Draft SOA Logic Models 2013-16 - Economy Outcome Group

Page created by Ralph Gibbs
Draft SOA Logic Models

       Economy Outcome Group
SOA Logic Models:
   DRAFT v1

    Economy Outcome Group
Intermediate outcomes                                               Long term outcomes

                                Jobs created in the creative industries sector
                                (Digital economy, Gaelic, Harris Tweed, media,
                                                                                           Stability achieved
                                                                                           Growth can be evidenced
                                                                                           Healthier demographic
                                Local broadcasting and media sector has grown              balance
                                                                                                                              The Outer
                                                                                                                              Hebrides will
                                The whole of the Outer Hebrides has access to              Growth                             be better
                                next generation broadband                                  GRDP growth rate                   connected with
                                                                                           exceeded the regional              high quality
                                                                                           average                            infrastructure
                                Harris Tweed’s productivity and innovation has
                                                                                           Gap closed between Outer           supporting
                                                                                           Hebrides and wider Scottish        broadband,
                                                                                           economy                            travel and
                                A new museum, archive and heritage network is
Economic Strategy Action Plan

                                opened                                                     Productivity
                                                                                           GVA will exceed the
                                Internal and external grid networks meet the               regional average
                                                                                                                                                LO 2. The
                                aspirations of the Outer Hebrides                          Year on year economic
                                                                                                                                                economy of the
                                                                                                                              Our assets
                                                                                                                              have provided
                                                                                                                                                Outer Hebrides
                                Generation of wind, marine, hydro and community                                               opportunities     and the
                                owned power has significantly increased                                                       for sustainable   economies
                                                                                           80% of working age
                                                                                           population active in the           economic          within the Outer
                                More food produced locally                                 economy                            growth.           Hebrides are
                                                                                           Unemployment rate lower                              thriving
                                                                                           that H&I and Scotland
                                Hospitality and retail sectors utilise local produce
                                                                                           Child poverty has ended            The people of
                                Annual visitor bed occupancy has increased                                                    the Outer
                                                                                           Reduction of numbers fuel
                                                                                           poor (pensioners and               Hebrides have
                                Average visitor spend has risen                                                               an improved
                                                                                                                              standard of
                                Increase the opportunities within marine and                                                  living through
                                                                                           Cohesion                           addressing
                                nature and historic based tourism
                                                                                           Economic cohesion with the         poverty and
                                                                                           rest of Scotland                   inequalities
                                Jobs in defence sector have increased
                                Training and apprenticeship opportunities in the           World leading centre for
                                defence sector have increased                              renewable energy industry
                                                                                           Contribute significantly to
                                                                                           the European and National
                                Increase in economic benefit from Community                targets for electricity
                                land sector                                                generated from renewable
                                Destination marketing plan implemented                     Reduction in greenhouse
                                                                                           gas emissions

                                                                       Economy Outcome Group
SOA Logic Models:
Education, Skills and Training
        DRAFT v 4

        Well educated, well trained and well skilled Outcome Group
Activity                                           Short term outcomes                          Intermediate outcomes          Long term outcomes
Develop the capabilities of the
                                                    Active participants in research              Energy research is thriving
commercialisation and research potential of the                                                                                                      LO 1.
energy sector                                       and commercialisation of                     & commercially viable
                                                    energy in Outer Hebrides                     sector on the islands                               Population
Provide a range of FE and HE courses to meet
current and future employer needs
Increase student accommodation for UHI, to          More students enrolling on
attract more students to SYY and Uist               more courses                                 A thriving and achieving                            LO 2. Economy
Promote university to encourage students from                                                    Islands University
outside the Outer Hebrides to study here
                                                    University attracting students
Deliver training and education which is             from outside the Outer
accessible remotely                                 Hebrides

Deliver IT Training to business and individuals     Capability and confidence in
                                                    digital working options
Deliver national and local training programmes
                                                                                                                                                     LO 3. The
                                                                                                                                                     people of the
Provide community based learning opportunities                                                                                                       Outer
inc ESOL, Literacy and Numeracy                                                                                                                      Hebrides are
                                                                                                                                Our assets* have     well
                                                                                                  Sustainable skilled
More skills for work courses in senior phase in                                                                                 provided
                                                                                                  workforce                                          educated,
accord with local economic priorities                                                                                           opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                     well trained
Support those unemployed to gain the correct                                                                                                         and well
                                                                                                                                economic growth
skills to access to local employment                                                                                                                 skilled
opportunities                                                                                     More people in
Develop a local skills investment plan to support                                                 employment
the new Economic Strategy, with all partners                                                                                    The people of the
                                                    More people accessing training                                              Outer Hebrides
Work with employers to develop flexible training    and development opportunities                                               have an improved
opportunities                                       from growth areas                                                           standard of living
                                                                                                                                through addressing
Support access to adult careers planning                                                                                        poverty and
                                                    Increase business start ups                                                 inequalities
Providing opportunities to those facing multiple
barriers to employment
Promote bi-lingualism, support Gaelic
acquisition in Early Years , Gaelic-medium
Education, family and adult Gaelic learning; and
use and careers.

Work with people to develop employability and
self employability skills though volunteering       More people gaining work skills
                                                    through volunteering

Support people into self employment through
skills development and business support

Third sector organisations and community                                                          Increase in local
businesses are supported to develop their           More locally delivered services
capacity to deliver services locally
                                                       Well  educated,     well trained   and wellsustainable
                                                                                                   skilled Outcome      Group
                                                                                                              job creation
Activity               Short term outcomes                               Intermediate outcomes                     Long term outcomes

                        Increasing social care
Elderly Care courses
in school and

                        More people
                        choosing to engage                                                                                               LO 2. Economy
Promotion of careers    in career in elderly
within elderly care     care
                                                                     Sustainable high
                                                                     quality social care
Train more people to                                                 workforce
deliver high quality
social care             Appropriately skilled                                                                 Older people
                        and trained workforce                                                                 positively
                                                                                                              contribute to our
                                                                                                              economy and                LO 3. The
                                                                                                              communities, and           people of the
                                                                                                              access                     Outer
                                                                                                              appropriate and            Hebrides are
Older people are
                         More older people                                                                    quality services to        well
supported into
                        economically active                         People independent                        enable them to
training and                                                                                                                             educated,
                                                                    for longer                                retain their
employment in                                                                                                                            well trained
growth areas                                                                                                                             and well
                         More older people
                        accessing learning
                        provision                                   Older people are less

Older people are                                                                                                                         LO 4. Health &
encouraged and          Older people                                                                                                     wellbeing
supported in lifelong   accessing training
learning through        courses to enable                           Older people have a
meaningful activity     employment                                  longer healthier life

Build the capacity in
communities to          Quality adult care
support older people    services are available
to remain in their      in the community
own homes

                                                 Well educated, well trained and well skilled Outcome Group
Activity                          Short term outcomes                    Intermediate outcomes                Long term outcomes

Support the learning                Collaborative outcomes are             Improved outcomes or
opportunities within the Early      supported                              children pre-birth to 3 are
Years Collaborative                                                        delivered

                                                                                                                                    LO 2. Economy
Young people are given a
wide range of opportunities to
peruse career paths in growth
sectors at an earlier age                                                  Young people set up
                                                                           their own businesses

Provide opportunities to
encourage entrepreneurial           More young people
and enterprise skills in young      participating in opportunities
people                              directed at growth sectors and
                                    enterprise                             Young people have the
Promote awareness amongst                                                  employability skills that
parents and teachers as to                                                 meet needs of                                            LO 3. The
future skills needs                                                        employers
                                                                                                         Children and               people of the
                                                                                                         young people               Outer
Employer engagement in                                                                                   have the best start        Hebrides are
schools to raise awareness of                                                                            in life and are            well
opportunities and skills                                                                                 protected
required                                                                                                                            educated,
                                    Young people achieve the                                                                        well trained
                                    outcomes and experience                                                                         and well
Deliver learning interventions      which provides them with a
that support the Curriculum for                                                                                                     skilled
                                    broad and general education

Work with young people to                                                                                                           LO 4. Health
                                     Young people gain more                                                                         and Wellbeing
gain accredited awards.                                                      People have more self-
                                     accredited awards
                                                                             confidence and higher
                                                                             self esteem
Identify ways of bolstering self
confidence, self esteem and          People are supported into
identity of individuals through      relevant and meaningful
                                     activity that supports their            Young people are
learning opportunities                                                       making informed and
                                                                             appropriate life choices
Work with young people to            Young people involved in more
develop personal and social          activities
skills through a range of
activities including divisionary
activities, democracy work and

                                                                             Workforce delivering
Deliver training in childcare        Appropriately skilled and               high quality childcare
and youthwork                        trained workforce                       and youth services
                                         Well educated, well trained and well skilled Outcome Group
Activity                    Short term outcomes                             Intermediate outcomes                Long term outcomes

Include sessions on healthy life                                                                                                                  LO 4. Health
choices including alcohol and                                                                      The people of the                              and wellbeing
                                            Reduction drinking
substance misuse in all work                                                                       Outer Hebrides are
training programmes                                                                                healthier

Promote awareness of alcohol                                                                                                                      LO 5.
and substance misuse to                                                                                                                           Communities
placement/work experience
providers & employers via training                                                                 Reduced risk and
providers                                                                                          accidents in the work
                                            People have a better
Through college courses include
                                            understanding of
sessions on healthy life choices                                                                   Places of work and
                                            consequences / risks
including alcohol and substance             of alcohol                                             study are safer
misuse                                                                                                                                            LO 3. The
                                                                                                                                                  people of the
Train youthworkers and health                                                                                                                     Outer
workers in delivery of alcohol                                                                     Sensible drinking        Communities are       Hebrides are
                                                                                                   culture                  safer and healthier
education                                                                                                                                         well
                                                                                                                            by preventing, and
                                                                                                                            reducing the          educated,
Provide training for employers on                                                                                                                 well trained
                                            Individuals in need                                                             harmful effects of
handling alcohol related issues in                                                                                                                and well
                                            receive timely,                                                                 alcohol.
the work place                                                                                     Increased
                                            sensitive and                                                                                         skilled
                                            appropriate support                                    educational
                                            dependant on needs                                     attainment

Educate all providers of adult
learning on alcohol and
substance misuse                            More people aware of                                   Less work
                                            harmful effects of                                     absenteeism &
Educate parents and families on             substance misuse                                       incapacity
harmful effects of drinking

                                                                                                   Reduction in numbers
Identify ways of bolstering self                                                                   of people report
confidence, self esteem and                                                                        exceeding the weekly
identity of individuals through                                                                    recommended intake
learning opportunities                                                                             of alcohol

                                           People have more
People are supported into                  self- confidence and     Reduced alcohol                Reduction in
relevant and meaningful activity           higher self esteem       consumption                    incidents where
that supports their growth                                                                         police report alcohol
                                                                                                   is a factor
Activities that divert young people
from alcohol

                                                           Well educated, well trained and well skilled Outcome Group
Activity                    Short term outcomes                              Intermediate outcomes                Long term outcomes

                                              Volunteering is seen as a
                                              positive choice

Work with people to develop
personal and social skills through            Increased awareness of how to
volunteering.                                 get involved in volunteering

                                              More people volunteering

Find cost effective ways to make
college facilities available for              Activities are accessed locally               People have more
                                                                                            self- confidence and
community activities
                                                                                            higher self esteem                                   LO 3. The
                                                                                                                                                 people of the
Third sector organisations,
community groups are supported
to deliver opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                 Hebrides are
physical, social and learning                                                               People are less                                      well
activity                                                                                    isolated                   Our communities are       educated,
                                              More people taking up physical                                           physically and            well trained
                                              activity                                                                 mentally healthier        and well
Provide training opportunities to                                                                                      through an increase       skilled
increase sports development                                                                                            in physical and
                                                                                                                       social activity
                                              More people engaging in                       Increased healthy life
                                              learning and social activities                expectancy

Support capacity of communities
to run physical / social activities                                                                                                              LO 4. Health
                                                                                            Decreased risk                                       and Wellbeing
                                                                                            for chronic disease
With communities improve adult
learning opportunities in local
                                                                                            Reduced inequalities
                                                                                            in health life
Provide community based                                                                     expectancy
learning opportunities inc ESOL,
Literacy and Numeracy

                                              Students are taking up physical
Support students to access
physical, social and volunteering
                                              Students are more active in the

                                                          Well educated, well trained and well skilled Outcome Group
SOA Logic Models:
Health & Wellbeing
   DRAFT v3

     Health & Wellbeing Outcome group
Activity                         Short term outcomes                                   Intermediate outcomes                     Long term outcomes

To promote income
maximization, the Direct                                                       Mitigate socio-economic
Payment scheme and Claim It                                                    inequalities of access.
                                  Older people have more
campaign                          available financial resources
                                                                               Less older people
To support initiatives that
                                                                               experiencing financial
reduces fuel poverty                                                           hardship
Promote good health amongst
older people
                                  Older people active for longer

Support community activity                                                     People are less isolated
and facilities that offer
opportunities for social          Older people participate in the                                                                         Older people     LO 4 The
participation                     community                                                                                               positively       physical and
                                                                                                                                          contribute to    mental health
To support the recruitment                                                                                                                our economy
and retention of older people                                                                                   More people lead          and
in employment and                                                                                                                         communities,
                                                                                                                                                           wellbeing of
                                                                                                                longer healthy lives
volunteering.                                                                                                   during older years.       and access       the people
                                                                               Reduction in the amount of                                 appropriate      throughout
Support people to remain                                                       avoidable/preventable                                      and quality      the Outer
independently in their own                                                     illness in older people          Reduce the impact of
                                                                                                                                          services to      Hebrides is
homes by promoting re-            More older people are supported                                                                         enable them to   improved
                                                                                                                illness and disability
ablement and telehealth care      to live in their own home                                                                               retain their
                                                                                                                for older people
Improve the quality of housing
to enable people to remain in                                                  Older people are happier
homes longer                      Greater proportions of those at
                                  risk of admission to hospital are
Ensure that older people,         identified and supported
especially those with
disabilities have access to the   Care arrangements are reviewed
help they need to remain in       timely and appropriately.
their homes including timely
access to adaptations and                                                      Reduced avoidable hospital
repairs.                          Older people receive early
                                  interventions / support to avoid             stays for older people
                                  acute crises
Improved integrated transport

                                  Improved flow of information and             Service users and carers
Support the e SSA process         reduce duplication of information            feel more satisfied with
                                  collation at the point of                    community care services
                                  assessment.                                  and other community
The health and well-being of                                                   support networks
older people is promoted
through integrated planning,
service delivery frameworks
                                  People obtain access to right
and more responsive
                                  service/support at the right time
diagnostic and support
                                  (faster access )
services.                                                             Health & Wellbeing Outcome group
Activity                    Short term outcomes                          Intermediate outcomes                              Long term outcomes

Increased promotion of       More children are breastfed and
breastfeeding and            for longer
availability of facilities                                                                         Children have
                                                                                                   improved life chances
Promote the importance       More parents/carers understand         Improved nutrition and
of physical activity and     the short & long term benefits of      reduced obesity
offer opportunities to       physical activity and good nutrition
take up activities
                                                                    Negative impact of
                                                                    unhealthy parental
Promote benefits of          Health and social care needs           behaviours minimised
good nutrition               assessed and appropriate                                                                                                    LO3.
                             pathway of care identified                                            Parents feel better                                   The physical
                                                                    Appropriate and                supported and have
Promote better                                                      improved birthweight
                                                                                                                                                         and mental
maternal and infant          Awareness of what constitutes                                         improved parenting                                    health and
nutrition through                                                                                  skills                               Our children
                             healthy behaviour while pregnant                                                                                            wellbeing of
renewed focus on                                                                                                                        and young
                                                                    Improvement in the                                                  people have
                                                                                                                                                         the people
antenatal and
                                                                    mental health of the                                                the best start   throughout
perinatal classes            Timely diagnosis and appropriate       mother                                                              in life          the Outer
                             support for women experiencing                                                                                              Hebrides is
                             symptoms of perinatal depression                                     The Outer Hebrides is
Provide support to                                                                                branded as the ‘best                                   improved
                                                                    Parents better able to
parents to improve                                                                                place to raise children’
mental well being                                                   cope with their
                             Awareness of available sources of      child(ren)
                             Awareness of what constitutes          Increased willingness
Renewed focus on             good mental health                     to seek help where
referral system for                                                 required
interagency support                                                                                Greater capacity
for vulnerable families                                                                            amongst parents to
                                                                    Children and young
                             Improved prevalence estimates to       people receive the             improve outcomes for
Identify and deliver         ensure vulnerable children are         particular support and         themselves
support for young            correctly identified                   care that they require

                                                                    Children are engaged in
                             Positive parental attitude towards     a variety of activities
Play at home and start                                              from an early age that
                             healthy behaviour
to play training in                                                 improve physical and
every community                                                     cognitive ability
                             Providing a stimulating and
                             nurturing environment where
                             children have access to a range of                                    Cycle of teenage
                             activities                                                            pregnancy broken and
                                                                    Supporting young parents       poverty of aspiration
                                                                    to provide a safe and          and ambition for both
Teenage sex
                             Awareness of the risks attached        stable parenting               young parents and
                             to sexual activity, access to          environment                    children
                             information on relationships and
                             health, improved parenting skills

                                                                    Health & Wellbeing Outcome group
Activity                  Short term outcomes                          Intermediate outcomes                            Long term outcomes

Improved              Increased             Increased
identification        recording of          identification and       More children                                                                   LO 3
and assessment        drinking in           assessment of            in need
of those              pregnancy and         children affected        receive timely
                                                                     and                                     attainment
affected by           parental              by parental
parental              alcohol misuse        alcohol misuse           appropriate
substance                                                            support                                 Reduced                                 LO 2
misuse.                                                                                                      inequalities in
                                                                                                             healthy life
                                            Increased capacity                                               expectancy
Sharing of                                  of quality services
appropriate                                 for children                                                                                            LO 4. The
information                                 affected by                                                                                             physical and
                                                                                                             A culture in            Communities
amongst                                     parental                                                                                                mental
                                                                                                             which low               are safer &
agencies                                    substance misuse                                                                                        health and
                                                                                                             alcohol                 healthier by
                                                                                                             consumption is          preventing     wellbeing of
Bar Staff Training     Increased refusal                             Safer drinking                          valued and              and reducing   the people
re serving             to serve someone                              environments          Reduced alcohol   accepted as the         the harmful    throughout
someone who is         who is drunk                                                        consumption       norm                    affects of     the Outer
drunk                                                                                      beyond                                    alcohol        Hebrides is
                                                                                           recommended                                              improved
                                           Reduction drinking
                                           pre/during                Reduced                                 Less work
                                            work                     risk/mistakes                           absenteeism &
Workplace                                                            in workplace                            incapacity
alcohol policies
                                           Increased knowledge
                                           re recommended
                                           limits and situations                                             Reduced alcohol-
                                           where alcohol should                                              related ASB &
Improved                                                                                                     crime
                                           be avoided altogether
substance misuse      Increased skills
education in          within young                                   Sensible drinking
schools               people to limit                                culture
                                           Increased knowledge                                               Improved mental
                      alcohol              of consequences /                                                 wellbeing
                      consumption          risks of alcohol
Youth work and
diversionary                               consumption
opportunities                                                                                                Reduced alcohol-
                                           Increased knowledge                                               related deaths &
                                           of unit content of                                                hospital
                                           drinks                                                            admissions
target for delivery
of Alcohol brief                           Individuals in need
interventions                              receive timely,
(ABI)                                      sensitive and
                                           appropriate support
                                           dependant on needs

                                                                   Health & Wellbeing Outcome group
Activity                               Short term outcomes                         Intermediate outcomes                        Long term outcomes

Promote community activity and        Increased participation in
volunteering as alternative ‘free’    community activities
way to be physically and
socially active
                                      More people keeping physically           People active for longer
                                      and mentally active through
Raise awareness of physical
activity and signposting to                                                    Increase access to
services, classes and facilities      Increased awareness for                  services and reduced
                                      opportunities for physical               health inequalities
                                      activity                                                                                                                LO3.
                                                                                                            People lead longer
                                                                                                            healthier lives                                   The physical
Improved integrated transport                                                  Reduced isolation
system                                Reduce geographic and socio-                                                                                            and mental
                                      economic barriers to services                                                                         Our               health and
                                                                                                                                            communities       wellbeing of
Increase the range of physical                                                                                                              are physically    the people
and social activity interventions     People are more engaged in                                            Reduced rates of                and mentally      throughout
                                      physical and social activity             People are more active for   lifestyle related diseases      healthier
available to the population of                                                                                                                                the Outer
the islands                                                                    longer                                                       through an
                                                                                                                                                              Hebrides is
                                                                                                                                            increase in
                                                                                                                                            physical and      improved
                                                                                                            Reduced inequalities in         social activity
Work with youth clubs and                                                      Improved mental health       healthy life expectancy
schools to encourage physical
activity from an earlier age

                                                                               Improved physical health
Support employers to                  Increase the number of people
encourage opportunities for           who understand the role
physical activity                     physical activity can have in
                                      increasing mental wellbeing.

Develop initiatives that support                                               Reduction in illnesses
agencies to raise the issue of        Increased uptake of services.            related to obesity
physical activity.

Support the delivery of Brief
Intervention for physical activity.   Increase in the number of
                                      people who are supported to
                                      be physically active .

Quality improvement based on          Service users have a positive
evaluation of classes and             experience accessing services
facilities.                           and return

                                                                       Health & Wellbeing Outcome group
Activity                               Short term outcomes                        Intermediate outcomes                 Long term outcomes
                                     There is a cohesive approach
                                     to managing the impact of                   Support services are
Partners participate in the CPP      welfare reforms on claimants                accessed quicker
Officers group on Welfare            and organisations
Reform and Poverty                                                                                           People experience less
                                                                                 Increased awareness of      financial hardship
                                     The role of poverty in hospital             benefits entitlement
                                     admissions is identified and
                                     addressed prior to discharge
Roll out Poverty Awareness                                                       Training incorporated       More income to the
Training to all key staff in CPP                                                 into best practice          household
partner organisations                People are signposted to
                                     support quicker
                                                                                 More people accessing
                                     The role of poverty is identified           the benefits they are                                                         LO3.
Support programmes that              in health issues                            entitled too
ensure the workforce is healthy                                                                                                                                The physical
(i.e. Occupational health,                                                                                                                    The people of    and mental
                                     More people engaging healthy                                            Mental wellbeing                 the Outer
Screening programmes etc)                                                        Reduction in sickness                                                         health and
                                     working lives programmes                                                improved                         Hebrides have
                                                                                 absence                                                                       wellbeing of
                                                                                                                                              an improved      the people
                                     More people attending early                                                                              standard of
                                                                                 More people in                                                                throughout
                                     screening programmes                                                                                     living through
                                                                                 employment                                                   addressing
                                                                                                                                                               the Outer
                                                                                                             Life expectancy is               poverty and      Hebrides is
Poverty awareness workshops          Communities understand                                                  improved                         inequalities.    improved
within the community                 poverty and how their activities            Poverty related health
                                     can impact positively on those              issues are redressed by
                                     affected by poverty                         continued and increased
                                                                                 community activity

Maintain momentum from the           Poverty is a priority for CPP
Poverty seminars in 2012 to          partners                                    Anti-poverty work is
ensure actions are implemented                                                   embedded into
                                                                                 organisational plans        Ameliorate the effects of
                                     Increased awareness and                                                 poverty
With national and local anti
                                     understanding of impact of                  National policy
poverty networks lobby National
                                     rural poverty on health and                 recognises poverty
Government to take account of        wellbeing within government
Rural Poverty in policymaking
                                                                                 Increased national
                                                                                 support for rural poverty
Support families facing poverty                                                  initiatives
to redress impact on childhood       Babies breastfed for longer
nutrition through initiatives such
as breastfeeding, childhood                                                      People are eating better
                                     Access to information on
vitamin programmes, parenting                                                    and diet is more            Reduce the number of
                                     childhood nutrition                         balanced and of higher
classes                                                                                                      avoidable health issues
                                                                                 nutritional value           caused by poor nutrition
Support third sector to deliver      Access to affordable and
lunch clubs, grow your own           quality food
schemes and nutritional advice
where they will have the most
impact on redressing poverty's       People have access to
impact on health                     nutrition advice
                                                                         Health & Wellbeing Outcome group
SOA Logic Models
   DRAFT v2

    Communities Outcome Group
Activity                Short term outcomes                        Intermediate outcomes      Long term outcomes

Support local cultural
opportunities for
economic benefit                       More local job
                                                                                                                        LO 2
Provision of jobs in
local communities                      Access to jobs in
through the                            local communities
development of
                                                                         Community assets
                                                                         are being utilised
                                       Viable source of                  more fully to the                             LO 5. The
Support local food                     income generation
production                                                               benefit of the                                communities
                                       for food producers                community                                     of the Outer
                                                                                                                       Hebrides are
Investigate the
                                                                                                                       stronger and
establishment of                       Food producers able                                           Our assets
food cooperatives
                                                                                                                       more able to
                                       to compete with                                               have provided
                                       larger organisations              More access to              opportunities
                                                                                                     for sustainable   articulate and
                                                                         employment,                                   take action and
                                                                         services and                economic
                                                                                                     growth.           responsibility
                                                                         resources available
Support the                                                                                                            regarding their
                                                                         with the community
development of                         Community halls are                                                             needs and
community halls for                    well used and a                                                                 aspirations
economic benefit                       source of income

Support existing
local economic                         Sustainable and                   Reduced
                                       viable businesses in              unemployment

Provision of
accessible and                         More community
affordable services                    business / enterprises
locally                                in rural communities

Support community
groups to reinvest
income from energy
                                       More local job
or land to regenerate
the community,
including addressing
poverty and
improving housing
conditions                                                      Communities Outcome Group
Activity                       Short term outcomes                    Intermediate outcomes                           Long term outcomes

Meal provision programme for     There is an wider range of                                More people
older people, through            services provided by social                               employed in social                                      LO 2
communities and social           enterprises or community                                  care                                                    Economy
enterprises                      groups

                                                                                           More older people
Establish Partnership            The community provision is
                                                                                           able to live
approach to Homecare             strengthened and delivering                               independently in
Provision including the local    an equitable service                                      their own homes
communities                      effectively

Intergenerational work
                                 Older people are more
                                 involved in their
Support the development          communities                                                                                                       LO 5. The
of the Older Peoples                                                                       Older people less
Groups                                                                                     isolation
                                                                                                                                                   of the Outer
                                 Number of volunteers has                                                                                          Hebrides are
Older people volunteering        increased
                                                                                                                           Older people            stronger and
and communities
                                                                                                                           positively contribute   more able to
volunteering to help older
people                                                                                                                     to our economy and      identify,
                                                                                                                           communities, and        articulate and
                                                                                                                           access appropriate      take action
Provide a range of health        Older people report less                                                                  and quality services
interventions within the         problems with alcohol                                                                                             and
                                                                                                                           to enable them to
community for older people                                                                                                                         responsibility
                                                                                                                           retain their
                                                                                                 Older people are
                                                                                                                                                   their needs
Implement referral                Appropriate information is                                     healthier
mechanism for early stage         increasingly shared between
concerns that is multi-           agencies

                                  Vulnerable older people in
                                  need are referred to
                                  appropriate support/services.
                                                                                                                                                   LO 4. Health
                                                                                                                                                   & Wellbeing
To support initiatives that
reduces fuel poverty              Older people have more
                                  available financial resources
                                  and experience less financial
Improve the referral
protocols and data
management systems
across housing, health
                                  Older people appropriately
and social care services
in respect of older people
                                                                                                 Communities feel
                                                                                                 better able to deal
Upgrade, and create a            Communities are able to
                                                                                                 with emergencies
network of, community            respond to emergency situations
centres to meet the needs        by identifying the most
of emergency planning            vulnerable
                                                                   Communities Outcome Group
Activity                         Short term outcomes                  Intermediate outcomes                          Long term outcomes
Access to integrated pre-
school & childcare services
in every community

Support communities to
deliver parent/toddler                                                                                                                             LO 1
information sessions to           Communities
                                  empowered to                                                                                                     Population
educate communities on                                                                         The Outer Hebrides
multiple issues.                  operate                                                      is branded as the
                                  parent/toddler                                               ‘best place to raise
Provide opportunities to          information sessions                                         children’
teach Parenting skills for        to educate on                     Improved
parents of pre-birth to ten       multiple issues.                  engagement with                                                                LO 5. The
yrs old                                                             children and families                                                          communities
                                                                                                                                                   of the Outer
Work with existing parent
                                  Improved parenting                                                                                               Hebrides are
and toddler groups on
importance of early years:        skills                                                                                                           stronger and
                                                                                                Parents feel better       Children and young       more able to
inc parenting, nutrition,                                                                       supported and have        people have the
social, environment,                                                                                                                               identify,
                                                                                                improved parenting        best start in life and
education                                                                                       skills                    are protected.
                                                                                                                                                   articulate and
                                  Mutual support
                                                                                                                                                   take action
                                  networks for parents                                                                                             and
support networks for parents
and carers developed              and carers                                                                                                       responsibility
                                                                                                Greater capacity                                   regarding
                                                                                                amongst parents to                                 their needs
                                                                    Children are healthier      improve outcomes
Promotion of internet safety                                                                                                                       and
with all carers/guardians                                                                       for themselves                                     aspirations
                                  Children developing
Implement a multi agency
programme for parenting/sex
ed / nutrition into the            Children receiving
curriculum of excellence           the best nutritional
                                   start to their lives
Promotion of breastfeeding
within the community.
Community buildings are
breastfeeding -friendly

High quality play opportunities     Access to play and physical
in every community                  activity increased

To support initiatives that        People have more available
reduces fuel poverty               financial resources and
                                   experience less financial
Support Housing partners
to source innovative ways
to increase investment to            Families appropriately
fund new affordable                  housed
housing.                                                          Communities Outcome Group
Activity                Short term outcomes                         Intermediate outcomes                          Long term outcomes

                           Parents have a
Target parents             better understanding
regarding alcohol          effects of their own
and & substance            alcohol use on                                                                                                      LO 4 Health &
                                                  parents feel more
education                  families                                                                                                            Wellbeing
                                                  confident and able to
                                                  provide substance
                           Parents have a         education to their
                           better understanding   children
                           of young people’s
                           patterns of use and
                                                                                             Less alcohol related
                           reasons behind
                           substance misuse                                                                                                    LO 5. The
Develop a multi-                                                                             offences and ASB
agency structured
programme of               Establish a                                                                                                         of the Outer
alcohol education as       consistent approach                                                                                                 Hebrides are
part of curriculum of      to providing alcohol                                                                                                stronger and
excellence include         education across                                                                                                    more able to
issues around              agencies.                                                                                                           identify,
domestic abuse,                                                                                                         Communities are        articulate and
drink driving, peer                                                                           A culture which low       safer and healthier
                                                                                             alcohol consumption                               take action
pressure.                                                                                                               by preventing and
                                                                                                 is valued and                                 and
                                                                                                                        reducing the harmful
                                                                                               accepted as the
                                                                                                                        effects of alcohol
Alcohol education                                                                                     norm                                     regarding
                           understand risk
provided which             taking behaviour                                                                                                    their needs
increases                                                                                                                                      and
understanding risk                                                                                                                             aspirations
taking behaviour           Young people are
                           able to make better                                               Reduced alcohol
Provide a range of         life choices                                                      related injuries,
activities that divert                                                                       physical and
young people from                                                                            psychological
                           Young people at
alcohol                                                                                      morbidity, deaths
                           reduced risk due to
                                                                                             and hospital
Supporting young
people at risk due to
their alcohol

Targeted campaign
to highlight risks of                                                                          Reduced alcohol
people purchasing                                                                            consumption beyond
alcohol for young                                                                            recommended limits

Provide a range of         Older people report
health interventions       less problems with
within the community       alcohol
for older people
                                                             Communities Outcome Group
Activity                        Short term outcomes    Intermediate outcomes                         Long term outcomes

Promote community
activity and volunteering
alternative as ‘free’ way
to be physically active
                                                                                                                                     LO 3 Health &
                             Increased amount                                                                                        Wellbeing
Provide access to
accredited award             time spent in              Reduction in
programmes such as           physical                   amount of
Discovery, D of E, Saltire   activity                   medication taken to
                                                        resolve mental
                                                        health issues
Support community                                                               Decreased risk
provision of social events   Increase in                                        factors
                             community                                                                                              LO 5. The
                                                        People are happy in     for chronic disease                                 communities
                             involvement                                                                          Our
                                                        their communities                                                           of the Outer
Support the development                                                                                           communities
                                                                                                                  are physically    Hebrides are
of community
participation                                                                                                     and mentally      stronger and
                                                                                                                  healthier         more able to
                                                        People feel more                                          through an        identify,
Support group to develop                                involved in their       Increased healthy                 increase in       articulate and
their capacity                                          communities             life expectancy                   physical and      take action and
                                                                                                                  social activity   responsibility
                             Increased                                                                                              regarding their
                             awareness of               Reduced deaths                                                              needs and
                             interventions to           from CHD                                                                    aspirations
Support community            support people into
provision of physical        physical awareness                                 Reduced
activities                                                                      inequalities in
                                                                                health life
Develop a family             Increased                  Improved
approach to physical         awareness of               population mental
activity                     opportunities for          health and well-
                             physical exercise          being

Support access to
affordable physical
                                                        Reduced illness due
                             People are more            to obesity
                             engaged in physical
Promotion of schemes         activity
such as slainte math and
local facilities
                             Young People are
                             more engaged in
Support young people to      physical activity
access affordable
physical activities

                                                       Communities Outcome Group
Activity                     Short term outcomes                      Intermediate outcomes                Long term outcomes

Support the establishment
                              Access to affordable                                More disposable
of oil clubs
                              fuel                                                income
                                                                                                                                      LO 3 Health &
Support communities to        Warmer homes
generate their own power
                                                                                  Higher quality of
Support and promote           Reduction in fuel                                   accommodation
home insulation initiatives   usage

                                                                                                                                     LO 5. The
                                                                                  People are eating
                                                                                  better and diet is                                 communities
                                                                                  more balanced and                                  of the Outer
Investigate the               Access to affordable                                                                  The people of
                                                                                  higher nutritional                                 Hebrides are
establishment of food         and quality food                                                                      the Outer
cooperatives                                                                      value                             Hebrides have    stronger and
                                                                                                                    an improved      more able to
Support access to                                                                                                   standard of      identify,
allotments/land                                                                                                     living through   articulate and
                                                                                                                    addressing       take action and
                              Communities              More initiatives to                                          poverty and      responsibility
Raise awareness of issues                                                                                           inequalities.
                              recognise poverty        alleviate poverty at                                                          regarding their
of poverty and inequalities
                              and take action          community level                                                               needs and
with the community groups
                                                                                  People experience
Promote the advice and                                                            less financial
support available to those    People on the                                       hardship
on benefits and facing        correct benefits and
poverty                       support into work

                                                                                                                                      LO 2
Support existing local
economic activity             Sustainable and                                                                                         Economy
                              viable businesses in                                    Costs associated
                              communities                                             with accessing
                                                       More access to                 remote services are
Provision of accessible and                            employment,                    reduced
affordable services locally   More community           services and
                              business / enterprises   resources available
                              in rural communities     with the community             Reduced
Support community groups
to reinvest income from       More local job
energy or land to             creation
regenerate the community,
including addressing
poverty and improving         Improved housing
housing conditions            conditions

                                                              Communities Outcome Group
SOA Logic Models:
Natural and Cultural
 Resources Group
    DRAFT v3

    Natural & Cultural Resources Outcome Group
Activity                                     Short term outcomes                    Intermediate outcomes
                                                                                                                    Long term outcomes
Ensure the landscape is well managed to
maintain the attractive environment              Landscape and
                                                                                           Sustainable crofting
                                                 environment is
Implement Phase 1 of Hebridean Way as a                                                    sector
                                                 sustained in good
long distance route to attract visitors          condition
                                                                                           Sustainable sporting
Support the implementation of the nature
                                                                                           management sector
based tourism report
                                                 The Outer Hebrides is
Identify the need for infrastructure (signs,     renowned for its natural                  Sustainable
parking, site information) at archaeological,    and historic environment                  renewables sector
historic, natural & cultural sites
                                                                                           Sustainable tourism
                                                 Increase in visitors to                   sector
Develop a Historic Environment Strategy          the Outer Hebrides for                                                                   LO 6. The
                                                 its Historic Environment                                                                 people of the
Deliver the Lews Castle/ Museum and              and Heritage                              Sustainable fisheries                          Outer
Archive Project and ensure benefits of the                                                 sector                                         Hebrides
projects are dispersed across the islands                                                                                                 derive
                                                                                           Sustainable                                    maximum
Support the development of tourism                                                         Management of                                  benefit from
activity utilising our natural and cultural                                                                          Our assets* have
                                                                                           Historic Environment      provided             the natural
                                                                                                                     opportunities for    and cultural
                                                 More local job creation                                             sustainable          resources of
Support Gaelic Creative Industries,
                                                                                           Outer Hebrides is a       economic growth      the area,
Heritage and Tourism initiatives and
develop Gaelic Plans in each Community                                                     centre for excellence                          whilst at the
                                                                                           in archaeological                              same time
Learning Areas
                                                                                           training, research and                         safeguarding
                                                 Access to jobs in local
                                                                                           commercial ventures
Secure the economic, community and               communities                                                         The people of the    those
research benefits from archaeology and                                                                               Outer Hebrides       resources to
the historic environment                                                                                             have an improved     benefit future
                                                                                                                     standard of living   generations
Secure the economic benefits from                                                          More access to            through addressing
sporting management, fisheries,                                                            employment, services      poverty and
renewables are secured through the               More community                            and resources             inequalities.
implementation of the CPP economic               business / enterprises in                 available with the
strategy                                         rural communities                         community

Progress the research for an Hebridean                                                                                                    LO 2.
Archaeological Resource Centre                                                                                                            Economy
Prepare information on selected footpaths                                                   Reduced
for a range of users.                                                                       unemployment

Expand volunteering opportunities through
maintenance of paths and other natural
and Historic Environment assets

Through the implementation of the                Sustainable and viable
OHCPP's Climate Change Declaration               businesses in
economic benefits are realised for               communitiesNatural &
businesses                                                                   Cultural Resources Outcome Group
Activity                    Short term outcomes                     Intermediate outcomes              Long term outcomes

Support projects that
support people into             People less dependent                     Reduction in alcohol
                                                                                                          Communities are safer
therapeutic                     on alcohol                                related crime
                                                                                                          and healthier by
employment or                                                                                             preventing and
volunteering                    People are more                           Reduction in alcohol            reducing the harmful
                                equipped to work                          related admissions to           effects of alcohol
                                                                                                                                     LO 6. The
                                                                          hospital                                                   people of the
Expand volunteering
opportunities through
maintenance of paths                                                                                                                 Hebrides
                                Countryside access                                                                                   derive
and other natural and           targeted at older people
cultural assets                                                                                                                      maximum
                                and early years
                                                                          People are mentally                                        benefit from
Prepare information on                                                    healthier                       Our communities are        the natural
selected footpaths for a        More people involved in                                                   physically and             and cultural
range of users for              volunteering                                                              mentally healthier         resources of
health benefits                                                           People are physically           through an increase in     the area,
                                                                          healthier                       physical and social        whilst at the
                                Well managed and                                                          activity                   same time
Sustained management            maintained core path                                                                                 safeguarding
of the core path network        network
involving a range of
people and                                                                Risk factors                                               resources to
organisations                   more people using core                    for chronic disease are                                    benefit future
                                paths network and                         decreased                       Older people               generations
Support guided walks in         accessing the                                                             positively contribute to
the Outer Hebrides              countryside and the                                                       our economy and
                                historic environment                                                      communities, and
                                                                          healthy life expectancy is      access appropriate and
                                More people involved in                   increased                       quality services to        LO 2
                                their communities                                                         enable them to retain
Access to countryside is                                                                                                             Economy
                                                                                                          their independence.
included in community                                                     Inequalities are reduced
learning programmes             More people physically                    in healthy life
                                active                                    expectancy

                                                                          People are less isolated        Children and young
Prepare a programme             Children understanding                                                    people have the best
of Outdoor Learning             the natural and historic                                                  start in life and are
utilising our natural and       environment                                                                                          LO 4 Health &
historic environment                                                      Improved educational                                       Wellbeing
Promote bi-lingualism,          More adults
support Gaelic                  understanding the                         Improved awareness of
acquisition in Early            natural and historic                      the value of the natural
Years , Gaelic-medium           environment                               and historic environment
Education and adult                                                       in the Outer Hebrides
Gaelic learning and use         More people speaking
Access to cultural
activities are included in      More people are                           People are less isolated
community learning              participating in
programmes                      communities                Natural & Cultural Resources Outcome Group
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