Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021 - Emmanuel ...

Page created by Cecil Bishop
Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021 - Emmanuel ...
Year 10, 2021

Emmanuel Catholic College Vision and Mission .......................................................................................................... 2
Looking Forward ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
General Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
    Compulsory Subjects Outline .................................................................................................................................... 4
    Elective Subjects Outline........................................................................................................................................... 4
    Feedback on Student Progress................................................................................................................................. 4
    Holidays during term ................................................................................................................................................. 4
    Interschool Sport........................................................................................................................................................ 5
    Music (Instrumental Lessons) ..................................................................................................................................... 5
    Extension and Enrichment Programs ........................................................................................................................ 5
    Christian Service ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Compulsory Curriculum Courses .................................................................................................................................. 6
    Religious Education ................................................................................................................................................... 6
    English ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
    Mathematics ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
    Humanities and Social Sciences ............................................................................................................................. 10
    Science.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
    Health and Physical Education .............................................................................................................................. 12
Elective Curriculum Courses........................................................................................................................................ 13
    Italian ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
    Bush Rangers ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
    Mastermind ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
    Not Rocket Science ................................................................................................................................................ 14
    Visual Art .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
    Graphic Design ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
    Media ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
    Drama ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
    Dance...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
    Music ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
    Fashion..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
    Materials .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
    Wood ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
    Hospitality ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
    CAD/CAM ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
    Creative Digital Technology ................................................................................................................................... 19
    Child Care and Development ................................................................................................................................ 20
    Maritime .................................................................................................................................................................. 20
    Photography ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
    Specialised Physical Education .............................................................................................................................. 21
    Sport and Recreation: General .............................................................................................................................. 21
    Sport and Recreation: Football or Netball Academy ............................................................................................ 21
    Gifted and Talented Program ................................................................................................................................ 22

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                                                                                         1|P a g e
Emmanuel Catholic College Vision and Mission

College Name

The Hebrew word Emmanuel means “God is with us”.


God is with us and calls us to become men and women of service for others.

Core Values

         We will show respect, compassion and service to others
         We will strive for excellence
         We will be consistent and fair
         We will model Christ in our behaviour

      Foster the growth and development of knowledge, skills and values needed by each person
        to become what God has called him or her to be in their service for others.

          Develop the whole person to be fully alive and encourage the students to see Jesus as the
           model for humanity.

          Appreciate the God-given gifts in all members of the College community and to develop
           these gifts so that each person may contribute to the common good.

          Encourage students to develop a love of learning.

          Promote in students a respect for themselves and others.

          Raise students' consciousness and practice of Social Justice, especially in support of the
           disadvantaged both locally and globally.

          Help students to be aware of and actively engaged in the process of National Reconciliation.

          Assist students to become responsible stewards of the Environment.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                 2|P a g e
Looking Forward
At Emmanuel Catholic College, Year 10 is seen as the beginning of Senior School. Throughout Year 10,
students will be challenged and encouraged to achieve at their best in all that they do. They will be
urged to achieve the best results in their academic subjects and also in the other areas of school life.
Students will be encouraged to set goals and strive hard to reach them.

Year 10 can be expected to be more demanding than Year 9 in relation to the subjects studied.
Students must consistently apply themselves fully in each of their classes and with their home study.

During Year 10, students wishing to continue their schooling into Year 11 will be required to make some
important decisions about career directions. Some students will be looking at pursuing admission to
particular University or State Training Provider courses. Others will perhaps be looking at equipping
themselves with desirable skills to improve their chances of entering the workforce prior to or following
the completion of Year 12. Students should therefore consider which subjects are going to maximise
their options as well as being ones in which they can expect to be successful.

Students need to be aware that Subject Selection for Year 11 will occur at the beginning of Term 3.
The Semester 1 results of Year 10 are therefore very important, as these results will determine what pre-
requisites will be met, and what subjects are available for selection. Students must ensure that they
apply themselves during Year 10 to give themselves the best opportunity to move forward in their
desired pathway for Year 11.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                   3|P a g e
General Information

Compulsory Subjects Outline

Students will undertake the compulsory study of each of the following:
  Religious Education
  English
  Mathematics
  Humanities and Social Sciences
  Science
  Health and Physical Education
  PC (Pastoral Care)

Elective Subjects Outline

Students will study two (2) of the following elective subjects (4 periods per week for the whole year).
The College reserves the right to withdraw a subject if there is an insufficient number of students who
wish to enrol in that subject.

Changes to electives can be made up until the end of Week 1, Term One. Changes for Semester Two
are discouraged, however if necessary need to be completed in the first week of Term Two. No other
changes are permitted.

     Italian                                                      Hospitality
     Bush Rangers                                                 CAD/CAM
     Mastermind                                                   Creative Digital Technology
     Not Rocket Science                                           Child Care and Development
     Visual Art                                                   Maritime
     Graphic Design                                               Photography
     Media                                                        Specialised Physical Education
     Drama                                                        Sport & Recreation
     Dance                                                         (General, Football and Netball
     Music                                                         Academy)
     Fashion
     Materials
     Wood

Feedback on Student Progress
Students will receive the following:
      Interim Report at the end of Term One
      Semester One Report
      Semester Two Report
      Parent, Student & Teacher interview (Term 2)

Student achievement in each subject will be reported using the SCSA Reporting Guidelines.

Holidays during term
Parents/guardians are encouraged not to take their children on holidays outside of the College holiday
break time. Families who make the decision to take holidays during term time and who remove their
children from the College for extended periods of time need to be aware that teachers at the College
are under no obligation to provide work for students during these extended periods of absence.
Students will need to catch up on work missed on their return to the College, but please recognise that
this is not a suitable substitute for teacher directed lessons.

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Interschool Sport
      Year 10 students at Emmanuel Catholic College will be given the opportunity to display their sporting
      talents throughout the year in the Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Inter-House Carnivals. Students
      will also have the opportunity to be selected to represent the College in these fields as well as Junior
      representative teams to compete against other schools in a range of after school sports competitions
      through the Southern Associated Schools (Junior) branch of the ACC program and School Sport WA
      sporting programs.

      Music (Instrumental Lessons)

      Music (Specialist Instrumental) is a program comprising instrumental tuition and music appreciation. The
      cost of individual tuition must be met by parents and will be in addition to the school fees. Separate
      forms are available from Student Services for students who wish to study a Musical Instrument.

      Extension and Enrichment Programs
      In Year 10, students will be placed into differentiated programs of study in each of the core subjects of
      English, Mathematics and Science.

      All students are placed into Pathways according to ability. These Pathways are designed to ensure that
      students are able to obtain success in their courses. At Emmanuel, Pathway 1 is the hardest course with
      each Pathway varying from here. All Pathway 1 courses are aimed at extending the students and the
      work is set above the SCSA standards in Year 10.

      Students who have been placed in a particular program are not necessarily locked into that program.
      Opportunities exist at various times during the year where students may be moved from one program
      to another, depending on their progress and quality of work.

      Christian Service

      At Emmanuel Catholic College, students are expected to complete a minimum of 25 hours of Christian
      Service by the end of Year 10 and a further 25 hours in Year 11. This will mean that each student will
      complete 50 hours of Christian Service in upper school. The College will also provide students with a
      reflective component to allow them to qualify for an endorsed unit of work.

      Christian Service is defined as: “Activities undertaken for the benefit of individuals and/or community for
      no financial reward.” Such activities may be school-orientated, providing a service in an area of need
      within the school environment or community-orientated, providing a service in an area of need within
      the broader community.

      Recording Hours of Christian Service
      Students must keep a digital record of their service activities and number of hours completed in school
      provided digital log sheets.

      What Counts as Christian Service?
      • Social and personal development activities undertaken for the benefit of others
      • Service component of community programs
      • Fund-raising activities
      • Service components built into school curriculum
      • Activities that receive a small honorarium
      • Activities that benefit the school environment or other students
      • Activities undertaken following skills development or leadership programs
      • Activities that benefit the community
      • Work for non-profit organisations
      • Participation in citizenship or leadership service activities
      • Home-based service given by young carers.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                          5|P a g e
Compulsory Curriculum Courses
        The compulsory subjects for Year 10 are listed below with a short description of the content to
        be studied.

        Religious Education

        Religious Education is a compulsory unit of study for any student attending a Catholic school and
        there are now various pathways available so suit all learner’s needs and interests.

        Religious Education Pathways for Senior School:

                    Year 11 and 12 Course                                             Pre- Requisite

         ATAR Religion & Life ATAR                              Grade Requirement:
                                                                A- B Grade achieved in Year 10 Religion

         General Religion & Life                                Nil
                                                                This course is designed for students who would struggle
                                                                with the demands of the ATAR course.

         Certificate III in Ministry and Theology               Nil
                                                                This course will suit those students who are not suited to
                                                                exams or tests, and who would struggle with the demands
                                                                of the General course.

        The Year 10 course continues to follow the curriculum guidelines for the Archdiocese of Perth. However,
        in preparation for Year 11 and 12, our course design now favours the learning and assessment styles of
        senior school.


        The assessment structure and style for Year 10 are as follows:

              Source Analysis
              Short Answer
              Investigation and Essay Writing
              Semester 1 and Semester 2 Exams

        Year 10 Content

        The Year 10 curriculum content allows students to explore a variety of theological, moral and social
        issues through the completion of four units of study.

        10.1        Vocation – called to be and become
        10.2        The Search for Freedom and Moral Choices
        10.3        The Holy Spirit’s actions through Conscience and the Church
                    a. The Human Conscience
                    b. The Development of the Church through History
        10.4        Restoring God’s Justice in the World

        Religious Education is a vital part of our Catholic school curriculum. Students are expected to
        participate fully in the program and complete all assigned tasks to an acceptable standard.

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        The various English pathways from Year 10 to Year 12 are summarised below.

        Year 10,                                      Year 11 & Year 12

        Pathway 1.........................................ATAR Literature or ATAR English

        Pathway 2.........................................ATAR Literature, ATAR English or General English

        Pathway 3.........................................General English

        Pathway 4.........................................General English

        The Year 10 course is developed around the strands of the Australian Curriculum: Language, Literature
        and Literacy. The activities and assessments will reflect the learning outcomes of listening and
        speaking, viewing, reading and writing. The aims of the course are to:

            Develop, students’ knowledge of language and literature and to consolidate and expand their
             literacy skills. More specifically it aims to support students to understand how Standard Australian
             English works in its spoken and written forms
            Appreciate and enjoy language and develop a sense of its richness and its power to evoke
             feelings, form and convey ideas, persuade, entertain and argue
            Understand, interpret, reflect on and create an increasingly broad repertoire of spoken, written
             and multimodal texts across a growing range of settings
            Access a broad range of literary texts and develop an informed appreciation of literature master
             the written and spoken language forms of schooling and knowledge

        A variety of texts, including transactional, media and literature, will be used reflecting the aims of the
        Australian Curriculum and the Cross Curriculum Priorities of: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories
        and culture, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia and Sustainability. The English course is
        designed and delivered to enhance the individual student's learning needs.

        This course introduces a wider range of texts that are more sophisticated. It provides students with
        opportunities to consolidate and develop the concepts, skills and understandings they encountered
        in Year 7-9 English.

        Students who show greater aptitude in English may be placed in the Pathway 1 class. This is based on
        Year 9 performances and individual teacher feedback. We also offer a Pathway 4 English for students
        needing more individualised support and looking towards a non-university pathway in Years 11 and

        Some selected texts are available for free use through the English Department however teachers may
        request novels, texts and iBooks via the book list. This will enable students to be presented with a variety
        of stimulus material.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                                7|P a g e

          Year 10 students are placed into one of four pathways according to their achievement in
          assessments in Year 9 and in consultation with their Year 9 class teacher. This placement continues
          the preparation that was started in Year 9 for entry into the Year 11 and 12 courses in which students
          may subsequently wish to enrol.

          The Year 10 Mathematics course follows the West Australian Curriculum published by the School
          Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). The knowledge, understandings, skills, values and
          attitudes set by SCSA ( include studies in:

                  Number and Algebra
                  Measurement and Geometry
                  Statistics and Probability

          Year 10 Students are required to purchase all special equipment items for Mathematics found on the
          booklist. Please note that the Casio Classpad calculator is required as a learning tool for Year 10
          students in Pathways 1 and 2 only.

          Students are assessed according to the Curriculum Framework Learning statements for mathematics
          as developed by the School Curriculum and Standard Authority (

          The Year 10 programs are designed to take advantage of a range of available digital technologies
          to explore and develop students’ skills. These include the use of calculators, computers/iPads as well
          as a range of online resources. Students will acquire skills in the key mathematical areas of Fluency,
          Logical Reasoning, Analytic Thought and Problem-solving.


          Pathway 1 continues preparing students for Mathematics Specialist and Mathematical Methods
          (ATAR courses). Students who have demonstrated very high ability in mathematics will be placed in
          this pathway.

          Pathway 2 continues preparing students for Mathematics Methods and Mathematics Applications
          (ATAR course). Students must have proven above average ability in mathematics to be placed in
          this pathway.

          Pathway 3 continues preparing students to consider entry to Mathematics Applications or
          Mathematics Essentials in Year 11. Mathematics Applications is an ATAR course, while Mathematics
          Essentials is a general course. Students need to be competent in mathematics for placement in this

          Pathway 4 continues preparation for students to study Foundation or Essential Mathematics, general
          courses that prepares students for practical mathematics required for life skills.

          Note that students in each Pathway will be also be adequately prepared for any course in Year 11
          below the one for which they are eligible. Placement in a Pathway does not guarantee that a
          student will be able to select the corresponding course in Year 11. Students must meet grade
          standards as indicated on the following flow chart.

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Mathematics Pathways Year 10 to Year 11

                                Semester 1                                                              Semester 1                                    Semester 1
                                 Year 10                                                                  Year 10                                      Year 10
                                Pathway 1                                                         Pathway 2 and Pathway 3                             Pathway 4

   State Grade                 State Grade                      State Grade         State Grade         State Grade B          State Grade   State Grade
        A                           A                                 B                  A                Pathway 2               C or D        C or D          OLNA
                                                                                                           Grade B                                               not
    Pathway 1                    Pathway 1                      Pathway 1            Pathway 2            Pathway 3            Pathway 3     Pathway 4         achieved
     Grade A                      Grade B                        Grade C             Grade A > 85%      Grade A > 85%           Grade C       Grade A

      Courses                     Courses                         Courses              Courses            Courses                Courses       Courses          Courses
     Available                   Available                       Available            Available          Available              Available     Available        Available

      Maths                       Maths                           Maths                 Maths              Maths                  Maths         Maths           Maths
    Specialist                   Methods                        Applications          Methods           Applications            Essentials    Essentials      Foundation
     (needs                                                                            (needs             (needs
      HOLA                                                                              HOLA               HOLA
    Approval)                                                                         approval)          approval)

         Plus                         or                             or                   or                 or

   Must choose                   Maths                             Maths              Maths                Maths
     Maths                     Applications                      Essentials         Applications         Essentials

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                                      9|P a g e
Humanities and Social Sciences

        The Humanities pathways from Year 10 to Year 12 are summarised below.

        Year 10                                     Year 11 & Year 12

        Humanities ...................................... ATAR Economics, ATAR Modern History, ATAR Geography,
                                                          ATAR Business M & E, ATAR Politics and Law, General History,
                                                          General Geography, General Politics and Law or Business

        The Year 10 Humanities program will examine a number of current and historical issues, ranging from
        environmental to current Australian economic matters. Students will have opportunities to examine
        in all courses case examples from both around the world and locally. Two of the more significant
        focus areas will be the inquiry and communication skills, and the development of an informed
        personal opinion. Such skills are part of the Western Australian Curricula courses and are ideal areas
        for broad educational growth.

        Generally, the research enquiry will involve a variety of sources; for example, DVDs, personal
        interviews, books and the Internet (including YouTube). The results of the enquiry will then be
        communicated in a variety of ways; for example, reports, PowerPoint and video. Students will be
        encouraged to complete both individual and group processes using a variety of ICT skills.

        In Humanities and Social Sciences students will be placed in mixed ability classes and rotate through
        two specialist teachers, one for each semester, for Business/Economics/Geography then

        Looking Towards Year 11

        By the end of the Year 10 program, students will have developed a range of skills that will form a
        strong foundation for the Humanities ATAR courses of Geography, Modern History, Economics, Politics
        and Law, and Business Management & Enterprise (BME). Business (VET), General History, Politics and
        Law and Geography will also be offered for General pathway students.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                                       10 | P a g e

       In the Year 10 curriculum students explore systems at different scales and connect microscopic and
       macroscopic properties to explain phenomena. Students explore the biological, chemical,
       geological and physical evidence for different theories, such as the theories of natural selection and
       the big bang.

       Students develop their understanding of atomic theory to understand relationships within the periodic
       table. They understand that motion and forces are related by applying physical laws. They learn
       about the relationships between aspects of the living, physical and chemical world that are applied
       to systems on a local and global scale which will enable them to predict how changes will affect
       equilibrium within these systems.

       All students in Year 10 Science will be placed into one of two pathways based on their attainment in
       Year 9. Each pathway will cover the same mainstream course, but Pathway A will be further extending
       each of the topics in preparation for upper school Science. Students need to be aware that these
       pathways will have an impact on what courses students may be able to choose in Years 11 and
       12. These pathways and future courses are summarised below:

            Pathway          Grade Achieved                          Courses                    Pre-requisite
                                                                  ATAR Chemistry               Will also need a
                                                                                      State Grade A or B in Mathematics

                                                                   ATAR Physics                Will also need a
                A                   A or B                                            State Grade A or B in Mathematics

                                                                   ATAR Biology

                                                                ATAR Human Biology

                                                                   ATAR Biology
                                                                ATAR Human Biology
                                                                   ATAR Biology
                 B                  A or B
                                                                ATAR Human Biology

                                                           General Human Biology

                                                                General Psychology

                                                        General Engineering Studies
               C                    A, B, C              General Human Biology
            offered)                                            General Psychology

                                                        General Engineering Studies

        Assessment Structure
        Year 10 Science Assessments will take the form of tasks such as:

            Investigations
            Research projects and presentations.
            Practical and laboratory reports
            In class written responses
            Topic tests
            Semester 1 and 2 Exams

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                                11 | P a g e
Health and Physical Education

        The program consists of two periods per week. The purpose of the Year 10 course is to develop an
        understanding of health issues and skills needed to allow each student to lead an active and healthy
        lifestyle. A healthy level of fitness is encouraged, and the development of the fundamental skills in
        various sports is a focal point. Year 10 Health & Physical Education is aligned to the Western Australian
        The Health Education program provides an opportunity for our Year 10 students to learn, apply and
        discuss health topics relevant to them as young adults. In the Health classroom, the students will learn
        about “Personal, social and community health”. The focus will be on the following sub-headings:

        1. Being healthy, safe and active
        2. Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
        3. Contributing to healthy and active communities

        Under these headings the students will study the following topics:

            Personal identity
            Managing risky or dangerous situation
            Driver education
            Sexuality and sexual health
            Relationships
            Personal and community health

        The Physical Education program the students will learn about “Movement and Physical Activity”. The
        Focus will be on moving our body, understanding movement and learning through movement. The
        different sports and activities will be used to teach to the above focus areas:

            Athletics and Cross Country
            Softball
            Touch
            Sport Education

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                         12 | P a g e
Elective Curriculum Courses


        Pre-requisites:         Previous study in Year 9 Italian is strongly recommended.

        In this subject, students will continue enhancing and scaffolding grammatical, oral, written, aural and
        comprehension skills.

        Students will work collaboratively with other students as well as individually.

        The completion of this subject will enable students to have the opportunity to determine if they are
        interested in selecting Italian (ATAR) in Year 11 and Year 12.

        Areas to be studied include the following:
         Il Lavoro (Work)
         Lo Spettacolo (Entertainment)
         Il Viaggio (Travel)
         Si Mangia bene (Food)

        Practical and written tests.

        Bush Rangers

        Pre-requisites:         Completion of Year 9 Bush Rangers

        The aim of Bush Rangers is to provide students with opportunities to actively participate in
        conservation projects and in a variety of self-reliance, teamwork and initiative training exercises.
        The areas of focus are as follows:
        •     practical conservation and environmental management projects
        •     leadership and the value of duty, loyalty and service to the community, College and the
              Bush Rangers
        •     the role and functions of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
        •     active commitment to conservation and the natural environment through appropriate training
              and supervision

        The modules that will be covered are:
        •    karst environments
        •    environmental management
        •    practice of nature conservation
        •    flora and fauna
        •    first aid
        •    personal development
        •    relationship between mining and the environment
        •    understand environment structures and landscapes

        Involvement in the program, set tasks and attendance on excursions and camps. It is a compulsory
        requirement for students to attend their Year Group excursions and camps. Failure to do so will result
        in the course not being completed. General Geography will be offered as a pathway for Bush Ranger
        students in Years 11 and 12.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                       13 | P a g e
        This course is for students who want to explore what makes people think, feel and act. It aims to
        develop students abilities to answer important questions such as what factors influence human
        development and how having an understanding of these can positively influence our decisions,
        feelings and actions.

        In this year long elective, students will be introduced into psychological topics such as biology of the
        brain, theories of intelligence, personality testing, levels of consciousness, effective communication
        skills and research methodology in brain science.

        Assessments for this course could include tests, assignments, research reports and investigations.

        Not Rocket Science

        The world is changing rapidly around us as computers combine with modern materials to make new
        opportunities that were only possible in dreams previously. Mechanisation and automation are
        dramatically changing the employment landscape as simple labouring jobs disappear and creative
        design-based careers emerge.

        The careers of tomorrow are yet to be invented.
        How do we best prepare for a future where your dream job doesn’t even exist yet?

        The engineering design process will be at the heart of many of our future occupations, both those
        traditional jobs that survive the technical revolution and those that emerge from it. By studying the
        engineering design process, we can build skills that are both creative and systematic. Skills that will
        allow us to adapt to any eventuality.

        The engineering elective on offer in Year 10 will find students planning, building and testing moving
        structures using the design process introduced in mainstream science. The engineering electives are
        for those students interested in gaining a better understanding of the design process through practical
        experience in project based learning.

        Visual Art

        Year 10 Art encourages creativity and personal expression, focusing on developing artistic skills and
        conceptual thinking. The emphasis is on practical art making in a range of studio areas including
        painting, sculpture, textiles, print-making and mixed media.

        Students develop greater understanding of how contexts of culture, time and place impact on the
        development of ideas and production of art forms in the artistic process. They continue to explore
        artistic influences, while being encouraged to express greater individualism in their application of
        ideas and materials.

        Students will also investigate and analyse the arts practice and art work of a range of historical and
        contemporary artists. Year 10 Visual Arts is recommended for those students wishing to study Visual
        Art in Years 11 and 12.

        Practical - Creative projects in response to a given theme, in different studio areas. Visual diary
        processes with media experimentation, design development and colour studies will be assessed, with
        particular emphasis on the final art piece.

        Written - Assignments investigating and analysing the arts practice and artwork of historical and
        contemporary artists and developing knowledge of art movements.

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Graphic Design
        Graphic Design is the process of combining text and graphics, and communicating an effective
        message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, web pages, posters and any other type of visual
        communication. Graphic Design caters for students who wish to develop their artistic skills creativity
        and knowledge in the design industry (both print and digital).

        Students will be given the opportunity to develop and transfer their traditionally created artworks
        (such as illustrations and paintings) into computer-generated designs using programs such as
        Photoshop and Illustrator. Year 10 Graphic Design is recommended for those students wishing to study
        Graphic Design in Year 11 and 12.

        Studio areas explored may include:

        • Digital Art & Design - creating industry standard logos, corporate IDs, T-shirts, posters, brochures,
          picture books, advertising, magazine covers, magazine layouts, business cards, vector art, web
          pages, etc

        • Image production - scanning or down-loading photographs and illustrations, then combining and
          manipulating them in Adobe Photoshop to create original artworks

        Practical and Written - Production of a folio that displays development in visual enquiry, design
        work, presentation, colour studies, class work and a final design piece.

        In this practical and analysis subject, students will learn techniques of scripting, filming and producing
        Media products in f ilm, television and the internet. Students will examine the different forms of media
        and learn how to decode film language which complements the "viewing" outcome in English.

        Students in this subject will work collaboratively with other group members, and will learn different
        production roles. Year 10 Media Studies is recommended for those students wishing to study Media
        in Year 11 and 12.

        Areas to be studied include the following:
         Social media/networking/video blogging
         Hollywood film genre
         Stop Motion Animation
         Advertising
         Reality TV
         Sound editing
         Filming Techniques
         Final Cut Pro
         Analysis of the Media texts


        Practical – Media Production tasks that involve planning and storyboarding for the production of film,
        documentary and audio.

        Written – Reflective Practice, Production Analysis and Investigation of the influence of media in
        different contexts.

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        In Year 10, drama students will be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills to present
        drama for purposes and wider external audiences, safely using processes, techniques and
        conventions of drama.

        Students develop drama based on devised drama processes and taken from published script excerpts
        (e.g. Australian drama post-1960 or world drama), using selected drama forms and styles. Students will
        have opportunities to research devised drama and read in selected script excerpts in context.

        Student work in devised and scripted drama is the focus of reflective and responsive processes.
        Students are encouraged to develop their use of extended answer forms and interviews, using drama
        terminology, language and different forms of communication, based on their own drama and the
        drama of others.

        Possible Drama forms and styles for Year 10: Grotowski's Poor Theatre, Youth Theatre, Contemporary
        Aboriginal Theatre, Theatre of the Absurd or Butoh, Realism.

        Students with skills in dance, singing, music, acting, art, IT and technical areas like lighting and sound
        are all encouraged to choose this subject. Year 10 Drama is recommended for those students wishing
        to study Drama in Year 11 and 12.


        Practical – Improvised and Scripted Performances in a range of different theatrical styles.

        Written – Reflective Practice and Performance Analysis.


        In Year 10, Dance students continue to extend their use of the elements of dance (BEST) and
        choreographic processes to expand their choreographic intentions in their choreography. They
        extend their technical dance skills to include style-specific movement skills.

        Through performance, students continue to work on confidence, accuracy, clarity of movement and
        projection. They refine their discussion of the use of the elements of dance, choreographic processes
        and design concepts in their own dance and the dance of others. They investigate dance and
        influences of the social, cultural and historical contexts in which it exists.

        Safe dance practices underlie all experiences, as students perform within their own body capabilities
        and work safely in groups.

        Suggested genres or styles that may be taught, but are not limited to, include contemporary, ballet,
        jazz, hip hop, street dance, tap and cultural dance, for example Spanish, Indian, Bollywood. Year 10
        Dance is recommended for those students wishing to study Dance in Year 11 and 12.

        Practical – Movement and Choreographic Skills in Dance Performance in a number of different dance

        Written – Reflective Practice, Performance Analysis and investigation of dance contexts.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                          16 | P a g e

        In Year 10, students extend and consolidate music skills and knowledge across a range of performing,
        composing, aural and analysis activities. They continue to refine aural skills and aural memory to
        identify, sing/play and notate melodic and rhythmic dictations, chord changes and progressions.

        Students explore their emerging personal style and music ideas through combining and manipulating
        the elements of music, and synthesising stylistic features and conventions when composing and

        Students build on their understanding of meaning and interpretation in musical works, using aural and
        critical analysis skills to compare and evaluate a range of music, drawing upon knowledge of
        previously studied works. They use scores and music terminology to analyse and evaluate the use of
        the elements of music within a context, genre or style, and identify and discuss social, cultural and
        historical factors.

        Students practise and perform a wider range of solo and ensemble repertoire, developing and
        consolidating technical skills, expression and stylistic integrity. As performers and audience members
        they are provided with opportunities to develop aesthetic awareness and make informed
        observations about a range of music and related social, cultural and ethical considerations. Year 10
        Music is recommended for those students wishing to study Music in Year 11 and 12.

        Practical – Music Performance (Instrument or Singing).

        Written – Aural and Theory, Composing and arranging music, analysis of music performance in
        relation to context and styles.


        Do the brand names Chanel, Versace, Armani and Calvin Klein ring a bell? This may be the course
        for you. Get your fashion career started with us! As Fashion students, you will produce a visual diary
        of runway collection illustrations, applying colour theory, influences from a variety of trends and
        experimentation with different clothing materials. Students will also get the opportunity to produce
        Avant-Garde designs.

        Studio areas explored may include:

        •       Fashion Illustration, Fabric Pattern Design, Garment Structure and Costumes/Clothing

        In this learning area, you will design and produce four garments including a shirt, shorts/skirt, costumes
        and a couture look. You will also complete two analysis assignments, discussing runway looks using arts
        language and two investigations where you study the practices of Australian and international fashion

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                          17 | P a g e
        Materials is a highly practical subject where students will develop an excellent working knowledge of
        a variety of materials including wood, metal and plastics. Based in a workshop environment, students
        are encouraged to design and create unique projects and experiment with a host of different

        Students will become familiar with industry-standard CAD packages and will be encouraged to value-
        add to projects using equipment such as laser-engravers, plasma cutters, vinyl cutters and 3D printing.
        Students will also incorporate basic electronics such as LED lighting into various tasks and may assist
        with various community projects.

        Materials is recommended for both boys and girls and gives an excellent grounding for Technologies
        courses offered in Year 11 and 12.

        Completion of practical projects, incorporating competency in specific skills, safety awareness
        and workshop manner.


        Woodwork is a highly practical subject where students will develop an excellent working knowledge
        of a variety of Western Australian timbers. Based in a workshop environment, students are encouraged
        to design and create unique projects and experiment with a host of different techniques.

        Students will become familiar with industry-standard CAD packages and will be encouraged to value-
        add to projects using equipment such as laser-engravers, vinyl cutters and 3D printing. Students will
        also experiment with a range of finishing techniques and may assist with various community projects.

        Wood is recommended for both boys and girls and gives an excellent grounding for Technologies
        courses offered in Year 11 and 12.

        Completion of practical projects, incorporating competency in specific skills, safety awareness
        and workshop manner.


        Food habits are changing due to technology, lifestyle and media.                Students will develop
        competencies in planning and preparing food for social occasions. They will appreciate and respect
        different cultures through the preparation, cooking and serving of a variety of foods.

        Hospitality is recommended for students considering Food courses in Year 11 and 12.

        The major areas of study are:

             Basic Barista training using our Industry standard Coffee Machine
             The formal menu, which involves an excursion a TAFE restaurant for a 3-course meal
             Equipment and food choices appropriate to lifestyle
             International foods – food patterns from other countries, cookery from around the world
             Foods for different social occasions – children’s parties, Easter cookery
             Beginning Hospitality skills – food planning, preparation and presentation

        Students will be assessed on their practical tasks, skills and tests.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                       18 | P a g e
        CAD (computer-aided design) software and CAM (computer aided manufacturing) technologies are
        used by architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical
        illustrations. CAD software can be used to create two-dimensional (2D) drawings or three-dimensional
        (3D) models.

        Students will become familiar with a range of graphic techniques and conventions used in industry
        today. They will undertake a range of tasks that allow them to develop proficiency in the use of CAD-
        CAM technology using software such as AutoCAD, CorelDraw and 3D modelling. Students will then
        access our workshop and CAM technologies to manufacture the designs to complement their

        CAD/CAM is recommended for both boys and girls and gives an excellent grounding for Technologies
        courses offered in Year 11 and 12.

        Practical projects and portfolio.

        Creative Digital Technology

        This course is designed to introduce and develop knowledge, understanding and skills in all areas of
        Information Technology and some aspects of Multimedia. With the hands on experiences
        provided, students will appreciate that the computer is a tool that requires a range of skills to develop
        effective solutions to tasks and everyday activities.

        The major areas of study are:

             Digital video and editing
             Animation Design
             Internet and Webpage design
             Programming using the Python language

        Creative Digital Technology is recommended for both boys and girls and gives an excellent grounding
        for Technologies courses offered in Years 11 and 12.

        Students will be assessed on their practical tasks and skills on a wide range of tasks.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                         19 | P a g e
Child Care and Development

        Students explore the roles and responsibilities of parents in helping to satisfy the needs of children.
        With an emphasis on practical activities, such as food production, craft, sewing and interacting with
        children, students study the development of children from 1-5 years in order to understand the
        importance of the care and nurturing responsibility of parents.

        The major areas of study are:

             Caring families as the initial setting for the development of children
             The needs of children including food, clothing and play
             The major developmental stages of a child from conception to pre-school
             Child care and other support available in the community
             Students have the option to care for “Molly” our simulator baby
             Students visit Hammond Park Primary school once a term to interact with students in a pre
              primary setting

        Practical tasks relating to sewing, cooking and craft.

        Assignments, tests, practical tasks relating to sewing, cooking and craft.


        Maritime encompasses the skills and knowledge that students need when participating in activities
        either on or under the water. Students will learn boating concepts, navigation and emergency
        procedures such as marine first aid and firefighting. Students will investigate vessel stability, navigation
        techniques and general seamanship. Students will have the opportunity to develop vessel handling
        skills using our College vessels and local sea rescue vessels.

        In this highly practical subject, students will be given the opportunity to complete the Recreational
        Skipper's Ticket (RST) which is a marine safety program for powerboats in Western Australia. It certifies
        that the holder has the minimum level of theoretical and practical skill in the safe handling of
        powerboats, and is nationally recognised. Successful completion of the RST will also contribute points
        towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

        Practical and written tasks.

        Photography explores the many different ways photographs can be taken to achieve various effects.
        Students will learn more advanced skills in camera handling and software use to confidently use the
        camera as a creative tool.

        This subject is designed to allow students the opportunity to further explore the use of shutter
        speeds and apertures to allow for creative photography. Students will progress through a series of
        activities and exercises that will culminate with a display of their work. Year 10 Photography will
        provide an excellent grounding for Technologies courses offered in Years 11 and 12.

        Portfolio of photographic work.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                           20 | P a g e
Specialised Physical Education

        The Specialised Physical Education program is designed to provide students with both practical and
        theoretical experiences to broaden their knowledge and skills in a sporting context. The aim of the
        subject is to provide opportunities for students to enhance and refine their own physical skills in order
        to perform to their potential.

        The sporting activities are used to develop technical and tactical skills in team and individual
        activities. The physical activities also provide an opportunity to gain knowledge in managing,
        umpiring and coaching. The theoretical component examines the human body in terms of how it
        functions, performs and moves.

        Year 10 Specialised Physical Education introduces students to the practical and theoretical
        components studied in General and ATAR Physical Education Studies in Year 11 and 12 and is
        specifically designed as an introductory course to assist the student’s preparation for the Year 11 and
        12 Physical Education studies.

        Students are assessed on both practical and theoretical components of the subject.

        Sport and Recreation: General

        This course is the continuation of Sport and Outdoor Recreation in Year 9 and provides the students
        involved further development of their required skills. This course also provides students with the
        practical skills and knowledge to maintain a safe environment in different scenarios. Students will
        develop a greater understanding of the sport industry, be able to provide first aid, explore and
        demonstrate the skills associated with coaching and best practise to prevent sports injuries.

        Completing Sport and Recreation in Year 10 leads to a student being able to complete a Certificate
        III in Sport and Recreation in Year 11 and 12. As part of this course, students are required to attend a
        three-day camp to the South West of WA.

        Students are assessed on both practical and theoretical components of the subject.

        Sport and Recreation: Football or Netball Academy

        The Academy courses are the continuation of Football and Netball Academy classes in Year 9 and it
        provides the students with the opportunity to further develop their football or netball skills. This course
        also provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to be able to excel in football or netball
        by completing units, such as:

             Skills and Tactics
             Coaching
             Umpiring
             Nutrition
             Sport Injury Prevention

        Completing Sport and Recreation in Year 10 leads to a student being able to complete a Certificate
        III in Sport and Recreation in Year 11 and 12. As part of this course, students are required to attend a
        three-day camp to the South West of WA.

        Students are assessed on both practical and theoretical components of the subject.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                           21 | P a g e
Gifted and Talented Program

        Students who were previously enrolled in the Catalyst program in Year 9 will have the opportunity to
        continue in Catalyst for Year 10. The program will consist of two streams; Maths/Science and
        Humanities. Each stream runs in addition to the regular timetable. Classes are timetabled weekly either
        before or after school. Students who were not part of the Year 9 Catalyst program but have shown
        exceptional aptitude during Year 9 may be allowed entry in Year 10 by submitting an Expression of
        Interest to the Head of Learning Excellence.

        Throughout this program, students will develop their critical thinking skills, time management and
        teamwork aptitudes. Students will benefit from guest speaker presentations and also participate in
        annual events organised in tandem with Murdoch University. Students will also have the opportunity to
        participate in a variety of academic competitions, usually against other schools. Examples include but
        are not limited to the Australian National History Challenge, the Tournament of Minds, Opti-minds, the
        Big Science Competition, the Australian National Chemistry Quiz and students will also be invited to
        publicly display and communicate their Personal Projects which are based on the International
        Baccalaureate style of teaching and learning at the annual Catalyst exhibition in the newly (2019)
        refurbished Areas for Learning Excellence onsite at Emmanuel Catholic College.

Emmanuel Catholic College – Curriculum Handbook Year 10, 2021                                       22 | P a g e
Vice Principal...........................................................................................................................................
Deputy Principal Years 11 & 12 | Curriculum.................................................................................
Deputy Principal Years 9 & 10 | Ministry..................................................................................
Deputy Principal Years 7 & 8 | College Identity & Student Leadership...................................
Dean of Innovation | Teaching &
Business Manager..............................................................................................................................
Head of Wellbeing Services

Head of Year 7
Head of Year 8 ............................................................................................................................
Head of Year 9 .....................................................................................................................................
Head of Year 10 ......................................................................................................................................
Head of Year 11 .................................................................................................................................
Head of Year 12

Religious Education..................................................................................................................
English and LOTE..................................................................................................................................
Health and Physical
Careers and

Emmanuel Catholic College
122 Hammond Road
Success WA 6164
P 08 9414 4000
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