal year, the Ministry of Finance plans   [TECHNOLOGY] During an act, the President of       [MANUFACTURING] Exports of auto parts
to request from the Central Bank of Paraguay          the Republic, Mario Abdo Benítez, handed over      (wires and cables) generated income to
(BCP) a short-term advance of 700,000 million         200 notebooks with internet connection to the      Paraguay for a total of US $ 177.8 million during
guaranies to be able to comply with the Floating      National University of Caaguazú. (Source)          2020, according to the Foreign Trade report of
Debt commitments with suppliers and other                                                                the Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP). (Source)
State creditors. (Source)
                                                                                    Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2021

           STATS: 1,093,938 cases of COVID-19, 39,608 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] The Ministry of Health           [LOCAL MEASURES] The COVID-19 Command               [DIGITAL ECONOMY] More than 400,000
(Minsa)     bought    10,339       refrigeration   of the Huánuco region agreed to request two         immigration procedures were carried out by
equipment through the United Nations               oxygen plants and more human resources              national and foreign citizens through the
Children's Fund (UNICEF), to reinforce the cold    from the Central Government, thus a group of        Digital Migration Agency, which provides
chain system required by vaccines against          authorities from that part of the country will      online assistance from any computer or mobile
COVID-19 in different parts of the country.        travel to Lima to meet with the president of        device. (Source)
(Source)                                           the Council of Ministers, Violeta Bermúdez.
[COVID RELATED] The private sector will            [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] The Ministry of                 [HEALTH]       EsSalud   will    launch    the
assume the costs of the Sinopharm vaccine          Economy and Finance (MEF) raised the                implementation of two new towers in the Pan
transportation service from Beijing, in China,     Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) applied to          American Village, which also will be equipped
to the warehouse of the National Center for        cigarettes, beers and alcoholic beverages.          with 1,112 hospital beds and essential
Supply of Strategic Health Resources               (Source)                                            furniture for the treatment and care of COVID-
(Cenares). (Source)                                                                                    19 patients.
[ECONOMY] The Ministry of Economy and              [TECHNOLOGY] The National Superintendence           [MANUFACTURING] Monetary resources
Finance (MEF) ordered an increase of 30 soles      of Labor Inspection (Sunafil) has launched an       raised with the issuance of the first Covid Bond
for the pensions of the Decree Law 20530           application that will enable workers to verify if   of Peru for 100 million soles will benefit
regime, which authorized a transfer of 66          they are registered on their employer's payroll.    between 12,000 and 13,000 micro and small
million 189,240 soles to finance this              (Source)                                            businesses (mypes) affected by the pandemic.
readjustment in the corresponding State                                                                (Source)
entities. (Source)
                                                                                   Tuesday, January 19 – Monday, January 25, 2020

           STATS: 37,633 cases of COVID-19, 376 deceased, as confirmed by the Health Ministry.

[EXECUTIVE POWER] Government purchased             LOCAL MEASURES] Public Education                    [DIGITAL ECONOMY] Zero unemployment in
3.75 million vaccines against COVID-19 and         authorities reaffirmed their intention to start     the software industry; the software industry in
aims to inoculate 2.8 million people. (Source)     the school year in March with 100%                  Uruguay is a success story. (Source)
                                                   attendance in classrooms. (Source)

[COVID RELATED] 44% of Uruguayans would            [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Specialists warn                [HEALTH] Faculty of Sciences rules out the
not be willing to get vaccinated, according to a   about some effects of the pandemic in               presence of foreign variants of Covid-19 in the
survey. (Source)                                   patients who had the virus and who continue         country, but other changes were found in the
                                                   for months with symptoms like loss of taste         genome. (Source)
                                                   and smell. (Source)

[ECONOMY] Economists believe that since last       [TECHNOLOGY] The Coronavirus Uy app will            [MANUFACTURING] After the work was
year there seems to be a new positive cycle in     function as an official health passport, after      resumed, a thousand workers recovered their
commodities that transcends the rebound in         the start of the vaccination stage in the           jobs in the meat processing industry. (Source)
prices in an international context of high         country. (Source)
liquidity. (Source)
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