"for more success in flower retail." - SW Medienvertretung Saupe+ ...

Page created by Alma Miller
"for more success in flower retail." - SW Medienvertretung Saupe+ ...
Cross-Media Data 2019   |   florieren
                                   Price List No 47, Valid from 01.01.2019

»for more success in flower retail.«

                                    Title portrait florieren                         02
                                    Short & sweet                                    03
                                    Technical information                            04
                                    Market data | facts                              05
                                    Themes | dates                                   07
                                    Formats | prices                                 11
                                    Specials | additions | discounts                 12
                                    Special types of advertising                     13
                                    Online advertising                               14
                                    Grüner Stellenmarkt                              16
                                    special publications to IPM                      17
                                    Publisher agents | Bank details                  18
                                    General terms and conditions                     19
                                    Publisher representatives | Contact details      20

Title Portrait florieren
                                                                                      The Regular Themes
                         Edith Strupf (responsible)
                                                                                       »»Ranges / purchasing sources
                         T + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 1 33                              »»Trends and new markets
                         F + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 2 07                              »»Plants
                         estrupf@ulmer.de                                              »»Business management
florieren! is an independent monthly specialist magazine for florists. We touch
on topical issues affecting the floristry sector and showcase new ideas and            »»Innovations and new concepts
solutions based on real-life examples                                                  »»Training
                                                                                       »»Trade shows and exhibitions
The florieren! Content Concept
Success the in floristry retail business is based on two pillars: good,
sophisticated floristry combined with an economic and sales-oriented
approach. This is why consequent linking of inspiration and marketing.                Communication channels

                                                                                      editorial department
                                                                                      Edith Strupf (responsible)

                                                                                      Tjards Wendebourg
                                                                                      chief editor
                                                                                      T + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 2 18
                                                                                      F + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 2 07

Short & sweet
Germany‘s only pure floristry trade magazine                       purchase price

The target group                                                   Inland Annual Subscription: 			133,– €
                                                                   E-Paper:						109,99 €
»»Professionals and committed young talent
»»General managers and executives
                                                                   contact person
frequency of publication                                           Marketing and Salef

monthly | 48. issue 2019                                           Anika Dietmann
                                                                   T + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 3 22
                                                                   F + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 2 21
inspection of distribution
Print Editions:           5.433
Distributed Editions: 4.901
                                                                   Advert Scheduling
Sold Editions:            4.114
(III. Quarter 2017 – II. Quarter 2018)
                                                                   (please indicate the title of the magazine when booking)

Geographic distribution
Inland:                                   98%      3.626
Abroad (A, CH, and others):                2%      1.274           Verlag Eugen Ulmer KG
actually distributed circulation:        100%      4.901           Wollgrasweg 41 | 70599 Stuttgart
                                                                   T + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 0 | F + 49 (0) 7 11  /  45 07 – 1 20
Media solutions for your communication targets                     info@ulmer.de | www.ulmer-verlag.de
»»Special forms of advertising: Flap | Inserts | Tip-on card
»»Supplements starting from €275 / Thousand
»»Online advertising available from €150

Technical Information
Magazine Format
Bleed format: 210 mm × 297 mm (width × height)           Digital printing information
Type area format: 176 mm × 255 mm (width × height)
                                                         Printing order: Black – cyan – magenta – yellow. Profile ISO coated v2 (EU).
                                                         Tonal range: half tones min. 2% to max. 98%. Dot gain in middle section is 17%
 Formats in Type Area,                                   in black, 14% in colour.
 4 columns
                                                         Complete application of paint: max. 330%. Please do not use DCS-format,
 Columns     width × height
                                                         hairlines, RGB/LAB images and duplex images with special colours.

 1            41 × 255 mm
                                                         Advertisements with special colours are to be created in CMYK with the correct
                                                         mixing ratios of the desired HKS colour descriptions.
 2            86 × 255 mm                                Four-colour advertisements should equally be created in CMYK for the four-
                                                         colour process.
 3           131 × 255 mm
                                                         Data transmission
 4           176 × 255 mm                                Please send the printing documents for your advertisement by email directly to
                                                         the publisher:
Printing and processing                                  Advert Scheduling

                                                         T +  49  (0)  7 11 / 45 07 – 1 86 | F +  49  (0)  7 11 / 45 07 – 2 21
Sheet offset | 1/1- to 4/4-in colour                     (please indicate the title of the magazine when booking)
Cover:     Wood-free image print glossy 170 g/m²         Data Format
Inside:    Wood-free image print dull 90g/m²             Printable PDF (PDF/X-3).
Processing                                               Data formats such as Freehand, Photoshop, Word, Corel Draw, etc, only after
                                                         consultation. The production of printing documents according to other
Stitched binding
                                                         templates will be charged.

Market Data | Facts
Market volume
for flowers and plants 201/ in € %                                                                   Green houseplants Flowering houseplants
                                                                                                     6                 12
 »»The market volume for the flowers and plants retail sector in 2017
    amounted to total sales of € 6 billion
                                                                               Bedding and
                                                                               balcony plant
                                                                                                                                                        2   Cut flowers
                                                                                                                                                        3           34

                                                                             Perennials 6                                                               6
                                                                                     Herbs 3

                                                                                                           Shrubs                   Flower bulbs
Source: ZVG, AMI, January 2018                                                                             16                       3

Business establishment name
 »»With florieren! you can reach desired specialised flowershops                        Flowershop
    (floristry) and the retail and cemetery nursery sector.                             69,0%                                                       Retail gardening and nursery

                                                                                                                                                       Cemetery nurseries

Source: Reader survey                                                                                                                      17,4%

Market Data | Facts
Position in the company
 »»The florieren! readers count among the decision-makers in their                     Owner / co-owner                                    not specified
    companies. Around 60 percent are involved in all major decisions as                50,6%                                               4,8%
    owner or managing director.                                                                                                                     Trainee
                                                                                                                                                      Seller / agent

                                                                              Managing Director
                                                                                                                      Head of
Source: Reader survey                                                                                                 Department

Number of employees
 »»About 73 percent of florieren! readers have three or more                                                                       7-10 staff
    employees.                                                                        3-6 staff                                    12,2%

                                                                                                                                                   more than 10 staff

                                                                                                                                                not specified

                                                                                                          1-2 staff
Source: Reader survey                                                                                       45,0%

Themes | Dates 2019
 Edition         Dates              topics                                                                                              Exhibitions/Trade Fairs

            01   DP:     27.12.18   Trends 2019                                                                                         TrendSet München | 03.-05.01.19

                 CD T:   19.11.18   Trends in practice                                                                                  Nordstil Hamburg | 12.-14.01.19
                 CD A:   28.11.18
                                    Plant purchasing - Trends for 2019                                                                  Ornaris CH – Zürich | 20.-22.01.19
                                    Fair preview: IPM in Essen, Christmasworld in Frankfurt and the consumer goods fairs TrendSet and
                                                                                                                                        maison & objet F – Paris | 18.-22.01.19
                                                                                                                                        IPM Essen | 22.-25.01.19
                                                                                                                                        christmasworld Frankfurt |
                                                                                                                                        paperworld Frankfurt |

            02   DP:     01.02.19   Wedding floristry                                                                                   Formland DK – Herning | 31.01.-03.02.19

                 CD T:   27.12.18   Accessories for Spring and Easter (TrendSet)                                                        ambiente Frankfurt | 08.-12.02.19
                 CD A:   02.01.19
                                    Trade fair preview: Ambiente in Frankfurt and Cadeaux in Leipzig

            03   DP:     01.03.19   Spring and Easter floristry                                                                         Creativ A – Salzburg

                 CD T:   23.01.19   Christmasworld follow-up review                                                                     Floriga Leipzig | 10.03.19
                 CD A:   31.01.19
                                    Pesticides and fertilisers at the florist‘s                                                         CADEAUX Leipzig | 09.03.-11.03.19

DP: Date of publishing | CD T: Closing Date Text | CD A: Closing Date Advert                                                                    Subject to change without notice.

Edition      Dates                topics                                                           Exhibitions/Trade Fairs

         04   DP:     01.04.19     Balcony- and terrace plants for the florist‘s

              CD T:   25.02.19     Substrates - small packages for urban gardening fans
              CD A:   01.03.19
                                   Containers and accessories for the outdoor season

         05   DP:     02.05.19     Ideas for Mother‘s Day

              CD T:   12.03.19     Glass vases - the new collections
              CD A:   28.03.19
                                   Quality through freshness retainers
                                   Paper and packaging

         06   DP:     01.06.19     Funeral floristry and ribbon markers                             tendence Frankfurt | 29.06.-02.07.19

              CD T:   23.04.19     Tags, ribbons and plugs for bouquets and plants
              CD A:   02.05.19
                                   Shop windows and product presentation
                                   Orders for autumn and winter: Preview of Tendence and TrendSet

DP: Date of publishing | CD T: Closing Date Text | CD A: Closing Date Advert                                Subject to change without notice.

Edition          Dates              topics                                                            Exhibitions/Trade Fairs

             07   DP:     01.07.19   Floral decorations for parties and guests                         TrendSet München | 06.-08.07.19

                  CD T:   22.05.19   Gourmet - Covered table - Home textiles                           Nordstil Hamburg
                  CD A:   29.05.19
                                     Trends for the Advent season and Christmas
                                     Orders for autumn and winter: Preview of Nordstil

             08   DP:     01.08.19   Floristry in late summer                                          Ornaris Bern | 18.-20.08.19

                  CD T:   25.06.19   New products for Advent and Christmas 2019 (TrendSet, Tendence)
                  CD A:   02.07.19
                                     Stationery: Greeting cards, sympathy cards, Christmas cards
                                     Orders for autumn and winter: Preview of spoga+gafa and

             09   DP:     02.09.19   Floristry for autumn                                              spoga+gafa Köln

                  CD T:   26.07.19   Candles and lighting                                              maison & objet F – Paris
                  CD A:   02.08.19
                                     Preparation for the Advent season
                                                                                                       IAA Frankfurt | 12.-22.09.19
                                     Shopfitting and visual appearance
                                                                                                       CADEAUX Leipzig
                                                                                                       Creativ A – Salzburg | 31.08.-02.09.19

DP: Date of publishing | CD T: Closing Date Text | CD A: Closing Date Advert                                    Subject to change without notice.

Edition           Dates              topics                                                                                                 Exhibitions/Trade Fairs

              10   DP:     01.10.19   Floristry for memorial days

                   CD T:   26.08.19   Exotic materials and other products for grave decoration
                   CD A:   03.09.19
                                      Semi-finished products, binding- and bracing aids
                                      Working clothes and good tools

              11   DP:     02.11.19   Advent floristry 2019

                   CD T:   23.09.19   Wellness products and air fresheners
                   CD A:   01.10.19
                                      Price labelling

              12   DP:     02.12.19   Festive and winter floristry

                   CD T:   23.10.19   A good place for retail suppliers to buy from
                   CD A:   31.10.19

              01   DP:     27.12.19   Trends 2020                                                                                            IPM, Christmasworld, Trendset, Nordstil,
 January 20

                   CD T:   15.11.19   Trade fair preview - IPM in Essen, Christmasworld in Frankfurt and the consumer goods fairs TrendSet
                   CD A:   26.11.19
                                      and Nordstil

DP: Date of publishing | CD T: Closing Date Text | CD A: Closing Date Advert                                                                          Subject to change without notice.

Formats | Prices
Formats   Width   ×   Height   colour   Price / €        Formats                     Width   ×   Height                  colour            Price / €
1/1       Type Area Format     bw       2.723,–          1/3                         Type Area Format                    bw                   908,–
          176 × 255 mm         2c       3.078,–                                      176 ×  85 mm                        2c                 1.168,–
                               3c       3.433,–                                       56 × 255 mm                        3c                 1.428,–
                               4c       3.788,–                                                                          4c                 1.688,–

          Section Format*      bw       2.995,–                                      Section Format*                     bw                   999,–
          210 × 297 mm         2c       3.350,–                                      210 × 105 mm                        2c                 1.259,–
                               3c       3.705,–                                       70 × 297 mm                        3c                 1.519,–
                               4c       4.060,–                                                                          4c                 1.779,–

2/3       Type Area Format     bw       1.816,–          1/4                         Type Area Format                    bw                   681,–
          176 × 170 mm         2c       2.171,–                                      176 ×  65 mm                        2c                   866,–
          116 × 255 mm         3c       2.526,–                                       86 × 130 mm                        3c                 1.051,–
                               4c       2.881,–                                                                          4c                 1.236,–

          Section Format*      bw       1.998,–                                      Section Format*                     bw                    749,–
          210 × 191 mm         2c       2.353,–                                      210 ×  83 mm                        2c                    934,–
          131 × 297 mm         3c       2.708,–                                      102 × 148 mm                        3c                 1.119,–
                               4c       3.063,–                                                                          4c                 1.304,–

1/2       Type Area Format     bw       1.362,–          1/8                         Type Area Format                    bw                   340,–
          176 × 130 mm         2c       1.622,–                                      176 ×  32 mm                        2c                   430,–
           86 × 255 mm         3c       1.882,–                                       86 ×  65 mm                        3c                   520,–
                               4c       2.142,–                                                                          4c                   610,–

          Section Format*      bw       1.498,–
          210 × 148 mm         2c       1.758,–
          102 × 297 mm         3c       2.018,–
                               4c       2.278,–

                                                     mm-price b/w: 2,67 €. All prices shown in the tarif are exclusive of legal VAT. The general business terms
                                                     and conditions for advertisements and external supplements in newspapers and magazines apply.
                                                     * Plus 3 mm bleed difference all round.

Specials | Additions | Discounts
 Special Positioning                                                                          commercial job ads and small ads
                      Format                                   Price in €                     from clients of the floristry retail business
 Art of Advert                                      colour
                      Width + Height                                                          Job ads / Purchase / Verkauf / Sales / Property / Misc
 Corner filed ad
                                                                                              mm price 1 column b/w 				                                                         1,34 €
 on text area                     115 × 170 mm      4c         2.475,–                        Box charge						8,00 €
 Corner field ad
 on bleed area
                                  132 × 189 mm
                       plus 3 mm bleed difference
                                                               2.644,–                        Discounts
                                        all round                                             When purchased within 12 months (balance sheet year), a discount has been
 Sole ads on                       85 ×  65 mm      4c            756,–
 appointment pages
 Text part ads         per 41 mm volume column      bw              4,46 per mm/column                                                          Quantity
                       per 56 mm volume column                      5,95 per mm/column           Repeat Discount
                        (Minimum charge 50 mm)
                                                                                                  3 times                 5   %                 1 page                   5   %
 Strip ads                        to 90 mm high     bw              4,27 per mm/column
                       per 56 mm volume column                                                    6 times                10   %                 2 pages                 10   %
                        (Minimum charge 50 mm)
                                                                                                 12 times                15   %                 3 pages                 15   %
                                                                                                                                                5 pages                 20   %
Binding Position			                           20 % surcharge
                                                                                              Colour and section surcharges are discounted.
Adverts Above Band and Above Type Area        10 % surcharge
                                                                                              Further formats, price upon request.
Colour Surcharges
Normal colours in line with Euro scale each colour		 355,– €
below 520 mm                            each colour		 260,– €
below 260 mm                            each colour		 185,– €
below 185 mm                            each colour		  90,– €
below 100 mm                            each colour     75,– €
Special colours (HKS)                   each colour		 420,– €
We reserve the right to make colour adjustments for technical reasons.                        All prices shown in the tarif are exclusive of legal VAT. The general business terms and
                                                                                              conditions for advertisements and external supplements in newspapers and magazines apply.
Special types of advertising
 Special types                Discription                                                                        Special types       Discription

 COVER SKIRT *                 »»Flaps the same size as a page on the front and back                             SUPPLEMENTS *       »»Maximum format 205 × 297 mm (w × h)
                                  of the cover.                                                                                         Supplement, complete / Supplement, partial until
                               »»The advertisement can be positioned on the interior                                                    2.000 copies.
                                  and exterior of the flaps.                                                                         »»unit weight of up to 25 g: 270,– € per thousand copies

                               »»The upper 8cm are reserved for the publishers to                                                       unit weight of up to 35 g: 305,– € per thousand copies

                                  place the heading and logo.                                                                           unit weight of up to 50 g: 355,– € per thousand copies

                               »»A flap on the reverse side can be combined with an                                                  »»Heavier weights and partial supplement less 2.000
                                  advertisement on the outside back cover. Both the                                                     copies upon request. Additional charges will be
                                  interior and exterior of the flaps can be used.                                                       levied according to the particular situation in cases
                                                                                                                                        of complicated technical processing.
                                                                                                                                     »»Templates: Before the order can be accepted the
                                                                                                                                        publisher requires three templates by the closing
                                                                                                                                        date for advertisements for the issue in question.
 BOUND INSERTS*                »»Delivered folded in unicut size 215 × 305 mm (w × h)                                                   Whether the order can be firmly accepted will not be
                                  (unit height up to 25g).                                                                              decided until the templates have been provided.
                               »»2 pages:            4.805,– €                                                                       »»Inserts may not contain advertising from other
                               »»4 pages:            5.205,– €                                                                          companies.
                               »»6 pages:            7.207,– €
                                                                                                                 DIGITAL INSERTS *   »»Use cross-media to reach more people!
 TIP-ON-CARD / CD *            »»Carrier ads are only possible in 1/1-page format.                                                   »»Optimise your insert advertising with our online
                               »»Formats, placement, prices and details upon                                                            offer starting at only € 149 per month!
                                  request                                                                                            »»Present your complete print insert also as a digital
                                                                                                                                        insert (browsable PDF) in a very prominent place in
                                                                                                                                        the slider on all relevant Ulmer journal websites in
                                                                                                                                        the horticulture and agriculture fields. Preise auf
* There is no discount for cover skirts, bound inserts, supplements, Tip-on-card and additional technical                            »»Prices on request.
costs. Dispatch address page 18.
Online advertising
www.florieren-online.de                                                                                Dates & Facts
Exclusive specialist topics with image galleries on the specialist portal florieren-                   Visits/Month                   2.800    All values represent average values from the period
online.de are available to subscribers of the magazine florieren! and help them                        Page Impressions/Month          6.983   01.01. bis 30.06.2018.
with ideas and suggestions in their daily work.                                                                                                Source: Google Analytics
                                                                                                       Up-to-the-minute figures on request.
Current company and product news, as well as industry scheduling dates, round
out the online offerings and make florieren-online.de an attractive companion
during that day-to-day work.                                                                                                          2        468 x 60
With an average of three pages per visit from over 2.100 visits per month to
florieren-online.de, our specialised portal can boast intensive use within the
                                                                                                                      1             728 x 90
floristry industry and therefore a positive advertising effect from the online
advertising format.

 Standard Formats

                                                                                                                                                                                  160 x 600
                                                 Price  i n   € /      Width + Height
                                                 per Month*            In Pixel

 1              SUPERBANNER                         410,–              728 x 90

 2              FULL-SIZE-BANNER                    350,–              468 x 60                                                                     6 300 x 100
 3              SKYSCRAPER                          410,–              160 x 600
                                                                                                            4       560 x 100                                                       3
 1+3            HOCKEYSTICK                         750,–              728 x 90       160 x 600
                                                                                                                                                     300 x 250
 4              CONTENT AD                          370,–              560 x 100

 5              MEDIUM REC TANGLE                   310,–              300 x 250

 6              BUT TON                             170,–              300 x 100

*All prices are given without VAT. All digital advertising formats are placed in rotation.
Online advertising
Ad-Bundles on www.florieren-online.de                                                                           Newsletter Grüne Profi Infos
Maximum performance – With our ad bundles, you can make sure that your                                          Format                                 Price  i n   € / Issue*        Width + Height
advertising appears on all end devices.                                                                                                                                               In Pixel
                                                                                                                CONTENT AD                                350,–                       560 x 100
PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet – the digital range of information offered by
www.florieren-online.de is available everywhere and at all times. And the use                                    * All prices are given without VAT.
on mobile end devices is increasing rapidly. Currently, mobile access comprises
30.6% of the visits to our website and newsletter.                                                              Advertorial on www.florieren-online.de
                                                                                                                Format                                 Price  i n   € / Month*

                                                                                                                ONLINE-ADVERTORIAL                        660,–                       Data delivery 15 business
                                                                                                                                                                                      days before campaign
                                 Ad-Bundle          Ad-Bundle           Ad-Bundle             Ad-Bundle                                                                               launch
                                     1                  2                   3                     4
                                                                                                                Prominent teasers displayed on the florieren-online de homepage: the teaser links to the full
 SUPERBANNER                           %                                                                        version of your online advertorial in the specialist portal
                                                                                                                florieren-online de. *All prices plus value-added tax.
 FULL-SIZE-BANNER                                         %

 SKYSCRAPER                                                                   %
                                                                                                                6 month      
                                                                                                                            5 % discount
 CONTENT AD                                                                                      %             12 month     10 % discount

                                                                                                               Data transfer
 MEDIUM REC TANGLE                     %                                      %                                Data formats          GIF, JPG, SWF, HTML
                                                                                                               Data size		           max. 40 KB
 BUT TON                                                  %                                      %             Time period           delivery not later than five working days before the
                                                                                                               		campaign launch
 PRICE IN €/ MONTH*                  410,-               350,-              410,-               370,-
                                                                                                               Delivery at onlinewerbemittel@ulmer.de
* All prices are given without VAT. All digital advertising formats are placed in rotation.                    The general terms and conditions for online advertising can be found at: www.ulmer-verlag.de/agb.

                                                         The job market for horticulture and agriculture
                                                         »»Precise search in specialist target groups
                                                         »»More than 125 online job offers and searches day after day
                                                         »»Over 1,500 offers a year
                                                         »»On average, 8,590 visits and more than 33,300 page views per month*
                                                         »»Submit job offers yourself at any time — with a logo and PDF upload
                                                         »»Additional presentation of job offers in the Ulmer-Newsletter and on partner

                                                         »»Those who book print job offers receive 60 days for the price of 30 days!
                                                         *    Figures from Google Analytics (1 January 2018 to 31 July 2018)

                                                         www.gruener-stellenmarkt.de (employer area)

                                                                                                           Ad scheduling and consultation
Online Basic                 Online PRemium                  Crossmedia PLUS                               Maria Scheurenbrand
»»Text ad                    »»Text ad                       »»When booking print job ads,                 T + 49 (0) 7 11 / 45 07 – 1 42
                               + logo + ad PDF
»»Standard design template                                        you receive 60 days for the              F + 49 (0) 7 11 / 45 07 – 2 21
»»Extension option           »»Own design                         price of 30 days!                        anzeigen@ulmer.de
                             »»Other optional services                                                     Please indicate the following in the subject:
»»30 days online             »»30 days online                                                              Grüner Stellenmarkt
  149,– € plus VAT.            249,– € plus VAT.                                                           Formats, technical data, and publication
                                                                                                           dates on request.
»»60 days online             »»60 days online                                                              www.gruener-stellenmarkt.de
  199,– € plus VAT.            299,– € plus VAT.

Special publications to IPM
IPM-App 2019                                                                      Offizielle IPM-Messezeitung 2019

Hardly anything is possible without smartphones anymore!                          Have you ever heard of „IPMnews“, the only official trade fair newspaper of the
                                                                                  world‘s leading horticultural fair? „IPMnews“ is a joint project between Messe
Help design this modern medium of communication! Secure your own mini-            Essen and the publishing house Eugen Ulmer. „IPMnews“ is published in two
app within the IPM App and let your target group know exactly what you are        languages (German/English) and is issued daily in the exhibition centre. In
planning during the trade fair, and what new items you will be bringing
along.                                                                            addition to your presence at the trade fair of course, this makes it the fastest
                                                                                  and most effective medium for you to communicate with industry visitors to
Your advantages with the IPM App                                                  IPM.

»»Present yourself in a modern and portable fashion.                              Your advantages
»»The only mobile trade fair map.                                                 »»Up to 32,000 contact opportunities with all 4 editions.
»»Daily updates about your current new items and events at the trade fair.        »»Daily distribution to visitors and exhibitors.
                                                                                  »»Editing and production occurs on site at the trade fair.

Print office | Bank accounts
Print office                                                                         bank accounts
Ungeheuer + Ulmer                                                                    Deutsche Bank AG, Stuttgart
Körnerstraße 16
71634 Ludwigsburg                                                                    BLZ:      600 700 70
                                                                                     Konto:    147 6878 00
delivery adress                                                                      BIC:      DEUTDESS
                                                                                     IBAN:     DE62 6007 0070 0147 6878 00
for Supplement, Bound inserts, etc.

Delivery memo                                                                        Südwestbank AG, Stuttgart
Für „florieren!-Nr. ...“                                                             BLZ:      600 907 00
                                                                                     Konto:    741 3710 06
                                                                                     BIC:      SWBSDESS
delivery date                                                                        IBAN:     DE04 6009 0700 0741 3710 06
14 days before publication.
Please send at least three samples directly to the publisher at the same time        Österreich
                                                                                     Bank Austria, Bregenz
                                                                                     BLZ:      12 000
                                                                                     Konto:    518-8801-42/00
Payment terms                                                                        BIC:      BKAUATWW
Payable in full within 30 days.                                                      IBAN:     AT18 1200 0518 8801 4200

                                                                                     Post Finance Zürich
                                                                                     BIC:      POFICHBEXXX
                                                                                     IBAN:     CH86 0900 0000 8004 7072 8

Generel terms and conditions
1. In the following business terms, “Advertisement Order” means the agreement concerning the publication of one or more                        12. If no particular size specifications are given, calculations will be based on the actual printing height that is standard for the
advertisements submitted by an advertiser or other purchaser of advertising space in a printed medium for the purpose of                       advertisement type.
dissemination.                                                                                                                                 13. If the client has not paid in advance, the invoice will be sent without delay, where possible within fourteen days of the
                                                                                                                                               advertisement being published. The invoice must be paid within the time period stated in the price list, commencing upon receipt
2. Unless otherwise agreed, advertisements are to be commissioned for publication within one year of the conclusion of the                     of the invoice, unless a different, exceptional payment period or advance payment has been agreed upon. Any discount for advance
agreement. If a concluded agreement grants the right to commission individual advertisements, the order must be fulfilled within               payment will be granted in accordance with the price list.
one year of the first advertisement appearing, provided that the first advertisement is released and published within the time limit
stated in sentence 1.                                                                                                                          14. In the event of payment default or deferment of payment, interest and collection costs will be charged. In the event of payment
                                                                                                                                               default, the publishing house may postpone further performance of the current order until payment and demand advance payment
3. Where an agreement has been concluded, the client may commission more advertisements than stated in the order within the                    for the remaining advertisements. In the case of reasonable doubt as to the client’s capacity to pay, the publishing house may, even
deadline period agreed or the deadline period stated in item 2.                                                                                during the term of an agreement, make the publication of further advertisements dependent on advance payment of the relevant
                                                                                                                                               sum and the settlement of unpaid invoices, irrespective of any payment date agreed previously.
4. If an order is not fulfilled due to circumstances beyond the control of the publishing house, the client shall reimburse the
publishing house a sum equivalent to the difference between the commissions agreed upon and those actually performed, without                  15. The publishing house shall enclose a sample of the advertisement with the invoice upon request. Depending on the type and
prejudice to any other legal obligations. This reimbursement is not applicable if the non-fulfilment is attributable to force majeure          scope of the advertisement order, tear sheets, sample pages or complete copies of the relevant publication will be supplied. If it is
within the scope of the publishing house’s risk.                                                                                               not possible to procure a sample, the publishing house shall send in its place a legally binding certificate verifying the publication
                                                                                                                                               and distribution of the advertisement.
5. To calculate the commission quantities, millimetres of text lines are converted to millimetres of advertising space.
                                                                                                                                               16. The client shall bear the costs for the production of any printing plates, paperboard mats or drawings ordered or costs for any
6. Orders for advertisements and advertising supplements that are placed expressly to be published only in certain numbers, in                 significant changes to previously agreed upon designs desired by or occurring in the responsibility of the client.
certain editions or in certain positions in the printed matter must be received by the publishing house sufficiently in advance that
the client can be informed before the advertisement deadline that the order cannot be fulfilled in its current state. Classified               17. Where an agreement has been concluded regarding multiple advertisements, a claim for price reduction may be derived from a
advertisements are printed under the relevant classification even if this is not agreed upon expressly.                                        reduction in circulation if the average total circulation for the placement year beginning with the first advertisement is lower than
                                                                                                                                               the average circulation stated in the price list or stated in some other way, or, if no circulation is stated, lower than the average
7. Island advertisements are advertisements with at least three sides bordering on text and not other advertisements.                          purchased circulation (for specialist magazines, as appropriate, the average distributed circulation) of the previous calendar year.
Advertisements that are not identifiable as advertisements because of their editorial design will be clearly labelled with the word                               A reduction in circulation only entitles the client to a price reduction if it constitutes a reduction of:
“advertisement” by the publishing house.                                                                                                       20%, for a circulation of up to 50,000 copies.
                                                                                                                                               15%, for a circulation of up to 100,000 copies.
8. The publishing house reserves the right to reject Advertisement Orders – including individual commissions made in connection                10%, for a circulation of up to 500,000 copies.
with an agreement – and supplement orders on the basis of their content, their origin or their technical form in accordance with               5%, for a circulation of over 500,000 copies.
consistent and factually justified principles laid down by the publishing house if their content breaches legislation or regulatory            Furthermore, entitlements to price reduction in relation to concluded agreements are excluded if the publishing house notifies the
stipulations or if the publishing house could not reasonably be expected to publish them. This also applies to orders placed with              client of the reduction in circulation early enough in advance that the client has the opportunity to withdraw from the agreement
agencies, receiving offices or representatives. Supplement orders are binding for the publishing house only after a sample copy of             before the advertisement is published.
the supplement has been submitted and approved. Supplements that the reader may suspect to be part of the newspaper or
magazine because of their format or presentation or those that contain third-party advertisements will not be accepted. The client             18. In the case of box number advertisements, the publishing house shall exercise due commercial care for the safeguarding and
will be notified of the rejection of an order without delay.                                                                                   prompt forwarding of the offers. Registered letters replying to box number advertisements will only be forwarded as standard mail.
                                                                                                                                               Replies received for box number advertisements are kept for four weeks. Letters that are not collected within this time period will
9. The client is responsible for the prompt submission of the advertising copy and printing material in perfect condition or the               be destroyed. The publishing house shall endeavour to return valuable documents, but is not obliged to do so. The publishing
prompt submission of the supplements. If the printing material is noticeably unsuitable or damaged, the publishing house shall                 house reserves the right to open incoming replies for inspection purposes in the interest of and for the protection of the client
request a replacement without delay. The publishing house guarantees that advertisements will be printed in the standard print                 to guard against misuse of the box number service. The publishing house is not obliged to forward business proposals or agency
quality for the relevant publication, within the scope of the printing material provided.                                                      offers.

10. If the printed advertisement is fully or partly unreadable, incorrect or incomplete, the client may demand a payment reduction             19. Printing material will only be returned to the client upon special request. The obligation to safeguard ends three months
or replacement advert in perfect condition, but only to the extent that the purpose of the advertisement was compromised. If the               after expiration of the agreement.
publishing house fails to meet an appropriate deadline granted for this purpose or if the replacement advertisement is also
imperfect, the client may demand a payment reduction or rescission of the order. Claims for compensation arising from positive                 20. The place of performance is the seat of the publishing house.
breach of obligation, culpa in contrahendo or tort are excluded. Claims for compensation arising from delay or inability to perform            In business transactions with business people or legal persons governed by public law or relating to special funds under public
are restricted to compensation for the foreseeable damage and financial loss and to the fee charged for the advertisement or                   law, the place of jurisdiction in the event of legal disputes is the seat of the publishing house. Insofar as claims of the publishing
supplement concerned. This does not apply to wilful misconduct and gross negligence on the part of the publisher or the                        house are not made via payment enforcement proceedings, the place of jurisdiction in the case of non-business persons is
publisher’s legal representatives or performing agents. The publishing house’s liability for the absence of guaranteed qualities is            determined by the person’s place of residence. If the client’s place of residence or place of habitual residence, even in the case of
not affected. In commercial business transactions, the publishing house is furthermore not liable for the gross negligence of                  non-business persons, is not known at the time of the claim being asserted or if the client, after an agreement has been
performing agents; in all other cases, the extent of liability to business people for gross negligence is restricted to the foreseeable        concluded, changes place of residence or place of habitual residence to a location beyond the jurisdiction of the law, the agreed
damage and financial loss and must not exceed the fee to be paid for the advertisement concerned. Any complaints must be made                  place of jurisdiction is the seat of the publishing house.
within four weeks of the invoice and advertisement sample being received, except in the case of defects that are not obvious.

11. Proofs are only supplied if expressly requested. The client is responsible for the correctness of returned proofs. The publishing
house shall implement all corrections of errors that it is notified of within the time period specified when the proof was sent.

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