Current research on carbetocin and implications for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage

Theunissen et al. Reproductive Health 2018, 15(Suppl 1):94

 REVIEW                                                                                                                                             Open Access

Current research on carbetocin and
implications for prevention of postpartum
Fiona J. Theunissen1*, Lester Chinery1 and Yeshita V. Pujar2
From 2nd International Conference on Maternal and Newborn Health: Translating Research Evidence to Practice
Belagavi, India. 26-27 March 2018

  Background: Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal mortality in low-income countries
  and is a significant contributor to severe maternal morbidity and long-term disability. Carbetocin may be an
  underused uterotonic for prevention of PPH. A number of studies are being conducted that may challenge
  the place of oxytocin as the first choice of uterotonics for prevention of PPH. This paper describes the
  current research into carbetocin and ranking of effectiveness of uterotonics that may provide important new
  information to assist healthcare decision makers to ensure that women receive an effective uterotonic for
  prevention of PPH.
  Methods: We searched the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform for current studies on effectiveness of
  carbetocin for prevention of PPH following vaginal delivery with sample sizes large enough to provide quality evidence
  to support potential changes to international guidelines. We also searched the Cochrane Library for current systematic
  reviews including carbetocin used in prevention of PPH.
  Results: Susceptibility to degradation from exposure to heat is one of the key causes of reduced effectiveness of
  oxytocin in preventing PPH from uterine atony. Although heat stable and effective in preventing PPH, misoprostol is
  also subject to degradation due to exposure to moisture and produces some side-effects. Other uterotonics (including
  ergometrine and combinations of oxytocin, ergometrine and misoprostol) are also available and used with varying
  safety and effectiveness profiles and quality issues. Efforts to reduce maternal mortality from PPH include research
  studies seeking to identify safe, stable, effective uterotonics. Heat stable carbetocin is the subject of two major clinical
  studies into its effectiveness in preventing PPH following vaginal deliveries, information that could expand its
  application for prevention of PPH.
  Conclusion: Heat stable carbetocin is being investigated as a potential alternative to oxytocin. This paper
  describes two current clinical trials on carbetocin and a network meta-analysis ranking of all uterotonic agents,
  including carbetocin, which combined may provide evidence supporting expansion of the use of the heat stable
  formulation of carbetocin in PPH prevention.
  Keywords: Carbetocin, Clinical trials, Heat stable, Prevention, Postpartum haemorrhage, PPH, Oxytocin, Uterotonics

* Correspondence:
 Concept Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Theunissen et al. Reproductive Health 2018, 15(Suppl 1):94                                                   Page 56 of 126

Background                                                    which may be sufficiently clinically effective and struc-
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of          turally stable to be included in the list of recommended
maternal mortality in low-income countries [1] and is a       uterotonics for prevention of PPH.
significant contributor to severe maternal morbidity and
long-term disability, as well as to a number of other se-     Search method
vere maternal conditions, generally associated with more      We searched the WHO International Clinical Trials
substantial blood loss, including severe anaemia, cardiac     Registry Platform for current studies on effectiveness of
failure and sepsis.                                           carbetocin for prevention of PPH following vaginal
   Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) [2]         delivery with sample sizes large enough to provide qual-
recommends Active Management of the Third Stage of            ity evidence to support potential changes to inter-
Labour (AMTSL) to prevent PPH. AMTSL as a prophy-             national guidelines. We also searched the Cochrane
lactic intervention is composed of a package of three         Library for current systematic reviews including carbeto-
components or steps: 1) administration of a uterotonic,       cin used in prevention of PPH.
preferably oxytocin, immediately after birth of the baby;
2) controlled cord traction (CCT) to deliver the placenta;    Results
and 3) massage of the uterine fundus after the placenta       In 2018, results of two major clinical trials on the effect-
is delivered [2]. The administration of a uterotonic to       iveness of carbetocin in prevention of PPH following va-
the mother immediately after the birth of the baby is         ginal deliveries will be published:
identified as the most important step [2]. Oxytocin is
the recommended uterotonic where its efficacy can be             Heat stable carbetocin (formerly carbetocin RTS) for
assured.                                                          preventing postpartum haemorrhage: a randomized
   The effectiveness of uterotonics in generating the uter-       non-inferiority, controlled trial – the World Health
ine contractions necessary to prevent haemorrhage can             Organization (CTRI/2016/05/006969 - Protocol).
be impaired through exposure to conditions that cause             Sample size 30,000 women [7]
the uterotonic to degrade. In many low- and middle-              Intramuscular Oxytocics: A Comparison Study of
income countries where access to sustained cold-chain             Intramuscular Carbetocin, Syntocinon and
is unavailable, the efficacy of oxytocin cannot be assured        Syntometrine for the Third Stage of Labour
because it is susceptible to heat degradation [3, 4]. Other       Following Vaginal Birth (IMox) – North Bristol
uterotonics include ergometrine/methylergometrine, mi-            NHS Trust (NCT02216383 - Protocol). Sample size
soprostol and fixed-dose combinations of these utero-             6285 women [8]
tonics. Ergometrine degrades when exposed to heat or
light [3]. Misoprostol degrades rapidly when exposed to         We also identified a systematic review ranking all
moisture [5]. When degraded, the level of active ingredi-     uterotonics on the basis of effectiveness and side-effects:
ent is decreased, resulting in reduced effectiveness.
   Carbetocin has been widely used for prevention of             Uterotonic agents for preventing postpartum
PPH since 1997 [6]. Innovation in the manufacture of               haemorrhage: a network meta-analysis – Cochrane
carbetocin has resulted in a product which meets the               Review [9]
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical
Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use                  These three studies will provide the evidence needed
(ICH) stability requirements for hot and humid climates       to include (heat stable) carbetocin in global recommen-
(Zone IV A and B) for 36 months at 30 °C and 6 months         dations and respond to the need for additional options
at 40 °C [6]. In countries where cold chain is unreliable     for the prevention of PPH.
or not available, a safe and stable uterotonic could con-
tribute to reduction of maternal mortality from PPH.          Main text
Despite this, carbetocin is not one of the uterotonics        Globally, access to effective uterotonics remains a key
recommended for prevention of PPH by the WHO. This            barrier to reducing maternal mortality. In 2012, the UN
is due primarily to the lack of evidence on its effective-    Commission on Life Saving Medicines [10] reported on
ness in prevention of PPH following vaginal deliveries.       the quality of 13 reproductive and maternal health medi-
                                                              cines, highlighting serious quality problems in utero-
Objective                                                     tonics across low and middle-income countries. In 2016,
The global health community has long sought an effect-        the Quality of oxytocin available in low- and middle-
ive uterotonic for prevention of PPH that withstands          income countries: a systematic review of the literature,
degradation. The objective of this research paper is to       published in BJOG found that across the literature
highlight studies into heat stable carbetocin, a molecule     reviewed, on average 45.6% of oxytocin samples failed
Theunissen et al. Reproductive Health 2018, 15(Suppl 1):94                                                  Page 57 of 126

quality tests mostly due to insufficient amounts of active    recommend that oxytocin should be stored between 2-
pharmacological ingredient [11].                              8C° to prevent degradation and loss of effectiveness [14].
   A further study adding to the evidence on poor quality     Carbetocin, widely used for the prevention of PPH fol-
of uterotonics in low- and middle-income countries was        lowing caesarean section, is a more stable molecule [6]
published by the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP)            and induces a prolonged uterine response, when admin-
Promoting the Quality of Medicines Program in BMC             istered postpartum [15]. A manufacturer of carbetocin
Pregnancy and Birth in January 2018 [12]. In this study,      has developed a stable formulation (heat stable carbeto-
titled Quality medicines in maternal health: results of       cin, previously referred to as carbetocin RTS) which
oxytocin, misoprostol, magnesium sulfate and calcium          makes it a potential option for countries where main-
gluconate quality audits, the researchers found that 74.      taining the cold chain is problematic [6, 16].
2% of oxytocin injection samples and 33.7% of misopros-          Twenty-three centres from 10 countries (India,
tol samples failed the assay test [12].                       Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, United Kingdom, Egypt, South
   Additional activities focussed on highlighting the need    Africa, Singapore, Argentina and Thailand) participated
for action on improving the quality and effectiveness of      in the trial. A total of 29,658 participants were enrolled
uterotonics for prevention of postpartum haemorrhage          globally. The blinding of the trial required that both
include the October 2017 Technical Consultation on            products were refrigerated, although the heat stable car-
Messaging for Management of Oxytocin organised by             betocin compound was used.
the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program in col-             This trial was conducted by the WHO, who completed
laboration with the Reproductive Health Supplies Coali-       enrolment at the end of January 2018 and who are cur-
tion. The consultation involved technical experts from        rently analysing data and preparing the results. Should
the WHO, UNFPA and a number of other organizations.           this trial demonstrate that heat stable carbetocin is non-
The meeting report, A Current Review of Evidence will         inferior to oxytocin in preventing PPH, the WHO will
be available online in March 2018 and will be followed        have evidence to support including heat stable carbeto-
by an in-depth review of the evidence on oxytocin qual-       cin in its Recommendations for the Prevention and
ity. An outcome of the technical consultation was the         Treatment of PPH and in the WHO Model List of
release of an advocacy messaging framework aimed at           Essential Medicines.
improving the quality of oxytocin at the point of use            The trial is part of a broader collaboration involving
called “Buy Quality Oxytocin, Keep it Cold” [13].             regulatory, advocacy and manufacturing activities be-
   While effort is going into improving the quality of oxy-   tween Merck for Mothers (MSD for Mothers outside the
tocin including advocacy, manufacturing quality               USA and Canada), Ferring Pharmaceuticals and the
improvements, regulatory strengthening and supply             World Health Organization (WHO) to make heat stable
chain and storage improvements, research is being con-        carbetocin accessible, pending trial results, in the public
ducted into whether (heat stable) carbetocin is an under-     sector of low and lower-middle income countries at an
utilized option for prevention of PPH.                        affordable and sustainable price.
   Following are summaries of the current major research
activities on effectiveness of carbetocin for prevention of   Intramuscular Oxytocics: a comparison study of
PPH and how they could influence guidelines and               intramuscular Carbetocin, Syntocinon and Syntometrine
practices.                                                    for the third stage of labour following vaginal birth
                                                              (IMox) (NCT02216383 - protocol) [8]
Heat stable carbetocin for preventing postpartum              The Intramuscular Oxytocics trial aims to compare the
haemorrhage: a randomized non-inferiority, controlled         effectiveness, side-effects and cost of three uterotonics –
trial (CTRI/2016/05/006969 - protocol) [7]                    carbetocin, oxytocin (Syntocinon) and the fixed dose
The research objective of this trial is to evaluate if heat   combination of oxytocin/ergometrine (Syntometrine).
stable carbetocin (formerly carbetocin RTS) 100 μg            All products were refrigerated for this trial to preserve
intramuscular (IM) is non-inferior to oxytocin 10 IU IM,      blinding. The trial is important because of the additional
in preventing PPH in women delivering vaginally. Uter-        comparison with the oxytocin/ergometrine combination,
ine atony is the principle cause of PPH. Administration       widely used because of its effectiveness in preventing
of an effective uterotonic after delivery of the baby has     PPH, but which is associated with a number of side-
been demonstrated to reduce PPH caused by uterine             effects.
atony. The majority of deaths due to PPH could be               Studies in the use of carbetocin following caesarean
avoided through the use of prophylactic uterotonics dur-      section have demonstrated effectiveness in prevention of
ing the third stage of labour [7].                            PPH and a safety and side-effects profile similar to oxy-
  Oxytocin (IM/IV, 10 IU) is recommended as the utero-        tocin [17]. No studies have directly compared all three
tonic drug of choice. The WHO and other organizations         medicines or compared their overall cost. The
Theunissen et al. Reproductive Health 2018, 15(Suppl 1):94                                                                  Page 58 of 126

investigators planned to recruit 6285 women, in four            Conclusion
maternity units in the United Kingdom, with recruit-            Heat Stable Carbetocin is being investigated as a poten-
ment ending in 2018.                                            tial alternative to oxytocin and is the subject of two large
  The study’s primary outcome is the proportion of              clinical trials for use in prevention of PPH in vaginal de-
patients requiring additional uterotonic drugs after            liveries. In this discussion, we provided an overview of
administration of study drug. Investigators will perform        the two clinical trials on (heat stable) carbetocin and the
an analysis of cost effectiveness once all results are avail-   meta-analysis ranking of all uterotonic agents, including
able. The results of this trial will provide additional sup-    carbetocin.
port for any changes to international guidelines.                  The WHO trial (Heat stable carbetocin for prevention
                                                                of PPH) is the largest trial ever conducted on utero-
Uterotonic agents for preventing postpartum                     tonics for prevention of PPH and is clearly designed to
haemorrhage: a network meta-analysis [9]                        support guideline changes. The IMox trial (A Compari-
The objective of the Uterotonic agents for preventing           son Study of Intramuscular Carbetocin, Syntocinon and
postpartum haemorrhage: a network meta-analysis is              Syntometrine for the Third Stage of Labour Following
to assess the clinical effectiveness and side-effect pro-       Vaginal Birth), though smaller is still one of the larger
file of uterotonic drugs to prevent PPH and to gener-           clinical trials in this field and the results will be
ate a clinically useful ranking of available uterotonics        important.
according to their effectiveness and side-effects [9]. A           The outcomes of these three pieces of research are
scientifically rigorous ranking could reduce uncer-             likely to result in a change in the WHO Recommen-
tainty about which is the most effective drug for pre-          dations for the Prevention and Treatment of PPH to
venting PPH.                                                    include carbetocin as an option for prevention of
   All uterotonic drugs used for prevention of PPH have         PPH. The drug may also be included in the WHO
been compared with each other including oxytocin,               Model List of Essential Medicines. Governments and
misoprostol, ergometrine, carbetocin, oxytocin plus             clinicians may have an option to assist in the preven-
misoprostol, oxytocin plus ergometrine and placebo or           tion of maternal mortality resulting from preventable
no-treatment.                                                   PPH that is heat stable and therefore more effective
   The study included all randomised controlled individ-        at the time of use in setting where cold chain is not
ual or cluster trials evaluating effectiveness or side-         reliable.
effects of uterotonic drugs for preventing PPH identified
from the Cochrane’s Pregnancy and Childbirth Group              Abbreviations
                                                                AMTSL: Active management of the third stage of labour; BMC: BioMed
(PCG) trials register. The interventions considered were        Central; IM: Intramuscular; IMox: Intramuscular oxytocics; IV: Intravenous;
uterotonics administered by healthcare providers during         MSD: Merck sharp & dohme corp., a subsidiary of merck & Co; NHS: National
the third stage of labour for preventing PPH compared           health service; PPH: Postpartum hemorrhage; RTS: Room temperature stable;
                                                                UNFPA: United Nations population fund; USAID: United States agency for
with a control uterotonic or with placebo or no treat-          international development; WHO: World Health Organization
ment. The targeted population was women having a
vaginal birth or a caesarean section in hospitals or com-       Funding
munity settings.                                                Concept Foundation’s activities on improvement of uterotonic quality, are
                                                                currently supported by funding from MSD for Mothers.
   The study found that, based on published studies,            MSD for Mothers provided funding for the “Heat Stable Carbetocin for
ergometrine plus oxytocin combination, carbetocin, and          preventing postpartum haemorrhage: a randomized non-inferiority controlled
misoprostol plus oxytocin combination were most effect-         trial”. Trial registration: ACTRN12614000870651.
                                                                Publication charges for this supplement were funded by the University of
ive in preventing PPH ≥ 500 mL. Ergometrine plus oxy-           British Columbia PRE-EMPT (Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia, Monitoring, Prevention
tocin combination was most effective in preventing              and Treatment) initiative supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
PPH ≥ 1000 mL. Carbetocin had the most favourable
side-effect profile amongst the top three options. The          About this supplement
                                                                This article has been published as part of Reproductive Health Volume 15
carbetocin evidence came from small studies. The                Supplement 1, 2018: Improving pregnancy outcomes - Proceedings of the
authors plan to update the study when the two major             2nd International Conference on Maternal and Newborn Health: Translating
carbetocin study results are published. [9]                     Research Evidence to Practice. The full contents of the supplement will be
                                                                available online at
   The network meta-analysis (and the forthcoming up-           articles/supplements/volume-15-supplement-1.
date) are of particular value in providing information on
the relative effectiveness and side-effects of uterotonics      Authors’ contributions
whether they have been directly compared in a clinical          FJT and LC drafted the original manuscript. All authors reviewed, provided
                                                                feedback, and approved the final manuscript.
trial or not, and will therefore assist decision makers and
clinicians in determining the best option for particular        Ethics approval and consent to participate
patient populations.                                            Not applicable.
Theunissen et al. Reproductive Health 2018, 15(Suppl 1):94                                                                                          Page 59 of 126

Competing interests                                                                    16. Ferring Pharmaceuticals: Ferring announces European approval of new
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.                                 room temperature stable formulation of PABAL® (Carbetocin). 2015.
                                                                                           Available from:
Publisher’s Note                                                                       17. Su L, Chong Y, Samuel M. Carbetocin for preventing postpartum
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in                    haemorrhage. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012; Available from:
published maps and institutional affiliations.                                   
Author details
 Concept Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland. 2Department of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research’s J. N. Medical
College, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.

Published: 22 June 2018

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