Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup

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Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
Issue 9   2021


           Cutting through complexity:
           Managing the design and build contract
           for CUHK Medical Centre
Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
Foreword                                                                                              Contents
Planning, designing and building healthcare facilities in the post-COVID 19 era involves              Technical solutions
complex infrastructure and operational design considerations. Whether it is managing the design                                                              4
                                                                                                      Cutting through complexity: Managing the design
and build of a hospital or structurally designing a seismically resilient hospital in an earthquake
                                                                                                      and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre
zone, two recently completed healthcare projects that Arup took part in, both highlighted in this
issue, reaffirm that the top priority is to keep medical personnel – and their patients – safe.       Chapel of Sound                                       10
Hospital projects demand a high degree of accuracy in execution. For the CUHK Medical Centre          Delivering CCGT power plant for CLP                   14
(CUHKMC) in Hong Kong, we adopted a systematic approach to managing the complexity                    Designing a seismically resilient hospital            18
of planning, design, construction, fit-out, procurement and installation works. In Istanbul, we       in Turkey
designed the world’s largest base-isolated complex, which comprises more than 2,000 seismic
isolators, within an area that has suffered highly destructive earthquakes in the past.               Contributing towards Hanoi’s seamless mobility        22
The global health crisis has prompted not only the healthcare industry but also policymakers,
planners and building professionals to rethink the design of future healthcare. In a recent           Profiles
publication, our Foresight team envisions that future healthcare infrastructure, delivery models
and services will be made resilient enough to mitigate the effects of climate change while            Strategic leader: Raul Manlapig                       26
providing more inclusive, accessible services to keep citizens healthy at a lower cost.               Listening builds trust: Theresa Yeung                 30
An important part of what Arup University has been doing is implementing a learning culture
across Arup, which helps drive our business forward and continue to innovate. In this issue, you      Foresight and innovation
will read about how our training and entrepreneurship programmes encourage Arupians to take
                                                                                                      Everything you know about healthcare                  34
ownership of their learning journey and come up with innovative solutions that work.
                                                                                                      is about to change
Last but never the least, you will read interviews with Raul Manlapig, Director and Head of
                                                                                                      Competitions drive corporate entrepreneurship         36
Arup Manila, and Theresa Yeung, Director and Head of Arup’s East Asia Planning Team, in
which they explain the keys to success of leadership. We hope you will find this issue to be
informative and insightful.                                                                           Research
                                                                                                      Integrating fire engineering data into                38
                                                                                                      interactive platform
  FIRST is a publication produced by East Asia Arup University (AU) for our clients and
  partners, exploring design, innovation and technical solutions for the built environment.           Structural health monitoring of Stonecutters Bridge   40
  It takes its name from the unique model of AU: Foresight, Innovation, Research, Sharing,
  and Training.
                                                                                                      Sharing and training
  If you have any thoughts, questions or comments, we would love to hear back from you
                                                                                                      KM experts discuss post-COVID innovation              42
                                                                                                      at annual AKIF
                                                                                                      Learn smart, work smart!                              44

Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
FIRST | Technical Solutions

Cutting through complexity                                             Designing and building hospitals is among
                                                                       the most complex types of projects today. The
                                                                       project manager ought to take into consideration
                                                                       complicated building components and systems,
Managing the design and build contract for the CUHK Medical Centre     diverse stakeholders’ needs, healthcare technology
(CUHKMC) requires a systematic and humane approach that accounts for   and equipment, specialised functions, different
                                                                       financing methods, as well as building codes and
every detail.                                                          regulations. All of these complexities require
                                                                       meticulous planning in the early stage while
                                                                       maintaining meaningful, effective communications
                                                                       with all stakeholders during the project’s lifecycle.
                                                                       With the successful delivery of CUHK Medical
                                                                       Centre (CUHKMC) as the Project Management
                                                                       Consultant (PMC), Arup demonstrated its
                                                                       competences in healthcare facility design and build
                                                                       project management in terms of time management,
                                                                       cost control, design quality control and stakeholder

                                                                       Project objectives
                                                                       Apart from building a modern hospital designed
                                                                       with optimal operational flow, patient comfort
                                                                       and safety in mind, the project is also meant to
                                                                       provide an innovative, conducive clinical training
                                                                       environment for medical students of the CUHK.
    About CUHKMC
                                                                       Smart technologies were also deployed to provide
                                                                       affordable healthcare services to the wider
    The state-of-the-art private teaching
    hospital, wholly owned by the Chinese                              community while meeting stringent regulatory,
    University of Hong Kong (CUHK),                                    hygiene and safety requirements.
    provides 516 in-patient beds, 90
    day places, 28 operating rooms, 49
    consultation rooms and 16 special medical
    centres. It comprises 14 storeys with a                            The timely completion of the project is the primary
    total CFA of about 100,000 square metres.                          measure of the project’s success. Many factors
    The hospital aims to bridge the gap                                contributed to the complexity of the CUHKMC
    between Hong Kong’s private and public
                                                                       project. Therefore, we formulated a systematic
    healthcare services by offering quality
    healthcare at affordable, transparent                              project management approach to account for the
    packaged prices. This hospital is the                              intricacies and risks, both known and unknown.
    first smart hospital in Hong Kong and
    commenced operations in Q1 2021.
                                                                       Design and build procurement route
                                                                       Due to the tight schedule, the client had decided
                                                                       to procure a design and build (D&B) contractor.
                                                                       Since D&B contracts are not commonly used in
                                                                       Hong Kong for private projects, it was a challenge
                                                                       to finalise the procurement approach which best fits
                                                                       this new private teaching hospital.
CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC)
                                                                       Meeting project deadlines amid crises
                                                                       The restrictions of the Land Lease issued by the
Arup’s scope of service:
Project management
                                                                       Lands Department and limited funding meant that
                                                                       timely completion within the budget became one of

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Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
FIRST | Technical Solutions

the key objectives of the client. The social unrest     layout design stage, only five key executives were     In the tendering exercise, invited tenderers were
that broke out in 2019 and the pandemic throughout      involved in the discussion process, so that the        assessed by their technical competence and
2020 inevitably caused disruptions to construction      process was relatively less complicated and the        commercial capability at a specific ratio, so that
activity.                                               time taken from the start to sign-off by the client    the D&B contractor would be selected based on
                                                        was just two months.                                   their technical experience and track records, rather
Diverse stakeholders’ needs                                                                                    than the lowest price, which often results in low
                                                        In the detailed (1:50) layout design stage, as
                                                                                                               quality of work, claims and time overruns.
As the hospital was designed to suit the operational    many as 80 senior staff members from across 20
needs of different clinical and non-clinical            departments were involved. To ensure effective
departments, the number of end-users with influence     communication within a limited time frame, we          Effective time and cost management
on the design was much more than for other typical      presented the drawings produced by the contractor      Effective time management ensures the timely
facilities. At the CUHKMC, 20 departments with          in departmental meetings with the help of visual       completion of the project and is one of the most
over 80 end-users had to be involved in the design      aids, 2D plans, 3D modelling, etc to communicate       important factors in hospital projects. After
development. A detailed workflow and schedule           abstract design ideas and visualise complex            learning from the client that the hospital was
were required and agreed on with the end-users in       dimensions more effectively. In total, we arranged     scheduled to open by the end of 2020 (which was
order to manage the interfaces at the onset of design   about 160 User Related Design Meetings during          pushed back to Q1 2021 due to the social unrest
stage.                                                  the second phase of stakeholder engagement.            in 2019 and the pandemic in 2020), we set out
                                                                                                               a realistic master programme of activities in a
                                                                                                               short period of time, including the key milestones
Outcomes                                                Selection of pre-qualified contractors in two stages
                                                                                                               for progress tracking. We informed the client
Meaningful stakeholder engagement                       A transparent and fair tendering process was
                                                                                                               of whether the project was ahead of or behind
For a hospital project that requires the input of       the topmost concern. Since the costs incurred in
                                                                                                               schedule on a monthly basis and recommended
numerous end-users in the design development,           bidding for a D&B tender may be prohibitive to
                                                                                                               measures to mitigate time-cost overruns.
the workflow, timeline and schedule were set out        candidates, selection of prequalified contractors
and agreed on with all stakeholders from the very       was carried out in two stages. The first stage         Cost includes the processes involved in planning,
beginning throughout the entire design development      involved sending an Expression of Interest (EoI)       estimating, budgeting, financing, funding,
process.                                                to all qualified building contractors. The second      managing and controlling costs so that the project
                                                        stage comprised a detailed technical evaluation,       can be completed within the approved budget.
                                                        including interviews, of all tenders who have          Adding to the above-mentioned factors, change
To ensure meaningful engagement of all
                                                        passed Stage 1 screening.                              management was also a parameter in the project’s
stakeholders, we implemented a comprehensive,
                                                                                                               success. Throughout the project, we collaborated
multi-level approach. In the schematic (1:200)
                                                                                                               with the QS consultant to provide a monthly
                                                                                                               snapshot of the cost situation to the client. This     Arup worked closely with the D&B contractor on a “partnering”
                                                                                                               not only included the current costs but also the       relationship to resolve site issues.
                                                                                                               cashflow and projected final costs based on the
A homely and healing                                                                                           estimate tracked by Arup’s change management           that agreements would be executed successfully by
environment is provided                                                                                        system and the variation co-ordination meeting         establishing guidelines for co-operations accepted
in the hospital by                                                                                             chaired by Arup.                                       by all.
employing finishes
and lighting in warm                                                                                           The change management system was approved
colours, together with                                                                                         by the client’s Building Committee. The system         Arup’s added value
some feature decoration                                                                                        ensured material changes, which were generally         Medical equipment planning, procurement
and landscaping.                                                                                               initiated by the client, are managed effectively.      and installation
                                                                                                               For variations with quotations submitted by the        Since the CUHKMC is a new smart, private and
                                                                                                               contractor, Arup would review the details with the     teaching hospital, it involves lots of medical
                                                                                                               contractor to understand the intention, followed by    equipment to move-in, testing and commissioning
                                                                                                               a fair assessment based on the project progress in     as well as licensing prior to putting the hospital into
                                                                                                               order to identify ways to minimise the impact on       operation. To ensure this part of works proceeded
                                                                                                               the contractor and the extra cost incurred.            smoothly, we worked directly with the clinical
                                                                                                                                                                      staff and medical equipment vendors to understand
                                                                                                               Partnering reduces conflicts and costs                 their functions and specifications and ensure the
                                                                                                               We worked closely with the D&B contractor on           equipment was integrated in a way that optimises
                                                                                                               a “partnering” relationship to resolve site issues.    the best patient care possible, efficient healthcare
                                                                                                               With common goals, this approach helped ensure         delivery and facility performance.

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Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
FIRST | Technical Solutions       In one instance, our responsive action to resolve an      For example, we facilitated the design of a            Expertise in hospital project management
                                  issue arising from the potential duplication of fit-out   data centre with sufficient IT rack space and          For the CUHKMC project, we employed a
                                  work between medical equipment vendors and the            infrastructure to enable the deployment of smart       systematic approach to design management,
                                  D&B contractor not only saved duplicative costs           technologies. The entire complex is covered with       procurement, contractual arrangement, cost
                                  for the client but also enhanced the quality of the       perfect Wi-Fi and 5G coverage in operating theatres    control and construction management. This drove
                                  final deliverable and reduced potential construction      for real-time monitoring and delivering continual      the project to a successful outcome, which was
                                  waste.                                                    treatment information with the deployment of           completed according to the approved plan, within
                                                                                            Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable devices.         the client’s approved budget, quality and safety
                                  To ensure that the medical equipment would
                                  function properly when hospital operations                                                                       requirements.
                                  commence, the equipment delivery, installation and        Protection of water sensitive areas                    For us, being a responsible project manager is
                                  testing and commissioning (T&C) schedule was              In order to prevent damages to the expensive and       not just about delivering a capital project on
                                  planned well in advance and closely co-ordinated          delicate equipment typical of a smart hospital,        time, up to the quality and within budget. Equally
                                  with the D&B contractor.                                  as well as to reduce the risk of contamination to      important is that we communicated with the client
                                                                                            the clean/sterilised areas due to water dripping or    and stakeholders on a structural level so that we
                                                                                            leakage from the overhead pipework, Arup led           understood how operations would be implemented
                                  Building of a network-based smart hospital
“Arup’s responsive,               To enhance the safety, quality and efficiency of
                                                                                            the client and the D&B contractor in undertaking
                                                                                            a thorough review of the routing of water supply
                                                                                                                                                   into the facility and the purpose it would serve.
                                  healthcare services, certain smart technologies and
 proactive and                    third-party logistics for pharmaceutical and medical
                                                                                            pipes and drainage pipes during the design stage.
                                                                                            By doing so, we identified the water sensitive areas
                                  consumables were adopted for the operation of
 adaptable approach in            the CUHKMC. As some of the technologies and
                                                                                            and then reviewed the current layout and checked if
                                                                                            there were any water supply pipes or drainage pipes
                                  methods were first to be deployed in the hospital
 this highly complex              industry in Hong Kong, Arup worked closely with
                                                                                            running overhead within these areas.
                                  the CUHKMC and its vendors to define the design
 project is key factor in         requirements in the building provisions and to align
                                  the new systems with the operational needs.
 ensuring the hospital
 meets our goal in
 providing quality
 healthcare services
 and training facility
 to the healthcare

    Dr Hong FUNG
    Chief Executive Officer                                                                                                                        The client, Arup and contractor teams (photo taken in the main
    CUHK Medical Centre Limited                                                                                                                    entrance lobby).

                                                                                                                                                   Relevant United Nations Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                   Development Goals (SDGs)

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Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
FIRST | Technical Solutions

Chapel of Sound                                                                                                             roof and walls pull in the sky and surrounding
                                                                                                                            landscape, building on a sense of place for the
                                                                                                                            concert hall, as well as the sounds of nature; light
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Modelling the complex structure
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Due to the geometric complexity of the structure,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             advanced digital design technology was adopted at
                                                                                                                            and rain, bird song and the chirp of insects gently fill                         the early design stage. Arup’s structural engineers
Located in a remote valley next to a segment of the Great Wall, this                                                        the chapel.                                                                      created a parametric model for the structure, carried
boulder-shaped concrete structure contains a semi-outdoor amphitheatre.                                                     The interior shape was inspired by the contours                                  out topology optmisation to find the efficient
                                                                                                                            of shells, wooden instruments and the human ear.                                 structural layout and also rationalised the surface
The geometry and texture of the ambitious structure is engineered                                                           Through digital optimisation, the acoustic properties                            undulating pattern to minimise the panel numbers of
with advanced computational technology to create excellent acoustics                                                        are tweaked to produce the best possible sound                                   formwork.
and thermal comfort. Aggregate from local rock was used to minimise                                                         quality. The openings of the building are placed                                 In the beginning, the architect provided a 3D
                                                                                                                            strategically to avoid unwanted reverberations while
consumption in material transportation.                                                                                     simultaneously allowing in natural sounds and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             scanned file of the handcraft model. Through
                                                                                                                                                                                                             parametric modelling we created the smooth
                                                                                                                            views. The building adopts an inverted umbrella                                  structure surface, developed a double-shell structure
                                                                                                                            structure, which touches the ground with the                                     and continued fine-tuning the design until all details
                                                                                                                            smallest “footprint”, minimising the impact on the                               in a full 3D design environment, including all rebars
                                                                                                                            surrounding natural environment.                                                 and MEP pipes/routes, were worked out. We made
                                                                                                                                                                                                             several adjustments to the geometry to achieve the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             optimal structural behaviour as well as acoustic
                                                                                                                                                                                                             performance. The undulating surface with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             sedimentary layers were also fine-tuned to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the use of formwork.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The shape of the inner shell was designed based
                                                                                                                                                                                                             on acoustic principles. The stepped hard surface
                                                                                                                                                                                                             reflects sound as acoustic scattering panels, while
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the openings absorbs sound to control the space
                                                                                                                                                                                                             reverberation. The carefully planned openings on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             top of the inner shell and the wall provide views of
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the sky and the surrounding valley while introducing

                                                                                                                                                                                            © Zaiye Studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the subtle sounds of nature to the amphitheatre and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             reducing echo.
                                                                                                                            The spectacular Chapel of Sound is a boulder-shaped concert
                                                                                                                            hall designed to emulate the irregularities of a natural rock

                                                                                                           © Zaiye Studio

                                                                                                                                                                                  Sectional structure

Client:                          Chapel of Sound sits in a rocky valley at the foot of Jinshanling Great
Aranya, China                    Wall near the northern boundary of Beijing municipality. It was a
                                 pilot project that aims to revitalise this remote mountainous region.
OPEN Architecture                Arup was engaged as the structural and mechanical, electrical, and
                                 plumbing (MEP) engineers, working closely with the architect OPEN
Arup’s scope of services:        Architecture and the lighting and theatre consultants during the design
Structural and MEP engineering   stage, as well as the construction manager and other contractors during
                                 the construction stage.
                                 Designed to emulate the irregularities of a natural rock formation,
                                 the spectacular Chapel of Sound is a boulder-shaped concert hall that
                                 features a 790-square metre semi-outdoor amphitheatre, an outdoor
                                 stage, viewing platforms and supporting spaces. The structure is made
                                 of concrete mixed with an aggregate of crushed local, mineral-rich
                                 rocks, shaped acoustically for music performances. Openings in the

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Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
FIRST | Technical Solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Building physics, accoustics
                                                                                                                                    Architecture                    Structure                 MEP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and lighting

                                                                                                                     Handcraft + 3D scanning                               Rhino + Grasshopper                                   2D drawings

                         Outer shell structure                     Fin walls between inner and outer shells                                                                      Contractor

                                                                                                                  Essential to the success of the project was Arup’s facilitative role in streamlining communications and co-ordination of works among
                                                                                                                  different project team members.

                                                                                                                  During design and construction preparation, the
                                                                                                                  model was used to assess the constructability and
                                                                                                                  costs of different options, predict the building
                         Inner shell structure                                   Floorplates                      quality and safety hazards that might occur
                                                                                                                  during the construction phase. As part of our
                                                                                                                  pre-construction testing, we selected aggregates
Balancing passive design and thermal comfort             Facilitating collaboration                               from locally mined mineral-rich rock materials
Respect for nature is displayed not only in the          Essential to the success of the project was Arup’s       for concrete block tests and studied the colour and
project’s unique relationship with its environment,      facilitative role as virtual design and construction     strength of the concrete to be used.
but also its efforts in sustainability. Another aim of   (VDC) modeller to streamline workflows among             During construction, we provided the construction
the project was to employ passive design strategies      different project team members. After importing          manager with the co-ordinates of all formwork
to adapt to the continental climate of Beijing, where    the architect’s 3D scanned handcraft model into the      panels, and the co-ordinates of the nodes of all steel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    © OPEN
the natural and environmental conditions can be          software platform (Grasshopper and Rhino 3D), we         bars, totalling 11,350, that form the rebar skeleton
extreme. The project’s hilly environment further         merged structural engineering and digital input from     of the inner and outer shells, complemented
requires an architecture oriented towards thermal        the building physics, acoustics, lighting engineers                                                                          Arup provided the construction manager with the co-ordinates
                                                                                                                  by their laid-flat 2D drawings, to guide the                        of the nodes of all steel bars and their 2D drawings.
comfort and passive sustainability.                      and parametric modelling and then produced 2D            on-site processing, binding and installation of
                                                         construction drawings.                                   steel bars as well as to improve the accuracy of
Therefore, we performed a computational fluid                                                                                                                                                                                                  The finished fair-
dynamics (CFD) analysis to optimise natural              The VDC model was also used to co-ordinate               formwork measurements. Last but not the least,                                                                               faced concrete
                                                                                                                  3D printed models of different sizes were created                                                                            of the outdoor
ventilation performance and advised on the creation      these processes with the MEP systems to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               stage resembles a
of openings for cross-ventilation. A structural          all system pathways and structural penetrations          to help the construction manager understand the                                                                              “frozen” flowing
temperature field analysis confirms that the             were designed prior to on-site construction. For         different feasible construction methods and their                                                                            curtain.
temperature of the concert hall will not be too high     example, not only did we provide laid-flat drawings      implications.
in summer without air conditioning. Since the large      for all rebars to facilitate the rebar fabrication and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  © Zaiye Studio
opening atop the structure brings not only sunlight      fixing, all rebars and MEP pipes/routes were also        Contributing to UN SDGs
but also water when it rains, we also designed a         modelled in 3D while the final model was delivered       Chapel of Sound is a pilot project that aims to
sophisticated drainage system to drain rainwater         to the contractors, too. This collaborative workflow     revitalise this mountainous region and boost the
away.                                                    significantly reduced the resources and costs            local economy by bringing in tourists and even
                                                         required in the design stage.                            residents, ultimately narrowing the income gap                      Relevant United Nations Sustainable
                                                                                                                  between those living in cities and this rural region.               Development Goals (SDGs)
Arup performed a                                                                                                  Performing music also provides the potential to
computational fluid                                                                                               attain social and emotional wellbeing.
dynamics (CFD)
analysis to optimise                                                                                              With sustainability in mind, the project makes
natural ventilation                                                                                               use of locally sourced materials and crushed
performance and                                                                                                   local rocks and adopts a passive design, with a
advised on the                                                                                                    structure designed to minimise the impact on the
creation of openings
for cross-ventilation.
                                                                                                                  surrounding environment. The timber formwork
                                                                                                                  was also collected and recycled by a local furniture
                                                                                                                  workshop. These benefits and achievements are in
                                                                                                                  alignment with these UN SDGs.

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Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
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Arup delivers CCGT power plant for CLP
Black Point Power Station’s additional gas-fired generation unit (D1 project)

                                                                                                           The key feature of a CCGT is its combined cycle dual turbine design, consisting of a gas turbine and a steam turbine. Natural gas is
                                                                                                           burned in the gas turbine to generate electricity.

                                                                                                           inlet, diversion chamber, pump
                                                                                                           station, outfall, access shafts and
                                                                                                           pipes/culverts linking the whole
                                                                                                           system together.
                                                                                                           Since Arup was responsible for
                                                                                                           all aspects of engineering and
                                                                                                           architecture, a holistic design was
                                                                                                           formulated to balance competing
Located in the New Territories of Hong Kong, Black Point Power Station                                     demands from different
(BPPS), 70% owned and operated by CLP, is one of the world’s largest                                       disciplines to deliver a project
                                                                                                           that has a value larger than the
gas-fired combined-cycle power stations with ultra-low-sulphur diesel as                                   sum of individual contributions.
backup fuel source.                                                                                        The new 550MW unit expands
                                                                                                           BPPS’ overall generation
                                                                                                           capacity and features a state-of-
Client:                            Arup was appointed by CLP as        CLP requested a building that       the-art CCGT configuration that               The major above-ground structures include the turbine hall and electrical annexe,
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited        the Owner’s Engineer for the        would not only deliver functional   provides an efficiency of around              heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), stack, transformers, pipe/cable bridges and
(CLP)                                                                                                                                                    associated ancillary buildings and tanks.
                                   design of a new combined cycle      requirements but also would         60%, higher than that of the
Arup’s scope of services:          gas turbine (CCGT) generating       present its brand and identity.     existing gas-fired units.
Architectural, landscape,          unit at BPPS. The additional        This resulted in an industrial                                                    and higher fuel efficiency without             BIM was used to pre-identify
civil, structural, geotechnical,                                                                           The key feature of a CCGT is
                                   gas-fired generation unit is an     building that incorporates a                                                      using additional fuel.                         clashes between the various
building services and BEAM Pro                                                                             its combined cycle dual turbine
                                   advanced design from Siemens,       variety of facade materials to                                                                                                   elements within the turbine
certification consultancy; also                                                                            design, consisting of a gas                   The two main civil works
served as statutory agents for     which was responsible for           create an interesting mix of                                                                                                     hall, as well as clashes between
                                                                                                           turbine and a steam turbine. First,           components are the power island
Buildings Department submissions   delivering the basic design of      corporate colours and textures.                                                                                                  the multiple embeds and heavy
                                                                                                           natural gas is burned in the gas              (PI) and a cooling water (CW)
and site supervision.              the site and building layouts to                                                                                                                                     reinforcement of the turbine table
                                                                       The major above-ground              turbine to generate electricity.              system just less than 1km in
                                   accommodate the generating                                                                                                                                           foundation.
                                                                       structures include the turbine      During the process, the heat                  length. The approx 100m by 200m
                                   plant. Arup took this generic
                                                                       hall and electrical annexe,         exhausted from the gas turbine                PI contains a turbine hall, which
                                   input and refined it based
                                                                       heat recovery steam generator       is captured and transported to                houses most of the equipment
                                   on Hong Kong’s statutory
                                                                       (HRSG), stack, transformers,        heat up water in the HRSG. As                 including gas and steam turbines,
                                   requirements, CLP’s architectural
                                                                       pipe/cable bridges and associated   a result, steam is produced to                generator and main control
                                   and technical aspirations and a
                                                                       ancillary buildings and tanks.      drive the steam turbine for power             unit, while the rest of the area is
                                   desire to shape a better world
                                                                       Below ground is the cooling         generation. The combined cycle                taken up by the HRSG and other
                                   through enhancing efficiency and
                                                                       water (CW) system comprising        design allows for greater output              supporting systems.
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Power island’s steel                        specified along with moment             running from the condenser at the
structures                                  connections of the columns to           PI and out to existing sea outfall
The most iconic structures are              the roof truss rafters to provide       via an inverted siphon discharge
the turbine hall, HRSG and                  additional stiffness under wind         section of the CW system.
stack as these are the most                 loads. Differential movements           Roughly half of the Bonna pipes
visible structures on site. The             caused by unbalanced wind and           were installed by pipe jacking
turbine hall is a braced steel              settlements/rotations resulting         method and the rest by cut and
framed building measuring                   from pile shortening were both          cover.
approximately 60m by 60m on                 important contributors of the
                                                                                    Originally, a total of four launch/
plan and 35m high. The turbine              deflection cases.
                                                                                    retrieval shafts were proposed
hall houses the gas and steam                                                       with shorter straight drives
turbines, generator, switch gear            CW system                               but to compress the tunnelling
and electrical annexe.                      The intake of the new CW                programme this was optimised
The key functions of the turbine            system was created by                   to three shafts together with
hall building are sheltering the            demolishing and re-building part        a ~400m length curved pipe
machinery, allowing access via              of the existing supplementary           jacking alignment. This has set
internal platforms and providing            intake culverts to form a branch        a record for the largest diameter
support to MEP and maintenance              connection to the proposed              jacked pipes in Hong Kong while
                                                                                                                          From the diversion chamber onwards, an entirely new below-ground system was installed, which required deep excavation in
cranes of various ratings from              pumping station.                        also fulfilling a curved alignment.   difficult ground.
2.5 tonnes all the way up to 500            As the works were located within        The shafts were formed by pipe
tonnes. The requirements of the             a seawall made up of rock fill,         piles to around 30m depth to          locations for tunnel boring                Arup’s value and results                     the BD approvals for the many
overhead cranes drive most of               grouting to achieve a traditional       avoid tunnelling through the          machines) of approximately 1kM             Arup was employed for a                      interfacing packages. This was
the design criteria for the steel           dry excavation scheme was               deep rock fill layers formed          of 2.6m diameter pipes installed           full structural, geotechnical,               further complicated by the
framed building.                            highly risky. An innovative             during reclamation works back         with a mix of pipe jacking and             MEP, sustainability, project                 BD’s request to submit some
The deflections must meet much              underwater excavation lateral           in the early 1990s. Advanced          open cut and an outfall culvert.           management and architectural                 of the larger equipment such as
stricter criteria than typical              support scheme with precast             precautionary grouting was                                                       service by CLP and collaborated              the HRSG while the overseas
                                            concrete units was therefore            carried out ahead of the pipe         While all elements posed
buildings to ensure that the                                                                                                                                         closely with the contractor to               designers are not familiar with
                                            designed and constructed to form        piling works to control the           technical challenges, the most
crane is able to operate without                                                                                                                                     provide a highly co-ordinated                the local BD system.
                                            the diversion chamber.                  ground settlement induced by          difficult element was the
undue wear or even failure                                                                                                                                           and construction optimised
                                                                                    coring in the porous rock fill        diversion chamber. The diversion                                                        Upon completing this project,
caused by uneven movements                  The CW system is constructed                                                                                             design. By responding quickly
                                                                                    layers.                               chamber was constructed in                                                              Arup has successfully delivered,
of the crane rails. To achieve              of 2.6m internal diameter                                                                                                to site issues and maintaining
                                                                                                                          the rock fill of an existing sea                                                        from initial design through to
the deflection limits, large depth          pressurised steel reinforced                                                                                             good communications with all
                                                                                                                          wall. The open structure of the                                                         its commissioning, a new state-
fabricated I section columns were           cylinder pressure pipes (RCCP)          CW system’s civil structures                                                     parties, Arup was able to deliver
                                                                                                                          rocks and free flowing ground                                                           of-the-art CCGT unit that is
                                                                                    The CW system is a key                water both meant that forming a            an effective design despite the              capable of achieving above 60%
                                                                                    component of any power station        watertight excavation would be             significant site and programme               efficiency, which is significantly
                                                                                    as an enormous supply of cooling      very difficult as grout would be           constraints associated with                  higher than existing gas-fired
                                                                                    water is required for waste heat      washed away before setting.                working on a functioning power               units at BPPS, and contributing to
                                                                                    rejection. The D1 project shares                                                 station.                                     further emissions reduction and
                                                                                    an inlet with the existing CW         To overcome this construction
                                                                                                                                                                     Moreover, due to the project’s               de-carbonisation in Hong Kong.
                                                                                    system, with a diversion chamber      issue, a precast scheme for the
                                                                                                                          diversion chamber was developed            nature, a lot of the design
                                                                                    installed just before the existing                                               packages involve elements
                                                                                    pump station to allow water to        to be installed underwater. The
                                                                                                                          precast option was further refined         of works that are atypical to
                                                                                    be extracted for use in the new                                                  the Hong Kong Buildings
                                                                                    system.                               using the contractor’s input to
                                                                                                                          select suitable weight limits and          Department (BD). The project
                                                                                    From the diversion chamber            materials. An 800-tonne capacity           team worked hard to secure
                                                                                    onwards an entirely new below-        barge mounted crane was
                                                                                    ground system was installed           selected to reduce the number of           Relevant
                                                                                    which required deep excavation        elements required to only four,            United Nations
                                                                                    in difficult ground conditions        with a maximum element weight              Sustainable
                                                                                    to provide a pump station,            of 420 tonnes.                             Development
The turbine hall is a braced steel framed building measuring approximately 60m by   three access shafts (which also                                                  Goals (SDGs)
60m on plan and 35m high.
                                                                                    provided launching/retrieval
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
Cutting through complexity: Managing the design and build contract for CUHK Medical Centre - Arup
FIRST | Technical Solutions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               seismic isolation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               reduced the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               forces used in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the design of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               superstructure by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a factor of 3.

                                                                                                                 © Rönesans Holding

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © Rönesans Holding
Designing a seismically resilient                                                                                                     As the structural engineer for the project, Arup

hospital in Turkey                                                                                                                    ensured the seismic resilience of the large-scale
                                                                                                                                      hospital, which is located near the North Anatolian
                                                                                                                                      fault in an area that has suffered highly destructive
                                                                                                                                      earthquakes in the past.
As one of the world’s most populous cities, Istanbul saw the need to
expand their healthcare offerings with a new large-scale hospital to serve                                                            Meeting ASCE 41 performance objective

its growing population. In addition to providing world-class healthcare                                                               The engineering behind the seismically resilient
                                                                                                                                      hospital was no small feat – it involved evaluation
services, the hospital needed to be seismically secure, as Istanbul is                                                                of hundreds of structural configurations, including

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    © Rönesans Holding
located near the North Anatolian fault and has suffered highly destructive                                                            multiple seismic isolation schemes and concrete
                                                                                                                                      wall layouts. By utilising digital tools and cloud
earthquakes in the past.                                                                                                              computing, Arup was able to make the analysis of
                                                                                                                                      the large-scale structure possible while significantly
                                                                                                                                                                                               The hospital is the largest base-isolated building in the world,
                                                                                                                                      improving the efficiency of the design process. By       featuring more than 2,000 seismic isolators.
Client:                              Working with Rönesans Holding, currently operating in the roles                                  conducting the rapid seismic isolation and structural
Rönesans Holding                     of main contractor and investor in 28 countries around the globe                                 optioneering studies at the outset of the project,
Arup’s scope of services:            and ranked 33rd in ENR’s list of the world’s largest construction                                Arup was able to complete the design of the hospital
Structural engineering and seismic   companies, Arup designed Başakşehir Pine and Sakura City Hospital.                               in less than a year.                                     Harnessing the power of cloud computing
design                               Opened in May 2020, the hospital was jointly built by Rönesans
                                     Holding and Sojitz Corporation, a Japanese investment and trade                                  The hospital is designed to meet the ASCE 41             The seismic design for a building of this scale
                                     corporation, using a Public-Private Partnership (P3) model. The                                  ‘Immediate Occupancy’ seismic performance                required far more complicated analytical modelling
                                     hospital is the largest base-isolated building in the world, and features                        objective under a very rare earthquake event. To         than would normally be the case. These models
                                     more than 2,000 seismic isolators, as well as one million square metres                          achieve the enhanced seismic performance criteria        typically require stronger computing power and
                                     of construction area.                                                                            of the design, Başakşehir Pine and Sakura City           data processing capacity and, possibly, convergence
                                                                                                                                      Hospital’s structure is supported by 2,068 triple-       issues. Therefore, Arup utilised cloud computing to
                                     Başakşehir Pine and Sakura City Hospital features three hospital                                 friction-pendulum (TFP) isolators, which can             run several analyses simultaneously to swiftly move
                                     towers, six clinic buildings, and five auxiliary facility buildings that                         displace up to 700mm in a seismic event, allowing        this project forward while achieving substantial cost
                                     provide 2,682 beds divided between the main hospital, psychiatric                                energy to be dissipated and reducing damage to the       savings with optimisation methodologies.
                                     hospital, and the physical treatment and rehabilitation facility.                                superstructure.

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FIRST | Technical Solutions

                                                                                                                                                               The use of cloud computing and proprietary digital                   wall optimisation, as well as to provide the client
                                                                                                                                                               tools not only made the analysis of this large-                      with a straightforward way to gain insight into the
                                                                                                                                                               scale structure possible, but also significantly                     ongoing optimisation studies.
                                                                                                                                                               improved the efficiency of the design process. By
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    With the Arup Optioneering interface, analysis
                                                                                                                                                               conducting the rapid seismic isolation and structural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    results for the 180 models were compared. Based
                                                                                                                                                               optioneering studies at the outset of the project,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    on the optimisation constraints set at the beginning
                                                                                                                                                               Arup was able to complete the design of the hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the study, wall concrete volume varied from
                                                                                                                                                               in less than a year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    62,000m3 to 72,000m3s. The corresponding fixed
                                                                                                                                                               From the client’s perspective, these benefits                        based period of the structure was observed to be
                                                                                                                                                               translated into actual cost savings of more than                     varying depending on the solution selected. The
                                                                                                                                                               US$30 million, including the savings from the                        design team selected solution number 151, with a
                                                                                                                                                               optimised volume of concrete used in the shear                       wall concrete volume of 66,005m3 and a fixed based
                                                                                                                                                               walls after a comprehensive analysis of wall                         period of 1.73 seconds.
                                                                                                                                                               configuration options during the design process. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The final design ensures that the hospital can
                                                                                                                                                               also reduced documentation time by up to 30% by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    remain operational, even for functions as delicate as
                                                                                                                                                               creating tools and processes to take inforion directly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    surgeries, after a Maximum Considered earthquake,
                                                                                                                                                               from engineering to the documentation model,

                                                                                                                                          © Rönesans Holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    an event so rare that it is expected to occur only
                                                                                                                                                               bypassing the mark-up phase.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    once in approxiely 2,500 years.

                                                                                                                                                               Arup Optioneering
The hospital needed to be seismically secure, as Istanbul is located near the North Anatolian fault and has suffered highly destructive                        The Arup Optioneering application was used to                        Reference:
earthquakes in the past.                                                                                                                                       provide structural engineers with the ability to                     ASCE Source Magazine -
                                                                                                                                                               seamlessly iterate and visualise analysis for concrete               seismic-design-succeeds-in-turkey

To design the building, the engineering team                          Achieving substantial time and cost savings
developed and utilised cloud-based structural                         The design team employed optimisation
analysis and data processing procedures. These                        methodologies to minimise construction costs and to
procedures enabled the team to autoe structural                       improve floor plan efficiency. Arup conducted a wall
optimisation processes and perform non-linear time                    optimisation study in which a total of 180 different
history analysis of multiple structural schemes. The                  wall thickness configurations were evaluated.
nonlinear time history analyses were performed                        Performance results of each configuration and the
using LS-DYNA software.                                               associated concrete quantities were shared with
Over the past decade, Arup has developed a                            the client via the Arup Optioneering platform. The
workflow for LS-DYNA analyses that features                           intuitive interface allowed the client to be engaged
autoed model generation, multiple concurrent                          in the engineering design and to leverage this
analyses, and postprocessing via cloud computing.                     inforion as part of their procurement strategy and
With a cloud-based workflow, it is possible to                        process.
run large suites of analyses in parallel, saving a                    To further help the client decide on the most
significant amount of time. LS-DYNA has a large                                                                                                                The Arup Optioneering web application was used for concrete wall optimisation.
                                                                      feasible isolator type for the project, Arup ran a full
library of erial models that accurately capture                       building performance evaluation using non-linear
the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced-concrete                        time history analyses on six different isolation
elements.                                                             schemes. Through traditional means of analysis
The hospital’s concrete walls were modelled using                     and post-processing, this process would have taken
composite layered shell elements available in LS-                     approxiely six to seven months. However, by                                                                                                                                          Relevant United Nations
DYNA, using Concrete EC2, which is a concrete                         leveraging digital technology and cloud computing,                                                                                                                                   Sustainable Development
erial model developed by Arup. The concrete                           Arup was able to go beyond standard computational                                                                                                                                    Goals (SDGs)
walls, coupling beams, and isolators were modelled                    limits and finish this evaluation within two months.
inelastically. The hospital’s gravity system as well as               This enabled the client to choose the most optimum
the isolation plane elements — concrete beams tying                   isolation scheme based on performance, cost, and
the isolators together and the concrete pedestals —                   schedule.
were modelled as elastic elements.
                                                                                                                                                               Detailed modal analysis results for one of the 180 models on the cloud platform.

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FIRST | Technical Solutions

                                                                                                                                                                          The objective of the master plan is to reduce traffic
                                                                                                                                                                          congestion and pollution through an increase in
                                                                                                                                                                          public transport mode share to 35-45% of all trips
                                                                                                                                                                          and a reduction in the private transport mode share
                                                                                                                                                                          by 30%. A policy to ban motorbikes by 2030 is also
                                                                                                                                                                          being considered.

                                                                                                                                                                          Scope of study
                                                                                                                                                                          Against this backdrop, the World Bank
                                                                                                                                                                          commissioned Arup in 2019 to carry out an
                                                                                                                                                                          accessibility analysis on solutions to restructure
                                                                                                                                                                          the existing bus network to complement the BRT
                                                                                                                                                                          and rapid transit corridors, therefore providing
                                                                                                                                                                          an efficient, seamless feeder system and transfer
                                                                                                                                                                          experience for commuters.
                                                                                                                                                                          To find out how rail and bus operators can work
                                                                                                                                                                          better together to improve the people-moving
                                                                                                                                                                          performance of multi-modal transport systems in
                                                                                                                                                                          high-demand corridors, Arup identified and carried
                                                                                                                                                                          out three major tasks in this study, including a
                                                                                                                                                                          network-level accessibility analysis, determination
                                                                                                                                                                          of highest-priority corridors, and development of
                                                                                                                                                                          bus route optimisation/reorganisation scenarios.

                                                                                                                                                                          Network-level accessibility analysis
                                                                                                                                                                          Arup’s transport experts from Hong Kong, Ho
                                                                                                                                                                          Chi Minh City, Sydney and Melbourne offices
                                                                                                                                                                          developed comprehensive guidelines to formulate a
                                                                                                                                                                          set of bus network options to complement the new
                                                                                                                                                                          metro lines and improve network efficiency and

Traffic in Hanoi, Vietnam                                                                                                                                                 We also developed a cutting-edge analytical tool for
                                                                                                                                                                          the network-level accessibility analysis – each of the
                                                                                                                                                                          options was tested to determine the optimal feeder
                                                                                                                                                                          bus network, as well as to prioritise future metro rail

Contributing towards Hanoi’s                                                                                       Background
                                                                                                                                                                          corridors. GPS data from buses, actual schedules,
                                                                                                                                                                          and arrival times of buses, together with the latest
                                                                                                                                                                          population and job information, provide insight into
seamless mobility                                                                                                  For rapidly developing countries like Vietnam,
                                                                                                                   never has the need for improved transportation been
                                                                                                                   more apparent. As urban population continues to
                                                                                                                                                                          accessibility levels in the city.
                                                                                                                                                                          The basis for the accessibility analysis is multi-
                                                                                                                   grow, railway is considered to be the most efficient   modal travel time (including walk, wait, ride,
                                                                                                                   solution to meet the demand from commuters,            transfer, etc) from one’s home to a specific location
                                                                                                                   adding a plethora of social and economic benefits,     (including job centres, hospitals, and schools) or
Client:                       Key facts
The World Bank                                                                                                     such as alleviating road congestion, promoting job     vice versa. The yardstick used is often “the number
                              Only 10% of Hanoi’s 7.7 million residents use public transport, whereas 70% of
                              people use motorbikes, resulting in massive congestion issues and delays to buses.
                                                                                                                   opportunities, and lesser impact on the environment.   of jobs accessible within XX minutes” or “the
Arup’s scope of service:                                                                                                                                                  population within XX minutes of a hospital”.
Transport consulting          The World Bank and others are tackling this by funding new Bus Rapid Transit         As part of the country’s 2030 Transport Master Plan,
                              (BRT) and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) lines. Integration with the bus network is        Hanoi’s transport authorities plan to build eight      The map shows the population accessible in 2020
                              fundamental to achieving 35% public transport mode share by 2030.                    urban rail corridors, which will amount to 318km in    assuming implementation of BRT-1, MRT-2A and
                                                                                                                   length, and a suburban rail line, as well as 12 BRT    MRT-3. Green areas are more accessible to residents
                                                                                                                   corridors (totalling 44km in length) and 3 monorail    and may indicate better locations for job centres and
                                                                                                                   corridors (totalling 205km in length).                 higher density business parks.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                              23
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                                                          benefits from reduced congestion
     2020 - Base - PM                                    – Safer and healthier residents/workers
     Access to population (60 mins)
                                                           from less driving and accidents

                                                         We compared scenarios A and B developed for
                                                         2020 and 2030 respectively, including a Business
                                                         as Usual (BAU) scenario and optimised schemes
                                                         for the existing public bus network considering
                                                         access to jobs/population in the city, provision of
                                                                                                                 2020B Scenario                          2030B Scenario
                                                         an effective feeder system to the new BRT corridor,
                                                         the impending initiation of several urban rail lines
                                                         by these time periods, as well as implications on       transport systems, which are recommended, will           including real-time GPS data, land-use information,
 Pop accessible within 60 mins                           operating costs and vehicle requirements.               benefit the patron and system. For the passenger,        and public transport locations. If proven successful
        10,000 - 460,000
                                                                                                                 it makes it easier to use the entire transport system    in Vietnam, our approach could be reapplied to other
        460,000 - 1,110,000                              Overall findings                                        by simplifying the way the customer pays to use          Southeast Asian cities that face similar transport and
        1,110,000 - 1,710,000                                                                                    those services or allows easy switching or transfer      congestion issues.
                                                         After a comprehensive analysis, the “B” scenarios
        1,710,000 - 2,310,000                                                                                    between modes. Discounted fares or free transfers
                                                         are concluded as the best means of integrating                                                                   Having said that, several challenges were faced
                                                                                                                 should also be offered for bus-to-bus and bus-to-rail
Accessibility analysis                                   the bus network with the rail network to create a                                                                during the data collection process, such as limited
                                                         seamless and integrated public transport system                                                                  availability of bus operating/performance data,
                                                         for Hanoi.                                                                                                       lack of electronic ticketing system that tracks
Determination of highest priority corridors
                                                                                                                 Planning                                                 people’s movements, outdated master planning
The second task aims to determine the highest            In Scenarios B, feeder and spine choice of 15           To understand loading and establish headways,            assumptions and land-use forecasts, etc. Therefore,
priority corridor(s) for new mass transit service        minutes is deemed to be reasonable in order to          comprehensive on/off surveys of routes should be         recommendations were made using the best
investment. The 2030 Transport Master Plan               provide “frequent service”. And since minimising        performed, in which mobile data can be collected,        available information provided, complemented
identified nearly 20 corridors that could be eligible    duplication on spines and targeted truncation can       aggregated and analysed to understand travel             by surveys, workshops, and our professional
to be selected as the highest priority corridor for      allow more frequent service on feeders, improve         patterns of bus passengers and the public. Metrics       judgement.
mass transit service by this World Bank Study.           accessibility and system efficiency, long-distance,     or standards should be established to gauge the
After analyses of on-site surveys and accessibility      direct routing is considered to be desirable                                                                     Although there are several crucial challenges ahead
                                                                                                                 performance of different services (i.e. strong/weak
conditions, we recommended at preferred transit          for riders. However, such routes may perform                                                                     for Hanoi, this study that aims to identify high-
                                                                                                                 performers) and create route/service improvement
mode (i.e. BRT vs Light Metro) for each of the high-     poorly while contributing to congestion. Targeted                                                                priority mass transit corridors and to develop a bus
                                                                                                                 framework. GPS data can be used to assess the bus
priority corridors (including different phases).         truncations should occur on key spines and future                                                                restructuring plan for 2020 and 2030 represents a
                                                                                                                 service performance, such as speed, reliability, etc.
                                                         MRT corridors in 2020 (i.e. MRT-1/MRT-5),                                                                        positive step for Hanoi in achieving its mobility
                                                         accompanied by service increases.                                                                                vision and public transport mode share goals.
Development of bus routes optimisation/                                                                          Physical
reorganisation scenarios                                 Service increases must be carefully considered.         The development of improved integrated intermodal
The third task includes case studies on the past bus     For 2020B, service increases for all rail feeders       systems can result in a higher quality of service and    Relevant United Nations Sustainable
route restructuring and optimisation works carried       spines may be too extensive, resulting in net           passenger satisfaction. Better phyical integration of    Development Goals (SDGs)
out by Seoul, Dublin, and Ho Chi Minh City. Based        increase in Revenue Vehicle Hour (RVH). As a            bus stops and rail stations with effective wayfinding
on these findings, the current performance of the        result, flexibility should be allowed when increasing   will allow for convenient intermodal transfers. Bus
bus system in Hanoi and the impending opening of         service (possibly targeting high-performing routes      priority measures on spine corridors (i.e. bus lanes,
various rail lines to meet the 2030 Master Plan, Arup    instead of low-performing ones) to reduce RVH.          signal priority, etc.) are also recommended to set the
defined the vision for Hanoi’s transport restructuring                                                           stage for future rail development.
and optimisation plan as “creating an optimised          Recommendations
public transport system with integrated and seamless     Policy                                                  Arup’s expertise and the study’s impact
rail and bus networks aligning with new mass             An integrated transport authority is suggested          In this study, Arup developed comprehensive
transit corridors in 2020 and 2030”, including the       to be established to oversee Hanoi’s public             guidelines to formulate a set of bus network options
following desired outcomes:                              transport system, including rail and bus services,      to complement the new Metro lines and improve
– Seamless transfers between rail and bus                which should be held responsible for service co-        network efficiency and accessibility, ultimately
                                                         ordinations, schedules, fares and facilities. The       improving the commuter experience with expanded
– Greater use of public transport and
                                                         coverage versus productivity trade-off is something     use of sustainable transport modes. We employed
  improved system performance
                                                         that the transport authority should pay attention       an innovative quantitative methodology to measure
– Increased productivity and economic                    to. Integrating fare payments across various            the efficacy of the bus network, analysing variables

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FIRST | Profile

Strategic leader
Raul Manlapig

                                                     Raul Manlapig is the Director        Arup’s reputation attracts
                                                     who heads our Manila Office.         top talent
                                                     He started working for Arup in       During his childhood, Raul
                                                     1995 as a Structural Engineer and    found himself fascinated with
                                                     assumed leadership of the office     how things were built. Armed
                                                     in the early 2000s. The office has   with drafting technology
                                                     grown from a purely buildings        knowledge earned during high
                                                     practice into a multi-disciplinary   school, he pursued a civil
                                                     practice delivering projects         engineering degree. Working as
                                                     mostly in the Philippines, while     a draughtsman while earning his        Arup Manila office celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2017.
                                                     also providing support to other      degree, he started developing an
                                                     Arup offices in several regions.     interest in structural engineering
                                                     Raul ensures that he has the         and the idea of collaborating          on their technical foundations                 takes pride in being able to grow
                                                     right talent mix and resources to    with architects and engineers in       to excel in project planning,                  the Manila office from a mostly
                                                     deliver these projects.              designing buildings with a sense       implementation and delivery, but               building structures practice to
                                                     He marked a new milestone in         of purpose.                            also in areas that are essential               an office that can now serve
                                                     his career when he was appointed                                            for managing a business, such                  the infrastructure, building and
                                                                                          “I had always wanted to be in an
                                                     as a member of the Arup East                                                as business acumen, financial                  consulting sectors.
                                                                                          integrated design environment. In
                                                     Asia Board in 2019. “I feel that     1995, I applied for a job through      literacy, people and client
                                                                                                                                 relationship management, in
                                                     it’s more like a celebration of      a blind recruitment advert. When
                                                                                                                                 order to sustain the organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                                “It took a great
                                                     my career in Arup for more           I realised that it was Arup, I
                                                     than 25 years by being part of       didn’t care about the salary. I just   “Nowadays in Arup, I spend
                                                                                                                                                                                 deal of time and
                                                     the Board. This actually gives       wanted to work for Arup because        nearly 80% of my time managing                  effort because the
                                                     me an opportunity to represent
                                                     the Southeast Asia region and
                                                                                          of its reputation. I had been a        the business instead of doing                   Philippines had gone
                                                                                          big fan of Arup’s work for many        technical work. Since clients
                                                     bring to the board a better          years before joining.”                 know Arup as an integrated,                     through a turbulent
                                                     perspective of what is happening
                                                                                          Then, Raul began experiencing          multi-disciplinary consultant,                  economy brought
                                                     in this rapidly growing regional
                                                     market.”                             the One Arup approach to project       you need to be technically adept
                                                                                                                                 with a wide range of disciplines.
                                                                                                                                                                                 about by a lot of
                                                                                          delivery seeing first-hand how it
                                                                                          resulted in better outcomes for        In many instances, I have to be                 natural disasters and
                                                                                          the projects. He describes Arup’s      able to confidently talk about                  political turmoil over
                                                                                                                                 strategies to deliver complex
                                                                                          positive environment as open
                                                                                                                                 projects, talk about geotechnical
                                                                                                                                                                                 the years, but I’m
                                                                                          with mutual trust, so that ideas
                                                                                          are welcomed and exchanged             issues, building services, water,               glad that we were
                  “It’s my aspiration to play a part in the country’s                     freely at any point in a project.      energy and so on, even though                   resilient enough to
                                                                                                                                 my experience is that of a
                   sustainable urban development process, especially the                                                         structural engineer.”                           wade through it and
                                                                                          Essential entrepreneurial
                   implementation of efficient urban transport systems and                skills for engineers                   Managing a business is a                        grow.”
                   initiatives to build smart and resilient cities that will              As he climbed up the career            challenge but the ultimate reward
                                                                                                                                 is seeing the fruition of your
                                                                                          ladder, he found his way into
                   improve the quality of life of our citizens.”                          managing the office and growing        work. One has to be patient and
                                                                                          its business. Engineer-turned          persevering because growth
                   Raul Manlapig,                                                                                                does not happen overnight. He
                                                                                          leaders not only have to draw
                   Director, Arup Manila

26                                                                                                                                                                                                              27

highlights                                                                                                                                                                                 Leadership journey                    “Apart from ensuring that we have the right
                                                                                                                                                                                           As expected, Raul’s initial            talent mix and capacity to serve certain sectors,
                                                                                                                                                                                           leadership roles were associated
                                                                                                                                                                                           with his functional expertise. He      we also have to look for other markets and
                                                                                                                                                                                           was good at developing action          clients which we can grow with in the long
                                                                                                                                                                                           plans and schedules to complete
                                                                                                                                                                                           engineering projects while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  run while having a positive impact on the
        Grand Hyatt
                                                                                                                                                                                           dealing and managing groups of         environment and its communities.”
        Metrocenter                                                                                                                                                                        technicians and engineers.
        Located in the Business
                                                                                                                                                                                           “As the head of a small office

                                                                                                                                                              © Mike Alquinto/ AP Images
        District of Taguig city
        in the Philippines, the                                                                                                                                                            back then, I would say I
        Grand Hyatt Metrocenter                                                                                                                                                            had an authoritative style of         “With our recent involvement in         Strong project pipeline
        is the tallest and biggest
        mixed-use building in
                                                                                                                                                                                           management. But I have learned        major infrastructure development        fuels growth
        the Philippines. Arup                                                                                                                                                              to be more strategic. I now try to    plans like those for the Asian          Despite the disruptions caused by
        provided structural, wind                                                                                                                                                          focus on the long-term goals and      Development Bank (ADB)’s                the pandemic, Raul believes the
        and seismic engineering                                                                                                                                                            align those with our vision. I put
        services for the building.                                                                               St Francis Shangri-la Place                                                                                     Infrastructure Preparation and          country’s strong project pipeline
        The building employs                                                                                     Located in Mandaluyong City in Metro                                      a lot more trust in our leaders to    Innovation Facility (IPIF) 1 and        bodes well when the economy
        Arup’s Damped Outrigger                                                                                  Manila, St Francis Shangri-la Place it                                    manage their teams and I give         3 as well as PPP projects, I think
                                                                                                                 is the tallest residential building in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         starts to recover from the
        System which reduces                                                                                                                                                               them as much room as possible         we have positioned ourselves
        wind or earthquake                                                                                       Philippines. This landmark development                                                                                                                  pandemic. The growth happening
        induced sway vibrations in                                                                               comprises two towers, each rising 60                                      to make their own decisions as        very well to take a large chunk of      in the ASEAN region, including
        tall buildings.                                                                                          floors to 217m high and providing a total                                 this gives them the opportunity to    this market in the years to come,”      the Philippines, is seen to be a
                                                                                            © Federal Land Inc

                                                                                                                 of 1,200 units. Arup’s patented damped-                                   learn, grow and develop.”
                                                                                                                 outrigger system was deployed in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 he says.                                contributor to Arup’s own growth
                                                                                                                 project to help reduce the motion of the                                                                        “It’s my aspiration to play a           in the years to come.
                                                                                                                 towers in windy weather and to dissipate                                  Urbanisation requires
                                                                                                                 energy during earthquake events. A total                                                                        part in the country’s sustainable       “Looking ahead, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                           infrastructure upgrades               urban development process,
                                                                                                                 of 32 dampers were installed, 16 for each                                                                                                               continue to help our clients tap
                                                                                                                 of the twin towers.                                                       Like other developing countries,      especially the implementation of        on the numerous infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                           rapid urbanisation is happening       efficient urban transport systems       development opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                           in the Philippines as the country’s   and initiatives to build smart and      in ASEAN together with our
                                                                                                                                                                                           economy grows. The Philippines’       resilient cities that will improve      strategic partners,” he says.
                                                                                                                                                                                           GDP has increased by more than        the quality of life of our citizens.”
                                                                                                                                                                                           6% per year since 2012. While
                                                                                                                                                                                           investments in the real estate        For IPIF 1, all feasibility studies
                                                                                                                                                                                           have grown rapidly in the past        have been completed. Out of
                                                                                                                                                                                           15 years as well, the country’s       the eight potential projects the
                                                                                                                                                                                           infrastructure development            team was asked to investigate, at
                                                                                                                                                                                           lagged.                               least three of the projects have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 been found to be feasible. These
                                                                                                                                                                                           Therefore, the government is
                                                            © Federal Land Inc

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 projects have gone through the
                                                                                                                                                              © Marcel Lam Photography

                                                                                                                                                                                           trying to increase the public         review and approval process
                                                                                                                                                                                           spending to about 5-7% of its         of the National Economic and
                                                                                                                                                                                           GDP. With the Build Build             Development Authority (NEDA)
The Seasons Residences                                                                                                                                                                     Build programme, policymakers         successfully. For IPIF 3, the team
This four-tower lifestyle complex is rising in Grand                                                                                                                                       have demonstrated a strong will
Central Park BGC Taguig. Arup’s offices from Manila,                                                                                                                                                                             has continued to provide technical
San Francisco, London and Hong Kong have collaborated                            Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA)                                                                  to build new infrastructures          assistance to the Department of
to provide the structural, wind, and seismic engineering                         The second largest airport in the Philippines has undergone a                                             and improve the existing ones,        Transportation, mostly on rail
services for the project.                                                        substantial transformation to cope with the growth in passenger                                           from highways and bridges to
                                                                                 traffic (before the pandemic). Structural timber is used as its                                                                                 projects in and around Metro
Arup’s main task was to provide a design that ensures                            main element for creating the large span roof, exuding earthy                                             railways, ports and airports, in      Manila, as well as the Bus Rapid
safety, resilience, and cost-effectiveness. Through a                            material warmth that is rarely seen in other international                                                efforts to upgrade the country’s      Transits, ports and commuter rail
performance-based design approach, a damped outrigger                            airports. Arup provided multidisciplinary services including                                              connectivity.
                                                                                 aviation planning, airfield engineering design, transport
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in other parts of the country.
system with VCD was employed to provide additional
damping for wind and earthquake, reduced the force                               planning, and bridges, civil, electrical, façade, fire, highways,
                                                                                 mechanical and structural engineering.
imposed to the tower and allowed the structure to achieve
a ductile performance.

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