Page created by Enrique Deleon

Region-Specific Resources
Northeast Florida: First Coast                       To help our neighbors most affected by COVID-19 disruption, The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, Jessie
Relief Fund:                                         Ball duPont Fund, Jewish Federation and Foundation of Northeast Florida, United Way of Northeast Florida and United
Press Release                                        Way of St. Johns County are re-activating Florida’s First Coast Relief Fund. The fund will assist organizations helping those
                                                     in Northeast Florida affected by this public health crisis. As with past relief efforts, the fund will be overseen by a grants
Application for Funding
                                                     committee and administered by United Way of Northeast Florida.
Nonprofit Center of Northeast                        The Nonprofit Center hosts weekly calls to bring the latest information to the local nonprofit community about
Florida: COVID-19 Impact Calls                       conducting business and serving the community in the time of COVID-19. Calls will be held virtually via Zoom; the call-in
                                                     information will be sent automatically with registration confirmation.
Palm Beach County: COVID-19                          United Way and many other funders in Palm Beach County have joined together to establish a coordinated Coronavirus
Relief and Recovery Grant                            (COVID-19) Relief and Recovery application process. This funding process will provide assistance to nonprofit
                                                     organizations in Palm Beach County and Martin County whose staff, services and clients have been impacted by this
                                                     disaster. Funding priorities include emergency food, shelter, access to healthcare and other basic needs.
Sarasota County Economic                             The Sarasota County EDC has a page with links to various resources.
Development Corporation: COVID-                      assistance/covid-19/
19 Resource for Business
Community Foundation of Tampa                        The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our nonprofit community has been immediate and continues to grow.
Bay: COVID-19 Nonprofit Needs                        The Nonprofit Needs Request Form is one new way that the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay is working to help
Request Form                                         nonprofits in our community. If your nonprofit’s request is matched with a donation, we will notify you and transmit funds
                                                     to address the request as quickly as possible.
United Way Suncoast Rapid                            United Way Suncoast has created a Rapid Response Fund to help support individuals and families across our region who
Response Fund – COVID-19                             have been affected by COVID-19. Now accepting applications from any eligible non-profit human services organization
                                                     serving people in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto counties, with an emphasis on
                                                     the ALICE population.

Main Office: 800 N. Magnolia Ave. Suite 106  Orlando, FL 32803
407.246.0846  f: 407.246.0856 
Orlando  Sarasota  Tampa  Fort Lauderdale  Miami
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.                                                                                                                 3/30/2020
Southwest Florida Emergency               The Southwest Florida Community Foundation in partnership with United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades and Okeechobee
Relief Fund                               has created the SWFL Emergency Relief Fund in response to COVID-19 to serve our neighbors in Southwest Florida. The
                                          Fund will provide resources to local organizations working to provide aid to those impacted by the coronavirus
                                          outbreak. The Fund is designed to complement the work of public health officials and local government to expand local
                                          capacity to address all aspects of the outbreak as efficiently as possible.
United Way of Central Florida:            With children out of school, businesses temporarily closing, community events being canceled, and workers being laid off,
United Community Relief Fund              there has never been a time where community support and financial resources have been more critically needed. The new
                                          fund will support local nonprofit organizations serving those most vulnerable to the economic and health-related impacts
                                          triggered by a community crisis.
United Way of Miami: Operation            United Way of Miami-Dade and the Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald have activated Operation Helping Hands, an
Helping Hands                             emergency response initiative to raise funds and recruit volunteers to help with crisis recovery and relief efforts. A
                                          collaborative of local partner funders have joined this response effort to establish the Miami Pandemic Response Fund.
                                          The Fund will support struggling families with emergency needs including rent/mortgage assistance, food, medication,
                                          utilities as well as issue micro-grants to small businesses.
The Miami Foundation: COVID-19            The Miami Foundation has a list of local resources online here.
NCFP, National Center for Family          The NCFP has a map with links to local philanthropic sources. Zoom in using the + to see links to groups in your area.
Philanthropy: Resource Map      
Central Florida Resources from the        The Orlando Business Journal has compiled a list of resources available to Central Florida businesses.
Orlando Business Journal        
South Florida Resources from the          The South Florida Business Journal has compiled a list of resources available to South Florida businesses.
South Florida Business Journal  
Tampa Area Resources from the             The Tampa Bay Business Journal has compiled a list of resources available to Tampa area businesses.
Tampa Bay Business Journal      

COVID-19 Resources  Page 2  3/30/2020
Federal and State Funding Resources: Loans and/or Grants
Federal SBA Economic Injury               The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to Florida small
Disaster Loans                            businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of COVID-19. Small businesses can apply for up to $2 million
                                          in assistance to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. The application is available online at
                                 These working capital loans are intended to assist small businesses in meeting their
                                          financial obligations through the disaster recovery period. These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts
                                          payable and other bills that can't be paid because of the disaster's impact. The interest rate for businesses is 3.75% with
                                          loan terms up to 30 years. The interest rate for nonprofit organizations is 2.75%. The deadline to apply for an Economic
                                          Injury Disaster Loan is Dec. 18.
Small Business Owner’s Guide to           The US House and Senate Small Business Committees circulated a document entitled “The Small Business Owner’s Guide
the CARES Act                             to the CARES Act.
Florida Small Business Emergency          Small business owners with two to 100 employees located in Florida affected by COVID-19 can apply for short-term loans
Bridge Loan                               up to $50,000. These loans are interest-free for up to one year and are designed to bridge the gap to either federal SBA
                                          loans or commercially available loans. DEO will work with every borrower to ensure that repayment of the loan isn’t an
                                          overwhelming burden. To be eligible, a business must have been established prior to March 9, 2020, and demonstrate
                                          economic impacts as a result of COVID-19. The application period ends May 8, 2020. Businesses can apply at
                                          FloridaDisaster.BIZ. Note: These loans are not available to nonprofit organizations. The website states: Applications will
                                          be accepted by qualified for-profit, privately held small businesses that maintain a place of business in the state of
                                          Florida. All qualified applicants must have been established prior to March 9, 2020, and suffered economic injury as a
                                          result of the designated disaster.
No Kid Hungry: Coronavirus Grant          If you're feeding children and families affected by the coronavirus, we're here to help. We're offering emergency grants to
Request                                   support local school districts and nonprofit organizations in their efforts to ensure kids get the nutritious food they need.
                                          This grant request is specifically for school districts and community organizations to submit an inquiry for grants to
                                          support nutrition programs in their communities.
FEMA: COVID-10 Public Assistance          FEMA is simplifying the Public Assistance application process. FEMA is developing a simplified online form applicants can
Application                               complete, and on which they may explain work activities, answer basic questions, provide limited supporting
                                          documentation, and provide a cost estimate. Recipients are states, tribes, or territories that receive and administer Public
                                          Assistance awards. Applicants are state, local, tribal and territorial governments, or eligible private nonprofits, submitting
                                          a request for assistance under a recipient’s federal award.

COVID-19 Resources  Page 3  3/30/2020 Loans up to $15,000              Kiva is actively taking steps to iterate upon our existing loan product to help the small businesses that we know are
                                          going to suffer. Effective immediately, U.S. applicants will have access to the following: • Expanded eligibility: More
                                          businesses in the U.S. will be eligible for a Kiva loan. • Larger loans: The maximum loan on the Kiva platform will increase
                                          from $10,000 to $15,000. • Grace period: New borrowers may access a grace period of up to 6 months for greater
                                          financial flexibility. Borrowers may access the application portal (

Resource Lists from State and National Associations, Nonprofit Associations
Florida Housing Coalition: COVID-         The Florida Housing Coalition hosts weekly webinars on Thursdays at 1:30pm to share experiences from housing
19 Housing-Related Resources              providers across the state. This website also includes links to other resources.
Florida Coalition to End                  The Florida Coalition to End Homelessness has a resource page with links to various resources.
Homelessness: COVID-19 Disaster 
FRA, Florida Redevelopment Assn:          The Florida Redevelopment Association has a resource page with links to various business associations, local and
Responses to COVID-19 Issues              government resources and updates.
Florida SBDC: COVID-19 Business           The Florida SBDC, Small Business Development Center, has a list of resources, including a link to local SBDC offices.
Disaster Recovery Assistance    
Florida Behavioral Health                 The Florida Behavioral Health Association has important updates for those of you who are behavioral health providers.
CDFA Resource Center: COVID-19            The Council of Development Finance Agencies has put together a resource page that includes a state-by-state response
                                          map. Click on your state to see a list of available resources.
NCRC, National Community                  The coronavirus has quickly spread into a global pandemic. Governments have taken drastic measures to encourage
Reinvestment Coalition: COVID-19          social distancing. Along with anxieties about contracting and spreading disease, millions of people who were already
Resources                                 struggling or living paycheck-to-paycheck face new uncertainties about their financial security. Many organizations and
                                          governments have responded with resources and services to help individuals, small businesses and institutions cope with
                                          these challenges. Here is some information about how and where to obtain these resources.
NLIHC, National Low-Income                The NLIHC has a page that lists webinars along with other links and a list of state-by-state resources and news.
Housing Coalition: Coronavirus  
and Housing/Homelessness

COVID-19 Resources  Page 4  3/30/2020
NACEDA, Natl Alliance of                  The NACEDA has a page with resources for community developers, including national, state, regional, and general
Community Economic Dev Assns:             communications.
COVID-19 Resources for
Community Developers

Information for Employees and/or Individuals
Reemployment Assistance:                  As more businesses close their doors, county residents are wondering how they’re going to pay their bills. DEO says                       anyone who has been negatively affected by COVID-19 could be eligible to received reemployment assistance. Floridians
                                          can file a claim at Look for the Reemployment Assistance heading on the front page and then click
                                          on CONNECT to get started. For additional assistance, call 1-800-681-8102. Individuals who may be eligible for
                                          Reemployment Assistance may include:
                                               • People quarantined by a medical professional or a government agency.
                                               • People laid off or sent home without pay for an extended period by their employer due to COVID-19.
                                               • People caring for an immediate family member who is diagnosed with COVID-19.
                                          Individuals who are still receiving wages through paid leave are not eligible to receive Reemployment Assistance. Gov.
                                          Ron DeSantis has directed the DEO to temporarily waive job search requirements for reemployment. DEO also is waiving
                                          penalties to employers.
Food Stamps, Cash Assistance,             Florida DCF ACCESS offices are closed so applicants must apply on-line. To apply for food assistance (SNAP), cash
Medicaid                                  assistance (TANF) or Medicaid, individuals should go to
IRS Filing Deadlines Extended             The federal tax return filing deadline is now July 15, 2020. For tax payments of up to $10 million, the IRS has
                                          also extended the deadline for both individuals and businesses to July 15, 2020. Estimated tax payments for 2020
                                          originally due on April 15 will now be due on July 15.
Federal Housing Finance Agency,           Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) and the Federal Home Loan Banks are taking steps to help people who have
Coronavirus Assistance                    been impacted by the coronavirus. If your ability to pay your mortgage is impacted, and your loan is owned by Fannie
Information                               Mae or Freddie Mac, you may be eligible to delay making your monthly mortgage payments for a temporary period.
U.S. Dept of Labor, Families First        The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires certain employers to provide employees with paid sick leave
Coronavirus Response                      or expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-

COVID-19 Resources  Page 5  3/30/2020
Florida Department of Education:          In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, schools throughout Florida and the United
Resources for Families                    States are on extended breaks in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. The Florida Department of Education has
                                          compiled a list of free resources, offered by state and federal agencies, private companies, and non-profit organizations
                                          to help school districts, colleges, educators and families ensure continuity of learning during this time.

General Nonprofit Resources: Management • Technology • Working from Home • Mental Health • & Other Miscellaneous Tips
Nonprofit Resources List:                 This is a google doc (you may need to have a Google or Gmail account to access it) curated by several nonprofit
#NPCOVID19                                professionals. A work in progress, it is updated frequently with resource links on topics such as public health information,
                                          fundraising tips, self-care, working from home, and more.
TechSoup: Resources for COVID-            At TechSoup, we're committed to equipping your nonprofit with the resources you need to meet your mission, serve your
19                                        community, and support your staff. We've created a resource hub designed to support nonprofits during the COVID-19
Wired Impact: Resources for               This blog post from Wired Impact includes links to topics varying from the CDC’s latest news to fundraising for nonprofits
Responding to COVID-19                    to tech tools.

COVID-19 Resources  Page 6  3/30/2020
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