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Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research                 Vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95

              Bo ż ena Łoz owi cka* , Ewa R ut kowska,
              Magd al ena J ankows ka, P i ot r Kacz yński
                        and Iz ab el a H r ynko

               Plant Protection Institute - National Research Institute
          Regional Experimental Station, Laboratory of Pesticide Residues
                  Chelmonskiego 22, 15-195 Bialystok, POLAND

      *Corresponding author: phone: +48 85 678-54-70; fax: +48 85 675-34-19

                   (Received January 27, 2012/Accepted May 15, 2012)

                                 AB ST R ACT

     The first aim of this paper was to evaluate pesticide residue levels of berry fruit
samples. The second aim was to analyze health risks associated with pesticide levels.
The monitoring was conducted on samples from producers in north-eastern Poland,
during the time period 2005-2010. In total, 241 samples of berry fruit were analyzed
using validated and accredited multi residue methods. The studies included 7 com-
modities (125 strawberry, 59 black currant, 25 raspberry, 23 chokeberry, 7 red currant
samples and one sample of elderberry and wild strawberry), and the analysis of 128
pesticides. Residues, mainly insecticides, were found in 47.7% of samples while
40.7% of samples contained pesticide residues below MRLs and 7% above MRLs.
The pesticides were found most often in red currant (100%) and black currant (63%)
samples. The most frequently detected pesticides were fenazaquin and fenitrothion.
Pesticide residues at levels exceeding legally binding MRLs occurred mostly in black
currant samples (12 samples).
     Violations of the maximum residue limits (MRLs) (15 notifications) and use of
a forbidden plant protection product (8 notifications) were found in twenty-three berry
samples during the six-year study. For these cases, the RASFF system (rapid alert
system for food and feed) procedures were initiated. The highest number of notifica-
tions was recorded in 2008 (11 notifications). Only one of the notifications was pre-
pared for berry fruit from an integrated production system − black currant, the re-
maining were for conventional fruit. Among the RASFF notifications, 17 (74%) were
for black currant samples.
B. Łozowicka et al.

     The estimated exposure to pesticide residues detected in the analyzed berry fruit
samples was shown to be very low for the general population (adults) and for the
critical population of small children. Acute and chronic exposure based on residue
levels did not adversely affect consumer health.

Key words: berry fruit, pesticide residue, RASFF notification, risk assessment, MRL

        INTRODUCT ION                       and scientific investigation related to
                                            the presence and control of pesticide
    In order to protect human health        residues in plant products. There has
against adverse effects of plant pro-       been a demand to access the potential
tection products (p.p.p.) and ensure        risk hazards. Because of high con-
the safety of the food produced, offi-      sumption rates and significant health
cial control of both the primary and        risks of detrimental residues in ber-
secondary production levels is con-         ries, people from both consumer and
ducted. Research on pesticide residue       producer countries are now paying
and other contaminants in crops and         more attention to berry safety
foodstuffs is considered an essential       (Yang et al., 2011).
element in each national program.               Berry plants are attacked by
Such research is used to assess the         many pathogens and insects, which is
quality of food and to estimate risks       why pesticides are often used in cul-
to human heath.                             tivation. Use of plant protection
    Berry fruits contain many dietary       products may be a potential risk to
components: vitamins, minerals, folate      human health, especially the health
and fibre (Seeram, 2008). Residues may      of young children. To assess the ex-
be present in berries following pesticide   posure associated with the collection
applications. They may not only include     of pesticides in the diet, it is neces-
the pesticide that was applied but other    sary to define consumed food.
degradation or reaction products and            An important element of con-
metabolites that may be of toxicological    sumer health protection in the Euro-
significance.                               pean Community is the Rapid Alert
    Just the eating of berries can rep-     System for Food and Feed – RASFF,
resent a significant potential source       implemented in Poland since 1 May
of human exposure to pesticides and         2004. Functioning of RASFF is regu-
other hazardous chemicals including         lated by the European Directive (EC)
organophosphorus,         organochlorine,   No 178/2002 (Reg., 2002). The legal
carbamate and pyrethroid. Such chemi-       basis for the system in the country is
cals are unavoidably or improperly used     the Law of 25 August 2006 for food
for protection against pests and putres-    safety and nutrition (Law, 2006). In
cence during plant cultivation and the      the European Union, the RASFF has
product-manufacturing process.              a network structure. Risk assessment
    During recent years, there has          of consumer exposure is being made
been an increasing public concern           under the system in the case of prod-

84                                            J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95
Health risk analysis of pesticide residues in berry fruit…

ucts not complying with existing                    (9.1%), integrated – 72 (29.9%) and
legislation (Struciński et al., 2007).              conventional – 147 (61%).
Notification in the RASFF system                         The research program included
for pesticide residues in crops, stud-              128 a.s. commonly used as p.p.p. and
ied at the stage of primary produc-                 relatively persistent in the environ-
tion, include non-compliances arising               ment (45 fungicides, 12 herbicides,
from: exceeding the maximum resi-                   67 insecticides and 4 acaricides).
due levels (MRLs), presence of ac-                       Validated and accredited (PN-EN
tive substances (a.s.) of forbidden                 ISO/IEC 17025) analytical methods
p.p.p. in the market, implementation                were used for pesticide residue de-
of the p.p.p. threatening human or                  terminations. These methods allowed
animal health, or use contrary to the               for simultaneous multiresidue analy-
recommendations.                                    sis of interesting compounds, in accor-
    In the case of exceeding the limit              dance with the applicable standards
values of MRLs and/or use of p.p.p.                 (SANCO, 2009) and proven in interna-
contrary to the recommendations                     tional proficiency tests (FAPAS, EU)
(Reg., 2005, 2007), the risk was as-                (Medina-Pastor et al., 2010).
sessed for the general population as                     Pesticide residues were isolated
well as for small children who are the              using the technique based on matrix
most vulnerable part of the population.             solid-phase dispersion MSPD. Ex-
    The aims of this work were to                   traction was carried out at the same
evaluate pesticide residue levels in                time as the purification step using
berry fruit samples and to perform                  adsorption column chromatography
a health risk analysis. The study was               with silica gel (Łozowicka, 2012).
conducted under authorized control, in                   Quantitative and qualitative analy-
north-eastern Poland in 2005-2010.                  sis of prepared extracts from samples
                                                    were performed by gas chromatogra-
   MATERIAL AND METHODS                             phy (GC) using two selective detectors
                                                    EC (electron capture) and NP (nitro-
    Material for the study (Tab. 1)                 gen-phosphorus) and high perform-
consisted of 241 berry fruit samples                ance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
(51.9% – strawberry, 24.5% – black                  with a UV and fluorescence detection
currant; 10.4% – raspberry, 9.5% –                  system. Dithiocarbamates expressed as
chokeberry, 2.9% – red currant, elder-              CS2 was determined by a spectropho-
berry and wild strawberry at 0.4%).                 tometry method (Chmiel, 1979).
Samples were collected in 2005-2010,                     Incompliances related to the ex-
from three provinces in north-eastern               ceeding of MRLs assessed in relation to
Poland     (Podlaskie,   Warminsko-                 national and EU legislation (Reg., 2005,
Mazurskie and Lubelskie) by appro-                  2007). In the case of detection of a.s. of
priate inspectors under an authorized               forbidden p.p.p. on the market, assess-
control program (Łozowicka et al.,                  ments were done according to the plant
2010). Samples were produced in                     protection act (Law, 2004) and current
three systems: organic – 22 samples                 preparation label.

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95                                          85
B. Łozowicka et al.

T a b l e 1 . Number of analyzed samples in 2005-2010

                                                      Number of samples with
                    Number of samples
                                                         % with residues
                                                                                      n<      n>
Berry fruit                                                                                              n*     RASFF
                                                                                     MRLs    MRLs





Black                                                 37        22          15
               59        37       20         2                                        20        12        5       17
currant                                              63%       59%        75%
Chokeberry     23        13         -       10         -         -           -        -          -        -        -
Elderberry      1          -        -        1          -           -        -        -          -        -        -
                                                      13         6          7
Raspberry      25        15         9        1                                        13         -        -        -
                                                    52%       40%         78%
                                                       7         2          5
Red currant     7         2         5        -                                        4          3        -       3
                                                    100%      100%        100%
                                                      58        36        23
Strawberry    125        75       31        19                                        55         -        3       3
                                                    46%       48%         74%
                1         1         -        -          -           -            -    -          -        -        -
n* – number of samples with forbidden active substance
Conven. – conventional, Integr. – integrated, Organ. – organic
MRLs – maximum residue levels

     To assess the risk associated with                                 intake ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake).
the consumption of berries containing                                   In cases where the compounds were
residues, the results of the research                                   not detected above the limit of quanti-
were used. The evaluation was con-                                      fication, the calculation of the average
ducted for the general population of                                    residue values of the limit of quantifi-
consumers (adults) and the critical                                     cation were assumed.
population; children aged from 1.5 to                                       The risk assessment of consumer
4 years, as the group most vulnerable                                   health exposure associated with con-
to the effects of pesticide residue expo-                               sumption of crops containing pesti-
sure (Łozowicka, 2009).                                                 cide residues was based on the avail-
     Short-term exposure was estimated                                  able epidemiological studies. These
by comparing a single intake of the                                     were studies conducted for the two
highest detected residue of plant pro-                                  sub-populations in the database of
tection products to a set volume ARfD                                   food consumption: the British model,
(Acute Reference Dose).                                                 Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD,
     Long-term exposure was esti-                                       2006), for consumption at the 97.5
mated by comparing the daily intake                                     percentile. In Poland, there is no
of residues, calculated from the aver-                                  complete data for these populations,
age pesticide residues detected in                                      hence there was a need to use other
fruit to set value of the tolerable daily                               available sources.

86                                                                       J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95
Health risk analysis of pesticide residues in berry fruit…

    The values of ADI and ARfD are                  fenazaquin (I), fenitrothion (IF) and
elaborated by the European Food                     cypermethrin (IP).
Safety Authority (EFSA) of the Euro-                    Red currants in 100% of the sam-
pean Union (EU) (EFSA, 2008) or the                 ples had residues from both systems.
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment               From seven analyzed samples, there
(BfR), Germany (Grenzwerte, 2006).                  were three cases with incompliances
                                                    associated with exceeding the MRLs
  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                            for fenazaquin (I), fenitrothion (IF)
                                                    and flusilazole (F).
     Based on studies of 241 berry fruit                In the conventional system, 48% of
samples, the presence of pesticides was             the strawberry samples were residues
estimated and 115 of them contained                 and 74% from the integrated system.
chemical contamination (47.7%). Dis-                In conventional strawberries, 21
tribution of pesticide residues in se-              multi-residue samples were recorded
lected berry fruit is shown in Figure 1.            containing from 2 to 4 a.s and
     The highest percentage of de-                  5 samples with 2 a.s. in the inte-
tected pesticide residues was shown                 grated. There were also cases where
in red currant samples (100%),                      a.s. of fungicidal p.p.p. not author-
a lower percentage was seen in black                ized for use in strawberry cultivation
currant (63%), raspberry (52%) and                  which were detected (procymidone
strawberry (46%) samples. Choke-                    and tolylfluanid) (Tab. 2).
berry, elderberry and wild strawberry                   Raspberry samples with residues
samples were free from residues.                    were noted in 40 % of the samples
     Pesticide residues were reported in            from the conventional production
59 % of black currant samples from the              while 78% for integrated production.
conventional system and 75% from the                There were three multi-residue sam-
integrated. The largest number of active            ples detected: 2 from conventional
substances was detected in one black                system containing 2 to 3 residues, and
currant sample derived from a conven-               1 from the integrated with 2 com-
tional production, with 5 residues (cy-             pounds.
permethrin 0.03 mg/kg; dithiocar-                       From 2005 to 2010, twenty-three
bamates       0.19 mg/kg;      fenazaquin           cases were reported in which con-
0.24 mg/kg; fenitrothion 0.03 mg/kg;                sumption could pose a significant
flusilazole 0.01 mg/kg). In addition, 11            health risk to consumers (Tab. 1).
multi-residue samples from conven-                  Special attention should be focused
tional systems containing from 2 to                 on non-compliances associated with
4 residues, and 7 samples from inte-                detection of active substance of
grated systems with 2 and 3 com-                    p.p.p. not authorized for use in
pounds were detected.                               a given crop: endosulfan (IC), pro-
     For black currant samples, the larg-           cymidone (F) (above NDP) and also
est number of incompliances was noted               azoxystrobin (F), endosulfan (IC),
– 17. The most frequently detected a.s.             flusilazole (F), tolylfluanid (F) (below
above the permissible limits were                   NDP) (Tab. 2).

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95                                          87
B. Łozowicka et al.
                                                               Black currant

                                                                                             samples with residues < M RLs
                                 38%                                          34%
                                                                                             samples with residues > M RLs

                                                                                             samples with forbidden active substan

                                                                                             samples without residues

                                                   Red currant
                                         8%                      20%


                                 43%                                                          1
                                                                             57%              4

                                       48%                       52%


lack currant                54%
                             samples with residues < M RLs
                             samples with residues > M RLs

                             samples with forbidden active substance

                             samples without residues
           Figure 1. Pesticide residues in selected berry fruit: a) black currant, b) red currant,
           c) raspberry and d) strawberry
           88                                             J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95
Health risk analysis of pesticide residues in berry fruit…

T a b l e 2 . Crops with RASFF notification

                               Pesticide       System           Active                              PL*
Year        Berry fruit                                                         ± uncertainty
                                group        production        substance                             or
2006     black currant        IC             conven.        endosulfan          0.03±0.009         0.05*
                              I                             fenazaquin          0.25±0.075         0.10*
         black currant                       conven.
                              IF                            fenitrothion        0.06±0.018         0.01*
         black currant        F              conven.        procymidone         0.02±0.006         0.02*
                              IP                            cypermethrin        0.08±0.024         0.05*
         black currant        IF             conven.        fenitrothion        0.06±0.018         0.01*
                              F                             procymidone         0.57±0.171         0.02*
                              IF                            fenitrothion        0.03±0.009         0.01*
         red currant                         conven.
                              F                             flusilazole         0.29±0.087         0.20*
         black currant        I              conven.        fenazaquin          0.22±0.066         0.10*
                              I                             fenazaquin          0.24±0.072         0.10*
         black currant                       conven.
                              IF                            fenitrothion        0.03±0.009         0.01*
         black currant        IP             conven.        cypermethrin        0.09±0.027         0.05*
         black currant        IC             conven.        endosulfan          0.28±0.084         0.05*
         black currant        IF             conven.        fenitrothion        0.03±0.009         0.01*
         black currant        IF             conven.        fenitrothion        0.02±0.006         0.01*
         black currant        I              conven.        fenazaquin          0.11±0.058         0.10*
         black currant        I              conven.        fenazaquin          0.13±0.039         0.10*
         red currant          IF             integr.        fenitrothion        0.02±0.006         0.01*
         strawberry           F              conven.        tolylfluanid        0.10±0.030         5.00*
         strawberry           F              conven.        tolylfluanid        0.49±0.147         5.00*
         black currant        IP             conven.        esfenvalerate       0.10±0.030         0.02**
                              IP                            esfenvalerate       0.15±0.045         0.02**
2009     black currant                       conven.
                              F                             flusilazole         0.03±0.009         5.00**
         red currant          I              conven.        fenazaquin          0.09±0.027         0.01**
                              I                             fenazaquin          0.05±0.015         0.01**
         black currant                       conven.
                              F                             flusilazole         0.01±0.003         5.00**
2010     black currant        IP             conven.        cypermethrin        0.10±0.030         0.05**
         black currant        F              conven.        azoxystrobin        0.06±0.018         5.00**
         strawberry           F              conven.        procymidone         0.22±0.066         0.02**
*maximum residue levels (MRLs) according to European Commission (EC) regulations
**maximum residue levels (MRLs) according to Polish (PL) regulations
bolded − active substance of forbidden p.p.p. with residues > MRLs
italics − active substance of forbidden p.p.p. with residues < MRLs
I – insecticide, IC – insecticide organochlorine, IF – insecticide organophosphorus, IP – insecticide pyre-
throid, F – fungicide
Conven. – conventional, Integr. – integrated

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95                                                         89
B. Łozowicka et al.

     In the study period of 2005-2010,   its, the ARfD or ADI are transferred
the highest number of notifications      to the RASFF national focal point.
was prepared in 2008 (46%). This is           The estimated surveyed population
due to the harmonization of Polish       with a chronic dietary health exposure
standards with the EU on the maxi-       from the consumption of all the pesti-
mum levels of pesticides. The EU         cide residues detected in 2005-2010 in
directive has introduced strict limits   berry fruit, is shown in Figure 3. The
for certain active substances, often     estimated ADI values ranged from
setting MRLs on the detection level      0.1% to 17.1% for young children and
of the analytical method. An example     from 0.1% to 17.4% for adults. Long-
might be fenazaquin for which the        term exposure is quite low, and only in
national MRL is ten times lower than     the case of procymidone for adults was
the European (MRL = 0.01 mg/kg           it about 32%.
UE).                                          One of the most important ele-
     The analyzed data shows the         ments of risk assessment is a refer-
most often identified pesticides ex-     ence to the estimated consumption of
ceeding the MRLs were: fenazaquin (I)    a product containing high levels of
and fenitrothion (IF), which were pre-   pesticide residues in the acute refer-
sent in black currant and red currant    ence dose (ARfD) designated for this
samples. The frequency of the detected   pesticide. This approach enables quan-
compounds in non-complying samples       titative assessment of risk, providing
is shown in Figure 2.                    the grounds for further decisions con-
     Taking into account the concen-     cerning this product (Ludwicki and
tration levels detected in berry fruit   Kostka, 2008).
samples from the three production             Short-term exposure (acute) was
systems, non-compliances were            estimated only for compounds hav-
found in 3% of samples from the          ing a specific value ARfD, with re-
integrated production and 15% from       gard to their highest detected level.
the conventional. Therefore it can be    Total % ARfD for all pesticides for
concluded, that integrated agriculture   the individual berries is low, and for
clearly produces less contaminated       adults did not exceed 3%. For young
food compared with the conven-           children was slightly above 7.5%
tional. In samples from organic pro-     (Fig. 4.). For the highest recorded pes-
duction, as planned, no pesticide        ticide residue level – procymidone in
residues were detected.                  the black currant sample (0.57 mg/kg),
     The study adopted a rather criti-   the estimated short-term exposure was
cal assessment of consumer exposure      only 0.6% for adults and less than 2%
criteria for having a high level of      for children.
consumption combined with the                 All RASFF notifications were
highest level of pesticide residues      considered as information which was
found in berry fruit samples. Cases      provided, and following a risk as-
where the risk assessment indicates      sessment, none of them went to the
the possibility of exceeding the lim-    EC database CIRCA.

90                                        J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95
Health risk analysis of pesticide residues in berry fruit…

                          25               23,3                        23,3

       % of sample        20


                                                                                                          10                                     10                        10

                                                                                                                                                                                                   6,7                              6,7                         6,7

                           5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3,3

                                                                                                 cypermethrin (IP)

                                                                                                                                                                    procymidone (F)
                                                                   fenitrothion (IF)

                                                                                                                                                                                            endosulfan (IC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            esfenvalerate (IP)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           azoxystrobin (F)
                                       fenazaquin (I)

                                                                                                                                        flusilazole (F)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tolylfluanid (F)
Figure 2. Frequency of detected compounds with non-compliances related to exceed-
ing the MRLs and related to the presence of active substance/s of forbidden plant
protection product/s



                     20                                                                                                                                   17,4                                                                                                                  17,1

                     15                                                                                                                                                                 13,2

                     10                                                                                                                                                               7,1
                                  5                                                                             5,9
                          2,7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3,5
                      5                                                                                                                                                                                       2,7
                                      0,3 0,6                                          1,6 2,9                                                                                                                                                                                                                1,9
                                                                0,1 0,1                                                                                            0,2 0,4                                                      0,1 0,2 0,6 1,2







                                                                                                                     Adults                                   Young children

ADI – Acceptable Daily Intake

Figure 3. Chronic dietary exposure to pesticides in berry fruit for adults and young

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                91
B. Łozowicka et al.

             8                                                   7,5                              7,6




             4                                                                                                             3,5

             3                                                                  2,7
                 1,7                                                                                    1,8


             0                                   black currant
                       red currant


                                                                 Adults   Young children

ARfD – Acute Reference Dose

Figure 4. Acute dietary exposure of pesticides based on their highest residues for all
compounds in berry fruit

    According to the European                                                  The present study shows a high
Commission, one of the reasons for                                         incidence rate of pesticides (mostly
the increase in the number of RASFF                                        insecticides) in the analyzed samples.
notifications in recent years may be                                       The most critical commodity was
the more active involvement of                                             black currant samples (the highest
Member States in reporting on the                                          number of samples with MRLs viola-
identified risks (Łozowicka, 2010).                                        tions). The results also emphasize the
This may be explained by the im-                                           need for regular monitoring of
provement of the analytical perform-                                       a greater number of berry fruit sam-
ance of the laboratories (increased                                        ples for pesticide residues.
number of pesticides searched for,
and higher sensitivity of detection)                                                               CONCLUSIONS
methods. For example in the Pesti-
cide Residue Laboratory in Bialystok                                       1. As a result of authorized control
only 25 active substances were de-                                             methods carried out in 2005-2010,
termined in 1975. Nowadays, after                                              twenty-three incompliances of the
broadening the scope of the active                                             analyzed berry fruit samples were
substances and lowering the limit of                                           found.
quantification, approximately 130                                          2. Results from a six-year period
compounds are analyzed.                                                        showed that producers did not

92                                                                            J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95
Health risk analysis of pesticide residues in berry fruit…

      comply with the recommenda-                      larly for children) at the stage be-
      tions of the use of preparations                 fore the product would appear on
      according to the label (15 notifi-               the market.
      cations) and also used p.p.p.                 9. Data justify the extension of au-
      which were unauthorized on the                   thorized control procedures for
      market (8 notifications).                        the detection of pesticide resi-
3.   The largest number of incompli-                   dues, especially when it comes to
      ances was noted for black currant                currants, because they may be
      samples – 17, which were mostly                  a potential source of food con-
      associated with insecticides, such               tamination from chemicals.
      as fenazaquin and fenitrothion.
4.   Despite the fact that residues in                         REFERENCES
      conventional fruits were in 61.5%
      of the samples and 78.2% of the               Chmiel Z. 1979. Spektrofotometryczne
      integrated group, the vast majority              oznaczanie śladowych pozostałości
      of incompliances were related to                 dwutiokarbaminianów w materiale ro-
      conventional production, only                    ślinnym. CHEM. ANAL. 505-511.
                                                    Grenzwerte für die gesundheitliche Bewer-
      1 case was related to integrated
                                                       tung von Pflanzenschutzmittelrück-
      production. There were no incom-                 ständen. 2006. Aktualisierte Informa-
      pliances for organic samples.                    tion Nr. 003/2008 des BfR vom 4.
5.   The largest number of RASFF                       Januar 2006.
      was reported in 2008 (11 notifi-              Document N° SANCO/10684/2009. Me-
      cations) as a result of more strin-              tod Validation and Quality Control
      gent EU values of MRLs (than                     Procedures for Pesticides Residues
      national).                                       Analysis in Food and Feed.
6.   Risk assessment has shown that                 EFSA. 2008. Report on the toxicological
      consumer exposure to pesticide                   reference values for the active sub-
                                                       stances in plant protection products.
      residues in berry fruit samples is
                                                       WEB REPORT nr 1, July 2008.
      relative low. No products were                Law of 25.08.2006 on food safety and
      found in which consumption could                 nutrition. J. of LAWS No. 171, item
      have negative health effects.                    1225 as follows changes.
7.   The estimated risks to the health              Law of 18.12.2003 (2004) of plant protec-
      of children and adults based on                  tion J. of Laws No. 11, item. 94 as fol-
      the level of pesticide residues de-              lows changes.
      tected in the analyzed samples,               Ludwicki J.K., Kostka G. 2008. Przekro-
      indicates that intake of pesticides              czenia dopuszczalnych poziomów po-
      did not exceed the “safe” values                 zostałości pestycydów w żywności
                                                       zgłaszane do oceny ryzyka zgodnie
      of ADI and ARfD.
                                                       z procedurami RASFF w Polsce.
8.   Pesticide residue monitoring is an                ROCZN. PZH 59: 389-396.
      important element of consumer                 Łozowicka B. 2009. Risk and threat for
      health protection. The monitor-                  health consumers by pesticide residues
      ing allows for the rapid elimina-                from Polish north east crops. ECOL.
      tion of a health threat (particu-                CHEM. ENG. A. 16 (10): 1327-1337.

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95                                           93
B. Łozowicka et al.

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   wych i sokach z owoców jagodowych.             pean Parliament and of the Council of
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Łozowicka B. 2010. Studium nad pozosta-           food law, establishing the European
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94                                              J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95
Health risk analysis of pesticide residues in berry fruit…

                 Boż ena Łoz owi cka* , Ewa R ut kowska,
                 Magd al ena J ankows ka,P i ot r Kacz yński
                             i Iz abel a Hr ynko

                                   ST RE S Z C ZE NI E

   Celem pracy była ocena poziomów pozostałości środków ochrony roślin w prób-
kach owoców jagodowych z obowiązującymi przepisami oraz analiza ryzyka dla
zdrowia konsumentów. Badania obejmowały próbki pochodzące z północno-
wschodniej Polski, które wykonywano w ramach urzędowej kontroli w latach 2005-
2010. Przebadano 241 próbek owoców jagodowych (125 próbek truskawek, 59 −
porzeczek czarnych, 25 − malin, 23 − aronii, 7 − porzeczek czerwonych i po jednej
próbce bzu czarnego i poziomek). Pozostałości pestycydów, głównie insektycydów,
wykryto w 47,7% próbek, z czego 40,7% z pozostałościami poniżej NDP, a 7% po-
wyżej NDP. Najczęściej wykrywano fenazachinę i fenitrotion. Przekroczenia NDP
dotyczyły głównie próbek porzeczki czarnej (12 próbek).
   Procedurę RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) w trakcie sześciolet-
nich badań wszczęto w dwudziestu trzech przypadkach, tylko raz dla próbek z pro-
dukcji integrowanej (flusilazol), w pozostałych przypadkach dotyczyły owoców wy-
produkowanych w sadach konwencjonalnych. Nie stwierdzono niezgodności dla
owoców ekologicznych. Powiadomienia przesłano ze względu na przekroczenia
najwyższego dopuszczalnego poziomu pozostałości (NDP) (15 zgłoszeń) oraz stoso-
wania niedozwolonych środków ochrony roślin (8 zgłoszeń). Największą liczbę po-
wiadomień odnotowano w 2008 roku, w większości dla próbek porzeczki czarnej – 17
powiadomień (74% wszystkich zgłoszeń RASFF). Najczęściej zgłoszenia RASFF
dotyczyły insektycydów (70%), to jest fenazachiny i fenitrotionu.
   Oszacowane ryzyko narażenia dla populacji generalnej (dorośli) i populacji kry-
tycznej tzn. małych dzieci na pozostałości środków ochrony roślin wykazało, że jest
ono stosunkowo niskie. W omawianym okresie nie stwierdzono produktów z owoca-
mi jagód, których spożycie mogło mieć negatywne skutki zdrowotne.

Słowa kluczowe: owoce jagodowe, pozostałości pestycydów, powiadomienia RASFF,
ocena ryzyka, najwyższe dopuszczalne poziomy

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 20(1) 2012: 83-95                                          95
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