Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs

Page created by Clyde Wagner
Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs
                                                                                   Metz Culinary & Catering
Foodservice Equipment & Supplies is
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Zoomba Group. All rights reserved.

Culinary Center Supports Range
of Foodservice Programs
| By Donna Boss |                        The owners of Metz Culinary               to children in after-school programs
Photos by Peter Acker Photography        Management recognized a need in           and for organizations such as Feeding
                                         Florida to provide meals to organi-       America in Tampa, Fla. The center
                                         zations and businesses that require       also serves corporate dining clients
                                         large quantities of food, especially      at offices and events such as the 2019
                                         considering the significant growth        World Rowing Championship in
                                         in Florida’s senior population. Meals     Sarasota, during which Metz pro-
                                         produced at the three-year-old Metz       vided 254,000 meals in 14 days. Other
                                         Culinary & Catering in Sarasota, Fla.,    clients include the Red Cross and
                                         serve seniors at congregate housing       other groups who provide emer-
                                         facilities, in adult daycare centers      gency meals to municipal workers,
                                         and in private homes in Florida,          and organizations such as Manatee
                                         Colorado, and other southeast and         Meals on Wheels Plus, Mid-Florida
                                         mid-Atlantic states. The center’s child   Community Services, Saint Vincent
                                         nutrition division prepares hot meals     de Paul and Senior Friendship Center.

                                                                   AUGUST 2021 • FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES     77
Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs
requires elements such as polyresin
                                                                                        (nonporous and easily cleanable) floors
                                                                                        and sloped drains that sit lower in the
  Pots, pans and                                                                        center of the floors so water flows easily
  other utensils
  have a specific
                                                                                        into the drains. An administrative office
  storage place in                                                                      is designated for USDA personnel who
  the kitchen. The
  rotary oven cooks
                                                                                        come to the facility to conduct inspec-
  large quantities                                                                      tions. USDA certification is required so
  of proteins.
                                                                                        the center can ship meals from Florida
                                                                                        to states such as Georgia, Colorado and
                                                                                        South Carolina. The Florida Department
                                                                                        of Health, Hotel and Restaurant Division
                                                                                        also inspects the facility.

                                                                                        Product Arrival and
                                                                                        Food and nonfood deliveries arrive in
                                                                                        bulk at the back door. Delivery staff
                                                                                        drive pallets on forklifts into a bulk
                                                                                        walk-in freezer, a bulk produce walk-in
                                                                                        cooler, a bulk meat cooler and a dairy
                                                                                        walk-in cooler. They also drive fork-
                                                                                        lifts with pallets of dry goods to racks
                                                                                        that hold the pallets.
                                                                                             A walk-in production cooler and a
                                                                                        walk-in production freezer sit nearby,
  A cookline
  contains a tilting
                                                                                        both of which hold food prepared
  braising pan, a                                                                       or packaged by the center’s staff and
  kettle, a fryer, a
                          The culinary        two weeks,” says Dan Thompson, gen-       ready for delivery to clients.
  combi oven and      center occu-            eral manager of the Metz Culinary and          “All the refrigeration in this center,
  two double-
  stacked convec-
                      pies a site that        Catering Center. This is Thompson’s       including the 20-foot-high coolers and
  tion ovens. The     once housed a           first foodservice culinary project; he    freezers, are connected to a refrigera-
  80-quart planetary
  mixer and veg-
                      12,000-square-          previously worked for 25 years at food    tion rack system that has redundancy
  etable wash sink    foot manufactur-        and beverage manufacturing compa-         and backup so the refrigeration system
  sit to the left of
  the prep tables.
                      ing facility that       nies. “The generator is necessary         is always maintained and running effi-
                      was gutted and          so we can keep two freezers running       ciently,” says the project’s foodservice
                      rebuilt inside the      at 20 degrees F below zero and            consultant, Paul Guillaume, president,
building’s shell to become a culinary         two refrigerators at 35 degrees F         Professional Restaurants Incorporating
center. The company also occupies a           to 38 degrees F. This refrigeration       Design & Equipment Inc., Sarasota,
5,000-square-foot administrative space        protects our $200,000 inventory.”         Fla. “This high-efficiency refrigeration
that is adjacent to the original ware-             The facility contains several        system ramps up when more cooling is
house. Located near two access roads          production areas so staff can produce     needed and ramps down when as much
to Interstate 75, a main thoroughfare         meals simultaneously for multiple         cooling isn’t needed. This cuts down on
in Florida and a hurricane evacuation         clients with different needs. “We         the number of compressors that would
route, the center is hurricane-proofed        designed the facility with ease of        have been needed to produce this high
inside and outside for winds greater          production flow from receiving to         volume of food.”
than 175 mph and water penetration,           production to packaging to shipping,”          With this system, if one of the
which this area in Florida frequently         says Thompson. “The whole system          compressors goes out, that compressor
experiences.                                  has to be seamless in order to prepare    is shut down and isolated out of the
    “We have a large-capacity genera-         and package meals for all the different   system so it doesn’t corrupt the rest of
tor that is fueled by diesel fuel that can    clientele simultaneously.”                the system. The system automatically
run nonstop on complete power for                  The center’s USDA certification      contacts the service contractor. “This

Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs

way, the system keeps cooling until           built-in filtration. Combi ovens cook      ventilation system monitors the level
a serviceperson arrives to repair the         pasta and proteins, and two double-        of cooking activity and automatically
system,” Guillaume says.                      stacked convections heat vegetables        instructs the exhaust fan to operate
    Staff break down pallets and take         and proteins.                              only as needed. “The double canopy
ingredients they need into production             The center also contains a 36-inch     vented hood operates with a computer
areas. Staff prepare ingredients in cold      countertop under-fired charbroiler,        that regulates the airflow based on the
prep areas using three food slicers, sev-     a refrigerator, a 36-inch countertop       equipment beneath,” Thompson says.
eral worktables, sinks and shelves. For       griddle and more fryers. On any given      “The makeup air is air-conditioned, so
washing fruit and vegetables, staff use a     day, staff may place these pieces on the   it maintains a comfortable tempera-
two-compartment sink containing what          cooklines and remove other equip-          ture in the room for employees.”
Thompson calls a “produce jacuzzi”            ment. “We designed the center to have          In order for the plug-and-play
that scrubs the ingredients. Staff move       plug-and-play equipment on casters so      system to work, a utility distribu-
some ingredients into a peeler as             the staff can change menus as needed,”     tion system was
necessary. “For example, they can wash        Guillaume says.                            installed so equip-      Staff assemble,
                                                                                                                  package and
and peel 100 pounds of potatoes in 15             Exhaust hoods covering the cook-       ment can run on          label trays before
minutes,” Guillaume says. “They might         ing equipment regenerate and recircu-      gas, electricity and     they are placed in
                                                                                                                  cardboard boxes
place the potatoes into a convection          late air. The HVAC demand-control          water.                   and then chilled or
steamer and into an 80-quart floor                                                                                 frozen and sent to
                                                                                                                   clients’ locations.
mixer to make mashed potatoes.”
    Another cold prep area contains
two wall-mounted shelves, an air-
powered can opener, regular can
openers, several food processors
including a vertical cutter mixer and a
buffalo chopper, a reach-in refrigera-
tor, two wall-mounted hand sinks, a
worktable with a backsplash with an
undershelf, and a garbage disposer.
    Staff cut fruit and vegetables or fur-
ther process it at worktables. They take
ingredients for salads or that require
further processing to the production
cooler. Ingredients needed immediately
go to the hot cooking areas.

Cooklines and Packaging                          Facts of Note
One cookline includes a 36-inch,                 Opened: Feb. 2018
6-open-burner range with an oven                 Scope of project: Gutted a manufacturing building and kept shell to build
beneath for heating sauces, a pair of            new culinary center from the ground up. The for-profit facility provides USDA-
double-stacked convection ovens for              certified meals for seniors at congregate operations, home delivery and adult
cooking vegetables and proteins; a               daycare centers, children in after-school programs, and people in need of emer-
combi oven for cooking vegetables,               gency food and services. It also provides food for catering clients.
proteins and pasta; and a boilerless con-        Size: 22,000 sq. ft., including 17,000 sq. ft. for the culinary center, plus a
vection steamer for cooking vegetables.          5,000-sq.-ft. administrative space
     Sitting back to back with this line,        Meals produced per week: 25,000 currently; almost 43,000 a day during 2020
another line contains a 40-gallon                pandemic period to support senior programs and emergency services programs
tilting braising kettle for cooking              Hours: 4 a.m. until 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday
pasta, spaghetti sauce, beef stroganoff, to      Menu specialties: Shelf-stable meals for emergency services provided by
cook bones for sauces, demi-glace for            American Red Cross
gravies and sauces; a 60-gallon steam-           Staff: 34
jacketed kettle for cooking sauces               Website:
and soups; and a deep-fat fryer with

                                                                        AUGUST 2021 • FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES              79
Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs

                                                                              Key Players
                                                                              Ownership: Metz Culinary Management, Dallas, Penn.
                                                                              Owner and chairman of the board: John Metz Sr.
                                                                              General manager of site location: Dan Thompson
                                                                              Catering director: Becky Souflis
                                                                              Vice president of sales and business development in
                                                                              Florida: Jack Brill
                                                                              Executive chef: Nello Allegrucci, CEC, AAC
                                                                              Sous chef: Aaron Chavarria
                                                                              Architect: Hoyt Architects, Sarasota, Fla.:
                                                                              Chris Gallagher, NCARB, partner
                                                                              Foodservice consultant: Professional Restaurants
                                                                              Incorporating Design & Equipment Inc., Sarasota, Fla.:
                                                                              Paul Guillaume, president
                                                                              Equipment dealer: Edward Don & Company,
                                                        Staff organize
                                                        and pack boxes        Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
                                                        with meals before     General contractor/construction: Stellar Management,
                                                        placing them in
                                                        delivery trucks.      Sarasota, Fla.

                                                                            The Metz Culinary
     A fire suppression system              production cooler or           & Catering team,
that includes flood coverage protects       production freezer until it from left: Lyndsy
                                                                           McDonald, Nello
all of the equipment from end to            is needed for packaging.       Allegrucci, John
end regardless of what equipment is              The packaging             Metz Sr. and Dan
around and under the hood. “The fire        area contains a 16-foot
suppression system was designed this        conveyor where staff plate cold or
way to give the culinary center the         hot food into trays that can be heated
flexibility to change configurations of     and microwaved. A vacuum packaging
the equipment and the menus without         machine automatically seals the trays.
having to adjust the fire suppression       A staff member places nutritional labels
system,” Guillaume says.                    on the film covering each tray. Staff               the garbage and makes handling waste
     Another area contains two ice          place 25 menu items into each corru-                easier,” Guillaume says.
bins and an ice maker without a bin.        gated cardboard box and load each box                    The area also contains a three-
Adjacent to storage racks for pots,         onto a mobile cart and transport it into            compartment sink, a wall-mount pot
pans and other utensils, a high-speed       the production cooler or freezer. Meals             filler faucet, a high-temperature ware-
rotary oven cooks proteins. It can heat     are held for at least 48 hours before they          washer that is a rack conveyor with a
7,000 chicken nuggets in 15 minutes.        are transported to clients, though meals            condensate hood overhead, pot and pan
    After staff prepare hot food, they      have a six-month shelf life. “The chef-             shelving, an L-shaped soiled dish table, a
transport it to various areas, depending    inspired menu items are infused with                clean dish table, dishrack dollies, a four-
on its final destination. They place hot    specialty spices, which cuts the shelf              wheel dolly and a glass rack pull overshelf
and cold bulk food into hot and cold        life to six months compared with many               that prevents glasses from breaking.
containers. The containers then make        manufacturers whose products have a                     The center also contains an
their way into temperature-regulated        year shelf life,” Thompson says.                    employee lounge where staff members
delivery trucks for transporting to              Delivery trucks are kept at                    can relax and eat during their shifts.
clients’ locations. Some food gets sent     35 degrees F to keep food cold or at                    As institutions and businesses ease
in cold and hot cabinets so it can be       165 degrees F for hot food. The center’s            into more regular modes of operation,
served from there for catered events.       trucks make in-state deliveries, while              the Metz Culinary & Catering facility
“We might set up a mobile kitchen           third-party trucks contracted by the                will adjust its production to meet new
with mobile sinks at each site so we        center make out-of-state deliveries.                demands for food. The design, which
can either serve food from the mobile            At the center, one warewashing area            allows an ease of production flow from
cabinets or heat it again in mobile         supports the entire facility. “A scrapping          receiving to production to packaging
ovens on-site,” Thompson says.              system automatically removes garbage                to shipping, supports the center
    Staff may also take hot food to         from the pots and pans and breaks                   well during emergency and regular
a blast chiller/freezer and/or the          down solubles, which basically cleans               situations. FE&S

Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs Culinary Center Supports Range of Foodservice Programs
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